Florida State University Libraries Honors Theses The Division of Undergraduate Studies 2015 Building Worlds: Creating an Affordable and Efficient Virtual Reality Mari M. Kyle Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] Florida State University College of Visual Arts, Theatre, and Dance BUILDING WORLDS; CREATING AN AFFORDABLE AND EFFICIENT VIRTUAL REALITY By MARI KYLE A Thesis submitted to the Department of Studio Art in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with Honors in the Major Degree Awarded: Spring 2016 2 The members of the Defense Committee approve of the Thesis of Mari Kyle defended on April 17th, 2015. ______________________________ Professor Joelle Dietrick Thesis Director ______________________________ Professor MK Haley Committee Member ______________________________ Professor Lilian Garcia-Roig Committee Member ______________________________ Doctor Jennifer Feltman Outside Committee Member 3 Acknowledgements To Roger, for being a constant source of inspiration. To Yukiko, for her undying support and kindness. To Richard, for going the extra mile to ensure my happiness and success. To Naomi, for everything. To MK Haley, for being my guide through the incredible world of immersive environments and augmented realities. To Dr. Jennifer Feltman, for providing structure through chaos. To Joelle Dietrick, for being a wonderful research mentor. To Paul Debevec, Nonny De La Peña, Phil Lelyveld, Mark Mine, Mark Bolas, and Thai Phan, for graciously allowing me to visit and teaching me more than I could have ever hoped for. To Jacquelyn Ford Morie, for her gracious welcome to Los Angeles. To Tsuneko and Takehiko, for showing me the beauty in the simple things.