Montrose Part of Klan Strategy News Analysis, Inside HOUSTON WEATHER: Friday Night: Partly Cloudy and Mild, Low 48
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<;' HOME DELIVERY? ADVERTISING? Call (713) 529-8490 Ga. Race Clash montrose Part of Klan Strategy news analysis, inside HOUSTON WEATHER: Friday night: Partly cloudy and mild, low 48. Saturday: Partly cloudy and warm, high 75. Isn't it too early for spring? t~S ~ JANUARY 30, 1987 ISSUE 327-8 [Ill]] AIM They're 'Off! Runners will again compete Saturday in Montrose for the 2nd Annual Fine Arts 5K Run. (This photo is from last year.) Call 526-1710 for info. A\nd They!re Off! Runners will again compete Saturday in Montrose for the 2nd Annual Fine Arts 5K Run. (This photo is from last year.) Call 526-1710for info. Stormy election puts new people in charge YourNe~ Biz Guild Officers Sheri Cohen Darbonne, inside MORE NEWS ON THE HEALTH CRISIS D Group' of TV Stations Accepts Condom Ads D Liberace Home from Hospital but Gravely III news, inside l!)~ NOW IN THE MONTROSE VOICE: "CAPTAIN VIDEO"S TV, SCHEDULES '" - ~ ~ ------------~ I Ir p, la , Spruce Up Your Home JOE's OPEN T for the Holidays I LB. SI HOUSE S 3: SI HSK CONTRACTING ~plav A Full Service Contractor ~Safe! • Roofing (All Types) • Tile/ Masonry • Remodeling • Carpet/Flooring You've been curious, right? You've seen our ads. But you just haven't had • Sheetrock! Painting • Cabinets the nerve to apply for membership? Well, we're going to make it easy. Come tour the facilities (but don't expect anything fancy) and see if a • Plumbing/ Electrical • Decks/ Hot Tubs membership in the Society of Joe is right for you and if you're right for it. • Foundations Repaired • Room Additions • Tree & Trash Removal • Concrete , • Insulation • Chimney Sweeping & THIS SUNDAY, 3-6PM • Water Proofing Repairs • Pest & Rodent Control • . Fully Insured • Heating/ AC • References Available 611 Pacific The "Cottage Playhouse" (Follow the path through the lot. Look for the Play Safe flag.) Yes, everyone will stay attired. No Job Too Big or Too Small So don't worry if you see someone you know . .JOE is a private organization which promotes healthy sexual fellowship among adult gay men. Membership requirements include (1. physical) not being unattractive and (2. mental) having a strong positive attitude about yourself and 520-9064 ~ your gay sexuality. An abundance of the No.2 qualification can help make up for a SI OR Emergency Digital Pager lack in' the No.1 qualification (none of us are perfect). 891-4053 Can't make it Sunday? Or can't wait? J.O.E.'s doors open (admissions allowed) ... TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 8-9PM VISA FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS 11PM-1:45AM 111 ------ SUNDAYS 6-9PM --~~~-~:-------.-- -.-.-.__ -- __- L-- .-- ~ F'IC'-I~U?FI""'qucnlTrcc:nTU"""'rnon·e-u-.---~--an:r-perrec rr: • 891-4053 Can't make it Sunday? Or can't wait? J.O.E.'s doors open (admissions allowed) ... TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 8-9PM FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS 11PM-1:45AM SUNDAYS 6-9PM .----==='~ ------ •-- ~_.-..~-.-- ~~- =----= Thl --~~l ~ J yoU tial' on~ 24-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~A~NUARY30,1987/MONTROSEVOICE 3 One Group of I, .• Police Seek TV Stations Killer in Accepts Brutal Slaying Condom Ads f @ PlflZfl The brutal mutilation murder of a 50- Town year-old openly gay man in far south- east Houston is being investigated as By Sybil McLain LUXURY APARTMENTS an isolated attack, police said Tuesday, United Press International Jan. 27. Homicide Detective Jerry NASHVILLE, Tenn.-Knight-Ridder Novak said he had discussed the case officials said the AIDS crisis overrides with other homicide detectives cur- past taboos and prompted them to rently working on unsolved murder become the first major television group Where Your Friends Live cases involving gay victims, and was to accept ads for condoms. not alerted to any similarities to those "We feel very. strongly about this cases. AIDS thing and the proportions that it's reached," said Art Elliot, president of This victim, John Doyle, was found WKRN in Nashville, one of eight· dead in his apartment in the 6900 block Knight-Ridder stations. of Avenue U about 5:45 a.m. Monday by Although Knight-Ridder is the first co-workers. Doyle had been stabbed 10- major television group to accept con- 20 times "all over" and his body was dom ads, stations KRON in San Fran- 3 pools, free mutilated. cisco, WRTV in Indianapolis and "The genitals were severed from the WXYZ in Detroit announced in recent cable, utilities body and they were found at the scene," weeks they would accpet condom ads paid and new Novak said. Two knives, apparently because of the AIDS crisis. • used in the slaying, were found near the Medical officials say condom use is exercise body, but a larger knife believed to have crucial to controlling AIDS and other been used in the attack was missing, he sexually transmitted diseases. facilities said. "We decided at a meeting in Decem her Unlike other recent murder victims, that we would accept condom advertis- Doyle probably had not been in the ing with certain caveats, based on the Montrose area prior to the attack, time of day and copy content," Elliot Novak said. Police believe Doyle, who said Tuesday. had no transportation, to have been a "Everybody more clearly under- loner who "freelanced" his sexual con- stands this (AIDS) is a problem. It's for .tacts in the southeast Houston area, the that purpose solely that we've agreed to detective said. do this." Only 16 Units Left Although Doyle's wallet had been NBC, CBS, and ABC said they will "gone through," police are not consider- not broadcast condom ads. ing robbery the actual motive of the They would "be intrusive to the moral (713) 621-7880 attack. and religious beliefs of many of our "This looks more like a sexual assault viewers," said CBS spokesman George Another Fine -Roger Property or attack, from what we saw at the Schweitzer. scene. It has all the classic signs of over- The other Knight-Ridder TV stations kill," Novak stated. are in Oklahoma City; Tucson; Mobile, Ala.; FIlnt, Mich.; Providence, R.I.; Albany, N.Y.; and Norfolk, Va. Elliot said no condom ads will run before 10:30 p.m. and all will contain a line that explains condoms can be used as "a prevention of disease." /" "I would expect we'll get some com- nl~iT\tQ." F,llint Q:~lrl "W,::.'ll a~t_ .QI"\TY1D • •••••••••... ;. standS tHIS ('RIU", IS a pruun'lu. H ••IVI Lt;l.CLtJ.111 LIl~ tJUULlle'HtJL nUUSLun HreH, crre that purpose solely that we've agreed to detective said. do this." Only 16 Units Left Although Doyle's wallet had been NBC, CBS, and ABC said they will "gone through," police are not consider- not broadcast condom ads. ing robbery the actual motive of the They would "be intrusive to the moral (713) 621-7880 attack. and religious beliefs of many of our "This looks more like a sexual assault viewers," said CBS spokesman George Another Fine -Rnger Property or attack, from what we saw at the Schweitzer. scene. It has all the classic signs of over- The other Knight-Ridder TV stations kill," Novak stated. are in Oklahoma City; Tucson; Mobile, Ala.;' Flint, Mich.; Providence, R.I.; Albany, N.Y.; and Norfolk, Va. Elliot said no condom ads will run before 10:30 p.m. and all will contain a line that explains condoms can be used /"' as "a prevention of disease." "I would expect we'll get some com- plaints," Elliot said. ,"We'll get some heat. You always hear from the 'antis.' You never hear from the 'pros.'" \ ,montrose VOICE HOUSTON, TEXAS ISSUE 327-B FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,1987 Published bi-weekly (Tuesdays and Fridays) Community Publishing 'Companv 408 Avondale Houston, TX 77006 Phone (713) 529-8490 Contents copyright 1987 Office hours: 8am-6pm Henry McClurg/publisher-editor Linda Wyche/managing editor David Roumfort/production Elroy Forbes/social director Sheri Cohen Darbonne/news SUBSCRIPTIONS (713) 529-8490 ADVERTISING SALES DEPARTMENT (713) 529-8490 Jerry Mulholland/advertising director Ken Boge/account executive POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to 4.08 Avon- dale, Houston, TX 770.06-3028 Subscription rate in US (by Voice carrier or US Mail): $1.25 per week (up to 2 issues), $65 per year (52 weeks), or Save On Hair Care Se-rvices at Union Jack $32.50 per six months (26 weeks). National advertising representative: Rivendell Marketing, •• 666 6th Avenue, New York 10011, (212) 242-6863 ,. Final advertising deadline: All display ads 5pm 2 days Union Jack Hair Salon-Save $5 • prior to publication date. All classified ads 2pm 1 day prior to publicalion dale. on any haircut, color or perm , Notice to advertisers: Advertising rate scheduJe Efght-A was effective April. 11, 1986. Appointments not necessary, but recommended. Responsibility: We do not assume financial responsibility for claims by advertisers but readers are asked to advise the newspaper of any suspicion of fradulent or deceptive .fr·· Call 528-9600 for appointment advertising and suspicions will be investigated. News service: United Press International. U'n ion Jack 1212 Westheimer Houston \-.~,J¥,.'••"p1"5*, ('·:&·1lt;·t"<'i'4"t_1;:1t.\'\~4 •• 1>:t,¥h'l.l\'.?,Y",~'t~'rN.•'•~..•.,..t~~".l...-",-ot':t..<i"d.~-~',~',.•I·,~t'.,,".CJ, .•~.. ~. I ~~ -------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------~----------------------------------------~-------- 4 MONTROSE VOICE / JANUARY 30, 1987 DRAFT ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT "51~ 25~ 7 Days a Week •• SATURDAY & SUNDAY LIQUOR BUST ~. All the Well Liquor You Care to Drink 4pm-7pm ',r \\kELP ME kOSE 'EM DOWN~ND o DR'1 'EM OFF" o \\I-\ELP ME I-\OSE 'EM DOWN ~ND DQ~ 'EM OFF"-~ WefJOckey Short ntest $200 Cash & Prizes Starring Maude ~m7 Thursday Evenings I sn ~',HOUSTON fro! 220 Avondale •• ;#" 529-7525 ki~ JANUARY 30, 1987 / MONTROSE VOICE 5 Georgia Race Clash Part Signs of Larger Klan Strategy .