Ufford Parish Council
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Bainton & Ashton Parish Council Minutes of the meeting of Bainton and Ashton Parish Council at the Reading Room, Bainton PE9 3AE th at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 7 January 2020 At 7pm, with 12 residents present, there was an open meeting - a presentation by Richard Astle, Chair of the Langdyke Trust about the John Clare project, aiming to Increase wildlife habitats, help local people understand and enjoy the natural and built heritage of John Clare Countryside, pilot and champion best practice sustainable devel- opment and land use, promote public health and well-being, create new jobs and economic opportunities. He encouraged residents to visit the Trust website (https://langdyke.org.uk/ ) and consider joining. Residents can also join the Trust’s Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/langdyketrust/ The Trust is keen to enrol extra helpers for the weekly work parties and welcome more volunteers if you would like to get actively involved in their projects. In the meantime, the Trust is engaged in applications for significant grant funding to take the project forward and is continuing to engage local groups and councils. Public time There were 8 members of public present. A resident raised various concerns about the repairs that Peterborough City Council should be doing and the need for more clearance of leaves from footpaths, which are causing a problem. Requests can now be made directly to PCC via their FixMyStreet website. A suggestion was made to move the Moveable Vehicle Activated Sign (MVAS) back to Barnack Road (B1443) as it appears traffic speed has increased since the absence of the MVAS. Cllr. Stanton replied that the MVAS had been operational in both Ufford Road and Tallington Road from the beginning of December. It had just been moved to Helpston Road (B1443). A request was made to impose a 40mph speed limit along Tallington Road to link the Tallington and Bainton 30mph zones. It was agreed that Tallington Parish Council should be consulted about this. See below l) for other issues being addressed with PCC. 117/20 Present were Councillors Susie Lucas (Chair), Anita Phillips, Chris Womack, Cliff Stanton, Pete Charlton and Clerk, Jenny Rice (minute taker). 118/20 To note and accept apologies for absence sent to the clerk. Apologies for absence were received from City Cllr Irene Walsh and Ward Cllr David Over. 119/20 To receive any declarations of interest in items on the agenda and grant any written requests for dispensation. Members should disclose any interests (pecuniary or other) in the business to be discussed and are reminded that any disclosable pecuniary interests will require that the member withdraws from the discussion and voting. No declarations of interest were received. 120/20 To confirm and sign as correct the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5th November 2019. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record by all present and signed by the chair. 121/20 Ward Councillor report. No report available as Cllr Over not able to attend. 122/20 Police, Speedwatch and Neighbourhood Watch reports. A report from Cllr Cliff Stanton was received and noted. There has been 2 Speedwatch sessions in November and December, one as part of Cambs Constabulary’s Operation Astragal and only 8 out of 105 vehicles and 1 out of 131 vehicles were travelling at 35mph or more which is encouraging. Further monitoring with MVAS – see below – records rather more vehicles travelling over the speed limit though. The possibility of speed stickers for wheelie bins has been investigated, however after discussion not felt to be cost effective. Bainton & Ashton Parish Council, Agenda 7th January 2020 Page 1 Neighbourhood Watch It is reported that the problem with receiving useful and timely information on crimes in the area is not improving. The police do not seem to pass on relevant information to the Co-ordinators and it is due to a lack of resource. Feedback will be given to the Neighbourhood alert team and a request for a meeting to re-visit and launch the scheme. Cllr Stanton to contact the Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch organiser and Cambridgeshire Constabulary to see whether they can attend. 123/20 Finance & Governance a) To approve the quarterly finance report dated 31st December 2019 The bank reconciliation report with total income and expenditure was received and noted. b) To approve the proposed budget and precept/forms for 2020/21, precept adjusted from the last meeting and attached. The budget report that was presented at the last meeting was re-presented with the precept amount from last year increased by 5% as agreed. The total precept to be requested will be £7630.70 plus £525 recreational ground maintenance. The clerk will complete and submit the precept forms required. It was further agreed to donate £50 to the Parish News magazine and the budget will be adjusted accordingly. Clerk to pay. c) To approve Clerk monthly pay and home office expenses The clerk explained that she has been paid for November handover hours at the end of December and will be paid for (reduced) hours worked in December and January at the end of January. She has had home office tax free expenses confirmed as £4pw/£18pm payable per employer and will keep it at this but will review periodically. d) To approve receipts and payments as follows; i) No receipts noted. ii) Payments made since the last meeting were noted as follows; Catherine Franks, Clerk basic pay by standing order for November £175.00 Catherine Franks: Clerk top-up pay and expenses for November 2019 £142.73 HMRC: Employer payment PAYE and NI £32.60 to be deducted from clerk pay Jenny Rice Clerk pay November £174.95 incl home office expense Jenny Rice Clerk mileage November £31.95 AWA £64.31 Baytree Nurseries £1258.27 Xmas tree A Thurlby £200 iii) Payments were authorized as follows; Clerk salary December 2019 £153.84 + £11.02 home office take away £32.60 PAYE, January 31st 2020 and February 28th (£251.16 + £18 home office) £71.86 hosting website fee (Mulled wine and Xmas lights to be paid on production of invoices, pre-agreed) Chairmanship training course arranged at short notice (Saturday 14th January) approved at £50 cost £50 donation to Parish News Clerk to arrange payments e) To consider Community Leadership Fund monies available and decide on an idea This was discussed and it was resolved to ask for £200 at the Barnack Ward meeting next week to pay for trees – following earlier Langdyke presentation and the benefits of planting trees known. Cllr Lucas to ask. f) To note a review of the council’s compliance under current legislation, including all regulatory documents/policies, and to appoint a working group to carry out the work. It was agreed that a policy review will be undertaken and new policies adapted and used where possible from other councils and uploaded to the website. Clerk to work with Cllr Womack. A report will be prepared for the next meeting. The possibility of a climate change policy to be considered in the future. Also the use of an infrared camera to detect energy wastage possibly from the City Council will be investigated. Clerk to put on future agenda. 124/20 Planning noted as follows; 19/01718/HHFUL Alterations to outbuilding to provide enlarged garage at Blue Boar Cottage, Helpston Rd. No concerns lodged. Bainton & Ashton Parish Council, Agenda 7th January 2020 Page 2 19/01680/CTR reduce and reshape crown of cherry tree and raise low canopy. Permitted 17/12/19 125/20 Parish Projects. g) Christmas celebrations – to receive feedback and note any issues It was reported that the trees were better where they were located this year and thanks were expressed to all, especially Cllr Phillips. It was noted that trees with roots would be environmentally better next time and that maybe a painted back drop would be effective. h) Traffic calming: To receive updates on: i) Ashton 20mph zone – this is complete now. It was suggested that a painted horse on the road might supplement the enforcement measures on Ufford Road. Clerk to ask. ii) Relocation of 30mph signs on Ufford Road. It was agreed to investigate relocating the ones on Tallington Road to the other side of the level crossing. Clerk to ask. iii) Moving vehicle activated sign (MVAS) The data gathered by the MVAS unit (after being fixed by Swarco) sited at Ufford Road and Tallington Road was noted as useful evidence for numbers travelling over 35mph. iv) Gateway boundary features for Ashton and Bainton These have been looked at however need further investigation as to location and cost, with assistance by PCC highways if needed. Cllrs P Charlton and S Lucas to action i) Bainton in Bloom Bulb Opening Event: To receive an update This will be a community involvement event on a Saturday with displays in the Reading Room of maps and photos, including an interactive section to canvass ideas from residents on various village initiatives. It may have to be arranged quite last minute if necessary, depending on the timing of blooming. j) Community partnership: To receive an update and appoint rep. There has been no further meeting, an update will be given after the next meeting on 16/1/20. k) Good Neighbour Scheme: To receive an update An update was given following the meeting on 8/1/20 that t was progressing well. An open meeting will be held at the end of February to inform residents and enlist volunteers. 126/20 Village Maintenance. Including Pavements & Highways, Street Lights & Furniture, Grass Cutting, Playground, Washdyke and Trees l) Peterborough City Council responsibility: To receive an update on outstanding items and identify any new items for reporting.