Public Document Pack


19 March 2021

Dear Councillor

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Remote Meeting of the Full Town Council at which your attendance is summoned, will be held online on Wednesday, 24th March 2021 at 7.00 pm to transact the business specified in the following Agenda as set out.

To join the meeting, please click the following link or click the ‘Join Meeting’ button in the Zoom app and enter the meeting ID: 818 0572 2337 and Passcode: 727822.

If wishing to join by telephone, please dial:

+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom Note – calls are charged at Zoom rates and +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom are payable by the user. More info at +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom

After dialling the number, when requested enter the meeting ID 818 0572 2337 with no spaces followed by #, then when prompted for participant ID enter #, then when prompted for meeting passcode enter 727822 followed by #

Andrew McKenzie Town Clerk

Distribution: The Mayor and Members of Dawlish Town Council as follows:

Councillors Foden (Mayor), Mawhood (Deputy Mayor), Dawson, Goodman-Bradbury, Heath, James, M. Lowther, T. Lowther, Mayne, J. Petherick, L. Petherick, Prowse, Tamlyn, Taylor, Woods and Wrigley

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For information – to be taken as read:

1 Declarations of Interest – Members are reminded that they should declare any interests at agenda item 3 in respect of the items to be considered and are also advised that the timescale to alter their stated interests with the District Council’s Monitoring Officer is 28 days.

2 Items requiring urgent attention – to consider those items which, in the opinion of the Committee Chair, should be considered by the meeting as matter of urgency (if any). To be taken at the end of the meeting. Any items not listed on the agenda and decisions made may be open to legal challenge.

3 The Freedom of Information Act 2000 deems that all information held by this Council should be freely available to the public unless it falls under one of 23 exemptions.

4 The Data Protection Act 2018 precludes this Authority from publishing the names, addresses or other private information of individuals unless written permission is given by the individual for such details to be made public. Therefore, where necessary, personal details have been removed from the papers attached to ensure that information held is available, but individuals are protected.

5 Mobile telephones Councillors and members of the public are requested to ensure that mobile phones are switched to ‘silent’ during the meeting to avoid disruption.

6 Recording this meeting will be recorded.

7 Public Participation: Members of the public will be given an opportunity to address Councillors present at this meeting regarding agenda items, at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public will also be given an opportunity to discuss Town Council activities not on the current agenda after the close of the meeting. The comments of members of the public and electors of the parish who speak before the start of the meeting or following the close of the meeting will not form part of the Minutes of the meeting.

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A G E N D A PART I (Open to the Public)

1. Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence.

2. Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II

3. Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).

4. Dispensations

To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).

5. Minutes (Pages 5 - 14)

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on

6. Town Clerk's Report (Verbal Report)

To receive any updates from the Town Clerk (if any).

7. Town Mayor's Announcements (Verbal Report)

To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements (if any).

8. Annual Parish Meeting

Given the pre-election period for the County Council and Police & Crime Commissioner elections begins on 24 March and will end at midnight on 6 May, Council is recommended to reschedule the Annual Parish Meeting from 7 April to 26 May 2021 (if holding a meeting, it must be held by 31 May).

9. Risk Management Report (Pages 15 - 122)

To note the Risk Management Report, together with the associated Risk Register and approve the action plans.

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10. Interim Internal Audit Report (Pages 123 - 132)

To receive and note the Internal Auditor’s Interim Report.

11. The District of (Off-Street Parking Place) Order 2021 (Pages 133 - 142)

To consider the proposed Off-Street Parking Places Order for 2021 and make representations (if any) to Teignbridge District Council.

PART II - PRIVATE Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and / or the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


Page 4 Agenda Item 5 Dawlish Town Council

Minutes of a Remote Meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday, 3rd March 2021 at 7.00 pm

Present: Councillors Foden (Mayor), Mawhood (Deputy Mayor), Dawson, Goodman-Bradbury, Heath, M. Lowther, T. Lowther, J. Petherick, L. Petherick, Prowse, Tamlyn, Taylor, Woods and Wrigley. Absent: Councillors James and Mayne In attendance: Andrew McKenzie, Town Clerk Angie Weatherhead, Events, Projects & Tourism Officer

Public Participation: There was no public participation

The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next meeting of the Town Council and may be subject to change until that time.

Part I

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Mayor advised that she would taking agenda items 14 and 15 after item 5, Minutes.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mayne.

Councillor Woods advised he was working and would join the meeting as soon as able.

Resolved that the apology for absence be noted.


There was no Part II.


There were no declarations of interest.


There were no dispensations.

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Councillor Woods joined the meeting at 19:07.


Members considered the minutes of the meeting held on February 2021.

Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2021 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record.


It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Mayne be appointed to the Tourism Strategy Working Group, subject to her agreement.

Resolved that Councillor Mayne be appointed to the Tourism Strategy Working Group, subject to her agreement.


Members considered the draft Tourism Strategy Document for public consultation.

The Chairman of the Working Group thanked representatives from Cockwood Community Network, Dawlish Chamber of Trade, Dawlish Warren Tourism and Holcombe Residents Association for attending the last meeting and providing useful comments which would be included in the wider consultation responses.

The Working Group would analyse completed comments and amend the strategy where necessary, before presenting the final document to Council in April for adoption.

Following discussion, it was

• deemed necessary to provide guidance on the types of comments that were necessary, to accompany any survey document; and • have regard to the study document produced in the recent past by a Town Centre Consultant.

Resolved that the draft Strategy Document go out to consultation with the results and final iteration of the Strategy Document being presented to the April meeting for possible adoption.


Resolved that the minutes set out below, approved by the relevant Committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting, be adopted:

• Civic Amenities Committee – 20 January 2021

2 Page 6 Dawlish Town Council

• Finance & General Purposes Committee – 21 January 2021 • Planning Committee – 28 January 2021


The Town Clerk submitted that:

• A number of complaints had been received from residents and councillors regards the flood water under the colonnades at Tuck’s Plot. Network Rail had advised in January that engineers were examining potential solutions which would be reported back when known, however no information had been since received. He suggested that comments be directed to Network Rail direct, in the hopes that additional pressure resolves the situation before the tourist season begins which will be vital for rejuvenating the Parish following the Covid-19 pandemic. Comments could be submitted to Network Rail by: o Visiting o Via Twitter using the handle @SouthwestRRP o Telephoning 03457 11 41 41 (local rates apply)

• The Council had been unsuccessful in its Business Interruption Insurance claim due to the Covid-19 pandemic;

• The Council had been successful in receiving grant claims via Teignbridge relating to the Covid-19 pandemic for loss of income – this included approximately £1,800, £2,000 and if successful a further £9,000 was awaited.

• The Council’s Kickstart applications had been submitted to the Gateway Organisation acting on our behalf (Torbay Council) who had in turn forwarded them on to the Department for Work and Pensions for consideration. Torbay had commended the Council for its job descriptions and it was hoped two suitable 16-25 year olds would be able to be interviewed and employed for a minimum of 6 months going forward.

• The Council continues to await the decision of the government as to whether face- to-face council meetings will resume from 6 May. National organisations continue to lobby the government for the provisions to continue, the Secretary of State acknowledges the benefit however, primary legislation is required to effect the change and there was, allegedly not enough parliamentary time left. The Council would consider its options at the April meeting.

• There would be additional Council meeting on Wednesday, 24 March at 7 p.m. via Zoom to receive the final interim audit report for this financial year and to review the Council’s risk management plan.

• Following the Civic Amenities Committee request to keep the Brook Lights on until end of March, this had now been approved by Teignbridge which would cost the

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Council a further £110.00 on the caveat that any maintenance work required in the interim would fall to the Council; and

• The deadline for nominations for the Town Council’s Civic Award was 11 March; completed nomination forms could be dropped through the letter box at the Manor House or completed electronically and emailed to [email protected] – there were two awards, one for an individual and one for a group.

Resolved that the report be noted.

Councillor Prowse left the meeting at 19:41.


Dawlish is a Fairtrade Town, and has had the Fairtrade Town status since the 7th March 2007, and in this second week of Fairtrade Fortnight, it is a good time to recognise the work of the Dawlish Fairtrade Friends in both establishing and maintaining this. Dawlish is one of the 600 Fairtrade towns in the UK, and indeed one of the 2000 plus Fairtrade towns worldwide.

The climate crisis is already affecting the global food supply, and affecting the farmers and workers in low-income countries. centre/blog/infographic-the-reality-of-the-climate-crisis-for-the-farmers-behind-our-food/

With thanks to the Devon Highways team who’ve recently re-painted white lines on some of our roads, helping make the streets of Dawlish safer for road users.

Thank you to all the young people who entered our story-telling competition on ‘The Adventures of Luke the Wave Walker’. We a good number of entries, and well done to the two very talented joint winners. I enjoyed awarding the certificates and prizes, from a safe distance, to the winners.

We’ve said goodbye to the wave walker, ‘Luke’, and thank you to Network Rail and their engineers and the teams in the ‘Orange Army’. The seats and benches along the sea wall are welcomed and a great asset – particularly in this first sunny weekend after the wall re- opened.

The continued roll-out of the vaccination programme is encouraging and gives hope - thank you to all key workers and volunteers. Stay safe – hands, face, and space.

Resolved that the report be noted.

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Councillor Clatworthy

1 The 21/22 Revenue Budget was approved last week with the total for services increasing by 6.6% to £580,826 million, net budget £545,505 million with the Council Tax requirement £440,442 million, for a Band D property the increase is 4.99% to £1511.28 (3% of the increase in the social care precept).

Service Directorate Budgets as follows- Adult Care and Health £282,435 million + 8.3%; Children Services £158,267 million +7.8%; Community Health and Environment £39,873millions+0.2%; Corporate services £40,387 million +7.5% and Highways and Waste £57.520 million -0.5%. There is £100k in the Highways budget for Town and Parish councils to bid for which I successfully canvassed for maintenance of local assets.

The Capital programme for the next 5 years is £498,779 million with for 21/22 being £147,355 million + slippage from the 20/21 programme.

2 I attended the virtual meeting of the Adult and Social Care Scrutiny Committee regarding Modernisation of the and Dawlish Health services and following the CCG Governing Bodies decision notwithstanding the DCC Spotlight Report suggesting the proposals were not in the best interests of the Health services and inadequate consultation it was decided to refer the matter informally to the Independent Reconfiguration Panel to review the CCG’s decision and in the meantime the CCG Board were asked to keep the Committee informed about progress of community and intermediate care .Having said that the Trust confirmed that they will “lift and shift” services to Dawlish Community Hospital and there is adequate room and various improvements will be mad to allow for Day surgery.

3 Regarding the re-0pening of the MIU the Trust have told me that at the moment they cannot confirm the re-opening date as they are currently recruiting to fill the workforce gap.

4 Regarding Education and funding DCC are now 111th out of 150 Education authorities being the 40th lowest funded with £4350 per pupil against a national average of £4619

To-date there are 826 children in Care in Devon.

The Government have delivered 1.25 million devices to schools at the end of February and Charities are also supplying devices.

DCC will be providing free school meals to the 327 pupils in Dawlish entitled to them over the Easter holidays.

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Orchard Manor School- A new academy sponsor has been approved being The Special Partnership Trust and construction of the multi-purpose hall and vocational teaching workshop together with ancillary roads and staff parking is to start in the summer which will benefit the existing pupils and resolve the staff parking issue.

5 During February white lines have been refreshed at many junctions in Dawlish. The traffic flows in lockdown are currently 36% below this time last year. The extension to the 30MPH zone from the Sainsbury roundabout towards Dawlish on the A379 and double white lines on the A379 on the brow of the hill close to the Smugglers will be discussed at the next SCARF meeting (Speed complaint action forum review) As a matter of interest there are 40.872 blue badges issues in Devon.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Councillor J Petherick

Councillor J Petherick advised that he had been contacted by a resident who had witnessed antisocial behaviour at Lea Mount. Following him speaking to the relevant persons at Teignbridge, it had been confirmed that picnic bench would be repositioned on the concrete plinth and be bolted down, cleansing would remove graffiti, environmental wardens would add site to their list of hotspot, and the new Antisocial Behaviour Officer would look at the ongoing issues in more detail.

He was please to confirm that the overgrown Hedgerow A379 was to have remedial works undertaken on it, which was scheduled to take place this week.

There had been some concern about a planning application for four dwellings at Badlake Hill – he had visited site, the Town Council Planning Committee had met and decided to request that should the Planning Officer be minded to approve the application, it should be referred to the District Planning Committee for decision, and as Ward Member he would attend and support views of residents.

Councillor Wrigley

The Teignbridge budget had approved and he was pleased that the T100 programme to build council houses had been included. 100 council homes would be built over the coming years.

Housing Strategy was out for consultation and review and he encouraged members to have an input.

Councillor L Petherick

Iddesleigh Terrace complaints relating to bins being on show; it had now been included in programme of works

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Climate Change Officer at TDC had secured £2.3M grant under the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme which meant the Teignmouth Lido, Broadmeadow Leisure Centre and Newton Abbot Leisure Centre will have work done to them. Anticipating carbon reduction of 280t of CO2 in year, which equalled the carbon emissions of 100 homes. Projects needed to start in March and should complete in September.

It was believed Dawlish Leisure Centre was already included in a list of works.

Following questions, Members were advised that:

Monies that came in to Teignbridge District Council from Right to Buy sales would continue to be used for housing – the issue for right to buy is government mandated and only a limited number of things authorities could do with that, its not possible to stipulate beyond that who they would sell them on to due to legislative restraints but as long as they remain Teignbridge’s, they would be for Teignbridge residents.

Resolved that the reports be noted.


Councillor Dawson

Dawlish Action for Youth – continuing to trying to engage virtually, young people’s mental health courses

She had received an update from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) regards the continued closure of the Dawlish Minor Injuries Unit, including a statement from the CCG as follows: “Despite some successful recruitment from a recent advertisement, we are still experiencing a gap in workforce to support the reopening of our Minor Injury Units. We are currently recruiting again to these posts which would allow the reopening of both Dawlish and Totnes Minor Injury Units. Unfortunately, we cannot confirm a reopening date at this moment but the Trust is actively doing all that is possible to support the reopening of these services”.

Finally, she had received compliments for the daffodils along Teignmouth Road and the joy they bring.

Councillor L Petherick

She had been approached by a student from Oakwood Court College. Permission sought to attach hand made dog poo bag dispensers, made from recycled plastic bottles that can be attached to lampposts, fences or trees to enable the public who do not have a bag to hand.

The Town Clerk advised the matter should be taken to the Civic Amenities Committee following Councillor L Petherick gathering the necessary information.

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Councillor J Petherick

He had been pleased to hear from one of the Parish’s holiday parks that following the Prime Ministers announcement of a roadmap out of lockdown, they had been inundated with calls and booking enquiries, and hoped this would first steps of regeneration of the local economy.

Following questions, Members were advised that:

• Much of the man power was being diverted to the vaccination programme but it was pleasing to see the CCG still undertaking further recruitment; • The dispensers in question were to provide bags for picking up dog waste rather than depositing it.

Resolved that the reports be noted.


Members received an update regarding the proposed Dawlish Gateway Signs to denote the Parish boundaries.

Councillor J Petherick provided suggestions for locating these signs, including a private landowner at the Cockwood end of the Parish offering to install the sign on their land.

Following questions, Members were advised that:

• The parish boundary straddled the brook running up from Cockwood Harbour; • the Clerk advised that the boundary near Teignmouth came down Oak Hill Cross Road, across the A379 and down Cliff Road; • the Clerk would investigate the existing settlement marker signs being renovated with new logo templates being installed; and • it might be work exploring options for signs stating ‘Thank you for visiting the Parish of Dawlish’.

Resolved that a further report be brought to the April meeting of the Council.


The Events, Projects & Tourism Officer advised that:

• A fish and chip supper had been provided to 110 families or individuals following referrals by several organisations for a morale booster, aided by 11 volunteers in delivering them;

• David Force had presented a video on ‘What did Brunel do for Dawlish?’ – a local history talk to again raise morale. An audience of 80 people on the night took part

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and it had since been viewed more than 5,000 times.

• The Town council coordinated a bid to the Teignbridge Covid-19 Hardship Recovery Fund for a project called ‘Click and Collect, Tablet to Go’. The application had been successful in full, and was awarded £9,800 aimed at improving digital access and reducing loneliness. Ten tablets would be available for loan with training in the first period, with a longer term ambition to make the project sustainable;

• A ‘knicker box’ had been launched following the group being made aware of young woman not being able to access these and other sanitary items. A collection box was located in Assist Teignbridge at the Manor House and was already attracting bikini style knickers for all ages for young women;

• Eleven of the thirteen organisations had met on Tuesday and were starting to discover other areas of need in the parish. Plans were being developed as to how best to address these during the recovery period from Covid;

• Volunteers continue to marshal at the hospital for the vaccination programme – 25 were engaged this week over 4 days between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. – grateful thanks for the delegated purchase of an additional six radios from the Events Committee budget to enable sufficient equipment to meet covid requirements. The volunteers were also recognised by a clap from the staff of the community hospital and this was very much appreciated.

Members expressed their thanks to the Events, Projects & Tourism Officer and the wider Helping Dawlish collaboration for the continued work they were doing for the benefit of the Parish.

Resolved that the update be noted.


The Chairman of the Civic Amenities Committee submitted that the original allotments site was identified in 2005 and was established in 2007. At the time there had been a waiting list of 25 but this was now approaching 70. Additional land was now sought, ranging from small to medium with vehicular access anywhere in the Parish.

The Clerk advised that a parcel of land identified at Lanherne as allotment land had been enquired of but Teignbridge had confirmed it was now allocated for housing or other income generating opportunities and therefore would not be in a position to sell or lease the land to us. The Council had various means by which to acquire land, either by purchasing the freehold, a leasehold, or compulsory purchasing land although the latter was a last case scenario.

Following a question, the Clerk advised there was a garden share scheme where owners of large gardens were making portions of ground available for allotments and one of the Town Council’s applicants for an allotment took this offer up.

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It was proposed and seconded that the council sets out to advertise by all means possible, asking for anyone with a suitable area of land for use as allotments for consideration by the Town Council, with the provision of vehicular access being an integral requirement.

Resolved that the council sets out to advertise by all means possible, asking for anyone with a suitable area of land for use as allotments make themselves known to, and for consideration by, the Town Council, with the provision of vehicular access being an integral requirement.

The meeting was closed by the Mayor at 8.47 pm

...... Cllr Alison Foden MAYOR OF DAWLISH

10 Page 14 Agenda Item 9 DAWLISH TOWN COUNCIL


DATE: 24 MARCH 2021





That the Town Council review and approve the Risk Register and Action Plans, to be signed by the Town Mayor and Responsible Financial Officer.


As Members will be aware, there is an ongoing, annual requirement for the Council to review its Risk Register. Having been reviewed by the Town Clerk, this now requires approval by Council.

The Town Council uses the specific Local Council Risk System (LCRS) software. This system is pre-loaded with more than 390 risks and 1100 controls across a spectrum of service areas, for local councils to select those which apply to them and assess the potential risk for each element.


Members will see each risk and associated controls in the risk reports listed at Appendix A.

The evaluation process has identified three risks where actions are required.

The action plans at the end of Appendix A advise what steps are to be taken to mitigate the identified risk.

The Risk Register is a living document which will be continuously updated and reviewed throughout the year, as appropriate by officers. Any new risks


identified as a result of new assets, services or functions will be added as and when required.


It is anticipated than an update on the Action Plan will be brought to Council half-yearly. Where action plan reports have been completed, these will be reported to Council as and when appropriate.


A significant amount of work has been undertaken to ensure the Risk Register is fully up to date and fit for purpose. Members are requested to consider approving the Risk Register and Action Plans as set out.

Andrew McKenzie Town Clerk

Page 16 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Allotments Your Duty = Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 23, 26 and 42 Small Holdings & Allotments Act 1908, s 9 Allotments Act Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action 1950 Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

310 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Absence of a completed agreement with every allotment holder. Manda Stone To have a completed agreement on file for every Tenancy agreement is completed and signed by all parties prior to occupation. allotment holder. Allotment register maintained. Tenancy Agreements and the rules are reviewed annually to ensure adequacy of conditions.

309 Administration/Legal 17 Page Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of Allotment Register. Manda Stone To maintain an up to date register of allotment Administration Officer has designated responsibility to maintain a proper register ensuring all amendments holders. are promptly recorded using the RBS Allotments package.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 50 Administration/Legal Annually Low Low 1 Poor Grass Cutting. Manda Stone To maintain required standards at allotment sites. The paths between allotments are maintained by the tenants as part of their Tenancy Agreement The Tenancy Agreement Terms and Conditions are enforced.

312 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Provision of adequate insurance cover. Manda Stone To ensure that the council is fully protected against Annual review of insurance is carried out to ensure all appropriate risks are covered by the Town Council. mandatory and other risks. All Tenants are members of the Brownsbrook Allotments Association. Any and all changes to allotment tenancies are notified to the Chairman of the Allotments Association. Page 18 Page

301 Environmental Annually Low Low 1 Accumulation of rubbish. Manda Stone To maintain acceptable standards for site. Responsibility for site maintenance is clearly defined. Tenants are encouraged to report any issues as they arise. The terms and conditions of tenancy agreements are enforced. Brownsbrook Allotments Association and Town Council liaise and act quickly to resolve any issues that may arise.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 2 19 Mar 2021 53 Environmental Quarterly Low Low 1 Build up of non-compostable rubbish Manda Stone To maintain high standard of cleanliness and minimize The terms and conditions of the tenancy agreements are enforced. risk. There is good liaison with the Brownsbrook Allotments Association and the Town Council in order to address any issues as they arise.

302 Environmental Quarterly Low High 3 Dumping/Hazardous substances Manda Stone To maintain acceptable standards and minimize Site responsibilities are clearly defined. danger arising from hazard.. The terms and conditions of allotment tenancy agreements are enforced. The Town Council and the Brownsbrook Allotments Association will liaise and address any issues as they arise. The Town Council will liaise with police and/or other authorities where necessary. Page 19 Page

49 Environmental As and when Low Medium 2 Loss / Damage to water supply. Manda Stone To maintain adequate water supply and minimise Town Council is responsible for maintenance of water supply. loss/damage arising there from. Procedures are in place to rectify faults should they occur. The water supply is switched off during the winter months to prevent burst pipes.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 3 19 Mar 2021 52 Environmental Quarterly Low Low 1 Untidy Plots. Manda Stone To ensure that site is maintained to the The rules, terms and conditions of tenancy agreements are enforced. required/acceptable standard. Allotment tenants are notified of any identified issues on their plots as they arise and given appropriate time to rectify issues. Notices are served as and when required. Town Council and Brownsbrook Allotments Association liaison is maintained at all times.

48 Environmental Quarterly Low Medium 2 Vandalism of sites. Manda Stone To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from All allotment sites are regularly monitored. vandalism. Allotment tenants are encouraged to report any issues to the Brownsbrook Allotments Association and/or the Town Council. There is liaison with local policing teams in the areas affected when necessary. Page 20 Page

303 Environmental As and when Low Medium 2 Vandalism. Manda Stone To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Security is reviewed regularly and local police are consulted as and when required. vandalism. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 4 19 Mar 2021 304 Environmental Annually Low Medium 2 Vermin. Manda Stone To control and minimise impact. Define responsibility for standards of hygiene/cleanliness etc. of site. Rules, terms and conditions of tenancy agreements are enforced. Appropriate action to deal with any identified problems is taken. There is liaison between the Town Council and the Brownsbrook Allotments Association to identify and address issues early.

308 Financial Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to collect rents & charges. Manda Stone To ensure that all income due to the council is Town Council is responsible for collection of income due. properly collected and banked. Proper records of income received and banked are maintained. RBS Allotments and Accounts packages are used and records are audited internally and externally. Terms and conditions of allotment tenancy agreements are enforced. Allotment Register is accurately maintained. Finance Officer follows procedures for outstanding debts. Page 21 Page

306 Financial Annually Low Low 1 Failure to review rents & charges. Manda Stone To ensure that rent income is subject to regular Allotments rents and charges are reviewed annually as an integral part of the annual budget process. review.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 5 19 Mar 2021 298 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of Council owned equipment. Manda Stone To ensure that all Council owned equipment is Ensure that equipment is properly maintained through regular inspection/servicing. properly maintained. Ensure that proper maintenance records are complete and up to date. Ensure that responsibility is defined and any training requirement is complete.

300 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Personal injury. Manda Stone To minimise risk. Ensure that any conditions that might lead to personal injury are minimised and properly controlled. Examination of allotment environment is undertaken on a quarterly basis as a minimum with any required works identified. Liaison with Brownsbrook Allotments Association to identify any possible ricks early so they can be addressed. Page 22 Page

51 Physical As and when Low Medium 2 Public Injury as a result of contractor. Manda Stone To minimise risk to allotment holders and others when Any Contractors instructed by the Town Council must have a minimum £5m public liability insurance and contractor on site. have completed a risk assessment and work method statement as a minimum requirement.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 6 19 Mar 2021 299 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Security. Manda Stone To ensure security of site and equipment. The responsibility of allotment holders is clearly defined in the tenancy agreement and rules. There is no Council equipment on site.

297 Physical Quarterly Low Medium 2 Uncontrolled equipment. Manda Stone To ensure that all equipment is properly secured and Terms and conditions of tenancy agreement are enforced. controlled and that safety of users is not Allotment tenants are encouraged to report any issues. compromised. Town Council maintains liaison with Brownsbrook Allotments Association. Page 23 Page

47 Physical Monthly Low Low 1 Unoccupied Plots. Manda Stone To control and minimise empty allotments. An allotment waiting list is maintained. The Brownsbrook Allotments Association and the Town Council liaise to ensure any empty sites are adequately maintained. Town Council contacts those on waiting list as and when a plot becomes vacant and the register is updated accordingly.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 20 20 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 7 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Christmas Lights Your Duty = Assessment year: Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

822 Administration/Legal Monthly Low Medium 2 Lack of lights Angie Weatherhead Ensuring a suitably procured contractor is able to fulfil the Town Council's requirements for provision, supply and maintenance of decorative lighting. Page 24 Page No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 1 1 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 8 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Code of Conduct Your Duty = Duty to adopt a code of conduct Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = p 3 Local Government Act 2000 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

30 Administration/Legal Quarterly Low Medium 2 Failure to maintain / update Register of Interests/Gifts Andrew McKenzie To maintain records of members Declarations of All council members are aware of their statutory responsibilities. Every Councillor is issued with information Interest for new councillors together with a copy of the Town Council's Standing Orders and Financial Regulations upon signing their Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Register of Members' Interests maintained. Chairman asks for interests to be declared at each meeting. Register of gifts and hospitality book maintained. Councillors are encouraged to attend refresher training.

Page 25 Page No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 1 1 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 9 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Community Centres Your Duty = Power to provide and equip buildings for use of clubs having athletic, social or Dawlish Town Council educational objectives Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

231 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to obtain all necessary licences, ie bar, music, weddings, etc. Angie Weatherhead To meet all statutory requirements for service Define responsibility for obtaining licences. provision. Maintain adequate records of licence application, renewal etc. Page 26 Page 232 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of diary of events/usage. Manda Stone To provide effective control of facility bookings etc. Define responsibility for maintenance of diary. Completed booking/application a prerequisite to facility hire. All applications to be cross referenced to account/receipt number and filed. RBS Bookings package used as a central database for all bookings and requirements

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 10 19 Mar 2021 225 Environmental Monthly Low Medium 2 Cleaning. Andrew McKenzie Define responsibility for cleanliness/hygiene of premises Maintain a maintenance log/cleaning regime. Arrange for periodical checks. Manor House & Riverside Centre Committee has overarching responsibility with delegations to officers where appropriate.

227 Environmental Annually Low Low 1 Pollution, ie. noise, litter etc. Andrew McKenzie To maintain desired standards for use of facilities and Ensure that adequate controls/conditions are included in booking application form. limit impact of pollution. Ensure that all users are aware of conditions attached to use of premises. Define policy for dealing with offenders. Page 27 Page

226 Environmental Annually Low Medium 2 Vandalism. Andrew McKenzie To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Review security and monitor all areas on a regular basis vandalism. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. Define a policy for dealing with antisocial behaviour. Instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 11 19 Mar 2021 230 Financial Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to collect income. Manda Stone To ensure that all income is received and properly Define responsibility for collection of income. banked. Maintain an effective receipting system. Provide for prompt banking. Maintain proper records of income received and banked Enforce provisions of user agreements Provide for periodical reconciliation and financial report to council.

229 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to review charges. Yola Mitchell To ensure that all charges are subject to regular Review all charges annually as an integral part of the budget process. review. Page 28 Page

228 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate budget provision. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that service provision is included in Ensure that anticipated costs are adequately provided for in Budgetary process. budgetary process. Council approval to be sought for any unexpected expense to be met from reserves.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 12 19 Mar 2021 349 Physical Quarterly Low High 3 Fire. Andrew McKenzie To safeguard against fire risk. Ensure Health/Safety testing complete. Ensure appropriate staff training. Provide for strict security/control of combustible materials held by Council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure appropriate regulations/controls in hire documentation.

220 Physical Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of buildings. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that council property is properly maintained Define responsibility for maintenance. and minimise loss/damage/injury. Maintain detailed records of work scheduled and completed. Carry out regular inspections of all buildings. Ensure that proper contractual arrangements are in place for specialist/other services. Arrange adequate insurance cover. Page 29 Page

221 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of equipment. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that all equipment is properly maintained. Ensure that equipment is properly maintained through regular inspection/servicing. Ensure that proper maintenance records are complete and up to date. Ensure that responsibility is defined and any training requirement is complete.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 13 19 Mar 2021 213 Physical Annually Low High 3 Personal injury. Yola Mitchell To ensure that any conditions that might lead to Ensure that all staff have appropriate training and adhere to approved working practices. personal injury are minimised and properly controlled. Ensure that the correct, properly maintained equipment is available as appropriate. Ensure that any risks to the public are minimised and eliminated wherever possible. Maintain records of staff training. Maintain records of any injuries. Define responsibility in job descriptions etc.

214 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of buildings Andrew McKenzie To maintain a high standard of security. Allocate responsibility for security/control of premises. Define policy and provide for security. Staff employed or contract with service provider in place. Appropriate staff training complete. Detailed schedules/records maintained. Liaison with local enforcement agencies maintained. Page 30 Page

222 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Security of equipment. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that all property is secure and minimise loss Define policy for security of equipment. by theft or otherwise. Ensure that responsibility of users is clearly defined in hire/user agreement. Allocate responsibility for security/control. Maintain records of loss or damaged equipment. Maintain asset register.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 14 19 Mar 2021 223 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of Hazardous Substances + D73. Manda Stone To minimise the risk of damage/injury arising from the Define responsibility for use and control. use of hazardous substances. Provide for any necessary training. Provide for appropriate clothing. Ensure that any necessary licences, certificates for use have been obtained. Ensure that security is sound. Ensure that any disposals are properly dealt with. Maintain proper records.

224 Physical Monthly N/A N/A 0 Stock control. To minimize the risk of loss. Define responsibility for stock control. Arrange for regular stock checks. Maintain proper records. Reconcile stocks to sales etc records. Page 31 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 16 16 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 15 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Computing Your Duty = Power to facilitate discharge of any function Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 111 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

325 Physical Annually Low High 3 Loss arising from theft/misappropriation. Andrew McKenzie Maintain adequate security of site and equipment. Access to Town Council offices only available when Town Council staff are present. The building is alarmed and all equipment is security tagged. All computers are password protected. High security of site and equipment is maintained at all times. Page 32 Page 318 Physical Annually Low High 3 Loss/damage arising from unauthorised use. Andrew McKenzie Maintain security of computer. Access restricted through use of controlled passwords. Passwords are changed periodically.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 16 19 Mar 2021 27 Technical Monthly Low Medium 2 Crash of IT System. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk arising from breakdown of Town Council computer systems are backed up daily, with 3 different hard drives being rotated regularly. equipment. Town Council ensures equipment is properly maintained. Access is restricted to authorised users. Only approved software is used. Town Council operate up to date anti virus software. Town Council has a laptop it could independently use in the event of a total crash.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 3 3 0 scored: Plans: Page 33 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 17 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Coronavirus Your Duty = The Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) Regulations Assessment year: Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Coronavirus Act 2020 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

859 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Inability to hold face to face to face council meetings Andrew McKenzie To hold 4 meetings of the council a year of which one Meetings may be held virtually in accordance with the The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels must be the annual meeting of the Town Council (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) To hold the Annual Meeting of the Parish between 1 Regulations 2020 March and 1 June The requirement for parish councils to hold an annual meeting in each year has been disapplied (note that To publish the time and place of a meeting in some the Principal Regulations are currently drafted to only apply to meetings that are required to be held before conspicuous place 7th May 2021, so as matters currently stand this will mean ‘as you were’ from 7th May 2021 and thus the requirement to hold an annual meeting will then re-apply: this may of course change before then). The requirement to fix, at least three clear days before a meeting of a parish council, a time and place Page 34 Page No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 1 1 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 18 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Council Meetings Your Duty = Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

218 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Access. Andrew McKenzie To meet all statutory requirements and maintain There is a lift to the first floor as well as a wide staircase. effective administration. Table set aside for press and public. Sufficient seating available for press and public. In the event that the lift is not working the meeting will be moved to a ground floor room

217 Administration/Legal 35 Page Low High 3 Failure to meet statutory duty. Andrew McKenzie To meet all statutory requirements and maintain All meetings comply with LGA 1972. Town Clerk is CiLCA qualified. effective administration. Council randomly checks its own internal controls as well as Internal Auditor checks. All members are notified of meeting by way of summons and agenda in accordance with LGA 1972. All public notices are posted as prescribed in LGA 1972. Town Clerk ensures meetings are quorate and attendance records are maintained. Minutes are taken of all Council and Committee meetings and signed at the next meeting by the Chairman. All minutes are produced in accordance with legislation and kept in files in the Town Council office.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 19 19 Mar 2021 319 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Personal Injury. Andrew McKenzie Ensure that effective arrangements are in place to Appropriate regulations/controls are in place to minimise the risk of injury to officers, members and public. minimise risk. Defined standards are maintained. Where necessary, appropriate notices are in place. Council has appropriate insurance cover which is reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum.

219 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Security. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that effective security arrangements are in Town Council officers are aware of responsibility for security/control and implementation in order to protect place. themselves and others. Page 36 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 4 4 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 20 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Council Property and Documents Your Duty = Duty to disclose documents and to adopt publication scheme Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Freedom of Information Act 2000 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

44 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Legal Liability as a result of Asset Ownership. Yola Mitchell Provision of adequate public liability insurance Detailed asset register is maintained. Adequate public liability insurance is in place with RSA.

45 Physical 37 Page Monthly Low Medium 2 Loss / Damage to Civic Regalia. Andrew McKenzie To safeguard council assets. Register of Assets maintained and updated annually and as and when required. Council has adequate insurance against damage and theft. Proper security/storage is in place. Users are aware of their responsibility when regalia is in their care. Civic Regalia is suitably maintained and cleaned. Civic Regalia is collected and returned under secure conditions.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 21 19 Mar 2021 43 Physical Annually Low High 3 Loss of assets. Yola Mitchell To minimise the risk of loss through Effective security of all assets maintained. theft/misappropriation of assets. Asset Register maintained and reviewed annually as a minimum.

46 Professional Daily Low Medium 2 Failure to effectively process documents. Andrew McKenzie To ensure effective processing and safe keeping of all Town Clerk is responsible for maintenance of effective control of documentation. documentation received by the Town Council Deeds and leases stored in fire proof box in Town Council office, and then within security locked cupboard. All documents subject to the Council's adopted retention and disposal policy. Page 38 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 4 4 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 22 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Crime Prevention - CCTV Your Duty = Powers to spend money on various crime prevention measures Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 31 Local Government and Rating Act 1997; Crime & Disorder Act 1998 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

336 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Data Protection - Registration & compliance. Yola Mitchell To ensure statutory requirements are met. Arrange for any necessary Data Protection registration and compliance. Check if any necessary registration needs to be arranged. Ensure that personnel are aware of compliance requirements. Arrange necessary training.

307 Administration/Legal 39 Page Annually Low Low 1 Failure to appoint representative on CCTV group. Yola Mitchell To ensure that council interest is properly represented. Ensure that representative(s) are properly appointed by council. Arrange periodical reports to Council.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 23 19 Mar 2021 335 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to comply with Code of Practice. Yola Mitchell To meet requirements of code. Ensure that where appropriate operatives are aware of code requirements. Provide for necessary training.

331 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to provide for recording media. Yola Mitchell To minimise risk of service loss. Ensure that responsibility for supply of recording media, including adequate history, is determined. Provide for an emergency supply. Page 40 Page

329 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate budget provision. Yola Mitchell Ensure annual service review. Ensure that service/facility requirements are detailed in budget process. Ensure that any wayleave costs have also been identified and agreements drawn up with property owners.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 24 19 Mar 2021 332 Physical Annually Low High 3 Failure of system - equipment. Yola Mitchell To minimise risk. Define responsibility for use and control. Provide for any necessary training and regular testing. Ensure that proper maintenance contracts are in place. Make provision for urgent repairs. Maintain proper records.

334 Physical Quarterly Low Medium 2 Security of control room operations. Yola Mitchell To provide for safe and efficient service operation. Determine policy for control room operations. Allocate responsibility for security/control of premises. Arrange appropriate staff training. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. Page 41 Page

333 Physical Quarterly Low High 3 Security of equipment. Yola Mitchell To minimise the risk of loss/damage. Define policy for security of premises and equipment Define responsibility for security/control of equipment. Maintain asset register.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 25 19 Mar 2021 330 Physical Monthly Low Medium 2 Vandalism. Yola Mitchell To minimise risk arising from vandalism/antisocial Maintain efficient and effective security. behaviour. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. Take action as appropriate against offenders.

317 Technical Annually Low High 3 Unauthorised use of equipment. Yola Mitchell Maintain security of equipment. Maintain security of system. Set up password authorisation to restrict access. Page 42 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 10 10 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 26 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Data Protection Your Duty = Duty of Notification and Duty to Disclose (subject access) Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Data Protection Act 1998 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

29 Administration/Legal Daily Low High 3 Breach of confidentiality. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that statutory requirements are met. Dawlish Town Council is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office. Town Council has a Data Protection Policy. All Town Council Officers undertake training when they commence employment and periodically afterwards. All Councillors are aware of their obligation under Data Protection and undergo ad hoc training.

Page 43 Page No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 1 1 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 27 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Employment of Staff Your Duty = Duty to Appoint Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 112 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

23 Administration/Legal Annually Failure to comply with Employment Law. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that the council fulfils its responsibilities. Contracts of employment issued to all employees. Annual review of Staff Contracts of Employment undertaken. Town Clerk has responsibility for maintaining up to date knowledge of new legislation and brining this to the attention of Administration and Personnel Committee.

Training arranged as and when required including Clerks CPD.

Advice taken from Mid Devon District Council's Human Resources Department is taken before any Page 44 Page 785 Financial Monthly Overpayment or underpayment of salaries and expenses. Yola Mitchell Ensure that all payments to staff are in accordance Monthly payroll schedule to be verified by the relevant number of parties/staff. with employment contracts approved by the council. Monthly employers payments to be verified by the relevant third party/ies as laid out in policy. Cheques and electronic payments to be signed/verified by the relevant third party/ies as laid out in policy.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 28 19 Mar 2021 22 Professional Monthly Attacks on Personnel. Andrew McKenzie To protect staff. Town Council officers are equipped with personal attack alarms. Council office door is locked and security coded. All Council staff are behind security screens. Staff have telephone access at all times during their work. Appropriate insurance is maintained.

17 Professional As and when Low Low 1 Inability to recruit. Andrew McKenzie To improve recruitment. Recruitment policy reviewed when the need arises to recruit staff. Page 45 Page

18 Professional Annually Low Medium 2 Inability to retain staff. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk arising from high turnover of staff. Staff Appraisals conducted on an annual basis and when required.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 29 19 Mar 2021 21 Professional Annually Lack of Employee motivation/efficiency. Andrew McKenzie To meet commitment of council employment policy. Each employee has job description. Staff appraisals carried out annually supported by one to ones when required. Appropriate staff records maintained. Training provided as and when requested or identified.

20 Professional Annually Lack of Training. Andrew McKenzie To meet Council commitment to staff training. Training provided as and when identified/requested, including CPD. Training requirements reviewed as part of the annual appraisal system. Advantage taken of any localised training through local associations, SLCC, DALC etc. Staff encouraged to network with other Clerks in the area. Appropriate training records maintained. Page 46 Page

19 Professional Quarterly Low High 3 Loss of key staff. Andrew McKenzie To avoid problems arising from loss of key personnel. Procedures for key functions are documented. Four members of staff, Town Clerk, Finance Officer, Events, Projects & Tourism Officer and Administration officer provide flexibility and cover.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 8 3 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 30 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Entertainment and the arts Your Duty = Provision of entertainment and support of the arts Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 145 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

198 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Absence of key staff. To ensure that minimum staffing arrangements are in Event Management Plan to be devised for all events clearly defining responsibilities, key personnel and place to meet service need. their deputies as well as overall management of the event.

197 Administration/Legal 47 Page Annually Low High 3 Provision of adequate insurance cover. To ensure that appropriate insurance cover in place. Insurance requirements reviewed annually to ensure appropriate cover in place. Ensure that any contractual insurance requirements are met. Examine cover held by service providers.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 31 19 Mar 2021 199 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Staff training. To ensure that all staff have appropriate training. Determine council policy for training for the event and ensure all staff and volunteers receive appropriate training where necessary. Maintain records of training provided.

192 Environmental As and when Low High 3 Noise pollution. To minimise risk/complaint arising from noise pollution Where appropriate set conditions in hire documentation. at council owned facilities. Carry out regular site inspections. Maintain record of any complaints received and instigate prompt action where appropriate. Liaise with local enforcement agencies. Page 48 Page

191 Environmental Annually Low High 3 Vandalism. To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Maintain efficient and effective security. vandalism. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. Take action as appropriate against offenders.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 32 19 Mar 2021 195 Financial Annually Low High 3 Box Office controls. To minimize the risk of loss by theft/misappropriation. Determine policy and responsibility for box office security. Define responsibility cash handling procedures Ensure appropriate staff training. Maintain comprehensive records, ticket returns/reconciliation etc. Arrange periodical checks/internal audit.

196 Financial As and when Low High 3 Contractual arrangements with service providers- films, artistes etc. To ensure that proper contractual arrangements are in Ensure that a signed contract is in place as pre requisite of service provision. place. Check/enforce contract conditions in interest of Council. Page 49 Page

194 Financial Annually Low High 3 Failure to collect rents & charges. To maximise income due to the council. Define responsibility for collection of income. Ensure that all income due to the council and received is properly recorded. Make provision for prompt banking. Issue tickets/receipts for all income received. Follow defined procedure for reminders in respect of unpaid accounts. Take appropriate recovery action where necessary. Arrange appropriate internal audit testing. Council approval required for write-off on any irrecoverable debts.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 33 19 Mar 2021 193 Financial Annually Low High 3 Failure to review rents and charges. To ensure that all charges are subject to annual Review all charges annually as an integral part of the budgetary process. review.

347 Fire Annually Low High 3 To safeguard against the risk of fire. Health & Safety testing to be completed including a full risk assessment. Ensure appropriate staff training Provide for strict security/control of combustible materials held by council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure appropriate regulations are followed. Page 50 Page Ensure appropriate regulations/controls in hire documentation. Where possible have Fire & Rescue Service at event.

348 Physical Annually Low High 3 Fire. To safeguard against fire risk. Health & Safety testing to be completed and full risk assessment. Ensure appropriate staff training Provide for strict security/control of combustible materials held by council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure appropriate regulations are followed. Ensure appropriate regulations/controls in hire documentation. Where appropriate ask Fire Service to attend event.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 34 19 Mar 2021 185 Physical Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of buildings. To ensure proper maintenance of premises and Define responsibility for maintenance. minimise risk of loss/damage/injury. Carry out regular inspections of all premises. Maintain detailed records of all work scheduled/completed.

187 Physical Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of equipment To ensure proper maintenance of equipment and Determine responsibility for use and control. minimize loss/damage/injury. Arrange contract maintenance for specialist equipment. Provide for any necessary staff training. Provide for appropriate protective clothing. Ensure that any necessary licences, certificates for use have been obtained. Ensure that security is sound.

Page 51 Page Ensure that any disposals are properly dealt with. Maintain proper records.

186 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of buildings. To maintain security of Council premises. Responsibility for security defined. Staff employed or contract with service provider in place. Appropriate staff training complete. Detailed schedules/records maintained. Liaison with local enforcement agencies maintained.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 35 19 Mar 2021 188 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of equipment. To minimise loss through theft/misappropriation. Define policy for security of premises and equipment. Determine responsibility for security/control of equipment. Ensure effective security arrangements in place. Maintain asset register.

189 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of exhibits. To minimise the risk of loss or damage to exhibits. Determine policy/ responsibility for security of exhibits. Ensure effective security arrangements in place. Ensure adequate insurance cover in place. Page 52 Page

190 Physical Annually Low High 3 Stock control. To minimise the risk of loss. Determine responsibility for stock. Arrange for regular stock checks. Reconcile stock to sales/usage. Investigate significant differences. Maintain comprehensive stock records.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 17 17 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 36 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Financial Management Your Duty = Duty to ensure responsibility for financial affairs Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 151 LGA 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

40 Administration/Legal Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to comply with Customs & Excise regulations. Yola Mitchell Efficient financial administration. Scribe accounting system used. VAT properly administered, with returns being made on a quarterly basis. Refer to guidance from HMRC where necessary. All input tax is properly recorded on Scribe accounting package. All claims reconciled to cashbook.

39 Administration/Legal 53 Page Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to comply with Inland Revenue regulations. Yola Mitchell Efficient financial administration. Salaries and pension payments outsourced to Mid Devon District Council, who employ specialised staff. Records received relating to the payment of salaries are comprehensively checked and maintained. Prompt payment of all sums due are arranged.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 37 19 Mar 2021 327 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to maintain record of council assets. Andrew McKenzie To minimize the risk of loss associated with failure to Town Clerk is responsible for maintenance of asset register. maintain adequate records. All acquisitions/disposals are accurately and promptly recorded. Periodical inventory checks carried out. Asset register reviewed annually as a minimum.

338 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Incurring expenditure without proper legal authority. Yola Mitchell To ensure all expenditure is intra vires, ie. "within the Town Clerk checks to ensure all expenditure is within legal authority. powers". Town Council has attained General Power of Competence. Page 54 Page

41 Financial Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to ensure proper use of funds under specific powers / S137. Yola Mitchell To ensure that expenditure is properly authorised and Council has attained General Power of Competence. controlled. Town Clerk ensures that all grant applications are complete and fully supported prior to submission to committee/council. All approvals for expenditure are properly recorded in council minutes and on the Scribe accounting package. Town Clerk ensures that no alternative statutory authority is available.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 38 19 Mar 2021 35 Financial Monthly Low High 3 Failure to keep proper financial records. Yola Mitchell Town Clerk is appointed Responsible Financial Officer and Proper Officer. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are in place and reviewed as a minimum annually. The Council has appointed Councillors as random audit checkers to randomly inspect the Council's procedures and the work of the office staff. Independent internal auditor appointed. All reports relating to expenditure and receipts together with the bank reconciliation and outstanding debts are approved by the Council on a monthly basis. Year To Date budget sheets are also presented and approved by Council on a monthly basis which tallies

326 Financial Monthly Low High 3 Failure to maintain an effective payments system. Yola Mitchell To minimize the risk of loss. Town Clerk responsible for control of expenditure. All payments supported by an invoice/voucher. All details are checked and payment entered onto Scribe Accounting software package. All payments are approved by Council and appendixed to minutes. All cheques signed by at least two authorised members. Signatories to endorse cheque counterfoils and check payments against invoices/payment vouchers.

Page 55 Page All expenditure is subject to sound budgetary control. Council has appointed Councillors as random audit checkers to ensure systems are being followed by

37 Financial Monthly Low High 3 Failure to set a precept within sound budgeting arrangements. Yola Mitchell To ensure that the budget procedure is both efficient Precept setting has been determined by Council and contained within Financial Regulations, detailing and effective. responsibilities and timeframe These are reviewed annually. Precept is set as a result of comprehensive budgeting detailing requirements for forthcoming year for all heads of income and expenditure. All charges made by the council are reviewed. Adequacy of all balances and reserves are reviewed as a minimum annually. Effective budget monitoring is in place throughout the year, with year to date budget sheets presented to Council on a monthly basis.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 39 19 Mar 2021 38 Financial Quarterly Low High 3 Loss of money through theft/misappropriation. Yola Mitchell To ensure that effective financial controls are in place. Town Clerk is responsible for petty cash float held in Council Offices. Receipts are issued for all income. Secure arrangements are in place for all monies held prior to banking. Proper arrangements are in place for prompt recording and banking of all cash received. Bank reconciliation carried out by Town Clerk/Assistant Clerk on a weekly basis, with Council receiving a monthly reconciliation. Council presented with financial reports on a monthly basis. Council holds adequate fidelity guarantee insurance.

36 Financial Annually Low High 3 Poor Financial Management Yola Mitchell To ensure effective management of financial affairs of Responsibility for the management of the financial affairs of the council has been established and is council. contained within Financial Regulations. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations reviewed as a minimum on an annual basis. Town Clerk maintains an effective budgetary control/financial reporting system. Council maintains an effective internal control system and internal audit. Page 56 Page

42 Financial Annually Low High 3 Risk to third party as a consequence of providing a service Yola Mitchell To protect interest of council. Appropriate insurance cover/policy is in force.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 11 11 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 40 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for GDPR Your Duty = Duty to comply with the regulations Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Data Protection Act 2018 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

845 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure in complying with special protection for children. Andrew McKenzie To have procedures and processes in place defining There is special protection for the personal data of a child. The age when a child can give their own consent how to deal with special protection of data for children is 13. If the Council requires consent from young people under 13, the Council must obtain a parent or under the age of 13. guardian’s consent in order to process the personal data lawfully. Consent forms for children aged 13 plus must be written in language that they will understand.

849 Administration/Legal 57 Page Annually Low High 3 Failure in updating the Clerks/RFO job description. Andrew McKenzie To have the Clerks/RFO job description updated to The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO can be the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the reflect the role and responsibilities if appointed as the DPO's duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The Council's DPO officer. DPO must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, and so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when the conducted ahead of the review of this policy and the reviews should be minuted.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 41 19 Mar 2021 846 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Andrew McKenzie To have an appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO could bethe Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the in place to undertake regular information audits and DPO's duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The control and manage the information collected by the DPO must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the Council. purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when a change in activity is noticed. All reviews should be minuted.

847 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to be registered with the ICO. Andrew McKenzie To be registered with the ICO. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires every data controller, eg organisation, who is processing personal information to register with the ICO, unless they are exempt. Page 58 Page

835 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to display of a Privacy notice. Andrew McKenzie To have a fully drafted privacy notice. This to be Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how the Council uses personal available for all relevant parties. data is a key element of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most common way to provide this information is in a privacy notice. This is a notice to inform individuals about what a Council does with their personal information. A privacy notice will contain the name and contact details of the data controller and Data Protection Officer, the purpose for which the information is to be used and the length of time for its use. It should be written clearly and should advise the individual that they can, at any time, withdraw their agreement for the use of this information. Issuing of a privacy notice must be detailed on the Information Audit kept by the Council. The Council will

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 42 19 Mar 2021 852 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have a GDPR document. Andrew McKenzie To have a GDPR document. The Council/DPO is required to produce a GDPR policy document. This should be reviewed at least annually or when further advice is issued by the ICO.

836 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have a Privacy notice on-line. Andrew McKenzie To have a privacy notice available on line. Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how the Council uses personal data is a key element of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most common way to provide this information is in a privacy notice. This is a notice to inform individuals about what a Council does with their personal information. A privacy notice will contain the name and contact details of the data controller and Data Protection Officer, the purpose for which the information is to be used and the length of time for its use. It should be written clearly and should

Page 59 Page advise the individual that they can, at any time, withdraw their agreement for the use of this information. Issuing of a privacy notice must be detailed on the Information Audit kept by the Council. The Council will

837 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have a privacy notice review process. Andrew McKenzie To have privacy notice review policy in place and Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how the Council uses personal agreed by the Council. data is a key element of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most common way to provide this information is in a privacy notice. This is a notice to inform individuals about what a Council does with their personal information. A privacy notice will contain the name and contact details of the data controller and Data Protection Officer, the purpose for which the information is to be used and the length of time for its use. It should be written clearly and should advise the individual that they can, at any time, withdraw their agreement for the use of this information. Issuing of a privacy notice must be detailed on the Information Audit kept by the Council. The Council will

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 43 19 Mar 2021 839 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have consent form available. Andrew McKenzie To have a consent form available on-line and in paper You may need to gather a range of different consents to cover the range of data processing form for access by all relevant parties. communications that the Council carries out. This should be achieved by the aid of a consent form/s. These forms should be kept to ensure you have evidence that consent has been obtained.

838 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have consent of data owners. Andrew McKenzie To have all relevant consent in place. You may need to gather a range of different consents to cover the range of data processing communications that the Council carries out. This should be achieved by the aid of a consent form/s. These forms should be kept to ensure you have evidence that consent has been obtained. Page 60 Page

850 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have data protection included in the Council’s Risk Management Policy. Andrew McKenzie To ensure that the council's risk management policy To ensure that the Council's risk management policy reflects the requirements of the data protection reflects the requirements of the data protection (GDPR) legislation. (GDPR) legislation.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 44 19 Mar 2021 840 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to have up to date data procedures. Andrew McKenzie To have up to date data procedures and processess in Information held and legal requirements could change so the DPO/Council should have up to date data place for full GDPR compliance. procedures and processes in place. These should be reviewed and updated regularly which will ensure full GDPR compliance.

831 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to identify what data is held and processed by the council. Andrew McKenzie To have a fully completed audit showing checks taken The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO is the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the DPO's place and listing all data held electronically and non duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The DPO electronically. must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy.

Page 61 Page Information held could change from year to year with different activities, so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when a change in activity is noticed. All reviews should be minuted.

844 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to put procedures in place to fix any data breach. Andrew McKenzie To have procedures and processes in place defining One of the duties assigned to the DPO is the investigation of any breaches. Personal data breaches should what to do in case of a data breach, including how to be reported to the DPO for investigation. The DPO will conduct this with the support of the Council. fix this. Investigations must be undertaken within one month of the report of a breach. Procedures are in place to detect, report and investigate a personal data breach. The ICO will be advised of a breach (within 3 days) where it is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals - if, for example, it could result in discrimination, damage to reputation, financial loss, loss of confidentiality, or any other significant economic or social disadvantage. Where a breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the DPO will also have to notify those concerned directly.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 45 19 Mar 2021 842 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Inability to correct data errors. Andrew McKenzie The ability to correct any data errors and record/log GDPR gives individuals rights with some enhancements to those rights already in place, the right to be these amendments. Also, to have a process in place informed of the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, to inform the user that data has been amended. right to data portability, the right to object, the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling. The two enhancements of GDPR are that individuals now have a right to have their personal data erased (sometime known as the 'right to be forgotten') where their personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was originally collected and data portability must be done free of charge. Data portability refers to the ability to move, copy or transfer data easily between different computers.

843 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Inability to delete data. Andrew McKenzie The ability to delete a user's data and record/log this If a request is received to delete information, then the DPO must respond to this request within a month. action. Also have a process in place to inform the The DPO has the delegated authority from the Council to delete information. If a request is considered to user that data has been removed/deleted. be manifestly unfounded then the request could be refused or a charge may apply. If a charge is applied this should be detailed in the Council's web site. The Council should be informed of such requests. Page 62 Page

841 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non availability for owner to view their data. Andrew McKenzie The ability to allow the data owner to view their own GDPR gives individuals rights with some enhancements to those rights already in place, the right to be data held by the Council. informed of the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, right to data portability, the right to object, the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling. The two enhancements of GDPR are that individuals now have a right to have their personal data erased (sometime known as the 'right to be forgotten') where their personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was originally collected and data portability must be done free of charge. Data portability refers to the ability to move, copy or transfer data easily between different computers.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 46 19 Mar 2021 853 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non compliance of Council members and contractors. Andrew McKenzie That all employees, volunteers, councillors and GDPR requires that everyone within the Council must understand the implications of GDPR and that roles contractors understand how to comply with GDPR and duties must be assigned. All employees, volunteers, councillors and contractors are expected to regulations. comply with this policy at all times to protect privacy, confidentiality and the interests of the Council.

851 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non compliance of Council to manage the process. Andrew McKenzie That the Council manage the GDPR process. The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO can be the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the DPO's duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The DPO must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, and so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when the conducted

Page 63 Page ahead of the review of this policy and the reviews should be minuted.

848 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non display of this policy on the Councils web site. Andrew McKenzie To have our Privacy notice available on-line for Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how the Council uses personal general access/viewing. data is a key element of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most common way to provide this information is in a privacy notice. This is a notice to inform individuals about what a Council does with their personal information. A privacy notice will contain the name and contact details of the data controller and Data Protection Officer, the purpose for which the information is to be used and the length of time for its use. It should be written clearly and should advise the individual that they can, at any time, withdraw their agreement for the use of this information. Issuing of a privacy notice must be detailed on the Information Audit kept by the Council. The Council will

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 47 19 Mar 2021 832 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non identification of how long the data held. Andrew McKenzie The ability to identify how long the data has been held The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO is the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the DPO's by the Council and review if holding this data is still duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The DPO required and if not can be deleted. must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, and so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when the conducted ahead of the review of this policy and the reviews should be minuted.

834 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non identification of security and controls of data held. Andrew McKenzie To record and identify what security and controls are The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO is the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the DPO's in place to the secure the data. duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The DPO must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, so the information audit should be Page 64 Page reviewed at least annually or when a change in activity is noticed. All reviews should be minuted.

833 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non identification of who holds and can access the data Andrew McKenzie To record and identify all data held and who can The Council is the data controller and the Clerk/RFO can be the Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the access it. DPO's duty to undertake an information audit and to manage the information collected by the Council. The DPO must undertake an information audit which details the personal data held, where it came from, the purpose for holding that information and with whom the Council will share that information. This will include information held electronically or as a hard copy. Information held could change from year to year with different activities, so the information audit should be reviewed at least annually or when a change in activity is noticed. All reviews should be minuted.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 23 23 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 48 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Gifts Your Duty = Power to accept Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 139 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

314 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to notify/record gifts. Andrew McKenzie To protect interest of council and members. Ensure that all staff/members are aware of responsibilities. Maintain gift register.

Page 65 Page No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 1 1 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 49 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Investments Your Duty = Power to participate in schemes of collective investment Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 11 Trustee Investments Act 1961 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

167 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of Investment Register Yola Mitchell To maintain proper records. Determine responsibility for maintenance of investment register. Maintain effective internal audit. Page 66 Page 166 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to review interest rates etc. Yola Mitchell To maximize return on investments. Determine policy and responsibility for investment of council funds. Carry out regular review to ensure maximum return is achieved. Maintain effective internal audit.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 50 19 Mar 2021 164 Financial Annually Low High 3 Financial Loss i.e. theft Yola Mitchell To minimize risk arising from theft/misappropriation. Determine policy/responsibility for investment. Ensure that investment / transfer / withdrawal of funds are subject to council approval. Ensure that all transactions are subject to counter signatures of clerk/authorised council members. Arrange regular reporting to the council or relevant committee.

165 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inappropriate investment Yola Mitchell To ensure integrity of investment. Define policy and responsibility for investment of council funds. Record details/approval of all investments in council minutes. Ensure regular report to council Page 67 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 4 4 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 51 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Land Your Duty = Power to acquire by agreement, to appropriate, to dispose of land Dawlish Town Council Power to accept gifts of land Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 124, 126, 127 and 139 - Local Government Act 1972, Local Government Act Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action 1972 Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

162 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Maintenance and Security of Deeds of ownership etc. Andrew McKenzie To ensure security of records. Town Clerk is responsible for the adequate security of Council records. All deeds, leases and relevant documents are held in fire proof deed boxes inside a locked cupboard within the Town Council offices. Where possible paper and electronic copies are also held. Page 68 Page 163 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Maintenance of Asset Register Andrew McKenzie To ensure that all assets of the council are properly Town Clerk responsible for maintenance of an asset register. recorded. All purchases/disposals are accurately and promptly recorded.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 52 19 Mar 2021 784 Environmental Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to comply within consultation deadline. Andrew McKenzie To meet consultation timetable. Ensure adequate number of Planning and Environment committee meetings are arranged. Where necessary liaise with the Planning Authority for possible extension.

158 Environmental Annually Medium Medium 4 Yes Fly tipping Andrew McKenzie To minimize risks associated with fly tipping. All Council owned land is inspected on a regular basis. Members of the public are encouraged to report any issues they identify. The Town Council will address any issues as they arise. The Town Council will liaise with the police and/or other authorities where necessary. Page 69 Page

156 Environmental Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of land including grass cutting Andrew McKenzie To ensure that council assets are properly Maintenance contracts are in place to ensure that a planned programme is in place. maintained. Work is inspected on a random and regular basis to ensure the contracts are being adequately fulfilled, with action taken to remedy any issues when and where identified.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 53 19 Mar 2021 157 Environmental Annually Low High 3 Vandalism Andrew McKenzie To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Land is inspected on a regular basis. vandalism. Security is reviewed regularly and local police are consulted as and when required. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate.

161 Financial Annually Low High 3 Failure to collect income Andrew McKenzie To minimize risk of loss. Maintain records of all rents, tithes etc. due from land holdings. Ensure that conditions of contracts are adhered to. Town Clerk responsible for collection of income All income due to the council and received is properly recorded. Issue receipts for all income received. Follow defined procedure for reminders in respect of unpaid accounts Page 70 Page Take appropriate recovery action where necessary. Write off irrecoverable sums to be subject to council approval.

160 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to review rents and other charges Andrew McKenzie To ensure that all rents and charges are subject to All rents and charges are subject to review as part of the budgetary process. review. Contractual conditions for review of land rents etc. are strictly adhered to.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 54 19 Mar 2021 159 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper budget provision. Ensure that all anticipated income/costs are provided for in Budgetary process.

152 Physical Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of fences, hedges, gates, footpaths etc. Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper maintenance of council owned Maintenance contracts are in place to ensure work is undertaken within a planned programme. assets. All works undertaken by Contractors are randomly and regularly inspected to ensure that maintenance has been properly carried out, with action taken to remedy any non-compliant issues identified. Page 71 Page

154 Physical Monthly Low High 3 Maintenance of furniture Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper maintenance of council assets. Register of all furniture is maintained. Regular inspections are carried out with action taken to remedy any issues identified.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 55 19 Mar 2021 151 Physical Annually Low High 3 Public/Personal Injury Andrew McKenzie To minimize risk of injury. Ensure that all staff have appropriate training and adhere to approved working practices. Ensure that the correct, properly maintained tools/equipment are available as appropriate. Ensure that all appropriate disclaimer notices, warning signs etc. are in place. Ensure that any risks to the public are minimised and eliminated wherever possible. Maintain records of training. Maintain records of any injuries. Define responsibility in job descriptions etc. Ensure that the council holds adequate insurance cover.

153 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of equipment Andrew McKenzie To ensure that proper security arrangements are in Define policy for security of premises and equipment. place. Determine responsibility for security/control of equipment. Ensure effective security arrangements in place. Maintain asset register. Page 72 Page

155 Physical Annually Low High 3 Unauthorised access/trespass Andrew McKenzie To maintain security of council assets. Council has policies in place for access to land. Appropriate signage is in place. Town Council liaises with local police as and when required. The Town Council will instigate appropriate action against offenders.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 14 14 1 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 56 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Markets Your Duty = Power to provide Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Private Acts of Parliament, Charters, Part 111 of Food & Drugs Act 1955 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

146 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Agreements with stall holders. Angie Weatherhead To ensure proper administration of market. Ensure that a signed agreement is in place as a pre-requisite to market stall occupation. Make appropriate arrangements in respect of casual users. Maintain a register of stall holders.

1 Administration/Legal 73 Page Annually Low High 3 Contracts with Service providers ie Waste disposal Angie Weatherhead To ensure that proper arrangements are in place. Ensure that all signed contracts are in place. Check that insurance requirements etc are being met. Enforce conditions of contract.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 57 19 Mar 2021 147 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Inadequate insurance cover Angie Weatherhead To ensure that appropriate insurance cover is in place. Define council policy for insurance. Ensure that appropriate cover is held for all statutory and other risks. Arrange periodical review.

141 Environmental Monthly Low Medium 2 Inadequate cleaning of market premises. Angie Weatherhead To maintain high standard of service provision. Determine responsibility for cleanliness/hygiene of premises. Maintain a maintenance log/cleaning regime. Enforce conditions for stall holders. Arrange for periodical check. Page 74 Page

142 Environmental Weekly Medium Medium 4 Yes Rubbish accumulation Angie Weatherhead To maintain high standard of cleanliness and minimise Define responsibility for cleanliness/hygiene of premises risk. Maintain a maintenance log/cleaning regime. Arrange for periodical check.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 58 19 Mar 2021 143 Environmental Annually Low High 3 Vandalism Angie Weatherhead To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Maintain efficient and effective security. vandalism. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. To minimise the impact on service provision. Take action as appropriate against offenders.

145 Financial Annually Low High 3 Failure to collect income Angie Weatherhead To maximize income and minimize the risk of loss. Determine responsibility for collection of income Ensure that all income due to the council and received is properly recorded. Issue receipts for all income received. Arrange for prompt banking of receipts. Ensure procedures are in place for issue of reminders for unpaid accounts. Follow defined procedure for reminders.

Page 75 Page Take appropriate recovery action where necessary. Arrange appropriate internal audit testing.

144 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to review charges Angie Weatherhead To ensure that all charges are reviewed annually. Ensure that all charges are reviewed as an integral part of the budgetary process.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 59 19 Mar 2021 340 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate budget provision Angie Weatherhead To ensure proper financial provision. Ensure that service income/expenditure is detailed in budgetary process.

140 Physical As and when Low High 3 Control of hazardous substances Angie Weatherhead To minimize risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Define responsibility for use and control. use of hazardous substances. Provide for any necessary training. Provide for appropriate protective clothing. Ensure that any necessary licences, certificates for use have been obtained. Ensure that security is sound. Ensure that any disposals are properly dealt with. Page 76 Page Maintain proper records.

139 Physical Monthly Low Medium 2 Encroachment by stallholders Angie Weatherhead To control market stall size. Ensure that the size of market stalls is defined in rental agreement/register. Carry out regular inspections to ensure that actual size does not exceed that approved. Define council policy and apply additional charges/take action against offenders where applicable.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 60 19 Mar 2021 352 Physical Monthly Low High 3 Fire Angie Weatherhead To safeguard against fire risk. Ensure Health/Safety testing complete. Ensure appropriate staff training Provide for strict security/control of combustible materials held by council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure appropriate regulations/controls in hire documentation.

136 Physical Monthly Low High 3 Maintenance of equipment Angie Weatherhead To ensure proper maintenance of equipment and Define responsibility for equipment maintenance and ensure any necessary training is complete. minimize loss/damage/injury. Ensure that where appropriate proper maintenance contracts are in place. Ensure that all equipment is properly maintained through regular inspection/servicing. Page 77 Page

134 Physical Quarterly Low High 3 Maintenance of market Angie Weatherhead To ensure proper maintenance of property and Determine responsibility for maintenance. minimize loss/damage/injury. Carry out regular inspections of all premises. Maintain detailed records of all work scheduled/completed.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 61 19 Mar 2021 138 Physical Daily Low Medium 2 Occupation of Unauthorised stalls Angie Weatherhead To control market stall occupation and maximise Maintain register of approved stall holders. income. Carry out regular inspection of market sites. Instigate action against offenders.

137 Physical Daily Low High 3 Public/Personal Injury Angie Weatherhead To minimize the risk of injury. Define responsibility for all areas of the market operation. Ensure that appropriate regulations/controls are in place to minimise the risk of injury to all market users. Arrange regular site inspection to ensure that defined standards are being maintained.

Take action where necessary against offenders. Page 78 Page

135 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of equipment Angie Weatherhead To minimize the risk of loss through Define policy for security of premises and equipment theft/misappropriation. Define responsibility for security/control of equipment. Maintain asset register.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 62 19 Mar 2021 133 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of market Angie Weatherhead To maintain security of council premises. Responsibility for security defined. Staff employed or contract with service provider in place. Appropriate staff training complete. Detailed schedules/records maintained. Liaison with local enforcement agencies maintained.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 18 18 1 scored: Plans: Page 79 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 63 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Meeting of the Council Your Duty = Duty to meet Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 12 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

360 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Disability & Discrimination Act Andrew McKenzie Ensure that provisions of the act are met. There is a lift to the first floor as well as a wide staircase. In the event the lift is not working the meeting will be moved to a ground floor meeting room. A wireless hearing loop is used during meetings. All conditions of the Act as they affect service provision are met. Town Clerk responsible for ensuring that standards/ongoing requirements are met. Periodical review of service. Page 80 Page 33 Administration/Legal Monthly Low High 3 Failure to comply with new Regulations /Legislation Andrew McKenzie All Meetings open to everyone. Town Clerk to keep up to date with changing regulations/legislation and undertake training as required. Council to ensure membership of appropriate local/national associations is maintained. Council to continue to subscribe to appropriate publications. Encourage staff networking. Clerk to undertake CPD and training as and when required/appropriate. Poster is displaying regarding the recording of meetings.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 64 19 Mar 2021 31 Administration/Legal Monthly Low High 3 Failure to meet statutory duty on meetings Andrew McKenzie All Meetings open to everyone. All notices are posted in the prescribed places 3 clear days prior to any meeting. All Councillors are notified of Meetings by way of a summons and agenda. Minutes of all meetings are taken and kept. Attendance records are maintained. All meetings comply with LGA 1972. Clerk is CiLCA qualified.

32 Administration/Legal Quarterly Low High 3 Failure to report Council business in Minutes Andrew McKenzie Proper recording of council minutes. Ensure proper, timely and accurate recording of council business in the minutes. Minutes drafted within 7 days of meeting taking place. All minutes comply with the requirements of LGA 1972. Resolutions clearly identifiable. Accurate minute numbering, signed and paginated. Maintain security of master copy. Page 81 Page

34 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to respond to the elector's wish to exercise its rights Andrew McKenzie All Meetings open to everyone. Ensure members and staff are aware of Electors' Rights. Follow procedures for dealing with enquiries. Increase awareness of accessibility of the Council to the public.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 5 5 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 65 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Newsletters Your Duty = Power to provide from 'free resource' Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 137 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

130 Administration/Legal As and when Low High 3 Defamation Angie Weatherhead To minimize associated risk. All input is subject to careful check by Lead Councillor and Officers before going to print. Arrange for professional examination of any sensitive material. Ensure that adequate insurance cover is held. Page 82 Page 132 Administration/Legal Quarterly N/A N/A 0 Failure to meet minimum requirement for quality status Angie Weatherhead To meet required standard. Arrange testing/ assessment of input to ensure that requirement is met.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 66 19 Mar 2021 131 Administration/Legal As and when Low Medium 2 Failure to meet statutory obligation re non - political content Angie Weatherhead To meet required standard. Ensure that content of newsletter is carefully tested to ensure that statutory requirement is met.

128 Environmental Quarterly Low Medium 2 Failure to deliver Angie Weatherhead To minimise the risk of failing to deliver the publication Test distribution arrangements. Ensure adequate fall back options are in place in the event agreed distribution is unable to take place. Page 83 Page

341 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate budget provision Angie Weatherhead To ensure review of service requirement. Ensure that service requirements are included in budgetary process.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 67 19 Mar 2021 127 Physical Quarterly Low Low 1 Non production of newsletter Angie Weatherhead Events, Projects & Tourism Office in consultation with the Town Clerk responsible for ensuring all publication deadlines are met. Contracts with printers are agreed.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 6 6 0 scored: Plans: Page 84 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 68 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Play Areas Your Duty = Power to provide Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 19 Local Government(Misc Provisions) Act 1976 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

324 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Inadequate maintenance of records Andrew McKenzie To maintain a register of complaints/injuries and action To ensure that proper records of all complaints/injuries are maintained. taken.

344 Financial 85 Page Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper financial provision. Ensure that service requirements are detailed in annual budget process.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 69 19 Mar 2021 323 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate insurance cover Andrew McKenzie To ensure that council has adequate insurance. To include all relevant risks on the councils insurance policy.

322 Physical Daily Low High 3 Personal Injury Andrew McKenzie To ensure play surfaces & equipment are in a safe Define responsibility for regular inspection of play areas. condition. Define responsibility for and ensure regular inspection of play equipment & play surfaces Arrange periodical inspection and report by suitably qualified RoSPA inspector. All high and medium risks identified in the RoSPA report are actioned and removed. Low risk items are also removed unless the level of expenditure involved is considered too high for the level of the risk identified. Page 86 Page Inspection timetable is adhered to for all levels of inspection. Records kept of all inspections/maintenance.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 4 4 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 70 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Provision of Office Accommodation Your Duty = Power to provide Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 133 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

345 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper financial provision. Ensure requirements included in annual budget process.

353 Physical 87 Page Annually Low High 3 Fire Andrew McKenzie To safeguard against fire risk. Arranegment with fire safety firm for completion of fire risk assessments. Staff receive health and safety training. Strict security/control of combustible materials held by council. Fire extinguishers etc. Fire alarm tested weekly. Fire drills held on a regular basis

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 71 19 Mar 2021 399 Physical As and when Low High 3 Legionella bacteria in water supply Andrew McKenzie Risk Assessment required every two years, if Only toilet, handwashing facilities and kitchen sinks are provided in buildings belonging to the Town applicable Council. Greater risk from Legionella bacteria could occur in showering facilities.

All council owned community buildings receive regular testing.

24 Physical Quarterly Low Medium 2 Poor Office Conditions Andrew McKenzie All office accommodation to be of a good standard Periodical inspection of office conducted by Town Clerk. Engage appropriate structural surveyor to provide any adverse conditions reported to Dawlish Town Council as owner. Arrange repair/maintenance etc. Page 88 Page

25 Physical Monthly Low Medium 2 Poor/Faulty Office Furniture Andrew McKenzie To maintain approved standards for office furniture Arrange periodical inspection of office furniture and fittings. and fittings. Where appropriate submit report to council/committee for approval to repair/replace.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 72 19 Mar 2021 26 Technical Monthly Low High 3 Defective Electrical Equipment/Machinery Andrew McKenzie Ensure maintenance agreement/contract in place where appropriate. Allocate responsibility for local repair/maintenance. Restrict access to qualified personnel only. Arrange regular inspection to ensure that any statutory obligations are met. Maintain appropriate records.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 6 6 0 scored: Plans: Page 89 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 73 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Provision of Website/Internet Access Your Duty = Power to provide from 'free resource' Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 137 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

346 Financial Annually Low Low 1 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper financial provision Ensure service requirement is included in annual budgetary process. Page 90 Page 28 Technical Weekly Low High 3 Failure of Website/Internet Providers Andrew McKenzie To maintain high standard of service provision. Ensure a backup copy of data is maintained. Liaise with provider to ensure early reinstatement of service.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 74 19 Mar 2021 857 Technical Annually Low High 3 Inaccessible website Andrew McKenzie Public sector websites mustt comply to WCAG2.1 with The Town Council engages a web design company that specifically creates WCAG 2.1 AA standard an AA or AAA standard websites A quarterly compliance report is run to ensure continued compliance Training provided to staff

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 3 3 0 scored: Plans: Page 91 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 75 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Public buildings and Village hall Your Duty = Power to provide buildings for offices and for public meetings and assemblies Assessment year: Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 133 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

112 Administration/Legal Annually N/A N/A 0 Absence of service level agreements Andrew McKenzie Ensure that all service level agreements are fully completed and operational. Monitor performance to ensure conditions met. Review conditions periodically. Page 92 Page 114 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to complete user agreements Andrew McKenzie To provide effective control of facility bookings etc. Determine responsibility for dealing with user applications. Completed agreement to be a pre-requisite of facility hire. Arrange periodical review of conditions of use etc.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 76 19 Mar 2021 113 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Failure to obtain necessary licences. Andrew McKenzie To meet all statutory requirements for service Determine responsibility for obtaining licences. provision. Maintain adequate records of licence application, renewal etc. Ensure premises licence is in place.

116 Administration/Legal Annually Low Low 1 Inadequate representation on management committee Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper council representation. Arrange appointment of council representatives as set out in management agreement. Arrange periodical report on council agenda. Page 93 Page

115 Administration/Legal Quarterly Low Medium 2 Maintenance of diary of events etc Manda Stone To provide effective control of facility bookings etc. Determine responsibility for maintenance of events diary. Ensure that a completed booking/application lettings agreement is a prerequisite to facility hire. All applications to be cross referenced to account/receipt number and filed.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 77 19 Mar 2021 108 Environmental Annually Low Medium 2 Noise etc pollution Andrew McKenzie To minimize risk/complaint arising from noise pollution Where appropriate set conditions in hire documentation at council owned facilities. Carry out regular site inspections. Maintain record of any complaints received and instigate prompt action where appropriate. Liaise with local enforcement agencies.

111 Financial Annually Low High 3 Failure to collect income. Andrew McKenzie To collect and bank all income due. Determine responsibility for collection of income Ensure that all income due to the council and received is properly recorded. Ensure receipts are issued for all income received. Arrange for prompt banking of all income. Ensure procedures are in place for issue of reminders for unpaid accounts. Follow defined procedure for reminders. Page 94 Page Ensure Council approval for write-off on any bad debts. Ensure audit testing procedures are in place.

110 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to set/review charges. Andrew McKenzie To ensure annual review of all charges. Ensure that all charges are reviewed annually as an integral part of the budgetary process.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 78 19 Mar 2021 109 Financial Annually Low High 3 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To provide for budgetary review of service. Ensure that service/facility requirements are detailed in Budget process and reviewed annually.

103 Physical Quarterly Low High 3 Fire Andrew McKenzie To safeguard against fire risk. Ensure Health/Safety testing complete. Ensure appropriate staff training Ensure a strict 'no smoking' and 'no naked flame' policy operates throughout all council buildings. Provide for strict control of combustible materials held by the council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Fire alarm and emergency lighting system in place.

Page 95 Page Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure that a Fire risk assessment is reviewed annually.

106 Physical Annually Low High 3 Hazardous substances Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk associated with the use of hazardous Define responsibility for use and control. substances. Provide for any necessary training. Provide for appropriate protective clothing. Ensure that any necessary licences, certificates for use have been obtained. Ensure that security is sound. Ensure that COSHH regulations adhered to regarding the storage of cleaning substances.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 79 19 Mar 2021 102 Physical Annually Low High 3 Maintenance of buildings Andrew McKenzie To ensure proper maintenance of premises and Define responsibility for maintenance. minimize risk of loss/damage/injury. Carry out regular inspections of all buildings. Ensure that where appropriate proper contractual arrangements are in place. Arrange staff training where required. Detailed records kept of all work scheduled/completed. That each building is individual risk assessed. That the risk assessments are reviewed annually.

101 Physical Annually Low High 3 Security of premises and contents Andrew McKenzie To safeguard council assets. Define policy for security of premises and equipment Maintain asset register and photographs of all items of any value together with a digital back up copy. Allocate responsibility for security/control of equipment. All offices/premises are locked outside working hours. Letting agreements are in place with a condition to secure building on departure. Page 96 Page

107 Physical As and when N/A N/A 0 Stock control Andrew McKenzie To minimize the risk of loss. Define responsibility for stock. Arrange for regular stock checks. Reconcile stock to sales/usage. Investigate significant differences. Maintain comprehensive stock records.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 80 19 Mar 2021 104 Physical Annually Low High 3 Theft Andrew McKenzie To minimize the risk of loss through Determine responsibility for security. theft/misappropriation. Ensure that security of all plant, equipment and premises is recognised as a priority. Provide for required staff training Maintain register of assets. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies.

105 Physical Annually Low High 3 Vandalism. Andrew McKenzie To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Maintain efficient and effective security. vandalism. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. Take action as appropriate against offenders. Page 97 Page

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 16 16 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Sheet 81 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Shelters & Seats Your Duty = Power to provide Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 4 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

372 Administration/Legal Annually N/A N/A 0 Provision of inadequate standard of seating. Angie Weatherhead To minimise risk arising from provision. Town Council has a seating policy including a list of preferred suppliers. All prospective donors are provided with a copy of the policy. Carry out inspection of all seating prior to acceptance. Arrange secure installation. Page 98 Page 370 Environmental Annually Medium Medium 4 Yes Vandalism Angie Weatherhead To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Maintain liaison with enforcement agencies. vandalism. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate. To minimise risk arising from anti-social behaviour.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 82 19 Mar 2021 351 Physical Annually Low High 3 Fire Angie Weatherhead To safeguard against fire risk. Ensure Health/Safety testing complete. Ensure appropriate staff training Provide for strict security/control of combustible materials held by council. Provide appropriate extinguishers etc. Ensure appropriate signage in place. Ensure appropriate regulations/controls adhered to.

362 Physical Annually N/A N/A 0 Injury or damage arising from use. Angie Weatherhead To minimise risk arising from use. Carry out regular inspection of public seating & maintain records. Have necessary arrangements in place for repair/renewal. Ensure that appropriate insurance cover is held. Page 99 Page

371 Technical Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate maintenance of shelters & seats Angie Weatherhead To minimise risk arising. Arrange regular inspection and cleaning. Arrange repairs and maintenance as per programme or as required. Have arrangement in place to remove/replace dangerous equipment. Maintain records of repair and maintenance.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 83 19 Mar 2021 361 Technical Annually N/A N/A 0 Provision of inadequate public seating Angie Weatherhead To ensure that standards as determined by council are Ensure that all applicants wishing to provide public seating are provided with a copy of the council policy. met. Inspect all seats prior to acceptance to ensure required standards are met.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 6 6 1 scored: Plans: Page 100 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 84 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Skatepark Your Duty = Power to provide Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 19 Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

311 Administration/Legal Annually N/A N/A 0 Maintenance of equipment hire record Andrew McKenzie To ensure that proper records are maintained for hired Ensure that the position of the council is fully protected through the completion of hire documentation that equipment. defines responsibility for injury, damage etc. Ensure that hire records are fully maintained. Periodically review conditions of hire to ensure compliance with legislation etc.

367 Environmental 101 Page Monthly Low Medium 2 Inadequate Safety Signage Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Ensure that a notice is displayed at the site providing minimum advice:- Location of nearest telephone and first aid facilities. Any restrictions of use i.e. equipment and age. Persons use facility only at their own risk. Users must wear appropriate protective clothing. No glass, dogs or alcohol allowed on site. The maximum number of users at any one time.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 85 19 Mar 2021 366 Environmental Weekly Low High 3 Vandalism Andrew McKenzie To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Take reasonable action to maintain security of site. vandalism. Arrange for regular site visits. To minimise risk arising from anti-social behaviour. Consider use of professional security service where necessary. Maintain liaison with law enforcement agencies. Define policy for dealing with offenders.

363 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Legal Liability arising from asset ownership Andrew McKenzie To ensure control of risk. Ensure that council's insurer is aware of facility provision. Ensure adequate cover is provided in policy. Carry out annual review. Page 102 Page

364 Physical Monthly Low Medium 2 General Health & Safety Andrew McKenzie To minimise risks arising. Determine responsibility for inspection of site. Provide for any necessary staff training. Provide for appropriate protective clothing. Carry out regular inspections on a predetermined basis to clear site of litter & fly tipping. Inspect site for, and deal with, any dangerous/foul matter i.e. glass, needles etc. Maintain detailed records of inspections which must be dated and signed.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 86 19 Mar 2021 365 Physical Weekly Medium High 6 Yes Injury to users arising from accident. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Determine responsibility for inspection of equipment. Annual inspection by ROSPA. . Weekly inspection of equipment, surfaces and signage undertaken by Council officers. Place any damaged equipment out of use until repair or replacement carried out. Maintain records of all inspections, reported damage and repairs/work ordered and completed. Maintain an Accident Book specifically for the purpose of reported accidents.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 6 6 1 scored: Plans: Page 103 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 87 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Tourism Your Duty = Power to contribute to organisations encouraging tourism Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 144 Local Government Act 1972 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

355 Financial Annually Low Medium 2 Inappropriate funding applications Yola Mitchell To ensure integrity of funding. Determine procedures for dealing with grant/loan applications. Ensure that any conditions are adhered to. Carry out regular monitoring and review. Page 104 Page

59 Physical Annually Low Low 1 Inadequate budget provision Yola Mitchell To ensure proper financial provision. Ensure that service requirement is included in annual budget process.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 2 2 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 88 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Town and Country Planning Your Duty = Right to be notified of planning applications Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 1 (p8) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

62 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to meet consultation deadlines. Yola Mitchell To meet consultation timetable. Planning applications are considered on average three weekly at Planning Committee meetings. Where necessary liaise with the Planning Authority for possible extension. Council responses to planning applications are submitted to the Planning Authority the day after the meeting.

61 Administration/Legal 105 Page Annually Low Low 1 Maintenance of register/records Yola Mitchell All planning applications are e-mailed directly to the Council, these are cross referenced against the weekly list to ensure that no applications are missing. The planning applications form part of the Council minutes, so all decisions/comments are recorded within the Council minutes.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 89 19 Mar 2021 60 Physical Annually Low Low 1 Security of records Yola Mitchell To safeguard planning records. Planning records are held by the Planning Authority. Details of decisions taken by the Council are held with the minutes electronically as well as paper copies, and on the online application held in the Planning authority's planning portal.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 3 3 0 scored: Plans: Page 106 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 90 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for War Memorials Your Duty = Power to maintain, repair, protect and adapt war memorials Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = s 1, 133 - War Memorials (Local Authorities’ Powers) Act 1923, as extended Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action by Local Government Act 1948, Local Government Act 1972 s 272 & schedule Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required 30 and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

313 Physical Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate budget provision Andrew McKenzie To ensure annual service review. Review service provision within annual budget process. Earmarked reserve fund is held for any unscheduled works that are required.

359 Physical 107 Page Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate maintenance. Andrew McKenzie To maintain war memorial and the surrounding area to War memorial is inspected on a regular basis with any works identified being undertaken by a professional an acceptable standard contractor.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 91 19 Mar 2021 57 Physical As and when Medium High 6 Yes Vandalism Andrew McKenzie To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from Members of the public are encouraged to report any issues. vandalism. Maintain liaison with local police. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate. Insurance held.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 3 3 1 scored: Plans: Page 108 Page

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 92 19 Mar 2021 LCRS Step 5 - Risk report for Web Sites Your Duty = Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Scoring note: Action by: Your Act = Low = 1 Review Likelihood Impact action Medium = 2 Risk / timing & of on required and High = 3 ID Hazard / Requirement Control Responsibility occurrence Council Score (>3)

374 Administration/Legal As and when Low Medium 2 Availability of Software tools to build and manage site Andrew McKenzie To ensure that the council has full control of website. Ensure that the council controls ownership of the necessary software including website editor, FTP (File Transfer Tool), anti virus software, image management software and a word processor.

386 Administration/Legal 109 Page Annually Low High 3 Compromise of copyright by inclusion of website links or frames. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. If web site contains links to other sites ensure permission of destination website is prerequisite.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 93 19 Mar 2021 387 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Confusion arising from links to external websites Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Ensure that adequate control is in place and that web site makes clear council privacy policy that it is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites.

321 Administration/Legal Low Medium 2 Content Andrew McKenzie To maintain effective administration. Ensure that all content is specifically approved by council. Lead Councillor has been appointed to oversee the Council's communication policy. Councillors are regularly asked for feedback on Town Council website. Page 110 Page

376 Administration/Legal Annually Low Medium 2 Dependence upon an individual Andrew McKenzie To ensure that the site activity is not restricted to one Ensure that a minimum of two people have the necessary ability to undertake all website activity and are up person. to date with current site status. Provide training where necessary to minimise risk.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 94 19 Mar 2021 373 Administration/Legal Low High 3 Insurance Andrew McKenzie To protect council. Ensure that appropriate insurance cover is held by council.

383 Administration/Legal Quarterly Low Medium 2 Lack of motivation for continued management of website. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Recognise risks associated with poor site maintenance and development - lack of users - lack of feed back - user dissatisfaction - waste of resources. Ensure that proper recognition is given to site manager. Arrange for regular review of site content and development. Lead Councillor has been appointed to oversee the Council's communication policy. Councillors are regularly asked for feedback on Town Council website. Page 111 Page

385 Administration/Legal Annually N/A N/A 0 Lack of visibility of visitor numbers. Andrew McKenzie To maintain adequate statistics. Ensure that a web site statistics package is available on site. Ensure that website statistics are available to council and are regularly reported to the appropriate council/committee meeting. Ensure that examination of detail is an integral part of the process.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 95 19 Mar 2021 377 Administration/Legal Monthly Low High 3 Loss of Data/ Inability to access backup Andrew McKenzie To avoid risk arising from loss of data. Website is subject to outside management and regularly backed up and reviewed.

381 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non compliance with Freedom of Information Act Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Ensure that legal requirements are met in full. Ensure that ALL information, as declared in the Council Model publication, is available via the clerk to the council and alternatively via the website. Page 112 Page

854 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Non compliance with website accessibility reglulations Andrew McKenzie To be compliant with the Public Sector Bodies Audit the website using several WCAG compliance check tools (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Make the corrections Accessibility Regulations 2018 Re-audit and provide a summary to the Council

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 96 19 Mar 2021 382 Administration/Legal As and when Low High 3 Non conformance with the Data Protection Act Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Where posting information to website, or storing personal information, ensure that permission is in place and the eight principles of data protection have been followed. The data must be; fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate; not kept longer than necessary; processed in accordance with the data subject's rights; secure; and not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

316 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Ownership and Control of Universal Resource Locator (URL) Andrew McKenzie To ensure that council has full control of website. Ensure that Clerk to the Council is listed as registrant of website when Web address is purchased and registered. Ensure that hosting charges and domain renewal charges are met by council. Ensure that council has full details of web address, account name, username and password to manage the web address. Page 113 Page

389 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Risk arising from paid advertising Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Determine council policy for accepting paid advertising. Ensure that all advertisements comply with the Advertising Standards.

Formulate Terms & Conditions for advertisers, including refund policy should advert be withdrawn from display. Ensure that provision is included to deal with advertising proving unreliable or offensive including capability for rapid removal from website.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 97 19 Mar 2021 375 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 Risk arising from use of unlicensed software Andrew McKenzie To ensure that the council is protected from charges of The council must ensure that only properly licensed software is used and must maintain records of all condoning use of unlicensed software. software used to build and manage the site. This is particularly important where the site is built or managed on behalf of the council.

388 Administration/Legal Annually Low High 3 The placing of information on site that may put people at risk. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. The Council does not publish information about individuals. Page 114 Page

380 Technical Annually Low Medium 2 Failure to meet needs/expectations of visitors to site. Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk. Employ only suitably skilled persons to design develop site. Maintain a record of all views, comments, complaints received. Carry out a regular review of the website, with third parties where appropriate and initiate agreed changes/improvements where necessary. Maintain dialogue with site visitors where appropriate.

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 98 19 Mar 2021 378 Technical Annually Low Medium 2 Inadequate control of website Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk arising from third party input. Ensure in all circumstances where third party is involved in design and control of website that a written formal agreement is in place that details financial and other responsibilities between the council and third party(s). Issue a set of written guidelines controlling site content.

384 Technical Quarterly Low Medium 2 Lack of visibility of website to search engines Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk and maximise visitor numbers. Website is regularly updated and can be found when googled. Page 115 Page

379 Technical As and when Low High 3 Risk arising from poor design / appearance of website Andrew McKenzie To minimise risk arising from poor design. Ensure that design is undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced operators. Get details of and view previously developed sites. Set standards for site design and ensure that council is provided with full details prior to implementation.

No of risks No of Action Completed by: Date: Position: No of Risks 20 20 0 scored: Plans:

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 99 19 Mar 2021 This page is intentionally left blank LCRS 7. Action Plan/s for Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Risk / Hazard Likelihood & Score Responsibility & Action Action by date ID Requirement / Control Impact Action to be taken Action by completed Land

158 Environmental Fly tipping Medium 4 In addition to the existing controls, Andrew McKenzie 15/04/2021 Medium regular liaising with Teignbridge concerning Manor Gardens and other To minimize risks associated with fly tipping. Andrew McKenzie nearby land owned by the District All Council owned land is inspected on a regular basis. Council that abuts the Town Council's Members of the public are encouraged to report any issues they identify. land. The Town Council will address any issues as they arise. The Town Council will liaise with the police and/or other authorities where necessary.

Submitted to council: No of issues listed: 1

Minute reference: Date: Page 117 Page Signed by chairperson - Chairperson name: Councillor Alison Foden

Signed by responsible Finance officer: Yola Mitchell

How to complete (individual risk section): 1. Action to be taken - brief description of proposed action that will be taken to control this risk, including any Insurance or Health and Safety issues. 2. Action by person - the name or names of the persons taking the relevant actions. 3. Action by date - the proposed date that this action should be completed by. 4. Action completed - that the proposed action has been taken (ticked) (not recorded on LCRS .

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 LCRS 7. Action Plan/s for Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Risk / Hazard Likelihood & Score Responsibility & Action Action by date ID Requirement / Control Impact Action to be taken Action by completed Markets

142 Environmental Rubbish accumulation Medium 4 Continued review of existing control Angie Weatherhead 15/04/2021 Medium measures through individual event risk assessments and enhancing measures To maintain high standard of cleanliness and minimise risk. Angie Weatherhead as appropriate. Define responsibility for cleanliness/hygiene of premises Maintain a maintenance log/cleaning regime. Arrange for periodical check.

Submitted to council: No of issues listed: 1

Minute reference: Date: Page 118 Page Signed by chairperson - Chairperson name: Councillor Alison Foden

Signed by responsible Finance officer: Yola Mitchell

How to complete (individual risk section): 1. Action to be taken - brief description of proposed action that will be taken to control this risk, including any Insurance or Health and Safety issues. 2. Action by person - the name or names of the persons taking the relevant actions. 3. Action by date - the proposed date that this action should be completed by. 4. Action completed - that the proposed action has been taken (ticked) (not recorded on LCRS .

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 LCRS 7. Action Plan/s for Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Risk / Hazard Likelihood & Score Responsibility & Action Action by date ID Requirement / Control Impact Action to be taken Action by completed Shelters & Seats

370 Environmental Vandalism Medium 4 Ongoing surveillance of only shelter to Angie Weatherhead 15/04/2021 Medium check for signs of vandalism and make repairs where necessary. To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from vandalism. Don Phillips To minimise risk arising from anti-social behaviour. Maintain liaison with enforcement agencies. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate.

Submitted to council: No of issues listed: 1

Minute reference: Date: Councillor Alison Foden

Signed 119 Page by chairperson - Chairperson name:

Signed by responsible Finance officer: Yola Mitchell

How to complete (individual risk section): 1. Action to be taken - brief description of proposed action that will be taken to control this risk, including any Insurance or Health and Safety issues. 2. Action by person - the name or names of the persons taking the relevant actions. 3. Action by date - the proposed date that this action should be completed by. 4. Action completed - that the proposed action has been taken (ticked) (not recorded on LCRS .

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 LCRS 7. Action Plan/s for Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Risk / Hazard Likelihood & Score Responsibility & Action Action by date ID Requirement / Control Impact Action to be taken Action by completed Skatepark

365 Physical Injury to users arising from accident. Medium 6 Remedial works actioned when Andrew McKenzie 15/04/2021 High notified. Quotes sought steel gates instead of wood which can be locked if To minimise risk. Andrew McKenzie required. Determine responsibility for inspection of equipment. Annual inspection by ROSPA. . Weekly inspection of equipment, surfaces and signage undertaken by Council officers. Place any damaged equipment out of use until repair or replacement carried out. Maintain records of all inspections, reported damage and repairs/work ordered and completed. Maintain an Accident Book specifically for the purpose of reported accidents.

Submitted to council: No of issues listed: 1

Minute 120 Page reference: Date: Signed by chairperson - Chairperson name: Councillor Alison Foden

Signed by responsible Finance officer: Yola Mitchell

How to complete (individual risk section): 1. Action to be taken - brief description of proposed action that will be taken to control this risk, including any Insurance or Health and Safety issues. 2. Action by person - the name or names of the persons taking the relevant actions. 3. Action by date - the proposed date that this action should be completed by. 4. Action completed - that the proposed action has been taken (ticked) (not recorded on LCRS .

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 LCRS 7. Action Plan/s for Dawlish Town Council Assessment year: 2020 Risk / Hazard Likelihood & Score Responsibility & Action Action by date ID Requirement / Control Impact Action to be taken Action by completed War Memorials

57 Physical Vandalism Medium 6 No particular actions in addition to Andrew McKenzie 15/04/2021 High those already listed are viable given the accessible nature of the memorial. To minimise the risk of loss/damage/injury arising from vandalism. Andrew McKenzie Ongoing vigilance key. Members of the public are encouraged to report any issues. Maintain liaison with local police. The Town Council will instigate legal action against perpetrators where appropriate. Insurance held.

Submitted to council: No of issues listed: 1

Minute reference: Date: Page 121 Page Signed by chairperson - Chairperson name: Councillor Alison Foden

Signed by responsible Finance officer: Yola Mitchell

How to complete (individual risk section): 1. Action to be taken - brief description of proposed action that will be taken to control this risk, including any Insurance or Health and Safety issues. 2. Action by person - the name or names of the persons taking the relevant actions. 3. Action by date - the proposed date that this action should be completed by. 4. Action completed - that the proposed action has been taken (ticked) (not recorded on LCRS .

LCRS (Local Council Risk System) Ver: FM.1.17.02 © Copyright DMH Solutions Year 2017. All rights reserved. Sheet 1 19 Mar 2021 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10


Dawlish Town Council

Internal Audit Report: Interim update 2020-21

Stuart J Pollard

Auditing Solutions Ltd

Page 123 2


Statute requires all town and parish councils to arrange for an independent internal audit examination of their accounting records and systems of internal control and for the conclusions to be reported each year in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The Council duly complied with this requirement appointing us at Auditing Solutions Ltd to undertake the necessary review.

This report sets out the further work undertaken in relation to the 2020-21 financial year, during our interim update review, which took place in late February 2021. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have, of necessity, undertaken this review remotely. We wish to thank the Council staff in assisting the process, providing all requested documentation to facilitate the conduct of this update review.

Internal Audit Approach

In continuing our review for the year, we have again had regard to the materiality of transactions and their susceptibility to potential mis-recording or misrepresentation in the year-end Statement of Accounts / AGAR. Our programme of cover, as applied to all clients, is designed to afford appropriate assurance that the Council’s financial systems are robust and operate in a manner to ensure effective probity of transactions and to afford a reasonable probability of identifying any material errors or possible abuse of the Council’s own and the national statutory regulatory framework. The programme is also designed to facilitate our completion of the ‘Internal Audit Report’ in the Council’s AGAR, which requires independent assurance over a selection of internal control objectives.

We have also reviewed progress on implementation of our previous report recommendations and are pleased to acknowledge the positive actions taken to address most of those issues noting the current position accordingly in the body of the report and also the appended Action Plan: where action remains to be taken, we have left such recommendations in the report in order that they are not overlooked. A few further issues have been identified during this update review, detail of which is set out in the body of the report with resultant recommendations further summarised in the appended Action Plan. We ask that the report be presented to members with responses / detail of action taken to the recommendations duly advised to us in advance of our final review.

We hope to be able to conduct the final review on site in the spring / summer and will liaise with the Town Clerk and RFO to determine the approach to be taken nearer that time, which will obviously be dependent on the prevailing Covid situation.

Overall Conclusion

We are pleased to record that no serious issues have been identified that might affect our assignment of positive assurances in our report in the year’s AGAR, although we remind the Clerk and members of the need to ensure completion of the formal review and re-adoption of the financial / general risk register prior to 31st March 2021.

This report has been prepared for the sole use of Dawlish Town Council. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no responsibility or liability is accepted by Auditing Solutions Ltd to any third party who purports to use or rely, for any reason whatsoever, on this report, its contents or conclusions. Page 124 3

Detailed Report

Maintenance of Accounting Records & Bank Reconciliations

Our objective here is to ensure that the accounting records are being maintained accurately and currently and that no anomalous entries appear in the cashbooks and financial ledgers prepared on behalf of the Council by the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) using the RBS Rialtas Omega software.

A selection of bank accounts remains in place with the bulk of transactions now processed through the Lloyds Treasurer’s bank account. Three further accounts are in place with NatWest with separate cashbooks maintained for each in the Omega financial ledgers: a further cashbook is also maintained in the ledger to record detail of the NatWest One Card transactions.

To assess the adequacy, accuracy and appropriateness of transactions for 2020-21, we have: ➢ Agreed the opening control ledger balances for the year with those in the 2019-20 AGAR; ➢ Ensured that the accounts remain “in balance” as of 31st January 2021; ➢ Verified the accuracy of three months’ transactions on the Lloyds Current account (April and September 2020, plus January 2021) by reference to supporting bank statements; ➢ Given their low volume, verified detail of all account transactions on the residual three NatWest bank and One Card accounts for the financial year to 31st January 2021; and ➢ Checked bank reconciliation detail on each account as of 30th April and September 2020, plus 31st January 2021.


We are pleased to note that, following our previous recommendation, monthly bank reconciliation detail continues to be presented to a nominated member for review, agreement and sign-off. We shall undertake further work in this area at our final review including ensuring the accurate reconciliation and disclosure of year-end balances in the year’s AGAR at Section 2, Box 8.

Review of Corporate Governance

Our objective here is to ensure that the Council has a robust regulatory framework in place; that Council and Committee meetings are conducted in accordance with the adopted Standing Orders (SOs) and that, as far as we are reasonably able to ascertain, no actions of a potentially unlawful nature have been or are being considered for implementation. We also aim to ensure that appropriate policies, procedures and protocols are in place to prevent and provide a reasonable assurance of the detection of any fraudulent or corrupt activity.

We note that the Council’s SOs have been further reviewed and re-adopted during 2020-21 to take account of the Covid situation relating to meetings, also noting that the revised (2019 edition) of the NALC model Financial Regulations (FRs) was approved and adopted by the Council in January 2020.

We have continued our review of the Council’s minutes, examining those for the financial year to date as posted on the Council’s website to determine whether any issues exist that may have an adverse effect, through litigation or other causes, on the Council’s future financial stability and are Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 Page26-February 125 -2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd

4 pleased to record that no such concerns exist currently other than the obvious significant reduction in hire income due to the impact of closure of premises in accordance with government requirements in the light of the Covid pandemic.

We are also pleased to note that the external auditors signed-off the 2019-20 AGAR assigning a clean bill of health and no issues raised.


No issues of concern arise in this review area currently: we shall continue to review minutes and the Council’s approach to corporate governance at future visits reporting our findings accordingly.

We also understand that, following the UKs exit from the EU, NALC were, prior to the current Covid-19 crisis, preparing a further revision to both SOs and FRs which was due to be promulgated during the summer: this timescale has obviously slipped: we will keep the Council advised as soon as we hear of any developments in this respect.

Review of Expenditure

Our aim here is to ensure that: - ➢ Council resources are released in accordance with the Council’s approved procedures and budgets; ➢ Payments are supported by appropriate documentation, either in the form of an original trade invoice or other appropriate form of document confirming the payment as due and/or an acknowledgement of receipt, where no other form of invoice is available; ➢ All discounts due on goods and services supplied are identified and appropriate action taken to secure the discount; ➢ The correct expense codes have been applied to invoices when processed; and ➢ VAT has been appropriately identified and coded to the control account for periodic recovery.

We reviewed the procedures for processing and approving payments in place during the course of our 2019-20 review the majority of which are processed electronically with 2 members going “on- line” to release the payments. Whilst we consider this to be an effective control, our examination of the sample of payments processed to date in 2020-21, as below, indicates that members are no longer evidencing their examination of invoices supporting the payments being approved for release. Whilst not wishing to imply any impropriety on behalf of Council staff, we consider it essential that, in normal circumstances (i.e., no Covid restrictions) members review and physically sign off all invoices as they did hitherto in order to demonstrate the full and effective discharge of their fiduciary responsibilities and effect full and independent control of the Council’s spending.

We have selected a further sample of payments processed in the financial year to 31st January 2021 for review: our test sample for the year includes 58 individual payments from the Lloyds account and NW Credit Card, plus the Manor House annual NNDR charge paid monthly. The test sample totals £162,565 equating to 62% by value of non-pay related payments in the financial year to the above date.

Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd Page 126


We are pleased to note that VAT reclaims continue to be prepared at the end of each quarter and have ensured recovery of the 2019-20 final quarter reclaim, together with the first three quarterly reclaims for 2020-21 by reference to the Omega nominal control account detail. In our final 2019- 20 report, we noted the continued existence of a VAT debtor totalling £16,806.50 in the Omega accounting software purportedly dating from 2016: this amount still remains on the Trial Balance. We understand that the contract accountants have recommended that the balance remain in place in case HMRC pursue recovery of the amount until an appropriate time arises when the amount may be “written-off”: we will continue to monitor the position at future reviews.

Conclusions and recommendations

We again wish to acknowledge the improved way trader invoices are being processed and filed: however, as indicated above, we consider that members should physically examine and sign-off (as was previously the case) all invoices agreeing detail to the payment schedules and BACS documentation.

R1. The previous process where members examined and signed off every invoice should be reintroduced as a matter of urgency in order to further strengthen controls over the release of public funds and demonstrate the effective discharge of their fiduciary responsibilities. Noted and will be actioned once the present Covid restrictions are relaxed.

Assessment and Management of Risk

Our aim here is to ensure that the Council has put in place appropriate arrangements to identify all potential areas of risk of both a financial and health and safety nature, whilst also ensuring that appropriate arrangements exist to monitor and manage those risks to minimise the opportunity for their coming to fruition.

We have examined the Council’s 2020-21 insurance policy schedule arranged through WPS “Council Guard” to ensure that appropriate cover is in place, noting that Employer’s and Public Liability stand at £10 million and £15 million respectively, together with Fidelity Guarantee cover at £742,000: we are also pleased to note that, following last year’s recommendation, appropriate cover is now in place for “Business Interruption – Increased cost of Working and consider that the level of cover afforded in the policy remains appropriate for the Council’s present requirements.

We have noted previously that, following our previous recommendation, the Council approved and acquired the LCRS risk management software: obviously, due to the Covid situation in the current financial year, formal action to review, update (if necessary) and formally re-adopt the assessments and register has been delayed.

Conclusions and recommendation

No significant issues arise in this area, other than to remind the Clerk and members of the need to review and formally re-adopt the risk registers prior to the current financial year-end. We shall continue to monitor the Council’s approach to risk management at future visits reporting our conclusions accordingly.

R2. In accordance with the requirements of “The Practitioner’s Guide”, the Council’s risk registers should be reviewed and be re-adopted formally before the current financial year-end and at least once annually thereafter.

Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd Page 127


Budgetary Control & Reserves

We aim in this area to ensure that the Council has sound procedures in place for determining its annual budgetary and precept requirements, together with sound monitoring procedures to highlight any potential overspending as soon as it becomes apparent.

We are pleased to note that the Council has, after due deliberation, determined its budgetary and precept requirements for 2021-22, adopting the latter at £499,649 at the January 2021 full Council meeting.

We are pleased to note that members continue to be provided with quarterly budget performance reports during the year and have examined the latest Omega detailed position as at 31st January 2021 with no obvious anomalies other than the anticipated, in view of the Covid situation, shortfall in income from hire of Council facilities.


We are pleased to record that no issues arise in this area currently warranting formal comment or recommendation: we shall undertake further work in this area at future reviews, including examination of the year’s final outturn and considering the appropriateness of the level of retained reserves at the financial year-end to meet ongoing revenue spending and potential development aspirations.

Review of Income

The Council receives income primarily by way of the annual Precept, together with office rentals and hire fees at the Manor House and Riverside Hall, annual allotment rents and various other minor income sources.

We have, as part of this interim update review, examined room bookings at the Manor House and Riverside Hall between 19th and 30th October 2020 based on the Rialtas booking diary detail, checking to ensure that for each diary entry an appropriate invoice has been raised in accordance with the Council approved schedule of fees and charges. No significant issues have arisen, although we have been unable to establish whether invoices have been raised for four hirers in the period by examination of the Omega Sales Ledger: all others were okay.

Consequently, we have referred detail back to the Administrative Officer seeking an explanation and / or detail of the invoices raised or whether payment may have bene received without an invoice being raised. We have not delayed issue of this report, as we anticipate that an appropriate explanation will be forthcoming when the Administrative Officer is next in the office and has a chance to check on and advise the position.

We have also re-examined the Sales Ledger – “Unpaid invoices by Date” report, noting that, as of 31st January 2021, 2 invoices (Nos. 3732 & 3789) issued prior to 31st March 2020 remain unpaid, together with 5 invoices for one user (Nos. LTR1002,1006,1009,1013 & 1017) raised between 1st July and 1st November 2020 remain unpaid.

Conclusions and recommendation

Whilst we again appreciate the potential delays arising in settlement of invoices raised due to the Covid pandemic, we consider that positive action should be taken to pursue the two prior year Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd Page 128

7 unpaid invoices or submit them to Council for formal write-off if they are now deemed irrecoverable.

We will undertake further work in this area at our final review including examination of the register of allotment tenants to ensure that all rents due have been paid appropriately. reporting our conclusions accordingly.

R3. Positive action should be taken to pursue the two unpaid debts raised in 2019-20, together with the outstanding monthly invoices for the one debtor.

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Petty Cash Account

The Council ceased to operate a petty cash account during 2019-20, banking the residual cash holding accordingly as miscellaneous income following our recommendation.

Review of Staff Salaries

In examining the Council’s payroll function, we aim to confirm that salaries are paid in line with Council approved pay rates and that extant legislation is being appropriately observed as regards adherence to the requirements of HMRC legislation in relation to the deduction and payment over of income tax and NI contributions.

The Council continues to use the services of Teignbridge District Council (TDC) to prepare the monthly payroll and pay staff their salaries, together with HMRC and the Pension Fund Administrators; TDC is then reimbursed by the Council each month.

We have checked to ensure that staff gross salaries, paid in August 2020, correspond to the Council agreed salary rates for each, noting that all staff pay has been uplifted in line with the revised nationally agreed NJC pay award and spinal points applicable from 1st April 2020, payment of the uplifted salaries being paid in September 2020, together with the backdated arrears to 1st April 2020. We have duly also checked the September 2020 pay detail, ensuring that the appropriate revised pay rates have been applied together with any arrears of pay. In doing so, we noted that one employee was entitled to 2 hours overtime at time and a half, which had not been processed by the TDC pay section: we have drawn this to the attention of the RFO who has contacted TDC accordingly – we understand that the necessary adjustment will be made with the October 2020 payroll run.

We have also checked to ensure that tax, NI and pension (where applicable) deductions in August and September 2020 from each employee were correctly calculated and were pleased to record that no issues or concerns arose in relation to the percentage pension contributions applied.

Conclusions and recommendation

As last year, we consider that, as the employer of the staff, the Council should be provided routinely with copies of payslips and all other relevant documentation supporting the payments made to staff, HMRC and the Pension Fund Administrators, as without that documentation, the Council cannot effectively verify the amounts paid to TDC each month. We also again draw the Council and TDC officers of the audit regulations surrounding provision of information for the effective completion of an audit, both internal and external (Regulation 5 of the 2015 Accounts and Audit Regulations refers – Statutory Instrument No 234), which states that: - “Internal audit 5.— (1) A relevant authority must undertake an effective internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of its risk management, control and governance processes, taking into account public sector internal auditing standards or guidance. (2) Any officer or member of a relevant authority must, if required to do so for the purposes of the internal audit— (a) make available such documents and records; and (b) supply such information and explanations; as are considered necessary by those conducting the internal audit. (3) In this regulation “documents and records” includes information recorded in an electronic form.”

The responsible officer at TDC has and continues to be reticent in providing the necessary documentation and we will, in due course, be endeavouring to discuss the position with the DC’s Chief Officer to try and reach a satisfactory conclusion and means for us to complete our review process fully and effectively in this area. Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd Page 130


We again note that staff travel expenses (Code 4030) have been included as a Box 4 – “Staff cost” on the 2020-21 AGAR and draw the Clerk and RFO’s attention to the changed rules as regards recording of Staff Cost expenditure in Box 4 of the AGAR which come into effect from the 2021-22 financial year: the JPAG Practitioner’s Guide 2020 refers at Page 17. This will require changing the linking on the nominal account code 4030 to Box 6 from Box 4 and we will check that this is appropriately amended at our next visit.

R4. As the employer of staff and in order that the Council may effectively verify the charges made by TDC for staff pay, tax, NI and pension contributions, full and appropriate supporting documentation should be provided routinely to the Town Council and be made available for audit inspection.

R5. The “linking” of Travel expenses (Code 4030) for AGAR reporting should be changed from Box 4 to Box as, under the revised 2021-22 Practitioner’s Guide, these should not be regarded as a “Staff Cost”. This has been actioned accordingly.

Investments and Loans

The Council currently holds no funds in specific investments, surplus moneys still being held, as indicated earlier in this report, in the two NatWest deposit bank accounts. We noted last year that the Council had prepared and adopted an appropriate Investment Strategy / Policy as now required by statute.

Whilst we noted some progress towards the diversification of funds into other accounts in last year’s report with members approving, at the September 2019 meeting, the placement of an element of the surplus funds in the CCLA Deposit Fund with further consideration to be given to use of the longer-term placement of funds in the CCLA Property Fund. Whilst we acknowledge that, due to the Covid situation, interest rates are currently minimal, we again suggest that the Council needs to ensure public funds are appropriately secured and not at risk in the event of a High St bank “failing”. Whilst we acknowledge the reduced level of income for the Council to date this year due to the Covid pandemic, any resources places in the CCLA Deposit Fund may be drawn down without penalty on similar lines and timing to High St bank current accounts.

A single loan received from PWLB remains in place with repayments made at half-yearly intervals. We have, as part of our above expenditure review, examined the two repayments made in 2020-21 by reference to the PWLB repayment demands.

Conclusions and recommendation

We remain concerned to note that, despite members agreement to the diversification of placement of surplus funds, no progress has been made since that agreement in September 2019 and urge that appropriate action be taken to both protect funds and, potentially, improve interest earning opportunities.

R6. Action should be taken to implement the approved diversification of surplus Council funds as soon as practicable.

Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd Page 131

Appendix A

Rec. Recommendation Response No Review of Expenditure & VAT R1 The previous process where members examined and signed off every invoice should be reintroduced as a matter Noted and will be actioned once the present of urgency in order to further strengthen controls over the release of public funds and demonstrate the effective Covid restrictions are relaxed. discharge of their fiduciary responsibilities.

Assessment and Management of Risk R2 In accordance with the requirements of “The Practitioner’s Guide”, the Council’s risk registers should be reviewed and be re-adopted formally before the current financial year-end and at least once annually thereafter.

Review of Income R3 Positive action should be taken to pursue the two unpaid debts raised in 2019-20, together with the outstanding monthly invoices for the one debtor.

Page 132 Page Review of Staff Salaries R4 As the employer of staff and in order that the Council may effectively verify the charges made by TDC for staff pay, tax, NI and pension contributions, full and appropriate supporting documentation should be provided routinely to the Town Council and be made available for audit inspection.

R5 The “linking” of Travel expenses (Code 4030) for AGAR reporting should be changed from Box 4 to Box 6 as, This has been actioned accordingly. under the revised 2021-22 Practitioner’s Guide, these should not be regarded as a “Staff Cost”.

Investments and Loans R6 Action should be taken to implement the approved diversification of surplus Council funds as soon as practicable.

Dawlish TC: Interim update 2020-21 26-February-2021 Auditing Solutions Ltd

Agenda Item 11

Page 133 This page is intentionally left blank SCHEDULETHE SCHEDULE OF CAR PARKS AND SCALE OF CHARGES AND 19/03/21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 6 6a 7 7a 8 8a 9 10 Name of Car Park Type Class of Change to Maximum Change to Charges Summer Previous Winter Previous Charging Hours Previous Charging Hours Number Special Conditions (Parking Place) Vehicle vehicle class Length of Stay Designation Charges Charges of Spaces Livestock Market, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay ABCDE 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 190 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) 1 - 2 hours £2.50 £2.40 £2.50 £2.40 2 - 3 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £3.00 3 - 4 hours £4.30 £4.20 £4.30 £4.20 Over 4 hours £5.60 £5.50 £5.60 £5.50 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period POF/P&D, Short Newfoundland Way, Newton Abbot Stay AB 4 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 190 No permit holders permitted The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) No motorbikes 1 - 1 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.00 £0.00 £2.00 No return within 4 hours 1 - 2 hours £2.50 £0.00 £2.50 £0.00 1 1/2 - 2 hours £0.00 £2.50 £0.00 £2.50 2 - 2 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.80 £0.00 £2.80 2 - 3 hours £3.10 £0.00 £3.10 £0.00 2 1/2 - 3 hours £0.00 £3.00 £0.00 £3.00 3 - 3 1/2 £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £3.50 3 - 4 hours £4.30 £0.00 £4.30 £0.00 3 1/2 - 4 hours £0.00 £4.10 £0.00 £4.10 Over 4 hours £0.00 £10.00 £0.00 £10.00 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period POF/P&D, Long Cricketfield Road, Newton Abbot Stay AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 341 Motorbikes must be in dedicated area The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) 1 - 1 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.00 £0.00 £2.00 1 - 2 hours £2.50 £0.00 £2.50 £0.00 1 1/2 - 2 hours £0.00 £2.50 £0.00 £2.50 2 - 2 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.80 £0.00 £2.80 2 - 3 hours £3.10 £0.00 £3.10 £0.00 2 1/2 - 3 hours £0.00 £3.00 £0.00 £3.00 3 - 3 1/2 hours £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £3.50 3 - 4 hours £4.30 £0.00 £4.30 £0.00 3 1/2 - 4 hours £0.00 £4.10 £0.00 £4.10 Over 4 hours £5.60 £5.50 £5.60 £5.50 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period POF/P&D, Long Up to 1/2 hour £0.50 £0.40 £0.50 £0.40 296 No motorbikes Multi Storey, Newton Abbot Stay B 48 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat Page 135 Page The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.20 £1.10 £1.20 £1.10 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) 1 - 1 1/2 hours £0.00 £1.40 £0.00 £1.40 1 - 2 hours £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 1 1/2 - 2 hours £0.00 £1.60 £0.00 £1.60 2 - 2 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.00 £0.00 £2.00 2 - 3 hours £2.10 £0.00 £2.10 £0.00 2 1/2 - 3 hours £0.00 £2.60 £0.00 £2.60 3 - 3 1/2 hours £0.00 £2.80 £0.00 £2.80 3 - 4 hours £2.90 £0.00 £2.90 £0.00 3 1/2 - 4 hours £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £3.50 Over 4 hours £4.20 £4.10 £4.20 £4.10 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Osborne Street, Newton Abbot P&D Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 189 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.20 £1.10 £1.20 £1.10 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) 1 - 2 hours £2.10 £2.00 £2.10 £2.00 2 - 3 hours £2.90 £2.80 £2.90 £2.80 All day £4.30 £4.20 £4.30 £4.20 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Halcyon Road, Newton Abbot P&D, Short Stay AB 2 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 115 No return within 2 hours, no permit holders permitted The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) Disabled permit holders exempt Up to 2 hours £2.70 £2.60 £2.70 £2.60 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Venture Court, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 2 hours £2.20 £2.00 £2.20 £2.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 93 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All day £2.60 £2.50 £2.60 £2.50 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Bradley Lane Temporary Residents, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 2 hours £2.20 £2.00 £2.20 £2.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 70 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All day £2.60 £2.50 £2.60 £2.50 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Wolborough Way, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 4 hours £3.60 £3.50 £3.60 £3.50 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 116 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All day £5.20 £5.00 £5.20 £5.00 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Decoy, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 2 hours £0.70 £0.60 £0.70 £0.60 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 101 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 4 hours £1.30 £1.20 £1.30 £1.20 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) All day £1.70 £1.60 £1.70 £1.60 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Coach Road, Newton Abbot P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 2 hours £0.70 £0.60 £0.70 £0.60 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 128 £75.00 release fee applies The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 4 hours £1.30 £1.20 £1.30 £1.20 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) All day £1.70 £1.60 £1.70 £1.60 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Gestridge Road, Kingsteignton P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 2 hours £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 26 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All day £1.40 £1.20 £1.40 £1.20 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period The Globe, P&D, Short Stay ABC 1 hour Up to 1/2 hour £0.60 £0.50 £0.60 £0.50 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 11 No return within 1 hour The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 1 hour £1.00 £0.80 £1.00 £0.80 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Victoria Woodholme, Buckfastleigh P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.60 £0.50 £0.60 £0.50 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 66 *Coaches not permitted The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Charges do not apply in the car parks at Moretonhampstead *Mardle Way, Buckfastleigh P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours 1/2 - 1 hour £1.00 £0.80 £1.00 £0.80 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) 45 from 1st November to 31st March each year *Station Road , Buckfastleigh P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours 1 - 3 hours £1.60 £1.50 £1.60 £1.50 30 *Chudleigh P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours 3 - 5 hours £2.60 £2.50 £2.60 £2.50 All day coach tickets are transferrable across All day coach tickets are transferrable across 131 Station Road, Bovey Tracey P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours All Day £3.80 £3.70 £3.80 £3.70 all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach 129 *Methodist Church (Le Molay Littry Way) Bovey Tracey P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours Coaches up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 parking is permitted parking is permitted 78 *Mary Street, Bovey Tracey P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours Coaches all day £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 62 Court Street Moretonhampstead P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours 63 *Station Road, Moretonhampstead P&D, Long stay ABC 48 hours 55 Note: Station Road and Court Street, Moretonhampstead - free in winter Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Kingsbridge Lane, Ashburton (Long Stay) P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 5 hours £2.60 £2.50 £2.60 £2.50 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 87 The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All Day £3.80 £3.70 £3.80 £3.70 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Kingsbridge Lane, Ashburton (Short Stay) P&D, Short Stay ABC 3 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 93 No return within 3 hours The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 1 hour £1.00 £0.80 £1.00 £0.80 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) Up to 3 hours £1.80 £1.60 £1.80 £1.60 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Charges do not apply in this car park from 1st November to 31st The Strand, Starcross P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £1.00 £0.90 Free Free 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 46 March each year The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 5 hours £1.60 £1.40 Free Free this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) All Day £2.20 £2.00 Free Free Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Free Free Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Page 136 Page 1 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 6 6a 7 7a 8 8a 9 10 Name of Car Park Type Class of Change to Maximum Change to Charges Summer Previous Winter Previous Charging Hours Previous Charging Hours Number Special Conditions (Parking Place) Vehicle vehicle class Length of Stay Designation Charges Charges of Spaces Charges do not apply in this car park from 1st November to 31st Widecombe P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 Free Free 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 69 March each year The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within Up to 2 hours £1.50 £1.40 Free Free this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday) All Day £2.00 £1.80 Free Free Coaches up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 Free Free All day coach tickets are transferrable across All day coach tickets are transferrable across Coaches all day £5.00 £5.00 Free Free all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach parking is permitted parking is permitted Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Free Free Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period Labrador Bay, Shaldon P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 49 Licensed traders vehicle must park in designated area The above charging period applies to all tariffs within The above charging period applies to all tariffs within All Day £1.40 £1.20 £1.40 £1.20 this car park (excluding Sunday) this car park (excluding Sunday)

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours charging period The Ness, Shaldon P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.80 £0.80 £0.80 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 324 1/2 - 1 hour £1.50 £1.40 £1.50 £1.40 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 1 - 2 hours £2.00 £1.80 £2.00 £1.80 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 4 hours £3.60 £3.50 £3.60 £2.30 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £4.00 £3.80 £4.00 £2.50 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Coaches Up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Over 4 hours £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 All day coach tickets are transferable across All day coach tickets are transferable across all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach parking is permitted parking is permitted Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period King George V, Shaldon P&D, Short Stay AB 5 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.80 £0.80 £0.80 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 46 No return within 5 hours 1/2 - 1 hour £1.50 £1.40 £1.50 £1.40 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 1 - 2 hours £2.00 £1.80 £2.00 £1.80 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 3 hours £2.50 £2.40 £2.50 £2.40 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 3 - 4 hours £3.50 £3.40 £3.50 £3.40 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 4 - 5 hours £4.00 £3.80 £4.00 £3.80 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Sandy Lane, Dawlish P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 4 hours £1.40 £1.20 £1.40 £1.20 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 85 All Day £2.00 £1.80 £2.00 £1.80 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Coaches Up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period Over 4 hours £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period All day coach tickets are transferable across All day coach tickets are transferable across all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach parking is permitted parking is permitted Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period

Page 137 Page charging period Barton Hill, Dawlish P&D, Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.90 £0.80 £0.90 £0.80 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 245 1/2 - 1 hour £1.50 £1.40 £1.50 £1.40 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 1 - 2 hours £2.00 £1.80 £2.00 £1.80 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 3 hours £2.60 £2.50 £2.60 £2.50 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 3 - 4 hours £3.80 £3.60 £3.80 £3.60 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Over 4 hours £4.20 £4.00 £4.20 £4.00 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period No return within 2 hours, no permit holders permitted. Disabled permit holders excempt. Only one free 1/2 hour ticket permitted in any charging period. Taxi rank 2 marked spaces. Registered Strand, Dawlish P&D, Short Stay ABC 2 hours Up to 1/2 hour FOC FOC FOC FOC 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 21 Hackney Carriages only 1/2 - 1 hour £1.30 £1.20 £1.30 £1.20 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Up to 2 hours £2.50 £2.40 £2.50 £2.40 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Dawlish Warren (Seaward) P&D Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 1 hour £2.00 £1.90 £2.00 £1.20 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 642 1-2 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £1.80 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 2-3 hours £4.10 £4.00 £4.10 £0.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 3-4 hours £5.10 £5.00 £5.10 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £5.60 £5.50 £5.60 £2.30 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Dawlish Warren (Landward) P&D, Long Stay ABCD 48 hours Up to 1 hour £2.00 £1.90 £2.00 £1.20 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 413 1-2 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £1.80 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 2-3 hours £4.10 £4.00 £4.10 £0.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 3-4 hours £5.10 £5.00 £5.10 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £5.60 £5.50 £5.60 £2.30 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Coaches 48 hours Up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Over 4 hours £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 All day coach tickets are transferable across All day coach tickets are transferable across all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach parking is permitted parking is permitted Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Quay Road, Teignmouth P&D, Long Stay AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 171 Parking in shopmobility bays for customers of shopmobility only. Blue badge and valid permit from shopmobility must be 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs displayed 1 - 2 hours £2.10 £2.00 £2.10 £2.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period Permits holders parking in permit bays only 2 - 3 hours £2.70 £2.60 £2.70 £2.60 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 3 - 4 hours £3.70 £3.60 £3.70 £3.60 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Over 4 hours £4.30 £4.20 £4.30 £4.20 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period

Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period The Point, Teignmouth P&D, Long stay AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 251 Parking for lifeboat staff only on marked area 1/2 - 1 hour £1.80 £1.70 £1.80 £1.20 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 1 - 2 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £2.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 4 hours £4.70 £4.60 £4.70 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £5.60 £5.50 £5.60 £2.80 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Eastcliff, Teignmouth P&D, Long Stay ABC 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.90 £0.80 £0.90 £0.80 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 157 1/2 - 1 hour £1.50 £1.30 £1.50 £1.30 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 1 - 2 hours £2.10 £2.00 £2.10 £2.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 4 hours £3.70 £3.60 £3.70 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £4.70 £4.60 £4.70 £2.40 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Coaches Up to 4 hours £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Over 4 hours £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 All day coach tickets are transferable across All day coach tickets are transferable across all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach all Teignbridge District Council car parks where coach parking is permitted parking is permitted Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Teign Street, Teignmouth P&D, Short Stay AB 4 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.80 £0.70 £0.80 £0.70 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 63 No return within 4 hours Brunswick Street, Teignmouth P&D, Short Stay AB 4 hours 1/2 - 1 hour £1.40 £1.30 £1.40 £1.30 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs 56 No return within 4 hours *George Street, Teignmouth P&D, Short Stay AB 4 hours 1 - 2 hours £1.90 £1.80 £1.90 £1.80 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 21 No return within 4 hours 2 - 3 hours £2.70 £2.60 £2.70 £2.60 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 3 - 4 hours £3.70 £3.60 £3.70 £3.60 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Any length of stay during £1.00 £0.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Polly Steps, Teignmouth P&D AB 48 hours Up to 1/2 hour £0.90 £0.80 £0.90 £0.80 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sun 60 Trailers permitted in this car park Long Stay Car Daily 1/2 - 1 hour £2.00 £1.90 £2.00 £1.20 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs The Sunday charge in the Winter applies to trailers and cars 1 - 2 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £2.00 within this car park in the Summer Period within this car park in the Summer Period 2 - 4 hours £4.70 £4.60 £4.70 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat 09.00 to 18.00 hours, Mon to Sat All Day £5.50 £5.30 £5.50 £2.80 The above charging period applies to all tariffs The above charging period applies to all tariffs Car Annual £140.00 £100.00 £140.00 £100.00 within this car park in the Winter Period within this car park in the Winter Period Car Seasonal £100.00 £60.00 £100.00 £60.00 Trailer Daily Up to 1/2 hour £0.90 £0.80 £0.90 £0.80 1/2 - 1 hour £2.00 £1.90 £2.00 £1.20 1 - 2 hours £3.10 £3.00 £3.10 £2.00 2 - 4 hours £4.70 £4.60 £4.70 £0.00 All Day £5.50 £5.50 £5.50 £2.80 Trailer Annual £140.00 £100.00 £140.00 £100.00 Seasonal £100.00 £60.00 £100.00 £60.00 Any length of stay during £1.00 £1.00 Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period Sunday 10.00 to 16.00 hours during Winter Period charging period Page 138 Page 1 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 6 6a 7 7a 8 8a 9 10 Name of Car Park Type Class of Change to Maximum Change to Charges Summer Previous Winter Previous Charging Hours Previous Charging Hours Number Special Conditions (Parking Place) Vehicle vehicle class Length of Stay Designation Charges Charges of Spaces Teignmouth & Dawlish General & Rover permit holders only Reserved Car Parks Myrtle Hill, Teignmouth B No restriction £640.00 £620.00 £640.00 £620.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 15 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Mere Lane, Teignmouth B No restriction £640.00 £620.00 £640.00 £620.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 5 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Saxe Street, Teignmouth B No restriction £480.00 £460.00 £480.00 £460.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 19 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Brook Street, Dawlish B No restriction £500.00 £480.00 £500.00 £480.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 10 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Dawlish Resorts Office B No restriction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 2 Teignbridge Staff Permit Holders Only Lanherne, Dawlish B No restriction £540.00 £520.00 £540.00 £520.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 10 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Cottey Meadow, Kingsteignton B No restriction £320.00 £300.00 £320.00 £300.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 6 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Market Close, Ashburton B No restriction £320.00 £300.00 £320.00 £300.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 20 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Market Close, Ashburton B No restriction £80.00 £60.00 £80.00 £60.00 18.00 to 09.00 hours 18.00 to 09.00 hours 20 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Estuary Court, Teignmouth B No restriction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 33 Provided as part of the lease for Estuary Court Units Elm Road, Newton Abbot B No restriction £0.00 £520.00 £0.00 £520.00 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 09.00 to 18.00 hours 11 Permits issued by licence only Kingsteignton Road, Newton Abbot B No restriction £570.00 £0.00 £570.00 £0.00 09.00 to 09.00 hours (24 hours) 09.00 to 18.00 hours 17 Some permits issued by licence 08.00 to 17.00 hours (gates are locked outside of these 08.00 to 17.00 hours (gates are locked outside of these Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park. Permits Forde Close, Newton Abbot B No restriction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 times) times) 16 issued by licence only Drake Road, Newton Abbot B No restriction £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 09.00 to 19.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 8 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park East Street, Newton Abbot B No restriction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 8 Vehicles with a valid permit only are permitted to park Sherborne Road, Newton Abbot B No restriction £0.00 £0.00 09.00 to 18.00 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours Permits issued by licence only General Permits Teignbridge Rover B No restriction 1 Month £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 3 Months £280.00 £280.00 £280.00 £280.00 6 Months £500.00 £500.00 £500.00 £500.00 12 Months £800.00 £800.00 £800.00 £800.00 Newton Abbot General B No restriction 1 Month £100.00 £90.00 £100.00 £90.00 3 Months £240.00 £230.00 £240.00 £230.00 6 Months £360.00 £350.00 £360.00 £350.00 12 Months £670.00 £660.00 £670.00 £660.00 Osborne Street B No restriction 1 Month £80.00 £70.00 £80.00 £70.00 3 Months £170.00 £160.00 £170.00 £160.00 6 Months £290.00 £280.00 £290.00 £280.00 12 Months £490.00 £480.00 £490.00 £480.00 Cricketfield Road & Multi Storey B No restriction 1 Month £90.00 £80.00 £90.00 £80.00 3 Months £220.00 £210.00 £220.00 £210.00 6 Months £340.00 £330.00 £340.00 £330.00 12 Months £570.00 £560.00 £570.00 £560.00 Wolborough Way, Venture Court & Livestock Market B No restriction 1 Month £90.00 £80.00 £90.00 £80.00 3 Months £210.00 £200.00 £210.00 £200.00 6 Months £340.00 £330.00 £340.00 £330.00 12 Months £510.00 £500.00 £510.00 £500.00 Bradley Lane Temporary Residents Permit B 1 Month £16.67 £16.67 £16.67 £16.67 3 Months £50.00 £50.00 £50.00 £50.00 6 Months £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 12 Months £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 Coach Road, Newton Abbot B No restriction 1 Month £16.67 £16.67 £16.67 £16.67

Page 139 Page 3 Months £50.00 £50.00 £50.00 £50.00 6 Months £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 12 Months £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 Teignmouth & Dawlish General B No restriction 1 Month £90.00 £80.00 £90.00 £80.00 3 Months £220.00 £210.00 £220.00 £210.00 6 Months £340.00 £330.00 £340.00 £330.00 12 Months £540.00 £530.00 £540.00 £530.00 Teignmouth B No restriction 1 Month £80.00 £70.00 £80.00 £70.00 3 Months £190.00 £180.00 £190.00 £180.00 6 Months £300.00 £290.00 £300.00 £290.00 12 Months £500.00 £490.00 £500.00 £490.00 Dawlish B No restriction 1 Month £60.00 £50.00 £60.00 £50.00 3 Months £140.00 £130.00 £140.00 £130.00 6 Months £250.00 £240.00 £250.00 £240.00 12 Months £470.00 £460.00 £470.00 £460.00 Dawlish Warren B No restriction 1 Month £60.00 £50.00 £60.00 £50.00 3 Months £140.00 £130.00 £140.00 £130.00 6 Months £250.00 £240.00 £250.00 £240.00 12 Months £470.00 £460.00 £470.00 £460.00 Shaldon B No restriction 1 Month £60.00 £50.00 £60.00 £50.00 3 Months £140.00 £130.00 £140.00 £130.00 6 Months £250.00 £240.00 £250.00 £240.00 12 Months £470.00 £460.00 £470.00 £460.00 Ashburton B No restriction 1 Month £60.00 £50.00 £60.00 £50.00 3 Months £130.00 £120.00 £130.00 £120.00 6 Months £230.00 £220.00 £230.00 £220.00 12 Months £440.00 £430.00 £440.00 £430.00 Buckfastleigh B No restriction 1 Month £50.00 £40.00 £50.00 £40.00 3 Months £100.00 £90.00 £100.00 £90.00 6 Months £160.00 £150.00 £160.00 £150.00 12 Months £260.00 £250.00 £260.00 £250.00 Bovey Tracey B No restriction 1 Month £50.00 £40.00 £50.00 £40.00 3 Months £100.00 £90.00 £100.00 £90.00 6 Months £160.00 £150.00 £160.00 £150.00 12 Months £260.00 £250.00 £260.00 £250.00 Chudleigh B No restriction 1 Month £40.00 £35.00 £40.00 £35.00 3 Months £90.00 £80.00 £90.00 £80.00 6 Months £140.00 £130.00 £140.00 £130.00 12 Months £250.00 £240.00 £250.00 £240.00 Charges do not apply in this car park from 1st November to 31st Widecombe B No restriction 1 Month £30.00 £25.00 £0.00 £0.00 March each year 3 Months £70.00 £60.00 £0.00 £0.00 7 Months £160.00 £150.00 £0.00 £0.00 Charges do not apply in this car park from 1st November to 31st Moretonhampstead B No restriction 1 Month £30.00 £25.00 £0.00 £0.00 March each year 3 Months £70.00 £60.00 £0.00 £0.00 7 Months £160.00 £150.00 £0.00 £0.00 Charges do not apply in this car park from 1st November to 31st The Strand, Starcross B No restriction 1 Month £30.00 £25.00 £0.00 £0.00 March each year 3 Months £70.00 £60.00 £0.00 £0.00 7 Months £160.00 £150.00 £0.00 £0.00 Gestridge Road, Kingsteignton B No restriction 1 Month £40.00 £30.00 £40.00 £30.00 3 Months £80.00 £70.00 £80.00 £70.00 6 Months £130.00 £120.00 £130.00 £120.00 12 Months £210.00 £200.00 £210.00 £200.00 Sandy Lane , Dawlish B No restriction 1 Month £40.00 £30.00 £40.00 £30.00 3 Months £80.00 £70.00 £80.00 £70.00 6 Months £130.00 £120.00 £130.00 £120.00 12 months £210.00 £200.00 £210.00 £200.00 Teignbridge Off Peak Off Street Permit B 3 Hours 12 months £60.00 £50.00 £60.00 £50.00 16.00 to 10.00 hours Mon to Sun 16.00 to 10.00 hours Mon to Sat Weekly Parking Permit AB 7 days 7 days £30.00 £25.00 £30.00 £25.00 Page 140 Page 1 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 6 6a 7 7a 8 8a 9 10 Name of Car Park Type Class of Change to Maximum Change to Charges Summer Previous Winter Previous Charging Hours Previous Charging Hours Number Special Conditions (Parking Place) Vehicle vehicle class Length of Stay Designation Charges Charges of Spaces Free Car Parks Dolbeare Road, Ashburton FOC AB 48 hours Michaels Field, Bishopsteignton FOC ABCD 48 hours 79 Duckspond Playing Field, Buckfastleigh FOC AB 48 hours Commercial vehicles prohibited Hamlyns Playing Field, Buckfastleigh FOC AB 48 hours Commercial vehicles prohibited Arch Brook Car Park, Stokeinteignhead FOC AB 12 hours 09.00 to 21.00 hours No overnight parking Coronation Avenue, Dawlish FOC AB 48 hours 25 Dawlish Leisure Centre, Dawlish FOC AB 3 hours 97 Restricted Zone - parking in marked bays only for 8 hours no Dawlish Business Park FOC ABCDE No waiting return within 4 hours. No parking on pavements. No waiting/loading on double yellow lines, no parking on Dawlish Countryside Park (SANGS) FOC AB 48 hours 09.00 to 21.00 hours footpath, commercial vehicles prohibited, no overnight parking Dawlish Warren Service Roads FOC ABCD No waiting 2 Staff permit holders only Dawlish Warren Nature Reserve Car Park FOC AB 48 hours Access by permission only Not FOC Victory Hall, Exminster FOC AB 48 hours 09.00 to 18.00 hours 20 Maximum stay in bays marked with signs must be adhered to Teignbridge Business Centre Heathfield FOC AB 12 hours Authorised vehicles with valid permit only Crossley Moor, Kingsteignton FOC AB 48 hours 19 Fore Street, Kingskerswell FOC AB 48 hours 43 Postman's Path Car Park and Picnic Site, Little Haldon FOC AB 48 hours 09.00 to 21.00 hours Commercial vehicles prohibited, no overnight parking White Wells Car Park and Picnic Site, Little Haldon FOC AB 48 hours 09.00 to 21.00 hours Commercial vehicles prohibited, no overnight parking No waiting/loading on double yellow lines and kerb markings. Loading for Goods Vehicles. Loading for PLG's. Coaches Parking within marked bays. Coach Dropping Off Point. Taxis Parking within marked bays. Authorised vehicles with valid permit only. Blue badge holders only in marked disabled bay (30 Market Walk, (Western & Eastern Service Yards), Newton Abbot FOC ABCDE No waiting minutes no return within 1 hour) Courtenay Park, Newton Abbot (Disabled only) FOC AB 3 hours 5 No return within 3 hours Bakers Park, Newton Abbot FOC AB 3 hours 15 No return within 3 hours No return within 3 hours. Staff permits only on permit bay. Staff Newton Abbot Leisure Centre, Newton Abbot FOC AB 3 hours 75 permits allow all day parking. No parking on emergency bay. Hackney Marshes Local Nature Reserve, Kingsteignton FOC AB 48 hours 13 No overnight parking No waiting on double yellow lines. Parent and child spaces, disabled bays, motorcycle bays. Visitors to the complex 3 hour maximum stay. Staff permits allow all day parking. Parking in marked bays only. Automatic Number Plate Recognition 3 hours/no (ANPR). Vehicles parking in car sharing bays must display Forde House Complex, Newton Abbot FOC ABCDE waiting 278 dedicated permit. No parking on roadway into complex. Newton Abbot Recycling Centre Access Road FOC ABD No waiting No waiting on double yellow lines Limited parking bays, 7 hours maximum stay, no return within 2 hours, permit holders only in marked bays, no waiting on double yellow lines, no waiting/loading on double yellow lines and kerb Bradley Lane, Newton Abbot FOC ABCDE No waiting markings Wain Lane, Newton Abbot FOC ABCDE 2 hours Coaches only parking in coach bays North Bovey FOC AB 48 hours 16 New Road, Starcross FOC AB 48 hours 41

Page 141 Page No waiting/loading on double yellow lines and kerb markings, Parking in marked bays with valid permit only. No parking Estuary Court, Teignmouth FOC AB 48 hours 46 outside of marked bays. Promenade, Teignmouth FOC AB 48 hours Authorised vehicles parking only with valid permit Lower Bitton Park, Teignmouth FOC AB 48 hours 12 Broadmeadow Industrial, Estate Access Road, Teignmouth FOC ABCD 48 hours 16 No waiting on double yellow lines. No parking on pavements Broadmeadow Car Park, Teignmouth FOC AB 12 hours For industrial Estate Users only. 12 hour maximum stay. No 20 return within 12 hours Broadmeadow Sports Centre car park FOC AB 3 hours 43 No return within 3 hours Staff permits allow all day parking Broadmeadow Sports Centre (Overflow) and Childrens' Nursery car park FOC AB 3 hours No return within 3 hours Staff permits allow all day parking. 23 Permits issued to nursery allow all day parking


1. The following types of parking place may be provided and are identified in the Schedule as denoted hereunder:- (a) P&D Pay and Display (b) POF Pay on Foot (c) POE Pay on Entry (d) FOC Free of Charge (e) ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition 2. Classes of motor vehicle for the purpose of this order. The letter allocated to each class refers to column 3 of the schedule. A parking place may only be used by the class shown in column 3 for that parking place. Class A Motor Cycles Class B Private Light Goods Vehicles, including invalid carriages and motor cycle combinations Class C Public Service Vehicles Class D LGV’s and HGV’s. Class E Market Traders/Farmers Vehicles 3. The summer and winter charging periods are denoted as: High and Low Season respectively. The dates for changeover are: Low season (Winter) 1st November to 31st March High season (Summer) 1st April to 31st October 4. Penalty Charge Notices for the purposes of this document shall either be £70.00 or £50.00 The discounted Penalty Charge Notice for the purposes of this document shall be: £70.00 PCN discounted to £35.00 if paid within 14 days £50.00 PCN discounted to £25.00 if paid within 14 days 5. Where a charitable organisation request a permit 60% of the permit face value is charged on production of their charitable registration document status. 6. The payment for lost or stolen permits/passcards (or duplicate for reserved spaces only) will be £50.00 or 1/12th of the permit value whichever is greater. Disabled permits will cost £10.00 to replace 7. All spaces are chargeable in fee paying car parks including those wide bays provided for blue badge holders. 8. Lost tickets in Pay on Foot car parks are charged at the all day rates for appropriate car park 9. Release fee for vehicles from Pay on Foot car parks including the Multi Storey car park is £75.00 10. Service charges may apply for pay by phone provider 11. Where within a parking place, there is a sign or surface marking which indicates an electric vehicle charging bay, the driver of a vehicle shall not be permitted to wait in that parking bay unless the vehicle is an electric charging vehicle and is connected to the charging point and is being charged. The appropriate fee for parking must also be paid where required. If the charging point is a Rapid Charger the maximum stay time in the bay is limited to 2 hours. 12. Vehicles displaying a valid blue badge are required to pay (unless they hold a Teignbridge District Council disabled permit), but are granted one hour’s extension to the expiry time on a valid Pay and Display ticket. This page is intentionally left blank