Richard Holloway | 368 pages | 01 Mar 2012 | Canongate Books Ltd | 9780857860736 | English | , United Kingdom Leaving Alexandria - A Memoir of Faith and Doubt by Richard Holloway – Canongate Books

Available as Paperback, eBook, Downloadable audio. A powerful memoir about faith and doubt, with a strong meditative and philosophical heart. At the tender age of fourteen, Richard Holloway left his home town of Alexandria, north of , and travelled hundreds of miles to be educated and trained for the priesthood at an English monastery. By the age of twenty-five he had been ordained and was working in the slums of Glasgow. Through the forty years that followed, Richard touched the lives of many people as he rose to one of the highest positions in the Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt Church. But behind his confident public faith lay a restless heart and an inquisitive mind. Poignant, wise and fiercely honest, Leaving Alexandria is a remarkable memoir of a life defined by faith but plagued by doubt. It is a compelling account of a journey through life, told with great frankness; it is a subtle reflection Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt what it means to live in an imperfect and puzzling world; and it is a highly readable insight into one of the most humane and engaged minds of our times. He has also presented many series for BBC television and radio; Waiting for the Last Bus originated as a five-part series on Radio 4 in In These Collections. Scottish Canons. Text Publishing — Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt,

At fourteen, Richard Holloway left his working-class home north of Glasgow and travelled hundreds of miles to an English monastery to be trained for the priesthood. By twenty-five, he had been ordained and was working in the slums of Glasgow. In he controversially resigned as , having lost heart with the the Church over its condemnation of homosexuality. In his years as a priest Richard touched many lives, but behind his confident public face lay a mind troubled by questions. Why is the Church, which claims to be the instrument of God's love, so prone to cruelty and condemnation? And how can a person live with the tension between public faith and private doubt? With this long-awaited memoir, Richard gives us a wise, poetic and Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt honest book that recounts a fascinating life - and attempts to answer those questions. One of the most outspoken and best-loved figures in the modern church, Richard Holloway recently stood down as the Bishop Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt Edinburgh but remains Gresham Professor of Divinity in the City of London and a Fellow of the Royal Society. He is the author of twenty-three books. It's the record of a mind too large, too curious and far too generous to be confined within any single religious denomination. His account of how a passionate, intelligent boy grew out of a poor and deprived background without ever losing touch with the humane values it gave him, will be a delight and inspiration to believers, non-believers, and ex-believers alike. And his exposition is carefully crafted, deftly layered, and sprinkled with quotes from a dazzling array of writers, poets, philosophers and theologians, connecting his particular personal struggles to universal spiritual themes. Hollway is fascinating on his early life at Kelham, church politics, the good Christians he has met and his arrival at a less supernatural faith. Lots of nice stuff about Edinburgh, too. Richard Holloway is a significant person to read and his journey away from Christianity is an important and interesting one. But I found this autobiography fairly average except where he specifically Richard Holloway. Leaving Alexandria : A Memoir of Faith and Doubt - Setanta Books

At fourteen, Richard Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt left his working-class home north of Glasgow and travelled hundreds of miles to an English monastery to be Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt for the priesthood. By twenty-five, he had been ordained and was working in the slums of Glasgow. In he controversially resigned as Bishop of Edinburgh, having lost heart with the the Church over its condemnation of homosexuality. In his years as a priest Richard touched many lives, but behind his confident public face lay a mind troubled by questions. And how can a person live with the tension between public faith and private doubt? With this long-awaited memoir, Richard gives us a wise, poetic and fiercely honest book that recounts a fascinating life—and attempts to answer those questions. Richard Holloway is an acclaimed writer and respected thinker, and is prominent in the Scottish arts community. The Text Publishing Company. Three-time winner: Small Publisher of the Year. Your basket is empty. Shopping Basket. Share this book share High resolution cover picture Preview this book books View book rights notepad. About the Author. Other editions of Leaving Alexandria. Other Titles by Richard Holloway. Between the Monster and the Saint. Extract from Leaving Alexandria. Stay in touch Subscribe to our newsletter Read our blog Become a member Come to an event. Shopping Special offers Information for shoppers.