The Philosophical Works of A. J. Ayer
The Philosophical Works of A. J. Ayer 1930 Review of The Art of Thinking by Dimnet, in Oxford Outlook. 1933 'Atomic Propositions', Analysis, vol. 1, no. I, pp. 2-6. 1934 'The Genesis of Metaphysics', Analysis, vol. I, no. 4, pp. 55-8, repr. in M. Macdonald (ed.), Philosophy and Analysis. 'On Particulars and Universals', Proceedings of the Aristote lian Society, vol. XXXIV, pp. 51-62. 'Demonstration of the Impossibility of Metaphysics', Mind, vol. XLIII, no. 171, pp. 335-45, repr. in P. Edwards and A. Pap (eds), A Modern Introduction to Philosophy (Glencoe, Illinois Free Press; London: George Allen and Unwin, 1957). 1935 'Internal Relations', Supplementary Proceedings of the Aristo telian Society, vol. XIV, pp. 173-85. 'The Criterion of Truth', Analysis, vol. 3, nos I and 2, pp. 28-32. 'The Analytic Movement in Contemporary British Philos ophy', in Histoire de Ia logique et de Ia philosophie scienti.fique (Paris: Hermann). 1936 Language, Truth and Logic (London: Gollancz). 'The Principle of Verifiability, Mind, vol. XLV, no. 178, pp. 199-203. 'Concerning the Negation of Empirical Propositions', Erkenntnis, vol. 6, pp. 260--3. 'Truth by Convention', Analysis, vol. 4, nos 2 and 3, pp. 17-22. 'Freedom of the Will', The Aryan Path. Reviews of M. M. Lewis, Infant Speech; R. Aaron and A. Jocelyn Gibbs (eds), An Early Draft of Locke"s Essay; Alfred Noyce, Voltaire; all in the Spectator. 1937 'Verification and Experience', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. XXXVII, pp. 137-56. 'Does Philosophy Analyse Common Sense?', Supplementary Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. XVI, pp.
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