CURRICULUM VITAE KELLIE MARIN Communication Arts & Sciences | The Pennsylvania State University 234 Sparks Building | University Park, PA 16802
[email protected] | (814) 441-3741 EDUCATION Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, anticipated 2020. Communication and Rhetoric Dissertation: “The rhetoric of anonymity: Secrecy, exposure, and the circulation of affect within the neoliberal security state” Advisor: Jeremy D. Engels, Ph.D. Certificate of Leader Development, National Security Seminar of the U.S. Army War College, 2018. National Security and Strategy M.A., University of Colorado Denver, December 2015. Communication and Rhetoric Special writing project: “Following @CIA: Preserving institutional secrecy through the rhetoric of pseudo transparency” Advisor: Brian L. Ott, Ph.D. B.A., University of Washington Tacoma, 2011. Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences – Communication Dean’s List, Winter & Spring, 2011. A.A., Green River Community College, 2007. General Studies Study Abroad Program, University of Melbourne, Australia & Unitech, New Zealand, 2007. AWARDS & RECOGNITION Predoctoral Fellow, Center for Humanities and Information, Penn State University, 2019-2020. Nominated Invitation, 64th Annual U.S. Army War College National Security Seminar, June 2018. Speaker, Commencement Ceremony, Department of Communication, University of Colorado Denver, December 2015. Wrage-Baskerville Award, Public Address Division, National Communication Association, November 2014. Co-recipient with Brian L. Ott and Hamilton Bean. RESEARCH INTERESTS National security rhetoric and how it intersects with issues and theories concerned with terrorism, affect, aesthetics and materiality, media studies, social media, and the production of the citizen subject. PUBLICATIONS Peer- Marin, K. (2020). Pseudo-sousveillance: (Re)imagining immigration Reviewed narratives and surveillance practices by experiencing “Use of Force.” Special issue “Ubiquitously Surveilled Bodies” in Screen Bodies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Experience, Perception, and Display.