Capacity Building in Surveillance and Diagnosis for Leafminer, Whitefly, Thrips and Mealybug Pests in Developing APEC Economies for Improved Market Access APEC Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group December 2007 ATC 01/2006A – Capacity Building in Surveillance & Diagnosis for Leafminer, Whitefly, Thrips and Mealybug Pests in Developing APEC Economies for Improved Market Access Prepared by Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine Division Department of Agriculture Malaysia Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50632 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone: 603-20301400 Fax: 603-26913050 e-mail:
[email protected] Published for APEC Secretariat 35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119616 Tel: (65) 67756012 Fax: (65) 67756013 Email:
[email protected] Website: © 2007 APEC Secretariat APEC#207-AT-04.5 ATC 01/2006A – Capacity Building in Surveillance & Diagnosis for Leafminer, Whitefly, Thrips and Mealybug Pests in Developing APEC Economies for Improved Market Access TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 2. PROJECT STRUCTURE 1 3. PLANNING WORKSHOP TO DEVELOP COMMON SURVEILLANCE PROTOCOLS 2 4. IN-COUNTRY SURVEILLANCE AND SPECIMEN COLLECTION 3 5. LESSON LEARNT FROM THE PROJECT 4 6. NEXT STEPS 5 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – List of Participants of the APEC Planning Workshop on Capacity Building in Surveillance & Diagnosis Attachment B – Workshop Programme Attachment C – The Status of Whitefly, Mealybugs, Leafminer and Thrips Pest in Brunei Darussalam Attachment D – Pests Status of Whitefly, Leafminer,