download bokep teen free Managing risks and risk assessment at work. Subscribe for free news and updates on health and safety topics and industries. 3. Risk assessment template and examples. Template. You can use a risk assessment template to help you keep a simple record of: who might be harmed and how what you're already doing to control the risks what further action you need to take to control the risks who needs to carry out the action when the action is needed by. Example risk assessments. These typical examples show how other businesses have managed risks. You can use them as a guide to think about: some of the hazards in your business the steps you need to take to manage the risks. Do not just copy an example and put your company name to it as that would not satisfy the law and would not protect your employees. You must think about the specific hazards and controls your business needs. ‘’ Is Slowly Going Off the Air, And Everyone’s Moving On. "Adventure Time" was the hit that nobody saw coming, and its end is in sight. How did it manage to last this long? Feb 24, 2017 3:16 pm. Share This Article Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Print Talk. “Adventure Time: ” “Adventure Time” has a long way to go, but in many ways, it already ended. In early February 2017, just a few months after notified the team behind its most surprising breakout hit that the show was canceled, the cast finished their last round of voice work. The final episodes were written, and the saga of Finn and Jake in the magical, post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo came to a close as the cast and crew scattered to new projects. The fruits of their labor will gradually unfurl on Cartoon Network until 2018 — although the timing remains uncertain. Fans must wait for the slow march to the finale, but the creative team is moving on. “It was bittersweet,” said head writer Kent Osborne, recalling the last day of recording. “A lot of shows don’t last this long, but this felt different because it was just so popular.” “Adventure Time” was a trailblazer that nobody saw coming. Not its reclusive creator, , who left his top job on the show two years ago, and certainly not Cartoon Network, which never knew quite how to handle its success. “It was a creative and unique show,” said one former Cartoon Network staffer. “It was a risk. People at the network were scratching their heads.” Yet from its early days, “Adventure Time” not only enthralled younger viewers but managed to win over countless older ones initially skeptical to its appeal. Since Ward first launched the saga as a surreal short film in 2008, its episodes have oscillated between the deep, existential yearnings of diverse characters waking up to the world and sophomoric gags, sometimes within the span of a few minutes. Not since “The Simpsons” has a major network supported such a peculiar combination and gotten away with it for so long. However, according to multiple sources who worked on the show over the years, Cartoon Network never knew quite how to handle the way “Adventure Time” took off. “It was a gradual burn and grew into a realization that this was indeed a massive epic that could be made into a pop culture powerhouse,” the former staffer added. “It never really fit into a category, so Cartoon Network didn’t really have a model in which to manage its ever-growing popularity.” And arcane corporate rules prohibited the company from shifting it into the more sophisticated arena of its Adult Swim programming. Even as the ancillary potential of the show grew, with toys and costumes, comic books and video games, it expanded beyond the narrow parameters of the Cartoon Network viewership. “Cartoon Network aims for kids ages two to 14,” said veteran animation producer Fred Seibert, whose Channel Frederator picked up Ward’s original short and has remained involved in the series over the course of its seven season run. “The fact that ‘Adventure Time’ has a significantly larger audience for that, a more expansive one, is great gravy…but they can’t benefit from it directly.” Now, with the show finished, Cartoon Network has yet to announce a timeline for the rest of the show aside from plans to air episodes through early 2018. In the meantime, a new season has started in fine form. “Islands,” an eight-episode arc that the network released as a “mini-series” on DVD and iTunes last month, marks some of the most exciting storytelling attempted by the show in years. Viewed in one sitting, it amounts to a feature-length journey, in which Finn and Jake join forces with the monosyllabic underground dweller Susan on a revelatory journey to find Finn’s mother — not to mention all the other humans mysteriously absent from the Land of Ooo, where Finn spends most of his time with various fantastical creatures. Over the course of “Islands,” the group careens across the ocean in an Odyssey-like trip, face down with a moody sea monster and eventually find themselves in an isolated land. At last they come across the last human civilization, and it’s not a pretty sight: They’re trapped in an idyllic virtual reality that keeps them safely removed from the dangerous world around them, at the behest of a kindly may or may not be Finn’s missing mom. The explanation for her disappearance also invokes the backstory of Finn’s deadbeat dad, and it brings the story a degree of emotional closure that will astonish anyone whose main relationship to the show is Jake singing the “Bacon Pancakes” song. The final shot, in which the boy who has slowly become a man rides off into the sunset, plays like a series finale — and as far as Finn’s arc goes, it may be just that. When the writers found out that Cartoon Network had canceled “Adventure Time” last fall, they rejiggled the eight-part installment, pushing it to a later date so they had more time to think it through. “As we got farther along, and Finn got older, it felt inevitable that he would be thinking about the question of his origin and pursue answers if he had the chance,” showrunner Adam Muto said via email. “There are some loose threads that definitely need to be resolved before the show ends. For a long time, Finn’s origin story didn’t seem like one of those threads.” Then the show took off. “The more seasons we got, the more glaring that mystery became,” Muto explained. “So I’m glad we were able to tell this story though I don’t think it’s the end of Finn’s story. In a way, it sort of frees him to have a completely unexpected ending. He’s not a chosen one with a grand destiny or the last anything. He’s the son of a doctor and a con man trying to figure stuff out in a colorful magical land.” For much of its run, “Adventure Time” has dedicated a handful of episodes to this type of world-building, in between bottle episodes showcasing its unique storybook quality. Last fall, the “” story arc gave one of the show’s most popular female characters, Marceline the Vampire Queen, an opportunity to make peace with her undead status. Muto hinted at another loose end the show may address in future episodes: The Ice King, at first a goofy villain known for constantly peppering Finn and Jake, turned out to be a scientist who lost his mind after wearing a cursed crown. (He also raised Marceline in the days before he went completely bonkers, and the early episode that revealed their tragic history was one of the most groundbreaking in the history of broadcast animation.) Later seasons revealed that the Ice King had a girlfriend named Betty (memorably voiced by Lena Dunham) whose affection for the senile man stretches across boundaries of space and time. It’s one of the many powerful relationships that have become the cornerstone of a show that keeps inventing new ways to surprise its audience. “Making so many episodes has given us the platform to tell varied and ongoing stories we wouldn’t have had a chance to otherwise,” Muto said. Ward never planned “Adventure Time” with a mythology in place. In its early days, he compared the writing process to playing “Dungeons & Dragons,” with writers incorporating new ingredients into the Land of Ooo canon as they moved along. The world of the show, destroyed by an earth-shattering nuclear catastrophe, wasn’t even a part of his original pitch — but it has since become an essential part of the way longtime viewers appreciate its bittersweet edge. No matter the colorful and giddy antics that define Finn and Jake’s everyday lives, they’re never too far removed the reality of an Earth obliterated by war and desolation. The open playing field was something of a boon to the creative process, and “Adventure Time” became a natural fit for storytelling in the age of Reddit conspiracy theories — littered with clues, but open to endless interpretation. “[Ward] did what great jazz composers do,” Seibert said, “bringing in all sorts of people, giving them building blocks and then letting them bring their own ideas to the table.” At times, the rules governing the characters’ existence have posed a series of challenges for the team, since each 11-minute episode can only cover so much ground. “We try to remain consistent with what’s been established on the show when we can,” Muto said. “There’s a risk of getting unwieldy with over-explanation and recapping, so we do leave some spaces to the imagination.” Of course, imagination drives the narrative of “Adventure Time” more than anything else. It’s not hard to imagine a reading of the show in which every episode exists within the confines of Finn’s mind. Early on, Ward decided that Finn voice actor Jeremy Shada would continue to play the character, which meant that Finn had to age as Shada’s voice deepened, and the themes followed suit. From its wackier early bits, “Adventure Time” careened into weirder conundrums rooted in metaphorical possibilities: There’s the one where Finn and Jake find themselves battling through The Infinity Train, caught in an endless loop, or the one where Finn must learn to trust his senses by escaping a cave with his eyes closed. “When the funny stepped aside,” Seibert said, “you started to see that emotional content come to the forefront.” The show even incorporated some audacious gender swapping, hinted at a romance between two of its female leads, and killed off some supporting characters. All the while, it remained cute, funny and random, juggling the kind of freewheeling style more familiar to readers of alternative comics. Fans of all ages and sensibilities swarmed in. “The popularity came out of nowhere,” Osborne said, recalling the jolt of seeing someone dressed up in a Finn costume at Comic Con after the first season. “We were just trying to make something we liked.” Ward, a portly, bearded introvert better positioned for the drawing board than the microphone, started to get weary. “Pen’s such a creative guy, and at a certain point, running a show isn’t super-creative.” Seibert had warned the creator that the television production flow involved in juggling multiple episodes at once would get to him. “That weight and that beard are there for a certain kind of protection,” Seibert said. “He’ll never quite say what’s on his mind to anyone. As you can tell from the show, Pen is a sensitive guy. He needed to step back, for his own sanity.” As Princess Bubblegum says at one point on the show, “All of my jokes are cries for help.” (Ward did not respond to requests for comment.) “He’s expressing thoughts about very modern feelings that people have,” longtime writer Rebecca Sugar told me in 2016, shortly before she launched her show “.” “These feelings are frivolous, and that’s confusing. Good poetry is like that. Penn is letting that happen. That’s why he’s such an enigma — he’s an amazing artist.” That also made him retreat from the pressures of fame. “He wasn’t up to the monumental task of running a franchise,” said an ex-staffer from the network. “Toys, events, corporate meetings, all the trappings that come with a series success. He was a young, quiet, shy artist who just wanted to draw and tell stories.” In his free time, Ward has been focused on video games and virtual reality projects, but he remained in the writers room through the production of “Stakes,” and continued to voice the memorable diva Lumpy Space Princess. In the meantime, “Adventure Time” has maintained much of its appeal in the capable hands of Muto, Ward’s old college pal from CalArts. “It might sound glib, but almost everything is possible in animation,” Muto said. “I think most people who work in animation would tell you that. The challenge for our specific U.S. extended cable cartoon niche is finding the support to go down strange, underutilized avenues. There doesn’t usually seem like a push for the new and different in children’s animation.” But they won’t stop pushing for it. While Sugar continues to ride the success of “Steven Universe,” other alumni have plans of their own. Storyboarder Julia Potts’ short film “” (a hit at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival) was recently picked up as a series, and several “Adventure Time” alumni — including Osborne — have joined its staff. Osborne also has a web series called “Cat Agent” entering its second season. He spoke wistfully of his time on “Adventure Time,” and suggested it still had a future. “I think they can reboot it anytime,” Osborne said. He recalled a conversation with Tom Kenny, who voices the Ice King. “[Kenny] said, ‘Just this week, I’m doing voice work on ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,’ ‘Powerpuff Girls’ and ‘,'” shows that have concluded now more than once. This isn’t the end of anything.” Osborne also mused on the possibility of a prequel spin-off featuring Joshua and Margaret Investigations, the husband-and-wife dog team revealed as Jake’s parents in early flashbacks. (Osborne does the voice for Joshua.) But he also acknowledged that the show’s popularity would be tough to replicate. “My first job was on ‘SpongeBob Squarepants,’ but then I went to a show that wasn’t as good and people were like, ‘You were really lucky that first time.’ You never really know when something’s going to be a phenomenon.” Nor do you ever really know what to expect from “Adventure Time,” which never hesitates to slip complex musings into its otherworldly tapestry. Not every episode digs deep, but that possibility has always lingered on the edge of the frame, and led to some of the most exciting and unpredictable television viewing experiences in the modern age — and often a handy guide to the world outside its parameters. “We’re on, like, the bleeding edge of history,” says the character Jake Jr. to his dad in one revealing moment. “Everything ahead of us is totally unknown and there’s no guarantee that everything’s going to be alright. It’s exciting, but it’s also pretty scary. You know?” We do. But if the “Adventure Time” legacy stands for anything, it’s the value of confronting that fear, wide-eyed and ready for something different. Additional reporting by Michael Schneider. This Article is related to: Television and tagged Adventure Time, Cartoon Network, Features. 20 Black Friday Skincare Deals That Will Whip Dull Winter Skin Into Glowing Shape. As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, the air gets colder and skin gets drier. Good thing there are epic Black Friday skincare deals that will coddle and hydrate your thirsty AF complexion. Whether you're in the market for a new moisturizer or prefer an all-natural face mask, with so many skincare freebies and discounts, you're certain to find the ideal products to get you through the gross winter months ahead. With its holographic packaging, risqué shade names, and pigmented color, makeup is blatantly exciting. Maybe skincare doesn't quite sound as sexy, but it's actually more important. If you're not using the right skincare, all of your Black Friday cosmetic splurges just won't sit right over your face. If you're looking to glow, a replenishing serum will get you there, rather than an illuminator. If you want the texture of your skin to be soft and supple, an exfoliator might do more for you than a primer will. You simply can't go wrong with Korres, It Cosmetics, Fresh, Perricone MD, St Tropez, and all the other brands on this endless list of Black Friday deals. Get ready to ration your turkey consumption on Thanksgiving — you won't want to OD on tryptophan and accidentally sleep through these Black Friday skincare savings. Yes To. Yes To is offering all kinds of deals this Black Friday. At Rite Aid, you can buy one set of the makeup-removing Yes To Wipes and get two free. That's right, two free! And over at Target, you can buy any gift set (like this Mad for Masks must-get) and get the second 50% off. Vita Liberata. Vita Liberata, a line of self-tanners and instant bronzers powered by organic ingredients, is offering 50 percent off everything on their website. Consider yourself a bronzed snow bunny. BrowFood. If you haven't tried Lashfood/Browfood before, the brand is known for products that encourage growth in your brows and lashes. That means you may not need brow pencil or mascara at all one day. Through their website, the brand is offering 30 percent off all of their products. All of them. Which means this would be the perfect time to try the popular Phyto-Medic Brow Enhancer and the Aqua Brow Powder + Pencil Duo. If you have trouble with the symmetry of your winged liner, then you might also want to snag their Chamomile Makeup Eraser Pen. La Roche-Posay. La Roche-Posay is also offering 30 percent off all products on their website come Black Friday. If you're feeling that seasonal skin dehydration, I highly recommend giving the Hydraphase Intense Mask a try. If your skin fares on the oily side even the drier months, then opt for their Effaclar Shine Control Clay Mask. La Roche-Posay has every skin type covered. The Better Skin Co. If you're in the market for a new moisturizer to BLT (brighten, lighten, and tighten — not bacon, lettuce, and tomato), then jump on this deal from The Better Skin Co. On Black Friday, their Mirakle Cream will be buy one, get one free. Get one for yourself, and one for me. Kthanks. Dear by Renée. Dear by Renée is giving you 30% off all the products on their site with the code "BLACKFRIDAY." Indulge your skin (and your sense of smell) with their Lavender Cleansing Milk, Pomegranate Hydrating Mask, and Grapefruit Foaming Wash. Korres. On Black Friday, cult favorite Greek brand Korres is offering product bundles discounted up to 60 percent off. Their Natural Lip Essentials Bundle offers two Mango Butter Lipsticks in Cinnamon and Natural Pink, two Raspberry Twists Lipsticks in Grace and Allure, and two Guava Lip Sticks in Wine Red and Natural Pink. This bundle, valued at $110, will be available for a mere $45. Save your favorites for yourself and give the other away to friends and family. Korres will also be offering a Greek Yoghurt Makeup Prep bundle featuring their best-selling Smoothie Priming Moisturiser, Under Eye Priming Moisturizer, and Makeup Wipes, and a Head to Toe Hydration bundle that is valued at $137. Plus, on Cyber Monday, they're offering 30 percent off any purchase with code "CYBER". Dr. Brandt. On Black Friday, Dr. Brandt is giving you 45 percent off Needles No More No More Baggage, which instantly tightens and depuffs under eye bags. I can't think of a better thing to have on hand around finals time. DOPE Naturally. DOPE Naturally, a brand that offers various superfood-infused, ingestible protein beauty powders, is offering 30 percent off on their website. Personally, I really want to try the Beet Bliss. H2O+ Beauty. If you're feeling a little thirsty, then H20+ will quench it for you. The brand is offering 40 percent off site-wide, so snatch up that Oasis Hydrating Booster and Oasis Ultra Hydrating Treatment. Fresh. When you spend $65 on the Fresh website, you'll receive a free 50 mL Soy Face Cleanser. If you drop down $85, you'll receive a free 50 mL Soy Face Cleanser and a sample of the Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask . And if you really go all out and spend $100, you'll receive a free 5- Piece Gift including a 20mL Soy Face Cleanser, a 15 mL Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask, a 20 mL Black Tea Infusion, a full size Sugar Nourishing Lip Balm, and a Fresh cosmetic bag. Go big or go home, IMHO. Volition Beauty. Volition Beauty, a brand based on crowd-sourced ideas and needs, is offering their Holy Grail Mask Kit for a cool $70. They're also offering a free full size Ultimate Anti-Aging Custom Trio with a moisturizer, day serum, and night serum with a purchase of $95 or more. GloPRO. If you want to really glow for it this holiday season, then snag the GloPRO Microneedling Regeneration Tool at 20 percent off. Microneedling painlessly perforates tiny holes into skin, so your skincare products absorb that much better. Skyn Iceland. On Black Friday, you can save 25 percent on the Skyn Iceland website, but, on Cyber Monday, you can save 30 percent! So if ya snooze, ya win. Meant Simply. When you spend $60 on natural and organic-powered skincare by Meant Simply, you'll receive The Every Body Bar for free. It Cosmetics. Shoppers who drop $50 or more on It Cosmetics' website will be handsomely rewarded with a free Je Ne Sais Quoi Complexion Perfection Face Palette, if they use the promo code FRIDAY17. Customers who spend $25 or more will snag a free Discover It Kit with travel size versions of their Bye Bye Undereye, Brow Powder, and Superhero Mascara with the code FREEGIFT. NYL Skincare. This Black Friday, organic haven NYL Skincare is offering 20% off their entire site, so you can bathe with added peace of mind. Perricone MD. Starting Nov. 22 and ending Nov. 28., there are daily deals up to 50 percent off on PerriconeMD, and each day is a different skincare theme. I'm grateful, because this high-tech line is luxe and efficient. Schique Skincare. On Black Friday, Schique is offering 40 percent off with code "THANKFUL" and a free travel kit on orders over $65. If your skin's feeling a little scratchy this winter, I'd suggest grabbing their Hydra Glisten Revitalizing Mist, or their Lumistone Hydration Face Moisturizer. St. Tropez. St. Tropez is also offering a discount on their tanning products, 40 percent off to be exact. Did you know this lotion actually works while you shower? Just use the code STTROPEZ40 on their website to test it out. Download bokep teen free. 2002, Action/Adventure, 2h 4m. What to know. critics consensus. It has an endearing lack of seriousness, and Vin Diesel has more than enough muscle for the starring role, but ultimately, XXX is a missed opportunity to breathe new life into the spy thriller genre. Read critic reviews. You might also like. Where to watch. Rent/buy from $2.99. Rent/buy from $2.99. Rent/buy from $2.99. Rent/buy from $3.99. Rate And Review. Rate this movie. Oof, that was Rotten. Meh, it passed the time. It’s good – I’d recommend it. So Fresh: Absolute Must See! What did you think of the movie? 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Regal Coming Soon. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future. Theater box office or somewhere else. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. You haven’t finished your review yet, want to submit as-is? You can always edit your review after. Are you sure? Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Want to submit changes to your review before closing? Done Already? A few more words can help others decide if it's worth watching. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. Done Already? A few more words can help others decide if it's worth watching. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. XXX Videos. XXX Photos. Movie Info. Cast & Crew. News & Interviews for XXX. Critic Reviews for XXX. Vin Diesel, every teen's fantasy action hero. If Dubya and Dick Cheney had made their very own post-9/11 patriotic propaganda movie for the teens they need as globalisation fodder, then this would be it. Sporadically entertaining, this is nevertheless seriously hampered by a very choppy screenplay. Vin may not yet be a Bond, or a Terminator, or even Conan the Barbarian. But he's got presence and charisma. Diesel's a limited actor but a great performer - he just exudes cool. It's his charisma -- coupled with the raw sex appeal of Asia Argento's X girl -- that makes Rob Cohen's movie tick. The director piles on one expensive but impersonal action scene after another. For every action sequence, there are shots dedicated to formulaic rips of the already tired spy subgenre. Groovy gadgets, deadpan quips and stunning set-piece stunts reign supreme in this expertly-made schlockbuster. Fun but deeply, ridiculously silly. Despite the blatant rips, XXX's storyline remains entertaining enough. As an action director, Mr. Cohen is competent, but this film -- which is pretty much as non-stop as an action movie can get -- needed a director with a little more finesse. Okay, that's it. My summer of movies has been completely pissed on. Vin Diesel, every teen's fantasy action hero. If Dubya and Dick Cheney had made their very own post-9/11 patriotic propaganda movie for the teens they need as globalisation fodder, then this would be it. Sporadically entertaining, this is nevertheless seriously hampered by a very choppy screenplay. Vin may not yet be a Bond, or a Terminator, or even Conan the Barbarian. But he's got presence and charisma. For every action sequence, there are shots dedicated to formulaic rips of the already tired spy subgenre. Groovy gadgets, deadpan quips and stunning set-piece stunts reign supreme in this expertly-made schlockbuster. Fun but deeply, ridiculously silly. Despite the blatant rips, XXX's storyline remains entertaining enough. As an action director, Mr. Cohen is competent, but this film -- which is pretty much as non-stop as an action movie can get -- needed a director with a little more finesse. Okay, that's it. My summer of movies has been completely pissed on. Not since the days when Joel Silver ruled Hollywood and musclebound subliterates vied for supremacy on the big screen has the industry spawned a phenomenon as garish and confounding as Vin Diesel. With all the stimulating action sequences you can ask for, a touch of class and some fine comedic moments, you'll leave the theater wanting more. Family: I caught my 10-year-old daughter looking at porn. Q: I recently found my 10-year-old daughter looking at pornography on the Internet. When I asked her why she was looking at this, she said, "The devil made me do it!" I am appalled and don't know how to handle this. A: The Help for Families panel understands you are upset, but wonders whether saying you are "appalled" may be a little harsh. Pornography is rampant on the Internet, says panelist Michael Daniels. He suggest it may have been innocent. A 10-year-old could've been doing a report or looking up something simple and could easily comes across a pornographic site, he says. "It is scary how pervasive it is and how accessible it is," he says. "But as a parent you need to get a handle on it and be a parent, to be effective." The panel guesses from your daughter's reference to the devil that you are a religious household. For the future, you can put controls or filters on your computer to control what sites she can access on the Internet, says panelist Pam Wallace. You need to sit down with her and explain that pornography is something that isn't for children, Wallace says. "She is at a developmental age when many kids start to be curious about sex," says panelist Denise Continenza. "Have an open conversation with her and give her information that aligns with your family's values." She may be looking for answers to questions she has but will be directed in an inappropriate way, Daniels says. "You don't want to squelch her curiosity," he says. Talk to her to find out what she may be curious about, says panelist Rhoda Stoudt. She also recommends you keep the computer in a public place so you can see what sites she is going on. "Look at it objectively," says Continenza. "Put your emotions aside. This is one of the hardest parts of raising adolescents. Don't judge or condemn her." If you feel you can't talk to her about these issues, find someone else who can talk to her," Wallace says. You do know what to do, Daniels says. "Love her and step back," he says. "Look into your own experiences. Pornography has been around for a long time, although it was not as accessible in the past as it is now," he says. "How you respond to this will determine whether your relationship with your daughter grows or not. She has obviously internalized your family's values and from a religious standpoint she's right." She is showing she knows it's not the best thing to do, agrees Wallace. "This is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your daughter," says panelist Suzanne Mulhern. "She is a whole individual and this is just one small aspect of that."