All the News of AW the pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ointe ews Complete Nelvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News

Entered as Second Ctass Matter 3t _~e-.:.~: ..?ffjC~~t~_et_ro_'t,_Ml_C_h. ~ROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 16, 1967 20 Pages-Two Seetions - Seetion One '

ADLINES Christian Scientists Have New Farms Church . R Falls Short of the 1966 Flre eport Of Standards \VEEK FOI- As compiled by the Shows Pointe Loss IIealth GrOSsepointe News II 194. 104 c;~~~~~e~~~~:n~a~:r- , Before FaCIlity Used 11l~ay, February 9 Totals $ RESIDENT JOHNSON The Park council com- popePaul VI on Wed. Annual Dispateh To State Fire Marshall Reveals Dam- pleted its official business, a tbat the Unit~d ~tates including the 'filing of "are devotlllg mten. age Is $20,818 More Than Previous Year: Shores a kers Shows Fantastic Decrease Over 1965..... letter from the Michigan elforts"to gain an ~xte!l' Health Department pertain. of the holiday ce.aseflre In am with the aIm, hope. An annual report dispatched to the State- Fire ing to the waterfront poal, of opening the way to M~rshall's Office in East Lansing, by the five Pointe fire in just 16 minutes, on Mon. I, negolia. Iions. . chll:lfs, showed that the 1966 fire loss totaled $194 104 day, February '13. shatter: r' •• '* an increase of $20,818 over that of 1965. The Shores' wa~ ing a previous record esta.b- A'roR ROBERT F. Ken' least by fites, with the Woods also showing a drop ill lished last fall by two I).NY.,said on Wednes. losses. , <.-)>------minutes. !batthe United St~te~, has The follovflng reports are as ' Presiding in the absence of no "conscious polIcy 0 n submitted by the chiefs: Park', Seeks Owner, Mayor Matthew Patterson was unLit China far many William Graul; I City, Albert CouncUman Robert Hutton, the and sbould develop one ..":.~.Yaklin; Farms, M4 rWilliam mayor pro tern. Also present Healso suggested that the Mason; Woods, Allen Andrews; were Councilmen Charles Bow." ~ Statestreat Red China .< and Shores, Thomas 'CoC,'hiJI. erman, John Doolle and George a potential danger and a Park-Number of alarms re- Verdonckt, who". attended, al- 'ble opportunity rat her ceived, 378. Total loss to resi. thourh he" suffered an iDjured as a certain enemy and a dentlal buildings, $44,296; con. back, so that th~ quorum re- cause." tents, $25,208; garages, $7,562; quirement could be met. • • • commercial buildings, $435; and Absent besides the mayor FrIday, Feb~ary 10 automobiles, $4,354." Total loss, were Councilmen Charles Ives ,,/~4 $81,8.'>7,as compared to $35,7.10 and William Luedders.' . TAX REVOLTis simmering ... , ..... " in 1965. A ne,w law on swimming pools, troil.What has triggered City-Numocr of alarms, 158; Act. No. 230 the Public Acts . tin the civic temper is a ,; ';i;.~ of none false. Total loss of resi. of 19S6, may block the Park's 've two-yearreassessment dential buildings, $14,987; con- use of the pool at the waterfront- 1m parcelsof real estate, tents, $244; uninsured contents, park,. during the coming swim- ~Iult of Michigan's new For ,niany years $3,610; cars" $803; two boats, ming season. $553; .and th\!' Grosse Pointe CouacU Bears J.etter bave been assessed First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse Pointe grey stone and has a curving facade. The church holds roes High School float, $467, Total A ltitter. addrellsed to City thustaaed on the basis of Farms is welcoming visitors to its lJlewedifice Sunday. ,services SUnday mornings at 10:30 and., Wednesday loss set at $20,665. The loss in Robert Slone, from .the pre.WorldWar II economy February 19. The mqdern cl~ssical building, located' at evenings at 8. A public Reading Room is maintained at 1965 amounted to $11,963. Department Public Health in real estate prices were Of 282 Chalfonte avenue. ne~.r Kerby roadJ. is made of 19613 Mack avenue.. . .. Chief Yaklin also Lansing, was read to the counell ,Under tire D!!W :formula, . -!) . ------~ .wiIl he levied,on the value his report that 429 homes were by City Clerk Charles Heise, aDd es and'other propertle s First Chul..-ch 0.' f. Center' Sets' inspected for pusaible fire haz. filed. It was receiVed from T. L. presentgoodtimes. Home Dem~nd UpS .. ': ' ards, -last year. Vander.Velde, chief of the sec- are cbecJdng their. as. . .. f F 0 ., Farms-Alanns: 83, of which tion of 'Water Supply Division of no'" ill droves at the Clentlst. '-0 aI-IDS pens --Blood Drive 10 were f&)se. Dwelling lo~sel! Engineering" an4 bore the si~. Classes for S -" amounted to $18,367; other than nature of Paul D. Hodges, chief .r's office. - Thi' S. d F F b 23 dwell~ngs (garages, etc.), of the~ Public Swimming Pool ._.'i" I ~\ .• ew: , ' __~g s un .J:'!.y or e ,$1,200; dwelling contents, : .• ', ' Unit.AcoPYP~~,~ewlaw,at- SliIrlay, Febnary 11 Car Drivers N Build . ',.. , '$14,150; ollier than dwelling; "Orphan," sat In fiont'. of tached to the letter. L'tON'A,FERENCY has '1 M d -S-"-.--~, -Ch I, ..J,.....:..-. " $200; car fires, $85.. Total loss, th f' .n 'h' f. t 10 P rt f th I tt I ad "0' crassica 0 ern tructure in alfonte Avenue Bank at War. Memorial $34,502. This compares to the e lre,~ IS o's er t'0me . a 0 e . e er re, s: ,ur ~ ~~~t~~h~~;~High School Sessions Will 'd t."" t f $200 000 V"t f in N#f poadJ records on thi~ Jl.OOIare lll~OD? Eree te avos 0 . r ; ISI ors Empty: Donations Can 1965 igure of $18,835. his master who', w'as no~ plete, but do mdicate tl!.at It IS asIeIl1ltd au Friday. Fer-, Start at 7 a.m. Six Invited to Attend Servi"ee . ,Woods - Alarms 115 of ,J b t d rd d d S t t , ,,110had aimoim'ced his re- Help Orgc\nizations or which four ,"ere Ials'e. Los's on where to' be. found. His su s a~.a an .?C no mee Days Per Week ,T 'h' "L ' - our mmunum deSign standards. ent three weeks ago, will This Summer" . A lovely new church, First Church of Christ; sCien- Benefit Individuals dwellings, $6,370; on buildi~s s~mp~t etic re:>cuer, MarIe This is further confirmed in the his nameto be placed in ' tist, Grosse Pointe .Farms, opens its doors to visitors at other than dwellings, $24,280; Cn~lmersJ I~Jokedhelplessly letter of December 2, 1966 from . alion,for the chairman. By Karen Ulmer its Sunday service February 19. The morning worship Two American Red Cross loss on contents of dwellings, at Orphan; all.her efforts Mr. Glenn Brown of the Wayne at tire party's state can- service will be at 10:30 a.m. ~. .Ibloodmobile units will "et $8,033; on contents other than to find his owner had been County Health Department to . n February.19 in Grand Because of the large num- .. i d lli g $16598 th f' . , He' said that a third ber of students who wish to The single-story, grey stone grass green wall.ta-wall carPet. up at Gr«;>ssePointe War n. we n s, , ; 0 er lre fCllitless. Dr. K. E. Pitts, a copy of which church located 'at 282 Cllalfonte ing. 'Other room.s. in the church Memorial Thursday, Feb- losses (C8I;'S, etc.), $2,392, for "Orphan". was found ne.EI' letter was sent to you. wouldprobablybe his last. take dri~er education, three 23 an over all total of $57,673. The ''If"furtll of th 1 . • • • sessions of the course will avenue near Kerby road is of include an infants' room, Read. ruary .. T~ey will. be city's 1965 report showed that Seven Mile and lfack avenue by . er use e .poo u. 10 HANOICONFIRMED classical modern architecture. ers' and soloist roamf'. ready. to receIve donations fire destroyed property in the Mrs. Chalmers on January desired, arrangemen~ will need onSal1irday,-President Ho be offered in summer school Its gentle curving exterior. ex-' The biillding is heated by a f much needed~lood from amount of $97,299. the peak of. the cold wave. He be made for upgrading the fa- JliDlt'sinvitation tG Presi- at Grosse Pointe High this pr.esses grace, simplicity, and combination hot water and fil- 9 a.Q1.through 9 p.m. The Shores' report showed a was lost, cold, ~unliy and blind cHities. ~th0l;lgh the swimming year ihstead of two as in quiet dignity. tered: air system which also 'Pro. ~ i in one eye. Mrll..ChaIrrfers didn't season IS still ~any. months Johnsonto come' to North 'o'us years. With two eight.bed units set antastlc drop. in its fire losses have t'"e heart',to leave him out away, this would seem none too m and discuss peace. In preVl The auditorium, done: in mod- vides ventilation 'and air condi. 1 t $405 eel 10 . gton,ArthurJ_Goldberg, 'I'his will, allow the enrollment ern clessic motif, seats 240. The tioning.'. up in the Center's Crystal Ball- as year, , as compar to in the cold so she took "Orphan" 'soon to begin arrangements for. Ambassadorto the United qf approximately 250 more. stu. colors of. the room are gre~n. The church's architect is Har- room, a minimum of wl1-iting $10,479, for the previous year. home. She. then proceeded to .that. dents than would have ordinar. gold, and. the soft hues are en. old H. Fisher and' Associates. should be ~periericed ...Appoint. .1\ total of 41. alarms were re- run ads trying to locate his mas. Meetiag Suggested . ,saidthat ambiguities in ments for donations "however celved, of wmc!l seven were ter, but it ,:vas to n.o aval'l. "If there are any plans for Vietnam's proposals to ily been possible.'ll . hanced by indirect lighting. . bThe interior fappointments. are !re really necessary. '.'for smooth fals e. Th e Ioss t 0 dWP.ll'mgs "Orphan" stl'll st.ares out of using this pool thi;:; year,' we . te werebarring the way Classes Wl meet 'SIX days The focal point, of the audio y Deboard 0 Grosse Ile." . came t 0 1 $300 t th a week. The addition of Satur .. torium is the Reader's platform First Chllrch of Christ, Scien- operation of the blood bank: col- o~ ny, 0 e con. the window expeclantly ..• but would suggest that we and rep- ace talks. _ . lection.' tents il,. the homes, $40; and resent~tives of the Wayne Couu- ••• day classes was the only way at the front of the room, which tist, Grosse Pointe Farms, is'a 'Appointment . cards may be other damages by fire, $65. no one has come to claim him. lth th Saday, February 12 to accommodate the. additional features a desk and high.back branch of The Mother Church, . He is a very well cared for dog ty Hea pepartment meet wi summer session. chairs for the two'Readers. the First Church of Christ, Sci- o.btair.l!d and fiUed. Qut at the and obviously comes from a you folks to actually see the VERNO~ GEORGE ROM. m.... f t B t M H'b . vl!rious Grosse Pointe churches ErratlOc' DrloVlDo a good home. He is a real gentle. pooi and deterJllline:what course in.anaddressto'more than Start at 7 a• .Has Green,Gold Theme en lS, os on, ~ss. egan 10 p.articillating in the Blood 0 man I. of action should be undertaken." With the first class .starting , . 1953 when resldents of the KentuckyRepublicar,s, un. t d c' The green.. gold theme ISJ:ar- Grosse Pointes, interested in Council and at the Grosse Leads to Arrest The health' officials asked the \ a l)1antelestablish II na. a. 7 a.m. an the last at 6 d thr t th d Th Pointe Wa.r Me, office. A very worried Mrs. Chalmers Park' ollidals to appoint repre- p.m., class periods will be an rle ouguou e eco~. e Christian Science, began to hold came into the NEWS office ask. Republicanacademy. to back of the platform chalI's are I sentatives and to set a date for young men and women to hour and II half long. s . informal s e r v ice s in Kerby 1'Iust Be Refilled Donald E~ward Fuggerson, i,n,g for ,o,u,r help in l~ating a meeting to discuss the prob- James Sendo, Grosse Pointe gold velvet. .The pews are ohve. School Grosse Pointe Farms. The Grosse .Pointe Commun. 5 Orphan s owner so if any professionalpolitilians. lie stained and have. gold velvet . , 't' Bl d B k.' d ,202 Crane .avenue, Detroit wa", . . . " lem. ' . the Grand.Old Party to High School's driver education pads. A pale green carpet cov- Recognized in 1954 hY 00 P . ~r,maJn~ine by taken to the City Police Station of YO,~ readers ha'lie se.en Or- Hutton appointed Verdonckt, itself with weat he called coordinator, offered a guide. ers the entire auditorium. The group was for~ally rec. ro~se ~1D e War emorial on Friday, February 10, after phan hefore, or know ~s o~r Slone, City Attorney Richard newgeneration of Ameri. line for parents and students, The custom-designed dI aperies ognized in 1954 as Christian Sci. f?~ lmm~dlate free loan to any officer Richard Lanski observed please call 882.~ and you II ROOr, Public Service Director n He also unleashed his giving .them an idea of the which have hand.screened green ence Society, Grosse Pointe ~lhzens 10 case of emerg~ncy, his. car traveling erratically make a homeSIck dog very Herbert Heger and Thomas Ren. atltd: yet on- Lyndon chances of getting into ihe borders on an ivory antique Farms. In October, 1955, the IS empty ~nd must be refllled. over tpe white line oil East Jef. happy nolds, parks and recreation di.

• '$ Democratic adminis. summer classes. satin background, contrast with name was fOJTl1allychanged to 1,_Ma~y~hll, ch. anrl other organ- ferson. ------I rector, to meet with the state In order to enroll in the first First Church of Christ, Scientist, lzahons ba,!l.s. are very low The officer also observed that REPORTS $850 LOSS rmd county agents. The date of sessioll-startl'n" Jllne 19 and the light green walls. A floral P' F M' h h and need bUlldmg up a . th b k f ",''chael '.'cDonald, 19, of '" design of acanthus leaves is re- Grosse Olnte arms, IC. l' e I ...... passenger m e ac seat 0 lU.I.n the conference was left up to ending July 13-a student must peated in the carpeting, the pew same month the church opened at;hlS 'gC~lblec~lOndl~the1 lmmed~. the vehicle, Leonard FuggersoD, 1388 Somerset, a gas station the city manager. be 16 years of age by June 30, . its fir~t public Reading Room at nel or 00 IS a. so an ex. 619 Joseph Campau, was at. attendant, reported the loss of Bond Issue Defeated 1967. ends, Readers' desk, drapenes 93 Kercheval avenue. celle~t. chance for. frlends and tempting to Donald Fug. $850, possibly in a taxicab, as Possible curtailment of swim. Students wishing to enter the and platform chairs. In October, 1958, the Reading" ~el~ti.ves t.o contrlbute to an gerson in steering the car. he was enroute to a destinatio-n ming at the municipal park, 10. second session--July 14 to Aug- The foyer of the: new church Room was moved to its present 1OdlVldua~,m need.. After, being appraised of his in the Shores on Monday, cated at tbe foot of Atler road, ust 7-must be 16 by January ~eaa~:r:~l~~i~~::;;~ ~~~:;e:~d location at 19613 Mack avenue. BtahbYslhh.ers ~rhetPrOVldte~bfOtrrights under the Miranda February 13. He said he board- was feared by the city officials, 30, 1968. In November the sl'rvices were mo ers w 0 w~s a can rl u e amendment, Donald Fugg~rson td a Park cab in front of his when last November 8, Park The third session-Au !!ust 8 Sunday Schoo~Room moved to the Fries Auditorium and transportation to the Blood charged under the drunken home, and did not o.iscover the taxpayers turned down a mil. to August ai-is open enroll. A circular lobby off the foyer of the Grosse Pointe War Me. ~ank may bE; arranged by raIl. motor law and held in lieu of I money gone until he arrived in lion-dollar bond issue by a vote ment.. leads into a large Sunrlay School morial where they c(lntinued to i mg the Center-TU 1.7511. I $100 cash bond. the Village. The report was reo of 3,154 to 1,502, which would Chances Arl~ Slim room. The Sunday School room be held until last week. j Volunteers Help I' Leonard Fuggerson was im. ceived by Park police,. who are have been used to raise funds In case enough students of expresses a garden-like atmo~. The new church was con. I History is speedily taken by mediately released. Donald Ed. inv~stigatifl~. The ~oney. is the for improvements to r.ecreation. these age requirements do not phere with gaily flowered dra- structed, at a basic cost of $200,- volunteers of the Grosse Pointe ward Fu~gcrson ,was released, day s gasolme recelpts, It was al facilities in both the Water- (Continued on Page 5) peries on pale yellow walls with 000. Woman's Club and members oC after posting bond. said. frod ana the Three Miltl Drive . t Sunday morning services are the Grosse Pointe Youth Coun. Parks. including a new swim. '. a°rdersfrom President Tl _ Y 1 H held at 10:30 and Wednesday cil and Junior Red Cross serve R b B S I Cl ming pool in each park. , ., onDd;OUldremain .sus. tree Poutte out 1S urt, ,evellin~s at 8. Iin thl' recovery room. 0 ert . enlp e lOSen The e.'tisting pool was built 30 ,< out a ay-t()-~ay basls to I ------I All adults up to age 60 may 'years ago, and once was the talk the HanOIregime for 0 C.. II · S .k IS k EI t ! give blood unless in stages of T H I '67 T 1 D · envy of surrounding communi. s.. • • ne rltlca y, ut mas up 010 y eva or I advanced pregnancy or victims 0 eat ore t rl,Ve ties. Toaay, it is oL~oiete. Raw T1IeIda .------. Cause £01. AlarUl of hepatitus. Absolutely no ------lake water must be pUlSlped into ~ y. February 14 Three teenage Park boys were as Zoia and Ronald Forth, wh.o ! h~rm .results to the donor ~nd Grosse P?inter Robert B. i so generously." ,the pool, and ch~micals added :'iE.\R'()LI? SUSPECT injured, one critically, when the had been dispatched by t.h~lr I -- . hiS gift often saves a h!e. Semple,. preSIdent of Wyandotte I At a press ~nferenc~ called I to kee~ t~~ bactena count do~. e ~g~ Wlth the mur- car they were riding in went out station when f'arms All apparatus from the Clty, teens ~ay. lion ate ' C hem 1c a I s COl1?" bas been i to announ.ce ~IS appomtment, The tacthty has no filtration 'n~ er thIS.month of two of control on Saturda~', Febru. asked for assistancc, w.ere m. IFarms and Park responded to a t~elr p~rents .wrltten. permlS. named general. chamnan of the i Semple pal~ trlbute to the 1~ I system. . nt Sag 1 n a w couples. ary 11, and crashed into a tree jured in the scuffle wlth the! ca 11 from BOil Sccours Hospltal , SIO~.It IS the alm of t.hls GrossE' 196~ Torch. Dnve.. general chatrman, .Ben D.. ~lllls, State and county health olh • . tor RObert E. Currie of on Mc"riweather at Charlevoix Ijuveniles. Zoia's uniform but. 'on Sunday, Fcbruar~' 12, from, POinte Blood Collechon to ob. HIS appomtment to dlrect the. Ford ~rotor Co. \'lce presldent" cials have threatened to close ~w County said William: All we're trapped in thc vrhicl~ I tons and badge wcre ripped ~tothcr Supcrior Joho Andrew tain between 200 and 300 pints wo.rld's foremost united earn. purchasing. down the pool because it does ~n, a man .he describcr! 'and had to bl' freed hy policc from his jacket The policemen reporting smoke in thc elcvator of blood. ' I p~lgn fo~ health and commu. ":\lr .. :\!ills set a .recor1 .fo.r not meet .with present-day sani. iuvo~vPSY~hohctende!ldes. officers dispatched to the area. ,weTf~ treated at Bon Secours shap. .. _ • : OIty selVlces was announced by fund ralstng that wlll Qe dlffl' . tary reqUIrements . •ed In both murders The 16. 'car.old boys at the Hospital. Upon checkmg fIremen found New Poltcenlan IWendell W. Anderson Jr., prrst. cult to equal. much less sur., -.----- ., -time burglar, Ronni~ scene wh~ refused to obey a I In critical condition in. Bon 3 large motor on !he hospital i 1" dent of the Urite~ Foundation. : pass," he said. "A.crording. to I B!JRN~NG ODOR TRACE~ , ~ was named by police order to 1ll0Vl' awav Secours Hospital is Lams. J. elevator was smokmg. It ~vas ! H' d h Cot Anderr:ln, pr~sldent of th~ I th~ final rcport, hIS campaIgn I CIty flremen responded wlth : Ed1llgton'saccomplice from the wrecked car, and Will, Stockard, 16, 0£,1369 Yorkshlr~, turned off at the mast~r sWltch II Ire Y Al Y Bundy Corp., saId the UF o.ff,I'~raIsed $27,492,355: an amount al! apparatus un Sunday, Febru. '. 1Il'der OnFebruary 1 of fought and cursed a~ officers,: driver of the accident car. HIS and the room was ventJlatcd. . -- ceis. chose Semple for petrOlt sino other commumt.y has ?een I af?' 12, to the home of the ~. ~he~ A. Cl~ytor. harl to be forcibly subdued and I injuries were listed as compor"d ----- i Chlef Andrcw C.. Tretaer! has lead~ng volunteer post b<:<:ausei ab~e ~,o approach In a smgle, :\hnard Mumaws, .7~ Lakeland re sttll Illvestigating, handcuffed and taken to the I fracture of bolh legs, .a. frac. REPORTS V:\ND:\US:\I 'announced that ?wlgh( R. ~C?tt, i of hIS w~()lehearted devohon to dnl'e. ... Iavenue, a~ter recelymg a report VibJohnsonwas with Ed. ' Farms station Ch of inter. turerl prlvis intrrnal InJune.- Harry S, Stylrs. 41. of 24639 21, of 20401 f_astwood dnve, commumty endeavors and hIS Semple Indlcated hiS first con. of a hummg odor m the bouse. :n :\Ir. and :\frs. Carl ferlDg' "'th j. a~es . th(' and lacc~ati~n of the hanrls and Lrxington. Ed,t lklroit. parked Harper Woods has joined thc 'outstanding accomplishments in cern as c~mpaign gene:al chair. 'Upon arrival firemen checked . arye:Orf were killed on prrfor~~n po ;~~ In filcr. his car in thi' W()od~ Theater City Policc Forc,'. behalf of pr(lvious Torch Drivcs. man will be to select leaders all rlectrical appliances and 0 ~C? have . . A.still unidentifiecl heen iii d cc 0. ,t~~u les .'th His tll"O passengers, ~lark lot on Wedllrsda.l, Ff'hrllary 8, Scott is °a natil'c of iIOorman. lie added: for the drive's soliCitation and motors in the house and discov. Is be addict in his earl~' I Jllwn'\ e CagarS t ~ palr ~IIS Wallensperger 16 1320Harvard and while it was lInalt~lldcd, Okla. lie was graduated from I "We are dclighted that he promotion units, I ered the odor emanating from t 1 With lng S

I Folks who fret most about the I -A man likes to prea Drive younger generation's behavior romy at home, but it rna~h MUSIC BOX STUDIO Semple Shosen to Head Torch are too old to belong to it. .wife who has to pracuc/il. 15609 Maek Ave., between Balfour and Somerset (Continued from Page 1) (Continued From Page 1) 1949, has tripled both in the try Club or Detroit, Detroit Phone 881.2013 Reese Larson, 16, of 15324 Wind. Ihe said. "I shall begin immedi. numbers who volunteer and the Club, Detroit Athletic Club, mill Pointe drive, suffered facial at.ely. to pull toge.ther a~o~her funds raised. Grosse Pointe Club, and Yondo. GUNS AND lessons, rentals, sales and service lacerations and were treated at wmmng team of mdustnallsts, For its inilial campaign, the tega Club. I Cottage Ho~pital. lab~r leaders, business and pro- UF brought together 35,000 vol. He also belongs to the Links ACCESSORIES We teach rock and roll organ, piano, base guitar, accordion, fesslonal men, and houseWives unteers to collect a total of and Sky Clubs of New York dn1ms, guitar, banjo, sax and. clarinet. Farms P~~robll:en. Otto G~a. from all areas of our metropoli. $9,247,000 for 143 health and City, Sl. Louis Country Club, Are Our Authorized epiphone dealer. ner ~~d :hilit 1t~lg~~ w~re d::- tan communitv." commrnity services. The num. the Bohemian Club of San Fran. Guaranteed customer satisfaction. ~: ~nd c~~fev~ix~ iner:::::ns~ He said more than 130,000 I ber of services participating cisco,. and Metropolitan Club, Exclusive .Hours: 3 to 9 week da)'s, 9 to 5 Saturdays, or by appointment to a car accid~nt report. On volunteers will be. needed to now has grown to nearly 200. Washmgton, D.C. , Business! arrival, they found the vehicle carry th!! Torch. Dnve message Semple has .been a l!1ember I Semple hold~ a s ~e'l virtually "wraj:.ped" around the to contributors In Wayne, Oak. of the UF board of dJrectors gree III chemICal engmeenng Professional Gunsmith Service tree, and its occupants trapped land and .Macomb Counties. since ~953.He was Torch Drive from Massachusetts Institute of I Open 9 to 6 Tues. 6' Fri. 'til 8 p.m. inside. The policemen called for Appro~mately 60, 0.00 of co:chalrman for chapter cam.'!og~. . Grosse Pointe's Only Glin Shop 15th Year Serving Grosse Pointe assistance, and an ambulance. t~ese WIll be. housew~ves .to. palgns last year. With hiS wife, the f0':ller ilidi t } '*' .. :---I ____ . _t M M ff d' tch d nng doorbells In the residential He is also a director of Chrys. Isabelle Ashby Neer, he llves II cers a I B McDANIEL GUN SHOP 304 I f orthe°F.l Wte1ti~LSPFuthe campaign. Other volunteers wiil. ler Corp American Natural in University place. The MICIIlI.M ~ rO:i \ ~rms 5 a ~.n. r er call on fellow workers in fac. Gas Co ~~d the National Bank Semples have five children and 15102 Kercheval _ VA 1-81900 .--- c.a. o~ e.p;a~.r ;:n "~ tories, offices and stores. of Det;~it. six grtmdchildren. ' • ~~~:s r~~e ~~ls'di~pa~c~~d S To IPr°lJ.ll~te l~e 19t7 ~riv;,; He is a trustee of Atlantic ------.-- a seco~d ambulance, on request. o:~~ee :mm~~it ,~nto u~d~eer_ l\I~tual Insurance C~., the Com. ~ In a report to their chief .. . Y. P mlttee for Economic Develop. ~ Thomas CochiU Shores Patrol: tlSI~g, public ~e.latlons, press, ment and the National Indus. men Zoia and Forth said they radiO a?d t~levlslon peopl~. trial Conference Board, and a arrJv. ed at th e accI'd en t scene, theHenewspaperwJll give finaladvertisements.appro\al to past chairman., of the Manufac... Invlls,lble Support For and found two young males with po te d d' d t I ' turmg ChemISts ASSOCIation . .. h k d s es, an ra 10 an e e. A" ... tr. I thelr heads InSIde t e wrec e vision announcements used dur- clive lD Detl'olt CIVICauaJrs, Sllh car. When the youths :-vere or. ing the campaign. Se~ple is president of the D~- a Youthful , ouette dered to move to penmt rescue The general chairman also trolt Symphony Orchest!a, a dl. efforts, the boys became ob- will approve the 14 _minute rector of the Economic Club, noxious" an~ be~an usiD:g foul color appeal film prodllced be. aJ.1d a trustee. ~f Harper Has. The Don-rell Lycra-Sp&Ddex waist of the. Posture G~rd Your Grosse Pointe language, ~e o~lcers said. Ifore the drive for viewing by IPItaI . and ~Itl~ens Research shorts instantly flattens your 5to~'ac~, tr~s .your hips. When the JuyeDlle~ :vere placed. more than a million Delroiters ICouncil of Mlcbgan. Light, lofl, cool. durable, persplration.r~lstl~g under; under arrest for failing to obey in meetings theaters and on He is a member of the Coun. wear ••• the ultimate in comfort. Start SlimmLDg today. Cruise Headquarters I a lawful police order, they television. ' , hegan to curse and swear and The new general chairman's ~ POSTURE GARB REGULAR ..... S2.95pro ' to fight with ~he officers, and personal success story parallels OINT-~'Y# MID.IENGTH .. SU5pr. had to. be forCIbly subdued and Torch Drive history. Both carne ./ II, Ltwl. .BOXER ... " "SUS pro handcuffed.. on the Detroit scene in 1949 :.. ,,/IIUf, Xl Zoia was kicked several times and immediately rose to na. . )O~j2. 34~}6 ,:~ ~2~~ 46.50 .Hol M.d. in XL (HET/ SAMPSON'S TRAVEL SERVICE in the gro~ by one of t.~e teen. tional prominence. 18310 Mlck It McKinley, G.P.,.~ : , agcrs dunng the struggl~, and Semple was electE:d president • Complete SEAFOOD iWHAliNG'S.I2DWIHWlrd, Dlllo11 H ! 100 Kercheval Ave. - on the Hill Forth was kicked, once 1D the and chief executive officer of d MEAT MENU : or FlsHr .oUdln(. Detroit 2 : Wear Posture Gards for outdoor aport. a. "'ell I, 011 groin and knee and also suffered Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. that an . 1= II' &18 W,1 IIIlIellold,Detroit 21 : business and social occasions. They ,,'ilI keep you 1001001 slim ",ilboUl discomfort...... \ a cut on the hand, and a slight year at age 39. He already had • Dl NNERS or ! II.... Iind m. l~. followl.O 'o.lure GIrd! head injury. become director of general de. A LA CARTE : ",do""" by L b: • ~ ~ In the rese,ue effort, G.lanert velopment at Monsanto Chemi- : QU NTITY: SiZE: : = I. • 100 KERCHEVAL delivered piping hot to REGULAR , $2.95 p.rp''': TU 5.7510 crawled through the rear win. cal Co. in his home town, St. your home ::::::::h4lD-LEHGTH I'! '.II1I.cru.~~w~ dow of the accident vehicle, and Louis. . ..: IOXER 1$3.95p.r : WHALING'S forced the front and rear seats In his 17 vears as chief ex- Sorry No C.O.D.O,d." = apart to enable Waltensperger ecutive, Wyandotte Chemicals Carryout 111<1 Home Dillyery CHECKENCLOSED0 Add ~% Solu Tn. = men's wear and Larson to ,free themselves. Corp. has expanded its markebi TU 5.4453 '{U 5.4790 CHARGETO MY ACCOUNT0 • i: 'rhe youths were assisted in get. nationwide and in several fo/.'. 3 ling out of the car by helrful eign countries. Sales have Open Monday through SaturdlY NAME .•. , ••..••..•.••....••.•..••.• ~ .• ] policemen. tripled. 4 p.m to '.10:00 p.m. ' • A SILUTE- TO 1500 Stockard's left leg was pinned Likewise, the Torch Drive, ~ SundlY 3 p.m. to 'p.m. I ADDRESS , ',: i between the seat and the left with which he has been identi. ' 25c DELIVERY CHAllGI CiTY.. " .. " .. " ZONE .

door l' \vhich was crushed in.. fied since its first campaign in l "0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 DOG :) = .!!!!!!. ~ !!!!.~~!!.. ••• - TIRED TRUCKS' ward, and a crowbar was need. ------. ed to pry the door away ,from and their 3.000 Drivers the youth's broken limb before be could be freed. The cause of the accident is Hats off to our -A road service stations still under investigation, auth- for their HercuTeanperformance on th'e )ee orities said. and'snowoCovered streets. They di:f their job Chief Roh said that the two 16- year.olds who battled polic~, .• I • and more. were scheduled for a hearing in Juvenile Court yesterday, Feb- L ruary 15"" . , Assisting at the accident, were j Sgt. Eugene Boylan and Del. Francois (Joe) Belanger, City Patrolmen Richard 'Lansky and r William Plumb; Shores, 'besides, Zoia and Forth, Patrolmen Stanley Otlllakowski an~ Ches- ter Painter; an.d Woods rPatrol- men Martin Tr 0 m b ley and Broce Marone ..

PARKING LOT BooTH BIT City Police Officers William Plumb and Richard Lanski re- pOrted on Thursday, February 9, that the parking lot booth in area five, at the rear of 17030 ~Inb! ,tfo1150,iat .embers olAitomobUeCluhDf licllijan Kercheval avenue, had been .GROSSE POINTE DIVISION . struck oil the north side by an : 15415 E. JEFFERSON PHONE 821-6)00 automobile. The glass and struc- . GeOTge Measel, Manager- ture itself were broken.

I, :! ':"


A Year 'Round Dress Trou. ser That Never Needs Iron. ing! Mid-weight "Twist Cloth Made to Take, Abuse. Pop in the Washer and Dryer (i.nd They are Rettdy to Wear.

Match His Sport Coat with Cambridge Grey, Heather Brown; Midnight Blue or Dark Olive. All in Our York Model with Plain Front and Belt Loops.

Jumor (8-12) 7.00 Prep (14-20) 9.00 We'd ask you to compare it ... but with what? (29-36) 11.00 Student Comparing a Cadillac has always been a problem, for the car has long door locks, a hazard warning system, latches that hold folding front seall been clearly inea class of its own. In 1967, the challenge is even greater •• securely in place and dozens "f other safety fcatures. because Cadillac has nevcr before shown such convincing leadership. And, of course, there's performance. There's nothing else smoother I . 5t3rt with beamy. Cast about for a luxury car contender that can Itst than Cadillac's V.S power; nothing else easier ~an Cadillac's improved I , I s\lch stylingad,,'ancements as Cadillac's dramalicnew roo£line, its forward variable ratio power steering; nothing else ste

Standard of tIle m>rld _ rerrii/ta(J


O'LEARY CADillAC, INC. 17 i53 E. JEFFERSON GROSSE POINTE ------~-"• ------J 'February J 6, 1967 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three ~ GPHS Musicians Gather Honors ----:;. 'I 10:00 tll ,.:00 Tell Dog O'wners Boy Breaks Leg :::'" F;I. Till ,:00 P.M. Russell D. Reed, instrumen. by our people," he said. tal music instructor at Grosse Solo events receiving First To Get' Licenses In Bike Accident WE DELIVER Pointe High School, today reo Division ratings are: Margie -- . ported the results of Saturday's Jensen, Flute; Gary Enzmann Park residents owning dogs, A 12.year.old City boy, riding B.ELM.ONT FURNITURE f $5 or More--", On Order O Solo and Ensemble Festival and Kathy Crossen, Oboe; Mark are reminded that licenses for his bicycle, was struck by a: OPEN held on Saturday, February 11, DeGaentano, Clarinet; Bill Bo. their pets must be obtained, woman motorist on Thursday, q~ EVENINGS '105 L Y N . at Schoolcraft Community Col. gan, A.lto Saxophone; Bill Priest warned Police Chief Arthur February 9, according to a Park 1J-oint:e Mon., lege in Livonia. and BIII Laitner, Cornet. Louwers. ' police report. Thurs. & Fri, 'Til 9 MARKET I "With Grosse Pointe High Others are Mark Lawrence The chief cited a city ordi. John M. Scranton, 391 Wash. '.111. OIdcJt ItI the Woods i School students partiCipating Tim Place, John Walters and nance whic!> r~quires that all ington road, was conveyed to 20507 Mack Ave., near 8eaufait in 45 events, we had 32 First Peter Pettit, Trombone.' dogs attaining six months of Bon Secours Hospital by police 1020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. r Division ratings and 13 Second And Steve Mihalik, French age must be vaccinated, and at ambulace, suffering from a 884-3600 ." _ _ J Division ratings," Mr. Reed Horn; Carmen Nemeth and four months must be licensed. broken leg. commented. "Seventy indivi. Craig MelIinger, Violin: Bob Owners of such pets must pre. S I According to an accident reo dual first ratings were earned Hawes, Viola; Belle Harmison sent a valid vaccination eerU. port, the driver of the car, Mrs. _------.--jCello; Barbara MacLennan :lnd Iicate when making application Mary F. Grilfin of 9132 Martin- , t -- Linda Symons, Piano. ' for 1967 dog licenses, and must dale, Detroit, was traveling west . Ensembles receiving First Dj. bring the certificate with them. on Kercheval, when John turned A vision ratings include Flute New dog licenses are due on in front of her at tbe traffic light I Notke10 All Volers of GrossePie Park duet, Pat Getschman and Cathy January 1 of each year. and located bet wee n Defer and' Curtiss; Woodwind duet, David those who have not yet ob. Pierce Junior High Schools. The; Lapeza, Joanne Fisher- Wood. tained tags for their canines, boy was knocked to the pave. I V BRING NEW LIFE INTO I. wind quintet, Margie' Jensen are in violation of the law, the ment. i Allen Singer, David Lapeza' chief said. , Mrs. Griffin, and the boy, who: THE CITY COUNCIL I Gail Godfrey, Mary Schmidt.' Final notices have been sent is a student at St. Paul School, ' I ~ Woodwind q u !n t e t, Pat to all dog owners of record, both refused to make any state. ,Uetschman, Vickie Geavaras, who have not yet complied with ments. However, the woman I I Don Moore: Steve. Mihalik, the or~inan.ce. After a reason. was found to be not at fault. VOTE FOR ,Mary ~chmldt; Clarmet quar. able tIme, If an owner has not John was given a Bicycle Vio. : tet, Gall McCaig, Don Bower. fulfilled this obligation. he will lation, which he must : man, Lynn Steinke, Becky receive a violation ticket and present to his parents. : Bentz,'n; Clarinet quartet, Mark be subject to legal action. His bike was damaged by \he I STOREWIDE- FLOORWIDE REDUCTIONS I JOHN F. POTVIN ! DeGa~tano, Don Moore, Gail Licenses may be obtained in impact with the automobile and, : McCaIg, John Hamman., the Violation Bureau, Room 3, the fall to the pavement. I Saxophone Sextet, Bill Bogan, on the second floor of the Muni. :" :-':.- ,,;:-.-' :':~.'"-=,"=::,(V'.'.' ~~ .~,;~:::.~~ -=::...... "." ':"J • 1012 Bedford Rd., a resident of the Park for more ,I Barb. Adams, David Wilton, cipal Building, Jefferson and ....~. .. ::.. :~.. i Byron Stuck, Nat Greene, John Maryland, Mondays through * * * than 16 years, Pierce School 'I Fr~emBn; Cornet Duet, BilI Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wed. Sale feature .. Graduate of John Carroll University, B.S. I PrIest and Ralph Miller; Trom. nesdays, to 6 p.m. Giving Plays b?ne Duet, Mllrk Lawrence and Park dog owners are urged • Graduate of University of Detroit Lav; School, I Tim Place; Percussion Sextet, to ('<)operate in this maller, and --.- . CENUINE I Rc.d Rose, Karen Pearsall, avoid violation tckets, which .Students of ~ 1 ere e JUnJ~r Doctor of Laws. ( .. - Mary Brammer, Jim Davalan. might cause considerabll1 in. IHlg.h School. WIll present theIr I Practicing attorney. Ites, Dale Johnson, David Oliver convenience to the owners. sp.rmg Evenmg of Plays e~rly I and Mark Fossee. .. thl~ year-tomorrow e~emng, I 30 years of age, active in church, fraternal and I Violin Duet, Terry Pratt, W d 0 .do FrIday, F.ebr.uary 17, ,III the HITCHCOCK .civic affairs. : Karen Wilson; Violin Duet, 00 S r InanCe school audItorIUm at 80 clock . ! David Me L au g h 1in, John H o' SI t d Two one.act plays will be per. Oster; String Quartet, Carmen eatIng a e formed. The first, "Easy as IIVillage" ,if, hi", your vote '0' councilman of Grosse Pointe Park, Nemeth, Nancy Cantine, Kathy ,-_ Pie," presents these students in ,JobbittI and Bette Harmison; The City of Grosse Pointe the cast: Lori Griffith as Mary tit M.IId", F,bruary 20th, "nd ask yoII' f,ier;ds to ,,/50 I Woodwind Quintet, Diane Me. Woods will hold a public hear. Lou Miller, Karol Kotowski as tIt'IF hi•• 'I Callum, Lois Kavanaugh, Mary ing oil Monday, March 6, at Betsey Miller, Bill Horvath as I ROCKER Albrecht, Steve Marr and Diane 17:30 o'clock at the Municipal Perry )\Jilton, Tom Kimmel as --:------__ J Kummerfeld. Building, 20025 Mack avenue, Eddie Traversa, Donna Mueller: upon the proposed amendment as Louise Maverick, Liz Greg. . ; to the zoning ordinance,- as ory as Mimi Farwell, Betsy ./ Brack 'and Cherry Decorated ',adoPted on November 3, 1952. Harmisnn as Lila Lancaster, The amendment would change Bill Champion as Kenneth Exactly as Shown the. ordinance so that the stor. Leigh, Mary Hughes as Aunt age ,area in a building wouid Samantha, and Vicki Large as FIREPlACE WOOD be computed in the number of Mitzi. I.~quare feet required per park. During the intermission, sev. Birch Logs~nd Hardwood Illig space. In the p~st the 5t?r. eral musical groups wm pe!'. Only Package (oal : age area was no~ 'mcluded ,m form, complete with guitars and th~ number -of ~qu8.!:e,feet reo amnlifiers. At press time, (annel (oal Kindling Fire Quels ,qUlred per parkmg space. final selections had not been I In other words, for the pur. made but student interest drew pose of ,the ordinance, "Floor a large crowd at try. outs tast area" in. t.he case of, offices, week. 50 merchandlsmg or service type ., .. " ,of uses, shall mean the gross FOllowmg ",the l~termlsslOn" ,llIlI1JiJL floor area of' the buiiding the s~c?nd play Will b~ ,~re'l $39 ,which shall be arrived at by sented. Glamorous Glona . .' In \ Bird Seed - S~et Ca~es -Rock Salt using the outside dimensiorts of the cast are Penny Blank as I the building, less the' area 'com- Flo~ence Hall, Candy Lee as Many other brn;,d name rockers on displaY-8peeially priced Sopplirul. prising the' exterior walls only. JulJet Hall, Jeff Montgomery as , - Burlap - Bird Feeders - Fire Colors I • T.he ordinance would take~ef.: J:erry Hall, Pat Ry~e ~,as ~r.s. ", ~ ~. ' I fec;t 2Q day's from .ijl.e d~te- of Hall, ~om Horvatn as B~ll CENUINE its enactment ' " Crosby, Betsy Todd a~ Glo,rla A . _Glover, Rick Schott: lis, ,Walter MI'LD:R'UM GARD,EN SUPPLIES UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Glover. Barbara Gilstorf as Complete Selectio" 17921,MACK AVENU E WE DELIVER TUxedo 4-2184 I Success never comes to men Mrs. Glover, Leslie Evans as I :who try to get the upper hand Linda Dawson, and Bob Bower- of :by dealing from the bottom...... man as Neil Dawson. Any good performance' re., UPHOLSTERED quires the help of many people I working backstage. The unseen' Wing Back stage crew on Friday night will be Bill Taylor, Marc Oglevie, Ray Phebus, Debbie Adelper. ger, Lynn Ryckmann, Barbara Lounsberry, Tom Fischer, Jim I Biasell, Bob Bowerman, Alec, SOFAS Donnell. Brute Kaselitz, and: Bill Zeidler. , and John Mason is again serving as director of the entire produc. Ition. Tickets may be purchased at the door. CHAIRS from I ---- , Greal i Library to Show Fihll on Toronto, Savings!

The next Travel Presentation for 1967 witI be at 7:30 p.m., on Genuil1e Friday, February 24, in the Ex. hibition Room of the Central Li. All are gen;Jine Hard b;:ary. This program is planned f{ock Maple. Sturdy by the Audi.Visual Department' mote's choirs and richly of the Grosse Pointe Public Li. woodgroined table topped I brary a division of the Grosse with mor and stain IPointe School System. Due to resistant plastic. See I the splendid reception these pro. these ond many others in our showroom now. I gra~s !J::ve had, the library is Hut-ches, Beses, Dry I cf)ntmn::lg them. Sinks to Match all , There will be a film on Toron. Pieces. 1.0 showing the renowned Casa Lorna, the Exhibiti ..m Park. the city as well as the places of scenic bP.auty surrounding it. , The other film will be a unique 'travelog on the cTlchanti::g is. land of Bermuda. The general public is cordially in\'ited to attend this series and there is no charge. •- . ThEe Audio.Visual Deparlment would also like to call attention Why SOInemen sleep better to its large collection of non. book material which is available for loan to anyone having a Grosse Poinle Librl'ry card, · .. than others In a1dition 10 the la fl(e lape and record collection, lhere are Illustrated film .~trips and both 16 and 8 mm films covering a great variety of STURDY LEGS - HEAVY TOP The worries of the night run d~p. For questions pursue a ni'ln even in his sleep, .lIoM. ------,han~e of .~dltre.s Form. 3.';7~I 10 l;", " b----- ~~ Pa~ Four Go R 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S Thursday, Februllry 16, I~ ~. ': IImay be sent to the Memoria.l He is survived by bis wiIe, Th H Isecond vice - president Mrs. I ten, recording secretary; Mrs.! jamin .H, Long, trea~ '. Obltuar'les Fund of Jefferson Avenue Pres. Elinbeth, and a son, Harry. ompson Onle. F.rederlc~ S. Fo,rd, Jr., thl~d I War~en S. Booth,. assistant re- IM. Rivard KlIPPt~ '. . ' b)'terian Church. Interment was in Holy 8epul. Elects Officers ',V_lc~:pr~~~~~t;._~IS:_~~~~~~~t- IcordlDg se-=ret~~l\Irs. ~~~.~t~:~surer. I . 1. · · chre Cemeter:l...... WALtEl IOACHtM Ifor Mr. Jouchim, 72, of 656 Hew. W. F. LePLi\ * * * -- Me'ltlol'ikl' ser\'lce~ were held Ithorlie road, on TueS11ay, Febru. Funeral services for Mr. I VIOLET KUNE The Board o[ Directors of the, f!"" :'-~""v"':'" L~ ."~"Ill.~W .?ord . 1 ary 14, In. the jeffer~ol\ Avenue i UPla, 48, of 6 Berkshire Funeral services [or Mrs_IThompson Home held its 90th I ~. ..ft~ ~ ~ ~l "j,.~ BUYING LIFE I Presbyterian Chu~h. lie dIed, place, were held on Monday, Kline, 69, of 171 Beaupre ave. Annual Meeting on January 24, ' .. { . at ~on SeCOUl'1lHOSPital Ob Sun. : re~ruary 13, . at the Grosse: nul', were held on Tuesday, al which Mrs. G. Thomas Mc. : INSU RANCE ) da~, February 12. ,Pomte MemOrial Church. He IFebruary 14 in the Verhevden IKId 'd t • d' d' 1,0 • I C Iii' ' . ean was e ecte presl ~n , Mr. Joachim ope rat e d the I Ie In s ."nge es, a ., on i Funeral Home. She died on I . $2 88* :Walter O. Joachim Real Estate I Wedilesday. February 8. i Friday, i:-ebruary 10. The directors will have a . ~ per year C.ompa.ny for 1~ years priQr to ~Ir. LePla was th~ manager I She was the wile of the late I luncheon at the Countr)' Club .1 l $1000 I hill relJrement In 1~62. He .was , of. The Grosse Pom.te ~Club I John E. G. She is survived by Ion February 28 to honor the reo . 1born In MadIson. WIS.. and In'cd ,(Little Club), [or 14 ~ear .. H.e her daughter, Mrs. Grace Smilh l' . g 'dent Mrs Martin S per I Iin the Detroit area tor 37 ~'~ars. was a member of the Del!Oit Iand three grandchildren, . JrIn presl ,. . YEARLY RENEWABLE : He was past bo)'s director of Club Managers ASSOci?tl?n'l Interment was in Woodmere IHayden, and [our recently 1 I the Hannan YMCA lI.l\d put,fe. The ClUb Managers AssocIation Cemetery elected mem~ers of the Board: I ERM : Uglous educatibll dll"eclor of thl! of AtlH.'rica, the Holel G.-eeters j • • • • Mrs. Frederick ~, Ford, Jr.,: Exclusive THUNDERBIRD Salon • RENEWAelE TO AGE 70 : Jefferson An?nu" Presb)'terIl111 Asso~lation and a member of I RAY L. MARTIN Mrs. Ayers Mormon, Mrs. J'I • (.oNVERTtBLE TO AGE 65 ,Church. the Ann Arbor Lodge F. & A.M. _ Jenness Newcomb aIJd Mrs., Finest Selection in the area ---- '.. . . _ He is survived bv his wife Memorial services [or Ray L. Ford Ballantyne Jr. ' $100,000 ~Ie PreferM Risk He.. 15 • sUf\'lved b~ hiS ~'ife, Nt?11 F.; lwo daughters, Jill, and I Marlin, 81, of 45 Warner road, In addition to' Mrs, McKean, i SEE US fOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE Isave lit Yr. Issue ht Yr. Virginia. II soil, Wallet, • Sall}o; a soh, Joe. Iwer~ held on Frl?ay. Februa.ry the other oCflcers elected at the I A" p~:" Age I'f'etn." daUg.hte~.. M:r~_.l\1~hatd Sch- Memorials may be made lo ,10, In Grosse Pomte Memorial annual meeting are: M r s, I Joseph E. Stermer 14800 E. Jefferson - Phone 823.2500 21 $221 40' $}7a a~bt, SIX gtandchUdrel1, and the Aml?riclIn Diabetes Assoda-I Church. George E. Cartmill, first vice I ~O :tS6 45 555, t\\O brothers. I \Ion, Inc., 18' East 48th Street, Mr. Marlin was founder and 1 president; Mrs. John Van Zile, i ..:::: 31 288 SO 859 I ;nterment was in E\'ergreeh I N.Y. 10017. boanl chairman of the Cadillac ------. Cen'leteQ'. Memorial tributes: Intermeht was in W hit. e I Glass Company .. He died on For Details .------! Chapel Cemetery. . IWednesday, February 8, in the HAVE YOUR * * • Georgian Court East Nuning Call: 'DIAMONDS . HARRY VAN WORMER Home. GIrd c...... n I CHlCKlD IY II Funeral services for Mr. Van I A nalivt' of Napoleon, 0., he .LADIES A.~ llpll-,:. Wormer, 12, of 88 South Edge. founded the company ill 19;12 503 Wf) '.)1, I Telt!O~e! old ,t'!rdry ItHo 'wood dril'e, were held on Tues- Iand served as Its president until TU 1.9412 the ftnest, latest styles. . dav, February 14. in our Lady: 1957 when he became chainnan I • G'Ht V.lull in FiI" Di.- RI~r of the Sea Church and the: of the board. .Male, 35, preferred risk, _mOl1ltl., Wltd ... 11.11 I Verhe~'dell Funeral Home. I He was a member of the ~IOO,ooo or more Goltl"'''''1; I HI! dll'd o~ Saturday, Febr~. Grosse Pointe Memorial Church "n;\'idends can be applied to Until last week further reduce premium after I . 4tri W l ~ I il.I'v H, lit hiS wlliter home In \ where he served as elder bead tbree ~'ears. =r- ~ .tth. ,I!'ort Lauderdale, Fla. usher, chairman of the b~i!ding • $SO,ooo MinliDlllft .H, ~;.~J fQf JO ftiIlft ~ h ~Qt'1Ht. I' _ M.r. Vall Wormer .was the committee and president of the 8ENERAL AMERICAN LIFE ... .1 E II founder of the Van Wormer In. Mens' Association. George Coury, C.L.U. AI'rn • II' Idustrles melal stampings com. He Is sun-ived by a daughter, Virginia Murray had to Wail Counselor JEwU.llt 'GOlDiMlf" pany .. lIe 'Vas chairmal1 of the Mrs, Frank J. McGurl; a son, General Agent 16437 I. W.t ..... '\'U ,_.... DetrOIt Board of Co~mer~e and Richard J.; two sisters, Mrs. 17320 W. 8 Mil~ Rd. We bUy old gold, Il!wtlry member of GabrIel :RIchard Helen Schneyer and Mrs. Sue £l6"7900 Di'ld lfiol'hOhdi. C'bUhcl1 2463, Knights of Co- Stocker, three gra!1dchildren' lumbus, and onl: great.grandchlld. He for an invitation before 'Iwas the husband of the late Edna. I Interment was in McComb, O. Memorials may be sent to I Kiwanis No. 1 Foundation. she could watch color T~ In Progress! I ... • • I ROY H. EWICK Funeral servic~s [or Mr. Ewick, '18, ot 325 Moross road, were held on Saturday, Febtu- cry 11, in the Verheyden Fu- neral Home. ..annual Mr. Ewlck died on Wednes. day, tebtuary 8. He was a member of the Senibr Men's Club of Grosse Pointe. He Was the llusband of tile late Lizzie M. Ite is sur\>'i\>'edby his daughter, Mrs. Cad Cordiel', llnd two gtandchildren. dale IntermeJ'l was in Woodlawn Cemetery. .. .. i , ALFRED J. FRANKLIN ,,. j; Memorial services under the \. fP A ONCE-A-YEAR OCCURRENCE' llusPices of Acacia Lodge No. j ~lr: I477 F. & A. M. wt?te held ftlt !',. ~; i Mr. Franklin, 85, ot 18(6 Stlm- , . Ihope road 01\ Friday, February I - I '1 THE 28 DAYS OF

Fournier's Winter Sale Continues C1iY ._ZM' OODE TElErHONE . _ Davenports & Chairs At Also Lalllps~ Tah]cs~ earp~tjng "-_, ~_~_. __ • * eflOld I'",mol"",~ Ioc. I~ ~...... Y. .J Large Savings And DI'apcrie~.,al (;('ncl.ous Saving!'! For YOlJ ! BANK DF THE CDMMONWEA~ JJ)~ C.ud1om..}.uJlJti1uJzJL MeMatR ~AIl DEPOSIT ~SUflAftCC 16421 Harper, nr. Whittier TU 1-1285 Open Evenings Mon., Thurs., Fri. BUDGET TERMS -. d Thursday, February J 6, 1967 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five h can keep secrets e W d H II bos . IV ~ kind of confidelicc 00 S to 0 { 200 P' " . Applications ca.n be obtained Ibunding, the counseling center, Ibe returned to the driver educ~ •. :;,aYlJIg Puhlic Hearing olnte Groups' Busy Ca.- D.-ive)-s JD either the dnver education or the main office. They should tion office.

I The City -of-Grosse Pointe Pleying Music Teeners Love (Continued from Page 1) Woods will hold a public hearing B Pe . ---- enroll the classes will be ouened II in the Municipal Building, 20025 Y pper Whitelaw I Four of the five girls sing. to students younger than the DOWNTOWN FORD SALES Mack avenue, on Monday .. What is a "group?" A group They specialize in rock and roll ages specified, but Mr. Sendo March 6, at 7:30 p.m. Purpose IS a combination of musicians but play m~ny slow numbers Invites You To See Ed Moses ' of the session is to consider an that play the kind of music the too. The girls formed their added that this is not likely to ordinance to regulate the occu. teenagers (~nd many adults) "group" in the spring of '~5 happen. For Your Next New or Used Car pations and practices of hair- love. Here In The Pointe we and have been. very much In The deadline for turning in Spedolizing in dress~rs, cosmetidans, beauty have a number of "groups" demand ever Since, applications is April 15 A d i • TII. Most e.. pl.t. FlCilitits !.~. cultunsts, cosmetologists and that play commercially all over Members of the group are: . . ceor,' I I. tII. Dttrtit A.... A\ ~U CHILDREN'S other branc~es, of cosmetology, the city of Detroit and in Mary Lynne Chapel of Lincoln Img to Mr. Sendo, an effort w!ll • R.atal DId Leas•• 'r .... H1S [r:;tf: J .i : I and to. provide for an issuance Canada. They play the sound road, Diane Dammon of Berk- ~: made to place stude~ts m • OJauff .. r StrYic. It I.... , ~ by the city of Grosse Pointe that the teenagers really feel shire road, Sue Crawford of th:' cla~s. sessl?t~ a:d period of Dowatowa OffiCi II' Dew.. " DRESSES Woods, of licenses entitling the Th ' Paget court, Carol Neumeyer Ir c o.lce, '~I t e oldest stu. Sizes 9-18 months holders thereof to engage in thesee te~nua~ers who belong to of Rivard boulevard and Mary dents bemg gIVen preference, t... Shoppiag A..... 1.4 todd lers such occupations and practices hard w~rki~a 0work long and Lou Morgan of Yorkshire road. Any students who turn in their 3.6X 7-12 to provide for rules regulating and practici~g ~~ arra~ements The girls placed third in the applications after April 15 will TU 4.7980 the proper conduct and sanita- them even w' em. ,ome of Teen World Contest-in a com. have their names placed on a 1833 E. Jefferson ISABUlf tion of all cosmetological estab- songs We ha rite their own petition that included over 100 waiting list, Mr. Sendo ex. ED MOSES lishments and prescribing pen. ful g~OUPSth~e manre su~cess. ban~s. They play for the Uni- plained, a~d will be enrolled W03-4700 allies for the vIolation of the tablished and ~~e a t~a y es- verslty of Detroit, University m a class if and wben a place ACood Man To Know JlfOPPE o 11141Harper (Near Cadieux) provisions of the ordinance. in the process :r11 at ~re of Windsor and in schools for them becomes available. I --~------' Owners of cosmetological es. forth into what Dis C~~l~~ml~; throughout The Pointe as w~ll tablishments in the City of going-oro up " as for the Teen Center m Grosse Pointe Woods have been o. Birmingham and throughout sent copies of the notice of this Among those who have al- Canada. I public hearing. ,ready mad~ their mark around "The Pleasure Seekers" is a : I the DetrOIt area are "The group that includes Pat Quatro Wa~ted" compo~ed 01 Chip and Sue Quatro of Allard road, PT A at Barnes Stemer of Tourame road, Bill Arlene Fenn of Fairfield Nan If you are 13 to 20 years old Montgomery o~ Washington Ball of Oxford road and Eileen ... you can enter Jacobson's I Meets Tonight b,oulevard, David Fernstrum of Biddlingmeier of Hampton road. East Emory co~rt, Ernie De. Nan attends the University of I I "Who Cares About Jamie?", C~ark of SI. Clan: Shores l'.nd Michigan, Sue goes to GPHS "BE A SEVENTEENMODR" (ontest a thought.provoking movie pre- Tim Shea of Lochmoor boule. and the other girls are out of vard:, school. sented by Parent Education As- I Register now in the Miss "J" Shop I sociates, will be shown to the Chip, Bill and David go to They have been together for I Barnes Elementary School PTA Grosse Pointe High School and almost two years. Sne is the I Applications must be in by March 18th tonight, Thursday, February 16, Tim and Ernie attend Austin lead singer and they have three I at 8 p.m. Prep. All the boys are 16. The guitars, drums and an organ. Under the direction of Dr. group plays an organ, guitars They have played at the Fifth Winnifred Fenton, the Barnes and drums. They have been to. Dimension, The Hideout and band will play for the PTA gether a year and a half and many college dances. They arc group at 7:30 o'clock in the already have made two record. booked to play the Roostertail i gym. in,gs, on the Detroit Sound la. in the spring. Their future looks I Following refreshments, Mrs. bel. The records are called bright with a recording date in 'T. B. Steelman, spokesman for "Teen World" and "In the Mid: the offing. The girls range in the Parent Education Associa. night Hours." On the flip side age from 17 to 24. Ites, will introduce the movie, of .both these records is a tune 'l'he "group" sound started in af.ter which individual groups ~~Itten by th~ group called 1953_ basically called at that Will meet for a short discus- Here to Stay. time rhythm and blues. In 1957 sion of it. "The Wanted" have been fea. The Be2tles appeared on the William B 0 k ram, Barnes tured at Cobo Hall and ap. scene and then in'l960 they hit P-TA president, has promised a peared several times on "Swing. it big and opened up the field short business sessio:l. "The ing Time" television show. They for other "groups." Today in main reason for tonight's meet- have also played at the War the Detroit area l.'.lone there Miss J sports the ing is to view this movie Memorial, The Chatterbox and are about 2,000 such groups. which should be of great inter. for many private parties' and Here in The Pointe we have, est to all Barnes School par. fraternity affairs. Dave and would you believe, over 200? fencer look ents," he stated. Bill also play at the Fort Street Church for the Folks who take time to live "Teen and Twenty ChapeL" Focus on patterns for' Must Be Record have found the secret of This is a group that meets once success. For a month for a worship service. precision ... Palmer Juniors' Family Plan The bymns are set to rock and roll music ... you can believe two-piece short tunic' I The family plan has become they get quite a turnout. We Need I the "in" way to travel of late. The "Aristochords" are a Delta airlines has offered this dress of bonded cottoh knit newly reorganized group just middle of t.he week style of coming into their own. They' USED traveling for over a year, but buttoned in brass. are all set now after their reo never, no never, has anyone organization to play the teen taken advantage of their fam. Orange, green, turquoise. circuit. Their arrangements are C'ARS ily plan the way the James L. good and their enthusiasm is Petz family of W. Ballantyne If You Need A' Sizes 5-15. 18.00 road have. ' boundless. -John Wolf of Newcastle ave. The Petz family business is New Car And the Morley Candy Company nue is on the drums, Jim Co. , and when their peak Valentin~ vault of Littlestone road is on Day season was over they de- the rhythm guitar and sings, Want to Save, Too, ~' cided on a vacation in. the Sl\n. Gary Haale'Vyne of Stanhope So they arranged to fly non. road is on the lead guitar and stop fan jet to :Miami on Tues. Rob Green of Stanhope road is See Richard today! :f~'Annllal day February 14. on the bass guitar. All the boys The family includes: lI1"r. and attend Grosse Pointe High ex- Mrs. Petz, (she's the former cept Jobn, who attends Bishop NEW Grace Morley)" Mary, Donna, Gallagher. They range in age ~:SKI Susan, Janice,' James, Julie, from Rob, who is 16, to Gary, BUICK lIIark, Joyce, The r e (j a and who is 18.' They are a group Joseph. Count 'em; there are you'll be he a r i n g lots more twelve in all ... ~raveling for about. DOWN the price of five! On the feminine side of the $69 ~ALE When the Petz family flies picture, The Pointe has some FAMILY PLAN, they MEAN girl "groups." Included among FAMILY PLAN! Richard Bilick Jacobsons these are "The Little Sisters," ... ~Sayeon Four of the girls go to GPHS 15103 KERCHEVAL The fellow who makes good and one attends Our Lady Star "In The Village" resolutions should always carry of the Sea. They play the VA 1-5400 • *Skis a repair kit in his gear. drums, piano and three guitars . .~;:,Oothilg ~: 'Bead skis euluded :or.. < ' J SALE YOU BE THE JUDGE! QUILTED LARKSPUR PRINT BEDSPREADS Annual Photo Portrait Prize Contest Twin size, reg, 40.00 ----- ..32.00 QLileensize, reg. 65.00 ---- ..-- ..45.00 Ful! size, reg. 45.00 ------35.00 Dual size, reg. 70.00 ------' ..55.00 now on display in the window of 90" lined pinch-pleat drape, reg. 27.00 - ..Pr. 21.60 The CAMERA CENTER A spring bouquet for your bedroom ... this cotton floral HILDREN'S .print bedspread, deeply puffed and fluff-filled "In the Village" with lightweight dacron polyester. Blue, SWEATERS pink or gold blossoms amid fresh green leaves. Values to 18,95 SIMPLY CHOOSE THE PRINTS YOU now $ 5 LIKE BEST AND ENTER YOUR CHOICE . Ladies' IN THE CONTEST-

SWEATERS These are exhibition pilotographs made by Up To 1/2 OFF GENE BUTLER STUDIO 18431 Mack Ave.


17114 Kercheval Open Tn The Village Thurs. Eve. 19271 Mack A Tel ve. Grosse Pointe 'Til 9:00 ephone TU 4.5660 ------~..:" TU 1.4096 ~ '\\"~d ~OURS: Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Free Parking With Your Purchase Tu~s. & s~~r~~Frl • 9:~O,9:00 -, 9,30 10 ~:~O :' Page Six GROSSE PO INTE NEWS ': ~'re interested in rainbows Circumstances that alter cases 1 1 PTA Defer n~ ~.lit)'-.ot of promise. Iare usually 96% financial. 11019l1. S Chi'00 S IL.obroaroy Offel°Q!. '" at ,: • ••• jGrant Shaved Underwater Fihll ~leets Feb. 21 Kttcltens of DlStl,nctwn About $250-;"ill be shaved off The third program of the A panel of five specialists will , the original $1000 that Grosse 1966.1967 Friends Film Forum discuss the Grosse Pointe Pub. Pointe High School was to reo co.sponsored by the I~riends of lie School System's special edu. ceive under the Vocational Act the Grosse Pointe Public Li. cation and special services pro. of 1963. by the recent U.S, Con. brary and the Grosse Pointe gram at the Tuesday, February gressional expense cut.back. Public Library will be !>llown OlJ. 21, meeting of the Defer Ele . .Friday, Fl'l>ruary 17, at 9:15 mentary Sehool PTA. Mrs. Frances French, the p.m. in the Main Reading Room Defer Principal Jesse Lowther head of the business depart. of the Central Library. This has pointed out that one.out.of. ment, recently attended a con. Film Series is planned for adults two students enrolled in the sys. ference to determine how the and provides opportunities to tern K through 12th grade, will cut will aHect the experimental view unusual films of special avail themselves of these special research and development pro. merit. services at one time ('I:' another gram now being used in the sec. THE SILENT WORLD is the during the course of their Transform your present kitchen into a sparkling food retarial courses. film for the evening and con- schooling. Dreparatioo center ... individually designed and built The program has been set tains magnificent underwater "When your child has a prob. I up under the leadership of pictures made by Louis Malle. lem," Lowther said, "where to your specifications. Complete planning and instal- Michigan S tat e University. It is a French picture directed can you turn? Our school sys- lation by professional builders. Architectural service, Under this program classroom by Jacques.Yves Coste au and tem is prepared to offer assist. call for free estimates. Visit our showroom 8 :00 a.m. situations are turned into office Louis Malle, the narration is ance in many of these cases and situations as often as possible. French.English and it was pho. we think more people should to 5:00 p.m. The students have a block of tographed by Emond Sechan. know what's available to them two to three hours a day of sec- Caotain Costeau, one of the through these .programs." . Featuring retarial courses, and are en. world's foremost experts on the Ther.e are nme of. -the spe.clal ELECTRIC couraged to work independent- newly-invaded underwater area educatIOn and speCial services GENERAL of our globe and one of the in. programs offered by the Grosse Appliances Jy. ventors of the aqualung, to- Pointe System, Lowther. said, ~ ----- get her \vitb the ere\v of the and man~l' ~?re aJ'~ available COMIUUNITY ACTION Calypso, takes us on an exciting thr?ugh a 1Ialron With the De- I Progress always depends on underwater voyage of discovery trOit ~chools and Wayne County beneath the Persian Gulf, the agencies. . Thiele Construction Co. I teamwork for its greatest gains Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The panel members who will Custom HOlM 1l,.04e'il' A....itions -not on individual action. This masterful scientific docll' be discussing the Whos, Whats, It";'''i,,, I 24145 Littltl Mack Ave., at Stephen. Rd. mentary color film took three Wh~s and Wherefores of the The only reliable antidote for years of painstaking work to various programs are: School St_ Clair Shores in our 30th year PR 5-2323 hard lUCk is hard ;vork. film. Nurse Dorothy Albright,. Speech l "Surely the most beautiful Therapist. Florence LlghtfO?t, and fascinating documentary of School SOCialWorker Owen ell:'- its sort ever ;ilmed " New York ton an? others. The .Panel will - ' be chaired by Dr. Will Sosnow. Tunes. sky. head of the psychological ~ Awards: Academy Award for testing department of the Grosse Best Documentary Feature, Pointe Schools. E~' minutes 1956; Golden. Palm . Award, In addition to the panel dis. xX 7 C!annes Internallonal Film cussion, there will be an exhibi. tival, 195!3; ~e of the Five tion of recent school activities Bes! ForeIgn FJlms of .the Year, and acquisitions. Refreshments sS from All the Pointes Natio~al Board of ReView, 1956. will be served. 86 MIDutes, color-1956. ~X x~ LlGHTLY SALTED, QUARTERED for the BEST BUICK DEAL! The' next Family Film Night 'x~ offering will be on March 3, Richard P.T.A. and will, as usual, be planned ~~ Land OJLakes ... for PRICE & SERVICE ... to include something of interest Meets Feb. 21 )(~ for boys and girls a~ well as : I adults. Butter Armin Grams, Ph.D., presi. TOM TAYLOR BUICK INC. dent of Richarl1 School PTA, will hold a very brief business BREAK.DOWN erN.l-lb. 58C , 13033 GRATIOT' LA 6.3000 Magnify your personal eriev- meeting February 21 at 8 p.m. (4 Blocks Below 6 Mi. R4.) ances and the burden ,viti soon Members of the Board of Edu. cation are presenting a program, I be more than you can carry. x ~ with coupon helow "Working with Children With II Working Disorders." In charge g 8 }/EAD~II'DALE' IIACARO,'!I (,- CHEESe. will be Mrs. Ethel Grey, teacher Kraft Dinner consultant to the Perceptual ~j Enriched Flour 5i:~39t DELICIOUS COCKTAIl. Development Program. )( )( PURE GRANULA1.ED . 5!~,'49. 4'5'0&" -4'A The following members will x X Pioneer Sugar - .. .ie.ta Shrimp ..,.~.. 9 DEMING'S KJIiG be at this presentation: Mar- x X REG. DRIP OR ELECTRA PERI(' C-dizens of GROSSE POINTE PARK garet Hawksley, Defer School; ~~ Maxwell House 2::~$1:Z' Crab Meat Alice Wellpot, Remedial Read- UNDERWOOD 'rANGY Ing Specialist; Millard Grell, X)( 'rREESlfI?E'l\GRAPEF"RUIT' OR4 ~1. u O~ $100 I • " Director of Curriculum - Plan- X ~ Orange JUice ... c.... Deviled .Ham ning. ~ )( I,WPERIAt.SIfOO'IH" BI.l'S DEUCIOU$ 1.1"39~ 6.<1. I'A AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION NEXT MONDAY A question and answer period x~ Margarine

" PAII,ERSION Stricker, Den Mothers. Placing third was Eric Koe- ningsmann of Hollywood avenue. jg Eric is another member of Den 4. cALIFORNIA CALAVO COUNCILMEN Thursday, February 16, Pack 34 will hold its Blue and' Gold xi Dinner at Buckingham Hall. All ~)( the Dens were busy preparing )(~ Avo-cados decorations and favors for the x) tables. Parents, grandparents, CHARLES (Bill) BOWERMAN friends will be among the guests ~~ for the evening. A big magic LARG1139CSIZE show will be featured. Hanors ~~x. 2 for the year will be announced. xi Ahead fJr the Pack will be x>. an overnight outing to GreeD- XX field Village for Dads and Cubs !'FEET 2lPPER SA./"l L",. ROBERT J. HUTTON. ~~ on March 18. Judge Blair r.mpl. Oran._' .sl~~ .JoL.49C ~oody, .Jr. is the outing chair- ~~ 'L~K01: I'R'TS" man. Dr. Don Ingram is the S•• dl... Grap.frnit 5H,;49'C Cub Master. Boys are always rU'JlPF11U1 CQC~'TAIL welcome to joil! Pack 3~. Mrs. i~ Ch.rry Tomato •• IIol39C WILLIAM, R. LUEDDERS Karl Koeningsmann, 881-6617 has all tbe information. . ') Pritu goOllfln" F.L. 18 o Right Ie J.lmit LAST EFFORT ~I' It's next to impossible for a Th@y are eminently, qualified men ,.,1'0- narrow. gauge man to progress on a standard gauge track. ii ;f~ J'lIjfitrtt!.fk(f~~'lfttk! Today there seems to be no ~x • are leaders in th'eir professions place like away from home. ~~ and in our community affairs I~)( EKCOLOY • as a group have had considerable experience Beat the ~~ l)A[(-EWllRE as our representatives Spring Rush Igg On Repa'irs i~~ b), I~X LEkeoJ. Tiley have provid@d- And Save At Richard Buick II lowest tax rates in Pointes illLarg.~~~M~~atl • highest standard of municipal service WHEEL ALIGNMENT $10.50 l( ~ and r.qvlrecl food purche •• MOTOR TUNE-UP X )(' 6 Cylinder $12.50 8 Cylinder $14.50 MIIYOf PATTER,SON ~ Air Conditioning, X Slightly More I )(' 'XX !X)( Councilman Councilman IXX Councilman 'Xl(' Hichard Buick I)(X , )c E ' , . • 9blengo Bal. 'N Cmy Pin : >c J • Brnd & Meet Loaf B,l. 'N Carry p,ft I 15103 KERCHEVAL BOWERMAN HUTION LUEDDERS , ~ t.p; .. ' f.b. II. VA 1.5400 '~~ ~r:NOlhl".t'S4Y"l io~1 "i j • Xx)()()(x)()()()()(r~""""XXXw ...... ""... ,x.mtlhml Jro", thr_OI't.'J ,. ~XXXx~xX)(X)(~~~X)CX GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~age Seven.

Church to Honor Cinema League To View Alaska I Detroit Institute of Arts Conceit Series School Workers The Grosse Pointe ,----Cinema days in the summer, I , -_, League will meet at 8 o'clock hr STOCKHOl:.hM FSTRiNGlftIgUARTET Faith Lutheran Church, East Fe~ruary 23, at the Grosse T oughout the film, on.the- 1'.n-oLOF JOHNSON, CL.ASSICAL GUITARIST PROTEO YOUR FAMILY. W "n.seIal', Mar~h 1 1"7-1:30 p.rn AUDITORIUM Against lkIrglary and Assault J~f{erson and Philip avenue 'Pomte War Memorial for a fas- spot recordings of Indian chants, Tlck.ta: $5.00,$4.00,". 60,$2.50 II Inslltul. Ticket Offlc. InstaU burglar proof guards now on wIll honor aU past and present cinating look at America's big. EskImo dances and animal (132.2130), Grinnell'., Hudson's IIcket servlc.s. Sunday School workers Sunday gest state: Alaska. sounds add realism. WINDOWS and DOORS Februaryices at " 19 at dupI'Icate servo' T~e presentation, "Alaskan Auure your family's safety. Th' 8,~Oa,m, and at 11 a,m. MOVieTrails" is the work of Don't wait 'til too lale, call today. pa~~ ~~e~lal occasion will be. a Kod~k. The iSmm. color sOUAd of 50th A y.e a r.l 0 ~g senes mOVie, photographed and nar. Rev Cl nDiVersary l.'estivals. rated by Charles Kinsley and Tustin J:l~ E. '11Showalter of Jack Streb contains many tips , k ' ., WI be the guest to aid the viewers in makIng spea er. b tt . t Pastor S hIe er pICures. Faith Church°f~~~ :9~~tsoer1~~~ It gives an exciting look at the when he began . .;) people, places and customs of church in Tustin a mlssl~n Alaska from the southern Pan. leadership that' c~nder t~IS handle to the Arctic north. There Modernizing? has grow'n and h ngrega Ion are shots of Haida Indian dan' dedicated as recently ces, colorful totem poles and Pastor ShO\~alt~~w,sanctuary. sport fishing in Alaska's south. bered here for b~s .rem.e~.. ern region, furs,Jade, and ivory work with all yo t~S lDspJrlng i~ ,the capital city of Juneau, New The Faith u, ViSItSto a gold.rush saloon and tion invites a~hu~~hhcongrega- Mendenba~ Glacier, shots of \\ 0 ave ever homesteadmg outside Anchor- served as teacher, superinten- age, wildlife in Nt. McKinley Heating den~ board ~l~mber, or office National Park and gold dredg- • Hil1.ardshi, Jewelry wor er, t~ thiS special service. ing in Fairbanks

In addItion to the regular . I' • ~autka 1 LIlliP' church services when Pastor At Nome, permafrost keeps System? • Sili,'. 8.11 Clocks &. Showalter will preach, the Sun. the ground frozen 90 feet deep "1OIl.1t fI day School will welcome visi. and ~ater ~om the town's one • TapsidIr Sofety Boot tors. to an Opening Worship well IS ~ehvered by truck be- Shes be • Docklty'. s,rtdrose S~rvlce at 9:45 a,m, cause pipe:> can't under. (eal)' cour" plolter! Following the service at 11 ground. ~,m. the congregation will greet Tile first stop north of the Sit. W.~I Saili"g Suits CANADIAN Its special guests and friends Arctic Circle is Kotzebue, sec. ~i"the .idrlrll floorl CHARTS at An informal reception in the ond biggest Eskimo village in Fellowship Hall. the world, where the film shows the ship's Eskimos butchering their catch FamoUS Horpole wheel, inc~ of white whales on the beach. 196C5 M "\CK, TU 2.1341 Outing Enjoyed The trip ends at Point Barrow-- Ship'. Whet I, Soiling Suits "the top of the wodd"-wbere WilliThe Hidden Hood, Waterproof By Boy Scouts the Arctic Ocean is still frozen • at the end of June, and finishes Bo,YScouts from Troop 61, St. with a nalagatuk, or whale feast, Paul s Catholic Church, recent. held in the light of a sun that ly attended a mid.winter camp. doesn't set for 84 con,~ecutive out at Boy Scout Camp D-Bar-A Metamora, Mich. ' FOR This very cold. but exciting Parcells Band camp-out was attended by Mark C F ~.:J CoIl!oson, Michael Drysdale, oncert rway PROCRESSIVE, RESPONSIBLE .DaVid Eagan, Philip Eaf,;an, -- ~ Rud~lph Gross, David Jensen, The music department of COVERNMENT I?am,elJensen, Ted Kulka, Wi!- Parcells Junior High School will ham Murphy, Alfred Penning. present its Fifteenth Annual j ton, Stephen Rieli, Patrick Mid.Winter band concert this Ron e y, Ke.,nneth Schmuckle, Friday evening, February 17, in John Schmu"kle, Paul Schu. the school auditorium at 8 VOTE FOR macher, John ~cranton, John o'clock. FeatuI'ed on this pro- Seaver, Joe Sunon, J.eeRoy gram will be the Seventh Grade T ~ m row ski and Christopher Cadet Band of 85 pieces and Wilson. . the Concert Band of ninety- Several other DetrOit Are!!s five members. •.AUL (. GRACEY Scouts were also at the D.Bar-A The second half of the pro- Camp, but only, Troop 61 had gram will present the 8th.9th the courage to camp in tents d FOR which was a wonderful ex ri: gra e Concert Barn!.Both bands ence for the b pe are under the direction of Mr. oys. Donald McNew.a'ickets may be .Scoutmaster Howard Pen. purchased at the ticket off f mng also camped out with the th h lee 0 COUNCIL scouts. Those boys wishing to .e Be .001, Mack avenue at

I participate in such scouting ae- EIght Mile road. tivities are invited to call ------GROSSE ,POINTE PARK Howard Pennington at TU DRIVER GUILTY 5-9489. Donald P. Spencer of 1913 All!lrd, accused of possessing. an SELF.SYl\IPA'I1IY altered operator's license, was , As a general thing unhap. found guilty by Woods Muni- I cipal Judge Don Goodrow, fol. 20, 1967 piness is just a case of selfish. MONDAY, FEBRUARY ness feeling sorry for itself. lowing a hellring held on Satur- " , day, February 11. Spencer was .1 . Opportunity never calls when put on probation for six monthS', ,0., a man is dressed and waiting. no driving, and fined $10. Decisions. I'.

Decisions. / , Decisions. Jimmy Matthews .. has a.down (May we help you with an important one?)

Your choice of a heating system is one you'll live,with for payment ready for a long time. So, naturally, you'll want to make sure you get a system that won't cost too much to own. That's ~here our new electric heat guarantee comes in. Here's how it works: We'll see that you get a ,\-Titten a summer cottage. estinlate of heating costs-before you buy. Then, your monthly bills may be less,' hut they won't be one cent higher than the estirr.:tte. We guarant~e it. If the installation needs adjustments to meet the guaran- teed cost figure, we'll see that it's done. And if at the end He put all of it into of three complete, consecutive heating seasons the system is still not operating within our estimate, we'll remove it and an NBD 90 day refund your money. Berore you make any more important modernizing decisions, time certificate. get the facts on modern electric beat. You can't losel

Jimmy made a smart move. hi, interest grow and e,lm five pen'ent , By investing $1000 or more in a 90 day on top of live percent. tune certificate, he'll earn five percent If you've got $1000 that you're saving EDISON annual interest. And get these options, for something special, consider 90 day E!lher he or the bank can redeem hi~ time certificates. certIficate at the end of each 90 dEl"S, Slart taking a little more interest in Orif" J Ita renewed automatically, he can let your savings, without tieing them up. NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT '"o,reu, io .'co" olll,roJ,~,OC

.. '. 'C' Plge Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS

, ' " , Blue Devils Beat Monroe Commodores Of The Woods .Fleet c8gers by 74.56 ScoI.e ~ .,-. By Dale Eichbauer A fourth period scoring surge gave the Grosse Pointe Hi~h Blue Devil cagers a comfortable scoring margin Frl~ay night.!n their 74-56 victory over the Monroe TroJans. Tral1mg at the end of the first period the Devils managed to catch up and take the lead i~ the second, but this lead was never out of reach for the Trojans unHl the Devils opened up in the middle of the final period. @>------The first period was gloomy p S .:I 16941 KERCHEVAL 19103 MACK AVE. for the Devils as the Trojans O'Wer quuurOlt cOI'. NOTRE DAME cor. 7 MILE RD. took and held an ~arly lead ..By Host to Ladloes the end of the penod the Pomt. ers traUed by six points, 20.14, 1.00 STA-RITE with Rob Zink scoring five for I The Grosse Pointe Power 7 oz. - REG. 1.49 the Devils. ,Squadron has a membership of The picture brigbtened up in ;over 400 men, most of whom the second period with the of. live in Grosse Point~ and o\\'n RIGHT GUARD BRUSH ROLLERS fense scoring 18 while the de. boats docked in or near Grosse MEDIUM. IOUFFANT fense went to work and held the ?ointe. SPRAY DEODORANT Trojans to just eight. With The purpose of the Grosse URGE. JUliO O'Donnell putting in six and Pointe PQwer Squadron is to Zi~ and Ferman ~ach contril>- promote safe boating through OUR uting five, the Devils let:\ at the ,knowledge. Their courses in. LOW half 32-28. Ielude Piloting, Seamanship, Ad. OURLOW C Though the defense slackened tvanced Piloting, Junior Naviga. 87 PRICE up a bit in the third period and lion, Navigation, Weather, En. PRICE allowed the Trojans 14 points, gine Maintenance, Marine Elec. SIc the Devils still increased. their I tronics and Sailing. I lead as the ~ffense. continued I These courses are taught by i At Grosse Pointe Woods Boat Club's ing service to the Club durIng the past the pace, ~~am .scor~ 18. At members without pay, men of 1967 Commodore's Ball, held earlier this yellr. 'l The Change of Watch ceremony th~ end of we ~ penod: fiv~ distinction in other fields also, month at the Polish Century Club, Out- concluded with Commodore End res 10 oz. - REG. 98~ 6 oz. - REG. 69C pomts eaeh by Zink and 0 Don- who are dedicated to the advf.n. Going Commodore,.EARL KERN, (left, awarding the Past Commodore's flag to nell and .four ~y Fer~an helped ture of boating with safety. with MRS. KERN), turned over his re- Earl Kern, followed by the introduction the Devils ralSe thell' lead to ei'{ht pointll, 50-42. Since the Februa.ry meeting sponsibilities to In.Coming Commodore of new officers: Vice Commodore Fred POLIDENT ZONITE The Devils offense opened up; of the Grosse POlnt~ ~ower DON ENDRES, (right, with MRS. EN- Metzler, secretary John Burke, treas- in the final period of plliY. Tally. Sq.uadron fell on Valentme s ~ay DRES. Among the highlight presenta. urer Ciet Homuth and directors Jack DENTURE CLEANSER For Feminine H,gi ... ing 24 pointll in the period, they thiS Y<13r.the ~e~be~s decl~ed tions made at the party was a trophy Wesenberg, Nick Strobl, Richard Mac. easily outscored Monroe whose to make It Lad!es . NIght. First awarded to Joe Manderano for outstand- Arthur and Gary Voorhees. « held ' Mates were lDvlted to the oue:1s~ wa~ . to 14:. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club for P!1ttiDg lD algbt powts lD ~e dinner. Afterwards slides were period w,as Fer ~ a no' while shown by various members of Sailing Course Jacobs, 0 Donnell and Zink ea~1i past summers' activities and I Neighborhood Club News C '!lei~g Offered I added four to help the Devils cruises to Georgian Bay, Macki- ~:~E ~i!E take a 74.56 victory. nae Island and Green Bay, Wisc. I 87e 47 Blue. jazz, and folk music will the Metropolitan Detroit area. The second free sailing course I be presented weekly at the Eu-. "The Euphoria," said Mark .Top s.corer in. ~e ga~e was Among those attending were for Grosse Pointe residents is phoria Coffeehouse, located in Beltaire, one of the co.mana. Zink WIth 19, wLile, O.DooneU Lt. .Ernie Hirt, who was in underway each 'Wednesday eve. the cellar of Grace Church at gers, "will be open every Satur. ~d Fermap eacl1 put lD 17 to charge of the evening, (his ning at Kerby 'School. ~ oz. TUBE - REG. 89~ King Siz'e • REG. 1.09 tie for Reoild place honors. First Mate Pauline is in Phoe- Kercheval and Lakepointe. day night except when there is The weekly classes, sponsored ~rior to the game, the nix); Com:nander Roy Vorhees Now under student manage. a 'Senior Other Side'." :varsi~ by the GrCisse Pointe Farms jumor va:slt.y C?verw~e~ed the an~ his First Mate, Marge; Lt. ment, the coffeehouse will fea. The Montgomery.Miller Blues Boat Club, will cover tbe basic ture a varied schedule of con. Band will be featured opening MINIT RUB BRYLCREEM Monroe J~or 'Varslty as the Cdf; Fred Schriever and Pat. pr:nciples of sailing, and sea. Grosse.Powte team aDe~sy Lt. Ed Kinmen and Jackie, Lt. certs given by'performers from nigbt, this Saturday, February toot manship. The course will wind HAIR DRESSING 7740 VIctOry. The game. which Howard Stoneback and Pat •.Lt. ------11, along with Alex and Ena, a FOR SORE MUSCLES up with on.board instructions was led 'all the way by the John Wood and Mary Lou. folksinging group. on the club's 1S-foot Lone. Star Warriors Defeat The doors of Grosse Pointe's Pointers, was no contest'as.they Other members and their sloop. ~warmed o~er the Monroe team First Mates attending were:- only coffeebouse will open at Each weekly session will be lD each penod. PIC AI Foster and Dorothy. Madison Heights 8:30. Admission will be $1 and OUR held from \7:30 to 9 in the Kerby all age groups will be welcomed. PIC John Wetzel and Marian, 81 music room. Veteran Mackinac A note of interest to Grosse e The Grosse Pointe Warriors ~::E PARK GIVES 1400 PIC Je~ Girschner and, Lore,. Race sailors serve as instruc. hockey team beat M d d i son Pointe's aspiring artists: The ~it88e PIC George Beard and Joanne, At its -regular meetin'g held tors. managers of. the Euphoria are PIC John Morrow and Pat. and Heights 2 to 1. Warrior's star, on Monday, February 13, the For further information and auditioning performers for fu. Park council approved appr~ PIC ~rry Reif and RoeliDa. Tim Conn, scored his seventh registering for the free course, goal of the 'year,_ assisted b~ ture engagements. For further '. priation of $400, which is in the call Commodore Antbony H. information about auditions call 10's - REG. 1•.49 100's - REG. 3.11 ,fiscal budget, to fmancialIy. NORMAN ACKER HONORED Paul Franz and Roger Gixa. Delsener TU 1.2657. Madison Heights tied it at the Mark Reltaire at 886.6416 or assist the Babe Ruth -League of Norman C. Acker of Biak-' Chuck MiVar at 882.8150. GrosSe Pointe. Firms Council. moor court has been elected 18.minute mark of the second NO RETURN ,UNICAPS man Richard C. Hudson, in president of the-,Independent In- period. A minlJte later Jim Allen CONTAC official in the leagUe, requested surance Agents of Greater De. Spread kindness as you go put in the. winning goal, helped Josiah Harmar OAR the aid, and was 'present cl.uriDg troit. The 3Qo.member a'ssocia. along-life is a one-way street by 'Dennis Ignagni and Mike Will Meet For Tea COI.,D CAPSULES MULTIVIT AMINI ""the session to pll,:ad the eause. tion, known since 1918 as the and you're not coming back. Shaw. Jeff Fuller, the Warrior's hard A large number of Park boys Detroit Association of Insurance The General Josiah Harmar working goalie, stopped many piLrticipate in, the organiza- Agents. changed its name at the Plans and perseverance are Chapter of the Daughters of the hard shots. The defensive play fion's'recreational activities. 49th annual meeting. insurance policies for the future. American Revolution will have of Mike Stahl, Roy Dobson, Paul a Good Citizens tea at ~ Barker, Jeff Graybiel and Donn Surety Community House, Kel. IUlmer was outstanding. ley at East Eight Mile roads, Next game of the Warriors Saturday, February 18, at 12:30 will be Saturday, February 18, DOWmOWN FORD SALES o'clock. against W..rren. It will be play. Hostesses will be Miss Janet Invites You To 'See ,~ew Anderson ed at the McCann Skating Rink Maynard, Selina Nixon, Eunice 1.00 CHASE I at 5 p.m . Lamb, Helen Greig, Wilberta PLASTIC Warriors Scoring .For Your Hext New or Used Car Kirk and Frances Bidwell. Mrs. G A Pts. Cyrus Waatherby, of the Louisa ORAL FEVER • 111. MoSt C.. ,lete FRUitles A. fI'!\ Tim Coun 7 1 8 st. Clair Chapter, will tell the .FLOOR RUNNER i.... Detroit Are. 'Mf.~ . Dennis Ignagni 3 3 6 story of Elizabeth Ca;;s. • I",hli .. leasiagp,", ... s Jim Bahnke 3 1 4 27 inches by 6 Feet 1~4:;glli~'i ' John Conn 2 2 4 THERMOMETER • a...,....Senice II Y.... , : ," Torn Morey 2 2 4 Send Recording Dewit... Office II' 0...- Paul }<'ranz 2 2 4 .... Sk.".. Ana Don Ulmer 2 1 3 To Serviceman Mike Lindhurst 1 2 3 OUR I ]...ike Shaw 1 2 3 LOW' "It was great hearing from 44 1 2 3 e 1833 E. Jeff.rson Jim Allen everyone at home. The record PRICE . ~ Art Renny o 2 2 was worth a 2o-page letter." LEW ANDERSON Roger Giza o <: 2 21 WO' 3-4700 ..' These are the words of Pfc. 1 1 AGood ~bn To Know Mike Stahl o Micl).ael F. Giffer, son of Mr. jlm Seibert 1 1 o alld Mrs. John T. Giffer, 779 Loraine, Grosse Pointe, who re- 1.79 CUNECO JULIA MAY j ceived a free Voices From , Home Record from his family Ithrough the Southeastern Michi. Checking free gan Chapter of the American VACUUM BOnLE FACIAL TISSUES the prestige account thats Red Cross. GiIler, stationed in Vietnam, PINT - by ALADDIN 200'$ - TWO PLY is one of hundreds of men in thi,o area who have received this small green disc carrying I live messages from their loved OUR ones back home. LOW I Now the Southeastern Michi. : gan Chapter is working on its PRICE III B~s4ge 'I schedulo for making Easter reo cordiugs. In order to provide Ifamilies with ample opportunity w. 'es.,v. ,ho ,ighllo Jimi' quontilies. Adve,tised lIems ovoilobre mOl' ,lo'lS whll. th.y I.,!. to make these records, the Red 3AlEOAYSTHRUSUNDAY Cross chapter house, 153 East Elizabeth, will remain open several evenings and two Satur. days up until March IS. \ MORE and MORE If a member of your family WE IGu privDeges. It is aftilabte to all Qeci: m oI'en Detroit BIlk a 'rr.t c:111rp18ft .... aM till)' to Igln oat is with the armed services over. ClIedt m castOlDel'S wbo apply aDd PEOPLE ARE ,enoul" cioeeldlll accoot cutomen ..... 1~ • cIIedl: ... 7S~for ya. s('as or in a State-side military CARRY dine fmpot1ut adfllltqel: 1t.11" ., qualify for this extra prestige service. hospital, call Red Cross, 961- Cbedt ill, the prestige dle<:king aCCOW1t .. 13900, for your appointment to BRINGING THEIR L Free 1lIeddIc. 'Write IS -V checks n. Free ~ Qeddloob. AD that's me, is the most useful and versa- record. YOUR as y. lri:sIa, make as ...,...... as Cbec:t m C*t-.are eatitW tofree I dJe cbecldng account ever ofrered by I yea wisII, tbere"l10 diarIe aUf state- ''fa 1Ier" dlec:kbook COTftS, witII RECIPROCi\'I'E PRESCRIPT~ONS __ gold• .ud wIlea yoo DetroIt Bank & Trust in its more than. .. .-oatIa ill wkIdt 108 ...... a Don't e.xpect to make friends FAVORITE 11'7 years of service. Visit any of our 73 IlaJuce of at JaIt S3OO. If YOII' baluee opeII ya. .., Oleck ill account, yoar unless you make your own tint Illy ...... ed dIedts are also free. CClDftIIient oftices for details. TO CUNNINGHAM'S raUs below ••, a ••t.l,. I fTie~~ship attractive to others. BRAND! m. B.UlClridIek. TIIis exdasfTe new .~" dIec:k senke oft'm 1011 SSOO i .... there must b. a reason ... W'OI'tIa t6 puuteed ,...... IIIIdal GlId THERE 151 THE LOWEST LIQUOR TU 5.2550 POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTl:NT WITH PACKAGE DEALER lUXU RIOLIS l.OGE SfAT$ THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND COMPLETE DETROIT Alt SERVICE TO "OPERATION YOUNGTEEN" EVERYONE, HOME BANK Meltl.~e, EVERYDAY! NOW BARTENDER PLAYING! YOU CAll'T BUY & TRUST A true Motion Pldure About Surfing ••• Filmed In Africa. BETTER. SO..... NEEDS AUItralla, New Ze-Iand, T2hltl, I Hawa" and CalifornIa. I WHY PAY MORE?

'Yourq:aIlli11'1JaqJcinl Get1Jer "THE ENDLESS SUMMER" Ii III nUl DfSlUIU AU nCllnf In Color "A Perfect Movie" -the New Yorker "Breathtaklngl Sweeping and ExCiting" - Newsweek Mack. Hillcrest Jefferson-Piper "A Dazzling Ode to Sun, Sand and Surfl" - Time Magnlna , .•J Y February 16, 1967 Thunua I GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine Cub Pack 290 Holds Banquet Appointed Troop 85 Holds Cub Pack 290 of Mason School Smith, dressed as a clown held its annual Blue and Gold greeted everybody as they en'. Court of Honor tered the hall, . \ Banquet at Roma Hall with a J: large turnout at families and Cubmaster Frank Jerger as. Troop 85 of the Boy Scouts friends. Denmother Shirley sembled the dens in formation of America sponsored by the for inspection. Guest. of honor, Monteith PTA, held a Court of Mr. Mestdagh, principle of Honor on Monday, January 23, Mason School, conducted the in. at Monteith School. spection and Den 7 received the Stephen Housley was awarded den inspection award. Larry Life Rank, and Lawrence Dunn .... Slocum handed out silver bars Star Rank. First Class' Rank . 1'1 to all the cubscouts. was awarded John LaRocque A Outgoing Den Mothers Sally and David Mogk. Second Class newtwist to "" Suomela, Carolyn Zysk, and Rank was awarded to Dan Ge. Sue Jerger were given awards row. and their successors Shirley Receiving the Tenderfoot WA.l-'282 Smith, Amy Angell. and Joan Rank were: Kevin Daniel, Har. IncludlllI W'l . ry Holdredge, Glen Marsh John 1 cox were mtroduced to the Povlitz, Scott Reas and' John Chain Linlc AU-Steel and audience and sworn in by Cub. York. . no-service-charger; Rustic Styles master Frank Jerger. Awards and honors to scouts Awards of Office v'ere pre. were given as follows: sented to Lawrence Dunn and Den 2: Den Mother, Barbara Mark Thomas as Palrol Leaders Ziemba; Eric Olsen, Lion Lar~y Bryk; William Kaloger; badge; Fred Minturn, Lion DaVId Mogk and William Jantz checking. :~ as Assistant Patrol Leaders. •• "'lI"' badge; and Mark Ziemba, Lion Lang Heenan and Company, Merit Badges were received badge.. ,one ~f Detroit's ~vell known gen. by; Stephen Housley for Camp. Pre5cription5 Filled Den 3; Den Mother, Carolyn erallnsura~ce fIrms, announ~es ing, First Aid, Cycling, Cooking Zysk; TImothy Zysk, Wall the a p pOl n t men t ~f. WES and Personal Fitness; Lawrence badge. PETERSON t~ the position of Dunn, Home Repairs, Nature Ray-Ban sunglasses Den 5:. Den Mother. Pat See. aCl'ount executive. and Cycling; Gary Marowske, ber; Mike Broucksau, Wall Mr. Peterson formerly was a Home Repairs Swimming and .~Al,o Ground to Your Prescription badge; JeU JueDem~n, Wolf s a I e s representative for the Music; and David Bryk for Unique to the Detroit area, badge; and Bruce Seeber, Woll Great American Insurance Com- Scholarship and Music. Manufacturers flexible Personal badge and 1 gold arrow. pany. He is a member of the Nature, Soil and Water Can. ~ION OPTICIANS Den 7: Den Mother, S;\lly Michigan Insurance Association, servation Badges were award. Checking Account eliminates all service Suomela; Scott Suomela, Bear the Mariners, Port of Detroit ed Michael J('nnings. Da\'id charges even though your balance '., 20183 MACK AVENUE badge and 1 gold arrow; John and the Grosse Pointe Baptist Mogk re.geived badges for Gar. Westphal. Bear badge and gold church. dening and Home Repairs .fluctuates by hundreds of dollars! Between Oxlord Rd. aDd 4-5770 arrow; Mike Smith, Bear Married and the father of four James Crysler f'lr Nature and ::f NfU:do As long as you maintain a minimum .' hadge; and Mark Bessinger, children, the family resides at James Greer for Cycling. Lee Bear badge. 2064 Hawthorne Grosse Pointe W~lker received the PerMnal balance -of just $200 in your Den 9: Den Mother, Sue Jer. Woods.-' Fitness Merit Badge. ger; Tom Jerger, Bear badge Personal Checking Account, .51 Years of QUALITY and 1 silver arrow on Woll; Dan you'll pay no service charges. Ottoni, Lion badge; and George Elections Held THIS WEEK'S ,~: DRY CLIANING GriUith, Lion badge. And here's the twist-even Den 10; Den Mother, Dorothy At Woods Church SPECIAL if your day-to-day balance Serving Detroit Since 1910 Slocum i Larry Slocum, Lion badge; and Robert Simpson, should drop below $200, there'll 01D YOU IlNOW Wolf badge. The Grosse Pointe Woods KAUFMANN be no charge as long as your WE PICK-UP and Deliver Anywhere A new Weblos Den under the Presbyterian Church elected direction of Ralph Olsen is being the following men to the church 3. Track Aluminum account averages $500 during your in Detroit and Grosse Pointe formed. Members are Eric 01. boards at the recent annual monthly statement period! . \ sen, Fred Minturn, Mark Ziem- meeting:-Frank M. KaUfman, Combination ba, Dan OUont, George Griffith, Cecil B. Hastings, Edward G. Remember, when it comes to Storm and Screen and LJrry Slocum. Mertz, Jr., Donald E. Marshall, saving money, Manufacturers Cub Pack 290 received its 25 Clarence D. Honkanen, Robert AT GRATIOT year award since being formed O. Brines, D. Dwight Struthers, is always in your corner. Lafayette Park in 1929. Cubmaster Frank Jer- and Gerald C. Schroeder as rul. Shopphlt Cent., ger is retiring and his services ing elders. 1533 E. Lafcayette Discover Comer Banking at will be misse'd, for he contrib. Harry N. Watson, Stephen A. Jf!e Repair Storm \ ------uted strongly to the success of Balogh, John M. Easton, John the pack. He was given a 25. E. Porter, Richard K. Herb. .Sas1J,and Screens year bar. for his uniform by ster, Donatd P. Knaepple, Nor- MANUFt\GURERS BANK Jack Seeber, Committee Chair. man P. Johnson, David Squibb • FREE ESTIMATES • • Comet. ml!n. and Harlan J. Minor were "Thats my Bank" $6 a DAY M~" elected Deacons. Southeastern Women Donatd E. G.i1bert, Robert, F. . POINTE ) .• Mercury • Set Monday Meeting Andree, William R. Hill and ~~E~N - do. S-T~--'!.~_ Lloyd C. Nyman were elected $8 a DAY M~f. SASH, 1 NC. Mack-Lochmoor Jeffenon-Coplin Warren-Bishop: The Southeastern Women's trustees. Detroit ' Club will meet nn Monday, Feb. The men were ordained and TU 1-6130 - Crosse Pointe Woods Detroit • Cougar. ruray 20, at 12:30 o'clock in installed on their respective Ie MU. 5t. James Presbyterian Church, boards during the wor~bip servo Parkgrove at Morang drive, De. ices on Sunday, February 5. troit. \ The main feature of the pro. HAROLD J. MEINKE, of Fair '\ gram will be a talk on Colum. Acres drive, assumed office the Because an Accident victim's bia, South America, by The Hon. first of the year as president of. , - orabel Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez, the High!and Park Chamber of I ,Consul of Columbia. Commerce. financial needs often can'not wiit, I I the Exchange at nis Week's Bell'Ringers I i , , U.S.D.A. Choice developed new. CHUCK 6IVeIehb()~

(, ROAST :,..-\ f All Blade It, Boneless ROLLED Cuts ;. ' .", B ,'"': POT ROAST E 89J~. E 49~ . r U.S.D.A. Choice ~, *. F I: * * Semi-Bonele'ss r Always Fresh ~ ALL BEEF 5 CHUCK c HAMBURGER A ROAST 5,91&. L U.S.D.A. Choice Rolled 33 49J~ lb. We belie,ve in being E RIB ROAST '1 * * * a Good Neighbor

gOllrln@t c eorn@I. 2 for 29 Our Own Fresh STUffED Ready to Bake LAMB flANK STEAK MEATlO~F REAOY BURGUNDY Foil Pan PATTIES TO COOK 5129 491~. 991~ ..... '"':"':, .-:-_~l~::;;

------4Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, February 16, ! Grosse Pointe News -- ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. Memorial Center Schedule \\' I'llt t~••es «tl' OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL at. Whalj nw'on GROSSE POINTE l"ARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 ------..__.... second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan February 16.February 23 Open daily 9 a.m ..9. p.m. I YOI.r I...ibrar,- FULLY PAID CIRCULATION *All Memorial-sponsored activities open to the By Virginia Leonard .f)-IE )-llll Phone TU 2-6900 Grosse Pointe Public. Hospital equipment available for free loan, crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and "February is American his. I and tile March on Washington By SIBYL Member Mlchlnn Press Assoclation ana National EditorIal AssocIation NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPIlESENTATlVB hospital beds. ' tory month"-so says the dis. by America's Np.groes. And Weekly NewspaPt'r Representatives, loc. Grosse Pointe Garden Center and Library. l\lrs. play in the Central Library ex. I who has not heard of Gunnar Easter Arrives Early . '.. this year and now is 404 ruth A\'enue, New York 19, New York BYrant 9-7300 CHICAGO OFFlCE Harry Frost on duty Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday, hibit case. February also en. Myrdal's AMERICAN DILEM. time to select that spnng coat at Young Clot 333 North Mlcll1gan Avenue Phone FInanelal 6-2214 10 a.mA p.m. VO,lunteer consultant on duty Friday compasses Brotherhood Week: MA? This is a comprehensive I 110 KerchevaL You really should see the deli 2-4 p.m. TU 1.4594. February 19.26; further, be. study of the Negro question in I ful "all purpose" coats to wear rain or shine ROBERT B. EDGAR .EDITORand GENERALMANAGER . Thursday, February 16 tween February 12 and 18 we America; it is an exhaustive the small sizes they come in pink checks and in' WILLIAM ADAMO .ADVERTlSINGMANAGER 9:00 a.m. Woman':- National Farm & Garden Associa. celebrate Negro History week.] and obiective analysis, intelli. larger sizes green ones ... (3-6x 7-14) ... m JANET MUELLER FEATUREPAGE, SOCIETY tion - Michigan Division, Refreshments, Part of a communique from gently 'literpreted. more styles, fabrics and colors a great gr( JAMES J. NJAIM ,.., , .NEWS Meeting and Luncheon at 12:15 p.m. Meet- President Johnson reads as fol. Thomas Pettigrew gave us A PEPPER WHlTELA W , , ,NEWS lows: "During brotherhood PROFILE OF THE NEGRO • MARY LORlMER , ADVERTISIl'iG ing following at 1:30 p.m. Week 1967, each American has AMERICAN. One theme of this Songbirds Alight ... on china NANCY BUSCH., , , , .ADVERTISlNG 9:15 a.m. Junior League Glee Club, Rehearsal. a splendid opportunity to dis. volume is that racism "is simp. to make the most charming ac- JOHN Mac~ZIE ,.., , .BUSINESS *10:00 a.m. Braille Transcription Class, Mrs. John Me- play the spirit of unity which ly not supported by the em. cent lamps for informal living JOANNE EASON.., , .ACCOUNTS Namara, Instructor.. has made this a mighty nation. pirical finding of the biological rooms and family terrace ONNELLEEKOEI\TJG , , ,CLASSIFIEDAD~TISING * 1:00 p.m. Continuum Center, "Investigation Into It is a time in which we can and social sciences." rooms. Among the early arriv- ALBERTA WlLKE ,CLASSIFIEDADVI".RTlSING . Identity" for women only. exhibit to the world our un- In Charle,; S i 1b e r man's als (of lamps) at the Mermaid, EIJZABETH STEPHl!:NS.., " , CIRCULATION* 4:00 p.m. Ballet . Classes, Mary Ellen Cooper, In. relenting desire to eliminate C R 151 S IN BLACK AND struetor. from our society any vestige WHITE, the author contands you'll find enlightening choices * 4:30 p.m. Ballroom Dancing Class, No.4, Mr. and of injustice." that if all discriminatory prac. for bedrooms . . . too. Now's Mrs. Ted Forrest, Instructors. In klle!ling with these senti- tices were to stop tomorrow, the ti'lle to start sprucing for 'Thanks For The Criticism * 5:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre, Dress Re- ments, it might be appropriate the Negro's position in Ameri. spring. hearsal. to mention some of the library can soci~ty would be funda. • High honors have come our 'way during the last 8:00 p.m. A.A.U.W. of Grosse Pointe, Meeting and holdings which would relate to mentally unchanged. Stroll In For A Look : .. at the new decor at' week or 10 days. We were selected as the target for a these above.mentioned areas, THE BURDEN OF SOUTH. Danis - The League Shop. 98 Kercheval. At barrage laid down by a most outspoken group of young Refreshments. especially in the field of bro. ERN HISTORY bj' C. V. Wood. * 8:00 p.m. and 9 p.m. Thursday Night Dance Club for therhood and the Negro. ward is composed of eight interesting remodeling, a lot of fresh paint ladies who are students at Our Lady Star of the Sea fresh new "goodies' are arriving every day. School. All of the members of this group are very Adults, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forrest, In- In a general vein, we first essays by a Southern historian, annoyed with us. They exprel;S their resentment in a structors. mention Bernard Berelson's w r i t ten convincingly, simply 8:30 p.m. Investors Round Table, Meeting. HUMAN BEHAVIOR, which and reasonably. In TO BE • most interesting and varied vocabulary. The obvious Think Ahead .. . . to the joys of beautiful ten Frld&y, February 17 presents what the behavorial EQUAL by Whitney M. Young reserve exercised by ~ome, prohibits them from signing and patio living. Then do something about it *10:00 a.m. and *1 p.m. Flower Arranging & Boutique sciences now demonstrate about (thtl Executive Director of the their' names to, their protests. Others tumble all over you are planning to decorate, the place to star Accessories Classes, Mrs. Richard T. Gera. the actions of human beings'j National Urban League), the themselves getting their indignation down on paper and In Simeon Booker's BLACK author proposes programs of DenIer, 77 Kercheval and the time is sooner proudly proclaiming: authorship, in lettering loud and thy, Instructor. l.tAN'S AMERICA, a Negro special effort in employment. better ... so as not to be disappointed on the j clear. . *11:30 a.m. Ladies Knitting Group, Knitting for Charity. journalist rev i e w s the Civil education, housing, welfare and real balmy day in May. The capsule message of the whole batch of corre- 1:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Garden Center, Luncheon, Rights m 0 v erne n t. Kenneth leadership, as an alternative • spondence is that the writers love their school and we Lecture & Slide S~ow "The Beauty of the Clark's DARK GHETTO is to continuous and deepening Patent ... is the perennial fa- South Pacific" folluwing at 2 p.m. based on the author's personal racial conflict. vorite of fashion. At Margaret have been letting them down by not granting them the * 1:00 p.m. Oil Media Class, No.5, Mr. Zubel Katcha- experience.~ while serving as In our juvenile collection, we proper space to extol the virtues and accomplishments Rice style.wise patent ,bags are doorian, Instructor. . chief consultant to. Harlem would like to mention IN "in" in abundance. They are of same. They, want exposure equ~l to that enjoyed by * 4:00 p.m. Ballet Classes, Mary Ellen Cooper, In. Youth Opportunities Unlimited. THEIR OWN WORDS, edited Grosse Pointe High School, St. Paul's and Grosse Pointe structor. Carleton S. Coon's THE LIV. by Milton Meltzer, and sub. newly smaller and nicely room- ier ... by design. There are also University School. We'don't know how the attack was * I. 00 B f G P . t Sk' H' CI b' k ING RACES OF MAN presents titled: "the history of the organized, but a concerted effort is attested to by the ...: p.m. us or rosse om ell u s wee - the findings and conclusions American N:egro." The arrange. combinations ... a black patent Rial fact that we-received nine of these letters in about the end trip to Boyne Highlands, Boyne Mt. and concerning race origins. distri. ment of the book proceeds from and red Note the small same number of days. ' Nubs Nob leaves. butioD, bie-chemical and patho. slavery to Emancipation and continental purses which coordinate with hand~ • 6:00 p.m. Bus for Grosse Pointe Adult Ski Club's trip logical pecularities, as well as the close of tlie Civil War. i , We plead not guilty to tbe accusation that we' have . to Boyne Highlands and Boyne Mt. leaves behavorial pat t ern s of man. All 01 these books are takep • deliberately ignored some' of the news material submitted . Center. Then there is Ralph Ellis(.n's from a bIbliography prepared by Stock The Pantry . . . at a savings. There's a ~ from the school. To the best of our knowledge every • 6:45 p.m. Ballroom Dancing Classes, Mr. and Mrs. Ted now-well.known THE INVISI- the Detroit Urban League and lous sale on S&W quality can goods at Hamlin'~ item received has appeared in print, even though occa. Forrest, Instructors. BLE MAN-a first rIovel in entitled: "Reading For 1m. Kercheval. It started February 13th and it will sionally considerable re.writing and decoding have been 8:00 p.m. Remoc Investment Club, Meeting. which the author tells the story proved Human Relations." We for two weeks ... so hurry! ... TUxedo 5-8! reqUired. The charge that Star of the Sea has not been 8:00 p.m. New Iadom Club, Social Evening. of a Negro going in progreso think they are timely and high. given equal space with the other schools in undoubtedly •. H:OO p.m. -1~. p.m. Junior High "Other Side," Dan'ce sive stages from youthful af- ly appropriate for the com- • troe, for several reasons. In the first place, being a much for Grades 7.9, Adr.1ission 75 cents. firmation to total rejection after memoration of the events for There's A Waiting List ..• at Trail Apothec; smaller instifution, it has fewer students and activities a Harlem race riot. He not February mentioned In the first 121 Kercheva~ for the second shipment of E! which create news. But more important, particularly Saturday, February 18 only contends with the whites paragraph of tbis C 0 I w. m n. Lauder's newest Water-color Beauty ... tints, gI * 9:30 a.m. and *11:15 a.m. Children's Art Classes, Mrs. but also with the powerful Please read some of them and froID our standpo~t, the dissemination of this n~ws is and shadows, It's that good! Because it has a WI , Stirling Loud, Instructor. memh~rs of bis own race. "think on these things." base, it's extra easy to apply. Here's a hint. It isl far bet.ter organized at the other three schools mentioned. * 9:30 a.m. Ballet Classes, Mary Ellen Cooper, In- Oscar Handlin's FIRE.BELL The Elizabeth Cass Chapter All 'of these have joUrnalism students assigned to the easy to refresh and rearrange your make.up (1 ."I! structor. IN THE NIGHT is an examin. of the D.A.R. has an interesting late afternoon without a complete re-do. Trail P1I task of getting news into our oft;ice .•It is professionally "'10:00 a.m. and *12:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's ation of developments in civil exhibit in our display case at ised to have more in by this week. '. rr.. supervised by members of the teaching staffs, and often Theatre, Classes, Mrs. Sydney Reynolds, rights during the last 10 years. Central Library. They, too, re- . ji: these teachers also submit articles. Director. The title Is taken from a state- membered that this is Ameri. " It is obviously impossible for us, with a small staff . t Child 'Th ment by Thomas Jefferson in can History Month, and so • :i .~ .11:00 a.m. an d *2 p.m. Grosse P om e ren sea- 1820, dealing With the question have arranged a colorful and Mr. Sheridan - Books, 81 Kercheval) recomme attempting to cover the myriad activities of countless \ tre, "Little Wom~n" performances--Adults of statehood for Missouri and authentic layout of materia]:; Mary Elgin's "The Wood and the Trees," a rOIDal organizations in this community of five municipalities, 75 cents; Children 50 cents. slavery in the Union: "'I his used by the Winnebago Indians suspense story. As you.rem~mber she is the a\ll 1'0 assign a writer for complete co"erage of any single * 7:30. p.m. Memorial Bridge Club, Bridge Sessions, Mrs. momentous question, like a fire- of Wisconsin. Here are pre. of the very popular "A Man from the' MiSt:!!~ institution or organization. We iIoJ'en}OSt4eJ!~ndent upon Andrew Walrond, Director. '. hell in the night, aWll.kenedand sented items such as a man's 881-1671 or 881.2916 for delivery. the cooperation we r~eive from public~ty ch~e~, 8:00 p.m. Good Companions, Sequence Dancing. filled me with terror." shirt,. moccasions, dolls, a student writers, etc. Andjwe are most grateful for this • • Sunday, February 19 In the field of literature, we blanket, some pipe bowls, and We're Glad ... we memorized our Bronze D help. -;. * 2:00 p.m. Grosse Poillte Chamber Music Players, Re- can cite' ~angston Hughes' various articles of jewelry. Our . credit card number. We've been enjoying this We referred to our dressing ,down' as a high honor hearsal. . ' NEW NEGRO POETS, U.S.A. other sho,,:,case ~lso commor. 'IIghtful restaurant at 123 Kercheval . . . so IDI •.• and we 'mean just that. It is indeed a co~pliment for * 2:00 p.m. Parents\ Without Partners, Rehearsal. -a selection 'Jf by 37 ates ~mertcan History. Month; lately. This and their gift certificates ... in i these spirited youngsters to want more representation' in 2'30 pm Detroit East Side Metropolitan Youth Negro poets. Martin Luther Iyou Willwant to drop JD at the . .1. • . King has given us WHY WE Park and Woods Branches, too, amount . . • good any time are two great coni1 our publication. We appreciate their interest and the ForuI!1, Mee~g. • CAN'T WAIT, the story of the and see how they are honoring ences of Grosse Pointe. For reservations call. opportunity they have afforded us to answer their criti- 3:00 p.m. ~alance & Swmg Squcp'e Dance Club, 1t'1eet. B ir m i n g ham demonstrations February. 886-1932. cism. Keep the news ~oming, girls, and try to enlist th~ mg. ------help of a faculty member. Between us, maybe we can "'11:00 p.m. Bus for .Ski Hi Club's weekend trip from * 7:30 p.m. Folk Guitar Class, No.7, Alexander Suczek, • change the protests into cheers. Boyne Highlands, Boyne Mt. and Nubs Nob Instructor. . *11:00 p.m. ~:rfu~ ~dult Ski Club's weekend trip from ;.. 7:30 p.m. ~~r~c~~~~et Classes, Mary Ellen Cooper, Know Your Schools Boyne HIghlands. Boyne Mt. returns. * 7:30 p.m. Memorial Bridge Club, Bridge Sessions, Mrs. by J. Harold Husband, Acting Saperlatendeat M6nday, Februarf 20 Andrew Walrond, Director. ;. i: The Grosse PolDte Public School,System *10:00 a.m. Cancer Center, Workshop. • 8:00 p.m. 9600 Air Force Reserve, Meeting. 12:15 p.m. Rotary ~lub of Grosse Pomte, Luncheon Thursday, February!l _ I QUESTION: currIculum problem areas need. and M~tmg.. . . * 9:00 a.m. Blood Collection, 9' a.m.-9:15 p.m. Two can you give men a full ex. ing study, and it is ~:onceivable • 1:00 p.m. Memonal Bndge CI~b, Bndge ~esslOns, Mrs. American Red Cross. Bloodmobile Units will pIi.n!i.tioD of Ute recent disturb. that at certain designated times Andrew Walrond, DIrector. set up in Fries Ballroom to replenish the St. James Offers Lenten ServI( UceB at Grosse Pointe High later this winter and during the * 4:00 p.m. Ballet Classes, Mary Ellen Cooper, In. Center'~ Grosse J;lointe Community Blood Schoo]? spring the basic schedule will structor. ., Bank, other organizations' banks, and to St. James Lutheran Church based on Luke 23:4~~ ANSWER: be altered. to permit released. * 7:00 p.m. 8 and 9 p.m. ClaSSical GUItar Classes, No.5, provide opportunity to contribute to any of Grosse Pointe, McMillan at March 15 -"Praying I To under~tand the matter tune for all teachers. .As you Mr. Ronald Scollon, Inst.ruetor. particular individual. The Grosse Pointe Kercheval, is conducting mid. tantly," based on Lull completely it is necessary to are aware, the length of the ,\ • 7:30 p.m. and *8:30 p.m. Folk GUItar Classes, No.7, Community Blood Bank is empty and many week Lenten services at 7:30 These Lenten have an overview of the total school year is determi,ned by p.m. every Wednesday during 7:30 p.m. and condud! ci oPeration of the entire school law. Any d~lsion to close a Mr. Al~xand~r Suczek, In~t~ctor. . church banks are low. Make appointments tent. l'he Rev. George E. p.m, ,i 8:00 p.m. Lake S~. ClaIr C~apter-Michlg!ln SocIety of now. Call TU 1.751l. ,i system. It is our policy not to building 15 always based upon Kurz is the preacher for all the The opt!n Bible discus;: operate the individual buildings' the pJ'(lfessionaljudgment of the ProfeSSional. Engmeers, Meetmg, Ref~~sh. *10:00 a.m. Braille Transcription Class, Mrs. John Mc- homilies which are entitled the Psalms runs {rom [ of The Grosse Pointe Public staff, and not upon pressure ments followmg. Namara, Instructor. "The Life of Prayer in the 8:50 p.m. in the navei School System in "lock-step" from a minority of tbe student Tuesday, February 2~ * 1:00 p.m. Continuum Center, (:Investigation Into Light of the Cross." church. The Psalmsan fashion. Various needs at dif- body. 4< 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Conversational French, Class Identity" for women only. Immediately after each Len. odies of faith, com)lOSll ferent levels of instruction dic- The events of the past week NO.2, Mme. Charles Bachrach, Instructor. * 4:00 p.m. Ballet Clases Mary Ellen Cooper, In- ten service Vicar Frederick G. turies ago, echo actt tate rleviations from the master are basically internal and con. • 9:30 a.m. and *7:30 p.lQ. Basic Drawing & Painting structor.' Klein is conducting a series of life's glory and griefloda: schedule for the year. cern Grosse Pointe High School, open Bible wscussions on the remaining sessions are: For example on Friday, Janu- its staff and itS students. The Classes, NO.6, Mr. Ray Fleming, Instructor. * 4:30 p.m. Ballroom Dancing Class, NO.5, Mr. and *10:00 a.m. Service Guild for Children's Hospital, Mrs. Ted Forrest, Instructors. Psalms entitled, "Songs of Life :?2-"D i r g e s of Moo:- ary .'7:1, if incle~ent weatber had aitention caused by a relatively -A Study of the Psalms." March l-"ClinticIes oft. not closed all schools, eight of small number .(1-50 to 250 out Workshop. it 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Cinema League, "Alaskan . The remaining homilies are: giving"; March 8:-"~ the ten elementary buildings of a student body of 3,000) was 11:30 a.r.l. Senior Men's Gin Rummy Group. Movie Trails," a professional film by Kodak February 22, "W a t chand Judgment", Marco l~ had been scheduled for pa.....nt. magnified.out of all proportion. 12:00 p.m. Senior Men's Bridge Group. covering the Panhandle to the Arctic and Pray," based on Matt. 26:41; of Wisdom." . teacher conieren<:es, with the As the matter became a public 1:00 p.m. SE;!nior.M~n's Pinochle Gr~up. giving technical movie making tips for the March l-"Father, For g i vel The public is cordii.' remaining units handling this issue, the police had to be • 1:00 p.m. 011 P~llnting for Intermediates, Ray Flem. area. Interested Grosse Pointers are wel- Them," based on Luke 23:34; Ivited to attend these1 activity at other times of the llir~ght into the picture to pro. ing, InStructor. come. March 8-"nth HOHrPrayer?" tunities of spiritual gro! year. ~t students .and school prop- 1:00 p.m. Continuum Center, "Investigation Into ------As part of an experimental erty. We experiel'ced tremend- Identity" for women only. p,'Ogram designed to produce a ous cooperation ~ the chiefs 6:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe, Dinner and better system of junior high of pollce of the vatious munlci. school reports to parents, per. palities, as well as from other Meeting. This mission was given to the three officials who worked closely and • 7:30 p.m. U.S. Coast Guard Safe Boating Seamanship Week's junior high schools to dismiss eificiently with us. Course, No.2, Members of Flotilla 12.12 all classes on Monday. January In the opinion of the admin- Instrudors. Specials MORE THAN 30. This pl'()('edurewas followed istratiODof the high school, the * 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Club, Game Competi. I on this one day only and an issue was kept alive by the in. tion. ' 100 YEARS evaluation of it.s effectiveness terest of the various communi. 8:00 p.m. Yoga Class, Mr. and Mrs. George O. John. will be made to tbe committee cations media. For example, one ston, Instructors. OF CONSIDERATE currently stuaying tha junior disc jockey is reported to have 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Camera Club, Meeting, Pic. SERVICE high scbool reporting system. said on his early morning pro- tures. Because of the dismissal of gram of Tuesday, January 31, the junior high school students, "I'll be at Grosse Pointe at 2:30 Wednesday, February 22 a certain element of youngsters p.m. just in time lor the riot." • 9:30 d.m. Pre School Culture, Class No.1, February at Grosse Pointe, High School When queried about the :remark, 22.May 3 (Wednesdays) 9:3().11 a.m. rraugN also wanted time off. It was he explained that it was an ex. I by qualified teachers: Mrs. Mary Ann Repeat Sale a r 0 u n d this focus that the pression of sarcastic humor de. Hughes, Mrs. Lee Peters and Mrs. Helen The \Vm.R.eHamiHon Go. trouble began. signea to shanie the students Doelle for ages 3.5. The children will dis. CHUCK FUNERAL DmECTORS There has been no "semester into behaving themselves. Form cover the world of arl, music and literature. I break" at GI')sse Pointe High the local reaction of irritated The fee is $25 for 10 lessons. Enroll now. ROAST SHELL Since 185S School since 1959 because most students, parents. and teachers, 11:00 a.m. Senior Men's Cribbage Group, Cribbage Any Blade Cut of the courses are now offered his commer.t did not have the INDIVIDUAL WU.LTAM R. R':\IlI.TOX II DA"D M. H.'Mn.Tl1~ Game and Snack. I on a year.long basis. However, desired effect, but simply added. STEAKS r CLARE:\'CE E. OTTER in past years the blgh school fuel to the fire and brought the 12:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Traffic & Safety Committee, 39 Luncheon ~nd Meeting. $1 has been dismissed s eve r a I affair to the attention of tbose lb. W~~'e Our staff has been .selected to .serve times during the year to pro. who had not read about it. An", *12:30 p.m. Senior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointe, Social, every creed toithcomplete under_ing. vide teachers with time for on Tuesday afternoon, we did Cards, Tea Party. Always Fresh $1 t 9 necvssary curriculum improve- have oul.~ldersinvolved. '" 1:30 p.m. Creative Crewel & Wall Hangings, NO.5. ALL BEEF TENDERLOINS lb. ment projects. This practice has S t u den t demonstrations, a Mrs. Marie Massey, Instructor. I CHAPELS been continued during 1966- sign of the times, are reported • 4:00 p.m. Ballet Classes, Ellen Cooper, In- Mary PRIME NEW YORK STRIPS & SIRLOINS AT ALL TIMES I DETROIT ~<)7.;r..,~sAn::-;n: • 'fE 1.2~1,; 1967, but staff members have in detail at Berkeley, Ann Arbor structor. , had substitutes conduct their i and Northern High SChool, to, BIR'II\(;IH" B211E\ST :\1,\I'LE ' )lI.J.61 • 6:30 p.m. Soroptimist Club of Grosse Pointe, Dinner I lJ classes for a day or two. SChool name a few. We are accustomed r-;.,,:. DETROIT 18')01l hm:, COl'ZE:\S • nl j.L has not been closed completely to publicity. Grosse Pointe is and Meeting. Lang's Village Meats 6:30 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 74 from Richard School, for special curriculum activities. always news, especially when t 7045 Kercheval TU 2-5777 For several months the staff the news is bad. and we e«ept Annnal Blue & Gold Dinner, has been studying the various this fact philosophically. 7:00 p.m. Detroit Cribbage Group. GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.,ge EI~v.n Mrs. Norman R. Miller ~;:~;:'~;' Miss Condne Says ~;~~l.~m~j~o~:,:r::.~~~.~;~~:Vows to Mr. Miller


( if. tt;!:r~ Danville, Ky., and was gra~u. The bride's cousin, The ~ ., <, .•.. , """~"c;: ated from Wood Secretarial R d R' h d A 0 . ., "i :~..'M't School New York, this month. everen.. IC ar . se- served as her s.lster's .hODO~at. :"(:tth H 'fi tl' g bold, offICIated at the noon te~dant, and Diane ..'.~, ~,.-::i'lii • er ~nce,. presen y servin ceremony. A!!!!=: ~~d Theresa Binder. WOMEN'S ;0 ,?~'j, With the Umted States Army I . "''14[') stationed in San Francisco: !or her marriage, lhe former .James M; Miller served as 'Uk Calif., is an alumnus of the I M~ss Condne chose. a peau. de his brother s best man. They "'.W Storm King Preparatory School I s?~e go~vn. styled wIth. a hl~h. are the sons .of Mr. and ?:Irs. '"# and attended the University of I flse walstlme and A line sklrl, Charles R. MIller. of Roseville. Short and to "If Virginia and George Washington and fealurinJ a Chapel train. Iformer1~ of Roslyn road. -From Another Pointe University. I Her illusion .ve'l fell from a UsherIng were Jack Condne Mis Seelbach is the grand. pearl.trimmed silk petal head. and Jerry .Brumn~r .. The Pointe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph piece. and she carried a cas. A reception. at "tllSZ Hall: fo~. of View W S. d f Ch 1 tt '11 cade of while roses and carna. lowed the nles. The brIde s . . Imon s, 0 ar 0 eS~1 e, tions mother wore a green silk. and- RICHARD C. SCHMITT, son Va., forme~l~ of Grosse Pomte.' . wool ensemble and chose a cor. By Janet ~lueller of MR. and MRS. ARTHUR W. and of WIlliam O. Seelbach, In floor lenglh .sllk frocks, sage of pink rosebuds. SCHMIT']', of Manchester road for~er manager of lhe Book- accen~ed \"Il~ ostnch feath~rs The bridegroom's mother's president of the senior class at Cadillac Hotel, and Mrs. Seel- al theIr h'lmhnes. and carrymg coat and dress were fashioned ain to everyone's delight - Neptune's in. Xavier University, Cincinnati, bach, of Delray Beach, Fla. matching feathered muffs were of green and blue brocade. Htr ~c.::~e Grosse Pointe Hunt Club is giving its 0., and active in Xavier's Slu------Margaret Ann Condne, .who corsage was a white orchid. aI'Seafood Party. . dent Government, has been Adrian, William was a memo The newlyweds are making UTurDout for this gala event, alway? wonderful In named to uWho's Who in Amer- ber of Theta Chi fraternity, the road, and THOMAS OUEL- their home in St. Clair Shores. romises to be even g~eate~ thIS year. Amol?g ican Colleges and Universities." Science Club, the College Choir LETTE, of Westchester road. pas:! to get their reservatIOns In were the Edwm Richard is a SI. Paul Higb and Alpha Kappa Psi husiness Purpose of the con. ;t stone road. FRANCES B. FLOR- School graduate. fraternity. Howard was a mem- ference is to stimulate' interest ear~:Walter Schmitts, Richard Childresses and ENCE, of B arrington road, JMrs Vern Patterson. * * * '1 In S1. Joan of Arc Church February 4, VIRGINIA' ber of Alpha Kappa Psi business in science and mathematics BARBARA J. KIMBALL, of ~ t and hostess for the 1967 Seafood Party are CHARLES SQUIRE ZENT. MARIE CONDN~, daughter of the John J. Condnes, of frllternity and Thela Chi so- among high school students and Harvard road, PAULINE A. '~dMrs. Arnold Saviana. They'll be assisted by GRAF, son of MR. and MRS.. Country Club drive, and Mr. Miller, son of the Charles cial fraternity. and Donald was to slress the interrelation of LUBER TO. of Lincoln road, osts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murvay and Dr. and Mrs. CHARLES W. ZENTGRAF, of R. Millers, of Roseville, formerly of Roslyn road, were a member of Alpha Tau Omega Iscience and the humanities. Its JEAN M. ARMSTRONG, of Sunningdale drive, rereived his married. fraternity. All three are Grosse theme will be "Human Values Neff road, SUSAN L. MA. Bachelor of Arts degree in Busi- Pointe High School graduates. and Science." , speciald Blain.guest of honor WI'11b e h orseman, au th'or an d THEWS, of Fisher road, KA. inStructor Gordon Wright, who'll be conducting ness from Adrian College Janu- program last Friday and Satur- 75.student residence hall. A first. * * * ..'. * THEY D. SNYDER, of Lothrop ary 31. At 'Adrian, he served as day, visiting engineering and year student at Monticello, Two Grosse Pointe High Named to the Western Micbi. road, 'JANE A. T,HORN and .~ classes and lectures during the week;nd at historian of Alpha Tau Omega plant facilities of Delroit area "Marnie" is active in numerous School students will be among gan Dean,'s List for scholastic JOAN M. THORN. of Mount fraternity and affiliated. with industries and touring Green- student organizations and \S a 160 junior and senior secondary distinction during the fall semes. Vernon road. H~MlYdate is Friday, February 24. Cocktail pouring Alpha Beta Epsilon Chapter of field Village, was ROBERT D. reporter for the student news. s t u dent s from Southeastern ter were SUSAN BERTELSEN. • •• start at' 7:30 o'clock and dinner is scheduled at Alpha Kappa Psi business fra- FL'AGA f W h' d Michigan attending the third of Hawthorne road, among the MR. and MRS. ANTHONY J. ternity. He is a Grosse Pointe N, 0 estc ester roa . paper. anDllfti Junior Science and Hu. 20 'WMU students who led the *** ••• MORSE (Susan Garlmghouse), t~~~~rds, there'll be dancing to the rhythms of High School graduate. MR. and MRS. G. MENNEN Enjoying a recent vacation in manities Symposium at Wayne List ,carrying a tolal of 20 hours of Lincoln road, announce the Phil Cole Four . . . * • • WILLIAMS. of Lakeshore road, New York were MR and MRS State University March 3 and of classes; ARLENE GAYLE birth of a SOD •. ANTHO'NY * * * MR.. and MRS.. PETER R. journeyed to Washington, D.C., GEORGE N. MONRO; III, of 4. The students. are MAR. DAVID, pf Fairholme road. JENCKES MORSE, JR., Feb- BOYD , of Mount Vernon, Va., for Tuesday evemng. dinner at Woodland place. II SHALL MASSE\ , of Manor CAROL J. SINNING, of Broad. ruary 7. Kind of ABC announce the birth of a daughT .the White_House with Ethiopian * • * I )fount Holyoke College alumnae will come from all ter. AMY PITTMAN BOYD, Emperor Haile Selassie, then ANNIE LORY BACHRACH, the Detroit area Tuesday evening, February 21, January 26. Mrs. Boyd is the went on to New York and of East' Jefferson avenue, I rging on Stouffets' Northland for a ~ocktail and for mer ANNETTE (Dodo) Princeton, N.J., where "Soapy" daughter of MR. and MRS. er party to be followed by a Very SpecIal Program. WHITEHEAD. daughter of MR. appeared in a panel discussion. CHARLES BACHRACH, was I Mary Tuttle, secretary of the College, former Alum- and. MRS. JAMES F. WHITE. * .. • one of the members of the I H,EiAD, JR., of Delray Beach, MISS DANA MAL CHI E, Court of Honor for Mercy Col. : trustee and president of the Alumnae Association, Fla. G rea t.grandmother is daughter of MRS. WINIFRED lege'~ first Sno.Queen 9ar.niva;1. '1I1k on "Edueation: Antidote to Poverty" and show I MRS. JAM E S F R A Z E R S. MALACHIEof Fisher road" She IS a freshman, maJOrIng 18 I of the ABC (ABetter Chance) program in action WHITEHEAD. of S t e ph ens has' pledged Alpha Phi Frater- French. Mount Holyoke campus. road. nity for 0 ,vomen at Michfgan ..• * * I MIss Tuttle will tell of ABC's success in reaching * '" .. State Unive~sity. Miss Malachie RecelVlng degrees from Ad. gsters dlsadvantaged as to educational and economic MR. and MRS. TULlO CAR. a fresblI)im, was graduated fr~ riall CGllege. Adrian, Mich., at unds, but'with high motivation and high potential. LESIMO, of Detroit, announce Grosse Po,inte High School in the end of the fall semester, the birth of a daughter, LINDA June,.i966. Her campus aclivi- January 31, were WILLIAM, During its initial session in 1965" Miss Tuttle served MARIE, Febrilary 3. Mrs. Car- ties include acting as social GERALD PETERSON, son of - r of the Mount Holyoke ABC program, an eight. Iesimo is the former BARBARA chairman for Wyngate House of MR'i and MRS. WIL!-AM J. llllJUDer course offering academic and cultural J. GUERRERA. daughter of Williams Hall. - PETERSON, of Prestwlck roa~, lies to promising 'high school girls who need MR. and MRS. CARMIN GUER- .. .. • awarded his Bachelor of Arts 10 '1t'aDt III better ehance." RERA, of Washiilgton road. Pa- MARGARET QUINN, daugh- Business' Administration, HOW- . ABC began at Dartmouth College in 1964. Hope. ternal grandparents are the ter of MR. and MRS. WILLIAM AnD THOMAS GATES, son' ot RALPH CARLESIMOS, of De- J. QUINN, of University place, MR. and i\fRS. T. S. GATES, of I carefully seleeted J'oung participants the will, troit. a student at Monticello College, Hunt Club drive_ also awarded tkeir initial summer sessions, go on. to further '" • • Godfrey, 111., is currently serv- his Bachelor of Arts in Business, educations at selected printe schools and colleges, Among students and teachers ing on a student committee and DONALD J. WARE, son of Special guests who've been invited to meet Miss who participated in the Interna- which is working with members MRS. D. A. WARE. of Loch. and learn about a "new kind of ABC's" are the tionaI Edison Birthday Celebra- of the College Board of Trustees mooor boulevard, awarded his ds of alumnae, local secondary scllo01 headmasters tion-Edison Science Youth Day to select furnishings for a new Bachelor of Arts in English. At. parents of local girls now attending ~Iount Holyoke. Coming from The P.ointe will be Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on J'age 16) I

Outfitters to Ladies of Traditional Taste ..

• '., 0; ~ ~ ~ . Fan:h.. i';t~ ' . - ...h.~.. t( ,.'~. This year, as in most years past, ~ ' .. F' Spring will come. However, it requires ~ .. Just to h' a little effort on your part. r you, t e SUIt to wear and love from A little faith. Hope. Summon it in the i

~> flOw, .. on; jacket, braid-trimmed with exciting Inlng to h '. • collector's classi~ suit, . mate stnklng short-sleeved candy- J striped bl I . . thickly flowered in optimistic colors, r: ouse. n grey/white striped olouse. !~ pleasantly t~xtured in polyester t ~':, l1 and flax. Subalte,rn pockets. i!' J ..' True Blue. Clover Pink. Fresh Green. f. Peach Fu~z, Iris. Si=05 6 to 16. $30.00

Jilt shops of W"llo1\.Pi~r't

IIan.P.Ul.lCh_GIl.d.J_Ud_1f_B_IO_Ck AN.N_A.RB.O.R_.76.K.E.R(.H.EV.A.L_.BI.R.M.IN.GH.A.~.1 .K.'''.he.yG.1 It_St.,c.IGi.r .Gr.O_SH_po_lnt_1 ~ Page Twetve GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,I: I " Society News Gathered from All of the Pointe' I Gordon-Irtvin Rites Are Read Poillte Garden Mrs. William L. Pettit, III ICongregational Miss Cook Marries Club To Meet The Pointe Garden Club will I~~~\l~,~h",'';\'::','t:'!i~~::i~:':,~~a;,:"::::::~~~!;I:~;'dY::~0.Wl;~~g,1~~~~~~!~~ 1 meet on Monday, February 20, ''o.'';'{:'(:',:;-:", . ;" . :<".t-<:. '(3:'1 honal Church Fathers' and Chll. Alice Jeannette Irwin, daughter 1ley and Sue Robichaud William L. Pettit, III .>i;/ ..~ ,: 'S\ Idrens' Party is Friday evening, M I El d I' Th . . at the home of Mrs. Herbert .. )./:;<:;-" . .;,i February 17, at 6:30 o'clock. of Mrs. an ey woo rWln, . ey wore ~vy ringsin Schmitz in Radnor circle. ILuncheon will be served at Bride's Empire Gown of White Bouq~et Taffeta Is ~~~c~:eb~;I,1t~~ ~;i£~::~~:Jdt~alt~d:~r~;,~: Ii ~~~~s~~f~Oc\~~~~~dwr:;e~ 12:30 o'clock. ~~,:;'o'::::l/:< .". i ~I~;~~~,;~r~ Styled with Chapel Train and Trimmed The assisting hostesses will "i/ 'i. ::'0, ~ i :'.' . ,:.': be the featured entertamment. Officiating at the candlelight, Serving as the bride with Aleneon Lace be Mrs. Byron B. Phillips and Mrs, Manfred Whittingham. f;~:~~l:'". l.~~~,i:~l:~~tiss~n:~~~l b:ff~~~ ~~r~i;~o:~ ;:l~~~~ns~~raC:e~~~ I ~::.t ~:~l W~:a~~~~ry . Planning to make their home in Fort Wayne, Ind., Mrs. Richard Gerathy will r,:'i 'i,' James Riker is tbis year's chair. tion at Dearborn Ino, was Dr.! stead, of Clawson the when they return from a vacation in Toronto are Mr. and .~peakon "Sniff and Snip." man. Sheldon Flynn is president Adam Weslrnaas. I gr. ~ chose, for her son's wedding and In Christ Church early Saturday afternoon, Lake ar.d Randy Cross. . , the reception, a yellow raw silk February 4,KATHLEEN KRAETKE COOK, daughter The older boys, 11 to 14, are suit and a corsage of cymbidium of Albert R. Cook, of Allard road, and the late Mrs. coached by Scott Marritt. Team orchids. members are Larry Bauer, Jim J Cook, and Mr. Petit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Brownell, Jay Charvat, Paul ,,1 Petit. of Fort Wayne, Ind., were married. J MR. and :MRS. BRUCE .h. Cassens, Billy Marritt, Jim Pot. LEN (Janet White), of Chicago, thoff and John McConnell. Ill., announce the birth oi a Members of Kalamazoo Col- son, CHRISTIAN ORMUND. lege's Chamber Orchestra is July Bride ~, February 2. Paternal IKATHERINE TEAGUE, daugh. Faculty Wives The "Lyric" grandparents are the ALONZO ter of MR. and MRS. DAVID ALLENS, of Lincoln road. TEAGUE, of Hampton road. Hold Fun Night r:m~~""%il"illr&~~~"'~~N.~~~~~ 'The Grosse Pointe Faculty Wives held their annu:l Fun Night February 3 at Brownell Junior High School. This 'Smart Set' diamond by Orange Blossom, refl The Alter a potluck dinner. memo ! bers and their husbands enjoy- ing the vibrant young viewpoi'nt, is just one 01 ed an evening of cards, 'games, the trend setting designs in our large i' and sports activities. LITTLE INN collection. The extra brilliance of a Wright Mrs. James Ireton and Mrs. l 'qiielrl, O"tario, Ca."" Joe Spagnoli were co-chairman Kay diamond costs no more •.. compare ,. ":1' of the event. Tbeir committee j. ".:I~ for yourself. Priced from $150 I memb~rs were Mrs. Donald Enjoy a ~atisfyiIig weekend with your family BassE'tt, Mrs. Robert McDonald, \: r amidst century old. surroundings, skiing, skat- Mrs. Ronald Ladd and Mrs. ing, tobogganing, sleigh rides, antiquing-din- ' John Rohrer. , ing endorsed by Lilian. Braun, Detroit Free The HENRY B. JOYS, m, . Wright Kay, " '¥ Press-Ron Gamble of Week End. Exclusive and young HENRY BOURNE, ,~ house parties arranged. Modest rates. IV, have moved from Ballour to 1500 Woodword,17501 Kerd-:evol,GrossePointe& NOll j Vendome road. ~~ WRITE OR PHONE 519.565.2611 FOR RESERVATIONS. , P,lOto b)' EddJe McGrath, Jr.

~~B 1l!ll':~W ..~~,w~ Dr. and Mrs. Frank Van Torn. ~1 hout, of Harvard road, Detroit, THIS WEEK'S Special!' 14 are announdAlg the engagement of their d au gh ter, SHARON ~~: ANN, to Robert Peter Hurlbert, Bavarian only -}" son of James Hurlbert, of De. Cream Tarte t troit, and the late Mrs. Hurl. " bert. ~;, Miss Van Tornhout is a gradu. ", ate of the University of Detroit, 1 where she affiliated witb Kappa Beta Gamma,. and is currently ! ~ teaching at Pierce Junior High ~~ .1 I' School. ,I i'" :~ Her fiance, an alumnus of the :; University of Detroit and a memo 19-487 MACK AVENUE GROSSE POINTE WOODS ber of Phi Sigma Kappa, present- :1 ly attends the University of Mich. Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Closed Mondays) igan Law School. Phone 884-4251 \ A July wedding is planned. "A Treat For Each Day of the Week" ! Seaman Apprentice GERALD L. STOETZER, JR., son of MR. and MRS. GERALD L. STOET. ZER of LitUestone road, has ('omp~etedadvanced training at the United States Navy Mine Warfare School at Charleston, S. C. Following a brief leave at home he will be stationed for Florida the next two "years near Hono. lulu, Hawaii. BOUDd~

AT THE STATLER TRAVEL LIGHT HilTON then STEAK HOUSE Shop at Coming Downtown? En- joy a "Shopper's De- light" from the Hilton DEL HURD~'S- Delray Beach World of Fine Food LADIES DAY Olle of Flurida's .lIost 'l~dked About Resort Sh()ps SPECIAL SPORTS and CASUAL WEAR Mon.-Sat. MEDITERRANEAN BRINGS HIGI-I STYLE INTO THE KITCHEN 1:45 p.m.-4 p.m. LADIES and GENTLEMEN Extensive selections of colorful items-all in excellent taste- displayed al cocktail c.hoice of entree from the best domestic and foreign sources. tossed salad (When you return home, we will gladly assist in packing rolls - bevf'''age shipping any 01 your purchases.) MUTSCHLER $2~!mPlete HURD 8< CO. 1565 W;)shington Blvd, Dn KITCHENS Phone 965-7800 1165 Eelst Atlantic Ave. (just one block from the ocear.) ~ Forre~at HlI1oll, TUxedo 4.3700 1 Delray Beach Florida MUTSCHLER KITCHENS, INC. 20227 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS Stallef HirtOll andollJer leadinlllotel s, phone IWlOD~ semce. Summer Shops - Hidden Volley end Leland, Michigan IIHlETROIJ-96H('3()

~ ..._------_. . February /6, 1967 Thuf1day, G R 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S Page Thirteen ------WOman'sPage • • • by, of and for Pointe Women

Paray Returning Essex Fells, N.J., and Chippewa ~atrl'Cfa L. Johnson Piggins To Talk Mrs. Charles H. Nicholl Bride-Elect IBay, N.Y. • To AAUW Group , Miss Cawthra received her To Symphony Bachelors degree' in Radio and I -- 0 The Honorable Edward S. Television from the University "ch II II Paul Paray, Conductor Emeri. S. M r N Piggins will address the Grosse of Michigan, where she affilf. Ved Pointe Branch of the American tus of the Detroit Symphony ated with Alpha Delta Pi social d b R rD' Association of University Worn. i Orchestra, will return to the ,sorority, taught for a year in the RitesAre Followe y ecep Ion at etrolt en Thursday, February 16. An Ipodium at Ford Auditoriufl:l d Y I Detroit Public Schools and has 'Ur dy cht Club: Newlyweds Will Be Making. 8. O'clock coffee.dessert will be IThursday and Saturday, Febru- . I rece.,Uy been working as a a Their Home in Cleveland served in the Reception Room ary 23 and 25, at 8:30 o'clock to fashion model in New York City; ------of the Grosse Pointe War Me- conduct the Orchestra in his She is the granddaughter of verend John William E!'t~s, Jr., .officiated at moria!.,. \ first of four pairs of SUbSCriP'I. lion concerts. Charl~s E. Riedel, of Boyne The Re 4 wedding of Patl'lCIa LOUIse Jo~nson, . Members are welcome to in. City, and the late Mrs. Riedel, febrUr~r and Mrs. Richard H. Jollnson, of Lmcoln vlte. husbal1ds and guests, aC'1 Paray will conduct the Orches- and Mrs. Don Arthur Cawthra, ~hter 0Cha;les Henry Nicholl, son of Mr. and Mrs. cordmg to Mrs. Hamilton Still'l. tra in Schumann's Symphony of Grand Rapids and WallOOIr d, ann . II f Willow Tree place. well, of Mount Vernon road". No.2, Ravel's "Le Tombeau de : Lake, and the late Mr. Cawthr.: ~elR. NICO , 0 .______hostess for the evening. ! Couperin," Barber's "Music for . Grosse '. . I a Scene from Shelley" and I Her fiance is pursuing Pre: 'be ceremony, In. a I Their headpieces were olive I . Judg~ Plggll~S,. a . ~ominant ,,,::: Strauss' "Til Eulenspiegel. ... I ?lied studies at Bloomfield col- 'DIe congregatIOn green velvet Dior bows, and fIgure 10 DetrOIt JudICIal news This will be the first time Paray . 'lege, Bloomfield, N.J. He is the. ~cb, was followed by.a they carried nosegays of yellow f~r so~e years, will limit his I :, I has conducte~ t~e work grandson of Mrs. Lawrence F. e tion at' the DetrOIt Sweetheart roses. , diSCUSSIOnto the year he sel"ved . : on a subscrlpllon series pro. Cuthbert, of Chippewa Bay, and. Jt Club. . ; Arthur Nicholl acted as his as ~rand .Ju~,or.. ...", ,gram. the late Mr. Cuthbert, and Qf thefites, the forJ1.ler:MISS brother's best. man. .~illiam HIS ,!OPI~> 1.'rlals of a. Grand Mrs. Loren N. Wood, of Bound: I .\ I He also will conduct subscrip. 11' bean Empire ~.tyle Shepard and Rlchar.i Dietz oCIJuror, Will IOclude hIS per. Brook, N.J., and tne late Mr,' lSonCb~Stpeau de soie and Dumond N J were ushers' sonal experiences and the per. . .;Ition performances on March 2, Wood. of II' J e .' .. , • I I . d" . . 14, 9, 11, 16 and 18. o n lace traced with. seed The mother of the bride and P ~xlllg eCISlons he f~c~d 'Y1th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jordan: . ~ d cfystals, featurmg a I the mother of the bridegroom I.I? the statute of limltatlon~. ,I Since his appearances with the 15 an . . the Grand Jury system IS I Symphony last season, Paray's Cawthra, of McKinle~' avenue, I ~ARTHA ~rARIE EURGESS. pel traID. both chose pmk ensembles, Mrs. unique ;n th tall t ti . conducting engagements have have announced the engagement daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. D. E. peau de soie D.ior~ow he:d Joh~son's in a. silk.~n~.wool private 'and ~ny' cr~e ~~n~lI:~ I included 22 concerts in Israel . BURGESS, of Washington road, bouffantsilk illUSIOnveIl. fabnc and Mrs. NIcholl s m raw picion of law breaking 'th' of their daughter, CAROL ANN, has pledged Delta Della Delta e a cascade of 'lk . WI III with the Israel f'hilharmonic. A to John Stuart Wood, son of Mr. Sorority at Vanderbilt Univer. dowerswe~ Sl . the county may be investigated. I scheduled tour of Russia with and Mrs. Loren T. Wood, of Isity, Nashville, Tenn. llanoU

F"f.':d P.t le.n . ~ Coiffures I fLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ~. . . for individual styling 20651 Mack' Ave. (near Vernier) G. P. Woods. YOUR ACOUNT INVITED I ""'... 1iI~ 3 KerchevClI Ave., at Fisher ROCld SERVING GROSSE POINTERS FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Call today for appointment .. Phone: 881-4988 'l!1 17732 MACK Punch and Judy BloclF 1925 VERN IER RD. ~~&S;: TU 6-0600 iii TU 4.2920 . (allJnlveulty) 8 Open 10 - 5 Mon. - SoL; Thurs. Eve. 'Iii 9 ~ Il!!::Jral555S5ll!l~l!IlBEl!l9l!1l IL!I~l!1lEiiil!!!!!lral!5i55i5llil. ~.

• In • • •

the hair is sleek and smooth capping the ...

the fall .•• a dramatic feminine freedom to • • • Looped tlegance for.

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the Michelle-Look ... mandarin in style-smart in effect

the Michelle-Look .• revealed feminity in basic design ... Cosmetics, Coiffures, and Coutiere For ~ the TOTAL LOOK 4etJC,. Micl,ell@ ~S Boutiqu@ HAIR STYLES PHONE: TU 4.9393 TU 6.1814 Informal Modclil")g: Thurs., Fri. & Sat. -- 17888 MACK AVENU E z- ... _ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, February 16, I Society News Gathered from All of the Pointe

! Robert Dorll, Jr. I IIbex Schedule I May Bride Engaged Betrothed Will Wed Set Group Meetings ,To Cla;11l Bride ,:Is Varied, B

, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Wallis, I . ' i ~. ; The Ibex Ch;b;OD Ih of Frankl;n, are announcing the, ; (the club's activities a fre For Junior Leaguers engagement of their daughter,' and varied, including p . to' Th' H Fo F S t S : Claudia Gay, to Robert J. Dorn, ! drama and all forms of1lU I)In ers penlng elr omes rive epara e es. : Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert i crafts), and February 15

sions At Which "Discussion Leadership" t J. Dorn, of Rimrd boule\'ard. I the date of a gener'll me Will Be Explained Miss Wallis is a graduate o{ . i tKhe h?me of Mrs. Willa.~ ______Ferris State College and is pres. i err 10 45 Fair Acres dli . The Junior League of Detroit has scheduled five enlly working at the Uni\'ersity , i Charles Moraco, of ' Group meetings this year. The first two were held ~of Michigan as a dental assist- ,Flowers, demoostraled I Tuesday, February 14, and the three remaining ones i am. i . i fr~sh flowers can be mixed will be held Wednesday, February 22. : Her fiance is also a graduate: I dried flowers. Among "Guest speaker is Donald ;------of F~~ris S~ate Colle~e whe~e he , .:~e;i~~t M~~~rE'Ja~lerss.H

J. Pizzimenti, personnel as- IDetroit - Edison Company in, reCel,\~~ hl~ degree m Busmess I ~~. -IS' tant to the General Ac 1950 H h be be AdmlDl~tratlOn, loin. Jose~h M. Mengd;, :s • r • e as en a mem r __ . __ . I ~.~..*', '"...",''" ' '~,uy. B, Willetts, Mrs. Da' co~ntant of The Detroit: of the Edison Elect!ic Insti.: _. . i : ~f"1'::,t',j.', :\, Illn,ms and Miss Hono EdISOnCompany. :tute's Employu~ Relations com. , th,e A~fA ~lh ehr Plaqufe I~r con . ," . "~::W ten. r' . t . '''D' . Le d I mitlee for several vears and tn butlOn to t e pro eSSLOn 0f i ' ,\t a March 17 at th HIS OPIC IS .'cusslon a. I h . . mana"ement ' ,'. e ership," blcluding bow to lead! was C airman Irom 1961 to: ...... '''', ~ :Mrs. Charles Parcells in and participate in groups and 11963. ! A Councilman 10 .th~ Clt~ ~f . '" . : ,ly road, Ibex will hnell how to make a group more e{. i He has been a guest lecturer Allen Park, ~Ir. Plzzlmenh IS , ~. i.' ..., I ." . I speaker ,John Fernald, fective. ! and discussion leader for the' a.lso a 'llembe.r of the Educa- :Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Zdrod. Photo by EddJe MeGrath. Jr. I Planrnng a July wedding are! At a cocktail party m their, Englan~ s Royal Acadt" A University of Detroit gradu' i American Management Assocla. ' h.on s~b.comml~tee of the Arch. ,owski. of Berkshire road, are I The engagement of JOAN, MARY LESLIE RENCHARD, I horne Sunday, January ,29, Dr.: Dramatic Art for 10 yea~ a~". Mr. Pizzimenti joined The tion and in 1962 was awarded: blsto~ s co~m~~~ee for Human I an~ouncing the engagement of, MARIE THORN, daughter of: daughter of Mrs. R~ymond L. ! and Mrs. John D. Langston, of helped shape the careen _ I Re atlOns- .. rc IOcesl' of De. theIr daughter SHARON LEE IMrs. Frank A. Thorn. of Mount I Tyson of CharleVOIX avenue I . such notable :Performers • ~ I troit. a member ~f the W~~'ne : to R. James' Bryden. son of Vernon road, and the late Mr. and J~bn V. Renchard, 01 Kerb; i BerkshU'e road. announced the Peter C?'Toole, Albert Fi •County Dem~cratlc-Rep~bhcan i Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bryden, Thorn, to Steven Oharles Kaiser road, a~d Henry C. Cashen, n'l engagement of their daughter, John Glelgud, Susannu • Hu~an Relations CounCIl and: of Rome, N. Y. has been announced by the i son ')f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cas. STAR, to James O. Carson, III, and the late Charles I cha;rman of t~e board. of Peo. I Miss Zdrodowski attends the bride. elect's mother. I hen, of Lincoln road. son 01 :Yrs. Barbara H. Carson, Mr. Fernald is de . , p~~_~ CommuDity lIor,pltal Au- It:ni\'ersity of Michigan, where Miss Thorn will be graduated, Miss R"llchard was graduated I of Los Allos Calif. and the late the concept of a reside, Our Birthday.' .! udty. . she is affiliated with Pi Be~a from Western Michigan Uni. from Miss Hall's School and i James 0 c~rson ir I tre company. The Joh,n~ : Members of .the J. u n lor Phi sorority. Her fiance also at- versity in April. Her fiance, son Bradford Junior Colll'ge and I .' ,. : Company of the. Meauow i League of DetrOIt openmg their tends the University of Michi. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiser, will be graduated from Sarah I ~ISS La,ngston,. a ~aduate of: Theatre opened Its sea$OQ i homes for the meetings include gan and is a member of Alpha of Butler, Ind., is an alumnus of Lawrence in June. She made Grosse POIO~eUmverslty School, Iary 4. I Mesda.mes H. Gordon Wood, of Pi Chi, a p',ofessional architec- Western Michigan University her debut at the Country Club attends Sc!IPPS Coll~ie, Clare. I Members of Ibex and ", ,Tourallle road, John Lesesne, tural fraternity. and will be attending the Army of Detroit in June of 19M. mont, Calif. Her. fiance was Ihusbands, plus guests, IIilI of Oxford road, Daniel L. John- Thev plan to marry May 13 Phvsical Therapv School Fort H fi d t d graduated from MIdland School, out to the Meadow Broat • '. ., er ance was gra ua e S B ba C l'f d' t kt U' 35 'years son, 01 Beverly road, Joseph G. following their April graduation. Sam Houston, Tex. :f Ch hiT A d B anta ar ra, a I., an IS' re, coe a 109 on thewiY, IStandart, Jr., of Ridge road, A summer wedding is being' ~0!U .es ~ ~a J":y, .ro~, presentiy a senior at Claremont ing in the Oakland Room , of making the and F. James Robins')n II of 1 nned ! ~Iv~rslty an t e I1lversJly 0 ~Ien's College. Oakland Center, then g' Kenwood road. " I, AAUW Groups p a . I! Michigan Law School. An August wedding is plan. to see "The Waltz of t!'~ ,finest photographs ______, • ned. dors" on Saturday, APril! D th S ff !Plan Meetmgs Woodlard Indian ~hibit Slate Welconle I oro y arl~O I --' i Now At Central Library 1 r 0 May w•• hare this experience ,A t Town H 11 The Grosse Pointe Branch,: -- JJ ao-on Meeting I a American Association of Uni. I Jewelry of bird bones and 0 in .ervin. you? , --. I versity Women ~as sc~eduled a: beads, ceremonial peace.pipe I The Golden Lion I~estaurant I Dorothy Sarno!;!, musJ~al com. I number of meetings thiS month. I bowls, w~en paddle. spoons I will be the scene of the Felr I ~'.. ., edy, .star who IS making ~er I Miss Virginia Hoelzle will dis. Iand deel.'sk,ID lDOCCa~li1s are I ruary out-luncheon meeting of Th e Bra,nsby Stud 10 ~,ne\\ mterest, .speech cosmehc~, : cuss highlights of her 19661 among the Iten,ts on display ~t the Welcome Wagon Club of! .- a caree!', W1ll be at DetrOIt, "Mrican Safari" for the Tues the Grosse Pomte Central Li. G P . t thO Th da I , . Town Hall Wedne da" Feb I' . b F br 7 fur h rosse om e IS urs Y'I " ,~ 'TU !I: .~. .}, ~u- , day Evening Group February 21, rary e uary oug 18. February 16, at 1~ o'clock noon, , \ 20083 MACK AVE. 1-1336 :ar~ 22, to dISCG~Ss Y~ur VOl':e : at 7:45 o'clock in her home in These artifacts of the Winne- A social hour at 11'30 o'clock Ii I or I . i- ~sSPOrt to an: .' . ;University place. Mrs. Charles bago tribes of the Great Lakes will precede the lun~heon. MISS Sarnoff will be mtro- Ellis is co-hostess 'II t t th d' , . I ~~::::~::=O:::=;!'::l=$~~~~~$~:r::::::::::::~:::::t:::::~:::::'!!J:::::= ..:::::==::::::5::::;;;;:::::=::=~::==:::::;::::::::::::':~:.:~::::::=:::::=:::::,:::::~::::::==:::::~=:::::,,:::::~=::::::;::::~::::o;;::=~::::;-::::~::::-:;~Id d th I .. 1 . area 1 us ra e e In lans use Reservations must be made I . ; - I I;lce at e 11 a,m. ec~~e 10 i "Communist China's Impact 'I of materials provided by the by the preceding Monday eve. I Fisher Theater by. Holl. w.ood: i on the C:hinese Wa~ of Life" is woods and streams. They are on ning with either Mrs. J. J. , JS/DAY-PEISONAUY ESeOITID I~~Oadway colummst. Shlrle>: the tOPIC of "Chma.Old and II loan from the Fort Wayne Mill. Schneider, 886-4992, or Mrs.! '!', ,', ..."e~. , . i New" Wednesday, February 22,. tary and Indian Museum, De. Noel W. Fry, 823-4405. I i~ I: i I i, MISS Sarnoff s courses In I at 7:45 o'clock. Mrs Donald I troit AI b h h 't f ;.~ ';'i 5 · C.. ' speech cosmetics, which are I Irwin and Mrs. F. Jan~ev Smith i • . . em, w 0 ave 1 ems or " enlor t e 1: !" I held all over the country, are I will discuss the economv' of Red The ex~blt has been arranged the Will teE Ie ph ant ~ate, F I II ns I totally original in their methods IClma, education, famUY, living by the Elizabeth Cass Chapte.r planned at the benefi~ bndge I of teaching glamor in everyda)' conditions and the role of wo- of the Daug.hte~ of the on March 1~, are rC~D1nded to CURV', speech She hPlip"os much . Chi too H t can Revolution m celebration of call Mrs. Hillyard PIerce, 886- m na y ess TOUR OF social ~wkwardn~ls a'nd shyness mMcrnc G Tur 11 a .St oSh American History Month pro. 0753. I s. .. re, 0 f ep ens I' d b P . 1 J h ' ~' \are actually c;aused by self.con- road, plans a coffee party after c :' reSH.lent 0 nson Wmner of the fiora~ arrange-I • J ', ... I J sciousnes:!' over speech. the meeting and invites all mem- dunng FeOJruary, 1967. ment at the last meeting of the SeIDl pe St' I' "Th Kin bers to attend group was Mrs. Robert F. Agne. I j arrmg oroes m e g. I The birthday cup was won by I ii ortug Mad .l P aI & ;-; and I," ".My Darlin' Aida," The Book Group will be treat- Robert Schroeder Mrs Walter Stern i ,1 . April J7.May J "Rosalinda," and Magdalena" ed to an entertaining review of ., J are among Miss Sarnoff's! Sterling North's "Raccoons are W OIL Cl. B lid : credits, as well as many tele-: the Smartest People" by J,trs. I aIn't rl e, ,. COMI'LETE C05T . . . a new sal"" se",ree far the Indy '. . FROM vision appearances on Ed Sulli-I Watson 1. Ford. Mrs. M. L. Van I . -- I I . WITH (.... van, the Today Show, and Girl Dagens opens her Moran road. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Dam-I seeking the casual loosely styled coiffure: cDnROll ,-" MEALS A DAY Talk. She has also appeared as I home to the group MOnday,' stra, of Holland, Mich., have: suited to today's fashion • • • ,; ~! headliner in hotels and night- February 27, at 1 o'clock. Co- announced the engagement of. 110 HIDDEN EXT'AS clubs across the country. hostess is Mrs. Walter R. their daughter, Mary Jane, to ~~'".~;;.~«<, ..:«.;xc-:xc-:.: McAdow. I RDbert R. Schroeder, son of Mr. I ,Portugal Madiera ~ ~: ,"Contemporary Literat.'.rre" i lind Mrs. Gerald C. Schroeder,! • Portugal hoa been blessed with Mountaino ... lancUcap., extmm" ! ~ May We ~ I WltI present the second ID a, of Shoreham ~oad. ! gackle & fRay s (Beauty clalor. . phl/sit'al beauty, II bIllmy c1i. dinoTJI mildnu. of clirMl. • mate and r. warm friendly makes the uldnd a pennanent ~' Serve YOU ',~'three-part study series of peri- i Both the br~de-elect and her: . people. You'U find aU lIour 00- holiday center. Tnliy a viSit : ~ation dreams in Portul1o.J. IlOU'1I /onll ,'emember. 'l '. ,';:odicals Tuesday evening, Febru- ! fiance are JUDlors at Hope Col. I ]9222 Mack, Grosse Pointe Farms I ~ ~,th ~: ary. 28, at 7'45 o'clock. Panel i leg.e, w~e~e he is afIili~ted with i ! ~, The Finest. • . ~ :chmman Mrs. Alfred F. TaY',1 Chi PhI Sigma fratermty. Phone 886-1 560 :ill :'~'lor will be assisted by Mrs.' A late August wedding is: '~. ~ColIingwood ~: Nathan Goorlnow and Mrs. Le" planned, in Holland. i DAY TRAVEL CO. :~ Stum ";! ~oy Cowles. Mrs. Frank Wil-, ------in the Villag'~ o ~ hams, of Cook road. is hostess. I i (photographers) ;::ICo.hotesses, Mrs, ,vincent Leo~. Church WOlnen BUD DAY. President . , 1927 Vernier I' ard and MISS LOIS Marner Willi M GroS!~ Pointe Woods ?: serve coffee. Set Coffee Hour : 16847 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe--- TU 6-0111 I .:' Telephone: TU 1-1516 ~ ! No regular meeting is sche- i ' \ ' .~:~ ..:+:.:,.,~«-,~,:«.-~~_:.»:.,);:duled for Samplers Group in: ' . ..: ---- : February. Members are invited'. February lS M~nth.of..MlsslOns , : to take this opportunity to, m. the Presbyt~f1an Church, and ,~ .... "sample" other study groups,( I' the ~rosse POll'\te Wood,S Pres-. s . if there are (luestions, contact' b~~rJan Ch~ch ~omen sAsso- ; In! Mrs. Donald Vanderbush, 885-: clation meeting will feature The I 8349). I Revere!!d Mr. Donal~ J,~cCture, . The Wayne State University: o~ AddiS Ababa, Ethi?pla, who' After Inventory Faculit\. Wives Club has invited wlll speak at a mornmg coffee Grosse - Pointe Branch AAUW i hour in the Church Fellowship: members to (attend) a special. Hall n~x~ Tuesday, February 21, Specials performance of "Look Home- at 9:1::> 0 clock. , ward Angel" by Thomas Wolfe. I Members of Hannah Circte, This will be presented by Wayne. under the leadership of ?-olrs.' State University at the Bon. George Miles. and Naomi Circle, Of All Fine Furs ... stelle Theatre' in Woodward under the leadership of ~[rs. avenue Thursday, February 22, Clarence Honkanen, will act as at 1 o'clock. !\o reservations or hostesses, ~ tickets are necessary. Enjoying a week's visit with IiY6 _I! 1!1'.:'1fl~v t.i'.m MRS, RANKIN P. PECK, JR., v..- ~USTO M FURRIEI of Lakesnore road, at her ~liami 'Pltf/.U/ winter home were MRS. BRUCE LAMPS T, DAVENPORT, of Touraine 15001 KERCHEVAL AVE. VAlley 2.~21 road. and ~IRS. DANIEL R. by SDl~IO~S, JR., of Lincoln road. ; MARTIN You will like this home. It has everything for comfortable living including a large entrance hall, paneled library, sun room, kitchen with disposal and dishwasher; breakfast room, terrace, 4 bedrooms (one with dre~sing Clearance Sale room), 2 maid's rooms and bath, and a games room with bar. Oontinues May we show it to you?

IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME • Lamps We will be pleased to make an inspection of :5ame • Lamp Shades and advise the price we feel can be obtained. Lamp Mounting 90c; of our listmgs are sold within 90 days, • and Repairing )IElrUlk:R OF THE GROSSE POJ:-.TE REAL F..sT,\T'E BO.\RD • Lighting fixtures GROSSE POI~1E 3 OFFICES 15439 MACK AVE. TU 1-9333 ~TCHEN REMODELERSINc.: 2612 N, Woodward Ave. JiIlUI .. is. ,D~t"" i 2 & 13 101., RJs I 1521S EAST JEFFERSON 549.0242 CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PK. LO 7.'2400

Open Fri, 'til 8 p,m. February 16, J 967 IThurs~-d GROSSE POINTE NEWS Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women :)e-t Inforama Miss Lawrence Pointe LWV Studies China w- UF To Say Vows August Bride To Be Wed To Marry The Grosse Pointe League of She!t, c) Mao Tse.tung, d) Lin Women Voters has begun a two. Piao, e) Liu Shao-cbi, f) Teng n. te Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence year stud,. of "An Evaluation of Hsia<;piag, g) Chou En.lai, h) I of Lochmoor Boulevard, Harpe; ch 2 __In ._Po United States-China Relations." Chiang Ching. • r ~ Wood~, have announced the en- a Purpose of the study is to A 10. To what do each of the . .t' en to Be Spotlighted at Second in Five- gagement of the i r daughter, create an a t m 0 S ph ere for following refer? a) Opium War. CI 1% k Andrea, to Gary G. Kress, son thoughtful consideration of this ItlIOr ' Program Explaining Wor of United of Mrs. Claude Long, of Detroit, b) Taiping Rebellion, c) Boxer Sefles • d't 5 . d F controversial public issue and Rebellion~ c) Open Door Policy, Foundation an I services an red Kress, of Florida. to promote full discussion of e) Kuo !tUn.tang, f) Long March, ----- The bride-elect at ten d e d the issues and dissemination of g) Hundred Flowers Movement, wiI.I Grosse Pointe High School and pointe's Fries Aud~torium ~e the setting information not widely available h) the Great Leap Forward. was graduated from Way n e Gro~e the second in a series of teleVISIOn Inforamas to the general public. The League has a new concise h 2~r State University, where she af. trC Women for the United Foundation (WUF). At the February unit meet. and factual publication on the U1Ded Y . ~.------filiated with Alpha Delta Pi ings chairman Mrs. Robert Ever. history of China called "The f r amas are bemg 't H f' . The In.o hie 10' Others are Western Wayne, sororl y. er lance IS presently ett and members of her commit. China Puzzle - An Introductory Id in f!Ve .geograp T reh April 3, at the auditorium of a senior at Wayne State Uni- tee lItrs. Robert Jessup, Mrs. C. Sketch." This may be bought ~ons to mform 0 the Ford Motor Company, Dear. versity and is affiliated with G. Turrell, Mrs. John Collins for 75c a single copy, or 67c 've volunteers and ~on- born, and Oakland County, April Theta Xi fraternit~,. and Mrs. Ralph Kimble will dis. each when ordering ten or more ~utorsabout the UnIted 20, at the Town and Country An August 12 wedding is cuss the following: (1) China in copies. To buy the booklet call dation and its nearly Club, Southfield. planned, ~t Christ C h u r c h , His tor i c a I Perspective; (2) 885-9183. I Grosse Pomte. ounservices... f. The Infora:nas, begmnmg.. at ' . _ Emergence of China Today in 'be five areas mclude 11at 1:15 o'clock, will afford volun~ the World Scene; (3) China Un. b county. February 23, a teers and their friends th.e op- format, each program will be der Communist Rule. Slate Villagers rcrest COuntryClub;. EasteJ~ portunity to view the produc. taped for televising at 9 o'clock Mrs. Everett has prepared a Photo by Gene Butler yne,March2, ~t Fries Au I~ lion of WWJ-TV's "The Living the following day on Channel 4. Mr. and llrs. Henry L. Roe- . -Photo by Bransby Siudlo "China Quiz" for persons at- Dance Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crow- hr!g, of BeauIait road. are an. ium, GrossePOInte!W:a~:' I Show" featuring Car! Duvall" .The shows will inc1~de inter. Ma~mg plans for a May 20 'tending the meetings. If you rial; and Centr.a Q I 'I Lorene Babcock and Ed Allen. views and demonstrations spot- ther, of University place, are nouncing the engagement of weddmg are .JEANNE ELIZA. would care to test vour Cuina Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lytle. rch 16,at the Latm uar er, Conforming' to the show's light!ng ~e work .of Torch Drive announcing the engagement of their daughter, JO ANNE, to BETH GEROW and John An. knowledge, these are the ques. of South Rosedale coun:, opened the i r daughter, ELIZABETH Lieutenant Ross C. Babcock, thony Pomroy, whose engage. lions: their home Sunday evening for Ir01l. _-----======services In the five areas. ANN, to George J. Bojalad, son USN, son of Mrs. Donald Kelley, ment has been announced by 1. Name five countries you Approximately 1,000 Macomb a committee" meeting of the of Mr. and Mrs. George L. of Cumberland-Foreside, Me., the bride.elect's parents, Mr. would say China bas "invaded" County women are expected to "Villagers." Bojalad, of Haverhill road, De. and La u r e n c e Babcock, of and Mrs. Fred W. Gerow, of QL' in which she was the ago attend the first Inforama, which The Pointe dance group and i troit. Waterville, Me. Clov.erly road. . .. . gressar. EUROPE will feature a demonstration of their guests will meet at the An August 4 IV e d din g is MISS .Gerow I~ a JUDlor yea.r 2. China ha,s a long history of home nursing equipment and The bride-elect was gradu. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club Sat. planned. ated from the University of De- Jour.nahsm !Ua~or at the Urn. revolution. (true or false) urday evening, February 18. how it can be made simply and verslty of Mlchlg:m, where she 3. Name tw" chief differences economically. troit, where she affiliated with from 9:30 to 1:30 o'clock to Complete Sigma Sigma Sigma, and is pre. is president of Theta Sigma Phi, between the - Chi n e sea n d enjoy the vocal stylings of Jan At the second Inforama in lS Day escorted tour visit. sently engaged in Medical Re. national organization of women Russian revolutions. Wynn and dance to the big Fries Auditorium, Miss Duvall Austin Mothers search. journali~ts. . 4. Communism,, band sound of the Bob Durant hlgHolland, C e rm any, will interview Mrs. Paul H. Her fiance was graduated Her fiance IS the son of Mr. originated with Mao Tse-tung. Orchestra. Towhey, Grosse Pointe volun. Meeting Feb. 22 Lichenstein, Switzerland, from Hebron Academy, Tufts and lift's. Edward J. Pomroy, of (true or false) Other members of the com. teer who teaches crafts at Sen. School of Engineering and Offi. Royal Oak. 5. The Commune is an integral mittee include Mr. and Mrs. Per Penon ior Center, a Torch Drive serv- Scenes from the stage pro. Db!. Occ. cers Training School, Newport, MISS HELEN NURNBER- part of Chinese living. (true or Richard Rosin, Mr. and Mrs. Italy, Monte Carlo, France. ice providing group work and duction "Tom Jones," to be R.I., and is presently serving GER, of St. Paul avenue, reo Ialse) . Jake Ulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Vic. recreational opportunities for presented by the Anstin Players aboard the USS Henry Wilson tor Kitzul, Mr. and Mrs. Ted the elderly. cently returned to San Fran. 6. Na,me thre~ achievements WEEKLY DEPARTURES BEGINNlNG APRIL 4th. under the direction of Thomas in Tonkin Gulf. cisco after a 9O-day round.the. of )fao s r~v(}lut~on. . Jacobs._. Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Duvall will display dec- E. Bailey, will be the feature A May 6 wedding is beIng world cruise aboard the 55 . 7..Why IS ChlD~ partJ(~ularl; Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tourincludes round trip, jet airfare, hotels, 2 meals orative baskets and paper flow. attraction of the next meeting planned. President Roosevelt. oelligerent regardlDg th.e ~.S .. McKee. . ers which the Senior Citizens of the Austin Catholic Prep • • • ' 8. What cultural and mdIgen. daily, deluxe motor bus transportation in Europe. are making for the Center's Mothers' Club Wednesday eve. Mid-winter break for MRS. Back in Vendome road after OWl attribuies make the Chinese Basking in the sun on a two. spring bazaar. She also will ning, February 22, at 8 o'clock, WYLIE W. CARHARTT, of a mid - winter visit with her approach to government differ. week winter holiday cruise: demonstrate ho\v to make a golf in the school cafeteria. Neff road, is a visit with her and daughter, the ent from the Arne r i can ap. through the West Indies aboard hat, "nother item tbe crafts son and, the CHARLES F. PFEIFERS, of proach? the TSS Olympia were DR. aDd • FOR RESERVATIONS CALL OR WRITE: group is creating for the ba- Mrs. Lloyd Brecht is hospital- ROBERT STRASBURGS, of New Canaan, Conn., is MRS. 9. Who are the following? a) MRS. J. N. SPIRTOS, of BalIan. VACATIONS INTERNATIONAL zaar. ity chairman. Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. HENRY T. EWALD. Sun Yat Sen, b) Chiang Kai. tyne road. : 20930 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, The third Infurama in the Michigan, 48236 Latin Quarter will feature the (A.rea Code 313) 886.0822 school program inaugurated this year through the combined efforts of WuF, United Com. munity Services (UCS) and the Detroit Board of Education. and when you think Recording for the Blind will be the Torch Drive service high. lighted at the fourtb Inforama . of a smart coif in Western Wayne. ' The final Inforama in e.'\k- think as many of land County will featurE: Detroit Hearing and Speech Center. Grosse Pointe's women ; Ct.airman for the fh'e infor- has sailed info Detro;t amas is Mrs. James A. Hum. do ••• i phreys, Jr., of Cadieux road. 1(2 (comfortobly dose to Grosse Pointe) WUF \~3S founded to promote Josef's fashion doo:r THINK OF JOSEF'S active participation by women 111, AT THE GOLD CREST LOUNGE in UF affairs on a year.round O..e ct t ~ ~a.!o-nr basis. The organization recruits JOSEF ELIAS - Owner FASHION DOOR . women volunteers for the an. With a treasure af exotic cuisine Inual Torch Drive and seeks to 18546 MACK AVE" at Warren Telephone TUxedo 2-4246 BEAUTY SALON. i inform the public regarding the • FLAMING DISHES UF and its participating serv- prepared at your table ices. they hold the • EXOTIC TROPICAL DRINKS llfotion Picture secrct of a special • STEAKS from 3.85 Council to Meel carefr-ee-looking

'rhe place go! (Banquet facjlWes, coiffure tailored to too!) The Grosse Pointe Motion I I Picture and Television Council meeting will be held Monday, to you indilJid~.:ally. February 20, at the Central Li- brary at 1 p.m. , The speaker will be Judge I John Gillis on the subject 011

"Obscenity." The public is in. 1 vited. a Glamorous Coif The FREDRICK C. TEW fam. ily, of Holiday road, is vacation- ing at Boyne Mountain. and 'lc.'hatbetter time than right 11flW aurl11g1 • Georgian East s our Anniversary Event THE SPECIAL SAVINGS LISTED BELOW Equip'JleJlt Includes ... IS OUR WAY OF SAYING "Thank you Free-Standing Bath for your patronage." rr;~~ I~ct ANNIVERSARY fEATURE On Every Floor 01 Men. Tues. Wed's. I elevated tub 'th a h Only ( .;'./ I)' ~./I;~':. 't",. . ~' ,i.~' .' ~lhthat c.u: be :ised fr:~r~~~c~~~~p::a~~; ::: ..:. ..••... , '.' • PERMANENTS .TIPPINGS • FROSTINGS <" ~ ~./ t f I~t'l (\.).<,"'.'\\\'~.~..... " ~,\. ~i':':'::::'~::"""':."'" « e tub nm and lowered into the water. . .•, ...,: ..' t • \ .\:'. \.t '_.'" ."'-~ ..\ t . . and ~ftO~lllsebythosewhowl)uldfind. it difficult .•.•.•.. "': • VIRGIN TINTING BLEACHING i.:,'l,•. ::<' :. "..~~,.:.,\ ...\:;\,\\ .,,\~'~~~.~~~;:';;;''''~l:.~\;f~~.': ~,::I,:' • '"" "'''''''1'0''1 >ob w;lb wh;,h "m I-. ..,".~ '''~'' -'.- r ' o~ is l'quipperl, and who ,;ithout it would b~ Offer effective IIntil Wednesdoy. Morch 8th \.. . .:; ~. '~\'::-I<:~C' . f.\f "" DJed the therapeutic henefits of tub bathim;. ~. (I( ". . .': ~-'-'~.~. . ~~'l~);';: i'.;, lat's why tho dd' ..•. :.:: WITH THIS COUPON ' H...... :. .~ , .• 'I j ~. ( . IS a ItlOnal special equipment is ..' 'I' . \ l:.U' ?y;p_.r\ . . .. .' ;taIled" in a "I"earn .mg. hied. room on every , , -;....I~...jJ.•" ••::.'.••_,••..'.. . •• i.;"{". "ent. flOOr at G eorglan. East. Nursing personnel C a"1 f or an appom. tmen t t0 day ,,',J.. '.> "'." " well as patients find it a great convenicnce. l~'..'. ItTspCcial'PI.rpOsebathrooms are amon" a Ion" Our Staff: 01 special thO " • '" ", JOSEF ;"' l1l4lcb mgs tl1at eomhin(' lo create the \ . '. ::,,~i~:~;:~:~,~':;:~':,~:;:t..,;-:~: :<~~B<:~,... ~~~~~;~ :;;:=e Ii..', ~s";I:be pIcased to have you inspcct our faci)- ;,t~i:'.•.•.'.", '. SALLY ! " e pphone or visit U3 at you!' convcniencc. saving ! . BARBARA Accelomatic \ . AI! rooms u;ith pril'(lle bath • Charges il! most cases are ta.r.deductible TERRY .1. i'. Cuts Tinting, ..... ~ ANN Frosting and }.: ~~~~~~~ LINDA I h'~ 8' h (, ful~1JAl(=I~=0=f,....~I.-S-('j'- {tC~:i:~(9=l~~.....2....i.....{0 ...[ ""M"';c"'"k A=,"""en""'::=""'e,....Cir...o""'sse""'~~:""oi""'nt~e. ELEANOR - Manicurist TU::~~~~:246 le:~i1"Jl~im~ r "-""';;C ~_~l.J 1',.:::: f ". . '.. ~fkhi~an 43236. (Area 313) "S'{)SOO -C .' \~ ~~, :.:/;: ...... ~--. ~.~ OPEN MON., TUES" WEDS., 9 to 5; THURS., FRI., 9 to 7; SAT. 9 to 4 \\. __'" CO~,.~~ '\ ~ ' . .",------=------_1. Page Sixteen GROSSE PO INTE NEWS Thursday, February 161~ ., Society-News Gathered from All of the Poini; ----.... fort Pontehartrain OAR I June Bride Eighth Patriotic Assembly SlQ~ To Celebrate Birl'hday From Another Pointe of View Mrs. Robert O. Artner, of in the Detroit area willbe Do~'le place, and Mrs. Norman ored in a Line of Mar i Fort Pontchartrain Chapter, I L. Parker, of Bedford road, will their flags and banners C\ Daughters of the American Rev. (CoDUlIued from Page 11) be co.chairmen of the Eighth displayed in the M ~ olution, has scheduled a 51st Patriotic Assembly, sponsored Round Hall for the eve~ birthday luncheon and Regent's Elliott Phillips, l\lrs. William Cunningham, l\lrs. W. T. by the Detroit Historical Society, Mrs Leland W F &. reception Friday, February 17, Krieghoff, Mrs. E. P. MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard I scheduled Monday ,evenin~, Feb. dent of the Detroit' u't:ter~It beginning at 11 o'clock in the Hush, Mrs. S. Wells Utley and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth ruary. 20,. at. 8 0 clock In the ciety, will preside lone~ Executive Suite of the Women's McCoy. DetrOIt HistoTICal Museum. R. Cadieux has bee~~ ~ City Club. Regent Mrs. Milton E. Hopkins will preside. The ABC program at l\lount Holyoke, incidentally, Is , William B. Gregory, II, prin. introduce the speaker. V!tlI Special guests will include sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Office ot cipal speaker, will discuss "The Committee members . speaker Mrs. Walter A. Kleillert, Economic Opportunity, the Independent Schools Talen1 Convention Tb.t Almost Fail. are the MesdameSJohn~ DAR State First Vice.Regent, Search Program and the College. ed." A graduate of the Univer. dock, Cornelius G E .Q Regents from DAR chapters in • • • sity of Detroit, he has long made ward A. Fach R~gerglQ,! the Metropolitan Detroit area the study of tbe United States Dorpe and Dal~ C. Ulli ~ ' Constitution his hobby. Th . eU. and the Fort Pontchartrain The Snow WILL Melt' .•• . . . e program Will c..... Chapter's Good Citizens high ... in a month or two, and before we know it we'll I ~I~ .IS ~Idely known for. his with a social hour U1Jder""l schoo! award winners and their . ..'1 aClVlt.les 10 amate~r th~atrlcals rection of the Society's~ mothers. be planning to take a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and "something to sit on," (tarpaulin? blanket?) out to Oak. .';..'. r I and IS a former president of Affairs committee. Chair Among those attending from ..,~! }~,.; The Players. . . .. the evening is Mrs. C. :- The Pointe area will be the land University for another of those delightful Meadow I Mesdames Harry E. Barnard,j Brook Music Festival evenmgs. ;:\ . . .:;,1.'..'~.\.:;j Over 50 patrlOlJc orgaDlzations Izer C!ark. ~ H. Sanborn Brown, Jr., Alben Already, a group of dedicated ladies including, on Edward Cooney, John M. Jack. Photo by Bransby Studio son, Cletus M. Laux, Carl D. Mr'. and Mrs. Richard T. Photo by Eddie ltcGratll, Jr. the local front, Mrs. Joseph A. Vance, Jr., of South Mr. and Mrs. William Koenig, Macpherson, Henry G. McCabe, Kirchner, of Severn road, are Deeplands road, and Mrs. R. Alexander Wrigley, of TAKE.A.SAUNA.HOME. TODAY~ of Lannoo avenue, Detroit, are ~:~;~t~¥EW~J~~i William 111.Perrett, Robert H. an1\ouncing the engagement of Bishop road, are hard at work creating the 1967 edition announcing the engagement of Peterson, C. Edward Putnam, the i r daughter, JOANNE of those stunning souvenir programs that go home with Edward H. Honos, whose en. Helps People with- Bruce K. Reyno~, Adrian V. MARY, to Warrant Officer John their daughter, SUSAN LEE, to the hundreds of thousands who attend the concerts each gagement has been announced RHEUMATISM,ARTHRITIS, Roff, William E. Shoemaker, Carl McMillen, son of Mr. and William N. Layher, son of Mr. summer. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GOUT, COLDS, TENSION, SKIN Floyd F. Smith and John P. Mrs. )Ucbard E. McMillen, of and Mrs. Adolph Layher, also of Lap.'1oo avenue. ;dad~enneth Oxley, of NeU PROBLEMS and Eliminates the Thomas. Moross road. Program proceeds - $20,000 is anticipated this year The bride-elect is a senior at - help keep Festival admission prices within reach of Miss Oxley is an alumnus of Need of TRANQUILIZEF.S. Eastern Michigan University. everyone . the Un i v e r s it y of Michigan Her mother is a member of the .Complete Shoe Service WO 2-7989 P.S.: Chairs ARE available at Meadow Brook . where .she aUiliated with Alph!l NEWS Classified Adverlisillg Delta Pi. We lIle not a cure all, but our Sauna staff. but we heartily recommend the rustic picnic approach to Her fiance, son of Mr. and Cabinet definitely does help those who New York Custom Shoe Shop need helpl You receive Both DRY & The prospective bridegroom the Festival ... 133 E. Grand River Mrs. John Hanas, of Detroit, STEAM heatlnr units in one cabinet . was graduated from the Uni. was graduated from the Uni. No plum biD. - wheet. for easy n1ove. • • ment - plu, It ill any outlet - world's 'We make shoes any styles and color; versity of Michigan and is pres- versity of Detroit and is pres. leadiJlc JlQrlable Sa\1ll&CallInet skating, ski, golf, bowling shoes and ently pursuillg graduate studies U. of M. Sesquicentennial ObserVince - COlllpar. with otbers. then ently a graduate student at COlli" 1Ji and see a delllonstr", riding boots. LQsts from plas- at the University of Wisconsin. The UnJversity of Michigan is having a birthday- Wayne State University. tion. Cast per bath less than tered casts, arches and exten. 2c per daY. Free brochures its 150th - all year long, and U. of M.'sAlumnae Council, sent an request. (Home demo sions. 45 years experience. onstration avaUahle). Doctor's orders filled. Trowel, (70,000 of the more- than 220,000 U. of 1\1.alums are Kappa Kappa Gammas MOLDED SHOES for that women), marks its own 50th anniversary right in the Plan Tuesday Meeting special size and shape Club to Meet middle of the Big Year celebrations. The Detroit Alumnae Associa- designed to fit those odd tion of Kappa Kappa Gamma YOU MAY ALSO RENT First major Sesquicentennial event is the Alumni WITH OPTION The Trowel and Error Club of will meet next Tuesday evening, Wm. E. Hintz, Prop. TI~' E"vltor to second Floor Celebration lUarch 1 through 3 in Ann Aroof, climaxing February 21, at 8 o'clock ill the TO BUY. Grosse Pointe will meet at the l\farch 4 with a black tie reception and banquet in Lakeland avenue home of Mrs. Fisher road home of Mrs. Jack Rental IIlsls $35.00 per mo. William J. Nixon next Thurstlay, Detroit's Cobo Hall. . W. Stephenson. Mrs. William F. Huetteman will bring memo applied to purcllls, price of February 23, at 12:30 o'clock. The Alumnae Council's 50th Anniversary Observ- $259.00. immedIate ckl1very. F.our table settlnj!s created by ance is scheduled March 3, in Ann Arbor's Michigan bets on alumnae ac- member.!l of the Club will be tivities. League. Plans will be laid for the judged and discussed. The Council itself is an outgrowth of nationwide 'I'he judgi'Jg committee will group's newest venture, a Gour- I)etroit Sauna Co. include Mrs. Ross Taylor, Mrs. alumnae efforts for funds to construct the League. met Salad Luncheon scheduled April 19 at the Grosse Pointe , ' Roland Postel, Mrs. Donald Among its oldest and most effective member clubs is the 14120 GRATIOT AVE., .2 blocks S. of 7 Mile R! ~l Congregati:Jnal Church, under Scobie and Mrs. Norman Sum- Detroit Association of University of Michigan Women, 371-4944 mers. which includes many hard-working Pointe women in its the chairmanship of Mrs. David [ Hadden. An ideal place 15506 MACK ranks. t() take the At Somerset "b ~". Take Mrs. James A. Lafer, of Oxford road, -for whole family 885.1003 "<(

, .••.. ":' ," .•.•y. 'rlturscl'Y,February I6. 1967 GROSSE PO INTE NEWS Page Seventeen :..-- .~'. 6-FOR RENT- 8-ARTICLES FOR SAU S-ARTICLES' FOR SALE S-ARTICLES FOR SALE II-AUTOS FOR SAU (Unfurnish.d) . - COLLECTOR'S item, 35 classi- STORY & CLARK cal orIginal record albums DRUMS. GUITARS WINTER East Jef!erson~ity Limits played, conducted by masters. FEB. "PIANO MONTH" SALE CLASSIFLED SPACIOUS three-room 1 bed. Excellent condition. Highest ACTION SALE PRICES room in respectable apart. THE CABLE Artlsu Piano by bidder. TUxedo 4.8998. TAKE ADVANTAGE of finer SAVE ment buiIdin~ Second fioor. Story & Clark regularly $'745 quality drum, guitar, amp $ $ Stove, refrigerator. Couple now just $588 during our bargains now featured with 30 ADS W preferred. $115 per month. February "Piano Monih" PIANO RENTAL. Any new or the Music Center. Fender VAlley 2-6611. Sale. All Story & Clark mo- used piano in our store may CORVETTES :~ Mustang. Stratocaster, Jag.. #" dels and finishes stocked, in. be rented for 1-2-3-4-5 years uar demos., save to $125. - . 60 C.II TUxedo 2.6900 - 3 Trunk Linetl To Serve You Quickly eluding Mediterranean, Early from $9 Jl('r month. Rent from Gibson, Epiphone IJDPI, floor SPORTS CARS iSOMERSET, G r 0 sse Pointe American, French Provincial. the MUSIC CENTER tot!ay! area. 3.bedroom brick home, modelB used, save to $150. o the r ContempOra~t and THE MUSIC CENTER Many used guitars from $33. M.G., Healey, Sprites, Jags, Your Ad Can Be Charged ~ newly decorated. 2-car ga- Early American pianfJs only SpiL'fire, TR-4's, etc. rage. Security deposit. VAlley 22933 Gratiot nr. 8. Hrs.: 10.$ New amps from $22. Slinger. . p 2.8270. $488. Shop the Music Center, Closed Sunday land, Premier, Rogers, Lud- 100% Guarantee Before £Jl!fi~~:ii.Zf~'NlJ~~~~i~'W~JX~;:l!';l\lli~~~~ Michigan's piano mar k e t wig. Gretscb--over 250 drum Delivery place, before you buy. sets - save $200.$300. Many ATTRACTIVE Colonial duplex ANTIQUE PICTURE FRAMES 121-TUTORING S-SITUATION WANTED on Notre Dame. 2 bedrooms, THE MUSIC CEN'fER used sets from $59. S~re RESTORED drums from $15. Shop the dining room, finished recrea. 22933 Gratiot nr. 8. Hrs.: 10-9 GROSSE POINTE STUDIOS ;;'ilied Deadline tion room in basement, 2 fire. Music Center before )'ou buy. HANEY'S COMMUNITY Your Girl Friday Closed Sunday Kercheval at Alter SALES &. SERVICE TUesdaY 110011, 12 p.m., places ,screened porch, ga. THE MUSIC CENTER Secretarial Service 823.4728 15200 GRAnOT all lleW coPY, chaDS" of TUTORING SERVICE rage, modern appliances furn. Mimeographing FIREPLACE Seasoned hard. 22933 Gratiot nr. 9 Mi. Hrs.: 10.9 DR 2.1777 d ullceUatlons. It 1J MRS. LOUIS MARICK DIREC. ished. Will sell ea1'Reting. DIAMOND ring magnificent 4~~ wood, cut, aplit, delivered and Closed Sunday CASH FOR CARS ~j ~ that all feal eatate TOR Tutoring by degree teach. Mrs. Coleman TU 4.6442 Prefer couple desiring Conger karat, emerald cut diamond, ~~ S\lbDlltte4 to our of- term oceupancy. $190. Call stacked by lumberjaCks. 18" Jilatinum. T iff any. setting, ears available in all subjects for length, $18,50 per cord. Call SINGER sewing machIne No. bY )l0I1da>' 6 pJD. after 6.p.m., 886-4217. baguette each side. $7,500 1964 FORD Galaxie convertible, grades high school, college and 1.664.3118 or write 2491 Fish 401, slant-o-matic, portable, SECRETARIAL value, sell or trade for '66-'67 red, black top, radi!), power adult education. GROSSE POINTE - Lower 6 Lake Rd., Lapeer, Mich. never use d, $165. TUxedo -Ad 12Words for $1.25 SERVICES Cadillac, Continental, Imperial steering, clean. $1,100. TU 339 Merriweather room flat ,fresh, new look. 1.0715. ~ 'e~ additional word CARVED lamp table, needle- or boat' cruiser. Private. 372. 4-1859. Grosse Pointe Farms Grace Brown Owner wants refined adults point desk chair, poker table, 0070. R E'M I N G TON 878 BDL 12 15326 Mack, cor. Nottingham who eppreciate a quiet home. PONTIAC, '66 Le Mans convert- Oak extension leaf table, gaugCl automatic, ventilated Call TUxedo 4.2820 $150 month. VAlley 2-5052. G.E. ironer. Good working con. ible, excellent condition. Must 881.5350 Res. 882.B372 chairs; Birch oval dinette rib, excellent condition. 823. OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS Agent. dition. $30. TU ,(.3606. sacrifice. $2,095. 885-8267. TUXEDO 2.6900 tab I e, chairs; needlepoint 3052. 3 Trynk Linos bencl1 cover. Electric broiler BAR STOOLS, walnut and T~E SITTERS CLl~B bas reo CHATSWORTH warren, desire- 4 DRA WEft metal file cabinet. LADY'S car. A-I <:()ndition. oven, violin, fiy eastin, rods. 4-HELP WANTED liable Il~ult babysltters. 777- able 5 room upper, couple black; tricycle, antique music New Harmony guttar ...ith Plymouth Fur y III, 198:5, LINER STATIONS TUxedo 5.1~2. ' 0377. Llcen:;ed and bonded. ever 35, applicances, separate cabinet for rolls of music. case, $40. 884-8881. vinyl hJrdtop. PR 7.3108. ~NG"'" DRUGS Mahogany bookcase, 2 black I~ p'Noue D&me U' YI)U'LL name the job you basements.. garage. TUxedo COFFEE TABLE, modem, t..... '1Il TII. VUlUe" TRAINEES bookcases. G. E. oven BUMPER pool table; Ping Pong STATIO!'l WAGON, Falcon, YOUNG MEN for drafting, ac. , want done, we'll do it . " 2,9407 evenings or weekends. glass topped, 60"xI8". School 1960, 25,000 miles. 1 owne", Ilis"l .ALlI .rATIONS VA 4-9172. and range top. Mens ice table. TUxedo 1-5525. counting, clerical, sales and desk, oak, wrought iron and skates size 12. 4 tray tables stick shift, 6 cylinder, $225. rattan. Ping-pong table. Mter NTOWNMEA office boys. Top salarres. 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT & rack. Broil.King, waffle MAHOGANY junior dining set, TUxedo 2.3964. CIreuI Parle NeWl Stand BUTLER or handyman. Experi. 6 p.m., 884-4686. NelliS Sland enced, r(lferences. Minimum iron, 9" electric fan, draperies. China, extension table and five 'tllUlet New, st.nd JOY OOMAN !lOOM, private bath, bll$iness chairs. Very good condition. 1~5 RAMBLER 440, 2 d (l 0 r' wa~es. 922.2778, after 4 p.m. or professional woman. 885- GRAY, % length squirrel coat, miscellaneo!Js tables. girls hardtop, full power, It ... . JFeRSON TO CITY LIMITS Mter 6, call TU 4-4501 coa ts, snow suits, clothes 6ize 884-4047. WO 3,8606, WA 5.4765 4972, after 5 p.m. size 12.14, from Furs by matic, $1,095. 88l>-5198. ~Parll; MlJIOr, !, leftenon EXP-ERIENCED com pan ion Roberts. LinIng like new, col- 6 ok 7. Call 884.1144. 2627 David Stott WO 2.7160 nurse to care for private pa MOVING Duncan Phyfe ma- IIiI_V~' lar needs some repair, $50. 1960 OPEL station wagon, radio, . ik I)rUIJ, Clly LImit. 27500 Harper PR 2.5600 tient. Phon 834-4304. ROOM AND BATH in private DECOUPAGE hand bags. Or. hogany dining set, 9 pieces. . home in Indian Village area. TUltedo 2.0267. Norge refrigerator. Black door heater. Best offer. VA 1-2319. ~ pOINTE PARK Yale Bldg. der now for Enter. Reason- '1, Wrybum and GPUS Iienior girl, experieneed Good transportation. Nurse able. 871.7787. knocker and hardware. Dog THUNDERBIRD, '63 hardtop, baby sitter, would like to ac- or school teacher preferred. WE BUy....sElJ,,-TRADE clipper. Army cot. Miscellane- air conditioned, AM.FM, new Phal'llllC)', B,acon.fIeld PART.TIME clerk typist. We References required. '1. ous. After Thursday.' 2159 "'-""val . ,_ company family soutb, March to GUNS tires )ow mileage, excellent ~slore on Charlevo... have opening for female typ- 18 to AprIl 4th to care for 7435. Reloading rquipmlnt aJld com. ESTATE CLEARANCE Lennon, TUxedo 4.8916. ' condition. $1,800. V A 11 e y 1[~t. ist who is good with numbers children. VAlley 3.0640 eves. ponents. Scope and Sight Iri. 2.0013, Nice furniture, lamps, antique DESK and chair, four drawp.r 4 hours per day, A.M. or P.M. ~ POINTE CITY 6C-OFFICES FOR RENT stallations. Stock fitting and Oriental rugs, brie.a.brac. letter file, $20 take. all. TUx- , .. l'baI'Il1ICf, Cadieux and 5 days per week. !:Jsurance MATURE LADY available for complete gunsmithing. Reduced. Sale Friday Feb- d '66 MUSTANG, bro n ze. v.a babysitting, afternoons. Call plan. Good hourly rate and AVAILABLE 'NOW-3 new air- BROWNING &: WINCHESTER ruary 17, 11.4 p.m. 9810 Not. e 05-0550. automatic, $1,895. LAkeview '. Drull" Nolle Dame 331-7136. '1.3645. .val other benefitsh. Located part conditioned offices in Chef WEATHERBY ok REM[NGTON tingham, Detroit, east of Outer ZENITH 19" portable TV with ... I)UIe Phlrmacy, Notre way downtown on Jefferson EXPERIENCED woman avail. Sampson Travel Building. All SALES & SERVICE Drive and Edsel Ford Xway. remote con t r 0 I and sleep SAAB '63 2 door, 4 speed, stick, =.. UId Kercheval Ave. Call W. P. Kerr, 568.0450. '14cour !leJplul on Cadlel.lx Olble for companion or eon. utilities provided, $50 • $70 GUNS & SHOOTING Conducted by switch, $70. 886.6866. low mileage, radio. hetter. monthly. TUxedo 5.7510. ACCESSORtES iSE pOINTE FARMS DESIGN studio requires young valescellt car e. References. ESTELLE ~{. BALL, Prop. FRAMED' lletit pomt, hand 886-6866. II l'!wIll'C1, Kercbeval on 823-1138. man as apprentice and driver. GROSSE POINTE CITY, in the WHlT~ ELEPHANT SHOP made, ready to hang, subject: 1964 OLD6 Dynamic 88 2 door Must have safe driving rec. B. McDAN IEL CO. :"rup, l'lSh.r Rd. and RELIABLE lady would like baby Village. One or more offiees. "Royal Oak ,ChInese figurInes. DRexel hardtop. power br4ke!, steer. ord. Full time. TUxedo 1.8075. 15102 KERCHEVAL ,11I)ru,.. l'IJller Rd. and sitting, day or evening. Refer. Parking. TUxedQ 2.7252 or 1.Q953. - ing ,radio, whitewalls ,original ences. TU 1-2442. TUxedo 5.0518. Cor. Maryland VA 1-8200 oWner. TUxedo 4-1781. ~ Drulls, Mack and 7 ESTATES bought anll sold. SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT SEC'Y $475 PRIVATE air conditioned and 61 YARDS cotton twist carpet. Complete or odd pieces. An; FOR SALf BUICK, '63 LeSabre, power ee~tal en Kercheval and Glamor job. Free. tiques, silver, china, furni- , . 5A--SITUATiON WANTED carpeted office. Man who re- ing, beige" $70. TUli~do 5-3760. brakes, steering. '2 door bard. , Wood$ Drug Center, Mack ture. Oriental rugs. H\Igh C. TYPEWRITERS and add j n g (Domestic) quires a small amQunt of sec. top, new brakes, new tires, 'lllllllltIDelllll Bolan, 10233 Woodward, 1'0 tnachiDe., new, rebullt. Rea- JOY DOMAN low retarial work preferred. TU ORGAN LESSONS-New elec. 6-2500. sonable prices. National Of. 886-8866. iSE POINTE WOODS After 6, call TU 4-4501 LAVNDRESS, one day II week. 2.2282. _. Polllt. Pharmacy, Mack WO 3.8606, WA 5-4765 Experienced, references. 922. tronIc !tUdio-only $1 per week. fice Equipment, 16RS3Harper CADIILLAC, 1964 COupe-Full Free practice time. Enroll 54 FI"!iCES FrancIscan, "Apple" d ~r Mack and 2627 David Stott WO 2-7160 2778, after 4 p.m. GROUND fioor office, private at Bishop. TUxedo 1.7130. po,wer, private owner. TGx. nIIaCT, 27500 Harper PR 2.5600 today. pattem, $35. 52 pieces Vemon edo 1.3435, entrance, modern, inc. air- ;Kiln "Organdie" pattern, $15. Jebl\lOllll,Macle and 8. _ Yale Bldg. LADY wishes days cleaning, THE MUSIC CENTER SI-ANTIQUES )roning, eliperienced. Phone conditioning, reasonable. TUx- Apartment. size grand piano, '60 FORD V-B, automatic trans. '. Drur, Mackand Haw.'_. edo 4-1234. 22933 Gratiot nr. 9 824-2428. Hrs. 10.9 Closed Sunday $375. Mink cape, $10. Suede VVe aie very honored to mission, radio, heater, no ~Jrup.Mack aDd Roslyn FACTORY representative giv. coat, $10; BritannIca Junior present an exclusive rust. TUxedo 1.7913. ing details of opportunity to LADY wants 1 day, every Qther 61>-RESORT P~OPERTY SMALL mahogany spinet desk; Encyclopedia, $30. Dresses lOlr AREA f' . I tho S tu week, prefers ironing. 823. from $1 to $10. 2 louvered '59 ENGLISH Ford, black, red IP DlIII Slore Meek' and manCla . success IS. a 'r- 32~4. DELRAY BEACH Oceanfront 3 m.ahogany Electro.Voice . Hi. ANTIQUE SHOW race stripe, good c:ondition, i;Ul!i-' day evemng. For apPOintment doors, $30. Cotton rug and pad, February 15.17 bedrooms, 3* baths. Fi and I'eC()rd 1!1ayer; S piece $159. 'Can Tuxedo 2.8703. ~':.~o~"lct Pbermacy, call Drew Keibler, .TRinity EXPERIENCED lady wishes n x 12, $20. Solar furnace ; Also 2 bedroom 2 bath gu.,st blond wood kitchen set! 2 Hillcrest Country Club, 1.10 • Poet Ofllce, Mackend War. 4.0700 between 3 and 8 p.m. days, Friday and every other , maple frames for twin sued with Fresnel lens, $15. Many 19M CORVAIR Monza, stick, p.m. 50 Groesbeck Higbway store, Mackand st. today through Friday. Tuesday. 925.9612. house on same property .. Botb beds' 4 piece mahogany bed- othel." items. 16924 S1. Paul, new tires, battery, clean. Must completely and beautifully roon: t TV d 1 A393 10 a.mA p.m. Thursday. TU (M-97) at Cass, Mt. Clemt!ns. sell 884-4813. _ D~ Mack and WANTED trained insurance girl DAYS'WORK, weeks work, ex. furnished. For sale or avail. in s se • xe 0.., ,eve. 2.6340 for appointment, Snack bar. Free par)ting. Ad- able for season. Grosse Pointe n g. missoin $1.00. 1964 FORD Galaxie 500, low L:r. L Phll1lll If ell:IInd Bea. to work downt~wn. Exc.e~ent perlenced. 823.3385. I lii6ld e:J, e wages t.nd working conditions. .owner. TUxedo 6-1444. SKI BOOTS, Minari, size 10M, KITCHEN AID portable disil. mileage, power steering, good washer, $50. 8864045. ~IR SHORES AREA Age no barri~r. Reply ~ox Q- HOUSEKEEPER with goo d like new. $22. 886-2553. Coming Next We!lk condition. MuSt sell. TU 1- IoId D AI t R d 02, Grasse Pomte News. references. Loves children. 2407. V ILLA NUAVA RESORT GEORGE STECK mahogany con- lUeu.,o::" It er 01 and GIRL telephone solicitation, 3 Would like job, ,Mrs. Pobl. February 21.24 sole, Uke new, must be seen LOWREY 1962 VOLVO, radio, heater. Ex'. 823-1615. ON LAKE CHARLEVOIX. Now hours a day, 5 days :: week. to be. appreciated. 775.8523. ORGANS AND PIANOS cel1ent transportation. 821. taking reservations for sum- ANTIQUE SHOW ;.PERSONALS Call from your home. TUxedo DEPENDABLE wishes c1eS,ning After 6:30 p.m. To be NO.1 in 1~7, the Music LIVONIA 74.96. 1.1014, hetween 2:30.5 p.m. or ironing special white !lhirts mer living in new contem- Center is now Michigan's Low- porary homes or apartments. ref Market Place with 100 mod- Roma Hall 1 to 10 p.m. A PRETTY i:ood V.W. Micro- bR WEDDING CANDIDS Best reference. $13. 822.9645. BAKER lounge chair. <:«heo Write Ironton, Mich. 49750. loungp, chair. :r.rahogany gal- el:> in stock. Before you buy 27777 Schoolcraft (next to DR0) bus, 33,000 miles, 1 owner. RELIABLE WOMAN wishes Call (616) LI 7-2030. shop us t~ay. Daily door prizes. Snack bar. New Nov•.. 63. ,AM-Fl( radip, ~ finer. No minimum lery lam~ table. Cocheo marble GIRL FRIDAY, $400 days. Ironing or cleaning. Re. Admission $1.00 . 8mdliary gas heater, new prge.Select'trom over '10 Small office - Variety job top cocktail ,table 38" dia- THE MUSIC CENTER ference 567-1141. meter. 2 Cocheo marble end 22933 Gratiot nr. 9 Mi. HrI.: 10-S Each show completely different. snow tires on extra wheels. t.~~l proofs.For appoint. JOY DOMAN SK II NG tables. 2 Carner lamps. com- Closed Sunday MechanlcallJ sound, livery- flIl m your borne to see thing works. Runs like a top. GAYLORD plete. 7' round tufted wool PAIR CAPO dl MONTI table jlsse Poiute'smost creative After 6, call TU 4-4501 58-EMPLOYMENT $999. VAlley 3'()542. ~Il1Phy, call J. S. De WO 3-8606, WA 5.4'165 BUREAU Beautiful kitchenette unit s rug. Old Gothic Grandfather DANISH rocking chair, Sun- lamps ,imported carving set, ~~ 88H8S2. 12627 David Stott WO 2-7160 available for week or weekends. clock. Sconces and accessories. burst area rug. Both year pictures, miscellaneous Items. 1963 V.W., sun roof. Good condi-. , " 27500 Harper, PR 2-5600 IF YOU are seeking employ- 5 minutes Hidden V/I,lley. Elee- Edmund G. Streng. 15133 old. 56'1.9414 and bus: 883- 885-0523. tioo. Call 881.7179. Yale Bldg. ment and have good reier- tric heat. Accommo\late 6 per. Kercheval. VAlley 1-4700. 1803. ences call the Efficient VVork. 9-ARTICL,ES WANTED '61 VOLKSWAGEN, good condi- ~ RUTH1I11d Dick, We've ers Employment Agency. sons. Detroit telephone 961- DRIVERS! ApPfoxitnate1y $18 SACRIFICE. Must sell. Singer tion, $550. TU 1-8149, aftel' 5, ' mered a Lenten program DECORATING consultant wom- LOraine 8.9118. 9624. buys $10,000/$20,000 Liability. Sewing Machine with zig.zag PIANOS WANTED p.m. \_. t we thiIlk you'll like. Next an to seU wallpaper and cus- Property damage. Medical in beautiful cabinet. Make Grands, Spinets ,and small Up. -...... !, !daesday at M e mar ia 1 tl1m drapery in local decorat. 6F-TO SHARE payments. TUxedo 1-2376. buttonholes, sew on buttons. rights. Highest cash paid. 1955 THUNDERBIRD, yltur 'ok: arch, RiehardGilbert, from ing studio. PRescott 5.8011. ~FOR RENT fer may tate it. ~1914. • > UNFURNISHED LIVING QUARTERS Claim for $3.66 per month or VE 7.0506 ... \If YorkCity, is presenting OUTFIT YOUR FJ.1\IILY total of $il1.69. Dealer 755- 'lOUNG woman in her twenties , • '1870. BOOKS, Art Objects SQught. '63 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4~~ JfOlI'amOD the church's Dr. Hardtnp, dual air c:ondi-.' STEWARDESS TROMBLY ROAD, 908- Lower wanted to share apartment Largest Selection of Resale BrOW5~rs always welcome. t4radio alld television. ti()ning, power windows, pow-:; 3-bedroom and 2 bath apart- and expenses. 821-7496. Clothing in ~ea. B. C. Claes Book Shop. Miss Nallcy and Bill INTERVIEWS er seat, power door locks,.' ment, mod'lrn. Adults oniy. GU ITARS AMPS Ethel Claes, l(j70 Leverette Woodward 1-9180, PRescott 2- automatic pilot, touch tune': UNITED AIRLINES '.-WANTED TO RENT New D~~i:~~fClothes DRUMS (48216). WO 3-4267. EDUCATION 0821. radio, etc. In "beautiful con-, -MUSIC For further information call GROSSE POINTE' couple de. Original Price. 1,000's new demos, trade.ins. WE BUY old gold, jewelry and dition. TUxedo 2.6636 eve- 565.3883 or 728-0600. 8 ~HLE Road and Harper near nings. tLlIINACAMBURN , sires garage apartment in VVinter Clothing Tay.en i ~~:~a~Oy~ T:~s.MORE! Hrs.: Msilver.VRogudeJewelers, :12377 Equal Opportunity Employer Eastland, new one and two ~!.~c Teachers Assoc. bedroom apartments, air con. Grosse Pointe area. TUxedo on Consignment for oross oa. 12-AUTOS WANTED "'lUled Piano Teacher ditioning, all a p p Ii an c e s. 4-5809. "The Smartest See Artists" WANTED - Home of furnl. Theory CIasses March 1st occupancy. 'TU 4- NEWER FLAT, Windmill Pointe LEES FASHION MART ture or odd pieces. WA 1. 1961 CON'l'INENTAL Conver- 50 IS Kercheval 7657. district with 1\\'"0 bedrooms 20339 Mack TU 1-8082 ARTISTS MUSIC CENTERS 8575. tible 4-door .. ro 4-6177 or ED TU 1.7747 SAILORS and two baths plus activities 10 to 5 Daily; Fri. 'm 9 14537 Harper at Chalmers, also BOOKS purchased. Entire ii. 1-666..t . t,;~ ome:1023Roslyn Rd. room or library or three bed. VIC TANNY gym set. Miscel. Dearborn and Madison Hts. braries, fine sin g 1e items. I"A-BOATS AND ~.'.rZ,;~,~,,~,~i! TU "2832 WANTED, man, preferably reo APARTMENTS rooms and two baths. Will MI'dwest Book Servl'ce. TUx. " ,:, . t d t d t tilde laneous furniture, fireside MOTORS '. '. ' Ire, 0 croons r~ e, se, . d t 32 lease for two or more years chaJ'rs ...... uch. TUvedo A 7416. BARN SIDING _ Aulhentic I" edo 5.2450. I/J,~i liver and rig sail boats on a Beaconsfield E mun on~ one.. at $300 to $400 per month. ,",y ..... or -----. ,~~'f;"" PtlNCHAND JUDY commission basis. Set your bedroom. Occupancy aboul VA 1.9509. PIANO: Kohler &. Campbell, :r~~t~~~~r.h::a~2r7~~' nllt. GROWING family with large ~~~Y ~C STUDIOS own time schedule. NcJ invest. l'eb.15. blonde oak console. excellent dining room y"arns for dark, FLORIDA/BAHAMAS: ~'-V> B:' ~ssic Guitar, ment req:Jired. Phone TUxedo Jos. J. neaufloit TU 1.0269 GROSSE POINTE gentleman .:ondition, $400. VAlley 4-1364. NEVER been used, brand new old fashioned table and many I . . ~,:' ;" !IdtU-~~::i'a~~D~o~les 2-2962 or TUxedo 4-2907. -NE-FF ROAD-Upper du~lex, 3 ~~~:: ;o~nIea!e~er:~~~:;i: BOYS' bike, W, girls' bikes, ~~~~;to:~~~I~~l~~nge, f:i~irt~e~~~?Y~~e~~i~7~~ I Ch~~~~m{a~~lJ~~~i~~t" 1~~r~;: 15 Kercheval . --- h t d "'ddl d 0726 after a p.m. 26". 20.'. Reasonable. H('ad. f l'f' '/;'; ~, Grosse Po' te F 4A HELP WA~TED bedrooms, ea e •. n 1 eage board. TUxedo 2-3964. WASHER, Whirlpool Supreme, WANTED: Head skis '1' Vacation 0 II I etlme, 68' of 1-' .~: :-' ~. 111 arms - .~ couple. TU 2.6020. COUPLE, small baby, need rea. with sudsaver. Call TUxedo Masters, ski poles, reason. steel hull twin Diesel pow!lred ,.\ ".:. ~rPD~v::" 3t~~:: HOUS~::;:::c~ Top I--N-O-R-TH SHORE APTS. I ~~~~~lea~~:m~~:t~o~~r= COi~;!~R~!e ~1~~~~r~~E~:"06S4: .. able. 884-1144. IY~~:;~HARTERS TU 6-2600 lr,~; '~'OO1 through univer. wages. Reference necessary.l NEW AND SPACIOUS 0841. nrieties and values in An. ANTIQUE small spmet plano II-AUTOS FOR SALE f .: " ~~aralter lIluelle~'1 TU 1-4255. 1 and 2-bedroom apts. Central WANTED to rent for July and tiques, Olrl.tiques, Jewelry, $90. TU 1-8556. ~ ,: ~. Ct. N., TU WANTED-Experienced cooks~ air conditioning, private base- August. 3 adults. house at Junkque. KASTLE Snow.King epoxy skiis DON'T SETTLE ! t2F-RESORT PROPERTY' ~:; '~ r;;- . waitresses and couples. Grosse ments, GE appliances include lake or in Grosse Pointe. Must THE GRIST lULL 6'10". Marker bindings. TV FOR LESS FOR SALE . ~ ~LDRED BRIGGS Pointe Employment Agencr, surface burner, oven, rPfrig' be reasonable. TUxedo 5-5274. 21151 Mack 886.1640 4-2018. THAN A 0:' ' I"IA.~Oand THEORY TUxedo 5-4576. erat~re'ddiSchaWrashpeohrrts'di~~~: l I RESPONSIBLE coupie, year old G' DECORATOR special sa~pi;: Mil) LODGE FOR SALE S " ~IGGsMUSICSTUDIO RESPONSIBLE woman needed ~t;~GPOOL. Close 'to public i ~hild, desire.2 bedroom home :S'6~~rr~~, ~~di~~~' ~::st,s~e~; Baldwin console piano, $1.995. CAD ILLA C ON A HIGH bank of a beautiful f t~ghe. val. Punch and Judy for 5 days per week, not transportation. Docking faciJi.1 In Grosse Pomte ~rea. Best of us.'d. TUxedo 5-3749 after 6 SMILEY BROS. trout stream, suHable fei- t:-;' I"" li"e'l'n, to do l,'ght house"'ork, t'es Call 771.3124. references,. Reph to Box R 7 p.m. 5510 Woodward TR 3-6800, plush club or family use. WiD ~.' . G .. I . Grosse Pomte News. A PREVIOUSLY.owned Cadi!- accommodate 17 guests in E WossePointe no laundry, son1e cooking, one E. JEFFERSON AT 9\2 ~ILE VIRGIN lA'S lac gives you much more for m.'lin building. This is one of ~ ~ xed() 2'5880 adult. TUxedo 2.8677. 7A-ROOMS WANTED NEW SPINET PIANOS )~ur investment than most the better lodges in lower .f . HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Live. LAKEPOINTE near Jefferson. $368 ATIIC TREASURES new cars at the same price- Michigan. Formerly owned by !,UTORING in. Willing to t r a v l! 1. One New 6 room upper, furnished GROSSE POI NT E business 8599 value beautiful spinet5 10: 30.5 Daily Closed Yon. ~~':: ~:a~~:~r~'r ':~~~ll~:~;~itchell Bentley Corp. ~, child. Good s a I a r y. Refer. or unfurnished. Couple only woman desires room, kitchen S368, lovely tone, 15 yr. guaran. We Buy and Sell standard of the world. . 1. ft '~ ' I'nlVATE TUToRING e~es. 832.0356. Valley 2.4414, days. Eves. privileges when in. TUxedo tee. Kimball factory branch, 22411l ~Iack. bet. 8 and 9 Mile SEE DETROIT'S FINEST ~ :. IN ---- _.- -- - Valley 1.4448. 5.4013. loo's spinets, consoles, grands. SELECTION AT I 12H-LAKE AND RIVER ~ YOUROWN HOME RELIEF housekeeper for eld. ------.---- - ' ! I players. DRASTICALLY Rr.. 772.8606 PROPERTY l' , s'b' er!y couplr. ('vrry other MACK. 21621, new Colonial' DUCED COME S E H 9 I -. -- -I CHARLES DALGLEISH _, ltsuJects; all grades weekend. Friday mOrningj sOlmdproofed 3 room apart-leI I. ! j E! rs,:10. IELECTRIC stove S25. Wood skis --- '-'---' --- '- ;.',,:. 'f' d Ad y te andh children. Certl.' through Sunday night. Duties: mrn!s. carpet. refrigerator.' assl .' Ie S'dall . Terms. I a,nd, hoo~s, real cheap. Calli CADILLJ\C i BEAUTIFULCI. R. h4 bedroom S1. ~<,, •. a~ers. Cooking and ('ompanion.type, I air conditioned. etc, VAIley : Th ,r""IL rlday, "'aturdav or Sunda". I, '.ll'chl'gan's.• Largcst : air l\'er orne in Marine ....., Call' 800" e Smartest See Artists" I TUxetfo ~.5l98. I Cadl'llac Dealer Cit~.. Like brand new. Gas ~ "I\OiTAND' care. Wife is semi.invalid.' 2.0290; LAke\'irw 6.2 , I heat. Worth $50,000; for quick t TtrroRUiG SSEUBRVUIReBEANMust understand old p,'oplc. - -YT'-'O--N--W."-A-RR'-E-N-bas.enl;nt Br',n 9 Res u Its I ARTISTS ~ruSlC CENTERS KiTCHEN tabl~ -30"x3lr'~or'16161 Woodward TR 5.0309 sale, $38,500. Nights and Sun. I Sala!"! cvommensurate \IIi t h GRA . 1 , ,. Op M Th Ev t II 9 -\ KE 1-4853 ability. Call TU 1-1146 or TU apartmenl, 4 roo m s, $65, 114537 Harper at Chalmers, also mica top, 2 padded chairs, I en, on., ur. es I I day TUxedo 1.7373. Days, , ..I ----1.7726. heated. 1 lady. TUxedo 2.1044. IDearborn and Madison Hts. used 2 months, $23. 886-4649. FREE PARKING-DRIVE I~ LAkeview 6-3000. ~iI~ PI98 Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS U-IEAL ISTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAl. ESTATE . 13-IEAL ISTATE 13-REAL EnATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOlSAU FOR SALE FOR SAU fOR SALE FOR SALE fOR SALE PRICES GOING UP BETTER THAN NEW . This Spring on lIIAPU; LANE. Eceptional 3 Gro'sse Pointe 23260 N. ROSEDALE COURT, New Construction bedroom, 2 full bath ranch. in St. Clair Shores but next Family room. Many extras. CHAMPION SO BUY NOW When You Purchase BISHOP, 1347 - Near bus, door to Grosse Pointe Shores. Must see to appreciate. One year old Early American THINKING 761 BAL~ANT.YNE, G r 0 sse REALTOR schools, and shops. COLONIAL Colonial: 3 bedrooms, possible Pointe Shores, of! Willison - 3 bedrooms, den, breakfast ROSLYN-3 bedroom, 11,.2bath 4th, H'l baths, family room ? New custom built Southern a home through us, you'll find antique brick Cape Cod. Fin. BY APPOINTMENT room, powder room, and ter. OF SELLING . Colonial. 4 bedrooms, 2Y.l that we are interested in your race. Lots of carpeting in. with fireplace, 2 car attached ished basement. Terrace. 2 LINCOLN 262-Excellent Far baths up, lh bath down, large needs .... your idea of better m cluded. TU 4.0600. garage. Hurry on this one! car garage. Colonial. Four huge be d. family room with fireplace, living. We think its the right WOULD YOU LIKE entrance hall, circular stairs 'Yay of doing business After ANITA-3 bedroom, face brick rooms, two full baths and tw 0 GRAND MARAIS, 740 - De- OFFERED BY TO KNOW YOUR quiet location. $85,000. ' all, buying a home is a pHsonal ranch. Natural fireplace, rec. half baths, lovely paneled Ii. lightful location near lake. HOME VALUE $ $ $ thing, demanding personal at. room with lav., stall shower. brary; modern kitchen with Painted brick Colonial. 3 bed. ANIEL OPEN SUN. 2-5. tention . . . . 2 car garage. built-iDS, large breakfast are a, roo m s, 21h haths, family delightful screened terrace , room. Quick occupancy. TU 20225 Mack TU 6-1 190 FAInHOLME - 4 bedrooms 2 21,2 car garage. This home is 886.7039 886-4444 OFFERED BY 4-0600. CALL If you're in the market for a full baths, semi.ranch, 1m. only eleven years old an d PIRANHAS, aquarj maculate condition, recrea. lorated on a tree lined stree t home, stop in and see us. We'll GROSSE POINTE WOODS - LAKEPOINTE, 1123-Brick 5 23 gallons. Silent G~ ANIEL help you sell your present home, .tion foom with bath, 2 car near schools and a fine sho p. Attractive 3.bedroom RANCH and 5. Very clean. $22,000, I ment. TUxedo 2-~ CEORGE PALMS, RItr. 20225 Mack TU 6-1190 help you arrange financing, help garage. . ping area. Added attraction s with paneled family room you move . . . . into the home , are perfed condition and im built 1954, B-2 baths, lovely terms. BASSETT puppies • MEMBER GROSSE PTE. , you want .... into the area you mediate ocrupancy. kitchen with dishwasher, 2. F. G. CHERRY-WA 1.9933 months, permane;t REAL ESTATE BOARD. car attached garage, nicely 1-693-1334. want. RIDGE RD. 23.5-Quiet eleganc e Grosse Pte. Farms Carter & CO. fenced site. Short walk to I in one floor gracious livin g. SCHNAUZERS, minia A FAMILY BUSINESS FOR Star of Sea Parish. Excel. 21 PRESTON. New Colonial. 5 CALL TU 4-4400 Spacious rooms. Three bed OXFORD ROAD black, AKc Yet nVER A CENTURY. Watch For lent value. Priced for quick bedrooms, 4 baths. First floor rooms, two full baths, dinin g An unusual opportunity to pur. mended. 1.79l.5~ sale. TU 1-6300. bas 2 powder rooms, library, room, family room, attache d chase an attractive Colonial 6-WEEK.OLD pedi~ family room. 4 car attached garage, sprinkler system. N0 GROSSE POINT~ WOODS _ home just 5 years old. Among ,gar~ge. Immediate occupancy our ad next week announcing a extras to add and immediat e ~etrievers, from gClonial' with three up . ily room and library. 2 car bedroom Colonial on a large TU 2-2100 breakfast room, 3 bedrooms,' colonial with 3 large bed . TU 5-0703 stairs bedrooms and a fam att. Under $60,000. lot. Family room, library, - 21,.2 baths,! recreation room, WESTBURY, 23365 First rooms and 2lh baths plus ily room off the separat e . screened terrace, etc. Real attached garage. Don't wait street. past county line off large family r'lom with fire . FABICK TU 1.7710 dining roojn •. Attached ga. Value. 694-3 to see this one~ Lakeshore. Brick ranch, 3 . place. Attached garage low LET US DRY C rage, so there is plenty 0f BIRCH LANE! bedroom, 2, bath ranch. Air conditioned bedrooms, Ilh baths. 22x18 price of $39,500. SH.AR&'\iET REALTY 886-5020 play Mea in tile yard. Lot GROSSE PTE. VICINITY YOllR FURNI Custom built in 1958. Open living room, central air condi. size 58X151. Ready to go at NOTTINGHAM, 10670, llear NEW APARTMENT SLlnday 2.4. tioning. $26,900. BUILDER TU 5-9449 GROSSE POINTE FURl Morang - A most attractive $29,900. TU 4.0'103 units. Good east side area. 3 _1...... 3A_-_L_O_T_S_f_O_R_SA_'_U __ Early American ranch home 34136 E. JEFFERSON. Front 7 CLEANING CO. in an excellent neighborhood. to Lake St. Clair near. 14 one.bedroom, 4 two.bedroom. 2 ATI'RACTIVE lots near tbe Hot water h e.a t. Copper. ',~:TWO bedr~ms with 2 bedrooms, full basement, first floor Mile Rd. Deanhurst bus. 2 GROSSE PO INTE plumbing. First class construe. -lake. -:---.a full bath, make this the SELLING YOUR So-ft. lot. $18,500. story brick home 42x42. -A tion. New G.E. appliances. . For Further Information perfect smaller house for large bedrooms, 2lh baths, HOMES Bank financing. Terms. TU 4- ihtcouple '01' gr.owinglamil y HOUSE? HAVE first floor laundry room, full CALL which must make use of th e LAKESHORE RD., FIRST OF- 6550. CLI ENTS FOR 2 BED~ TOLES basement. Lot 6O'x80'. Beauti. , second floor, Now a full FERING-Newer 3 bedroom GEORGE PALMS, Rltr. ROOMS TO 8 BED- Our 26th. year' in Grosse Pointe fullawn to concrete sea wall. 3 bath home with paneled Ferris Real Estate staircase leads upstairs' bu t Large power boat hoist. the 'room~ have not been ROOMS OR MORE. 74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100 library on large, landscaped TU '6-4444 ~53,000, plot facing the lake. All large finished •. Priced at $28,900 $20,000 TO $200,000. BUILDING site, Duval Road, WILCOX REALTY TU 4.3551 rooms ieaturing a large sec- 21199 LOCHMOOR IF YOU HAVE, CALL Grosse Pointe S h 0 res. No CANTERBURY, 838 rtr; Wedge- ond story family room with natural fireplace adjoining SHARP brick Colonial. 3 bed. brokers~ PR 6.2344. wood -. larger new home in rooms and 2 full baths. Nice : BY APPOINTMENT new area N. of Vernier Rd. master bedroom. Bath, bar and bar.b.q. Most desirable. liv;ug room with fireplace. 4 bedroom, 21h bath ColDnial. Full dining-room. Large ter- GUIDE TO GOOD SER\' Paneled study as well as location. Handy to :VOU WHO HAVE enough kids race. First floor lav., Rec. 2 spacious 'family room. First TAPPAN Says transportation. of your own but somehow room. Decorated in exq~site floor laundry room, self clean- keep finding a few more ,a "IT'S WHAT'S 'INSIDE' taste. Hurry on this one. t ing G.E. oven, thermal pane SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT dinn,er time, or playing in THAT COUNTS." ONLY-Nice 6 and 6 brick in. $24,900. alu.minum windows, marble May we acquaint you with the the basement or aWc on foyer, appealing features, $56,- come on well landscaped lot. OFFERED BY rainy days" •• do' you need INSIDE as well as the Excellent condition through- 000. Also' have a new 5 bed- OUTSIDE of some of our ~re bouse? How does six OLONIAL ROAD. Early Amer- out. Minimum amount of up- C room circlc stairway on the good values? bedrooms. and three big ican with lots of atmosphere. same street at the same price. keep required. 2 bedrooms ANIEL bat!lroom~ .on the, second Four bedrooms two and one. Phone 881-7550. each, family room on first 20225 Mack TU 6-:1190 floor grab you? Could you floor. Cozy reading room on half baths. Den. l00-foot lot LLOYD MARK~BUrrDER 884.6200 use a large extra room on on dead end street. Neal' the second. Priced at $41,800. tbe first floo,:, and one of lake. Well merits inspection. Please call for further de- those big old second dining 21685 CENTERBROOK-Ahnost JUST THE FACTS Grasse Pointe $39,500. tails. . rooms which were used for , I brand new 4 bedroom, 2% 928 WOODS LANE off Morning. bath Colonial with family VENDOME - masterpiece of the servants? Well we LAKE SHORE LANE near lake. side. Almo;;t new, 5 bedrooms, room. I.ocated on small court BARRINGTON 911-5 bedrooms', pe;iection and plalUling. Bed. TU2. might have just the item, Fine three bedroom ranch. 21,2 baths. Heated swimming off Yorktown in the Woods. Ih baths, sunroom and den. room with bath on first floor and located on a 100 foot Paneled library. Recreation pool. Air-conditioning. Exist- Better than new, Beautifully Semi-finished apartment over and 4 bedrooms on second. lot on Lincoln Road. Priced room. Heated terrace. Un. ing mortgage. Immediate landscaped. See it today! 3 brick p,arage. A sub. Florida room opening onto JOANNA W in. the forties, this could usually good closet space. pos!ession. Open Sunday 2.5. stantial hlime at a fair price. covered terrace and sprinkler- give you a lot of living for \ WINDOW S I 19891 DOYLE PLACE W. - ed garden. A library for ROSLYN. Colonial in good up. Cleaning, Turning your family and all that M~ WARNER, Looking for a 4 bedroom, 2. RE~AU? RD. NORTH 1629 - many books. 4 fireplaces, l come and go with it. dated condition. Three bed. Fast SerVi~ rooms one and one.half baths. " REALTOR bath home with 2-car attach- ThiS 1.':' storey home offers .3 electric garage doors. Com. ALSO FEATUR 'l'lT fi.5'iflll ed garage' This one is situ- larger bedrooms, paneled .11°1 plete in every way. CUS'TOM MADE FOUR ROOMS of comfortable Recrl'ation room with bar. aG- brary and 2 baths. Extra size foot lot. $31,500. ated on well.landscaped lot living in this town bouse with sprinklers. Excellent 10. glassed tcr~ace, 2 ~ar brick RIVARD _ IW.nch, 3 bedrooms. terrace located on Cranford 111OORLAND. Prime one and cation on quiet court only garage. ChOIce location and a I Library and family room plus Typewriter Servlr.e Lane. A basement room has one.ha~i story, Six years old. LAKESHORE LANE 59 - Con. a few minutes walk to Star lot of house for the money. large recreation reom with OIU Hew Location been done over so well that Two bedrooms one and one- temporll'Y tri.level on 12,000 of the Sea or public school. fireplace. Two blocks fr.>m 13131 E. JEFFERSON AVE. it conveys tle impression half baths on first floor. Three sq •. feet of land. Ultra flex- Quick occupancy. HOLIDAY 19768, corner Cook Village shopping. 100' lot. Next to the Sovorine Hotel that you .are in the fam:ly bedrooms and bath above. ible room arrangement to fit Road. 3 bedrooms, or 2 and room. The large living room VA 2.3560 Large family room. Florida YOU. Your kids can have own VACANT LOT #5, FAIRLAKE den. Has 2 baths, utility room EDGEWOOD DRIVE - Center has a natural fireplace, and room. First floor utility room. suite on lower level. 29 foot LANE - Just a stone's throw, 18x9 and a 21' kitchen with hall ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 there i; a separate dining room with fireplace encovrages from the lake on exclusive breakfast ba.y. Central air baths. Full dining room and room off the center l.all. UNlIVERSITY near Charlevoix. gracious dinner p'arties. A few lane - choice lot! conditioning and many extras Florida room. Half.block to One bath serves the second One story with expansion at- step~ up and there are 2 more included. Lokeshore bus. floor and there is another tic. Fin:! condition. $26,500. bedrooms, each with bath. In ROAD SERVICE bedroom and bath on the ST. CLAIR UTII OXFORD. Restrained Grosse Pointe Shores, it is a OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5 third floor. We should have so ST. CLAIR SHORES Contemporary. Ve r y well.. rare bargain, NORTH RIVER RD. - Ideally LAKEFRONT HOME . mentioned that there is a located just 2 miles from St. CLOVERLY, 319 - Si'acious TU1'9813#,-"t" lavatory on the first floor Cared for. :J!'ourbedroo~s two I YOU'LL proudly say "SEVERN Clair Inn, with 300 ft. river TU 4.3988 ~a.JJ' and that the kitchen has :Ind one.half baths. Library. \ is the street on which we Solid masonry California ranch Cape Cod. 3 bedrooms, 2 frontage, this river home of with 3 bedroofns, 3 baths, baths. New kitchen with been updated. 9o-f~l. lot well landsnped. I live." We have a 3.bedroom, distinctiOil is for the profes. $46,:>00. bath.and.half Colonial. l,lrge glassed cocktail lounge. built. ins, Library, Available Earl Richards Service sional man who desir\!s a On large plot corner of lake March 1st. REDUCED. 20397 Mack Ave. ne Woolfs Dependdt. S llELP YOURSELF to four bed. home away from city traffic FA IRWAY. Appealing ranch. FONTANA, l>. Grosse Pointe and canal. Custom planned I rooms, two second floor and confusion. For relaxed ------baths, a playroom for the Three spacious bedrooms t\Vo Shores lane of newer homes'j with every convenience for I HOLLYWOOD, 1740. Spacious 3- baths. R err eat ion room. Don't see this, if you just waterfront living, this Cali- gracious living by those who I bcdrcom, 1'h. baths. Dcn and! kids, and all nestled in the fornia contemporary is a heart of the Farms. So Glassed porch. Built 1956. want ideas for building a I love the water and boats. sunroom. 70-ft. lot. Near bus I' r'lIY'SION SI.,,'CI Early possession. $40,500. ranch because you'd ma3terpiere of spaciousness. I Complete information upon and schools. Updated condi. COLOR TV HI.FI STEREO close to elementary and View our brochure. IF YOU APPRECIATE QUALITY SERVICE junior high school!; the chilo pay another $15,000 to dupli. request. There are not many lion. Under $30,000, THOROUGH COVERAGE cate. around like this. PLEASECALL 823.3630 dren and you can sleep an WESTCHESTER. 8l4-Colonial,1 extra fifteen minutes every ON OT.HER WANT TO BUILD an Income C L IN Ie SELLING YOUR HOME? 3 bedrooms, 2% baths. Den. 15007 Kercheval £sl1uirt £btfr1tnicJi day. This one won't stay GROSSE POINTE HOUSES home? We have a big lot near OOCTOR-DENTIST For prompt, professional ser. 2lh car garage. 70' lot. 5% % around veT y long at Sto p in for a time saving list Windmill Pointe Drive, bar. vice call our Sales Personnel mortga~e can be assumed. $57,500. gain priced. .888 CHALMERS - Priced for tail ored to your requirements quick sale. Immediatp. oc. for market valuation and ImmedIate possessIon. Under fro m our comprehensive Grosse cupancy. Just off E. Jefferson council. $40.000. Poi nte catalog of photographs 'In Detroit, in ideal location Purdy an d small Boor plans. I Ruth with plenty of free parking. Information and Pictures of : Callus and we will tell you more & Most Homes for Sale Associates in the Pointes JOHN S. MAXON TAPPAN KRAUSMANN Ed.gar BRuTHERS, INC. of Grosse Pointe 90 Kercheval On.the-Hil1 S'II & eGO 0 DMAN 16820 Kercheval _ TU 4.7020 81 Kercheval on the Hill 100 KERCHEVAl, TU 4-2228 83 KERCHEVAL TU 2-6000 REALTOR I oway o. 93 K~rcheval 886.3060 TU 6.4060 1 GROSSE PO INTE NEWS Page Nineteen

21 I-PAINTING AND I eLECTRICAL DECORATING 121S-CARPENTER WORK Faculty Wives APPLIANCES I lethany The Grone Pointe Groue Pointe I Christ the Kin~ COMPLETE decorating. Paper_I To Vl"Sl"t Shop I ROSSE POINTE'S ONLY hanging, insured, guaranteed. Customcraft Conlre,ation;1 METHODIST CHURCH Lutheran Church Christi'n Church - 211 Morass Road i Mack' ..ond Lochmoor (Disciple. ot Christ) Al Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565. CONSTRUCTION ---I.- I Church 886.2363 i Grosse Pointe Woocis The Grosse Point!.' Faculty I: 240 ChaUonte at Lothrop : I James A. Carpenler, . j HOOVER INTERIOR, exteriOl' painting, COMPANY Wives Homemaking Group will Ministers , Sundcy SchOOl cnd Bible Classes " Minister CTORYAUTHORIZED floor tiling, carpenter repairs. . . . m t Md' t 9:30 &: 11 a.m., 'Vorshlp Service 9 a.m. uality materials used. Free Additions and Remodehng of all ee on ay evemng a 1 Perry A. Thomas 59ft Ca4Jeu A SERVICE Q t o'clock at the Wicker World Church School.Crib Room thru Robert C. Hastings I Worship: loa. estimates. LAkeview 7.5318, ypes expertly done. Shop on Mack avenue. Senior High I At LinvUle "'- 9:30 WorshIp: Church School IO:30:.o.m. pOINTE VACUUM after 6 p.m. • Family Rooms • Kitchens There will be a demonstration ""IEANL'l'G AND Cor Nursery through G:h Grade Nursery. tor Children tbru Age 5 I Serving Grosse Pointe .' PICKUP & DELIVER Y MORALITY" Pastor: Rev. Wolter J .. Geffert PAINTING and decorating, also • Remodeled • R e c rea t ion by Mrs. Crudington and refresh.] 11:00 Worship and Cburch SChOlll I 9:45 ChlD'ch School ffw REBUILT PARTS wall washing. Best of refer. Rooms. PQrches • Allics Con ments will be served. Cor nuraery thru Sr. High Dept. I Director at EducatIon: I Minister Richard G. Krennlng 10:45 Worship 0 ences. 922.8004.____ verled • Dormers • Garages Slrategy Is a science _ the All are welcome, 1.1014 PR 2-405 Mr. John W. Estes, Jr. llegoTdlel$ oj Tace i t TUxedo ".5090. 6:30 Youth Fellow,ship 21002 MACK EXPERT painting, paper hang. Remodeled. science of inducing olhers to I ing. Free estimates. G. Van Free Estimates and Planning walk into your trap. Assche. VAlley 4.1492. Service. FHA Financing. I -CUSTOM CORSETS FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST THE GROSSE POINTE d DONALD BLJSS DEAL DIRECT WITH Grosse Pointe JI"umJ . DUALLY des i g n.e BUILDER St. James BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday 10,30 a.Ill.-Chureh. Sunday SChool ud 1nlUlt.l' ROOlZI I~er girdles and surglCaI Decorator Grosse Pointe Wednesday 8 p.m .. TesttmQllIal :Meetlna: . 8 Mile at Mlek, rts Over 30 years ex Exterior Interior TU 1.1024 Lutheran Church 212 Chalfa"t. AYuue P?O . IIIa u d e Bannert Free Estimates I Kercheyol at McMillon Grosse Polllte Woocb Unitarian Church Readi~ Room. 19813 Naa A'Ye. . ence. VE 9.138 DaUy 10 to II except Sundl1Yll and !)o!lday. 5 CARPENTER wants small jobs. 17150 Maumee at Neff Rd. ~7 TU 1-7050 panelling, repairing, screens, TU 4.0511 Invites you to worship 7 to 9 Thursday and fridaY .... Ina:s .. with us. A Liberal Church Cor All People 40 Years in G.P. porches, etc. PRescott 1.3729. I 9;30 and 11 a.m. services ROOFING SERVICE~ I 10:00 lI.m. Church School INT~RIORS ~ n d Exteriors DOING all types of carpenter 'Nursery during both services 11:00 'a.m, MornIng' Worship Morning Service and ROOF& GUTTER WORK painted. Odd Jobs. Reasonable'j work, remodeling attic rooms 9;30 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Evening WorshIp Church Sehool-10:30 c.m. .g chimney repairs. TU 5.3590. porches,. Small or big jobs 1 aWkIII, JtOY. Georg. E. Kura, Pasto, and Radio Broadcast Dr. HaTf'l( C. Meleroe, Minister I CITY OF Gullers cleaned. Estimates free. TUxedo 5. '"d,,"ick G. Klein, Vic.r Dr. A. Dale Ihrle. M!nlsler VANCEMAINTENANCE 21J-WALL WASHING 5892. Lenlen Vespers "IN DEFENSE OF ADAM" I Wednesday 7:30 p.m. TU 2.5539 WALL WASH ING ADDITIONS AI,TE RATION S PAINTING &: DECORATING Family roo!Ds, porch ~~closures, HOME MAINTENANCE modern kitchens, a Ltics con. D. Candler verted. St Paul Ev. Fint English , ROOFING CO. ELMER T. LABADI E COMPLETE MODERNIZING Sf. Michael's TUxedo 2-2064 LICENSED &: INSURED Lutheran' Church . INC. Ev. Lutheran Episcopil Church . Ichigw's Oldest Roofe~ HELMER CIlIIfOlll, lnet Lothro, 21K-WINDOWWASHING TU ''''71 Church sidentialand Commercial TUxedo 4.0522 20475 Sl'"nin.dala Pa,k typesof Roofs and Decks WINDOW CLEANING and wall I We Invite You to Worship Vomler ROCId at Wed'IWoOtI Grosse Pointa Woad. NOTICE Of P.RIMARY ELECTION Guttersand Conductors Wit!": Us washing. Also painting. Best .Attics .Porch Enclosures WORSHIP 8:30 and 11 Drive, GrolH Pdlntl Woods Tbe Rev. Edgar H. Yeoman, epairs.No job too large of references. 922.8004. ieAdditions .Kitchens .Garages Sunuay School-9:45 (all ages) Church Worship Rector to be held 011 or loa small. A.OK Window Cleaners. Service .Commercial Buildings Sunday School-II :00 (l to 9) 8:3(1 and 11 a.m, SchedUle of Services Rev. Chulel W. S.ndrock Sundar Church School Sundars: R:oo. 9:30, 11:15 a.m. OURNEWNm.ffiER on storms and screens. Free JIM SUTTO Plstor 9:30 •. m, MONDAY, FEBRUARY .20, 1967 estimates. M 0 n t b I y rates. .1 I' N Church School and Nursery care CALL 899.2100 Oon.ld Lllcum TUlleda 4.5862 521.2459.' 1677 Brys Dr. during lhe two later servlcel Free EstimaIe -----1 TU 4.2942 Vic.r To the Qualified, Registered Electors of the City of UG CLEANING G.OLMIN - Grosse Pointe Park: WINDOW CLEANING CARPENTER-All types repair SERVICES and remodeling. Carl Watson You are hereby notified that a Primary Election LA 6.5501. will be held in the City of... Grosse Pointe Park FREE ESTIMATES . , PRIDE WE ARE INSURED 21T-DRESSMAKING Wayne County, on Monday, February 20, 1967 for arpet & Furniture City of the purpose of nominating can'didates for the office 372-3022 'A.l SEAMSTRESS-All custom of: CLEANERS If no answer call 372-3023 made. 885-9373. . ur Plant or Your Home NON-PARTISAN CITY , EXCLUSIVE ALTERATIONS c. F!lEE ESTIMATES 21M-SEWER CLEANING by Marie Stephens. Quick MAYOR ~' /. . 10615CADIEUX ADVANCE MAINTENANCE service on hems. (Furs). TU 3 COUNCILMEN TUxedo 5-57.00 Electric Sewer Cleaning for all 5.7610. Git099t mO$h~ loinlt (Six to be Nominated) drains and se'vers.S . EWING alterations, adults and RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL f children; hems, zippers, pil- The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ARDMORE WE DIG AND REPAIR lows, drapes. Trousers cuffed MICHIGAN You are .further notified that the polling places for . BROKEN SEWERS TU 1.7455 . ET and furniture clean said Election are as follows: I .. , Your Michigan Bankard All Work Guaranteed .ALTERATIONS and sewing lconiehere. Will pick up and deliver I . Free Estimates 884-9512 TUxedo 1.3669. 2 777.7838 SEWERS CLEANED, broken NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING POLLING PLACES sewers repaired. Guaranteed. 21 U-PLUMBING Reasonable rates. 925-6961. Precinct BESTCARPET ELMERS PLUMBING and Heat. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVF.N in accordance with the provisions of 1 Trombly School, Beaconsfield and Essex ing. KitchenAid Dishwashers, CLEANERS 21o-WATERPROOFING Act No. 207 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan for the 2 Trombly School, 13eaconsfield and Essex disposals. dishmaster, -repair, year 1921, as amended, that a Public Hearing will be held at the EANING, DYEING BASEMENTS Waterproofed. remodel. TUxedo 4-4882. ;j Municipal Building, JeUerSon and Mary- Free estimate. Work guaran. Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, in the City of Grosse REPAIRING teed. Reaconable rates. 925. LICENSED master plumber b~ . OMPTHOME SERVICE 6961. R e p air s, remodeling, etc Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan on Monday, the 6th day 4 Grosse Pointe Park Library,.Pierce FREE ESTIMATES Guaranteed electric sewer of March, 1967 at 7 :30 P,M. o'clock Eastern Standard Time, upon School, Kercheval and Nottingham INSURED 2 1P-FURNITURE REPAIR cleaning. Cal Roemer, TU . 2.3150. the Proposed Amendment to Paragraph Cd) of Section 44.3.16 of 5 Defer SchQo].Kercheval and Nottingham TU 2.6556 CUST'1dizing and Repairing 44 of "The Code of the City d Grosse Pointe Woods of 1953"; cheval. VA 2.8993. Brass Polishing ok Lacquering Said Proposed Amendment reading as follows: HUGHES BROTHERS RE.CANING and caning sup. Jewelry Repairing. Engraving CHAALES HEISE DECORATORS plies: Wooden c~air frames Fireplace fixtures refinished. City CI~rk 5293Yorkshire repaU'ed and refinished. PRes. LEEBERT PROPOSEDORDINANCE 882.9750 or 821.9643 cott 6-4890. Published in the GPN February 9.and 16, 1967 SILVERSMITHS AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND PARAGRAPH (dl of SECTION 2 1Q-PLASTERING 44.3.16 OF ARTICLE 44.3 OF ORDINANCE No. 88 0'= TH'E CITY KURT O. BAEHR 14110 CHARLEVOIX EXPERT PLASTER and dry- 3 Blks. West of Chalmers OF GROSSEPOINTE WOODS, HlT1TLED "AN ORDINANCE TO OMPainting and Decorat. wall repairs. Licensed con. VA 2.7318 . Wall papering. Guaran. tractor, 20 years. Free esti. REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE LOCATION OF TRADES AND Free estimates. LAke. mates. PRescott 8.2678 or 773. INDUSTRIES AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED 1-5'116. 2377. 21 Z-LAN DSCAPI NG FOR SPECIFIED usEs, TO REGULATE AND LIMIT THE HEIGHT SERVICE JOHN & FRANK AND BULK OF BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED,TO REGULATE Village of Grosse Pointe Shores PAINTING PLASTER CONTRACTORS TRIMMING, removal, spraying, AND DETERMINE THE AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OTHER . r and Exterior, residen. Repair Work feeding, and stump removal. OPEN SPACES, TO LJMIT AND RESTRICT THE MAXIMUM COUNTIES OF WAYNE AND MACOMB, .and commercial. Fully Free Estimates Free estimates. Complete tree NUMBER OF FAMILIES WHICH MAY BE HOUSED IN DWELL- free estimates. Ex. 331.1546 after 5 p.m. service. eal Fleming Tree MICHIGAN .:' ced crew. INGS HEREAFTER ERECTEDOR ALTERED, AND FOR SAID PUR~ <. Service, TUxedo 1-6950. THEO~ORE BRIGGS 21R-CEMENT WORK POSES DIVIDE THE CITY INTO DISTRICTS, TO PROVIDE A WA 4-4129 & BRICK WORK Grocers' Week METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION AND TO PRESCRIBE THE NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IOR.EXTERIOR paint. L. VERBEKE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS" , Attentionapartment own. WINTER PRICES Being Obsert'ed ADOPTED ON NPVEMBER 3, 1952, ALSO KNOWN AS CHAPTER TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE . - retirees. General car. CEMENT and brick repairs, 44 OF 'THE CODE OF THE CITY OF GROSSEPOINTE WOODS VILLAGE OF GROSSE POINTE SHORES: ler repairs, wall papering basement wall cracks patched Governor Romney proclaimed gutters. Free estimate. an sealed. W ate r proof, the weei<:of February 12 through OF 1953,' AS AMENDED. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a Special Election to 122l inside.outside. LA l.4~lD3. February 18 as' Independent be held in the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores, Counties cCUSTOMPAINTING J W KLEINER Groeers Week in THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS ORDrilINS', of Wayne and Macomb, Michig.m, on the 6th day of March, "1£ D . • recognition of the efforts bemg '"' 1967, from 7:00 o'clock a.m., to 8:00 o'clock p.m., Eastern ECORATING CEMENT CONTRACTOR made in food retailing, resulting Quality Work AI! types Cement, StOM and in better health standards and Section 1. That Paragraph (d) of Section 44.3.16 of Article Slanllard Time, there will be submii.ted lo vote of the IIIteriorand Exterior Br.1ck Work done through. out the I'mprov"d economic climate. 44 3 f 0 d' N 88 f h C' f G P W qualified electors of said Village the following proposition: 2GYearsExperience t N dR' '. 0 r mance O. 0 t e Ity 0 ros~je ointe oods, en- WORKGUARANTEED wm er- ew an epaU's. Allen Verbrugge, vice.presi. titled "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE No Job Too Smal I dent of the Associated F~d I' LPR TONELLO 545.3203 LICENSED & BONDED Dealers, Alex Bell, board chaIr. .LOCATION OF TRADES AND INDUSTRIES AND THE LOCA- Bonding Proposition .L~Decorating service. TU 2.0717 man, and George ~as~ara, at. TION OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED FOR SPECIFIED USES, TO REG- ling, ~terior, exterior. torney for the assoc1ation, were Shall the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores, .hangtng and removing. 2IS-CARPENTER WORK among the Pointers present at ULATE AND LIMIT THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS lffials ' the ceremonies that marked the Counties. of Wayne and Macomb, :Michigan, bor. . FO~~~~a~:~~Pca~~ar. H. F. J ENZEN signing of the Governor's proc. HEREAFTER ERECTED, TO REGULATE AND DETERM INE THE row the sum of not to exceed Two Hundred Ninety LJAMFORSYTHE BUILDING lamation. AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, TO Thoupnd ($290,000.00) Dollars and issue general obligation bonds of the Village therefor for the VAlley2.9108 Home and industrial TPpairs. LIMIT AND RESTRICT THE MAXlMUM NUMBER OF FAMILIES purpose of paying part of the cost of completing OR and exterior paint. Additions, a ttics complet~d, WHICH ~/IA,( BE H 0 USE D IN DWELLINGS HEREAFTER the improvements at the George Osius Park consist- , ~aU washing and paper Porch enclosures,. recreatIOn ERECTED OR ALTERED, AND FOR SA ID PURPOSES D IV r DE TH E gmg. ,Reasonable rates. rooms, garages repaired. ing of acquiring and creating additiond land for Years experience. Ray TU 1-9744 TU 4.3011 CITY INTO DISTRICTS, TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF ADM1N- said park. impmving and rehabilitating the exist. WSky,881.5242 The Grosse Pointe ing dock and docking facilities at said park and iTDiG • Additions-Alterations MOl [STRATION AND TO PRESCRIBE THE PENALTIES FOR THE acquiring and constructing a new dock and dock . .' • colors matched. New Homes VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS" adopted on Nove~)er 3, . ng,paper removed wall emorlah ing facilities . mg w 0 r k gl1ara~tced. Kilchens. Family Rooms Churc I 952, a Iso known as Chapter 44 of 'The Cede of the City 0 f Grosse Only those qualified eJectors who have property In ens,122Muir, TV 2-0083. We Also Specialize in United Presbyterian Pointe Woods of 1953', as amended, BE AMENDED so as to the Village assessed for taxes, or the lawful husband I)r iTTh"G,i~~id;-;;-;;-d~l~l Modernizing Bathrooms 16 Lake Shore Rd. provide as follow~: wife of such persons, may ,"ote on said bonding l'roposi. ~ commercial, no job to~ TH IELE Construction For information, tion. III add ilion, ,,11 electors must be with the ~~ F~II (ime. ~'ree esli. night or day, Section 44.3.16 OFF STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Village Clerk. an};'1'r est of references. & Supply CO. call 882.5330 ovenzano. .PR 5.2323 Cd) For the purpose of this Ordinance, "Floor Area" in the Thc polling place for said election will be as follows: TU:redo 5-4115 ------Add't. Alt t. ... s .ees and case of offices, merchandising or service types of uses, shall mean Precinct ;:1; Vernier School lUOR PAINTING "Iso I Ions era Ions WO~Jh:rch e~hOol 36 Vernier Road m:nts and wall W;Shlng. Kitchen Modernization 9:30.11:15 a.m. OUR the gross floor area of the building which shall be arrived at by able.371.7478. or Mioor Repair ~rrY" using the outside dime"'sions of the building, less the area compris- Precinct :it2: Vernier School .~.s-t?oO:S 36 Vernier Road 1~1'ERIOR and.~ . Free Estimates Sec,)nd oC lA!nten Ser:~s on ing the exterior walls only. ling, ;\'all washing d Licensed Contractor , "THE CROSS ANO TilE I

1Je.,' Kh~~ging.Have in:l~r. FRANK J. ST. AMOUR ,I Bert~:~SpTr~,."a~~hFuln:g,l~r~OOd.: Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days This Notice is ~\'en by authority of the Villige Council "nncth p ~ • o[ the Village of Grosse Pointe Shore~, Counties of Wayne 8.1"80 [ ygott. 810. Tli 2.8324 TV 5.5791. ' from the date of its enactment. ~~~~~~~~:~i;;;~:...~~::~:'~:'~::O~::T;.~bt.~:i.:'~~:lhJ LEONA D. LIDDLE "d ",

..:. a_nd_C_hu_r_ch_s.C.h.OO.I -'_.1 ------I. ------~~ --Page Twenty GROSSE PO INTE NEWS Thursday, February 16, I * * * * Feature Page * * * * who. where and whatnot Pointers of Interest Good Taste by wboou' Favorite Recipes of People in The Know flJ~nte Grosse Pointe has two new •.• Peace Corps repre- sentatives: Ellen and David S. Smith, (she's the daughter of Louis Hribar, of Drys drive; he's the son of Mr. and PUREE OF FRESH Counter POln Mrs. William Smith, of Fairholme road). They completed CHEST.'~IUTS eight weeks of training at Texas Technological University A Ludi Gras Recipe by Pat Roussea'u in Lubbock and four weeks of field work in Puerto Rico, 2 Ibs. fresh chestnuts. Walton-Pierce Sales ... are always a great 0Pport left for Costa Rica the day after Christmas, and are 2 T. butter fill in fashionable wardrobes at tremendous currently working with Costa Rican families in newly- pinch nutmeg All departments ... Cus.tom, Fine Jewelry built low income housing projects, helping organize and 1 C. hot cream 'Coats, Sportswear, Maternity, Lingerie, Milline strengthen credit unions. Good luck to them! pinch salt Accessories have marked their things way downt~ .. ..' * Cut a slit for each chestnut them quickly out the door and happily into your And good luck to . . . (but we don't really have to before placing in oven. Bake for * * " wish HER good luck; we know she'll have a perfectly 20 minutes at 300 degrees. Re. Two Short Cuts . : . to fashion are a new chin I marvelous time) Rebecca French, daughter of IUr. and move from oven and shell. Boil haircut with the head looking as if it were moldd .!\Irs. James ~I. French, of Ridge road, who'll spend next in broth until tender. Drain. turned-up, curly ends give 1his style a very young summer in Japan as a participant in the Experiment in Put chestnuts in blender with The other cut is short ~nd smoothly curled. . International Living. TIle Experiment, incidentally, is the butter, nutmeg, cream and salt. the latest and greatest halr fashions at Leon, 17888 program that introduced the "homestay" to international Blend until a smooth puree is Avenue ... TUxedo 4-9J9.'J. exchange .•. made. Serves 6.8. .. * * ...... "Dried cheslnuls can be used, At Home ••. two viewpoints at Claire Pearone, 397 F'1Sht! If you were "re-incarnated" ... as an animal, what but must be soaked overnight For one you choose a predominent color to order the madly beast would you choose to be? H. Lynn Pierson, of in cold water. 2 Ibs. of the dried long "swinging" cotton dress. No two are alike. The Cltbn Vincennes place, opts for the baboon: He thinks it leads chestnuts yields 20 servings. taining and attractive way to go is floral silk hostess pa' a Great Life, .• ...... '" • and subject to a healthy amount R b t M .d t f '\1 t Grand Idea for Retired 1'Ien . • . who want an of normal family kidding. 0 er ozena ... pres I en 0 I' u schIer Kitchelll "interest" that's more than a "hobby:" Why not be a Learns About Foul Balls us kitchen carpeting has become very popular hospital Gray l\len? The Gray Ladies have been doing "When he came here, he it's so easy to care for and a delight to have under good work in hospitals for years, but there come times didn't know what a foul ball while preparing a meal. It does a better job of when. a man would like to talk with a fellow mID, as Photo bl Eddie McGrath• .Ir. was," young Dave says solemnly noise than an acoustical ceiling, When planning a ' Curtis Keegin, of Cadieux road, knows very well-He's The CALVIN T. MAGILL FAMILY, SANDY MAGIJ.L, hOlding PENNY, -and everyone, including Lee, or remodeling one ask the experts at 20227 Mack been ','doing his bit" at St. John Hospital for quite a of Nottingham road: MR. MAGILL, LEE GARY and DAVID MAGILL, (seated on laughs: nue about the newest and best ideas. while now; he's delighted with the Gray man program. JOHNSON, CHUCK MAGILL, MRS. MA- floor, left to right). "Yes, and when he first saw * *. .. ad the program's delighted with him. • • GILL, (seated, on couch, left to right); ice on the water, he was sur- They're Here .. , the shoes you've qeen asking a ...... ~;,...______prised because the lake 'froze waiting for . . . La Piuma's colorful, comfortCJb" . By Janet Mueller flat'!" Chuck gtins, "He ex. f . d } . d T M: Know what , . . ~a tole "monteith'" b? We do, At 18, Lee is the oldest of or sprmg an summer lave arTtve at res Chic (because we "looked it up"), and- we understand from ~irst off, let's a~niit that the ab.ove pictur~ is NOT the eight foreign exchange stu. pe~ted it to freeze in waves.!" que, 18700 Mack Avenue. Available in hot pinkwitl Questers Pear Tree Chapter president Mrs. John Piester, a typical representatIOn of the Calvm T. Magill house- dents currently enrolled in Sure, there ar~ some du. pink trim, acid green with whitp, yellow with ora of Bucking~am road, that it's among a group of ob]'ects, 'hold. Every.body's sitting still. To get a TRU.E picture Grosse Pointe High School. He's f~ren.ces between ,life}ere and navy with red ... fourteen ninetY-five. ' th M ill 11 h completed his own secondary life 10 South AInca, Lee e1- ...... * (others are a pair of compagna urns and a pair of esquire 0 f e ag s, one rea y oug t to use a mOVIecamera. school studies 'in South Africa mits. "I remember I was ter. urns), presented by Questers to the White House collec- Second, altooflgh there seerns~ - so his GPHS year is rRther lik~ ribly surprised to see all the Sllt! Irving •• -' is' collecting one.of.a.kind fashions iJ. I tion and used in the Red Room • . • to be quite a crowd in the P;ho!.o- that "008" eapsized,' mysteri. a post-graduate high school Funeral Homes-we don't have rang~ ~rom fift~ to one hundred ?ollars. One ~cb dreiS ...... graph, one Magill's missing. o\1Sly, ("We still oon't know course. anything like them in South turea m the WIndow of The Imng Shop, 19a1~ Mad: : And how did YOU spend .... your snow-bound days? Tom, 18, the Magills' eldest how it happened"), in its own .., AIrica, and at first I thought It was a sunny yellow ((lax and nylon blend) WIth a Betty (Mrs. Howard A.) Shaw, or Harbor HiIl, foreed off sou{ graduated from Grosse well at the municipal park in Interest~d III dramatics, (~e s Americans must be terribly I at the hemline. • d half Pointe U:nl.. School last June, April-and wasn't back in op- appeared m one GPHS Pomte morbid I .. .. * t:ile roa -way between Grosse Pointe and. otsego, is currently&U6-U in the middle of eration, until the end of July. Players''n"o 0 toproduction)11 'h he hplans "And ...Grosse Porn'te HI'"h Traveling North Or South ... be sure to checkl! found~..:.. hers,elf.. servIng'd ast emergencyI Did bleooktoofor 40 truckd h'IS fre Shm an year at MiC'hi"aan Th e.1J.LilgJ.-U_'Us are an - '"easy' turns.... 0 ton Southco egeAIrl'ca,w ento ere.~'rn School is really BIG C;:.uthfe t,!rnmg dull .• '. k h * .. * Izzie (for Isobel) Magill and Like Traffic Circle on their American families as The MagIlls have a qUIet youngsters.... and let th'em select taste treats 011 ,~. , A woebi:gont adventurer approached an old boatman Daphne Johnson are both house. Like their children, they're the families do on them" Cal House? Gary. explodes THAT very own menu. 1 ~f: who operated the ferry across a river, "Dad," he whined, wives. "go-ers;" the Magill house is Magill adds. "Both learn' both myth before It ~an get started: 1- " "I'm broke, but I have to get across. Will you trust me Besides Tom, there are four rather like a traffic circle, with gain. . . '''Eve:yone'U Ju~t c~me back Deeplands Club 't?" " young Magills' Chuck 17 a sen- people coming in and out. head- "I'm surprised the e and brmg all their fnends for for l . " . thO d th t 11 h r are so long Ion" visits" he sa d 'I F h. F "Fare's only a quarter," said the ferryman. ' ior at Grosse Pointe High lng IS wayan a, ate many fewer American high , 1 0 , ys n y. as Ions avors _ "I know it, but I 'haven't got a nickel," explained the ScJ1ool, Gary, 15, a sophomore .ti1?6 l~'ing in ~ state ~~ what Ischool students studying abroad I~~tc\ua ly, "we run a small Members of the Deeplands trave~;;r. The 'old hoatman t_ooka puff at his piN>, "Well, at GPHS, Sandy, (the only !Dlg,~ e descnbed a~ ~:gan- than there are foreign students Ie. . . 1 Garden Club met Monday r~ girl), 12, in the Seventh Grade Ized, (beeause each mdl~dual coming here," Jolr. 1/[agil1 con- February 13 at the home of mister," be said, "if you ain't got a nickel you won't be at Pierce Junior High School knows exactly what he's domg), tinues "Of course the"I' 8l lIirs J h R' B' h - V d . ff th th 'd th h" . ' nf' "(be h . . ,.. - ate Exchange . 0 n . Irc In en orne no bett er 0 on e 0 er SI e an you are ere. and DaVid, eight, in _the Third C?,. _uslon,. ea~se e~c ,10- cans 'lose' a high school year j road. Mter luncheon which the -Quote Grade at ~efer. . ?lV1dual IS l;lursumg hiS. own when they' go a '>r"O'a d to 8 ud ' D · ladies supply them;elves, des- ...... Completing tb~ family circle mteres~whIC'h. may or ma~ study.' .. (this 'lost' year-the tents seM and ~offee were sen'ed by One golfer to another: "First it was my ml1rriage. is. three-year-old Penny Magill,- ~ot cOlDclde WIth the others students make it up _~hen they co,hostesses Mrs. Pierre Pal- If you want free film .Now the magic has gone out of my nine iron." a ~ongrel. whose antecede"ts mterests). , return to The State~-i~ no de. Dates of Grosse Pointe High: mentier and Mrs. Leslie Lowery. your processing-WE -Saturday Review obvtously lDcluded s eve r a 1 Actually, llr. and :Mrs. l\lagI11 terrent to Gary Magill, however; School's annual Foreign Ex. Program for the day "Horti. GIVE IT TO YOU. beagles. have toned down their own aC'- h~'s seriously considering ap. change Fund-raising Drive are culture Therapy" w'a~ under Iy, it won't be our Orchid Society Meeting . Lee, t~, co~s from a .fa,u- ~vities considerably. "When. we plying for an AFS post next February 17 through 24. Pur- the direction of ~lrs. Vernon E. custom finishing .•. l>: lly of' fIVe. HIS- old~r Sister, fIrst mov~ ba~k here, ~Ight year). pose of the drive is to raise the Landry. Bars of soap were. Wednesday Book Club least you'll have 0 Sandra, 20, does ',cIencal. work years, ag?" Ime ex? 1a 1 n s, Sponsored by Rotary $1,SO? needed to subsidize next decorated with tiny artificial: comploln at, instead' To Gl!lth~r FebruClry 22 The Michigan Orchid Society for the ~uth Afrlca!1 Railways ('hey d h\ed here brIefly be._ Lee's AFS _year at Grosse year s GPHS exchange students. nower~, ribbon and gilt paint; . box number, when has scheduled a meeting Sunday and. wntes, . (acC'Ordl,~g to the Jore, gon~ to ~chool at Wayne Pointe _High School is being The drive will kick c:.ff torn or. they are to be presented to the : afternoon. February 19, at 2:30 thing is not righl~ Members of -the Wednesday MagJIls), perfectly ~E-:;~htful10- State Umvers!ty, wher~ they sponsored by the Grosse-Pointe row, Friday. February 17, at an elderly womell confined to St. : o'clock in the WWJ auditorium. Book Club of Detroit will gather lett~rs, ~escnbl~g every. met ~t a ,~p-T~~pers Club Rotary -Club. "They're _really assembly featuring Elizabeth's Home in Bloom. The Society has a -display at tbe thmg. that s gomg on m Bloem- ga~henng). we JOI~ed every. great guys," he says, "I have thIS year's GPHS exchange stu. field Hills. ! for a lunch'.lOn and meeting at Flower and Garden Show at the fontem. thmg: Squllre Dancing, lunch with them every Mon. dents. To help the ladies ward off 1 • 12:30 o'clock February 22, at Detroit Artillery Armory now Darryl Johnson, 16, Desiree; Newcomers, Power ~atl~g day ... " In the following week, students the chill of winter, Deeplands' through February 19. I the Womell's City Club. l~. a~d Wayne, seven, are all classes, w.ere very active m Like lhe other seven exchange at th~ Hi~h School will attempt Garden Club member;; have I STUDIO CAMtnA still. In ~hool. P-~A work . . . . sludents at GPHS, both AFS I to raise Wilds through the sale been searching their wardrobes! [tU'\ They re_ Active Pt?ple . Then we decIded we w~re and Youth For Understanding, of .apples, baked goods and ball- for good sweaters they no longer: rig 'FOe Magllls are. active. out- dOIng too mu~h ... ".ow we re Lee is in great demand as a pomt pens, and by class compe. IIse. These will bc gllilv wrap. : CARL JOY tM gomg, sports-lovmg people. gr~dua!}y gettmg back mto more I luncheon/dinner/meeting speak. tition_ The class raising the most ped to accompany the 'bars of , 202Z9 MACK - z.n They camp o~t a lot; .last sum. thmgs. ,. ." I er; he estimates that during his money will receive a trophy. soap. I - mer, a~ a f~ml.y, they Journe~ed O~e of the ~ore thmgs .. "public appearance" season, ------.--- to. Cal1~ornla ~nd back, staymg they re most ~xcited. about IS i December through ~Iay 1 he'll Wlt~ frIends,. m .motels .and oc, the ~rosse Pomte High School; make bet wee n 55 a~d 60; caslonally pltchmg their own Foreign Ex('hange Student Com. speeches - tent by the side of the road. mittce. '.. . I They enjoy to1>vgganning, Sort of "Accidental" .O~c , bothe;.s mm, ~ow.. We are pleased to announce that sledding, skating, skiing. (just The Magills are more or less e\er. A" these mtcrnatlonal i a few weeks ago. they took o~f an "accidental" AFS family. luncheons, I see hundreds of, NORMAN A. KOPPERSCHMIDT on a long ski weekend. during lzzie read an article in GPHS' flags, from every C'Ountry----;-but: which Lee tried his skill on the s t u den t newspaper, "The nc\'e~ one fro~ South Afn:-a!"; i-!now aS5L'ciated with U,$ a,$ a Regist"ed Rep,.esentotirJe slopes for the first time-and Tower," last year. describing (Ma~b~ there s an Arner~can! Large, Long Stem did very well! . . . "South. the need for Exchange Student emba.;oo on South African I in our Grosse Pointe Office Africa is a land of contrasts." homes. "That would be a nice flags.) i Lee observes. "It can get very Ithing to do:' she thought-and \he ?l!agills tre~t Lee exactly, Carnations 1 cold at night, but it usually I promptly forgol all about it, a.~ If hI' were their "rl.'al"' son.' I warms up during the d,lY. We IIntil she got a 'phone call from Ill' gets a $14 a month allow. SMITH HAGUE & CO. All Color Range Full Donn 'very seldom see snow; Two Mrs, Edward Ilookanson. a ance from AFS. pIllS some, PtN08StOT 8UILDING • DETROIT 26. MICHICAN • we J.m~ years ago, we DID have some dedicatl.'