All the News of AW the pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ointe ews Complete Nelvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News Entered as Second Ctass Matter 3t _~e-.:.~: ..?ffjC~~t~_et_ro_'t,_Ml_C_h. ~ROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 16, 1967 20 Pages-Two Seetions - Seetion One ' ADLINES Christian Scientists Have New Farms Church . R Falls Short of the 1966 Flre eport Of Standards \VEEK FOI- As compiled by the Shows Pointe Loss IIealth GrOSsepointe News II 194. 104 c;~~~~~e~~~~:n~a~:r- , Before FaCIlity Used 11l~ay, February 9 Totals $ RESIDENT JOHNSON The Park council com- popePaul VI on Wed. Annual Dispateh To State Fire Marshall Reveals Dam- pleted its official business, a tbat the Unit~d ~tates including the 'filing of "are devotlllg mten. age Is $20,818 More Than Previous Year: Shores a kers Shows Fantastic Decrease Over 1965..... letter from the Michigan elforts"to gain an ~xte!l' Health Department pertain. of the holiday ce.aseflre In am with the aIm, hope. An annual report dispatched to the State- Fire ing to the waterfront poal, of opening the way to M~rshall's Office in East Lansing, by the five Pointe fire in just 16 minutes, on Mon. I, negolia. Iions. chll:lfs, showed that the 1966 fire loss totaled $194 104 day, February '13. shatter: r' •• '* an increase of $20,818 over that of 1965. The Shores' wa~ ing a previous record esta.b- A'roR ROBERT F. Ken' least hit by fites, with the Woods also showing a drop ill lished last fall by two I).NY.,said on Wednes. losses. , <.-)>-------------- minutes. !batthe United St~te~, has The follovflng reports are as ' Presiding in the absence of no "conscious polIcy 0 n submitted by the chiefs: Park', Seeks Owner, Mayor Matthew Patterson was unLit China far many William Graul; I City, Albert CouncUman Robert Hutton, the and sbould develop one ..":.~.Yaklin; Farms, M4 rWilliam mayor pro tern. Also present Healso suggested that the Mason; Woods, Allen Andrews; were Councilmen Charles Bow." ~ Statestreat Red China .< and Shores, Thomas 'CoC,'hiJI. erman, John Doolle and George a potential danger and a Park-Number of alarms re- Verdonckt, who". attended, al- 'ble opportunity rat her ceived, 378. Total loss to resi. thourh he" suffered an iDjured as a certain enemy and a dentlal buildings, $44,296; con. back, so that th~ quorum re- cause." tents, $25,208; garages, $7,562; quirement could be met. • • • commercial buildings, $435; and Absent besides the mayor FrIday, Feb~ary 10 automobiles, $4,354." Total loss, were Councilmen Charles Ives ,,/~4 $81,8.'>7,as compared to $35,7.10 and William Luedders.' . TAX REVOLTis simmering ... , ..... " in 1965. A ne,w law on swimming pools, troil.What has triggered City-Numocr of alarms, 158; Act. No. 230 the Public Acts . tin the civic temper is a ,; ';i;.~ of none false. Total loss of resi. of 19S6, may block the Park's 've two-yearreassessment dential buildings, $14,987; con- use of the pool at the waterfront- 1m parcelsof real estate, tents, $244; uninsured contents, park,. during the coming swim- ~Iult of Michigan's new For ,niany years $3,610; cars" $803; two boats, ming season. $553; .and th\!' Grosse Pointe CouacU Bears J.etter bave been assessed First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse Pointe grey stone and has a curving facade. The church holds roes High School float, $467, Total A ltitter. addrellsed to City thustaaed on the basis of Farms is welcoming visitors to its lJlewedifice Sunday. ,services SUnday mornings at 10:30 and., Wednesday loss set at $20,665. The loss in Manager Robert Slone, from .the pre.WorldWar II economy February 19. The mqdern cl~ssical building, located' at evenings at 8. A public Reading Room is maintained at 1965 amounted to $11,963. Department Public Health in real estate prices were Of 282 Chalfonte avenue. ne~.r Kerby roadJ. is made of 19613 Mack avenue.. .. Chief Yaklin also disclosed.in Lansing, was read to the counell ,Under tire D!!W :formula, . -!) . ------- ~ .wiIl he levied,on the value his report that 429 homes were by City Clerk Charles Heise, aDd es and'other propertle s First Chul..-ch 0.' f. Chl-l.st Center' Sets' inspected for pusaible fire haz. filed. It was receiVed from T. L. presentgoodtimes. Home Dem~nd UpS .. ': ' ards, -last year. Vander.Velde, chief of the sec- are cbecJdng their. as. .. f F 0 ., Farms-Alanns: 83, of which tion of 'Water Supply Division of no'" ill droves at the Clentlst. '-0 aI-IDS pens --Blood Drive 10 were f&)se. Dwelling lo~sel! Engineering" an4 bore the si~. Classes for S -" amounted to $18,367; other than nature of Paul D. Hodges, chief .r's office. - Thi' S. d F F b 23 dwell~ngs (garages, etc.), of the~ Public Swimming Pool ._.'i" I ~\ .• ew: , ' __~g s un .J:'!.y or e ,$1,200; dwelling contents, : .• ', ' Unit.AcoPYP~~,~ewlaw,at- SliIrlay, Febnary 11 Car Drivers N Build . ',.. , '$14,150; ollier than dwelling; "Orphan," sat In fiont'. of tached to the letter. L'tON'A,FERENCY has '1 M d -S-"-.--~, -Ch I, ..J,.....:..-. " $200; car fires, $85.. Total loss, th f' .n 'h' f. t 10 P rt f th I tt I ad "0' crassica 0 ern tructure in alfonte Avenue Bank at War. Memorial $34,502. This compares to the e lre,~ IS o's er t'0me . a 0 e . e er re, s: ,ur ~ ~~~t~~h~~;~High School Sessions Will 'd t."" t f $200 000 V"t f in N#f poadJ w.tp.lling.for records on thi~ Jl.OOIare lll~OD? Eree te avos 0 . r ; ISI ors Empty: Donations Can 1965 igure of $18,835. his master who', w'as no~ plete, but do mdicate tl!.at It IS asIeIl1ltd au Friday. Fer-, Start at 7 a.m. Six Invited to Attend Servi"ee . ,Woods - Alarms 115 of ,J b t d rd d d S t t , ,,110had aimoim'ced his re- Help Orgc\nizations or which four ,"ere Ials'e. Los's on where to' be. found. His su s a~.a an .?C no mee Days Per Week ,T 'h' "L ' - our mmunum deSign standards. ent three weeks ago, will This Summer" . A lovely new church, First Church of Christ; sCien- Benefit Individuals dwellings, $6,370; on buildi~s s~mp~t etic re:>cuer, MarIe This is further confirmed in the his nameto be placed in ' tist, Grosse Pointe .Farms, opens its doors to visitors at other than dwellings, $24,280; Cn~lmersJ I~Jokedhelplessly letter of December 2, 1966 from . alion,for the chairman. By Karen Ulmer its Sunday service February 19. The morning worship Two American Red Cross loss on contents of dwellings, at Orphan; all.her efforts Mr. Glenn Brown of the Wayne at tire party's state can- service will be at 10:30 a.m. ~. .Ibloodmobile units will "et $8,033; on contents other than to find his owner had been County Health Department to . n February.19 in Grand Because of the large num- .. i d lli g $16598 th f' . , He' said that a third ber of students who wish to The single-story, grey stone grass green wall.ta-wall carPet. up at Gr«;>ssePointe War n. we n s, , ; 0 er lre fCllitless. Dr. K. E. Pitts, a copy of which church located 'at 282 Cllalfonte ing. 'Other room.s. in the church Memorial Thursday, Feb- losses (C8I;'S, etc.), $2,392, for "Orphan". was found ne.EI' letter was sent to you. wouldprobablybe his last. take dri~er education, three 23 an over all total of $57,673. The ''If"furtll of th 1 . • • • sessions of the course will avenue near Kerby road is of include an infants' room, Read. ruary .. T~ey will. be city's 1965 report showed that Seven Mile and lfack avenue by . er use e .poo u. 10 HANOICONFIRMED classical modern architecture. ers' and soloist roamf'. ready. to receIve donations fire destroyed property in the Mrs. Chalmers on January 31.at desired, arrangemen~ will need onSal1irday,-President Ho be offered in summer school Its gentle curving exterior. ex-' The biillding is heated by a f much needed~lood from amount of $97,299. the peak of. the cold wave. He be made for upgrading the fa- JliDlt'sinvitation tG Presi- at Grosse Pointe High this pr.esses grace, simplicity, and combination hot water and fil- 9 a.Q1.through 9 p.m. The Shores' report showed a was lost, cold, ~unliy and blind cHities. ~th0l;lgh the swimming year ihstead of two as in quiet dignity. tered: air system which also 'Pro. ~ i in one eye. Mrll..ChaIrrfers didn't season IS still ~any. months Johnsonto come' to North 'o'us years. With two eight.bed units set antastlc drop. in its fire losses have t'"e heart',to leave him out away, this would seem none too m and discuss peace. In preVl The auditorium, done: in mod- vides ventilation 'and air condi. 1 t $405 eel 10 . gton,ArthurJ_Goldberg, 'I'his will, allow the enrollment ern clessic motif, seats 240. The tioning.'. up in the Center's Crystal Ball- as year, , as compar to in the cold so she took "Orphan" 'soon to begin arrangements for. Ambassadorto the United qf approximately 250 more. stu. colors of. the room are gre~n. The church's architect is Har- room, a minimum of wl1-iting $10,479, for the previous year. home.
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