Inequality, Education and Intergenerational Mobility

Conference Program

Location: JHS, Langenhorner Chaussee 384, 22419

Thursday, December 12, 2019

11:30 Lunch reception

12:15 Welcome Henneke Lütgerath, Chairman, Joachim Herz Stiftung Sebastian Findeisen, of Dominik Sachs, LMU Munich

12:30 „Socio-Economic Gaps in University Enrollment: The Role of Perceived Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns“, joint with Teodora Boneva Christopher Rauh, Université de Montréal

Discussant: Katharina Werner, ifo Institute Munich

13:30 „Opportunity and Inequality across Generations“, joint with Carlo Zanella Winfried Königer, University of St. Gallen

Discussant: Alessandro di Nola, University of Konstanz

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 Keynote I: Elizabeth Caucutt, Western University, Canada

16:00 „The Option Value of Human Capital: Higher Education and Wage Inequality“, joint with with Yongs Shin and Donghoon Lee Tim Lee, Queen Mary University

Discussant: Charles Gottlieb, Unviersity of St. Gallen

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17:00 „Firm Heterogeneity in Skill Returns“, joint with Khalil Esmkhani and Giovanni Gallipoli Michael Böhm,

Discussant: Maurizio Strazzeri, University of Konstanz

18:00 Conference Dinner (ends at 22:00)

Friday, December 13, 2019

9:00 “The Impact of All-Day Schools on Students' Skills -- Evidence from Extending School-Days in German Primary Schools”, joint with Arnim Seidlitz Larissa Zierow, ifo Institute Munich

Discussant: Agnès Charpin, European University Institute Florence

10:00 „Social Mobility Across “, joint with Majed Dodin, Sebastian Findeisen and Lukas Henkel Dominik Sachs, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Discussant: Timm Bönke, FU

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 “The Long Shadow of Slavery: The Persistence of Slave Owners in Southern -making“, joint with A. Hager and S. Maurer Luna Bellani, University of Konstanz

Discussant: David Martinez de la Fuente, European University Institute Florence

12:15 Lunch

13:00 Keynote II: Jonathan Heathcote, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

14:00 “Correction Methods for Intergenerational Mobility Estimates”, joint with Martin Nybom and Jan Stuhler Ursula Mattioli Mello, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Discussant: Paul Hufe, ifo Institute Munich

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15:00 „Are children better off? Intergenerational Mobility of Living Standards“, joint with Timm Bönke and Astrid Harnack Holger Lüthen, FU Berlin

Discussant: Maximilian Müller, UC Berkeley

16:00 Closing and optional city tour

19:00 Dinner and transfer back to MotelOne

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Location Joachim Herz Stiftung Langenhorner Chaussee 384 22419 Hamburg

Accommodation MotelOne Alsterkrugchaussee 455 22335 Hamburg

Train At Hamburg-Central take subway U1 (direction: Norderstedt/Ochsenzoll) to Langenhorn Markt and then Bus 292 (direction: Ochsenzoll to Oehleckerring, duration: about 40 minutes

Airplane At the airport take Bus 292 (direction: Ochsenzoll) to Oehleckerring, duration; about 15 minutes

Contact Sebastian Findeisen [email protected]

Dominik Sachs [email protected]

Jan Brosse [email protected] +49 40 533295-39 +49 151 55117517

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