A&A 372, 833–850 (2001) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20010366 & c ESO 2001 Astrophysics

Kinematics of young ?

II. Galactic spiral structure

D. Fern´andez1,F.Figueras1,2, and J. Torra1,2

1 Departament d’Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 2 IEEC (Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya), Edif. Nexus-104, Gran Capit`a 2-4, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

Received 9 February 2001 / Accepted 8 March 2001

Abstract. The young velocity field is analysed by means of a galactic model which takes into account solar motion, differential galactic rotation and spiral arm kinematics. We use two samples of Hipparcos data, one containing O- and B-type stars and another one composed of Cepheid variable stars. The robustness of our method is tested through careful kinematic simulations. Our results show a galactic rotation curve with a classical value of A Oort constant for the O and B star sample (AOB =13.7–13.8 km s−1 kpc−1) and a higher value for Cepheids (ACep =14.9–16.9 km s−1 kpc−1, depending on the cosmic distance scale chosen). The second-order term is found to be small, compatible with a zero value. The study of the residuals shows the need for a K-term up to a heliocentric distance of 4 kpc, obtaining a value K = −(1–3) km s−1 kpc−1. The results obtained for the spiral structure from O and B stars and Cepheids show good agreement. The is located relatively near the ◦ minimum of the spiral perturbation potential (ψ = 284–20 ) and very near the corotation circle. The angular −1 −1 rotation velocity of the spiral pattern was found to be Ωp ≈ 30 km s kpc .

Key words. Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics – Galaxy: solar neighbourhood – Galaxy: structure – stars: early- type – stars: kinematics – stars: variables: Cepheids

1. Introduction structure with i = −6◦, as early as the mid-70s Georgelin & Georgelin (1976) found 4 spiral arms with i = −12◦ Young stars have been traditionally used as probes of the from a study of the spatial distribution of HII regions. galactic structure in the solar neighbourhood. Their lu- This controversy is still not resolved: in a review Vall´ee minosity makes them visible at large distances from the (1995) concluded that the most suitable value is m =4, Sun, and their age is not great compared to the dynamical whereas Drimmel (2000) found that emission profiles of evolution timescales of our galaxy. the galactic plane in the K band – which traces stellar These stars show kinematic characteristics that can- emission – are consistent with a 2-armed pattern, whereas not be explained by solar motion and differential galactic the 240 µm emission from dust is compatible with a 4- rotation alone. Small perturbations in the galactic grav- armed structure. In a recent paper, L´epine et al. (2001) itational potential induce the formation of density waves described the spiral structure of our Galaxy in terms of a that can explain part of the special kinematic features of superposition of 2- and 4-armed wave harmonics, studying young stars in the solar neighbourhood and also the ex- the kinematics of a sample of Cepheids stars and the l-v istence of spiral arms in our galaxy. The first complete diagrams of HII regions. mathematical formulation of this theory was done by Lin The angular rotation velocity of the spiral pattern Ωp and his associates (Lin & Shu 1964; Lin et al. 1969). is another parameter of the galactic spiral structure. It Lin’s theory has several free parameters that can be determines the rotation velocity of the spiral structure as derived from observations. Two of the main parameters a rigid body. The classical value proposed by Lin et al. −1 −1 are the number of spiral arms (m) and their pitch angle (i). (1969) is Ωp ≈ 13.5 km s kpc . The angular rota- Although the original theory proposed a 2-armed spiral tion velocity in the solar neighbourhood due to differen- −1 −1 tial galactic rotation is Ω ≈ 26 km s kpc (Kerr & Send offprint requests to:D.Fern´andez, Lynden-Bell 1986). Thus, the value of Ωp implies that the e-mail: [email protected] so-called corotation circle (the galactocentric radius where ? Based on data from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite Ωp = Ω) is in the outer region of our galaxy ($cor ≈ (European Space Agency). 15−20 kpc, depending on the galactic rotation curve

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20010366 834 D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. assumed). Nevertheless, several authors found higher val- −2.0 −1 −1 ues of Ωp, about 17–29 km s kpc (Marochnik et al. 1972; Cr´ez´e & Mennessier 1973; Byl & Ovenden 1978; Avedisova 1989; Amaral & L´epine 1997; Mishurov et al. 1997; Mishurov & Zenina 1999; L´epine et al. 2001). These −1.0 values place the Sun near the corotation circle, in a region where the difference between the galactic rotation veloc- ity and the rotation of the spiral arms is small. This fact has very important consequences for the star formation 0.0 rate in the solar neighbourhood, since the compression of X (kpc) the interstellar medium due to shock fronts induced by density waves could be chiefly responsible for this process (Roberts 1970). Other parameters of Lin’s theory are the amplitudes 1.0 of induced perturbation in the velocity (in the antigalac- tocentric and the galactic rotation directions) of the stars and gas, and the phase of the spiral structure at the Sun’s position. The interarm distance and the phase of the spiral 2.0 structure can be determined from optical and radio obser- −2.0 −1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 vations (Burton 1971; Bok & Bok 1974; Schmidt-Kaler Y (kpc) 1975; Elmegreen 1985). The interarm distance gives us a Fig. 1. Star distribution in the X-Y galactic plane for the sam- relation between the number of arms and the pitch angle. ple of O and B stars with 0.6

−4.0 where we show the relationship between ar and the A Oort constant. B Oort constant can be derived from:

Θ($ ) B = A − · (5) $ −2.0 We considered as free parameters the galactocentric dis- tance of the Sun ($ ) and the circular velocity at the Sun’s position (Θ($ )). Finally, spiral arm kinematics

0.0 was modelled within the framework of Lin’s theory. We

X (kpc) considered the number of the spiral arms (m) and their pitch angle (i) as free parameters, and we derived the perturbation velocity amplitudes in the antigalactocentric and tangential directions (Πb and Θb, respectively; they 2.0 were considered as constant magnitudes, assuming that their variation with the galactocentric distance is smooth), the phase of the spiral structure at the Sun’s position (ψ ) and the parameter f , which takes into account the dif- 4.0 ference in the velocity dispersion between the solar-type −4.0 −2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 stars and the considered stars. This parameter is defined Y (kpc) by the relationship between the spiral perturbation veloc- Fig. 2. Star distribution in the X-Y galactic plane for the sam- ity amplitudes for the sample stars (Πb,Θb) and for the ple of Cepheid stars with 0.6

Sagittarius-Carina or −I arm and the Norma-Scutum or also some inconsistencies among the different values found −II arm), one local arm (Orion-Cygnus or 0 arm) and one in the literature. In 1986, the IAU adopted the values −1 external arm (Perseus or +I arm). The Orion-Cygnus arm $ =8.5kpcandΘ($ ) = 220 km s (Kerr & Lynden- seems to be a local spur (Bok 1958). Lin et al. (1969) pro- Bell 1986). Recently, several authors have found values posed a galactic system with 2 main spiral arms, where of nearly 7.5 kpc for $ (Racine & Harris 1989; Maciel the Norma-Scutum and the Perseus arms are two seg- 1993). A complete review was done by Reid (1993), who ments of the same arm. By taking into account the in- concluded that the most suitable value seems to be $ = terarm distance between the Sagittarius-Carina and the 8.0  0.5 kpc. In kinematic studies there are serious dis- Perseus arms, these authors deduced a pitch angle of −6◦. crepancies between different authors. Metzger et al. (1998) −1 But, as early as the mid-70s, Georgelin & Georgelin (1976) found $ =7.7  0.3kpcandΘ($ ) = 237  12 km s , proposed a 4-armed galactic system with a pitch angle of whereas Feast et al. (1998) found $ =8.5  0.3kpc −12◦ from a study of the spatial distribution of HII re- (both from radial velocities of Cepheid stars). Glushkova gions. However, Bash (1981) examined this 4-armed model et al. (1998) found $ =7.3  0.3 kpc from a com- and found that a 2-arm pattern predicts HII regions in the bined sample including open clusters, red supergiants and same direction and with the same radial velocities as those Cepheids. Olling & Merrifield (1998) calculated mass mod- used by Georgelin & Georgelin (1976), provided that dis- els for the Galaxy and concluded that a consistent picture persion velocities were considered. only emerges when considering $ =7.1  0.4kpcand −1 In some recent papers several authors have also called Θ($ ) = 184  8kms . This value for the galactocen- this classical view in question. Vall´ee (1995) reviewed the tric distance of the Sun is in very good agreement with the subject of the determination of the pitch angle and the only direct distance determination ($ =7.2  0.7kpc), number of spiral arms and concluded that the Galaxy has which was made employing proper motions of H2O masers a pitch angle of i = −121◦ and that, taking into account (Reid 1993). the observed interarm distance, it would be a system of 4 In the view of all that, we decided to derive the kine- spiral arms. This is also the opinion expressed by Amaral matic parameters of our model from different combina- &L´epine (1997), who, fitting the galactic rotation curve tions of the free parameters involved. On the one hand, to a mass model of the Galaxy, found an autoconsistent concerning spiral structure, two models of the Galaxy solution with a system of 2 + 4 spiral arms (2 arms for were considered: a first model with m =2andi = −6◦, 2.8 <$<13 kpc and 4 arms for 6 <$<11 kpc, with and a second one with m =4andi = −14◦.Both the Sun placed at $ =7.9 kpc) and a pitch angle of models are consistent with an interarm distance of about ◦ i = −14 . Englmaier & Gerhard (1999) used the COBE 2.5–3 kpc, depending on the adopted value for the dis- NIR luminosity distribution and connected it with the tance from the Sun to the galactic center. On the other kinematic observations of HI and molecular gas in l-v di- hand, concerning the galactocentric distance of the Sun agrams. They found a 4-armed spiral pattern between the and the circular velocity at the Sun’s position, two dif- corotation of the galactic bar and the solar circle. Drimmel ferent cases were also taken into account: a first one with −1 (2000) found that the galactic plane emission in the K $ =8.5kpcandΘ($ ) = 220 km s , and a second −1 band is consistent with a 2-armed structure, whereas the one with $ =7.1kpcandΘ($ ) = 184 km s .Inboth 240 µm emission from dust is compatible with a 4-armed cases, the angular rotation velocity at the Sun’s position −1 −1 pattern. In a recent work, L´epine et al. (2001) analyzed the is Ω =25.9kms kpc . kinematics of a sample of Cepheid stars and found the best fit for a model with a superposition of 2+4 spiral arms. Contrary to the model by Amaral & L´epine (1997), L´epine 4. Resolution of the condition equations et al. allowed the phase of both spiral patterns to be inde- We determined the kinematic parameters of the galactic pendent, deriving pitch angles of approximately −6◦ and model via least squares fit from the equations: −12◦ for m =2andm = 4, respectively. They argued that this spiral pattern is in good agreement with the l-v dia- X10 r grams obtained from observational HII data, though they vr = ajfj (R, l, b) admit that pure 2-armed model produces similar results. j=1 In the visible spiral structure of the Galaxy derived by X10 l L´epine et al. (see their Fig. 3) the Orion-Cygnus or local vl = kRµl cos b = ajfj(R, l, b) arm is seen as a major structure with a small pitch angle. j=1 In contrast, Olano (2001) proposed that the local arm is X10 b an elongated structure of only 4 kpc of length and a pitch vb = kRµb = ajf (R, l, b)(8) ◦ j angle of about −40 (in better agreement with the obser- j=1 vational determinations of the inclination of the local arm −1 found in the literature) formed from a supercloud about where vr is the radial velocity of the star in km s , 100 Myr ago, when it entered into a major spiral arm. k =4.741 km yr (s pc00)−1, R is the heliocentric distance In the case of the galactocentric distance of the Sun of the star in pc, µl and µb are the proper motion in and the circular velocity at the Sun’s position there are galactic longitude and latitude of the star in 00 yr−1 and D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. 837 b the galactic latitude. To derive the parameters aj,anit- Table 1. Number of stars with distance and proper motions erative scheme extensively explained in Fern´andez (1998) (in brackets those stars with also radial velocity) in several dis- was followed. tance intervals. Distances for Cepheids computed from Luri’s The weight system was chosen as: (2000) PL relation.

1 sample of O and B stars pk = 2 2 (9) σk,obs + σk,cos 0.1

Table 2. Resolution for the samples of O and B stars Although we do not only present solutions from radial and Cepheids (SCS: short cosmic scale; LCS: large cosmic velocity or proper motion data, we would like to remark −1 scale). Units: U , V , W ,Πb,Θb and σ in km s ; ar in that the parameters obtained when solving these cases −1 −1 −1 −2 2 km s kpc ; br in km s kpc ; ψ in degrees. χ /N is (and comparing with the combined solutions presented in 2 the value of χ divided by the number of equations minus Table 2) are compatible between themselves within the the degrees of freedom. A cosmic dispersion of (σU ,σV ,σW )= errors bars. This is true for the sample of O and B stars (8, 8, 5) km s−1 and (σ ,σ ,σ ) = (13, 13, 6) km s−1 was used U V W and also in the case of the sample of Cepheids (for both for O and B stars and Cepheids, respectively. short and large cosmic scales). Nevertheless, as we deter- O and B stars Cepheid stars mined in Paper I, for this kind of kinematic analysis it is 0.6

Table 3. Resolution by least squares fit considering different velocity, proper motion and combined solutions for both values of the imposed galactic parameters m, i, $ and Θ($ ). cosmic distance scales. ◦ −1 Case A: m =2,i= −6 ,$ =8.5kpc,Θ($ ) = 220 km s ; ◦ −1 Case D: m =4,i= −14 ,$ =7.1kpc,Θ($ ) = 184 km s . An attempt to explain these discrepancies was made −1 Units: U , V , W ,Πb,Θb and σ in km s ; ar, K, A, B by Olling & Merrifield (1998), who studied the variation −1 −1 −1 −2 and Ωp in km s kpc ; br in km s kpc ; ψ in degrees; of the A and B Oort functions and found that they sig- − 2 2 ∆$cor = $ $cor in kpc. χ /N is the value of χ divided nificantly differ from the general ∼Θ($)/$ dependence by the number of equations minus the degrees of freedom. G1 ◦ expected for a nearly flat rotation curve. Inside the solar and G2 stand for those groups of stars located in 0

−4.0 We take into consideration that in the minimum of the spiral potential (near the center of an arm) ψ =0◦, whereas in the inner edge of the arm ψ ≈ 90◦ and in the outer edge ψ ≈−90◦ = 270◦. In the case of the phase −2.0 of the spiral structure at the Sun’s position we expect obtained real ◦ abiasof∆ψ = ψ − ψ ≈ 20 for O and B ◦ stars and ∆ψ ≈ 0 for Cepheids, with uncertainties of ≈25◦and ≈75◦, respectively (see Appendix B). These high uncertainties can explain the range of values obtained. 0.0 According to the value found for ψ , the Sun is located X (kpc) between the center and the outer edge of an arm, nearer to the former (see Fig. 4). Our result stands in apparent contradiction to the clas- 2.0 sical mapping of the spiral structure tracers (Schmidt- Kaler 1975; Elmegreen 1985), which locates the Sun in a middle position between the inner arm (Sagittarius-Carina ◦ arm) and the outer one (Perseus arm), that is, ψ ≈ 180 . 4.0 The local arm (Orion-Cygnus arm) is normally considered −4.0 −2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 as a local spur rather than a real arm. In our model, as Y (kpc) we supposed an interarm distance of approximately 3 kpc, Fig. 4. Star distribution in the X-Y galactic plane for O and B the local arm is also considered a local spur (see Sect. 3.2). stars (filled circles) with 0.6

◦ ψ = 340  9 . More recently, Rastorguev et al. (2001) with a selection of young members of the open clus- ◦ found ψ = 274  22 from a sample of 55 open clus- ter catalogue by Mermilliod (1986), obtained a value of −1 −1 ters younger than 40 Myr and 67 Cepheids with periods Ωp ≈ 20–22 km s kpc . Mishurov et al. (1997) and smaller than 9 days, all of them at R<4kpc.Wecansee Mishurov & Zenina (1999) used their sample of Cepheid −1 −1 that there is poor agreement between the results published stars and found Ωp =28.1  2.0kms kpc and −1 −1 in the literature, though the last ones (the only ones with Ωp ≈ 27.7kms kpc , respectively. L´epine et al. (2001) m=2 ≈ m=4 ≈ −1 −1 Hipparcos data) are all included in our range of possible found Ωp Ωp 26.5kms kpc from their values for ψ . sample of Cepheid stars. Rastorguev et al. (2001) thought The velocity amplitudes due to the spiral perturba- that the evaluation of Ωp from kinematical data alone can- tion obtained are less than 4 km s−1 for O and B stars not be resolved. But our simulations (see Appendix B) −1 −1 −1 (Πb ≈ 3kms ,Θb ≈ 2–3 km s )and6kms for seem to indicate that, at least, the tendency to find high −1 −1 Cepheid stars (Πb ≈−1–1 km s ,Θb ≈ 2–6 km s ). The values of Ωp is confirmed, though there is still an uncer- − − difference between results for O and B stars and Cepheids tainty of about 5–10 km s 1 kpc 1 in its value. These is explained by Lin’s theory as a result of their slight de- large values for Ωp can explain in a natural way the pres- pendence on the galactocentric distance and the different ence of a gap in the galactic gaseous disk (see Kerr 1969 cosmic dispersion for both samples. Mishurov et al. (1997) and Burton 1976 for observational evidences and L´epine −1 −1 found Πb =6.3  2.4kms and Θb =4.4  2.4kms et al. 2001 for simulated results), since they placed the from their radial velocity data of Cepheid stars within Sun near the corotation circle, where the gas is pumped 4 kpc from the Sun, supposing a 2-armed spiral pattern. out under the influence of the spiral potential. −1 Mel’nik et al. (1999) found Πb =6.4  1.2kms and −1 Θb =2.4  1.2kms from Cepheids within 3 kpc from the Sun. Mishurov & Zenina (1999) found Πb = 7.3. The K-term −1 −1 3.3  1.6kms and Θb =7.9  2.0kms for m =2  −1  −1 and Πb =3.5 1.7kms and Θb =7.5 1.8kms for In relation to the K-term, we found good agreement be- m = 4. From the same sample, L´epine et al. (2001) found tween both O and B stars and Cepheids. A value of m=2  −1 m=2  −1 − − Πb =0.4 3.0kms ,Θb =14.0 3.0kms and K ≈−(1–3) km s 1 kpc 1 is found in all cases, confirm- m=4  −1 m=4  −1 Πb =0.8 3.3kms ,Θb =10.9 2.9kms .Their ing an apparent compression of the solar neighbourhood 2+4-armed model yields large values for Θb, implying a of up to 3–4 kpc. In our opinion, what most clearly proves large value for the ratio between the spiral potential and the existence of a non-null value of K is that it is inde- the axisymmetric galactic field, much greater than that 5– pendently found from the samples of O and B stars and 10% normally accepted. According to the results obtained Cepheids, which have a very different spatial distribution, in Appendix B, the present observational uncertainties, an independent distance estimation and a different way of biases and the correlations involved in the resolution pro- deriving their radial velocities. As we can see comparing cedure cannot completely explain the discrepancies among Tables 2 and 3, the inclusion of the K-term does not sub- the values found in the literature. They can be attributed stantially modify the other model parameters derived by to our poor knowledge of the real wave harmonic struc- least squares fit. ture of the galactic spiral pattern or to the approximation performed in the linear density-wave theory. It is very difficult to find in the literature other esti- The derived angular rotation velocity of the spiral pat- mations of K at these large heliocentric distances, since tern is: in the majority of cases authors consider an axisym- metric rotation curve. But some authors have pointed −1 −1 Ωp ≈ 30 km s kpc (14) out the persistence of a residual in the radial velocity equations. Comer´on & Torra (1994) found K = −1.9  though there is a great dispersion around this value in 0.5kms−1 kpc−1 from O-B5.5 stars and K = −1.3  our results from different samples and cases (dispersion 0.9kms−1 kpc−1 from B6-A0 stars with R<1.5kpc.The of 2–7 km s−1 kpc−1, but up to 15 km s−1 kpc−1 in one radial velocity residual for Cepheids was first recognised extreme case). This is an expected dispersion, taking into by Stibbs (1956). Pont et al. (1994) studied three possi- account the results obtained in Appendix B (standard de- ble origins for it: a statistical effect, an intrinsic effect in viation of 2–5 km s−1 kpc−1 for O and B stars, but up to the measured radial velocities for Cepheids (γ-velocities) −1 −1 ◦ 15 km s kpc for ψ ≈ 270 ; for Cepheids dispersions and a real dynamical effect. They finally suggested that it are higher, of about 10–20 km s−1 kpc−1). Such a value could be due to a non-axisymmetric motion produced by places the Sun very near the corotation circle and is not a central bar of ≈5 kpc in extent. Metzger et al. (1998) −1 −1 −1 in agreement with the classical Ωp ≈ 13.5kms kpc found a residual of ≈−3kms for a sample of Cepheids proposed by Lin et al. (1969). Nevertheless, other studies when considering an axisymmetric galactic rotation. They show results similar to ours. Avedisova (1989) obtained concluded that it might be due to the influence of spiral −1 −1 Ωp =26.8  2kms kpc from the spatial distribution structure, not included in their model. However, in the of young objects of different ages in the Sagittarius-Carina present work we found a non-null K value even taking arm. More recently, Amaral & L´epine (1997), working into account spiral arm kinematics. An understanding of D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. 843 the physical explanation of the K-term requires further considered in our galactic model: solar motion, differen- study. tial galactic rotation and spiral arm kinematics.

8. Conclusions A.1. Solar motion Hipparcos astrometric data were used to derive the spiral A star with galactic longitude l and galactic latitude b has structure of the Galaxy in the solar neighbourhood. We the following radial and tangential velocity components considered two different samples of stars as tracers of this owing to solar proper motion: structure. In the sample of O and B stars the astromet- − − − ric data were complemented with a careful compilation vr1 = U cos l cos b V sin l cos b W sin b of radial velocities and Str¨omgren photometry, providing − vl1 = U sin l V cos l reliable distances and spatial velocities for these stars. In vb = U cos l sin b + V sin l sin b − W cos b (A.1) the sample of Cepheid stars we used two period-luminosity 1 relations, one considering a short cosmic scale (Luri 2000) where U , V and W are the components of the solar and another one standing for a large cosmic scale (Feast motion in galactic coordinates. & Catchpole 1997). A kinematic model of our galaxy that takes into ac- A.2. Galactic rotation count solar motion, differential galactic rotation, spiral arm kinematics and a K-term was adopted. The model We consider axisymmetric differential rotation of our parameters were derived via a classical weighted least galaxy, with a rotation curve that can be developed in squares fit. The robustness of our results was checked by the solar neighbourhood as: means of careful insimulations.     2 ∂Θ 1 ∂ Θ 2 A galactic rotation curve with a value of A Oort con- ≈ − − Θ($) Θ($ )+ ∆$ + 2 ∆$ stant of 13.7–13.8 km s 1 kpc 1 was found for the sam- ∂$ 2 ∂$ 2 ple of O and B stars. In the case of Cepheid stars, we ≡ Θ($ )+ar∆$ + br∆$ (A.2) found A =14.9–16.9 km s−1 kpc−1, depending on the case and the cosmic scale chosen. We confirmed the dis- where ∆$ = $−$ ($ is the galactocentric distance of crepancies appearing in A when samples with a different the Sun) and Θ($ ) is the circular velocity at the Sun’s distance horizon were used (Olling & Merrifield 1998). For position. We note that ar allows us to calculate the A Oort both cosmic scales we found an acceptable coherence be- constant in the Sun’s vicinity: tween radial velocity, proper motion and combined solu- "   #   tions. Concerning the second-order term of the rotation 1 Θ($ ) ∂Θ 1 Θ($ ) A = − = − ar · (A.3) curve, we always found a low value, compatible with zero. 2 $ ∂$ 2 $ The study of the residuals for radial velocity data made it evident that a K-term was needed, which was found to The radial and tangential velocity components of a star in be K = −(1.4–3.2) km s−1 kpc−1 for O and B stars and the galactic plane due to differential galactic rotation are: K = −(0.8–1.2) km s−1 kpc−1 for Cepheids. Although vr =Θ($ )[sin(l + θ) − sin l]cosb small, an apparent compression motion seems to exist in 2 +a ∆$ sin(l + θ)cosb the galactic local neighbourhood for heliocentric distances r 2 up to 4 kpc, though its physical mechanism is still un- +br∆$ sin(l + θ)cosb known.

The phase of the spiral structure at the Sun’s position − ◦ vl2 =Θ($ )[cos(l + θ) cos l] obtained (ψ = 284–20 ) places it between the center +a ∆$ cos(l + θ) and the outer edge of an arm. This is in good agreement r 2 with the spatial distribution of Cepheid stars. The angular +br∆$ cos(l + θ) rotation velocity of the spiral structure was found to be Ω ≈ 30 km s−1 kpc−1, which places the Sun near the p vb = −Θ($ )[sin(l + θ) − sin l]sinb corotation circle. 2 −ar∆$ sin(l + θ)sinb Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by the 2 −br∆$ sin(l + θ)sinb (A.4) CICYT under contracts ESP 97-1803 and AYA 2000-0937. DF acknowledges the FRD grant from the Universitat de Barcelona where θ is the galactocentric longitude of the star. (Spain). A.3. Spiral structure kinematics Appendix A: Systematic velocity components in the proposed galactic model Lin’s theory (Lin & Shu 1964; Lin et al. 1969; see also Rohlfs 1977) assumes a spiral potential of the form: In this appendix we show the expressions of the ve- locity components in the three systematic contributions Vb = A cos ψ (A.5) 844 D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II.

(A is the amplitude – A < 0–andψ is the phase of where ao is the velocity dispersion of the gas particles. the density wave) which disturbs the axially symmetric Since the velocity amplitudes Πb and Θb depend on this gravitational potential. The shape of the spiral arms is velocity dispersion, we introduce a dimensionless param- well represented by a logarithmic spiral: eter (f ) that relates the velocity amplitudes of the Sun to those of the sample stars: q($, θ, t)=q eiψ($,θ,t). (A.6) 2 1 − ν + xstars The amplitude q is a slowly varying function of $ and the Πb = Πb ≡ f Πb 1 − ν2 + x phase of the spiral structure can be related to the phase − 2 at the Sun’s position by the following expression: 1 ν + xstars Θb = Θb ≡ f Θb. (A.13) 1 − ν2 + x m $ ln $ (t) ψ($, θ, t)=ψ (t)+m(Ω t − θ)+ ⇒ p tan i The so-called Lindblad resonances are defined as: $ m ln $ κ ⇒ ψ($, θ, t =0)=ψ + mθ + (A.7) Ωp =Ω (A.14) tan i m where Ωp is the angular rotation velocity of the spiral pat- where the − sign corresponds to the inner resonance and tern, m the number of spiral arms and i the pitch angle (for the + sign to the outer one. In the region between both trailing spiral arms, i<0). The phase of the spiral struc- resonances (|ν| < 1), Θb is always positive and Πb has a ture at the Sun’s position and the pitch angle can be de- sign that depends on the sign of ν. termined from optical and radio indicators. Nevertheless, The amplitude of the spiral potential can be ex- we point out that the maximum in the distribution of spi- pressed as: ral arm tracers (position of the observed spiral arms) may 2 be shifted in relation to the minimum in the perturbation κΠb 1 − ν + x ◦ A = · (A.15) potential (defined as ψ =0 ; see Roberts 1969). k ν The mean peculiar velocities due to the spiral arm per- turbations on the velocity field are, in the gas approxima- The maximum value of the radial force owing to this spiral tion, the following: potential is: kA ν F max = k|A| (A.16) Π = cos ψ ≡ Π cos ψ r1 1 κ 1 − ν2 + x b 1 kA$ 1 whereas the radial force due to the axisymmetric field is: Θ = − sin ψ ≡−Θ sin ψ (A.8) 1 2 Θ 1 − ν2 + x b dV0 2 Fr0 = ≈ Ω $ . (A.17) Π1 is positive towards the galactic anti-center and Θ1 is d$ positive towards the galactic rotation. In tightly wound Therefore, the ratio between both quantities is: spirals (i.e., those with | tan i|1) the amplitudes Πb and Θb are slowly varying quantities with the galactocentric max − 2 Fr1 κΠb 1 ν + x distance. k is the radial wave number (for trailing spiral fr = ≈ · (A.18) F Ω2 $ ν arms, k<0): r0 ! $ The contributions in the radial and tangential velocity d m ln m k = $ = (A.9) components of a star due to the spiral arm perturbation d$ tan i $ tan i velocities Π1 and Θ1 are the following: ν is the dimensionless rotation frequency of the spi- vr = −Π1 cos(l + θ)cosb +Π1 cos l cos b ral structure, expressed in terms of the epicyclic fre- 3 +Θ sin(l+θ)cosb−Θ sin l cos b quency (κ): 1 1 −   = Πb "cos ψ !# ! m − Θ ln $ ν = Ωp (A.10) $ κ $ × cos m θ− cos(l + θ)−f cos l cos b tan i (notice that ν<0 in the region with Ω < Ω=Θ/$, i.e. " !# p ln $ inner to the corotation circle). Furthermore: $ −Πb sin ψ sin m θ − cos(l + θ)cosb   tan i 2 2 2Θ $ dΘ κ = 1+ (A.11) −Θb sin ψ $2 Θ d$ " !# ! ln $ $ × cos m θ− sin(l + θ)−f sin l cos b and x is the stability Toomre’s number (Toomre 1969) tan i defined as: " !# ln $ 2 2 $ k a +Θ cos ψ sin m θ − sin(l + θ)cosb x = o (A.12) b tan i κ2 D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. 845 − vl3 =Π1 sin(l + θ) Π1 sin l a6 = br

+Θ1 cos(l + θ) − Θ1 cos l a7 =Πb cos ψ =Πb cos ψ" !# ! a8 =Πb sin ψ $ ln $ a9 =Θb sin ψ × cos m θ − sin(l + θ) − f sin l tan i a10 =Θb cos ψ (A.21) " !# ln $ i $ and fj (R, l, b) are functions of the heliocentric distance +Π sin ψ sin m θ − sin(l + θ) b tan i and the galactic longitude and latitude: − f r = − cos l cos b Θ b sin"ψ !# ! 1 ln $ f r = − sin l cos b × − $ − 2 cos m θ cos(l + θ) f cos l r − tan i f3 = sin b " !# r − ln $ f4 =[sin(l + θ) sin l]cosb $ r +Θb cos ψ sin m θ − cos(l + θ) f =∆$ sin(l + θ)cosb tan i 5 r 2 f6 =∆$ sin(l + θ)cosb − vb3 =Π1 cos(l + θ)sinb Π1 cos l sin b " !# ! ln $ −Θ1 sin(l + θ)sinb +Θ1 sin l sin b r $ f = − cos m θ− cos(l+θ)−f cos l cos b 7 tan i =Π b cos" ψ !# ! $ " !# ln $ × − $ − ln cos m θ cos(l+θ f cos l sin b r − − $ tan i f8 = sin m θ cos(l + θ)cosb " !# tan i ln $ " !# ! $ $ +Π sin ψ sin m θ − cos(l + θ)sinb ln b r $ tan i f = − cos m θ− sin(l+θ) − f sin l cos b 9 tan i +Θ b sin"ψ !# ! " !# ln $ ln $ $ r $ × cos m θ− sin(l+θ)−f sin l sin b f =sin m θ − sin(l + θ)cosb tan i 10 tan i " !# ln $ $ f l =sinl −Θb cos ψ sin m θ − sin(l + θ)sinb. 1 tan i l − f2 = cos l (A.19) l f3 =0 l − f4 =cos(l + θ) cos l A.4. Systematic velocity field in the proposed galactic l f5 =∆$ cos(l + θ) model l 2 f6 =∆$ cos(l + θ) The systematic radial and tangential velocity components " !# of a star in our galactic model are given by: ln $ l $ f =cos m θ − sin(l + θ) − f sin l X10 7 tan i r vr = vr1 + vr2 + vr3 = ajfj (R, l, b) " !# j=1 ln $ f l =sin m θ − $ sin(l + θ) X10 8 tan i v = v + v + v = a f l(R, l, b) l l1 l2 l3 j j " !# j=1 ln $ l − − $ − X10 f9 = cos m θ cos(l + θ) f cos l v = v + v + v = a f b(R, l, b) (A.20) tan i b b1 b2 b3 j j " !# j=1 ln $ l $ where the constants a contain combinations of the kine- f =sin m θ − cos(l + θ) j 10 tan i matic parameters that we wish to determine: b a1 = U f1 =cosl sin b b a2 = V f2 =sinl sin b b − a3 = W f3 = cos b b − − a4 =Θ($ ) f4 = [sin(l + θ) sin l]sinb b − a5 = ar f5 = ∆$ sin(l + θ)sinb 846 D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II.

b − 2 f6 = ∆$ sin(l + θ)sinb To generate the kinematic parameters we randomly as- signed to each pseudo-star a velocity (U, V, W ) by assum- " !# ! ln $ ing a cosmic dispersion (σU ,σV ,σW ) and a Schwarzschild b − $ − f7 = cos m θ cos(l+θ) f cos l sin b distribution: tan i    − 2 − 2 − 2 " !# 0 − 1 U U0 − 1 V V0 − 1 W W0 $ 2 σU 2 σV 2 σW ln ϕv(U, V, W )=e (B.2) f b =sin m θ − $ cos(l + θ)sinb 8 tan i where (U0,V0,W0) are the reflex of solar motion. These " !# ! components were transformed into radial velocities and ln $ b − $ − proper motions in galactic coordinates using the nominal f9 = cos m θ sin(l+θ) f sin l sin b tan i position of the pseudo-star (R0,l,b). The systematic mo- " !# tion due to galactic rotation and spiral arm kinematics ln $ b − − $ was added following Eqs. (A.4) and (A.19), obtaining the f10 = sin m θ sin(l + θ)sinb. (A.22) tan i components (vr0 ,µl0 ,µb0 ) for each pseudo-star. Finally, in- dividual observational errors were introduced by using the In our resolution procedure the parameters aj are com- error function: puted following an iterative scheme (extensively explained      2 2 v −v 2 µ −µ µ −µ in Fern´andez 1998) and, from these, the kinematic param- − 1 r r0 − 1 l l0 − 1 b b0 2 σ 2 σ 2 σ vr µl µb eters U , V , W , ar, br, ψ ,Πb,Θb and f are derived. ε(vr,µl,µb)=e (B.3) With regard to the free parameters of our model, dif- ferent values for m, i, $ ,Θ($ ) were considered (see where σvr , σµl and σµb are the observational errors of the Sect. 7). real star. At the end of this process we had the following data Appendix B: Simulations to check the kinematic for each pseudo-star: galactic coordinates (R, l, b), veloc- ity parameters (v ,µ,µ ), errors in the velocity parame- analysis r l b ters (σvr ,σµl ,σµb ) and error in the photometric distance In Paper I we did numerical simulations in order to evalu- (σR). The simulated radial component of those pseudo- ate the biases in the kinematic model parameters (in that stars generated from a real star without radial velocity case, the Oort constants and the solar motion compo- was not used, thus we imposed on the simulated sample nents) induced by our observational constraints and er- the same deficiency in radial velocity data that is present rors. In the present work, we have also generated sim- in our real sample (see Sect. 2.2 and Appendix B in Paper I ulated samples in the same way, though the significant for more details). correlations detected between some parameters make it Following this scheme, several sets of 50 simulated advisable, in this case, to carry out a more detailed study. samples for both O and B stars and Cepheids were built. In this section we present the process used to generate A classical solar motion of (U, V, W )=(9, 12, 7) km s−1 the simulated samples (the same as in Paper I, except for was considered, taking the dispersion velocity compo- −1 the change in the systematic contributions considered), nents (σU ,σV ,σW )=(8, 8, 5) km s for O and B stars −1 the results we obtained and, finally, the quantification of (see Paper I) and (σU ,σV ,σW )=(13, 13, 6) km s for the biases present in our real samples. Cepheids (Luri 2000). For the galactic rotation parame- −1 −1 ters, we chose the values ar = −2.1kms kpc and −1 −2 B.1. Process used to generate the simulated samples br =0.0kms kpc , which correspond to a linear rota- tion curve with an A Oort constant of 14.0 km s−1 kpc−1. To take into account the irregular spatial distribution of On the other hand, for the spiral structure parameters sev- ◦ our stars and their observational errors, parameters de- eral sets of values were used for ψ (from ψ =0 to ψ = ◦ ◦ −1 −1 scribing the position of each simulated pseudo-star were 315 , in steps of 45 )andΩp (from Ωp =10kms kpc −1 −1 −1 −1 generated as follow: to Ωp =40kms kpc ,instepsof5kms kpc ), whereas a fixed value of fr =0.05 was considered (Yuan – From each real star we generated a pseudo-star that 1969). From (σU ,σV ,σW ), ar,Ωp and fr, the values of Πb, has the same nominal position (R0,l,b) – not affected Θb and f were inferred for each set of samples. by errors – as the real one; 56 sets of 50 samples for both O and B stars and – We assumed that the angular coordinates (l, b)have Cepheids were generated. Concerning the free parameters negligible observational errors; of our model, in a first stage we adopted classical val- – The distance error of the pseudo-star has a distribution ◦ ues (m =2,i = −6 , Lin et al. 1969; $ =8.5kpc, law: −1  Θ($ ) = 220 km s , Kerr & Lyndell-Bell 1986), though − 2 ◦ − 1 R R0 we also tested cases with m =4,i = −12 (Amaral & 2 σR ε(R)=e (B.1) −1 L´epine 1997) and $ =7.1kpc,Θ($ ) = 184 km s where σR is the individual error in the photometric (Olling & Merrifield 1998). In Table B.1 we summarize all distance of the real star (R0). the adopted kinematic parameters. D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. 847

Table B.1. Parameters of the simulated samples. 2.0 4.0 ) 1.0 ) 3.0 −1 −1 −1 U 9kms 0.0 2.0 −1 (km s (km s


V 12 km s Θ

−1.0 U 1.0 − U

1 σ W 7kms ∆ −2.0 0.0 (σ ,σ ,σ )(8, 8, 5) km s−1 (O and B stars) U V W ) 1.0 ) 3.0 −1 (13, 13, 6) km s−1 (Cepheid stars) −1 0.0 2.0 − −

1 1 (km s (km s

− Θ ar 2.1 km s kpc Θ V

V −1.0 1.0

− − σ 1 2 ∆ br 0.0 km s kpc −2.0 0.0 )

fr 0.05 1.0 ) 3.0 −1

◦ ◦ −1 ψ from 0 to 360 , ◦ 0.0 2.0 (km s (km s

in steps of 45 Θ −1.0 Θ 1.0 W −1 −1 −1 −1 W σ Ωp from 10 km s kpc to 40 km s kpc , ∆ −1 −1 −2.0 0.0 in steps of 5 km s kpc 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 ψ (degrees) ψ (degrees) Case A m =2,i = −6◦, Θ Θ −1 1.0 2.0 ) $ =8.5kpc,Θ($ ) = 220 km s ) −1 Case B m =2,i = −6◦, 0.5 −1 1.5 kpc −1 kpc −1 $ =7.1kpc,Θ($ ) = 184 km s 0.0 −1 1.0 ◦ Case C m =4,i = −12 , −0.5 0.5 (km s (km s r − r a

1 a σ $ =8.5kpc,Θ($ ) = 220 km s ∆ −1.0 0.0

◦ ) )

− −2 Case D m =4,i = 12 , 0.5 −2 1.5 −1 kpc $ =7.1kpc,Θ($ ) = 184 km s kpc −1

0.0 −1 1.0

−0.5 0.5 (km s (km s r r b b σ ∆ −1.0 0.0 B.2. Results and discussion 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 ψΘ (degrees) ψΘ (degrees) B.2.1. Results for a 2-armed model of the Galaxy 40 80 20 60 A complete solution simultaneously taking into account 0 40

radial velocity and proper motion data was computed. Our (degrees) (degrees) Θ Θ

−20 ψ 20 σ test showed that the number of Cepheids within 2 kpc ∆ψ from the Sun prevents the obtainment of reliable results. −40 0 ) 1.0 ) 3.0

In Figs. B.1 and B.2 we show the results obtained for the −1 −1 simulated samples of O and B stars (0.6

Cepheids (0.6

−1.0 Θ 1.0 σ on the spatial distribution of each sample. ∆Θ For solar motion a bias between −1.5and1.5kms−1 −2.0 0.0 0.2 (depending on ψ and Ωp) was found for U and V ,and 1.0 Θ − Θ

1 f − f 0.0

σ of only 0.3kms for W . For both O and B stars and ∆ 0.5 Cepheids we found the bias on V and W to be indepen- −0.2 ◦ dent of Ωp, with a slight dependence on ψ .Forψ = 270 −0.4 0.0

− − ) 1 1 ) −1 and Ωp =10kms kpc we found a large negative bias 10 −1 30 kpc on V , but with a great standard deviation. This occurred kpc −1

0 −1 20 in several samples (inside this set) with serious conver- −10 10 (km s (km s p gence problems in the iteration procedure we use to solve p Ω σ

∆Ω −20 0 the least squares fit. Similar problems in other cases with 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 ◦ ψ ψ (degrees) ψ = 270 will be found later. For O and B stars, the Θ (degrees) Θ standard deviations in the solar motion components are −1 ◦ − ≈0.6kms for U and V (except for ψ = 270 ), and Fig. B.1. Bias (obtained value simulated value; left) and −1 standard deviation (right) for each set of 50 samples in the ≈0.3kms for W . On the other hand, in the case of Cepheids these values increased to ≈1.4–2.0 km s−1 and solar motion (top), galactic rotation (middle) and spiral arm −1 kinematic (bottom) parameters for O and B pseudo-stars (Case ≈0.8 km s , respectively. −1 −1 A). Values of Ωp:10kms kpc (black double solid line), The biases found in the first- and second-order 15 (black solid line), 20 (grey solid line), 25 (dotted line), 30 terms of the galactic rotation curve are negligible for (dashed line), 35 (long dashed line) and 40 (dot-dashed line). Cepheids, with a level fluctuation of 0.3kms−1 kpc−1 848 D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II.

−1 −2 2.0 4.0 (or km s kpc ). In this case there is a standard ) 1.0 ) 3.0 deviation of 1.3 for ar and 0.5 for br.ForOandB −1 −1 0.0 2.0 stars the biases clearly depend on ψ , varying from − − (km s 1 1 (km s

Θ − − − Θ 0.7to 0.5kms kpc for ar, and from 1.0to

−1.0 U 1.0 U σ ∆ −1 −2 −2.0 0.0 0.1kms kpc for br. The standard deviations are 0.8 km s−1 kpc−1 and 1.2 km s−1 kpc−2, respectively. ) 1.0 ) 3.0 −1 −1 0.0 2.0 Let us study the biases that have an effect on the de- (km s (km s Θ

Θ termination of the spiral structure parameters. As a gen- V

V −1.0 1.0 σ ∆ −2.0 0.0 eral conclusion, Figs. B.1 and B.2 show that our sample

) of O and B stars supplies better results than the Cepheid

1.0 ) 3.0 −1 −1 sample. 0.0 2.0 (km s (km s Θ −1.0 Θ 1.0 In the case of O and B stars, we found a clear depen- W W σ ∆ dence with ψ and Ω in ψ ,Π and Θ determinations, −2.0 0.0 p b b 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 whereas f and Ω only show peculiar behaviour around ψ ψ p Θ (degrees) Θ (degrees) ◦ ◦ ψ = 270 . Concerning ψ , the bias oscillates from −20 1.0 2.0 ◦ ) )

−1 to 30 . The standard deviation of the mean for the 50 sam- 0.5 −1 1.5 ◦

kpc ples of each set is about 10–20 . On the other hand, for kpc −1 0.0 −1 1.0 −1 the amplitudes Πb and Θb the biases are of 2kms , −0.5 0.5 −1 (km s (km s r r with a standard deviation of about 1 km s . Neither f a a σ ∆ −1.0 0.0 ◦ ) ) nor Ωp have a considerable bias, except for ψ = 270 , −2 0.5 −2 1.5 where both biases and standard deviations go up. kpc kpc −1 0.0 −1 1.0 For Cepheid stars similar results were obtained, but −0.5 0.5 (km s (km s r r with larger standard deviations in all cases. The bias in b b σ ∆ −1.0 0.0 ◦ ◦ 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 ψ changes from −20 to 10 , with standard deviations ψ (degrees) ψ (degrees) ◦ Θ Θ of about 30–60 . In the case of Πb, we found a clear de- 40 80 −1 pendence on both ψ and Ωp, with a bias of 1.5kms − 20 60 and a standard deviation of about 2 km s 1. On the other −1 0 40 hand, for Θb the bias is smaller, from 0 to 0.8 km s ,

(degrees) − (degrees) 1 Θ Θ

−20 ψ 20 and the standard deviation is 1–1.5 km s .AsforOand σ ∆ψ −40 0 B stars, for f and Ωp small biases are found, though the standard deviations are larger in this case. ) 1.0 ) 3.0 −1 −1 0.0 2.0 (km s (km s b b −1.0 Π 1.0 B.2.2. Results considering possible errors in the choice σ ∆Π −2.0 0.0 of the free parameters )

1.0 ) 3.0 −1 −1 An interesting point to analyse is the study of the biases 0.0 2.0

(km s produced by a bad choice of the free parameters in our (km s b b

−1.0 Θ 1.0 σ ∆Θ model (m, i, $ ,Θ($ )). In the same way as in the −2.0 0.0 previous section, we simulated 50 samples for each one of 0.2 1.0 the cases considered in the real resolution, i.e. cases A, B, Θ Θ f f 0.0 C and D (see Table B.2). The simulated parameters were σ ∆ 0.5 −0.2 the same as in Table B.1 for solar motion and galactic rotation. For spiral arm kinematics, we considered ψ = −0.4 0.0 ◦ − −

) 1 1 )

−1 315 and Ωp =30kms kpc (similar values to those 10 −1 30

kpc obtained from real samples; see Sect. 6). kpc −1

0 −1 20 In Table B.2 we show the biases and standard devia- −10 10 (km s (km s p

p tions when solving the model equations in crossed solu- Ω σ

∆Ω −20 0 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360 tions (e.g. we generated 50 simulated samples considering ψ ψ (degrees) Θ (degrees) Θ the free parameters in case A, and then we solved equa- tions using the free parameters adopted for cases A, B, C Fig. B.2. Bias (obtained value−simulated value; left) and and D, and so on for the other cases). As a first conclusion, standard deviation (right) for each set of 50 samples in the we can observe that a bad choice in the free parameters solar motion (top), galactic rotation (middle) and spiral arm does not substantially alter the derived kinematic param- kinematic (bottom) parameters for Cepheid pseudo-stars (Case −1 −1 eters, particularly ψ . In other words, for each set of sim- A). Values of Ωp:10kms kpc (black double solid line), 15 (black solid line), 20 (grey solid line), 25 (dotted line), 30 ulated samples we obtained nearly the same values for the (dashed line), 35 (long dashed line) and 40 (dot-dashed line). parameters whether we solved the Eqs. (8) with the cor- rect set of free parameters or with a wrong combination D. Fern´andez et al.: Kinematics of young stars. II. 849

Table B.2. Bias and standard deviation in ψ and Ωp for crossed solutions for the simulated samples of O and B stars and −1 −1 Cepheids. Units: ψ in degrees; Ωp in km s kpc .

O and B stars with 0.6

σψ 28. 27. 25. 25. 65. 61. 71. 71. ∆Ωp 2.2 3.1 −1.1 −0.8 −4.3 −3.5 −2.5 −4.0

σΩp 6.2 7.3 2.9 3.5 18.9 16.6 8.8 7.3 Case B simulated ∆ψ 32. 24. 32. 25. 0. 4. −11. 1.

σψ 34. 32. 31. 30. 83. 75. 82. 78. ∆Ωp 0.7 1.9 −1.6 −1.3 −4.3 −14.3 −4.3 −4.1

σΩp 7.1 8.0 3.8 3.9 16.2 52.8 7.0 8.1 Case C simulated ∆ψ 18. 14. 17. 14. 4. 2. −2. 10.

σψ 24. 23. 21. 21. 62. 58. 60. 63. ∆Ωp 6.7 8.2 1.2 2.0 −2.4 −1.1 −1.0 −3.0

σΩp 6.5 7.3 2.9 3.3 25.1 21.5 10.9 9.2 Case D simulated ∆ψ 29. 23. 25. 21. 9. 10. −9. 1.

σψ 31. 29. 27. 26. 84. 78. 81. 73. ∆Ωp 4.3 6.3 0.2 1.1 −3.9 −4.9 −3.2 −2.8

σΩp 7.1 8.2 3.7 3.8 17.1 19.5 7.8 8.6

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