Arxiv:1310.0403V2 [Astro-Ph.GA] 11 Dec 2013 ∗ Orien- Whose Disk a Into Settle to Begins Gas Event, Merger Provides This It in As Detail Entirely Evolution

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Arxiv:1310.0403V2 [Astro-Ph.GA] 11 Dec 2013 ∗ Orien- Whose Disk a Into Settle to Begins Gas Event, Merger Provides This It in As Detail Entirely Evolution Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies To appear in RMP J A Sellwood Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA∗ Disk galaxies evolve over time through processes that may rearrange both the radial mass profile and the metallicity distribution within the disk. This review of such slow changes is largely, though not entirely, restricted to internally driven processes that can be distinguished from evolution driven by galaxy interactions. It both describes our current understanding of disk evolution and identifies areas where more work is needed. Stellar disks are heated through spiral scattering, which increases random motion components in the plane, while molecular clouds redirect some fraction of the random energy into vertical motion. The recently discovered process of radial migration at the corotation resonance of a transient spiral mode does not alter the underlying structure of the disk, since it neither heats the disk nor causes it to spread, but it does have a profound effect on the expected distribution of metallicities among the disk stars. Bars in disks are believed to be major drivers of secular evolution through interactions with the outer disk and with the halo. Once the material that makes up galaxy disks is converted into stars, their overall angular momentum distribution cannot change by much, but that of the gas is generally far more liable to rearrangement, allowing rings and pseudobulges to form. While simulations are powerful tools from which we have learned a great deal, those of disks may suffer from collisional relaxation that requires some results to be interpreted with caution. I. INTRODUCTION tation is determined by the angular momentum that it ac- quired from the tidal fields of other nearby mass concen- Galaxies are distributed throughout the Universe in a trations. The thinness of galaxy disks requires there to clustering hierarchy. A large majority of bright galax- have been a protracted period of quiescent evolution, dur- ies are disk-shaped, with a significant minority being el- ing which a number of internally-driven processes grad- lipsoidal. The question of how these objects came into ually rearrange the structure of galaxies. These include existence is the subject of intense current research. How- disk growth through slow accretion of gas, the formation ever, it has become increasingly clear that the present- and evolution of bars, recurring spiral instabilities, the day properties of galaxies were not exclusively laid down response of the stellar system to the radial rearrange- at the time of their formation, and that internally-driven ment of matter, especially the gas, etc. These, together processes have contributed significantly to their present with the influence of the environment, drive what has properties. This review describes, from a theoretical become known as “secular evolution,” by which is meant perspective, the dynamical behavior that is believed to the gradual restructuring of a galaxy over time scales be important in restructuring galaxy disks from their much longer than a crossing time. Evolution is mostly initially endowed properties. Kormendy & Kennicutt driven by the outward redistribution of angular momen- (2004), updated in Kormendy (2012), give a comprehen- tum in a galaxy, which enables it to reach a state of lower sive review of the same topic from an observer’s perspec- energy, and such changes are prolonged by gas accretion. tive. The present-day properties of galaxy disks were Note that the word “secular” has a narrow meaning in recently reviewed by van der Kruit & Freeman (2011). classical studies of rotating fluid spheroids by Maclaurin It has to be said at the outset that galaxies do not first and Jacobi (summarized by Chandrasekhar, 1987). They form, and then evolve, in temporally distinct phases. In revealed that viscosity, a dissipative process, can desta- bilize some rotating Maclaurin spheroids, which become arXiv:1310.0403v2 [astro-ph.GA] 11 Dec 2013 fact, even today formation is incomplete for many galax- ies, such as the Milky Way. However, the balance has secularly unstable and evolve to Jacobi ellipsoids. How- clearly shifted from the rapid collapse and merging pic- ever, the same Maclaurin spheroid could be dynamically ture that characterized the roughly first one third of the stable in the absence of viscosity. In this review, I adopt life of the Universe to more quiescent evolution over the the deliberately broader and vaguer meaning of secular remaining two thirds. The vibrant topic of galaxy for- explained in the previous paragraph. mation is too large to be included in any detail in this Of the many processes discussed in this review, I here review, yet it cannot be omitted entirely as it provides highlight two of particular significance. Spiral patterns the context for galaxy evolution. are probably the most important agent of secular evo- After the initial collapse, and every subsequent major lution. They have long been known to redistribute an- merger event, gas begins to settle into a disk whose orien- gular momentum and to cause the random motions of stars to increase over time, but we now know that they cause extensive radial mixing of both the stars and the gas, and they smooth small-scale irregularities in the ∗Electronic address: [email protected] mass distribution. Bars also cause substantial secular 2 changes. Once formed, stellar bars in isolated, gas-free galaxies to settle in a more dynamically quiescent period. disks simply rotate steadily with no tendency to evolve (e.g. Miller & Smith, 1979), but interaction with gas and As the first collapses began, the mutual tidal stresses other mass components of the galaxy can gradually alter between the extended overdense regions impart some an- the properties of the bar, with evolutionary consequences gular momentum about each collapse center. A dimen- for its host galaxy. It is noteworthy that the rate of sec- sionless measure of the total angular momentum L is 1/2 5/2 ular evolution by both spirals and bars is substantially λL = L|E| /GM , where E and M are the sys- accelerated by a moderate fraction of gas. tem’s total energy and mass. Halos formed in hierar- In order to keep to a manageable length, I focus here on chical simulations are found to have a log-normal distri- secular evolution in galaxy disks largely driven through bution of this parameter with a most probable value of internal processes. In appropriate places I mention en- λL,0 =0.037 (Bullock et al., 2001). Stochastic hierarchi- vironmental factors, such as the infall of debris, tidal cal growth leads to a net angular momentum of a halo interactions, etc., which can also alter the structure of a that varies in magnitude and direction both with distance galaxy. But describing the full extent to which environ- from the point of highest density and over time. mental factors may drive evolution would stray into the domain of galaxy assembly and would add too much to The dynamical evolution just described is driven by the the length of this review. dark matter, popularly supposed to be some relic, weakly interacting particle that became nonrelativistic in the early Universe and is therefore described as “cold.” It is II. BACKGROUND believed (Hinshaw et al., 2013) to have a cosmic density more than 6 times that of the “baryonic” matter, com- The purpose of this long section is to introduce the con- prised of the familiar protons, neutrons and electrons. cepts and mechanisms that are invoked in the main part The small mass fraction of hydrogen and helium, which of the review, which begins in §III. Note that I refer back combined from the primordial plasma to become neutral to the various parts of this section where appropriate, so gas at z ∼ 1100, is known to have subsequently reionized that those who start with the later sections can quickly sometime around z ∼ 10 (Larson et al., 2011) as the first locate a summary of the background that is assumed. objects dense enough to support thermonuclear reactions began to radiate. A. Galaxy formation Gas collected in overdense regions, either by cooling of shock heated material or through flows of cold gas ac- The current paradigm for galaxy formation is creted along filaments of the cosmic web, and spun up as the ΛCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) model it settled into rotationally supported disks at the centers (Springel et al., 2006), which holds that galaxies form of the dark matter halos. The on-going formation of stars in dark matter halos whose distribution and properties in these gaseous disks gave rise to the galaxies we observe were seeded by a Gaussian random field of tiny den- today. Numerical simulations of the galaxy formation sity fluctuations in the early Universe (Bardeen et al., process lack the dynamic range (Springel et al., 2006) to 1986). Because the mean matter density was so close resolve the complicated gas physics of fragmentation, star to the closure density in the early Universe, even very formation, and the subsequent release of energy through mild initial overdensities grew through self-gravity, and supernovae (see §II.K). Thus the rate, efficiency, and pre- subclumps on all but the very largest scales were gravita- cise location of star formation, described as “subgrid tionally bound together. In this epoch, few overdense re- physics,” is included in the simulations through rules gions were isolated from their neighbors, and the growth that are both motivated by observational evidence and of structure was characterized by the development of a tuned to achieve the desired outcome. The difficulty that “cosmic web” of dense sheets, filaments and voids, that simulations have in making galaxylike objects with the has been simulated with ever increasing precision (see properties we observe today is widely attributed to in- Frenk & White, 2012, for a recent review).
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