Volume 1 . Issue 2 Fall 2008 The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History A Publication of the Columbia University Undergraduate History Council Rudi Batzell, Chair Rain Che Bian, Senior Editor Allon Brann, Senior Editor Wyatt Ford, Senior Editor Editors Eliav Bitan . Steven Brooks . Charles Clavey . Paco Martin Del Campo Emma Hulse . Jordan Katz . Sarah Leonard . Carolina Perez David Piendak . Margot Schloss . Jardine Wall . Jason Zuckerbrod The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History is a biannual publication released each spring and fall. The Journal is published by the Columbia University Undergraduate History Council, with support from the Columbia University History Department and the Herbert H. Lehman Center for American History and the Barnard College History Department. None of the above take responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by the contributors. Yearly subscriptions: regular, $30; institutional, $100; student $10. The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History is also available online at http://cujh.columbia.edu. All communications should be directed to
[email protected] or to: Undergraduate Journal of History / Columbia University History Department / 611 Fayerweather Hall/1180 Amsterdam Ave MC: 2527/ New York, New York 10027-7939. Submission Guidelines All articles submitted to the Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History must be nominated by a professor at an accredited university or college. Teaching assistants may also nominate papers, but should receive approval from the course professor. The nominating professor certifies that the nominated article represents outstanding undergraduate scholarship. To nominate an article, the professor must send an email to
[email protected], including: the name and position of the nominating professor; the the institution in which the undergraduate is enrolled; the class for which the paper was written; the title of the nominated article; and contact information for the nominated author.