Program & Abstracts
International Conference on Electronics and ICT - 2018, 25-26 November, 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS AND ICT - 2018 25-26 NOVEMBER 2018 THEME: A MILESTONE TOWARDS DIGITAL BANGLADESH: BANGABANDHU SATELLITE-1 PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS Venue: Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Organized by: Bangladesh Electronics Society Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission 1 International Conference on Electronics and ICT - 2018, 25-26 November, 2018 Join Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES) and Contribute to the National Development 2 International Conference on Electronics and ICT - 2018, 25-26 November, 2018 gnvKv‡k ¯^cœhvÎv e½eÜz m¨v‡UjvBU-1 Qwe gnvKv‡k ¯^cœ hvÎv K_vUv PgrKvi -1 e½eÜz m¨v‡UjvBU Lyjj bZzb Øvi| ivRbxwZi Kwe Kb¨v ‡n gvbeZvi Kwe AÜKv‡ii mgq †cwi‡q iwe| G‡bQ bZzb evOvjx RvwZi RqhvÎv AvKvk Kwij ¯úk© 1425 mvj ¯§iYxq nDK ïf nDK beel©|| - ¯’cwZ Bqv‡dm Imgvb gvbbxq gš¿x weÁvb I cÖhyw³ gš¿Yvjq 3 International Conference on Electronics and ICT - 2018, 25-26 November, 2018 Message Dr. Shahjahan Mamood (Pdf) 4 International Conference on Electronics and ICT - 2018, 25-26 November, 2018 Message from the Special Guest It gives me immense pleasure to know that BES and BAEC are jointly organizing a Conference on Electronics and ICT which will be held at AECD auditorium on 25-26 November, 2018. I am also delighted to find the very timely and appropriate theme of the conference "A milestone towards Digital Bangladesh: Bangabandhu Satellite I”. Bangabandhu Satellite I is a stepping stone for Bangladesh in the digital era. With the successful launch and positioning in orbit, this is a formal journey towards the space-age for Bangladesh which became independent only 47 years back.
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