85 bus time schedule & line map

85 - - Keele - Newcastle View In Website Mode

The 85 bus line (Nantwich - Crewe - Keele - Newcastle) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Crewe: 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM (2) Crewe: 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM (3) Nantwich: 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM (4) Newcastle Town Centre: 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 85 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 85 bus arriving.

Direction: Crewe 85 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Crewe Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM Bus Station, Nantwich 51 Beam Street, Nantwich Tuesday 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM

Wyche Primary School, Nantwich Wednesday 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM 9 Manor Gardens, Nantwich Thursday 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM Davenport Avenue, Nantwich Friday 6:36 AM - 1:35 PM 54 Manor Road, Nantwich Saturday 7:41 AM - 1:35 PM Cemetery Corner, Nantwich

Sainsbury'S, Nantwich 34 Road, Nantwich 85 bus Info Colleys Lane, Nantwich Direction: Crewe Stops: 39 Alvaston Hall Hotel, Trip Duration: 33 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Nantwich, Wyche Houses, Wistaston Primary School, Nantwich, Davenport Avenue, Nantwich, Cemetery Corner, Nantwich, Sainsbury'S, The Rising Sun, Wistaston Nantwich, Colleys Lane, Nantwich, Alvaston Hall Hotel, Wistaston, Houses, Wistaston, The Rising Sun, The Beefeater, Woolstanwood Wistaston, The Beefeater, Woolstanwood, Marsheld Avenue, Marsheld, Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld, Acton Marsheld Avenue, Marsheld Road, Marsheld, Christleton Avenue, Marsheld, Co- Op, Marsheld, Victoria Avenue, Crewe, Hulme Street, Crewe, Nixon Street, Crewe, Monks Lane, Crewe, Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld Timbrell Avenue, Crewe, Mayeld Mews, Crewe, Tarvin Avenue, Clement Drive, Crewe, Chassagne Square, Crewe, Acton Road, Marsheld Royce Close, Crewe, Westbourne Avenue, Crewe, Smith Grove, Crewe, Kettell Avenue, Crewe, West Street, Crewe, Frank Webb Avenue, Crewe, Christleton Avenue, Marsheld Underwood Lane, Crewe, Derby Street, Crewe, West Avenue, Crewe, Bus Station, Crewe, The Terrace, Co-Op, Marsheld Crewe, Maxwell Street, Crewe, Camm Street, Crewe, 645 West Street, Crewe The Brunswick, Crewe, Mill Street Alighting Only, Crewe, Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe Victoria Avenue, Crewe Hulme Street, Crewe

Nixon Street, Crewe Nixon Street, Crewe

Monks Lane, Crewe

Timbrell Avenue, Crewe

Mayeld Mews, Crewe Minshull New Road, England

Clement Drive, Crewe Chassagne Square, Crewe

Chassagne Square, Crewe

Royce Close, Crewe Royce Close, Crewe

Westbourne Avenue, Crewe

Smith Grove, Crewe

Kettell Avenue, Crewe

West Street, Crewe West Street, Crewe

Frank Webb Avenue, Crewe West Street, Crewe

Underwood Lane, Crewe

Derby Street, Crewe 156 West Street, Crewe

West Avenue, Crewe

Bus Station, Crewe Tower Way, Crewe

The Terrace, Crewe Market Street, Crewe

Maxwell Street, Crewe Road, Crewe

Camm Street, Crewe

The Brunswick, Crewe Cotterill Street, Crewe

Mill Street Alighting Only, Crewe Arthur Street, Crewe

Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe Nantwich Road, Crewe Direction: Crewe 85 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Crewe Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Monday 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre Stubbs Street, Stoke-On-Trent Tuesday 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM

Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre Wednesday 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM BlackFriars Road, Stoke-On-Trent Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM Sneyd Arms, Westlands Friday 6:00 PM - 7:40 PM Higherland, Stoke-On-Trent Saturday 5:50 PM - 7:35 PM Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry

St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry

Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry 85 bus Info Direction: Crewe Home Farm Drive, Keele Stops: 58 Trip Duration: 50 min Barnes Hall, Keele Line Summary: Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre, Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre, Sneyd Arms, Darwin Building, Keele Westlands, Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry, St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry, Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry, Horwood Hall, Keele Home Farm Drive, Keele, Barnes Hall, Keele, Darwin Building, Keele, Horwood Hall, Keele, Lindsay Hall, Lindsay Hall, Keele Keele, Holly Cross Hall, Keele, Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele, Highway Lane, Keele, Old Chapel Close, Keele, 30 Larchwood, Keele Station Drive, Keele, Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath, Holly Cross Hall, Keele Meadows School, Madeley Heath, Beck Road, Little Madeley, Madeley Court, Little Madeley, Oey Arms Ph, Madeley, The Holborn, Madeley, John Oey Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele Road, Madeley, Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley, The The Village, Keele Civil Parish Bridle Path, Madeley, Madeley Mill, Madeley, Newcastle Road, Madeley, Holm Oak Drive, Little Highway Lane, Keele Madeley, Bowsey Wood Road, Wrinehill, Mill Lane, 36 The Village, Keele Civil Parish Wrinehill, Checkley Lane, Wrinehill, Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill, Stavely House, Wrinehill, Village Hall, Old Chapel Close, Keele Betley, Court Walk, Betley, Common Lane, Betley, 46 Station Road, Keele Civil Parish East Lawns, Betley, Back Lane, Betley, Elms Farm, Balterley Heath, New Thorntree, Balterley Heath, Station Drive, Keele Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath, Gorsty Hill Station Road, Keele Civil Parish Garage, Gorstyhill, Wychwood Park, Weston Hall, Weston, Snape Lane, Weston, White Lion Inn, Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath Weston, Carters Green Farm, Weston, Crewe Hall 2 Honeywall Lane, Madeley Civil Parish Entrance, Stowford, 2020 Mobile Group, Crewe, Second Avenue, Crewe, B&Q, Crewe, Railway Station, Meadows School, Madeley Heath Crewe, The Brunswick, Crewe, Hope Street, Crewe, Stalbridge Road, Crewe, Lawton Street, Crewe, Beck Road, Little Madeley Christadelphian Hall, Crewe, Bus Station, Crewe 3 Parkside, Madeley Heath

Madeley Court, Little Madeley Newcastle Road, Madeley Civil Parish

Oey Arms Ph, Madeley Poolside, Madeley Civil Parish The Holborn, Madeley Poolside Gardens, Madeley Civil Parish

John Oey Road, Madeley 27 Izaac Walton Way, Madeley Civil Parish

Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley 19 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish

The Bridle Path, Madeley 61 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish

Madeley Mill, Madeley 1 Madeley Mill, Madeley Civil Parish

Newcastle Road, Madeley 4 Greyhound Corner, Madeley Civil Parish

Holm Oak Drive, Little Madeley 43 New Road, Madeley Civil Parish

Bowsey Wood Road, Wrinehill

Mill Lane, Wrinehill

Checkley Lane, Wrinehill

Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill

Stavely House, Wrinehill

Village Hall, Betley

Court Walk, Betley

Common Lane, Betley Chamberlain Court, Betley Civil Parish

East Lawns, Betley

Back Lane, Betley Newcastle Road, Balterley Civil Parish

Elms Farm, Balterley Heath

New Thorntree, Balterley Heath

Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath

Gorsty Hill Garage, Gorstyhill

Wychwood Park

Weston Hall, Weston

Snape Lane, Weston

White Lion Inn, Weston Main Road, Weston Civil Parish Carters Green Farm, Weston

Crewe Hall Entrance, Stowford

2020 Mobile Group, Crewe

Second Avenue, Crewe

B&Q, Crewe

Railway Station, Crewe

The Brunswick, Crewe Longford Street, Crewe

Hope Street, Crewe Broady Court, Crewe

Stalbridge Road, Crewe

Lawton Street, Crewe 183 Edleston Road, Crewe

Christadelphian Hall, Crewe Edleston Road, Crewe

Bus Station, Crewe Charles Street, Crewe Direction: Nantwich 85 bus Time Schedule 90 stops Nantwich Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre Stubbs Street, Stoke-On-Trent Tuesday 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM

Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre Wednesday 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM BlackFriars Road, Stoke-On-Trent Thursday 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM Sneyd Arms, Westlands Friday 6:48 AM - 5:15 PM Higherland, Stoke-On-Trent Saturday 7:10 AM - 4:50 PM Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry

St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry

Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry 85 bus Info Direction: Nantwich Home Farm Drive, Keele Stops: 90 Trip Duration: 103 min Barnes Hall, Keele Line Summary: Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre, Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre, Sneyd Arms, Darwin Building, Keele Westlands, Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry, St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry, Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry, Horwood Hall, Keele Home Farm Drive, Keele, Barnes Hall, Keele, Darwin Building, Keele, Horwood Hall, Keele, Lindsay Hall, Keele, Holly Cross Hall, Keele, Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele, Lindsay Hall, Keele Highway Lane, Keele, Old Chapel Close, Keele, 30 Larchwood, Keele Civil Parish Station Drive, Keele, Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath, Meadows School, Madeley Heath, Beck Road, Little Holly Cross Hall, Keele Madeley, Madeley Court, Little Madeley, Oey Arms Ph, Madeley, The Holborn, Madeley, John Oey Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele Road, Madeley, Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley, The The Village, Keele Civil Parish Bridle Path, Madeley, Madeley Mill, Madeley, Newcastle Road, Madeley, Holm Oak Drive, Little Highway Lane, Keele Madeley, Bowsey Wood Road, Wrinehill, Mill Lane, 36 The Village, Keele Civil Parish Wrinehill, Checkley Lane, Wrinehill, Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill, Stavely House, Wrinehill, Village Hall, Old Chapel Close, Keele Betley, Court Walk, Betley, Common Lane, Betley, 46 Station Road, Keele Civil Parish East Lawns, Betley, Back Lane, Betley, Elms Farm, Balterley Heath, New Thorntree, Balterley Heath, Station Drive, Keele Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath, Gorsty Hill Station Road, Keele Civil Parish Garage, Gorstyhill, Wychwood Park, Weston Hall, Weston, Snape Lane, Weston, White Lion Inn, Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath Weston, Carters Green Farm, Weston, Crewe Hall 2 Honeywall Lane, Madeley Civil Parish Entrance, Stowford, 2020 Mobile Group, Crewe, Second Avenue, Crewe, B&Q, Crewe, Railway Station, Meadows School, Madeley Heath Crewe, The Brunswick, Crewe, Hope Street, Crewe, Stalbridge Road, Crewe, Lawton Street, Crewe, Beck Road, Little Madeley Christadelphian Hall, Crewe, Bus Station, Crewe, 3 Parkside, Madeley Heath Hightown, Crewe, West Avenue, Crewe, Richard Street, Crewe, Goddard Street, Crewe, Underwood Madeley Court, Little Madeley Lane, Crewe, West Street, Crewe, Kettell Avenue, Newcastle Road, Madeley Civil Parish Crewe, Smith Grove, Crewe, Westbourne Avenue, Crewe, Chassagne Square, Crewe, Clement Drive, Oey Arms Ph, Madeley Crewe, Mayeld Mews, Crewe, Timbrell Avenue, Poolside, Madeley Civil Parish Crewe, Monks Lane, Crewe, Nixon Street, Crewe, The Holborn, Madeley Hulme Street, Crewe, Victoria Avenue, Crewe, Co-Op, Marsheld, Halton Drive, Marsheld, Christleton Poolside Gardens, Madeley Civil Parish Avenue, Marsheld, Acton Road, Marsheld, Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld, The Beefeater, Woolstanwood, John Oey Road, Madeley Motorsave Direct, Marsheld Bank, The Rising Sun, 27 Izaac Walton Way, Madeley Civil Parish Wistaston, Alvaston Hall Hotel, Wistaston, Colleys Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley Lane, Nantwich, Sainsbury'S, Nantwich, Cemetery Corner, Nantwich, Davenport Avenue, Nantwich, 19 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish Wyche Primary School, Nantwich, Bus Station, Nantwich The Bridle Path, Madeley 61 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish

Madeley Mill, Madeley 1 Madeley Mill, Madeley Civil Parish

Newcastle Road, Madeley 4 Greyhound Corner, Madeley Civil Parish

Holm Oak Drive, Little Madeley 43 New Road, Madeley Civil Parish

Bowsey Wood Road, Wrinehill

Mill Lane, Wrinehill

Checkley Lane, Wrinehill

Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill

Stavely House, Wrinehill

Village Hall, Betley

Court Walk, Betley

Common Lane, Betley Chamberlain Court, Betley Civil Parish

East Lawns, Betley

Back Lane, Betley Newcastle Road, Balterley Civil Parish

Elms Farm, Balterley Heath

New Thorntree, Balterley Heath

Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath

Gorsty Hill Garage, Gorstyhill

Wychwood Park

Weston Hall, Weston

Snape Lane, Weston

White Lion Inn, Weston Main Road, Weston Civil Parish Carters Green Farm, Weston

Crewe Hall Entrance, Stowford

2020 Mobile Group, Crewe

Second Avenue, Crewe

B&Q, Crewe

Railway Station, Crewe

The Brunswick, Crewe Longford Street, Crewe

Hope Street, Crewe Broady Court, Crewe

Stalbridge Road, Crewe

Lawton Street, Crewe 183 Edleston Road, Crewe

Christadelphian Hall, Crewe Edleston Road, Crewe

Bus Station, Crewe Charles Street, Crewe

Hightown, Crewe Saint Pauls Street, Crewe

West Avenue, Crewe Orchard Street, Crewe

Richard Street, Crewe

Goddard Street, Crewe 171 West Street, Crewe

Underwood Lane, Crewe Monk Street, Crewe

West Street, Crewe

Kettell Avenue, Crewe

Smith Grove, Crewe

Westbourne Avenue, Crewe

Chassagne Square, Crewe Rowans Close, Crewe

Clement Drive, Crewe Rolls Avenue, Crewe

Mayeld Mews, Crewe Minshull New Road, England

Timbrell Avenue, Crewe Monks Lane, Crewe

Nixon Street, Crewe Nixon Street, Crewe

Hulme Street, Crewe

Victoria Avenue, Crewe Grasmere Avenue, Crewe

Co-Op, Marsheld 645 West Street, Crewe

Halton Drive, Marsheld

Christleton Avenue, Marsheld Halton Drive, England

Acton Road, Marsheld

Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld Tarvin Avenue, England

The Beefeater, Woolstanwood

Motorsave Direct, Marsheld Bank

The Rising Sun, Wistaston

Alvaston Hall Hotel, Wistaston

Colleys Lane, Nantwich

Sainsbury'S, Nantwich 38 Middlewich Road, Nantwich

Cemetery Corner, Nantwich

Davenport Avenue, Nantwich 47 Manor Road, Nantwich

Wyche Primary School, Nantwich 8 Manor Gardens, Nantwich

Bus Station, Nantwich 51 Beam Street, Nantwich Direction: Newcastle Town Centre 85 bus Time Schedule 93 stops Newcastle Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:35 AM - 7:35 PM

Monday 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM Bus Station, Nantwich 51 Beam Street, Nantwich Tuesday 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM

Wyche Primary School, Nantwich Wednesday 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM 9 Manor Gardens, Nantwich Thursday 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM Davenport Avenue, Nantwich Friday 6:10 AM - 6:10 PM 54 Manor Road, Nantwich Saturday 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM Cemetery Corner, Nantwich

Sainsbury'S, Nantwich 34 Middlewich Road, Nantwich 85 bus Info Colleys Lane, Nantwich Direction: Newcastle Town Centre Stops: 93 Alvaston Hall Hotel, Wistaston Trip Duration: 101 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Nantwich, Wyche Houses, Wistaston Primary School, Nantwich, Davenport Avenue, Nantwich, Cemetery Corner, Nantwich, Sainsbury'S, The Rising Sun, Wistaston Nantwich, Colleys Lane, Nantwich, Alvaston Hall Hotel, Wistaston, Houses, Wistaston, The Rising Sun, The Beefeater, Woolstanwood Wistaston, The Beefeater, Woolstanwood, Marsheld Avenue, Marsheld, Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld, Acton Marsheld Avenue, Marsheld Road, Marsheld, Christleton Avenue, Marsheld, Co- Op, Marsheld, Victoria Avenue, Crewe, Hulme Street, Crewe, Nixon Street, Crewe, Monks Lane, Crewe, Tarvin Avenue, Marsheld Timbrell Avenue, Crewe, Mayeld Mews, Crewe, Tarvin Avenue, England Clement Drive, Crewe, Chassagne Square, Crewe, Royce Close, Crewe, Westbourne Avenue, Crewe, Acton Road, Marsheld Smith Grove, Crewe, Kettell Avenue, Crewe, West Street, Crewe, Frank Webb Avenue, Crewe, Christleton Avenue, Marsheld Underwood Lane, Crewe, Derby Street, Crewe, West Avenue, Crewe, Bus Station, Crewe, The Terrace, Co-Op, Marsheld Crewe, Maxwell Street, Crewe, Camm Street, Crewe, 645 West Street, Crewe The Brunswick, Crewe, Mill Street Alighting Only, Crewe, Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe, B&Q, Crewe, Victoria Avenue, Crewe Second Avenue, Crewe, 2020 Mobile Group, Crewe, Crewe Hall Entrance, Stowford, Carters Green Farm, Hulme Street, Crewe Weston, Stepping Stones Nursery, Weston, White Lion Inn, Weston, Snape Lane, Weston, Weston Hall, Nixon Street, Crewe Weston, Wychwood Park, Gorsty Hill Garage, Nixon Street, Crewe Gorstyhill, Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath, New Thorntree, Balterley Heath, Elms Farm, Balterley Monks Lane, Crewe Heath, Doddlespool Hall, Betley, Back Lane, Betley, East Lawns, Betley, Common Lane, Betley, Court Timbrell Avenue, Crewe Walk, Betley, Village Hall, Betley, Stavely House, Wrinehill, Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill, Checkley Mayeld Mews, Crewe Lane, Wrinehill, Mill Lane, Wrinehill, Bowsey Wood Minshull New Road, England Road, Wrinehill, Holm Oak Drive, Little Madeley, Newcastle Road, Madeley, Oey Arms Ph, Madeley, Clement Drive, Crewe The Holborn, Madeley, John Oey Road, Madeley, Chassagne Square, Crewe Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley, The Bridle Path, Madeley, Madeley Mill, Madeley, Madeley Court, Little Chassagne Square, Crewe Madeley, Beck Road, Little Madeley, Meadows School, Madeley Heath, Honeywall Lane, Madeley Royce Close, Crewe Heath, Agger Hill, Madeley Heath, Station Drive, Royce Close, Crewe Keele, Old Chapel Close, Keele, Highway Lane, Keele, Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele, Holly Cross Hall, Keele, Westbourne Avenue, Crewe Lindsay Hall, Keele, Horwood Hall, Keele, Darwin Building, Keele, Barnes Hall, Keele, Home Farm Drive, Smith Grove, Crewe Keele, Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry, St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry, Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry, Kettell Avenue, Crewe Sneyd Arms, Westlands, Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre, Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre West Street, Crewe West Street, Crewe

Frank Webb Avenue, Crewe West Street, Crewe

Underwood Lane, Crewe

Derby Street, Crewe 156 West Street, Crewe

West Avenue, Crewe

Bus Station, Crewe Tower Way, Crewe

The Terrace, Crewe Market Street, Crewe

Maxwell Street, Crewe Edleston Road, Crewe

Camm Street, Crewe

The Brunswick, Crewe Cotterill Street, Crewe

Mill Street Alighting Only, Crewe Arthur Street, Crewe

Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe Nantwich Road, Crewe

B&Q, Crewe

Second Avenue, Crewe

2020 Mobile Group, Crewe

Crewe Hall Entrance, Stowford

Carters Green Farm, Weston

Stepping Stones Nursery, Weston

White Lion Inn, Weston Main Road, Weston Civil Parish

Snape Lane, Weston Weston Hall, Weston

Wychwood Park

Gorsty Hill Garage, Gorstyhill

Broughton Arms Ph, Balterley Heath

New Thorntree, Balterley Heath

Elms Farm, Balterley Heath

Doddlespool Hall, Betley

Back Lane, Betley Newcastle Road, Balterley Civil Parish

East Lawns, Betley

Common Lane, Betley Chamberlain Court, Betley Civil Parish

Court Walk, Betley

Village Hall, Betley

Stavely House, Wrinehill

Hand & Trumpet Inn Ph, Wrinehill

Checkley Lane, Wrinehill

Mill Lane, Wrinehill

Bowsey Wood Road, Wrinehill

Holm Oak Drive, Little Madeley 2 Holm Oak Drive, Madeley Civil Parish

Newcastle Road, Madeley 1 Greyhound Corner, Madeley Civil Parish

Oey Arms Ph, Madeley Poolside, Madeley Civil Parish

The Holborn, Madeley Poolside Gardens, Madeley Civil Parish

John Oey Road, Madeley 27 Izaac Walton Way, Madeley Civil Parish

Railway Foot Bridge, Madeley 19 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish

The Bridle Path, Madeley 61 Moss Lane, Madeley Civil Parish

Madeley Mill, Madeley 1 Madeley Mill, Madeley Civil Parish Madeley Court, Little Madeley 16 Newcastle Road, Madeley Civil Parish

Beck Road, Little Madeley 20 Elkington Rise, Madeley Heath

Meadows School, Madeley Heath

Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath 1 Honeywall Lane, Madeley Heath

Agger Hill, Madeley Heath 9 Keele Road, Madeley Civil Parish

Station Drive, Keele Station Road, Keele Civil Parish

Old Chapel Close, Keele 1 Station Road, Keele Civil Parish

Highway Lane, Keele 36 The Village, Keele Civil Parish

Sneyd Arms Ph, Keele 3 The Village, Keele Civil Parish

Holly Cross Hall, Keele

Lindsay Hall, Keele

Horwood Hall, Keele

Darwin Building, Keele

Barnes Hall, Keele S Barnes Hall, Keele Civil Parish

Home Farm Drive, Keele

Gallowstree Lane, Thistleberry

St Patricks Drive, Thistleberry

Mayeld Avenue, Thistleberry Keele Road, Stoke-On-Trent

Sneyd Arms, Westlands 33 Higherland, Stoke-On-Trent

Lower Street, Newcastle Town Centre Blackfriars Road zebra crossing, Stoke-On-Trent

Bus Station, Newcastle Town Centre Stubbs Street, Stoke-On-Trent 85 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved