Sources/ Credits
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SNAKE, THE PLAIN AND ITS PEOPLE SOURCES/CRED ITS SOURCES/ CREDITS SE LECTIVE BI BLI OG RAP HY AN D SOU RCES OF TH E QUOTATIONS C H. 1: SEE I N G THE LA N D in Idaho," U.S. Geological Survey BlI lletin, I Park," U.S. Geological Survey Profess ional no. 199 (1902); State of Idaho, Dept. of Paper, no. 729-B (1972); CreIghton, D.N;; Alt, David D.,and Donald W. Hynd Agri culture, 1989 Agriculture Statistics "Menan Buttes, Southeas tern IdahD, man, Roadside GeologJ) of Idaho (1989) ; (1989); Stearns, Harold T., "Origins of the Rocky Mounta lJ1 SectIon of the Geologica I Arrington, Leonard L "Irrigation SOCiety of America, Centen11lal Field In the Snake River Valley: An H is- Guide, 2 (1 987):109-] 1; Doh erty, D.J., torical Overview," idaho Yesterdays L.A McBroome, and M.A Kuntz, 30 (Summer /Sp ring 1986):3-11 "Preliminary Geologic Interpreta ["They thought I was crazy" quote ti on and Lithologic Log of the Ex from p . 8]; Bartlett, Ri chard, Great ploratoryTest Well (1 EL-1 ), Idaho Surveys of the AlI1ericall West (1962); National Engineering Laboratory, Buwulda, John P., "A Preliminary Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho," Reconnaissance of the Gas and Oil U.S. Geological Survey Open File Re Possibilities of Southwestern and port, no. 79-1248 (1979); Hackett, South-Central Idaho," Idaho Bureau W.R , and L.A.Morgan, "Explosive of Mines al1d Geology, pamphlet 5 Basaltic and Rhyolitic Volcanism of (July 1923) ["unfavorable" quote the Eastern Sna ke River Plain," from p. 10]; Gazin, C. Lewis, "Fos Guidebook to the Geology of Central sil Hunting in Southern Idaho," al1d SOllthel'l1 Idaho : Idaho Geological Smithsoniall institute Exploration and SlI rvey Bll lletin, P.K. Link and W.R Field Work, no. 3300 (1934); Gertsch, H ackett, eds., no. 27 (1 988):283-301 ; Da rrell, "Con tours of Cha nge: Howard, K.A., ].W. Shervais, and Water Resource All ocation and E.H. McKee, "Canyon-filling La vas Economic Stabili ty in the Snake and Lava Dams on the Boise Ri ver, River Basin," Idaho Yesterdays 30 Idaho, and Their Significance fo r (S ummer/Spring 1986):1 2-19; Evalua ti on Downcutting During Hackett, Bill, Jack Pelton, and the Last Two Million Years," Ceno Chuck Brockway, Geohydrologic zoic Geology of Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Story of the Eastern Snake River Plain M ines al1d Geo logy BlI lletin, Bill alld the Ida ho Nationa l Engilleering Bonnichsen and RM. Breckenridge, Laboratory (November 1986); Irv eds., no. 26 (1982):629-41 ; King,J.5., ing, Washington, The Adven til res of "Selected Volcanic Fea tures of the Captain Bonneville, USA, in the South-Central Snake Ri ver Plain, Rocky Mountains and the Far West Idaho," Cenozoic GeologJ) of ldaho: (1849) ["forl orn ... fantastic," "vol Idalia Bureau of Mines and Geology ca nic character" quotes from pp. Bu lletin, no. 26 (1982):439-52; Kuntz, 254-57, 261]; King, Clarence, Moun taineer M.A, "Geology of the Arco-Big ing in the Sierra Nevada (1903) ["blackened Large Springs and Their Alcoves Along Southern Butte Area, Eastern Snake Ri ver ruins" quote from p. 243]; Kirkham, Virgil the Snake Ri ver in Southern Idaho," Jour Plain, and Potential Volcanic Hazards to RD., "Oil Possibilities and Drilling Ac nal of Geology 44 (1 936):429-50; Stearns, the Radioactive Waste Managemen t Com ti vities in South Idaho," Idaho Engineer "Snake River- Ida ho's Greatest Re plex and Other Waste Storage and Reac 2:1 (1925):11-14; Maley, Terry, Exploring source," Idaho Power Company Bulletin 67 tor Facilities at the Idaho ational Engi Idaho Geology (1987); Plew, Mark G., An (May 1956):3-5; Swanson, Earl H.,Jr., "The neering Laboratory, Idaho," U.S. Geologi Introduction to the ArchaeologJ) of Southern Snake River Plain," Idaho Yesterdays 18 cal SlIrvey Open File Report, no. 78-691 Idaho (1986); Raymond, Rossiter W., Min (Summer 1974):2-11 . (1978); Kuntz, "Geologic Map of the Arco erai Resources of the States alld Territories Big Sou them Butte area, Butte, Blaine and West of the Rocky Mountains (1 869), ex Bingham Counties, Idaho," (1:48,000 scale) cerpted in "The Report of the SpeCial CH . 2: VO LCAN IC CRESCENT U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repo rt, no. Commissioner," idaho Yesterdays 33 (Fall 78-302 (1978); Kuntz, M.A., and G. B. 1989) ["handw riting of nature" quote from Dalrymple, "Geology, Geochronology and Christiansen, R.L., "Yellowstone p. 26]; Reed, Scott W., "The Other Uses of Potential Volcanic Hazards in the Lava Magmatic Evolution: Its Bearing .on Un Water," Idaho Yesterdays 30 (Summer / Ridge-Hell 's Half Acre Area, Eastern derstanding Large-volume ExplOSIve Vol Spring 1986) ["unholy alliance" quote from Snake River Plain, Idaho," U.S. Geologica l canism," Explosive Vo lcanism: Inception, p. 38]; Robinson, Michael c., Water for the SurveyOpen-FileRepol't, no. 79-1657 (1979); Evo lu tion, Haza rds (1984) :84-95; West: The Bllreall of Reclamation, 1902-1977 Kuntz et al., "Geologic Map of the Lava Christiansen, R L., and H.R Blank, Jr., (1979); Russell, Israel c., "Geology and Ridge-Hell 's Half Acre Area, Eastern "Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Quaternary Wa ter Resources of the Snake River Plains Snake River Plain, Idaho," (1 :48,000 scale) Rhyolite Pla teau in Yell owstone National U.S. Geological SlIrvey Open-File Report, no. 218 SOURCES/CRED ITS 79-1657 (1979); Kuntz et a I. , "Contrasting Morphology of Eastern Oregon Uplands" ber 1988); Cunningham, G.D., "Hagerman Magm a Types and Steady-state, Volume- (Ph.D. diss., University of Oregon 1974); Fa una Area Paleontologica l Survey," no. predictable Volcanism Along the Great I Boone, Lalia, Idaho Place Nallles: A Geo ID-01 O-CT3-1 7, U.S. Bureau of Land Mall Rift, Idaho," Geologica l age men t, Boise District (1984): 1-56; Society of AlI1eriCll Bul Davidson, Abraham A, "The Wretched letin, 97 (1986):579-94; Life and Dea th of an Am erican Va n Kuntz et a1. , "Geologic Gogh," Smithso nian (December 1987); Map of the Craters of Devoto, Bernard, Across the Wide Mis the Moon, Ki ngs Bowl, sOllri (1975); Frest, T.]., and P.A Bowler, and Wapi Lava Fields, "A Preliminary Checklist of the Aquatic and the Great Rift Vol and Terrestrial Mollusks of the Middle canic Ri ft Zone, South Snake Ri verSub-Basin," Proceedings of the central Idaho," Desert Fishes COllll cil (1993); Hagerman (1 :1000,000 scale) U.S. Fossil Beds National Monument, "Evalu Geological SlIrvey Mis ation of Hagerman Fauna Sites, Twin cellaIl eousIll vestigations Falls, Idaho for Eligibility for Registered Series, map 1-1632 Natural Landmark Designa tion and (1988); Malde, H.E., Natural Landmark Brief," (March 26, "The Catastrophic Late 1975) by R W. Jones; Henry, Craig, "Ho Pleistocene Bonneville locene Paleoecology of the Western Snake Flood in the Snake River Plain, Idaho," (Ph.D. diss., Univer River Plain," U.S. Geo sity of Michigan, 1984); Heusser, C J., log ical Survey Profes "Late-Pleistocene Environments of orth siollal Paper, no. 596 (968); Malde, "The gmphical Dictionary (1988); Bowler, Peter Pacific orth America," AmeriClln Geo Ya hoo Clay, a Lacustrine Unit Impounded A ," atural History Studies and an Evalu graphical Society, Special Publication no. by the McKinney Basalt in theSnake River ation for Eligibility of the Wiley Reach of 35 (1960); Howard, Ri ch, interviewed by Canyon Near Bliss, Idaho," Cenozoic geol theSnakeRiverfor ati onal Na tural Land Glenn Oakley (February 2, 1993); Hunt, ogy of Idaho: idaho Bureau of Min es and mark Designation" (typewritten, 1981); Charles B., Natllml Reg ions of the United Geology Bu lletin , no. 26 (982):617-28; Bowler, Peter A, "Natural History Stud States alld Callada (974); Huntley, James Morgan, L.A, "Explosive Rhyolitic Vol ies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of L.,Ferryboats in Idaho (1979); Irving, Wash canism on the Eastern Snake River Plain, Malad Canyon for National Natural Land ington, TheAdventures ofCaptain Bonneville, Idaho," (P h. D. diss., University of Ha mark Designation" ed. Robe rt A . Rees waii, Manoa, 1988); Morgan, L.A, D.]. (typewritten, 1981); a nd A la n Sandy Doherty, and W.P. Leeman, "Ignimbrites Bright, R.C, "Pollen (1977); Jarrett, R.D., of the Eastern Snake River Plain: Evidence and Seed Stratigra- a nd H .E. Malde, for Major Caldera-forming Eruptions," phy of Swan Lake, "Paleodisch a rge of 10l/mal of Geophysica l Research 89 Southern Idaho: Its the La te Pleistocene (1984):8665-78; Whitehead, RL., "Geohy Relation to Regional Bonneville Flood, drologic Framework of the Snake River Vegeta tional History Sn ake River, Ida ho, Plain, Idaho and Eastern Oregon," and Lake Bonnevill e Computed from New 0:1,000,000 scale) U. S. Geological Survey History," Tebiwa 9:2 Evidence," Geological Hydrologic In vestigations Atla s, no. HA- (1966):1-47; Broeker, Society of America Bu lle 681 (986); Womer, M.B., Ronald Greeley, W.S., and P.C Orr, tin 99 (1987):127-34; and J.5. King, "Phreatic Eruptions of the "Radiocarbon Chro Kjelstrom, L.C, and Eastern Snake River Plain ofIdaho," Ceno nology of Lake R L. Moffa t, "Method of zoic Geology of Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines Lahontan and Lake Es timating Flood-Fre and Geology BII lIetin, no. 26 (982):453-64; Bonneville," Geologi quency Pa rameters for Wood, W.W., and W.H. Low, "Aqueous cal Society of America Streams in Idaho," U.S. Geochemistry and Diagenesis in the East Bulletin (958):1009- GeologiCllI Survey Opell ern Snake River Plain Aquifer System, 32; Burt, W.H., and File Report, no.