National Research University «Higher School of Economics» “Programming” – Course syllabus Bachelor’s program 38.03.05 “Business informatics” The Government of the Russian Federation The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education “National Research University – Higher School of Economics” Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Department of Computer Engineering Internet Applications and Multimedia Bachelor’s program 09.03.01 “Information Science and Computer Technology Authors: N. K. Trubochkina, professor,
[email protected] D. A. Korolev, associate professor,
[email protected] Approved at the meeting of the Department of Computer Engineering «___»____________ 2016 Head of Department _______________ / V. A. Starykh / Approved by the Academic Council of Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics «___»____________ 2016 Chairman _______________/ / Moscow, 2016 The document cannot be used by other HSE departments as well as other universities and educational institutions without permission from the course authors. National Research University «Higher School of Economics» Program for «Internet applications and multimedia» Contents: 1. Scope and references ........................................................................................... 4 2. Objectives and tasks of mastering the discipline ............................................. 4 3. Competences and student learning outcomes ................................................... 4 3.1. Know ...................................................................................................................................