PANORAMA from Bleaberry (GR285196) 589m

PANORAMA Scales Fell Threlkeld Knotts Great Knott Common Calfhow Pike Croglin Fell Clough Head G ate gill Hall’s Blease Fell Fe Castle Rock of ll F ell Triermain Pike Dodd

N Confluence of the Glenderaterra and Glenderamakin to form the River Greta E

Nethermost Pike Sticks White Side Stybarrow Pass Catstycam Dollywaggon Pike Dunmail Raise Dodd Raise Great Rigg Man Watson’s Dodd Brown Crag

Browncove Crags Seat Sandal Benn Helvellyn Helvellyn E Stanah Fisherplace Man Gill Lower S Gill Gill Man

Great Carrs Glaramara Great Gable Red Pike High Crag Pike o’Stickle Scafell Pike Kirk Fell High Stile Starling Dodd Dow Crag 7 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 3 13 1 King’s How Sergeant’s Crag Brund Fell 12

S 1 High Seat 2 3 Grey Friar 4 5 Bowfell 6 Esk Pike 7 Great End 8 Scafell 9 Lingmell 10 11 High Spy 12 Heather Knott 13 Great Borne W

Causey Pike Fell Lord’s Seat Solway Firth Little Man 1 2 3 5 Skiddaw 6 7 4 9 Jenkin Hill Dodd Swinside 8 Catbells NW cairn and KESWICK path to

Walla Crag

1 2 3 Eel Crag 4 Rowling End 5 W 6 Screel Hill 7 Bengairn both of these hills are in Dumfries & Galloway 8 9 N

This graphic is an extract from The Central , volume one in the Lakeland Fellranger series published in April 2008 by Cicerone Press

(c) Mark Richards 2008