LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Cloaks I Cloaks! Cloaks! Woddlne: Chimes. Common Council Proceodlnjjs. An Immense line, latest styles and A very plcasiint sochil event occur• Mason, Sept. 25, ISfl3. nemoval Notice. colors. I'erl'cet fitting. red last evening ;it the residence of P. Coimcil met jitirsuaut to adjourn• CiiAs. 11. Hall. Mines. The occasion being the mar• ment and Wits called to order bv jAfayor I will I'cnliive inv store into llic C. mi IT uJj riage Of Miss Nettie K 11 lues to Emory Heed. Help improve the times and 0. lliiiitlnKtim biiildint,' tlic lirst of Haircut forloc nt Ame's, over Wil• mm •T. Tdpllir. The rooms were tastily nc.vt week, where 1 will liii glnil In .see liains' drug store fi tf. Present, Aid. Drew, Elmer, Hoyi iiiak'c Others Iiappy by buj'ing- decorated with flowers and myrtle Mills,TItorbtirn and A'anSlylce. all niy old ciisti)nicr.s, and inany new At (lite end of the jiarior was an altitr ones. li'i.'spectl'lilly. Mi's. liliiialitie Crocker of Atiroliiis, The minutes of last meeting wei'o your wedding presents at Ford's receives-I'lii back jioiision this week. covered with while ti'Inimecl with read and approved. IJazaar. Tiiose new Water Set.'; myrtle, and above it hung a yoke of The. Iliiance cotiimitlde reported on I'rop. Browne's lioolc Store. N'anZilci^ Hoy tare bit viiigcltickciis. myrtle At 7:20 Miss TS'ettie Temple- They will ship from Mason Oct. I2tli. tiie followingcliiitnsaiid rocommended aud Fancy Glass J'icecs are just ton sLrtick the llrst cliunls of the wed• tlieir allowance as follows: Good worklior,se for.siileiltCliiljiin'.s.* ding march, the pages tlien entered the tiling;, and those new Dinner Who are Selling ''The latest styles in iiiilliiiery direct (!(io. S. iMoslior and iiirii on streets Sl'J :i6 Wan-en irnskell of Wehljervlllc, has from Clilcagoat Afrs. A. L. Cltapniiin's. the parlor each cari'yiiig a ribbon of Davhl Sotillnviek, il nights on slt-euls 8 10 myrtle, and the bridal party followed .1. liolbiy, 1 nlultt on sireet.s 1 RfSeti s are marvels ol" beauty admir• lllld ll reissue of iiensioli. Ijcvi lickliart is biiililing a line new jiiissiiig between the ribboiis to tho S. I). Nindy, drnwiiii,' pipe .100 ed by ali. Mere yoii will find .1 liunse on the nnrtheast coriici' of West Silver Ki'l linllor i;oiii|iiiiiud Co., for bolter IjMlisiiig lilts ten new i;iisfSof dipli- altar. At tlic left of the bride were I'onipoiind 12 (111 tlieriii. lliree in oin; dwelling. and Miiple streeLs. j\ii'. aiiii Mrs. lliiie.^, .Misses .leniiic MIoli. Suiiply l.'o., for wiisto and parkiliK'.. ,s (i; full line of l''lant Jaf.s. Just notice Iliifjlirs SUNiiii-iiitinii Co., viitvu sprliiKS JO All indelitetl l;O us cull and settle. and ]\lainle and l''rank 11 lues ; at the 7 si liow cheap you can buy a No. i A line line of piittcrn hats on exhi• rigiit of the groQiit were Jlr. aud Mrs. Wiiyiie Co. Havings liank.liili'rusl on lioiids 875 oil bition at Mrs. i'' C. Parsons'. *;i8w'2 AVo need iiioiu',\', also want gond dry On motion by Aid, Tliorbiirii, the wood. *w2 BuoM'.v linos. Topliir, :\lissCni'rie and BertToplilf. Dish Pan, We have the best line• CHEAP. report was accejitcd as follows: Yeas, jMaii.V Jfn.soii iieniile iirii in atteiid- Itev. L. DcLjiiiiarlerof .liatoii iiiipids, of School Tablets in town. Now iiiice lit the Pliiton liiipids fair tills A mess of peas was pii-ked by the olllciated. Aid. Drew, Eluicr, lloyt, Mill.s, TItor mother of Mrs. G. 11. •Iiitnes ali Dan.s- burn nnd Yan.Slyke. week. llefrcslinients were abundant a'nd is tlie time to buy AVall Paper villcon the 21st day of Septcnihor. Tito committee on appropriations We do not quote prices. Call A big day at .StelnlKilT's cider mill well .served. One liuiidrcd guests en• reported, and the following resolution while we are .selling clieap. We: at our storo and we will con• i:;t 'riicsihiy, about big loads of .1. II. Stcinliolf, Iciinwing the ni':.Mn- joyed the occasion. 'I'lie presents was otl'ered l;y Aid. Elmer: | ^.],, j-^,. j^^,;^,^^, CiiA'i' jug was empty took it lionie tills were many and useful. After atrip vince you we are doing just apples. nvKiilvril, That your tliianeoeoniintttden'i'nni- week ami lillcti"it with nice sweet to Chictigo iMr. and Mrs. Toplilf will uiondlliitltliul'olloH'inmiiiionnls lieappi'oprlatud Our new hanging and vase Lamps as we advertise. Daisy D.. owned liy 1). A. Castcr- cider. settle in tlieir new home near lOaton for tlie purpose iif dt'fravliiK llio neeessiirv ex- llii of Charlotte, won the ]iai:e at Itapids. They arc highly respected iioii.ses and lliibllllles of ilie city of iMa.soii lor will soon be here, Miss .lessie Lal'oint, living north• Iho iiiixl tlswil year payable from lliu suveriil It will pay you. Siigiiiaw last weidc. young pefijilc who well merit the re- general riiiids of siildcliyul .Mason: west of Leslie, iiiis been found guilty well to wait for them. All the: Oalcland, the Liiiising )i!iccr, won giii'fls and host wishes of their many coniiiiKciit ifa,non nf truancy and sent to Ailrain iintll 21 friends. The Dkmockat extends con- l'"li'e ouo the 2:20 pace at •Saginaw last.Satiii'day yeai'sof age I'nor .1110 newest designs. in straigt lioats. flest time 2:1(1. gra til 111 tlons^ Water 1,7.111 lis m Biei a Slrcel 1,000 Come and see us. Ladies, don't fail to sec Lliose ele• Tiio city fathers have aiiiiropriated Ii'resh prunes, raisinraisins and apricots (leiienil .Suiver .r.'o .117,550 to pay tlic running expenses for lirliiKo -iix) gant pattern hats at Mrs. A. L. Uliap- at the •Stak Guoceuy. »0 Respectfully, JiiHl ihe .Same an Cash. man's millinery opening Oct. ."Id,-Itli the next llscal year. This is $.100 less tlian last year. There will bo a blue rock shoot at Total S7,r.r,0 and fitii. Mason Oiiii Cliibgrotinds li'riday after Alld that the above amount shall be FORD & KIRBY. Henry Myers, living on the Bush noon. All sports invited. .W. M. PRATT. Send the (.'liildrcn to the niatinct raised by a general tax upon the tax• farm in tlic llorth^yestern part of the able jiroperty of the city of Mason. Saturday iiftcrnonn and let them en The Mii.snn Stars worked even on city, will sidl his iier.sonal property at 'I'lio report wits acce)iLcd and the joy a pony ride. .Seats on sale at auction Tuesday, Oct. lOtli. the Eaton Ita lids Lincolns lust Satiir- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Culver's. day by defeat ng them to tlic ttiiio of resolution adopted as follows: Yeas, The Lansing Driving Club has .'17 to IS. Aid. Drew, Elinor, lloyt, Jlills, Thor- D. E. AVilcox favors the Dkmocuat burn and •ViinSlyke. PHYSICIANS. al:aiulotied its October race meeting with a basket of very line ))eaclicK, to liave been held next week, owing to AVIille making cider last Tuesday '.I'lio street cotiiinittee asked for ITTo DOyiNii, I'liyslclitii and HtifKcoii, He got them at his daughter's iiei the small ntimber of entries received. tlie belt to the press ran olf and fiirthor time in the matter of the peti• '''on™ in l-nrUinirst hlodt. Irieasiiiitlake. struck ,r. 11. Steiiilioirii.severcblow on corner ot G and Soutli stroets, Jliison, MIoh. tion uf A. D. Tubhs, et al., for side• the left e.ye. walk, which was granted. Tlio case of l.iyron M. l.trowiie Mills Dry Goods Go. offer many 1) (IIIKICN.M. U., llinuojpatlilst. onioe lu specials this wiM'.k. 'J.'hey have stacks charged with iiiiirder, liiis beiin con The Local olllce at Leslie li'ad ii nar• On motion the council adjourned for "iV.liir lilooU. itesldoneo, llrst door east ofncw gotiilsaiid theirmannerofdeal- Cash will tinned until next term and his bail row escape during the lato lire. All two weeks. . buy your groceries rrosbs'terlan uliureli ing and jiriccs arc right. EetuI their EuoiCNio A. TYLKit, City Clerk. cheap at placed at .*.''),O00. ad. the material wiis moved out, thus ATTORNEYS. delayed the paper. Tliei'c will be aciipitnl social at the Married, on Ratiirday, .Sept. 2.')d, at Family Reunion. M. CUMMINS, All.u'ney 'VV,'1-:^'Mnlm, Gaiiaiiii school house on Tiicsdiiy Linv. oniooovof IMrinors' Hank, MitMni. the residence of if. P. l.Uishnell of Les• Mr. aud Mi'.s. Bert AVilcox have ac• Mr. and Mrs. Ifonry Bower enjoyed Vandercook & Rice's evening, Oct. Jt. Come one and lie, by l!ev. .1. AVesloy Foy of Eden cepted positions in tlieIndlauarel'orm a reunion Of Mrs. .I.!.'s brotlier'.s, sisters 7~f7ii-MAiNH Altm-uoyamiOounaoloratLaw. and bringyniibring yourr friends. Bertcll E. AVood and Myrta A. Bush scliool. They wore formerly in the and tlieir I'amilies, on '.l.'liiir.sday, Aug', AVc tliink we can prove to you by ill!;o^'S'rii!ul;|toio^Hm^^ ' A. It. Ciilvcr, dr., is now acting sec nell. Industrial scliool at Lansing. Good nth. 'Pile company arrived about for them. noon, and .soon thereafter .sat down to a fair trial, that we are selling good i!!!:lf!^L^-.''_-' Vim-rwi'th '''-''"IO' of tlie Sturgls fair assiiclatioie The ladies of ^rason and vicinity .1. lionil, Aunniov 111 living resigned owing a bountiful dinner tliatawiiited tliem. st!i|)le groceries at the bottom price, n , .1.liiilKUo. iioop,,.A\i",'-i'^\,,l\h,,''Mi;.il I'rolialt;, Mason, MIW. h'. W. Wait liaving resigned owing to are cordially invited l.n be present at Tiiesdiiy afternoon in the circuit After this important feature of the 0 his large private ititerest.s. the fall and winter inlllinei-y opening court George Sinitli the Onondaga and can also demonstrate that itis tlie • •W.AVIIAM.ON. Al-iornoy and Ctm\aa\m id day iiad been carried out to the entire best method for both buyer and Law. onicu In imn-ow lilook, Cliiis. 11. Hall, dry goods detilcr, has at Mrs. A. L. Cliiipiiian's, Oct. ;id, -Itli ltor.se tiliief, pleaded guilty. AVm. siitisfiiction of tlic inner man, tlie at• space in this issue. lie quotes you and nth. * \Viird, charged witli false pretenses tention of the Iiappy as.sembliige of .seller. some prices and has his say iibout pleaded not guilty. HARDWARE. rof. D. M. Ih'istol's Eqnes-Curricii relatives was talieii tip in music, reci- Come and get onr prices and let ua cloaks. All. on fifth page. tation,s, .social conyor.sation, etc., and rTOll & llAYiAlONl). doaUirs In Cieiioral Itiiii at opera iioiise Sntiirday evening AVliy is tiie iNoiiAjr County Dis.mo- show youstandai'd groceries that ctiri ciiAT like a tojier's nose ? Because it which was greatly enjoyed. Tiiose llanhvai'o, l-alnl«, Ulls and Kanaors' Sup- liCv. .lay 01iy,l)c was appointedcliair- Sept. liOtli. A'oii can't all'ord to mi.ss Fivlios. Slain .street, MasoiL it. Prices 25, ;i5 and |-iOcent.s. .Seats is generally red. Why like nn iiitibrel- present were George AViielun and be bought for cash at a low price iiiiiii of the coiiiiiiittee on cliurch family of Altnena, M>s. Mills, son and on sale at \i. Culver la'r' Because everyIjody takes it. AVliy AVatcli our advertisements, and- HEAL ESTATE AQENf. erection at the meeting of bhc Lan like siiioke'? Becaitse everybody's diiugitterof Macon, Lenawee county, sing Presbytery at Concord last wcel I'lie cases of .Tatnes P. Hortnn et al sooted with it. . Richard Armstrong and fitmlly "of when you call on us ini|uirc fur our J. CAHTKKI.IN, Loan, Colleotlon, InsiiniiiiM; vs. Henry JL AVilluiius and Albert limi Keal Hsialo llroker. Ullloo over Webb's A. May of Howell, and formerly Gourdncck lake and Mrs. Armstrong's line grade tea dust and our line gradu' C riolTiiian vs. .leliial A. Uicliards arc Slioe fcitofe, i^lason.Mlob. publisher of t,ho News, will be the Byron Jf. Browne, cliarged with the slsl,er.s. Jli's. Harry Call and daughter of coll'ee Oil citl.l for the October term of cashier of the Ingltam County Savings tnurderof Jloiil'.goinery S. Hcndersliott and Miss Maggie Lindstiy of Mason, OHN DUNKltAOK, '^'R' ''^S^i;'"/"''m.''";'" the supreme court, that convenes in A«ent, Main St., south ol iioslollko Mason. bank at Lansing if that institution is atLansing recently, had his examina• Mrs. li'rank Crass and tliiughtcr of Fresh dairy Ijtitter always on liandL Lansing next week Ttiesrlay. J reopened. tion concluded before Justice Dolan Kalamazoo, Mrs. Gee Boynton oCMat- Yours very truly, last Friday. He was held tn the cir• tawan. Mrs. Mills and family were on INSURANCE. The Epwortli I^eiigiio of the M. E .Tnseph Sliaw has returned tn this cuit court for the crime of murder. their way to the fair. Herson will i:c- A li .vllNlJS, Notary and Convoyauoer, Loan. city from Leslie. He lives in the I cliurch, will liiive a business ineeting turn to Californlii, where he Is engaged J. It siti-'moeaud Collocllon AL-onl. Toi;nado 11. Yandercook house Oil Main sti'eel; at tlie home of AV. .T. 'Md'Cone, 'Friday .lay Vanllorn died at lihe home of in teaching, and his mother and sister lusiirnnac a spoolalty. Dllloe atroshlnneo, JIiilitsoni . and occupies tlie blacl;stnitii shop just evening. A Burns program lias been his parents in Leslie township last will rcttirn lioine—Schoolcraft E.v- prepai'cd and all the .yottiyj people are Monday morning, aged 35 years. He Mercflol 1 Eice, ltM Kits' MU'I'UAL KIHI! INSUllANOl'. west of tlic jail. press. tCompan y of liiybiini county. .Safost, pliiiap- requested to be present at 7:30 sliari). lllld been an invalid for some time. eStamF l b.st. For InfuriuaMon writu lo0.1'. Mit- Carrie B., a pacing mare atone time Funeral .'services were held the follow• AVm. A. and Geo. F. Holley of Aure• lalmMm-, Mason. K. .1. nutloii, pi'osldent, owned by M. ,1. Bctitetit, took ii record ing Tuesday afternoon from the Bulletins Ko. !)fi, 07, 0.S and 00 recent-1 CASH GROCERS. lius, liave cacli had a pension allowed Mjihou. of 2:28 at J^int last week.Wcdncsday residence ly issued from tlie State Agricultural She won tlic second heat and secoiitl them this weelc as the cliililreii Of College are at hand, '.riiey are full of FINANCIAL Henry M. llolley deceased. AVilllatn money in the 2:30 pace. AVo were unable to attend the enter• inl'orniiition for the farmer andean be| r M. DKKSSKH. onicu al b'ariaofs' "'"''^ ^l'': gets !ii5il3.20 and George is given $Stil. tainment given by Miss .Httrriet A''ree- had by addressing tlic secretary. J . sou, Wloli., bus laoiiey lo loitn. liiialuess Married, liy .lustice l''ergusoii, last •I. And illider this roljelC-') admints- luiidat tltcBaptistchitrch last evening. prompllj' lUlciided lo. Monday, .Icssc Sticklerand MissMiuid tration. AVe are informed tliat it was llrst-class This has been considci'od a bad year] Godfrey, both of A''evay. Tlie same and worthy of a larger audience. Her for potatoes, but we have had two left] DENTISTS. Brown Bros, have got tlieir store Mlohlffan Central Excursions. day Robert L. Garrison of Mason, and rendition of the naughty girl was ;ittltc Olllcc that are hard to beat even Special excursion train will leave packed full of new fall and winter liigiily commended. in a good year. The two weigh five I K.Hl':NI)li;RSON,l).l>.S. Olllceovcrlliown Mrs. Estlier Wcklcn of Aui'clius. Biiy City at 7:00 a. ra. Tuesday, Oct- boots, shoes and rublier goods and tiro pounds and seven ounces and were C, lifos.' shoo store, .Ma.son. 3liyl 'Nine times out of ten you will find now making iirices to customers that On AVcdncsday, Oct. 25th, at Lan• 3d, arriving in Cliicago ab 5:40 p. m. raised on the bank of a ditch on the One limited fai'c for the round trip, tlie inerchants who advertise arc the brings trade fromiiiiles away. Tlicy sing, a successor to Brig.-Geti. H. I'. I'arm of Allen Potter at North Aure• good for return pitssage not later tliaa hustling, progi'cssiiig business men of •irc certainly headquarters for stylisli Hastings, deceiised, will be elected. lius. the town. They are up to the times ind dnriible footwear. *w2 The time of Col. S. G. Snook of the Oct. 13tlt. and can give yoii tlic latest and best Fourth regiment, lias expired nnd Ills Prof. 13. M. Bristol, wlio will exhibit .Two cents por mile in each direc- E. Carl Bank of Lansing, hits been ^ "Th^l Niagara Fal s Route." bargains. siicccssor will have to l)e chosen. his remarkable horses at Mason, Sept. Won, to Saginaw and return.. Date of appointed siiperiiitutidciit of the ].''res aoniiiwAnD These are ollicers of the U. E. K. of P. 30tli, is one of the most successful sale, Sept. 18 to 23d. Return not later '.R. .L Lynn, tlic Doti'oit lumberman ton Scltool of Industry at loiic. Call Ui.lSn.in, I;fi7p.n>.*i0:.l0p.in liorse trainers in tiiocountry. He was than Sept. 25tli. UTanon [who owns Grreeticeps, was married fornia. Mr. Bank has been a.ssistant 2:45 11:30 Mrs. C. .L Tvetchum, AV. AV. AVcbb born in Flint, Micii., about forty years last TJiursday morning to Mfss Pertlii superintendent' of the Industrial Excursion fares have been gi'iintetl and .1. N. AVigle, the Lansing parties ago. He was brougiib up on a farm, on tlie certificate plan to following- ll:iap. ni. 7:tDa.ni I Paige of .Saginaw. After tlic cei'cmoiiy Scliool atLansing. His salai'y will be 9Jliioago .Lliu p.m. charged with tiie taking of an obscene ind at an early age sliowed a points: was performed the couple left for Van .$3,000 per annun, together with a resi picture, wlien arraigned in the circuit strong liking for horses. So strong llA'rHS, PLAOK. nciiAsio.v. Detroit 0:00 p.m.' 11:00 p.m. 11:60 n.in coiivcr and Califoriiiii. deuce attd miiinteuance. court this weelc, stood uititc in the Wiis Ills like Of eqitines that he sub- OoL 1 to 7 IMroM; W. II. & V. M. S. St. Thomas 1Q;'.!0 p.m. ll:'i0p. in. lU:'.>6a.ni OeLd&O Mnrsliall F. M. E.&M. The Imtroib Jfetliodist conference ca.scsof the woman and AVi.gle, while soqueiitly gave up the study of law to OcLOlo 12 Detroit N. ,W. D. A. Cillla.ra. (i;!ir> 1:07 p.ra George Smith, the Onondagii horse Ulftg.Ifaila closed its labors last Jlnnday. Fol• thief, waived examination before .Tu.s- AVcbb entered an emphatic plea of not entei' upon the training business. For Oct. 11 lo 12 L'loksflu (1. C. 0. 15. 0. guilty. a number of years he traveled and OcL IS Miiskonon .Slate Coii. of 15. StORThWAUD lowing are the appointments In this tice Sciuiers last Tluirsday afternoon Nov. 7 to 10 Heading Freewull Uapllsts. county: Dansville C. AV. Austin gave lectures and taught a system for Uaaon 6:16 a.m. 10:60 a.m. 6:30 p.m ind was bound over to the circuit George Brown, beftjre Justice Fer- Chicago, daily to Oct. 30th, 20 per• AVebhervillc, F. B. McGcc ; AVilliams• court utider$nOO bonds. He was u nablo the training of horses for .practictil lianaing :;)7 11:12 6:66 gu.son last Thursday pleaded guilty cent. Of regular fare,limitOctober 30, ton, S. A. Dean; Stockbridgc, .'Edgar to furnish bail and lingers in jail. The purposes Q/Hotm Ii:'28 Ar. 12:00 7:11 to the charge of being a disorderly aocotintof AVorld's Fair. , " . a. m. D't2:20 p.m. L. Moon. . udge Informs us that Smith is not ills wr.son. This being his second olfcnso riglit namC; he having many tilinses. ic was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 . Alex. McPlici'son, president of the BayOlty... 8::iO •t;;ifl p.m. 0:26 Ofllccrs from Stanton, Moutcalm Among the incidenl,s of cliildhoocl or 00 days at the Detroit house of cor• DetroitNationalJiank, shipped from aiudwln ... 0:65 0;.55 county, attached the Cliaplii Bros, that stand out in bold relief, as our Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grillin entertain• rection. Bycon.sent of the prosecut• here to Detroit last week a pair of Mackinaw. 7:60 p.m. 0:66 a IU. interest in the old homestead at Eden niemory reverts to the days when wcs ed compitny last Monday evening in ing attorney the complaint against Greenbacks geldings tliat cost here ast li'riday. Tills action was taken were young, none are more prominent • Daily. O. W. Ruoai.iB, iionor Of tlieir son and daughter. A .Bi'own for carrying concealed weapons over $800. Tliey were tour and live M.,r. MuBRAY, Oen. Paaa.and Ticket Ag», by the executive committee of the tlian severe sickness. 'Plie yonnij: si.\ o'clock tea wjls served after which was withdrawn and he was arrested years old and iielbiter had yet been 'Ticket Agent, MaaoD. Ohiougo. creditors of the defunct Cliapin hank ruothcr vividly roinemborsthat itw.XH the evening was devoted to progres• under the new complaint. driven to anytliing lighter than wagon at Stanton. sive pedro. H. M. AVilliams scored or cart. One was bought of Aaron Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured the lilgiiest ntimber Of points and the Bennett and one of A. I.Barbcr. One hor Of croup, and in turn admiuisters In accordance with the law, .Judge Rev. AVf J. Mayboc has taken supcr- jrize. Miss Fannie Fitch being the nnmcrary relations for this conference was bred by 0. J. Lewis of Alaledon, it to her own oll'sprlug nnd always of Probate Cowles, County Agent'VVei- owcst, but just as fortunate. the Other by Harvey AVIlson of Aure- with the best results. For sale by liiigs and Superiateiidetits of the Poor your, and is going to make Lansing his temporary home He has received as liuis. This is the second pair of gcld- LongycarBi'os.and F. H. Field. Sept. McMillan, Oasterlin and Dennis arc A singular incident occurred at the Ing.s from Greenbacks Mr. McPIierson Tlio Btall Itonte from making the scmi-annuttl in.spection of ministerial support from the Mason killing Of .loseph Sti'ang last week. Charge over $1,100 including house has shipped to Detroit in tlic past Marriaere Licenses. jails. They found the county jail here Several tramps were stowed away month. The lirst pair having been The following licenses liavc beea DANSVILLE TO MASON in an excellent condition. rent. His household goods were iibout the train and when it came to a gratuitously moved to the city of Lan- sold .soon after arriving. granted since our last report: HavIuK been dlscoullmicd, the stiliscrlber wlU 1 rni,„ ai-„i,. t\„., i- ,+ t , i stop they jumped oil and were seen by .sing Tuesday last. He leaves Mason Name and nosldeiicc. Age. horeaftor run a volilole ovor the road dall.v(Siin- J-lm State Democrat-at Lansing is a little ijoy who ran to bis father and with his stilary more than paid and The coroner's inquest held by Jus •Teaso Htlckler, Vevay 20 mother and told them that they were tice .Squiers npon the body pf .loseph the best wishes of the church follows Maud Godfrey, Vovii.y... is being held up by train robbers. Tills him. Strang of Vevay, the old gentleman Emory ,L Toplilf, Aiii'ollus 2t :iused much excitement among the who was killed by the ctirs last week I;.. afliiijr'oturnluB at snob tlnie each day as aliaii best soon bo moved Into the Sanford block, Nettle N. Iliucs, Alaledon a-E female passengers. Wednesday evening,reconvenedThurs- Irr- ptiimotethoconvonlcnceoIMmjiiihna^^^^^ jUSt cast of the postolllce. The Miison building and savings as- Iloliert L. Garrison, Masnn ' GT .sociation made Its last payment Mon- day as announced in our Itist Issue and Last Friday evening .L P. Horton Dansville, MIoli., Oct. n.'lSOO. Several of our subscribers have "ay evening after running seven years testimony of several witnesses taken, Kstlior AVelilcu, Aurelius : -l.!! discovered one of the Lewis boys, promised to bring us wood to pay for and three months. It has been a pay• and a further adjournment taken un• iswald F. Ct. Bei'K, LansliiB.. 26 » colored,-acting in a suspicious man• the paper. We can use some of it to ing investment for the shareholders, til last Saturday, when the jurors raulln Ifelll, Liuislnt' ?.. la: A Leader ner about his hotel, watch was kept I gO(3d advantage now. It it is not con• all of whom aro pleased that they returned an inquisition that "The Geo. A. Biillle. Uorllii lleluhts, Ohio ..or Since its first introduction. Electric and he was seen to tap the till taking venient to br ng the wood we will not were inlt. The president and financial sai„ d Joseph Strango>, late of- the town- MarthaSDullam'. King, Lnuslnis Germaj n 15 cent Live•»(»r fitters has gained rapidly in popular 90 cents. He was made to give up object to the cash, wc always try to secretary discharged the bulk of the iivor, until now it is clearly in the the change .Mr..IIorton knows of his ship Of Vevay, In said county, on the J^Hs, -lOin each package, at lialstead & he accommodating aud good-natured. mortgages Tuesday and stand ready etui among pure medicinal tonics and doing the same thing'once before 20th day of September, 1893, at about Sou's, Mason; F. H. Field's, Dansville. , J to discharge the rest.- All mortgages, i'l'.-Jaltcriitivcs—containing nothing which Ills case will b'e placed in the hands the hour of half-past six o'clock in the The Michigan ITarmer, published at abstracts, nsurance policies, etc, may p-' '•permits its use as a beverage or intoxl- of the county agent for juvenile evening, while on the track of the M. i BUSINESS LOCALS. I Detroit, has been sold to M. J. Law- be had by culling at the Dbkocrat m •ISi'',cant, itis recognize„ ^ d as„ the„ best andJ rcnce. & Bro. of Cleveland, 0. The oHenders.'' ' U. R. E. Co., in the city of Mason, Olllce. There Is sometalk of starting- about, one mile north of the passenger purest medicine for all ailments of hi^armer was started inlSOD by Johii- another in the near future., The asso• • toBtl , . . , • '.;''.;";'irl rte;8tomach, liver- or kidneys.-It will gton & Gibbons and has been condiict- Last Tuesday evening bol ng the. 10th depot, there being alone (and quite ciation has paidthose who went in as deaf) an,d walking upon said railroad Aladlca'gosslincr. Finder please relurn to this con- ed since 1883 by Gibbons Bros. The anniversary of theimarrlage of Mr. and onico. • wip Mrs. Chancy lloblnson, about 50 of their im Investment better than eight per track carelessly, was struckandfatally l'>;yY,Ptipatiion, .and drive malaria from the' paper wil' l bo "continued from the For Hale. frlcnds.and relatives gathered at their cent, while by tho series of compound• injured by the,locomotive of the pas• Ifevtiy Satisfaction guaranteed with Detroit Olllce. , • , Two lots With good fruit iiiid shade ii'ces, cor• home on AA''m.Ita^y:her.'s farm and gave ing the, borrower has obtained his senger , train regularly going north iit •.•mm Ifeveacli bottle br the money wlUberc- money at-a much loWer rate. Many ner Elm-and Lansing streets; also, two goojl- |?i|B\'lun(3cd.' .__Prlce only 50c per bottle. John A; Benson, ti convict sent to them avery ^pleasant surprise. It was about that hour, from which Injury, building lots on Mill street. , ' • ' •, • homes hiive been biiilt and incum• I fe'Sbkl by H. M. Williams, Mason, and .Tackson for life from Iosco county for onp of those surprise parties'never to lie, the said Joseph Strang, then and •r. A. SiiEnwooDi . murder, conimitted'siticldelastAvcek be forgotten foiMilI Wada most enjoy• brances raised by.its.workings and all there instantly died. And; so,' the VoririnoX'urnlturo,,, , ifegr. H. Field, Dansvme.__ _ • wh'o were in, recognize it as a blessing AVedne.sday night .'by cutting his able tlm^. After all, had partaken' of jurors aforesaid, on their oaths do say, ;oaUat; F. L. StBOUD'8. •,:\'}^.';,'i.;E;jj,i)*;l ' "This"is.wnat..;»•. that, the'•:said Joseph -Strang, In the: throat with a pocket knife. Are all the supper which; had, 'beiin'/prepafed, as well as a t nanciaPbenellt. One of All klnda ot Xitddorai -Window Soroeno ' 1 Sqvi;';;'t Kocli'ii Oorinali Nerve Pllla for norvons people convicts- allowed to carry !poclcct niahner, and by; the .means aforesaid, I'.if.'': flunfa'doeil lorouro weak mumory, loss ofhrulB they were presenied,rin..a 'few-well!the features that' has beeii ins And'Screen ioors'niado and for-salo by 0. IV l,y.T',.,>liow«r,'lo«t manhood. nlRhtly omlaalonaond.nll norr- knives under thi.s reform administra• chosen words by Willis:H.-Webb, with'Mnto its'menlbers is the habit of male- accidentally,; casually, and, by, niisfor Osborn, on.AVest street. Mason. - •. 2ltt'- l{"5ff.,ouaiieaa lu •Ithot' sex. Prlco. 81 or 0 for »6; Bub tion? Suicides and escapes will soon tiine'and'Without the'fault ornegll: •K^.'.i'Iani'a Gorman. Madlcliia On., Tlbit,.MIoh., Maniifact-. two very handsoin'etdllct sets! - ji--.-- fts'^iuroi'fl.fea-urora. S6id'.bSold'.by.nulsloiidSou,y nuisiead Sou.\. Miiauu aud L. H. clear outiiui,,,; thatuudu,. institntloiiisuini oiyini i11f Wardevviii-uen all.returneati,-ret;urnead toTOiiiioir" " uomes leoiing.. payment. M.au f7p x^i, Dunavjiio. Chamberlainn iIss not more caielulcareful.. that it was good to be tlieie. l beiiellclal to al nAN(ili;l> AND ttUliNKlJ. responsibility. Under the Anglo days, until he bocamo a moi-oBKoloton, od coral roof, nor storm can aocount HOUEOEON THE'MIL for tho occiirronco. Tiio day waa mm mm cemocea French Convontion in LSilU Itio Britisli llo got no sleej); eouul seureu.y.oat or Die Mob J'lnally Bt-Honnrt Clili'ajfo Kxpress Crashes liilo load of produeo and Smith bought a tral Africiui Society writes descriiiin;; sion of gas was caused in I'lynioiilli jiossiblo and jump ovorb;.ai'd. It was ••';i:^ a wholesale Hlaughlor of negro em iiiino, killing live mon and iiijuriuji' H KrelKtil—I-'rItjIitfot Seeno Aiiioiitf tlio already too liile. Thoro was torrihlo ISr/.-i SliJ'TliHIilCn. box of grajies. He asked her to go (villi him lo get tlie money, and taking iloyes of the Niger Comjiany. The six. Ad the injured will reeove". Dcail iinil Pyliiii:—Over u Seoi'o Are In• confusion iu tho cabin as tho jianic- herto a house nearby, locked tho door ''rencli jiiililic is treated at tlic siiiiio Tho aecidonl oeenrred iu Laiieo jured. slriekon jiassongors struggled lo roach Su Mo Tu We Til Sa iiiul hoiniil her. Then drawing a razor time to au aeeoiint of liow C'lijitaiu Lit No. 11 colliery, of the Lehigh and llio duck, blocking the jias^tigo way as lie demanded her iitoiiey. She gavo gard, in Ungaiidii, piously armed the Wilkesliarre Coal Comjiany, al Ply• I)no lo .HIsImUo In Orrtom, thoy did sound |)reyoiitingunoaiiot)hor a (fi ® ® 2 it iij) and wliile doing so, jerked tho Protestant liiilivesand enabled thorn to mouth, two miles from tills city. As• In a frightful collision botwoon a from oseapiiig from what was dostinod ; to be their loiiib. For only a niomoiit 3 4 5 6 8 9 rif/.or from ids liaiiil. 'Tlie negro slauglitor ;j,O00 Catholics. sistant Mine Foreman Lightly de- freight train and tho Toronto and .Mon• 7 Hio awful Ktriigt;-le lusted. In one min• rlioked her, threw hor down, and peonded into tlio main sliiifl to iiisjioct treal express on tbo Wabash Bailroad 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ute tiiid a half from tbo time when sho pounded her head with a briek leaving M'Ltl) C'lTVDOOiUKD. some work, lie had a iiakod liimi) in ut Kingsbury, Tnd,, olovcn norsons lost his eaji, 'I'ho lanij) ignilod the gas and boij-an lo sink the ve sel was oiitii'oly 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 lier for dead. Mrs. Bishop sliorlly tlioir lives and a score of others wero Forest )''lrl)roiiehed. h\, fi o'eloek the Hoar.oke le llaiiies. 'Pho city of r),(illl) ,sotils devotion lo the jmlilie service, and in west al lite rate of titty-five miles an A Light Infantry marehed to the jail by Hoeiiis to be doomed, "I'lverylliiucf i.s all exjiressiiig niy f,'-raliliide. 1 eaiiiiot but hour, and boforo Ihe bi'iikemaii could ca:itof Port Pimoiil. For a long timo orders of .Ma.v'or Trout. G'uiirds woro rig'lit here ns yet, but tho outlook is add my belief liial elTorts so nnsjiariiig turn tho swibdi dashed into tho side the eiist-iiwiiy was ttiieonseious after ho >«'iiii-lliiliiii Iliinrdlnt; llousi, In .San l''nin- was taken aboard, and C' uld not speak. (;lh<:o MImvii Up—A .Viihlii ili'si'ri'o l''iiin' jiosteil and the streets in the iiiiiiiedi- not very iirliiht. The nrojierty of for jilirposes of stieli liiy-li inijiorlaneo track aud collided wiUi Iho freight lite vieiiiity cleared. About dark the Henry Slearns was biiriietl to the will meet tho warm iijiiirceiatiou of Brandy was iidniiiiisterod and aftor a, —A Aliilliiii llolliir i.'li'ii lit .St. .loKiipli train, Tliero was a torrilic crasii,ii crowd iiicVeiised b.y a hundred mon groiiiiil and also that of Trovei'. the ooiliilry," hard tiglil ho rallied a little. Whou niii—Alii for IlKi .Viti'ily. sound of grinding glass and sjiliiitercd ho was iihlo lo sjienk ho told a torrihlo frolli tlie vieiiiityof"tlio womiiirs iiomo, The Slearns family drove two miles wood as the heavy vestibitled Iriiiii lieadetl by iMrs. 'Bisho)i's son, aliremau through tho llanies. T.he eondi• KiiKHhi M'lll Abolisli Mio Knoal. story. He was one of tho sailors ot Ihof crashed into Iho train ahead. Aiiovo Alo.vandre Potion. 'Tlio sailor said tho Itr.HW i'llH.II 'PO A'l'O.'M.S. on the Norfold Western Railrojid. tion of olil Mrs. Stearns, Mrs. A St, Petersburg correspondent says tho roar ot e-eijiiiiH- steam and tho din war sliij) we)it down head forotiiost in Portions of tile mob liallered at a side Henry Kariis, tho boys, .-Vliby and that an imjieriitl iikiise will shortly iio and onnfusion could jiliiiniy bo beard lliiiiiii S'lillorH I'lnipliiy Dyiiiiiiiltii at Sail door of llio jail where the militia and tho waves, without tho sljc-litest warn• Frank Slearns is eritieal. The issued abolishing the jiritclieo" ot tho shrieks aud groans of wounded l''niiM'lsrn. Mayor 'I'roiit had retired. Tito siiioko is siill'ocatiiig, Peojiio are get• ing and that all on board but liimsolf kuoiililig by tlie jioliee, .It is said tliat and dying biiriod beiioatli a niouulaiu wero drowned. .Si.v IIICII wero lilinvii ii i with (lyiiii- shdoliiig was cominoiieed by tho ting reaily lo move The Contounial the iiiiliali'vu has boon taken by tho inil.u t.lui" (il.hur iiiiirii iig, on tho mob and the iMiiyor was shot in tlio hotel, bai'us, and oiiUiiiildings, valued Czar himself. Tlie rujiorts siibmiltod wator front. Sun frauoiMoo. Two wm'O foot. The militia woro then ordered at .fL',!)!!!): ClilV Hoii.se, valued at to the [Cziir revealed the fact tliat the killoil iiiili'i;,'lit, tlirou ilied in tlio city ll) return llio lire and a volley from $,S,l)t)0: Plunder's ranch and baildiiigs, use of the knout was often resorted lo rci'oiviiig liospital iiftor ii fow lioiir.s of about twenty-live wero jioured into tlie valued at lJd.OtIt), and Tliomjison's, for the iiKist trival olTeiises; that agoiiv liiirrilih* to boliDlil, iiiiil tliosi.xtli mob. Seven men wore killed and valued al .S;i,l)On, aro a lolaljloss. All women, and even children, were not still (ivos, with tlu; prospciitdf iiltiuiiito eleven injured, some of thom filially, are situated tliroe miles from Dead- oxemjit from il, and tliat frequently I'ooovery, liitt lio will ho only u shut- Ihiring the exeitoiiioiit eaiisod by tho ivootl. thoy were mainied for life. All Ih'u loi'i'd anil lirolcon wrooUof a iiiitii. volley, the negro was taken from tlio Will Viiy Ills DehlH, Governors favored ils alxjlition. Tho (ixplosioii was tho rosult of a ilo- jail l'i.y an ollleer and secreted, Tlie lihoriitij iiiiil iliahollral oriiiio, inoitiit "dead anil wounded wero removed lo a J. N, Free, belter known as Hio "Im• nil,- KIro. . • to llo fur lioitililDP woi'lf tiuiii tho sniif- driiL'' sloi'e and lo tlieolllcesofllieneai'- mortal J. N.," who sjirimg into jiroini- 'l.'lie large malt houses of W. H. P'.r- liiigoiitof Iivo lives. It is oliai'f,a'il ili- hy physicians. neiico by bis rojiortod drowning in tlie cellol'o., 2lito.'!2 .Lai't'abeoSti'eol, Clii- roi.'tiy to tho (.'oust Soamun's Union, a Hoauoke (V'li,) s|)eeial; A Hrpiiid of west, and later t'i..":iiigh the suit cn- eago, weredeslrovetl by lire. Soon afler stpoii'g and litwloss orjfitni/.ittion that tweiit.v men took the negro ,Siiiith from lorecl by Assi},f|ieu Gorliiicy, of tbo Fos• the llames wero discovered an e.\|ilosioii has rillod 'f'l'isoo's watol' front hjr four the jiolice just liefore 0 o'clock Friday ter esliito, lo collect .'ii.SDO'lent Free by, sliallored a jiart ot the iiiaiii building yoars and moro. niorniiig, and liaiiged iiiiii to a liiclcory tho o.v-Governoi'lwentyyears ago, now and ten mon wero injured. All hut Tho Gllrtiii Himso liiis hiryoal's liooli rtmboii Ninth Aveiiiio, in thorosideiieo comes lo tho front with, the slateiueiit t\yo are lipomoii, aud none apo e.xjieeted known as a non-itiiioii or''sriili" sailors' seetioii of Hie city, Thoy riddled Ills that ho will pay his debts. .1. N. lo die. Tho e.v;plosion is siipjiosed to • hoarding lioiiso. and altaoks plicatioiis for ro- Oa'I'.s—No. 'J ai & The coroner's verdict, reudoi'od over P. A, walked into tho hall liof aro already 10 per eont. greater ilH a.ShorilVof Roby, Ind., for being a Hye—No, 'i .111 (3) •M tho cfiusos of tho Mimtono (Ilk) rail• prinoipal in a jirizo tight roeeuHy with ho was hooted, OnO' delegation tlian last wiiitbr. It is upgcd that a Jl U'l'TEH—Choioo Crenniory 2-1 & road disastor, roads as follows: of ten mon, each 'carrying a re• system of national poliof for Hio unem• i'loos—Fi'CHli r.li'A'l) WIIEIIE THIS -WIIECK OCOtJllREn. .robiiny Gl'ililii, wliicli'took iilaco iioforo Po'j'ATOES—Now, por bu 75 (2) BO AVo do Iind that David •TnckBon and others volver in his hand was led by a man ployed he organized and tlio stato- oamo to thoir dcatiis at Slimtono, Sopt, IH.lSDS,, the defunct Columbian Club. Tho of- INOlANAl'OLlS. tended to by physicians from Laporto hcial who mado the arpost is not who carried a shot gun, Tho.y wero mcnt mado that if tho Govornmont CA'n'LE-Shipplnc 3 00 @ -1 7r> wliilo lidinf; as jiussonitci-s on tlio iii-Ht sootion: not molested. The rioters outside did could vote half a million jiounds sterl• Hons—Olioloe liipiht i no & ii oo and othor closo-li.y towns. of tlio C'Icvoland, OInulnnati, Cliioniio and St. known. SllKEt'—Gommoii to I'rinio ;i ou III) 0 no All tho horrors incident on fatal rail• LonlH Rnilwiiy on tho HIiiiolB Conti-iil traoka: not attempt to ontortho hall but waited ing por ,yoar fortholrish, it suroly can W'UEA't'-No. -2 ItocJ by boinK rnii Into by tho aooond section, aaidl 'iiio WlsiMiiisIn Coiitnil jnist Co it Alonis until the mooting was over. 'Then tho voto a million or two for tho starving Corn—No. 'i Whlto (17 I'D 10 !i road liecidonts woro horo in most hid• Bocontl Hootlon iicliiK In oIiuvko of Condiietor- row stiii'tod. Tlio A. P. A, mombops people ot .England. .Cii Westmoreland, OA'rs-No. awhito (3) 28 eous as'peet. Por a thno the work of Ohai'lCB M. ]3doii aud KuKlneor 'I'lioinaa Amoa,! Milwaukee siiocial: ,Tudgo .lenkins ST. LOUIS. 27 roliol -was necessarily slow, and tho and wo do further lliui that 'J'iioiims Amea loft tho hall two by two. As thoy got four inches of snow havo fallen and tho C-ITTLB 0 (i 00 ouKlnoor of tlio aooond seotiQn ot Hivtd trains has handed down his decision in tlio n no moans and crios of tho injured could be No, 20 ® 27 lay in rows liko soldiers cut down by a diBohiirKO Or thoir duties as conductor and on- •tain.$r)OI) when opened at Trinity, Tox., 0''Coniior in' tho act of throwing a rook not confess and when halt dead was RVE—No.2 .18 @ 61 volloy of musketry firpd at short range, pineerot aald train. Wo fnrflier bellovo'thali' was found to contabi only I cent and a and shot at him, tho ball taking oirect taken down and torrlbly whipped and , DErHOIT. Clio lUinols Central Itallroad Company is CA'r'i'LE a DO ® .1 76 was f oar ful. Strong mon from thb lot ol brown paper. The case is mys• in tho man's httnd. Brown was ar• roloasod. Next day .Tones' friends RuUtyof Bioas ncKliponoo in not providing Hogs 3 00 & fl0 0 neighboring farms could not ondure proper signals and tolcgriiph stations for lo- :-,:tW terious. Dotcctlvos iiro at work on rested but brolf 0 awa.v, tirod two moro armed thorasolvos and attacked tho SHEEP 8 00 ttfi 76 tho sight and turned away sick. oiitinB piissenuer trains while runnintt be• tho case. ' .snots and escaped. Six shots in all whites. In a fight that-onsuod two Wheai'—No, '2 Hod 02!i(i» IlilM tween Horaowood, 111,, and Kaniatoo, 111,, OORN-No, 2..,,, w\m lOM . Roiief trains woro started from Chi• wero fired. Many hand to hand lights negroes wore killod and ono white aald road.", Alil for tlib Nooilv. O.U'S-No. 2 White, old 27 (S 28 cago and St. Louis at an oarlyhour, occurred but no ono was daiigorously man fatally wounded. Further troublo 'TOLEDO. and when thoy arrivod such of the. in• ' Evansvillo, Ind., through ,tho Busi• hurt so far lis known. is approhondod. WheAT-No. 2 Bod,,...... 00 & 07 ness Men's Association, will send near OORN—No, 2 Yellow aim jured as wore in a condition to be re• Doath In IV Tciicmont-IIonso riro, Oa'I'S No. 2 White -niJii of provisions to Brunswick, "Ga., to yel• An Inocndiary Five. •Sim 20!lj moved wore taken on to Chicago. - There was a panic, ono death, anda:' -: A SK'l'LUnrKNT Eye—No, 2 li as 40 : low tovor sulVoro'rs, besides a largo sum A-nlncondiary fire ooourroxl at New- BUFFALO. number of narrow escapes from death ,' of. money. : 71M WENT DOWN WITHOUTWARNING. among tho tenants.in. tho:,live-story',;,':,.::V'v;:'i:||'l burg, Ind. It -started in 'Franks' dry WilEAr-No, Mlard 47 & 48 ' JDoumntlod ol.ISiiKhiiid Cor iiit Attnclc oiin Conx—No.'2 Yellow tenement 493 •'West 5Ith. stroot,,I-';':;'•,?•.,*i''l .unknown. .Damage ostlft-iatedat: 840,-, Rye—No, 1...... ' 42 @ 'the Gulf of. Mexico. with-,ninety: souls in December. Mitchell has alroadv As tho foreign ollico declined-to be, re.- ]iAllLEY—No,= 2...... '....;..... ••'•in # 62 was, ablaze,;- and esciipb this way 'was. -'-i'v i-i J M1 000. ..Thorer was "considorablo, .msur- on board, makes,the affair, most.myste- •signodihoartieles. sponsiblo for tho British Company's at- ance. : : •• '-• •';•:'' • • •; •?' PonK—Moaa.; -. line mils cut.oii..: V, I •.••;',;'':-^''- -.tack ontho Frprich oxplorori it is prp; ', ,-. . :"NEWYORK. - 3 00: ® 6 00 Hbus,:-andit is,probablo that the real 8 26 ® 0 n '• ,' .'Doiitli'Penalty.'•','•'{ ' : ' A SlcclbtonJ'rom lllooouBhInB. . , - OATTO)!..;.-.;;.;,-.;-.,... causo;of tlio wrecking Of tho ship will pospd to send'fin, bxpoditlonaryforce.to' HOGS., 8 2li .0 lob John Thiirmanv a prominont farmor puriish.tho British raidors:as the Da-, '.,Onb,ot 'tho'most;stalwart.- specimions SHEEP....;...... -.,.., never bo knbwh;, .According to tho Wheat-No, 2 Rod,..'..;.:..... CO 3 53 • - testimony of-tlio:'sblo-:suryivbr':there. living:'.near. Jasper, ; Dubois County, lipmeyans • and • otlio havo' of,,:manhood, ox-Polioqra'ain,,. Gi3orge! Oonx—No. a,-..;..,.;,.,. 30 @ 37 Ind., has booh; soiitonced; iiu the'Du-; • booh, piiriishod;;;: This'-^voidd' bring,', tho'. Or'ainQr::,of: 'Laimitsto'r,': 'pa;,,:-rocently- OAis-i-Mlxod Ayostom. .-was - atpolutbly::'ho 'warning;. .--Noithor, • hois^court to'•'-""'—•"•"••'•''•••' rests in poaco, his wnrfiiro o'or, but il "you know r/liat she was—how BweeJ BLUE AND THE GBAT. auil young, and fuyl You can rocal may holn to comfort the living and UCHiaAN MATTERS. her imago, with lor soft hair aud hir keep Lis meuiory green.—Mrs. M. L. loving eyes. Who could see her and liuyue. not lovo hor! And yot I was hard nnd BRAVE IVIEN WHO MET ON SuvwU by It .Spldor. NEWS OF THE WEEK CONCISELX harsh to hor. Too loiig solf-snpprossod, THE FIELD OF BATTLE, One day a Union soldier was floeing CONDENSED. I di'oadod emotion. 1 dared not givo rein to my feoliiif,', whotlior of joy or for his lifo from Confederal0 sharp- shootoia, Hiiys tho Pittsburg Dispuieii. liopo or lovo. 1 wiiH cold toiler. I did flirllliiif; Storloa of iho ICobollinn—Old Urotliroii Who Uo Not Dwoll ToKutlivr In At lust ho saw a hollow log, und neoil- not ovon lovo her thou, for u barrier HoldtorH auil Suiloru Iloclto 2iitort*atiiij; iliirmoiiy—Clovor itiiso of Cliiro Ouuuty seoniod to keep us ajiiirt. Sho did not ing rest crept into it, feet foremost, understand me, - and 1 droadod lest sho ICniniiiiseuiieuii of Lifo lu Cuiiip luid ou liis face was but a fo.w foot from the rrlsoiiiTa—Oolhiuco tTaliiiuoii lu Jlvuth oal should. I pruyod then, hut my prayer tbu riold- IncidoMU uf tliu Wur. Ojien end. Shortly after ho got into SiinkuM. wasdeniod." tho log a large spiiier eaino and S|.nn 'Ho jiRiised, ])anting, thon wonton: A ltii(;)(uil Army Ooiit. his woh ovor tho open log as iinieh as Itci'ord - "Yon have been told?" ho said, but one ho))o in lifo now," ho said, Funny Slory iil. ii SoUmimi 'riiiio. man, Co|ioniish boys, were in a farm• nbrii))tly—and sitting' down in front of valor on the licld of batlli!. Hu wus "and that is, tliat vou, in thoir niuiics driiiliing now and alone. 'I'lieni weru U,ST lieforu tho bat• er's oi'chiu'd. Coiiklin got n shot in PordiUi, ho piisliod tho damp hair back and yonrown, will forgivo mo." others prosmit, hut none who eurod to tle of Frodiirieks-' tho log, and Chupman's oyo was put from his lirow. "1 do—1 forgivo yoii, as I hope to be out. I "Yes," sho said gontly; ''and I am aukiuiwlodgu the compiiny of the liiirg, writes a gentle-' im MAJENDIE forgiven; and in my fiitiior's and my Till'! fiiiporintondont of the Otsogo| vory glad. It is iinlohi joy to know mother's niimos I jiray God to forgivo wretched olijeet in tho itriiiy overcoat, man who was inti• OKAI-ri'lIt XXIX. that 1 may honor my father's memory though ouo of Iho imm iiad inchidiiii mately uoiiiieeled publio seliools stai'tod in to llog ouo of you freely." liis impils, but tho boy got huliind a Lady Norlnii and tho Lnvois lingorod as f do my mother's; but," sho addoil, him when ho ordered the drinks, and with Jlr. Lineoln'.s He |)ros8od hor hand to his lips, then chair and a dirk, anil the siogo was on at" Foiinlalnobloaii. Tho woiither putting out hor hand und touching his, tho tramp hail ahriiiik away wiiii hia adininistral ion,know• roso U]). raised. was clmrmiiig with all the fresh "tho money is nothing to mo. I can• "Good-by," he said—"I am going potion to rid tliem of his pre.suiuiu. ing thut a largo niim- Bwootnoss of tho air of Franco, and not boar tliiit yon should leavo Diin- abroad; iierliiips I may never return Ho had liiiisiitul his glass whim from her of Puiiiisylvaiiiii I)i'ii''iANCM';.ToiiN.S0N, of l''ostiii'ia, was Andrew daily gained strength. .Taqnos moiiiiigh. I am grieved for you; nnd again. Yon will take care of my out till) company a niaii aiqiroaehod lroo|iH wero witli out stum ling tlie other day, and notio' ing that t was a good day for snakes, joined tliem for a fow days, and to you havo hoon so noblo, so generous inotlior, will you not?" him. nn elilorly man, who iiinped with Biiriisido, aiiil tltal a in thus sookiiig mo out." mlledolThls coat and sailed iu. .He talk to liim scomcd to do tho old man "I vvill indood. ' a ORIU!. lio liieii throwing open ids general engagoiiieiit lielwoeii the two real ami liisliiig good. Poor .laquos! "Hiislil'Lbo t;ried. "Stoplyou do not cillod forty-tour without a mii^s. ' "And try to be to hor whatshewas?" coat showed on tho laiiel beneath tho itrinies was iuiiuiiient, I went to Wash• always covering strong feelings with know what you say." Thoro was sucii Du. .L G. TTiNZi'iN'OA and wifo, of "I will try." badge of the Loyal Lcginii. ington and asked for triiiis[)ortalioii to un'co'uth rosorvo, no one luiow bow lie a sound of acuto iain in his voice that Ho looked at hor vory wistfully. lioilnnd, wore nliont to start foi- Africa, missed tho ovor-roiidy sympathy poor PordiUi started; lo suddenly bent for• "Aro wo eoiiiradoaV" ho asked the front. A tug was plaeod at my as missionaries, when tliu diictor was "Pordita," ho said, "you loved M,aho"l; stonily. ilis|iosal, and I reaolied the front in Nannie liitd always given him. llo ward—"Can ,you kcop a secret'?" ho j'ou know hor very w'oll; toll mo, was iii'i'osted. llo is ehargert wit-h mal- tiiiiO to witness tho bnltlo. The terri• obeying nnd forestalling his ovory said hoarsely. she very unliitnpy?" "I—I—I guess so, boss," answered praclieo in setting .Mrs. Wm. Viinottii'.'i^ wish. It was a ureitt griuf to him tliat "Yes." sho answered. Ho rose and Pordita coii d not speak, tho tears thu man liiimlilv. ble Hliiugliler of our tmoiis on that dis- arm. ho had hoiin iiiialih) to ohoy I'urdita's walked thi'ico up and down, thon sud "Wliat (.'omimiiy woro yon in?" iislroiis (lay wo all know. rained down herclieoks. Sho had only Frank' Lkiiman, of I.iiko Odessa, is' summons to Iiadfold; hut ho had biien donly Hingin„g hiiiisolf into a ohair ho had ono littlo heiirl-brokun note froili "Comiiaiiy —, •Second iMiehigiui Cav• When onr defeat was beyuiiil 'qnes- wandering in .Spain in jmi'snljiiii'siiit of old | "bo^iiii ; tho latest siilVoror from ]iiillinx^ a gun Mabel; tolling her tliat iniirriago was a alry," sLiiiiiiiiured the tramp. lion, I hoarded tlie tug and hiisleiuHl towards him by tho miiz/.le. Tho Spanish spociiiioiis of hookhiiidiiig, "Ewan and I woro noarly of an ago, sad und misurablo thing. Angus looked "It's a lio! You never was in any lo Wiisliiiigtoii, liopiiig, as railroiul aud his estimnlo of his own iiiiport- and people say that two such brnthors charge entered his leg, and tho sur-' at hoc fixedly. eompany. You've no riglit to wear eomniunicalioii was iiupossilile, to fore- gooiis hoiio iinipiitittiiiii limy not ho nncowas.so very low that lio seldom aro general ly inseparable. It was "Do not answor mo," he said, "only thiit army overcoat. You're ii fraud slitil tliu exiiggdrateil riimors that left his address, .laquos was obliged never so with us; tlie nur.scs used to noeessiiry. say good-bye; I must go." und ail im|ioslor, niul I'll in-oveit, loo." iiiiglit 1,10 expi.'cted, iiiiil to alloviato to return to lOiigliiiid after a very fow say, this child is ills father's own, and A.'P Vitssiir, .leromo Crooks hiul his Oneo more ho kissed hor hand, and "You—yon eiiii'tl Look at tho seiir.s," i( only ill a .slight dognie the shoel; of days at l''oiitiiiinjl)loaii, forall Anilrow's this his motlior's. I'd'tiino jihiys niother-iii-lmv iirri.'sled on a ehnfjro of loft tiio room. imweleomo lidings. It was eoii.siiler- nll'iiirs had long hoiin iiiuliir his su])or- strange triolvR, if I had boon tho oldest, anil he held oiit u trembling hand, Bliiiuler. 'file jury niiiHt have road Perdita .sat down; sho wiia iiltorly lic- soanieil with eicatrix.ed woiiikIs. iilily ]iitat inidiiiglit when I reaelied iiitondoRco, and thoy required hifljiros- ho tho yoitngor.'sou, neither would havo wildered by all that had passed', and soino liiotliei'-in-'la\v jol;es, for thoy de• once. sulToroi'l as wo did. My father novor ".•Vyo, lllld look at this! .-V cork leg Washington, lint I proceeded directly cided that the woiiian was guilty and strove to collect hor thuiiglits. Her to lhe White Ihiuse. It was no sur• Poi'dita iiiado friends with MissGroy, cared for mo, my mothm' idoli'/od me. whole mind being intent on tlio ono where thiii'o should bu one,of ile.sli and must pay i'p.'IO. a goiitlo dolicato girl of riitlior, a soii- Ewan would havo loved mo if I had subject, and did not hear a rapid foot blood! I left my own on the biitilo- prise to ino lo learn that tlio .I'rusidunt willed it so; but I saw that I, tho (iold of iSliiloli. Sou the liolu in niy lllld not rutired. I was iiiiiiiediatoly Two ,T'I!1S0N]':i;s in tlio Clare Ooiinty tlmontnl low-pilcliod tone of mind, tliat cros.s tho room, and did not look up till jail coin]ilainud of a steiieh arising suited just now withPordila's feelings; clovoror one, witli bettor intellect and Edward Norton stood before her. In e.lieok, tlieru's a bullet in them yet. ushered intci his iiresoiiue. As lio ae- stronger jiowcrs, wnshcdgod iniCrusliod 'friodlout. term, being an increnso of forty over had socurod a sitting-room for l^ocditii, Legion and i'aatoued it to the breast of Pordita sja'ang from hor. chair and deliu'ia, Nav., ho took a stroll in tho It is well to have a definite plan of last year's attendiinco. . , -:>:j and thoro, • holding hor hand, with tho old army overcoat witli a reverent 'cears in his oyos, told hor that papers stood looking at hinvwitli, dilated oyos oulskii'ts of tho camp with a party of action in case of emorgericy and The.'West Buy CilyBoard of lildncn- : had been found, and that tho stain that and panting breath. Hobroathodhard, ladies and godly gentleman. A man touch. danger, Commnmlant Parquin, in his tion has adojitcu a resolution toborrinv': during all those long years had rested und with a suddon chairgo of voice was,scon laborioiialy turning a windlass "I have no right to that badge—I "Souvenirs aud Oampaigiis of tlio Old $(l,On!l at 7, per cent, interest for use n'n- i , on hor mother's namo was wiped away went on. whioli hoisted from a sliaft a buokot Haven't won any battles-1 had uo Soldier of tho Empire," tolls an amus• tillho sohool taxes uro rocoivod. , '•'-:l fo'rover. "Years passed, and I suppose thatl illlbd with roek. The only thing re- ohaneo—that badge isn't raiuo—" ing story illuatrativo of the Preiich irniDAY wiis .tho twentieth annivor-; ,;::;;!f '."They claim you, my child," said must have forgotten her, but I was not raarkftblo about the man at tlio wind• "You Lave, won a groator battlo than Infantry in Spain. He says that the sary of tho sinking of the stdamor ':-.,': Andrew, his voice faltoriiig. "You aro happy. Not in all my lifo havo I boon lass wiis his hat, tho crown of which miy of us. "Wear tliia till you have one infantry had a courageous coulideuee Ironsides,'olT Grand .Haven,'by which :,"•:,•: .J: no longer all my own." what tho world calls happy. I have was cut-clean off, allowing tho liot sun of your own. You've boon a wanderer in themselves which was fine, but twouty-four porsonsword drowned. • /:'•:••'; ' Horo ho thoroughly broke down; but boon haunted by tho past; tho reason• to pour down, upon .a perfectly bald thirty years, but now you'vo come sometimes led to disaster.,. Mns. N. A. Hill, roliet^of the late ,;i\'>f Dita, kneeling by liis side, repeated ing of, years novor laid the spoctor of hoad, somd waggish - friends having home. Brace up, brothtir, your luck D. M..Hill and an,old rosidontofVicifB- '••J* romorso, and-when,I had schooled my One . day ho reprimanded some sol• ovor and ovor again that no name, no rocommended this arrangemont as sure Lfts changed." , burg, died Sunday after' an illnass of- lifo to a calm and even level, now and diers,that had nl owed thomsolvos to new rolatioris, could ovor mako her « »• .•• • '• • • * . • throe weeks. She wtis-T'l years bid.' , thou would como over mo a cold ner• to produce a crop of hair. The Bishop be left fiir boliind thoir regiment - and lovohor adopted, father less. :• and his party stood watching the, man The late Mrs. Fiteli Phelps, of .BisV,S,?g| "How pleased mammio wonld havo vous shiver, an tigony, offear, and- it "He often gets those fits,"-said one the cavalry of tho rear guard. was long boforo I was myself againl toiling and grimting at; his heavy labor of the habitues of the place, "I guess "What should you do," ho asked, "if, Rapids, left two-tliirds/ot hor.forturio, .:.'S^^^^^ bednl" she said, her tears overflowing estimatod-at from $fiO,000 to ,$80,000,,to >:;f Years passed-you know tho rest." for several minutes, and - the kind- there's oometliing wrong with his head'. separated from the army ns you are, a 'when'She thought of the dear ono who hoarted clergyman .spoko: up •with con- the city, of Big Rapids for a free '-li-'. •'I had never lot her want a mother's ton- Pordita was trembling from head to Givo liim'.air. He'll be all right in a band of tho: enomy's, guerrillas sur• corn, and said; - brary.. ;,, • , ,. • ,;' .'•, •r,'''£~,-'S|;S' dorost lovo.. foot. - • _ • , minute." rounded you?" . . Chanson'WiLL.TAMS.a led at Michi- > ? , "Iliad im idle droam that a young "My friend, why don't you covor up "Liike," said hia brother, leaning They replied gravely: -Lieutenant, Andrew told her all: ho knew—that gan Center Saturday evening., He was ..-V'tS;|;. sweet wife would lulltheso thoughts to your head? Tliis hot sun will affect over him, "don't you know me?" we should form a hollow, square." • tho papers had boon found in a secret borninNow York.Stato in-1801, nnd rest. I thouglit, boliovomo,' I thought your brain.". "No, I don't know you," said the sol• drawer of n, bureau that was originally There wore throe of them. , had resided.at,Michigan Center thirty-^!;'-' ',-''1:1;I iu Ewan Miicmonach's room, and it was indeed:that my brother's child was dier, opening his .dim oyes very wide. ."Brain, ia it?" cried the man, as ho eight yours..,;'-••.-_ ; • •''• '•::'''''''^^'^^i'^^flL generally supposed that ho had placed dead., I taught myself to bo certain' WWy JCo'-Aai^lroa Him. giivii ^ tho windlass: another heavily- "I haven't any brother. Listen! It's • Fb'WLS'^ inWfikeshma^ ^ Township,]j? ,l|i::>^.. thom ithoro "for additional safety.' .thatit :was ' sb.. 1. brought' hori homo croaking revolution. "Bogob, lin'if I the' bugle pall! Boots 'and saddles I Sam«el Hogors ,sald!to'John Leeoij,' tb Duniiioiiaighj my littles wife,, and •Kalaniiizoo'GOiinty, are.dying-:.in:groat.v-$,',i«|;l ii^'^ly' . ''Your uncle hnsbohavod most himd- had any brains, d'ye think, I'd bo hero • I'm relidy—^i'-e,-n-d-y 1" .; •.',•;'., the oarloaturlst of;3?unoh:;: "Mr. Leech,. then I prayed. :I asked God to,lot mo numberB' from • .a, myistorious', disdas'e, 'i^fii'-s f 'i''l<,'|.',,.','• • Biimely, Pordita," hb said;: "His one puliin' up this ibuokot?" i . ' ,- I admire yournuolu" :He.wnB,)uBtboi?ln- lovo:her,..and"lot; hor ,sweQt: nature He was buried in the old nrihy over• tell Ipli--Irillq :-f,l-i nm' .n, fr*ur li nin'a iif f,n,."+,li mV'1-"il'A'S.I wish' and that ' of Lridy Grisol' his The Bishop and his party hastily re• coat at his, home in Michigan, and last ning his 6upce88:a9,.an ,rir.tlst,,, add was Boften'tli'o"coldnosB of my 'heart. I grntillod 'by Ihls:' pommdiidationi- as' hp', prayed,-but'I had not made restitution, tired as the gpiitlemnn nt-tho wndlass Memorial Day was the first ond siiidp prooeodod -to exiDress, botwoon tugs arid supposed, of;.h(,8. art,•,' -"l'o8,"M:epeftted' ^a•bd myprayet'.'i'ivas doniedP,',:, ;i, ' /:, . his death. '' It doesn't • .mrittor much to Eogors,, ."iLJiclmlrp. you :mpph).'. .1:,.s'aiy ; Perdita softly laid hor hand upon' his in a very'strong way, liis dpinion of the 'man who 'sleeps' bolow,' whose life you. brushing ydurown hati and. the man moil wlio:':liad .been born, like himself Ifl'esr;^;,-.;. • ,:loaye8''Englanci;,:HiB; wife's cl6ath:hns arm; ' ' !was'. a failure,.' if the flii^s fly:and: tho, :who,' In.thPba.days, ,;dpe8.,:nny^ 151'''?"' shattered him." 8aid.lio,.;iee,Ungly.,;,;;,i J 'You knew;' Mabel,"'J hb • went on; without bi'pi"*:;^ l'ubliBli(t(l uvory TUurtidKy


PIIICES : Lato of Loudon, now of Clilongo, with a BRANCH OmCE at One year, S1.2!it Six montlii, GS oentt; Three monlhtf, 35 cents. of Entered at Ihe i' i>stonic«.. Miihoii, MIcli,, as second. I Has visited this County each month for tho past six months, and during these visits has examined and cIhss matter. proscribod for hundrods, and oiTectod many of tho most Wondorful Cures evor mado in the Stato! Ask your f rioiiils and neiglibors alioiit Dr. Hohnan S. nnniplirny. Tlioro is scarcely a noigliborliooil ia the county that THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 28,1893. has not liail tlio bonollt of tho iloiitor's wonilerfui Bklli, and raroly n family wliicli lias not had oiio or iiioro of its inomhors Huatcheil from deiith and restored to health after all hopo liiul lioeii given up und tlie family physician pronouucod the euso I incurable. It afllicteil ilo not fail to consult this most omiuoiit pliysiclau aud surgeon. h'ltA.vn A. DiCA.N (li CliiirlDllo, is Ml examimitious, couBultatioiw and adviCo.froo. sliiLfil I'up United •Sttil-i.'s consul ill, fJt'iKiii, 0(1(1(1. Il('cRriKjd It lli'st.-i'luss LANSING,5;Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 27, MASON, Tliur.«day, SEPTEMBER 28. ;i|)|)()inl,iiR'iil.. Have received and rcadv I'or voiir kind iiispcetioii the very liilcsl and iidb- hiest style-; of Ladies', .M isscs' iiiiii Uhildren's Kail Hills, either in pliisli, Kxiiiniiuitiuii Vroo to All. Chrunlct .HIuouaoH. 0:<\'. (it I lie (luUos (It' I Ik; iKlnrd ol' \'i;lvet oi' fell, also triiniiiings to iiiiitidi In all leadiii!,' sliiidcs, t'ciitliei's, 'Pips, AUIiohrIi tlio doctor is in iiiiiny ciiaee com- Tho doctor triMila no aotito discHson, batdovotCH s>l|M'i'vi-(irs. wliit'li iiii'cls ll svt'cic rroiii Hi'casts, Agi'ci lis and Wiiig.'^. .My Millinery Dcirirtniinit in cli;ii'c;c oi hin whnlnliiiia t.i thu trontniont nt ohrnnio nnd polloil to Dso ux|ioimivo iuuti-nniMitii anil liini,'Utandini(nuilsuri:lcnl diHiiimuB; unecB kIvou ncsi. MdiKJiiy, is in s|)rcii(l *ll.uri7.:i;i lleadtrliiiiner Mi.ss IO. Merritt, who has been iilteiiiliii^f Millinery (J|)eiiiiif,'s in clioniloiilfi In mnkinK aunlyaiu. inloroBCoplo up by ntiiiir doctora aud pronniinood liK'ueablp, iiKiro stnii.' lii.N tliiin did the lidiird ul' tlio I'll les, and cnnliiillv iiiviles ilic ladies of .Mii.'^oii and siirroiiiKliiie: country and iitlior Boiontilio oxuminnlidns, yot lio li«i inuHtdiwii-ee Ui sen, Ur, UonnJiroy )in» Imd tw.i year.- iigu when Mlclii|/;iii kindly to eiill and e.';amii;e oiir ili>|.l:iy of all the novelties of the season, Oiii' iiiakivt nn oliiirBon tn any iino, ImlinvioBit t« iiTOrli' 3,030 cnr,H iu llio fitatoo f imchVuim, while bo B part of t.hopliyHlohin'Bdiily toiincoriiiln his pal.iiinli) all told iu iMiun.wolJt, Wiuooiiain, tl- w;is giiviU'iKid l)y llic (IciiiiM'riiis. prices will he loiver l Ikiii I lie lowest and within the I'eiicli of all, llnniH, Aliibaiiin, Ooorsin, Tonniwfloo, Ohio nml •l.ii.vurics i.'diiic liigli. but 11 iiiii.loril.y of tho patlont'Btraouondltiiiu withontosiionso ludiiiua, liavu boini folly livo tlmoa lhat niiinbor; III Drvdiioils, Diidcnvcar, ,Sliawls, .Skins, Table .Scarfs'i'able Linens, to tlio Bulforur, Whenovor uml 'wlioruvor Dr, nearly two-lhlrda nf llieao flatTorora worefiivon np 1 the jii'djilc voted we iiiiisi, have l,lieiii. 'I'dwels, NaiikiiiM. (icriiiaii, .Saxony and Doiiic-'ifc Wool Varii-, you will Iind a Hniiipiiroy deoidoii ttilocmto ii luniithly vlfiit 118 liiipiileBB Invalids, nomo tobohlind, wimodonf, I (•(iiiijilele assort incut at alinosi your own llKUres, and iiiaiiy oilier hiiri^aiiis, (irowiU lloiilc III lino liiin, aiiii nii wiinilur, for and olhora k prey lo Borufula, ulirouio kidnoy liiB-j ^ by tho fii-Bt flxuiiiinalloii,ani l oflon wllhont eaao, coiiantiiiitiou, dastrnclivo ftMiinie truiiblen, I Ol.'lt csii'iMiied bnu.liiTof the .Ni'Ws (Jiiiiie and sec lliciiiaiKl you will not leave our store empty liaiided, AiiuinK ulliors, iiunUreda of chililrun iiopolosalyl is la'ciily seiisli.ivc (ni the Milijccl nf iwltiai! u nneaUon, liiilnllaUiii invaliii v,'hiil diifuriaod, lint bvliuiU nov/ many of tlioni aooi ii|)]irii!iri'aliiiiis niiiili' by ilie lii.st liuis- llespeetfiilly. till) Irunbie in, mill the priiiiiioot uf a caru, luul hear,whileuonrly all nro rapidly boiuucnrod. [ and most wondorful ot nil hu vnlnos his iirat TliiiducUir ia HUirunnded wlUi tho linnet and | liiliiri'. of wliich hit wns ii iiieiiiber. iinpreeHliiu and iirut look iita patiinit mnro niuHt iiituimivo collcutlou uf ioatrumeulA ever im- lie takes lite IIK.MocifA'P lu tli.»l< I'tir than all olecnnd l)r,llnnipliruyin nuvoraiia- pi.rli'd lo tliia nunwtry fur eininlnimr and treat- niakiiii-' ii^c of llu' icriti •'rcddp'^s iiiK all foriiiH of cliroiiio allmcnlauf tho hi.'ad,fiioo 3 Inkon in hiu (llnuniiBiM in im? ciiho. eye.i>ni-,tliroat, niiao, cliOBt, IniiKs, heiirt., atomauli, a|i|ii'o|ii'iniii'ns." h'or an aiiswi'P we 'i'hoilriolnr'HmolhodHiiiHormarkedly from 'Ivor, aiileen, kldueyB, bowels, reprodootlvo or- piiblisli nil iii'tlele liikeii from llie wilio Kenmul prnclitiinior in ull roKiieiitii. l.'aiia. nrinary oridinri, brain and nurvnna avHlnni, i^iinsliiK' .loiiniiil that tlioroiiKldy Proprietor of The Fair, 'A li'olhiwinK tbn plan nfSl. Ooort,'ii'H lii.aiiitnl liimdyRiH, rhoiiniiiilinii, aiidt bcniiiiohe, buelcaclie, .if Iioiuloii, ho rOKiatjirH ovci-y pnrticiiliii- us uiniurs, Krov,'lhB, Joint di.ieiisi'a,pllQB, hipditieaiie, covcis the trroiiiiil. .•\|)proprliil,ii)iis, n Ill tlio tintiont'ii pliyHteal ooiuliimil mill iiion- sdialilia, i-kiii ilisensea, nioora and ovory form yf fair sli;iro of wliii'li arc used in riii'liis;' Sherman Block, Masou, TJIich. lul stuto. 'i'lioo.iiHlilliin of luich iii-k'ui, lo- '.vf'iikmiiB uf eltlior nmlo ur foiniilo, saiiii'ic<, jiayiiif,' salaries I'or (lilii'cs oiiliiiii of any anil c-ll disoaiieil parlH, nnil . \vlii*thor ayiiiiHithetio nr urf'.aiiio, liii;olhor 'I'lio duclur'Hapniiilio inodlciiieH un etrnliilit to newly crciiicd. and inr siippiirlin),' a '•^ with till) iiin.nint mill niitiii-o nf Uia dinoiiHii. tli.i illsiiiusnd oi'Knn, and can be iilainlv fell al d'acii hull i-eiiiii, 11 |Mi(!l, (U:(^, indeed win-h in Uio dinoiiHod parts very shortly after their In tills M'nylliiU'nliroaiiionntof vllid oniir- :io ill l.iOKnn, Thoy are pleasant lo lako.nilld but arc "rcckli'ss." .\ppropriiitioiis that ;;l()s nro i-iiiulily oiiininitod and llin ru^tiiriiii; " .veliiiii! in HCliun, yot aj;riw with the moat doll- increase ilic luxes in llic state over li.iwor lit tho body iiioiiHun-.l niiRiiwI Iho f^ii-iio nml nniirity iiiiil il.'siiiii-iiyo iwiiiiiiiiil- .ii;.> 1,-1,'ly ur olillil, ilu iiol r...diiiti. llieBti-oiiitlli,anil tlircc-ijiiarlcrs of a iiiilli(jii ilolliirs ran be used M'liile at the uKiiiil (iconpal ion, aa ^ litis uf thn liifleitKe. Tliiiii kniiu-iiii; llio iiii- many iiallonta ulill iiblo fur liaiii wiirk and uluae ol and ill liiii'liiiiii coiiiiiy oV(U' nine innl ciinililioii uf Ihu IIk-iioh iinii tho rlfeiit allenliiin to laiflinesa nro uftdii aliiwly,aiirel.v.yet j! llioiis.-iiid (Inllars ccrliiiiily were voted (if HiioMtiii inoilliiiii.iK upon every lilriiclitrn iitu-.unaeionaiy dj'intf, kninvlni^ thoiuwiivea iil, yel ' Willi 11 liivisli liiiiid. 'i'lie rn.ssliiielc ..r tho hiuly, niiUk.! iiiiml. iluiitui-a, hn ia oim- lieeoived into a talsu aocurily. they pruerastiniit.) hleil ' * hiiy pohilivi.'ly wlmlliiir any i;ivon mill pill oitthe mailer until the case ia leiidered Iccisliiliirc has clearly iiroveii that a caso Ik ciirablo or not, and can alao k-ivii ttio Incnrable. The doctor oarnestly reriiieel-s nil per- sliorl sc^simi is iiol an cciiiiiiiiiiciil ono. CO— iippruxiiiiatn tiiiifl anil expniiHo nf I real iniint, HoiiN iiiiit'r troatment tn write liliii nfOMi. iia i.tl- /»— Worcc.^icr dclliics "reckless" as riisli, - —^ anil wi.nhl liorc iiiiiuti.nt tlMniliMi-ilehiKlun vine iiiity bu niioeaanry weelc iifli'i- v,eek in (.ider «—- eli.irliiht'il liy many |...'ilionle Ihiittlioy oimlit Ol )vji-h acy ({ivon caan on aa nuitlljee k ill (.id.T 51 iiidill.'iviii ; and "indiU'crciit" as iin- Soiling Koods to salt ihe timtiis aud pftyiiig Caish lu Kel Willi fh a fi'iv ilnya or wijnkii, niitwllli- JIIPHREY and II ^i.e.d ooiiiinun-Honae atnteiiienl ,,S p... .i'llo, J, ('(uu'ciiicil, IHU iiil(,'i'cslcil. We lliiiilc HlandiiiK tho fact lliiit UiiiyhavonnlTornd for ,,f ll... "iiiienthy iiiiiil la the next tlilniI ni; lI ntli ao ;iivrper.t A ''I'ceklcss !i]i|ii'o|,irial i(nis'' i.'ovcrs a fair 4V«— for Pt'oduco, Call and see us before yivire. Cures After All Others Fail. .' '.jmltalinn. Ini; Id a per- S <;«!>—• niaiiiriiy nt ilic work accoiuplislicd piirchasiiip; ejsewhero. z;^ Delaya ai-o Diinijoruua. liisi wiiiicr iiii'l -:|H'iiiir hy tli(; holly of iTP— J''n'jlK I'or men ofull A|;«B. —(SI Many dlaen.soa ni-eau .i..i!i.ptive llial hiindroila are niliutj with ilHni;ni-. wliicli (iiif cniiiciiipoi'ary was an lioiKir- — ouf, yet insidiiMiB niiiliiiliea. alt nncouaiiluiia ut their true oiindiiion. lly rpiiaun of falao modeaty tho youth of oar land nro Itetit In iKnoriiiiee c(i iii.-nilicr. 'I'liis le/dy and lis iiiciii- tSgf—- 'riioy know Uiey are nu! well, Imt iiie eiiliriily iuniii-anl uf tlie ilendly of the aorions rcanlts wlihih enrlJiiu Bolitaryandindleoreol praolioiia iii-e-| fMii.Mi faalniiiii;^ npon K.iiiie vital ui-tian, wlileli ninst aiiuner ur later lit. iliKie. 'J.'lieso vii'Ou if ponilnted ill evontnally uadoruiine the ceiistitu-i hci> iiLiih' a rci'iinl tliat will need lots i.'rly duHlruy tlioiii niih'Ba i-imlmiciI by a Bkilled hand, Aro yon aliii.-.tod? Hon, indnoe nervonn dubllity and oiirly decay, urKiiiiio v/oakiiesa, proiiiii- of priigrcssiiiii to ever eijiial. 'I'uiir ciiBo may be niiaiiy cnrable now, but ruinoinbor. ovory miiiiniiit of liirn lufifi nf tin) manly powera, involuntary Iobh uf vital llahla, itenural ;i...|;leot briniia you iinaror the diiy when im iiiiHiralilo atiiKe may Hnper- pinairation, and oft liiiiea inihenility and chriinlc opileimy. Gf all mal-j v.>ne, when the meal aliillfnl iib.vi4ieiaii can render yen no naaimance. iiiliea alllieonK: mankind Hiore la iirobably none abnnt >fliicli the cum Be Your Own Doctor. 'I'lie priwent ia nnrs, 'I'lie fiiliiro may le^ Too i.A'rii. iiii'li family dootiir in tioneral praoUoo Icnuwn bu little, yot ne anltirors netsi the iiHontien uf tlio ouperieinied Bpnolallst nii»re than tlieae, aa here li. wiiii'i cost yoli half as niiieli. A I.,lf,i of ICxinu'limm and Ooportunlly, wn have to niinlalnr to a diaeaaoil beily, a riiBoaaedmind , and iimiidiw- Do Iiol ilcliiy. Send thi'et! ll-ceni Dr, Hnnipln-oy'B entire lifu li.ia buen dnviitol lo tlin aliidy and work tiiniB lllloil with morbid ileairi'fl and fearful apprebonaieua. Dr. llnai-1 st:iiii|i;s for po'slii|,'i;, and we will send uf hia iirofefisiun, and is rich in |U-autioal oxparieneu in l.iiapitnl, dispon- ihrey'a iinparnllnlod anocoaa with Uicao unforinuatiin ariaea nut only ymi Dr. Kiiiifiiiaii's crcat work, Ihu.' three per cent, was paid by the baiilcs' of inereiised appropriations eoiiiplied -ary and in-ivato iirantiue, and many of the truly wonderful ihiiiita belma i-om Hie fact of tho nieatacientilic and apnoifio modieatlen known either ill wlilcli .State dc;|i(isiis wiU'e iiiiide, to i from tlul public acts piLssed iiy the last seen and done. If tpld, wunhi read murii liko holiim than rtniinr l.riilli, n Iliia er nny oUier fluuntry,Im l eliei te the feel nf Hie diree!. inlinnnee' •('(ildi'cd plates from life, on dNicisc .'r 111 (he ;;re,it hunpitnls of h!m'.»iie his ...pi.uitunilii.s hnve iie.-^*j aeiiutMl lo uf hia powi'i-fnl will niiuu the i.euiiliar menial dopriMniun ulwiiya lunnil its caiiM'.s, and lioiiic cure. Address enforce payiiiciit of these, biiliiiiecs , i^^L'^'islatiire, Vi'liich coiii:liisiV(!:ly shows (I'j Ull livinu iiian'a, nut uuiy au, bnt ho Iiiih tbuiniiKhly traveled, and hia iu aneli eases, by widen he ia onabli'd t • iiifnao a part ut hiu uwn ...irr^-j would have involved unneccssiiry e.v-1 why it was iieeessary to nialco the f., viewH uf life, diseaiio, ele,, are ao bruiid and iiuniiiupolilmi Ihiit like a .•\, I', Oidway Co., liosloii, Miis.s, 'j (iiiiild ur n Vandorliilt in raitrnad linsliiDaii, he ke.M'ii will oh of anil nvnr- iiitn Uielr luipoleaa livoa. Wore nul all aneli caana held in the iiiu»t ea- peuso and inaterlall.N' reduced the | lai'j,'est levy of direct taxes ever iniide ; I h^.ike Iho enliro nieilioal world cunBliintiy. The inelhuda uf MelCea-/.io, ereil eimlidoneu llie duelor could pHnt lotto™ from thunaanda of grate• THIS TELLS THE TALE, revenue (H't,hc Sl.iile, j l.'or • I'rcsunl In- J Vii-eliiiw, l.'ii«t.inr, Kuiih, Hi-uwn Seipiard, Al. Unrgiiou. Futhei-Klil, Hoi- ful patlenlH who havo boon niireil, and are today perfoct mon, plivf \caily S iiaiil. eld , are aa familiar lu him aa Ui IboinRolvim. anil while evor ready and iiienlJilly, Uiaeaan or debllily of tlin reiirudnetive urguna uf .jilbor Tlie (inlv true i,'oiiii)in'isoil is one of: „. , „ salary, salary, urease I lu ij'raap ami rotalii n fitiit, ho buhls faat Ui old frienilB limnciunaly, and aex rniililly oostroyB the oneri.dea of bnlli body and iniiid, ruha tlie atop THS i^EASON WHY STATETAXES iiiiioiiiits (uitstaiidiH)^ plus the cash on ; '';i;u,;!f'"'|™',!:';i';':;'"^ gn,n„n $7,(100 Sio,ooo 1 iniikea nowuuoauiinliniiHly, exiierlonce havinR him; bIiioo proven Unit of iln oliiatloity, diina Uio bi-inht eye, paloa thn chaok, developa onwo.rd- HAVE INCREASED, ; , . , ,' "7 ' . I i.iino wi.iiiiii I uuo will truth woll applied in worlh a dozen ounjootni-oi) linwevor pliinai- leo, ami often deatroys the briubtOHt inloiloot, Tho reiiredncl.ivo fuuc •i.r-m ble. linn ia Ihn iiiuiiiaprinK of nniinai lifo—iireBorvo it at all hiinarila. liaiid, which showed soiiietliiiin' over|'rwnnowcireniuiiKigns Ill I, '.'Illl I .'Jill It Is Found In tho Acts of tho Last Adiiiiiiistratioii*iri7,00n in favo. r t'ollowiiitof the Deineeratiu; the line; i-imiiAiiillliir(li.|iorii. H"vin'iii>lr penrn0,0(111i .'1,111111 1,11111) Lofiflslatui-Q—liicroaso In tho Sal• of ai'Kiiiiieii' t used ...l.iy. the . Itepiihlicaii.. . . ;' .Stall.\ I I, I! if'I'roiisiiri' 111' 1 ' lit Ir. Ml I i.ootln /\fll t '.'.null 1,000 Liitost Dlacovei-loa and IiuprovaiiKintn, liacnii ehaiiKe in aoine iiiipurlnntorwia or nri.'ana and aervonH debility, alao for proataliliH, vii- ary Llsl .nnd Approprl.ntlonE Is All l.aiiil i.'iiiiiiiil.ssloiiiir..,. .sun II. Ollll I ,'JI»1 Dr, Humphrey ia tlie only pliyaieian vdio hail taken place aa r.o nfTiiet Ihn proper fnnellim i-iiiui;ele mid nil private diBenBeo,wlioHier from wi; would call attention to the cash ; '.',111)0 i.'.'iai ut aald uiKan and linally break down Uio iiolnai iniprnilont liabilfl nf youth or aexual oxeiiaaea There Is To It, .Si'i'ivliirv of Slain m\ iia.s had the apoeial advantiiHO ot liinropean atriiotnro ilaolf. liven in aonio onaoa whoa Uiia t^!^'^a;^ ^'^ a.iioii hoaiiilal Btuiliefl iu microaciipy ot Uie blend in iiiatnro yoara, or any cauao Hint debilitiiliis imlanee in Uie State liroiisu .lune ;io,! •'ilHI hiiB happaned imiisimI ahill may atep tho de- thoaeitual fnnotionfl,Bpoodilyand permanent• iSI)2, winch the olllciaI reports show' o.r.\\ '.-.bou ,'),IHIO and tiannea, who onri'iofl with liiin a full line atrnotivo oiieratiuii, alay Hio iiirenda of Hie dia- 't'lic Laiisiiiii l!e|iiil)lieaii, with the mio of iiintraiiiciitH luiil appuratna for nmkliiK ly oiired. CnnnuitJitlun froo ami elrioth- er.ii- was !iil,'2iii),70S.;)l, and the biiliiiiee at oiiM-it, siiiii! lihmry ,'illll sill) nirie.tly ainentilie raaniliiatinnBu f llin varlona e-iae, ami ifive the palient a cenifnrlJiblo and nao- iidontlal. Absolute onroe KUarantooci. Nn iisslsiiince of tlu; Stale Aeeoiintaiit ion 1,,'ilKI IKIII fiil lifo. Other ciuct, if iiei,-lei)le liii'uio number ot pationla in Bn'.ilhern Mie'siiien and N'o-o... • . i-..iiiii II am! Oliin. he liea loeiitcd a braunb vliico and diapiiniiary nt .'Xiulitiir {o'lici'al that the iiiiiiropria- eeriied is as follows: own legislation $ir)y,200of the increase ; Hiliadi.l.', ^lichlKiia, wliuioall luttoi-h fium ihiaaoclinu can lie ad tiniis nf the last Lesxislatiire made it ly.ck box l{2-2. l!o|iiilillcaii lOKishiliiru, isiiil .?;i,ii'.'o,s,';o ,'',s can be counted I'or in tlic increase in necessiiry. to levy a Stale tax for hSit'l the salaries of State olTlccrs alone. In :.|i:~All l.?l,t<)i-.i liicIoHiiijr alaiiip for peslii);.^ iiiir.«Iy son was sti'oiiL-l.y add leu (I to the luio of thitt the population of tiie several in• ft (i rils of lots 1 and 2, and lot 3, blk 117, Uquor,and throngli n friend, 1 was led to try your Tablets, lie was ii,liciivy iinii 814,000.000, in round numbers, avaihtble stitutions increased during that „I'aiislnL' ),iooo constant drlakor, but uflcruslng your Tiiblot« but three days lie quH. drinking, for their use during tlie year lS9.'i and period fully 10 per cent. GenrKn .loroinn to A Ohio K Sheets, lot .1, nnd will not touch liquor of nny kind. Ibsvv'O -uoltiid four inoiilh bei'oro wrltiuif asilL ' 1)1U 7. Green Oak add, Laiislni; fiOO you, ill order to know tlio cure was porma-joiit. '"/ours truly, Goo. .\t. Dayton to Sarah Dayton, u "ll 1.1 Its. HELEN MORUISON. It the taxpayers desire a true ex• In view of this showing, and the „ ft of w l'.'0 ft of lot 1, hlk SI, LanslnL' 3,000 , OINOISNATI, Onto. fact that there has never yet been a Goo. iM. Dayton to .Sarah ]\r. Dayton; n Ki ft planation of wliy the trefisury balance of e.isttot lot 1,blk81,LaiisltiK...... 1,000 Tins Oitio ."ijKKTttAL Co I—Gkntlkmen:—Tour Tivbletn Iinvo porformed ainlrncio In my caso. JDecember 31, 1892, was less by S257,- single State institution underaRepub- II. L ami Kaiiiilo 0. llolltstor, tn 0, M. I have iise.-; •-.MriiHlno, hypoda-riniciilly, fomovcn years, and tiivvo boon cured by tlio uae of r)3(l.88 than the balance of two years llcaii Administration tliat has been l^loksoii, lot 3,-bllt 2, Park Pliico add, wo piic!;iij;';s 0: your'I'ablcln, niid without ivuy cll'urt 011 my part. \V, L, LO'rEGAY. : previous, it will be .found in the self-supporting, the argument present• Liinslnd , 600 A-ddi-ePS rtU Ordors to ed by tlie last Legislature against Manila' A, li'iillerlo .lames llyrnes, lot 7. - .M-«-.,.....M«.; records of the State wliich are acces• RESPOHSIDLE ! sible and which sliould be iicceptcd as central boards of control, and by the hlk,";, ,Tcroino',siHld,Liitisln),' , 7110 /Martin .V, ami Maria Crill to Itoso Nichols, • QENTS WANTED; SI, B3 and CS Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. evidence i-ather than the statements Republican press as an excu,se for the lot 7, hill 17, lieinent's add, Liinslni' • 1,2110 (In writlnc plenao mention Ihla paper,) ot a p.artisan paper.. increase in tiie rate of taxation, is Levi t),' ICelclitiin to Cynis K I'Ickctt, lot r., lilk llil, Leslie...... •'.yoo The report of the Auditor General wi tliout force or reason. I'Mwiini \V. SiiarrowloTaiil J(.midMiillndii for 1892 fully covers the point when it It is stated, without fear of success• U. Lane, 0 3 rds lot 7, blk c, Busli, Butler states ttiat untler the tax law of 1891 ful contradiction, that the'estimates & Sparrow's add, l.iinsliiB.. 000 Health Is Wealth. Harness and BuKgy. Free Offeri.i county treasurers could withhold the presented to the Legislature of 1891 B, L. RosEOBANCE,,liegister. - Dullam's Qernian'Bledlchio Co., ERnt. Mich.: A ?10 set nl hurncss for enly Si.Cti.. A $100 top . State tax to make good dellciencics in upon 'Which Its appropriations were Plrase send mo by express-half donenOullam's scliool, township and county funds, based, did not, as falsely ch.argcd by For.a lame back or fora pain in the Qerntan Female Uterine Tunic. It is n good med• buggy for only S49.75, 'Voir can exnmino our : side . or chest, try saturating a icine. It has done me great geod; My friends aayl goods tityouriilace before paying one cent,-' Send . aiid^ the State had no means of forcing the Republican, fall short nf the look llkeanalherporsun. Pleabnaeiiilimmedialulyasa ictual expenditures, but on tlie con- piece Of llanncl .with Ciiamborlain's for Illiistnitcd oauilogiio giving prices toiconstim- • piiymont except by suit. Notwith- Pain Balm and'binding it onto the part of It ia for fdenda ofmlnii, Tbev.neo what a • standiug this fact the condition of the triir.v, in addition to'the increase in ffondorlul cure it has done for raoan d aro onxloni ars that are loss than retail deiilcrs actual oiMt..>^ allected parts. This treatment will to try It, I can truthfully uiiy It liaa helped mo mora Scud address and this itdrerlils'oment; to 'Alvah,, ' ^fitate Trca.suryAvas such during, the the inventoried value Of the property than (ill tho ilociora In the ciij. I boo by your of the' State and the increased cash cure any ordinary case in one'or two circular yon eell six bottien for Kite Bollara.. I can MAKui'Acrruitiva Co,; Dopt, &. B., Chloago; IU. :.; 'entire two years as to much mdro tlian days. Pain Balm also cures "rheuma• 'take care of demands, the balances balances in the hands of ^he several rocommend 11 to any niio who la auirerlng with lemale / J J EvorytrhMB, CBtiipotent institution treasurers,"' a.far larger tism. '60 cent bottles. for sale by troobloa. --.Rcapeotfiillvyuura, . ' ". • I' .... '''.T'l. V''- flurlng Aiigust and SeptemDer, 1892, ASftwlhff/Ma«hln(»Freo. ;• amount of the appropriations avail• Longyeiir:Bro3.'ana'F.H.;Pleld;:' Sept. , ; . "Mbb, W,'I'. DAil.tir,,' •being the largest in the history of the . No, U6 strong A»i.,,'Wichita, Kana. cato for such 'ponitidni at.tho Qraod lUgida Bus. AfCSBOwlog nMblBowhleiib.^veaeUat 9ir.oo. .State, and as the balances due from able were unexpendea and refunded Tor. gale by Dalatoad 'i Sou, Uaaou, and li;. U. Clehl, inooB CoUcKOi Shortband, and Normal Bobool. ,to the State Treasurer: than' ever • The greatest' worm destroyer-'bh .-DanaHIle.'. ' ...r . 1 •. • • .For Catuloguoi addrui' A. 8. Pflriiiki Fiotir. to 923.(0 will bo plftted iB jm kiiio to uh ;wttlk>:' •'county' treasurers and from corpora- earth;is Dullam's Great German Worm out cost d{ ODO text to yoii.\- Shnid thl«'odvoik^^V tlcina paying speciflc taxes 'were dra'iv- before In thij history of.ourStatei 'Pi.o fniin«in„i« a" t^nnHM cfnV',,,. ^o^^^ui^c^s,.ouly 25 ccntspep box.:.-^ Buy,Duliarii'3Gorniau25cont Cough Buy Dullam's German 25 cent CouRh tltemont wltbuddraas to-dftrto i.L'TAK Uira.Oo.' '^ 'ing'-,slX' per cent., interest,-.while but TUe.fpllowing Is a parW H, Pltjld. Cure at HalsteaiJ & Son^s^;. cure: at-Halstead .& Son's.: Oopt.S,B.,OU«ga.IiJ. Your Fo!!-.s and Our Police. , .M. E. y-Mk of llolt, was In tlio city lasl Satur• day, , Mrs, 0, C, Hoyl Is vlsltliiK in Liiusiiig aial Ovid, Headquarters for 0. <;, .lenUius iiiui (umliy rolitrii lo Ann Arljor to-dav. .lollii j'\ltiiTay of Kilchburj; was ill Ihu city last Tintsdiiy, .Miss ,Maude UliiiincI spciil lite day In I,i!slio lasl i''rldiiy. Ooaslahlo liottso visited Ills parents in i.croy lasl .Sunday, JMis. S, U, Miuhlcu wont lo llio VViirnrsKair Don'i; fail to sec nic before buying your liill and winter goods, last Tuesday, With brighter financial prospects, with our pi'csent facilities for 1 will .save you money, ITcreaio a few prices: .fiiilk'c Kilward Caliill nf Lansing, was in Ilio cllyyoslcnlay, supplying ymir needs, determined as wo aro to sell j-oii Shaker Flanuel, 5c a yard LANSING. ,•^11', and ."Mis, Clias, Owen arc vislllni; In lialoii more goods and increase our trade, with our .system of buy• liniildslhis wi'id;. ing for cash and selling for cash, wo confidently invito your Oantou Flannel, - 5c a yard\ .Misses Cnrrlo and iCiiiiiia Wolf of l.niisliii;, arc I liicclly tills woidc, patroiKigo. iStarif-lard XJrcBS Prints, iS\st colors, 5c a yard Jilrs, Uivcllii I'l'iisii is si!iluiisly 111, Ilcr son ;il OlilciiKo liii.s hc'i'ii si'iil fur. Goti on B'dit, - - - - 8c a yard 1 lllo i.aseiilivand liolibliis iiiiyiior will allond tlio flat M, iti Aim Aiduir. Anotiier lot of 100 corsets for 79c. Hoai-y yard wide Sheeting, 5c a yard ii. il. IliiiitliiKl.di and wifo aro iittciidliit? Hie i'liiliiii liaplds lair this week, Nov.' styles ill n.;ady iiiado dros.-es for Yard v/ido Ind'i,'i;u Pri/.ite. H'.iaw cloth, iOo a yard MI'.w ,lfiiiiic iiliu-.s of tiic liHltistiiai Sciinoi, SPECIALS /.aiisini,'. Is lioiiio Inr Iho week, ,)!'i.oo i-'iid up, A.Lrioskeag&American seamless Bags, i5c each A. (.:, .Maihioli of llroekporl, .N'. V., visited ills bfotlier S. li. .MiKlileii over Siiiidii.v, iMr.s. Chi I'll Itolieils left Tuesday lo visit rela• lieavor .Shawls $^,.$0 to .,^'5.01) ;iiid in tives nnd liieiidh nl liroidtpoil, .N, V, Just rt'coivfi! a large stocic of ladies', iiiis;;cs';ind children's Ladies' huavy jorsry lloecc lilK"! Air. mill .Mrs. li,(!.('nslerHi il sun Dull visited THIS WEEK 1111- III .liKdisoii Insl Tiiiii'siliiy and l"rldii.v, l)r, ti, nnd V. li. Snyder of SIockbrlilKc, dcfwcar, iU.OO per suit. 1 iiliido thl) llE.MiiiiUAT a enll fast Tlliir.sday. Of Ladies' and Cliildren's Mrs, I., A. Williiiiiiii of liiill'iihi, -X. V., is visit Best of all, ladies' jnckets ,>''5.oo and ini; the faiully of Iter sun C. W. Whiiniaii, Will .Shnrii leflTiie.-idav furn two weeks' vacii In all tlic latest styles and coloi-s. Call and.look at tlicni. tlon nt .N(irHi BfiiiKdi anil the Worhl's i''nlr, Perfect lilting and prices riglit, Res|,)ectful!y, ,\lrs. V, W. 'i'nulier nnd Mrs. 'i'lms, iCIlisof l.niisiii'', are vislliie,' reliillves nnd fidends in llic city. CHAS. H. HALL Lull, Culviii, a I'oriin.'r elerk with I.uiliiyear ilnis,, lias cliarKC of n ri-sliiiiriiii|. al (Iriiiid l-eilK'e, Glnd Tlcilnns, To tlio i^uijllc, The Kraiiil s)H>ci!li- I'nr l.lic previiliiiu' lUr. and .Mrs. (1. 11. ,lames of Diiiisvllle, speiil I'lC'I'OSKKV, jMicii, ,S,.|,(„ ir.di, 'ii;i, 5' DO T'iOT DELAY ! Ofi mi Sunday wiliiliie iaiiiily of Ilielr lu-utlier in liiiii. iniil;iil\' 111' llle iiffi', l,)ys|ii'|i;.il;i. Liver Owiiij,-' 1.(1 iiiisiiiiflei'stiiiifliiiu- ;iii(l dll kerhill. Colll|llilill|., I'lU'llllllllis'lll, (..'(ISl.iv'I'lll'SS, iliilii'iilly thai, lias nl ready uriseii oii iMisses jNnrii liiiiiliaiii anil Winnie Wiiuil of (Jcncrlil Di'liiliiy, el.c, is iiafon's (Jcl- .'ii'coiiiil, or llic wdrdiiiir of Ael, No, We Offer l.iiiislni,', visited viirioits friends ill iiic oily over cry ICiilu- I'tir Uio Ni-rves, TliisKn.'ab To sny that his wife can't inalie -C'Al.L d,\' Sunday, i.Siiol' hSii.'!, l,lio r(illtiwiii|,'o.vplaniitioii lierbal Imiii; stiiiitllates Uie ditri'stive will hv III' iuli'rest; as good bread as bis Mother did. Mrs. iCllii M. Ciinrier uf liny t'lly. is in llic idl ortriins, I'eKiilii testing Li vera ml ri'Sttires eiilli'il lieru byllie illiie.ss uf her sister, .Mrs. .^' ':i'li(,' ;i('l, piir|i(irl,s Idanicnfl i,"iii All Plnsh Sacqnes IJ. True, llle .systoin I.o vii^'oi'oiis hi'illbll anil J. N. SMITH oiicrKles, ,S;iiii|il(.'S I'me, Large iiack- ol' I.SOI .>;i) ;t,s 1,(1 lorliid llsliiiiu' ''in aiiv .Miss IClltlc .Meliaii will ito to ('iillfornla avcs fiOt;, Sdlil only liy L(iii(4'yuiirlli'(is,, (if the iiiliiiiil lal;iring til' certiiiii .Mr, 1111(1 Mrs, nan, niileinaii uf :\las(iii, are vi.s etc. Havt' ^'iil Uy iist? nl' uiii! hdl.-i.le. iihi),' ill iiiih. Ilaiiililoirs.-Waeuiisia lleiii in llsh III strciliii.s, and aisti taking ijllem Warriinted tin; must wfinderl'lil liiiuu- with di|i net. liiaiiil l.ciliji! liiileiieiiileiil, isli cure over kiKiwii. fiuld liy II. iM, Will give you Ihe great lidvanl/iirc Mr. nml Mrs, M, ,1, Murray Mr, nml .Mrs, A. Wllliiinis, driitr/.i-ist, Mnsiiii, M'icli, ;ilyl The iuistiike was evidently due to which his inollier had, and hesidcs, Smith. This means a .saving from one iilclJiiiiaiil mill iMr. and Mrs, 11,1). iliilsli.'iul loft an ai.lciiipt in tiio closing lioiirs ol' t,lic Saturday for the larKc fair. .session to change .S'ciiiiUir Mcar's bill bread nunde witli this ycist will to ten dollars on every gar• iS, G. .Stiillkiit'clit, one nf .lackson's !\Ii'.s, W, li. i.elaiiil wits eiiiled micxiiectoiliy lu liiistliiiK real estiitc tili'ii, wllose iid, rc.liitive to Clam Lukes intii a law gnv- help bring back bis boyhood's '-in her lioine In Deli-ull dm Tiiesility by the siiiiilcii ei'iiiiig the wlioli' stato, ment purclia.scd. Illness of a ineinber of her fiiiiilly, you wdll (Ind in anothorcdliiimi ol'this digestion, ensuring liis cujoymeut le pajier, met with a serious accident ClIAS, S, llAMP'l'ON, of the rest of your cook'Ing also, Mrs.'I', U, iMoslii'r of Dwo.ssu, anil daiiKliler • ilc retiirniiif,' wii.li his married Mrs. ,1, 1„ Wood ami two cliililreii nf l.niiKVlcw, .State Gilme illul .Kisli Warden, Tc.\iiS| arc visiting friciiils In the city, daiitiiitor jMonrliiy ovonin^r rrom his Get lUagic Vcrst at your Grocer's. It Is I'lirm in Gi'iiss Lalce tuwnsliip, Wlien CuarantQed Curo alwaya GOOD and always READV. Mr, anil IMrs. ('. I'\ nrnwii, iMr, and i\ri'.s. .1. 11. Tailor. liiiler and Mr. and :Ufs. W. 1''. Wlliells left iliniib si.v tiiiles east ot .lack.son Itis l'i/.c imr ildvci'tiscd dnlg- Tuesday iiioriiing fur the World's l'"nlr. lidi'.si! became rriu-litomul ata man and gists to .sell Dr. icing's Xcw:i)is(;nv(;rv 1''. 1;, Sayers lias iiblaliicil a slliiiilloii travelliiit boy at the sido ol' tliu road and shied I'or Cnnsnmption, Coiiglis and Colds, on the mail. iMrs. Sayers will remain with licr oil' til the right side tipiiinR the biiKKy, iijidn tlilscdiidition. Ifymi iii'e iilllictr lareiils at iininii lia|iiils for ilic iircscni. lionso and all into tbe ditoli. J\ir. ed with acdiigbiCidddi'aiiv lung, i.lii'diiij m \Mr, and Mrs. K. U. (IrllHii relitrneii lo ileiiver .Stiillkneclit's iirin liml shoulder were or cilcst trouble, and will use this •csleriliiv. ;\iiss N'cllle (Jrlflin aeiiniiipaiiicd badly bruLscd, but his daiifrlitcr cs- remedy as dircci,cd, giving it a I'l liciii and will remain diirliii,' Uie wliit(;r. ;apcd with sliti'lit bruises. The lioi'sc ta-ial, and e.vperiencc no bciielll;, vdii Allilmi ili.'conler; Miss H. Klol.se Merrill sustained slight bruises, but the liiir- iniiy rctiii'li the bottle nnd liavo vout wnnl lo Masiiii lust Moinlav, where slie will have iicss reiniiinefi intact. The top ol' the mniicy refunded. Wc could not nnike .•Vi'c yen in debt nn your farm nr nothing new wiieii we stale tliat it pays to engage charge of ,\. Ury'.s iiilliiiiery ile|)arliiieiil, buggy was badly siniishud, but the inn pennauent, inosl licailiiy and pleasant biisi. this (ill'er dill wo mil, know that Dt: (itlu.'r |)i'iiiii'i'l,y iind about tn be farC' iie.ss, liiat relurns a prnlll fur every day's work. Ud. A. I'"ry, piililisher of llie .Vlnhiira, Xcb., running gear was so that l.lic lioi'sc .iviitg's Tn'^cw Oiscnvery ctiuld be relied Such is tliii biisiiicas we oll'er the working class. i'hiiioer, vislled the. family of his !m>liier-lu-iivw, closed or liavo bueii forccdoscd'? or Chas. A. Ilayncanf Aiireliiis,over Siiiida.v. was liitclicd on nnd Mr. .S'tallkneclit on. ft never di.sai)|idiiii.s. Trial litit- Wo K-ach thciii how to make money rapidly, and :ind diiiigliter returned lionie tliiink tlcs free at 11. M. .Williams.' Ma.sim, yiiii liiivi; free and clear proiierl.y nnd gnaraiiteu every one wiio I'ollows our luslrnctlons. Mrs. .Ills. K. KerKU.smi left last Moiiilay iiiurii- that tlicy had escaped more .serious raitlifully the iiiaking of liji.'lUU.OO ii iiionUi. In;.'fur an CN-Ieinlrd visit al i;lv(le. Lvuiisaiiil and li". II.Field's,Dausville.dnigf.t(ir(. you wish to mlike 11 cliiuigo of any iCviiry one wlio takes hold nmv and works will' Itase Valley, Wnyiie coil Illy, N. V. Tliiit section iii.jiirios. Large size .50c and $1.0(1. mirely and .speedily increase their earuluga; tliero belli.!; licr old Inline. kind. Clinic and sec or wrilic S. C can 1)0 nil 1111 i.'sl ion aboil 1 ir, others now at woric .Sta liLicNECiiT, room 20, Carter build• are iluiiig it, and you, ri.'nder, can do the same, I\lr. ami Mrs. (1. S, -WlLsnn, Mrs. rraiik llniid. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. i'liia is tlie hesi iiiiyiiii,' liiislneBS lliat you liavo Mr. and Mrs, Cieon.'C W, wlisim ami iMr. niiii The best salve in tlic world I'or cuts, WOOI>'S I»IIOS3?HOr>INJE. ing, .lacksdii, Micli, Tic can Iind you ever liad ilie cliiineo tu secure. You will make n jfocli iioadacho and roliovo nil tho tranlilea Inof*' Mrs. ,laredSinilliof Xurlli Aiirclliis, loft fur the bruises, sores, ulcers, .saltirbcum, fcvci ThoOroat Bnitliah noiuoily, grave mislake. If ym fall lo give it ft trial nt once, dont to n hllloUB otatoof tho nynteui.Buah oa Worhl's l>"air last'I'liesday, rroniptly nnd permanently clear pnipei'ty to briide for iiiurtgaged if yon gnisji llio'siliialiou, and act quickly, you. ilzrinona, KauBoa, DrowaluesB, BlatroBa nftor sores, tetter, cliiijijicd liiiiids,cliiliilains ^eurea nil Conns of A'crcoaa l)r;i|icriy if illlybody can, vyill diri'ctly liml yom-seif lu a iiiOBt prosperous .itlug, I'ain In tho Sido, fto, Whllo tholrmoaO n. 11, PYeelniid leaves In-murrnw for Ann ;tirns, and all skin criiptioiis, and pos lilisiliess, at, which von can .iiiroiymnko and siivc rDiuarUablo uuccosa haa boon shown iu cutiog 4 A rhur 10 take the medleal eiiiirse In ilie U. uf M, U'eakncsB,J!misstona, Sjicnn- Telc|ilionc .No, large .oo»fi/I!eIfrtfjI««n|ioit his liunliy, 'When bciiellt uf Ills creditors, all his jiropcrly uf every the iilHeer came Iih round hiia In bed latjt asleeti, and kind, iiariiro and ilcscrlplliiii, e.'ceoiitsiicliiis Is h MONEY TO LOAN. COIV1E AND SEE US. la Iho banc ot ao many llvoo that horo In \rIiora .Inlin .S, .laoksnii nud wife nf Oarsnn. Sleulmn wbh ilillliuilly avv.iho hlni. The iillicei' told liini It lii.wuxeiii|itfi'iiiiiieyyniul saliiuii c.veciitimi,aii(l I, Via muko our great bc^aat. Our plUa curoit whilo coiiiily. N. Y., Is vislltiii,' Ills sister, Mrs. Cviilhia was a. Irid'ease of Liver iini' h'ldiiey tronlile and the said assltcnec, liaviiiK entered ii|iim the ills- OUiors do not, liowcli of Alalcdoii. A'Islle.d a son in ITillsilalo, advised lilm to gel a li.i'ib. ol Dnllam's Oeinian chai'i^'c of siicli Iru.st ami liavlii{; pui'fecti.'d and nii'oolors~ii. !•. Whilmnre, L. 0. Welib, J. K. \ Carlor'o I/.tllo Liver Pllla aro very amall and then llic I'lilr iitOIilciwn and will .stiirt for home illooil, Moniach, Lifer nriii Kidney'.'are, Ile did so, tiled an iiivcnlorv of all nf.siicli assigned iirop- Elmer, Coo, W, IlrlHlnl, U, M. Williams, Dnriwr ' vory oaay to tal:o. Ono or two pilln maltoa doao. to-iilt;lil. itepiihllcan In |iolltlcs, too bad for sttcli and now ho only nupiires a nainral amount nf sleep, criy asriMpilrcdliy law, do liuroliy l'Ivc iiotlen Reed, M,,p. (;iiatlerlnn,,T. IM. DrosHer. 0. 0. nuntlUR Ihoy aro otritiUy vogetablo aud do not grlpo or a noble looking iniin as lie is. and Ilnds il a uleasnrn to work ever,y dKy;coiine. that on TdUHdlty, the lOrli any 1)1 Octoliei'. A, ton. purge, but by tljoircontlo notion ploaaoall who (inently everything Ii lorely wiiii wile and rsniily uso them. In vialn all!.'! cento; five for $1. Sold "Ollie" firlllln roUirned linnie la.sl Thursday and Uiey all lliinli It tiie areati'St bioud pnrliirr on I). 180IJ, iitioo'elocli In Ui'j forenoon, I will sell at hy drugginta overywboio, or sout by mail. ovoiiiiit' after an absence ot live and oiic-linlt oarUi, Sfl per eolUn. Ear salo by 0. W. Ilalslimd .6 public miction, tu the highest bidder, at the years, most of Uie time being spent with 1111 .Son, Mason, and 'L. 11. Kleld, DanKVlUe, sloro biilldiny of said .lulin I), liwart, at Aii• 'I'MRTER mOlOniE CO., Now York. tiiiole, liciihcn DoiniiUi at Ocorgctown, Cal,, an reliiis, iMIcli., tho Koods, cliiittcis and cITecls oid-lime rtisiiiiinl. of Mason, He brouglit with nit'.iitioiied ill said invciiUn'y. of every Itliid, nn- Sl1,1LlP!Lf..SM/VLLD08E. SMALLPRICE lilm a casuof rocks, shells, corals, etc, from luruand dcsnrlptlnn, providing tliu amount bid An Absent-Mlnded Woman. Iherofflr shall wiiiiii one-lialf the viiiiio of sncli thai section which is on nxhiliitioii at 11. M. A olan asked his uifu to liriiif.'hi-dressing gown AVilllams' driiK atoro. The Unto niailo but little irnpfifly as sliown hy said inveiirory, Tiie.said WUl loaenoneol ita poiiularity wliile under the change with liim. nnd slipperK; ahn hnndcd hint tha i-iial sr.iittloandnveiiUiry , inclitdlng a. slock ot guiieriil mer• JULY .HO, 1803. fire shovel. While he laiinhliiKly inqnlriid If slie had chandise, with Ilxtiircs and ftiralrurc, book ac- nmnaRonientol Itaproaeot oroprlotors. When yow see If)i^]TR01T, gone ouiindy craiy shn leniarknil thai for the past ootints, linr.sas, wagons and iippurtciianccs few ffaeks she tiail henu sa seyeroiy ntlllcted with thereto belonging. .318 cords ot wimd, and the LANSING & NORTHERN R. R One thousand bushels of wheat for uterine Iraubtes and ftMunte \vi.iiUnoss that she following real esUite: Tho oiie.-half iiilerost In May delivery sold In Detroit nnc day could not remcnitier niiythliig. The next day he TO UETIIOIT. the fnilt evaporator on parcel ilcscrllicil as Com. Sts' impurities recently ab SO cts, per bushel. Itlooks iniiThassd for her two hottlus of Uiitlani's Oeriaan 13 rods S of NWOnr. or Sec. 3fi. east Hi rods, Knst. a m p in pni • 1 V m renmle Uterine T.mtc, and after aha hsi] taken liium south 0 rods, west ir> rods, north G roils to iie- as though some ono bad fiiibli in the her mind and hodlly ftrengtli hail fully ruootfrfd, glnniiig. Ai.sosUire bitihiingou land described Leave Laiiflint; g Gi 12 « •11 'if) 7 43 future. Nolhlng better lor all reinsle dlincallleg. $1 a iisOoni. NWcor. Sec. 211. iiorUi lo.'i feet, ea»t78 Burst! ngthroug-fil Arrive Uetroit. 11 40 3 fiO*r. 60 10'25 IioUIe. Vnr ssle by 0. W, llalstead X: Son, M«a'«iSVjv; ters and Health will Lr Tianalng., .....10 27am 2 30 p m B 34 p m wheel on.Mr. Frost's cart, tirowing miles per hour, running time betwoen Ar LansinK... 8 64a m 12 25 p lu 7 43 p m OuroB Oononmptloii, Vougbs, Croup, Soro him out. He struck on the wheel in Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than XUroiitv Sold by all Druttpsw on s Guaraatcc, follow. Parlor care on" all traina to Grand Itapida and his fall and severely injured his back. 60 hours. Four trips per week between For a hamn Side, ilaclc or Chest Shiloh's Porouo m •on exproaa trainii to Detroit. Piaster will give great satisfaction.—aj centu. >• Diroatuonnectionsat Ilowell .ranellnn on'mnrnlng —Wililaraston Enterprise. Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petoa- 'train for Toledo, ami atSelrolt wiUi all liars for the key and Chicago. Daily trips between Send 3 2-eent stamp.i to A. P. Ordw-W & Cl. !'-^Bnat and South nnd Avith steamers for Olovnland, Edw.ard- Bok receives one of the Detroit and Olevoland; during July and Mrs i;. a Kn-jfltltm, CliRttflnooja, 'J.'onn.. ssya: Boston, niiua., for boat medical work-publiabod S At Ilownrd Oily f.ir Upper Ponhisiila and tho Korlh- CAVEATS. i< west. At Qrnnil tlapida with Uie largest personal mails in the country, August double dally sorvico will be main• TRADB WABK8, a year's mail consisting ot over'20,- tained, giving a daylight ride across Lake cniiiicLcriliholiiiatrmedvforaiUbUitatedsmtm OKBIQN PATBNTSa '>'\^ OniOAGO i'WEST JIIOIllOAN' UT. ' Xcr,(r HMiJ." Tor Dyspopnlo, llvor or Kidnoy ,:: fer Dooton IIarhor,8t.joaepli,MuakeRon, Illc Itiipida, 000 letters, Three-fourths of the let• Erie. Daily service betweon Cleveland tvoubloifcer.ftris.'Prlco76cts. , ;. .. ; 00PYRI0HT8, oto. - For.neuralgia, head and toothache,, .'Luilington. .Manialoe,, Trarorao: Olty, Oliarievoix ters are from women. No part of this and Put-iu-Bay. Pirat-class stateroom rheumatism and all.other.'paina, .use Sand Potoakey.. hiigo mail reaches Mr; Bok directly; accommodntlonB and menu, and exceed• , Oldegt bureia for ictmrlng pstentf la Aiuorloa. Dullam'fl.Gorman .Linimenli. For Hale ; 11' V Thefavarltulinoforallpoinlain tVcatern Michigan. It is opened by a private secretary ana ingly low Round Trip Rates. 'The pala-, -i;,-'; Urary iMtont taken out by tu la btmig&tboforo by'Halatead & Son liiid L.:H. Field.- . -iTralDO leave Grand Ilaplda: S : • • tbe puhUo br » Botiot giTCQ troo Ot Bbwsa IB tl>a dlstrlDufed to assistants for .answer. 'tla l equipment.tho luxury of tho appoint-: c;,>i' ^'SiSI remedy: ; Qoing north 7 3(l am. .^^ :•• •• -., 6 46pm 1116pm Every letter; however^ receives a ' aolOKaotttb 7 26am S 50am 1 SDpm 616pm C SOpm ar.moats makes traveling on these Btoamem .ll.ivo you Catiirrh ? Try this Bomody. Ityriil reply. One of Mr.. Bok's editors on • thoroughly eujbyablo. Send for illus. U.VI lively I'eUove and Curo you... Prioo CO otf. ,1 " f •• • euaopnii .Xhla Injector for ita nucooeaCul treatment 1« The Ladies' Home Journal, Euth trated pamphlet. AddroBS A; A.Schantz, tiu'nlBhod fteo.; Komombor.Shlloh'aHoiaodlia, *E!TorTday^ Otbartnlaaweekdayaonly, Ashmore, whiD \vritcs to girls, receives G. F..A.,; Detroit & Clevoland Stoam Kav. aro aold ou ivffuorautoo to eIvo satisfootlOB;,;; •fiS2f^.„.- OEO.DlHATBN.aon'i Paia'r Ag't, homestead will have to do so by pur• Latrobo began to orocB walla on it. oontlnuanco of tho stupid wool tax A NATION'S JUBILEE. WOMINGMEN SPEAK. INGHAM COUNTY DEMOCRAT. chase. Uncle Sam has been prodiKal Latrobo was suocoodod by Bulflnoh, should bo shown tho door with an iin- tho arohitoct of the Boston State modiatonesB aud onthusiaBiu sulHciont -a^ and his pockets are now empty. House, hi 1817, who carried through to "mako his head swim."—Dry Goods' ' CELEBRATION OF THE CAPN his designs and roporlod their com- TEXTILE WORKERS REBUKE THE Economist. ^ plotiou to Congrosj in 1827. So fur the MASON", MIOH. Aiiotrr as good a way ns any to TOL'S CENTENNIAL Capitol had coat tho govornmont 82,- PROTECTIONISTS. >reKIul«yleon going on. The corner stono soon saw that the adjustment of the fiioluros aud has already becun that prooosu ot various duties mifflit bo so madoasto What do men do under such circum- mere beginning—a sort of preliminary thoso of Sept. I.S, ITIl.'t. a.'id fully as im• of tho o.x'tou.sions, or tho "oalargod i-eiliioliii,' -vvuitos wliieli must ho coiitliiiied upon pressive. 'Tlieii Miiitor iMascn'Ooorgo building," as it was di'scribod at tho a im-iio uoiilo whon larilf revision siiuli bo uu furnish a forniiof bounty to ])i'ivalo in- BtancesV (lirtation. The serious part ot tbo noeoiupiished fuot, Tho dullest nilitd uiiiouif Washington laid tho coriiei' stone witli time, was laid by President Filliiioro. torosts and " iaeidontal protootioii," fol- 'j bu.sine.ss begins when the bittterllies lliein I111I.V porooivu that, w-lien tho tarlll har• lowed wliorovor such iirotoction would all tho 1)01111) nnd dolnil of tho jMitsonic .luly 4, P5I, lit wliioh timo Uaniot riers slial'l no roiiiovod, Amorl. an waaon nuiiil AniscKNT inviintion converts waste ai'c at rest. Tho male, which is nsti- ritual. Tliesorviueseoiisislod of tliroe Webster, tlieii Seerolary of Stato, do- fall to tho Kuropoaii lovol or the iiiimatttctur- also iiiereasu tho rovenuos. Bovoauo ors must continuo oporatlonH, 'I'ho iiiuiinfuot- was still foremost. Tlion followotl paper into kegs and barrels. This is iilly the more brilliantly colored of principal tcatiiros: Pirst, a civic, llvorod a eharactoristioally grand and nrerB miido tho tlidil lasl year and in preeed ni; straiglit tarilV for rovomio with iiici- 0(10 way of hooping up the spring tho I wo, takes up his position on