V O L . X V I I I . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U K S D a Y

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V O L . X V I I I . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U K S D a Y VOL. XVIII. MASON, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1893. NO. 38 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Cloaks I Cloaks! Cloaks! Woddlne: Chimes. Common Council Proceodlnjjs. An Immense line, latest styles and A very plcasiint sochil event occur• Mason, Sept. 25, ISfl3. nemoval Notice. colors. I'erl'cet fitting. red last evening ;it the residence of P. Coimcil met jitirsuaut to adjourn• CiiAs. 11. Hall. Mines. The occasion being the mar• ment and Wits called to order bv jAfayor I will I'cnliive inv store into llic C. mi IT uJj riage Of Miss Nettie K 11 lues to Emory Heed. Help improve the times and 0. lliiiitlnKtim biiildint,' tlic lirst of Haircut forloc nt Ame's, over Wil• mm •T. Tdpllir. The rooms were tastily nc.vt week, where 1 will liii glnil In .see liains' drug store fi tf. Present, Aid. Drew, Elmer, Hoyi iiiak'c Others Iiappy by buj'ing- decorated with flowers and myrtle Mills,TItorbtirn and A'anSlylce. all niy old ciisti)nicr.s, and inany new At (lite end of the jiarior was an altitr ones. li'i.'spectl'lilly. Mi's. liliiialitie Crocker of Atiroliiis, The minutes of last meeting wei'o your wedding presents at Ford's receives-I'lii back jioiision this week. covered with while ti'Inimecl with read and approved. IJazaar. Tiiose new Water Set.'; myrtle, and above it hung a yoke of The. Iliiance cotiimitlde reported on I'rop. Browne's lioolc Store. N'anZilci^ Hoy tare bit viiigcltickciis. myrtle At 7:20 Miss TS'ettie Temple- They will ship from Mason Oct. I2tli. tiie followingcliiitnsaiid rocommended aud Fancy Glass J'icecs are just ton sLrtick the llrst cliunls of the wed• tlieir allowance as follows: Good worklior,se for.siileiltCliiljiin'.s.* ding march, the pages tlien entered the tiling;, and those new Dinner Who are Selling ''The latest styles in iiiilliiiery direct (!(io. S. iMoslior and iiirii on streets Sl'J :i6 Wan-en irnskell of Wehljervlllc, has from Clilcagoat Afrs. A. L. Cltapniiin's. the parlor each cari'yiiig a ribbon of Davhl Sotillnviek, il nights on slt-euls 8 10 myrtle, and the bridal party followed .1. liolbiy, 1 nlultt on sireet.s 1 RfSeti s are marvels ol" beauty admir• lllld ll reissue of iiensioli. Ijcvi lickliart is biiililing a line new jiiissiiig between the ribboiis to tho S. I). Nindy, drnwiiii,' pipe .100 ed by ali. Mere yoii will find .1 liunse on the nnrtheast coriici' of West Silver Ki'l linllor i;oiii|iiiiiud Co., for bolter IjMlisiiig lilts ten new i;iisfSof dipli- altar. At tlic left of the bride were I'onipoiind 12 (111 tlieriii. lliree in oin; dwelling. and Miiple streeLs. j\ii'. aiiii Mrs. lliiie.^, .Misses .leniiic MIoli. Suiiply l.'o., for wiisto and parkiliK'.. ,s (i; full line of l''lant Jaf.s. Just notice Iliifjlirs SUNiiii-iiitinii Co., viitvu sprliiKS JO All indelitetl l;O us cull and settle. and ]\lainle and l''rank 11 lues ; at the 7 si liow cheap you can buy a No. i A line line of piittcrn hats on exhi• rigiit of the groQiit were Jlr. aud Mrs. Wiiyiie Co. Havings liank.liili'rusl on lioiids 875 oil bition at Mrs. i'' C. Parsons'. *;i8w'2 AVo need iiioiu',\', also want gond dry On motion by Aid, Tliorbiirii, the wood. *w2 BuoM'.v linos. Topliir, :\lissCni'rie and BertToplilf. Dish Pan, We have the best line• CHEAP. report was accejitcd as follows: Yeas, jMaii.V Jfn.soii iieniile iirii in atteiid- Itev. L. DcLjiiiiarlerof .liatoii iiiipids, of School Tablets in town. Now iiiice lit the Pliiton liiipids fair tills A mess of peas was pii-ked by the olllciated. Aid. Drew, Eluicr, lloyt, Mill.s, TItor mother of Mrs. G. 11. •Iiitnes ali Dan.s- burn nnd Yan.Slyke. week. llefrcslinients were abundant a'nd is tlie time to buy AVall Paper villcon the 21st day of Septcnihor. Tito committee on appropriations We do not quote prices. Call A big day at .StelnlKilT's cider mill well .served. One liuiidrcd guests en• reported, and the following resolution while we are .selling clieap. We: at our storo and we will con• i:;t 'riicsihiy, about big loads of .1. II. Stcinliolf, Iciinwing the ni':.Mn- joyed the occasion. 'I'lie presents was otl'ered l;y Aid. Elmer: | ^.],, j-^,. j^^,;^,^^, CiiA'i' jug was empty took it lionie tills were many and useful. After atrip vince you we are doing just apples. nvKiilvril, That your tliianeoeoniintttden'i'nni- week ami lillcti"it with nice sweet to Chictigo iMr. and Mrs. Toplilf will uiondlliitltliul'olloH'inmiiiionnls lieappi'oprlatud Our new hanging and vase Lamps as we advertise. Daisy D.. owned liy 1). A. Castcr- cider. settle in tlieir new home near lOaton for tlie purpose iif dt'fravliiK llio neeessiirv ex- llii of Charlotte, won the ]iai:e at Itapids. They arc highly respected iioii.ses and lliibllllles of ilie city of iMa.soii lor will soon be here, Miss .lessie Lal'oint, living north• Iho iiiixl tlswil year payable from lliu suveriil It will pay you. Siigiiiaw last weidc. young pefijilc who well merit the re- general riiiids of siildcliyul .Mason: west of Leslie, iiiis been found guilty well to wait for them. All the: Oalcland, the Liiiising )i!iccr, won giii'fls and host wishes of their many coniiiiKciit ifa,non nf truancy and sent to Ailrain iintll 21 friends. The Dkmockat extends con- l'"li'e ouo the 2:20 pace at •Saginaw last.Satiii'day yeai'sof age I'nor .1110 newest designs. in straigt lioats. flest time 2:1(1. gra til 111 tlons^ Water 1,7.111 lis m Biei a Slrcel 1,000 Come and see us. Ladies, don't fail to sec Lliose ele• Tiio city fathers have aiiiiropriated Ii'resh prunes, raisinraisins and apricots (leiienil .Suiver .r.'o .117,550 to pay tlic running expenses for lirliiKo -iix) gant pattern hats at Mrs. A. L. Uliap- at the •Stak Guoceuy. »0 Respectfully, JiiHl ihe .Same an Cash. man's millinery opening Oct. ."Id,-Itli the next llscal year. This is $.100 less tlian last year. There will bo a blue rock shoot at Total S7,r.r,0 and fitii. Mason Oiiii Cliibgrotinds li'riday after Alld that the above amount shall be FORD & KIRBY. Henry Myers, living on the Bush noon. All sports invited. .W. M. PRATT. Send the (.'liildrcn to the niatinct raised by a general tax upon the tax• farm in tlic llorth^yestern part of the able jiroperty of the city of Mason. Saturday iiftcrnonn and let them en The Mii.snn Stars worked even on city, will sidl his iier.sonal property at 'I'lio report wits acce)iLcd and the joy a pony ride. .Seats on sale at auction Tuesday, Oct. lOtli. the Eaton Ita lids Lincolns lust Satiir- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Culver's. day by defeat ng them to tlic ttiiio of resolution adopted as follows: Yeas, The Lansing Driving Club has .'17 to IS. Aid. Drew, Elinor, lloyt, Jlills, Thor- D. E. AVilcox favors the Dkmocuat burn and •ViinSlyke. PHYSICIANS. al:aiulotied its October race meeting with a basket of very line ))eaclicK, to liave been held next week, owing to AVIille making cider last Tuesday '.I'lio street cotiiinittee asked for ITTo DOyiNii, I'liyslclitii and HtifKcoii, He got them at his daughter's iiei the small ntimber of entries received. tlie belt to the press ran olf and fiirthor time in the matter of the peti• '''on™ in l-nrUinirst hlodt. Irieasiiiitlake. struck ,r. 11. Steiiilioirii.severcblow on corner ot G and Soutli stroets, Jliison, MIoh. tion uf A. D. Tubhs, et al., for side• the left e.ye. walk, which was granted. Tlio case of l.iyron M. l.trowiie Mills Dry Goods Go. offer many 1) (IIIKICN.M. U., llinuojpatlilst. onioe lu specials this wiM'.k. 'J.'hey have stacks charged with iiiiirder, liiis beiin con The Local olllce at Leslie li'ad ii nar• On motion the council adjourned for "iV.liir lilooU. itesldoneo, llrst door east ofncw gotiilsaiid theirmannerofdeal- Cash will tinned until next term and his bail row escape during the lato lire. All two weeks. buy your groceries rrosbs'terlan uliureli ing and jiriccs arc right. EetuI their EuoiCNio A. TYLKit, City Clerk. cheap at placed at .*.''),O00. ad. the material wiis moved out, thus ATTORNEYS. delayed the paper. Tliei'c will be aciipitnl social at the Married, on Ratiirday, .Sept. 2.')d, at Family Reunion. M. CUMMINS, All.u'ney 'VV,'1-:^'Mnlm, Gaiiaiiii school house on Tiicsdiiy Linv. oniooovof IMrinors' Hank, MitMni. the residence of if. P. l.Uishnell of Les• Mr. aud Mi'.s. Bert AVilcox have ac• Mr. and Mrs. Ifonry Bower enjoyed Vandercook & Rice's evening, Oct. Jt. Come one and lie, by l!ev. .1. AVesloy Foy of Eden cepted positions in tlieIndlauarel'orm a reunion Of Mrs. .I.!.'s brotlier'.s, sisters 7~f7ii-MAiNH Altm-uoyamiOounaoloratLaw. and bringyniibring yourr friends. Bertcll E. AVood and Myrta A. Bush scliool. They wore formerly in the and tlieir I'amilies, on '.l.'liiir.sday, Aug', AVc tliink we can prove to you by ill!;o^'S'rii!ul;|toio^Hm^^ ' A. It. Ciilvcr, dr., is now acting sec nell. Industrial scliool at Lansing. Good nth. 'Pile company arrived about for them. noon, and .soon thereafter .sat down to a fair trial, that we are selling good i!!!:lf!^L^-.''_-' Vim-rwi'th '''-''"IO' of tlie Sturgls fair assiiclatioie The ladies of ^rason and vicinity .1.
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