Appendix E. Scoping Summary Report
Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Clearance Scoping Summary Report This Scoping Summary Report summarizes the notification methods and issues raised at scoping meetings conducted in support of the 16th Street Mall Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Clearance. The purpose of the scoping meetings was to gather comments that would help establish the scope of the Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Clearance. Scoping meetings were held as follows. • Agency meetings: o Initial project meeting: City and County of Denver, Regional Transportation District (RTD), Downtown Denver Partnership, and Federal Transit Administration (FTA): May 2, 2017. o National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process scoping meeting: City and County of Denver, RTD, and FTA: May 18, 2017. o Initial consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, with the State Historic Preservation Officer, Historic Denver, Colorado Preservation, Inc., LoDo District, Inc., City and County of Denver, Downtown Denver Partnership, RTD, and FTA: July 25, 2017. • Small group meetings: June 19-20, 2017 • Stakeholder working group workshop: June 28-30, 2017 • Public outreach at the Meet in the Street event on the 16th Street Mall: July 22, 2017. • Public scoping meetings: July 27, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Agency Meetings Summary On May 2, 2017, representatives from RTD, City and County of Denver, Downtown Denver Partnership, Inc., FTA, and the consultant team met to initiate the 16th Street Project Team collaboration efforts. The project team discussed what would be considered a successful project, a vision for the Mall, previous studies, schedule, and what makes this project different from the previous projects.
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