Appendix: Symbols for Rock Forming Minerals

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Appendix: Symbols for Rock Forming Minerals Appendix: Symbols for rock forming minerals Ab albite Acm acmite Act actinolite Adr andradite Agt aegirine-augite Ak a˚kermanite Alm almandine Aln allanite Als aluminosilicate Am amphibole An anorthite And andalusite Anh anhydrite Ank ankerite Anl analcite Ann annite Ant anatase Ap apatite Apo apophyllite Apy arsenopyrite Arf arfvedsonite Arg aragonite Atg antigorite Ath anthophyllite Aug augite Ax axinite Bhm boehmite Bn bornite Brc brucite Brk brookite Brl beryl Brt barite Bst bustamite Bt biotite Cal calcite Cam Ca clinoamphibole Cbz chabazite Cc chalcocite Ccl chrysocolla Ccn cancrinite Ccp chalcopyrite Cel celadonite Cen clinoenstatite Cfs clinoferrosilite Chl chlorite Chn chondrodite Chr chromite Chu clinohumite Cld chloritoid (continued) K. Bucher and R. Grapes, Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks, 415 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-74169-5, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 416 Appendix: Symbols for rock forming minerals Cls celestite Cp carpholite Cpx Ca clinopyroxene Crd cordierite Crn carnegieite Crn corundum Crs cristroballite Cs coesite Cst cassiterite Ctl chrysotile Cum cummingtonite Cv covellite Czo clinozoisite Dg diginite Di diopside Dia diamond Dol dolomite Drv dravite Dsp diaspore Eck eckermannite Ed edenite Elb elbaite En enstatite (ortho) Ep epidote Fa fayalite Fac ferroactinolite Fcp ferrocarpholite Fed ferroedenite Flt fluorite Fo forsterite Fpa ferropargasite Fs ferrosilite (ortho) Fst fassite Fts ferrotschermakite Gbs gibbsite Ged gedrite Gh gehlenite Gln glaucophane Glt glauconite Gn galena Gp gypsum Gr graphite Grs grossular Grt garnet Gru grunerite Gt goethite Hbl hornblende Hc hercynite Hd hedenbergite Hem hematite Hl halite Hs hastingsite Hu humite (continued) Appendix: Symbols for rock forming minerals 417 Hul heulandite Hyn hauyne€ Ill illite Ilm ilmenite Jd jadeite Jh johannsenite Kfs K-feldspar Kln kaolinite Kls kalsilite Krn kornerupine Krs kaersutite Ktp kataphorite Ky kyanite Lct leucite Lm limonite Lmt laumontite Lo loellingite Lpd lepidolite Lws lawsonite Lz lizardite Mag magnetite Mcp magnesiocarpholite Mel melilite Mgh maghemite Mgs magnesite Mkt magnesiokatophorite Mnt montmorillonite Mnz monazite Mo molybdenite Mrb magnesioriebeckite Mrg margarite Ms muscovite Mtc monticellite Mul mullite Ne nepheline Nrb norbergite Nsn nosean Ntr natrolite Oam orthoamphibole Ol olivine Omp omphacite Opx orthopyroxene Or orthoclase Osm osumilite Pct pectolite Pen protoenstatite Per periclase Pg paragonite Pgt pigeonite Phe phengite Phl phlogopite Pl plagioclase Pmp pumpellyite (continued) 418 Appendix: Symbols for rock forming minerals Pn pentlandite Po pyrrhotite Prg pargasite Prh prehnite Prl pyrophyllite Prp pyrope Prv perovskite Py pyrite Qtz quartz Rbk riebeckite Rdn rhodonite Rds rhodochrosite Rt rutile Sa sanidine Scp scapolite Sd siderite Sdl sodalite Ser sericite Sil sillimanite Sm smectte Sp sphalerite Spd spodumene Spl spinel Spr sapphirine Sps spessartine Srl schorl Srp serpentine St staurolite Stb stilbite Stp stilpnomelane Str strontianite Sud sudoite Tlc talc Tmp thompsonite Toz topaz Tr tremolite Trd tridymite Tro troilite Ts tschermakite Ttn titanite Tur tourmaline Usp ulvospinel€ Ves vesuvianite Vrm vermiculite Wa wairakite Wo wollastonite Wth witherite Wus wustite€ Zo zoisite Zrn zircon Index A C ACF projection Calcite–aragonite polymorphic transitions, mafic rocks, 343–348 144–145 metamafic rocks, 344 Calc-silicate rock, 34 mineral assemblages, 52–54 Calcsilicate rocks, 3, 4 AFM projections Caledonian metasediments, 9 low-grade shales, 261 CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (CMASH) mineral assemblages, 48–52 system Aluminum, 203–204 chlorite breakdown reaction, 204 Amphibolite decompression and cooling path, 204 definition, 34 hydrated Al-bearing lherzolite, 202–204 facies, 127 isofacial ultramafic rock, 202, 204 Amphibolite–granulite facies rapid decompression and uplift, 204 isobaric temperature vs. fluid composition soapstone and sagvandite, 204 diagram, 372 Carbonate-bearing ultramafic rocks transition, 370–371 ophicarbonate rocks Amphibolite–granulite facies transition, antigorite, 196, 213 370–371 Atg + Brc, 213 Analcite, 360–361 Bergell aureole, 215 Anatectic granite, 289 carbonate-involving reactions, 212, 213 Andalusite–kyanite–sillimanite polymorphic isobaric assemblage stability, 212, 213 transitions, 142–144 isobaric invariant assemblages, 214 Antigorite, 196, 213 rocks assemblage stability, 214 Augen mylonite, 33 serpentinites, 212 tonalite, Central Alps, 215 B topologic configurations, 214 Baltic Shield, 68 phase relationships, 212–214 Barrovian zones, 120 silicates and oxides, 212 Basaltic rocks, 339 soapstone and sagvandite Bathozones and bathograds, 139–141 amphibolite facies temperatures, 218 Bergell contact aureole Atg + Mgs (ophimagnesite), 218 fotomicrograph, 247 crust–mantle boundary, 219 metamorphic dolomite marble, 247 enstatite +magnesite, 215, 216 Bergell tonalite intrusion, 206, 207 harzburgite, 216, 218 Blackwall rock, 34 magnesite, 216, 217 Blueschist, 33 mineral reactions and phase Blueschist facies, 129–130 relations, 219 419 420 Index ophicarbonates, 218 progressive metamorphism, 235 talc + magnesite, 215 T-aCO2 phase equilibrium, 235–236 Carbonate minerals, 365 definition, 225 Carbonate rocks, 75–76, 109 large recumbent fold, 225–226 Cataclasite, 33 minerals and rock composition, 227 Cataclastic metamorphism, 13–14 modal composition vs. P-T diagram, Charnockite, 34, 409–410 232–233 Combustion metamorphism, 17 orogenic metamorphism Conodont color alteration index (CAI), 174 diopside, 231–232 Contact metamorphism forsterite, 232 definition, 13–14 P-T-aCO2 phase equilibrium, 230–231 dolomite talc, 231 high-temperature phase equilibria, 237 tremolite, 231 modal composition vs. temperature Dunite, 194 diagram, 238–239 periclase/brucite-bearing marbles, E 237–238 Earth crust and mantle progressive metamorphism, 235 heat flow and geotherms T-aCO2 phase equilibrium, 235–236 Baltic shield, 68 limestone continental crust, 67 contact metamorphic calcsilicate crustal volume, 68 marbles, 240 Fourier’s law, 66 CO2-producing reactions, 241 heat flow unit (HFU), 66–67 low-T reactions, 239–240 heat transport., 66 Mt. Morrison formation, fluid model geotherms, 69 infiltration, 242 MOHO, 68, 69 progressive transformations, 239 steady-state heat flow, 67 rocks-H2O-rich fluids interaction, 242 transient geotherms, 69–70 T-aCO2 phase equilibrium, 240–241 pressure changes, rocks, 72–74 tremolite and diopside replacement, 240 temperature changes and metamorphic Wasatch range, Utah, USA, 240 reactions, 71–72 wollastonite-forming reaction, 241–242 thermal conductivity, 66 mafic rocks, 349 transfer heat, 65 metagraywackes, 400–406 Eclogite metapsammites, 400–406 and blueschist facies, 408–409 Continent-continent collision, 77, 78 definition, 34 facies, 130–131 D facies metamorphism, 378–383 Dehydration reactions, 74, 79, 80 Enderbyite, 34 Devolatilization reactions, 77 Enstatite-forsterite felses, 193 Diastathermal metamorphism, 13 Dolomite F chemographic relationships Fault breccia, 33 CaO-MgO-SiO2 plane, 228 Felsic mineral, 33 high metamorphic grades, 229–230 Felsic rock, 33 siliceous dolomites reactions, 229 Fe-rich metapelitic rocks, 270 triangle Dol-Cal-Qtz, 228–229 Fourier’s law, 66 contact metamorphism high-temperature phase equilibria, 237 G modal composition vs. temperature Gabbroic rocks, 383 diagram, 238–239 Garnet, 81, 365, 381 periclase-/brucite-bearing marbles, Garnet-aluminosilicate-quartz-plagioclase 237–238 (GASP), 159–161 Index 421 Geologic process, 78, 79 thermodynamic data, 147 Geothermobarometry (GTB) Gibbs free energy., 58–59 assumptions and precautions Gibbs method, 168–169 calibration quality, 151 Gneiss, 31 cation distributions, 151 Granitoids, 406 Fe2+/Fe3+ estimation, 152–153 charnockite, 409–410 feldspar thermometry, 152 eclogite and blueschist facies, 408–409 metamorphic mineral compositions, microcline-sanidine isograd, 407–408 151–152 migmatitic granitoids, 409–410 P–T extrapolations, 151 prehnite and pumpellyite, 406 retrograde effects, 150–151 stilpnomelane, 406–407 thermobarometers sensitivity, 151 Granofels, 31 thermobarometry, 150 Granulite thermodynamic solution, 152 amphibolite-facies assemblages, 293 zoned poikiloblastic garnets, 150 definition, 34 calcsilicate rocks, 147 facies, 127–129 Clausius-Clapeyron slope, 148 facies rocks, 291 exchange reactions granulite facies assemblages, 295–296 Fe–Mg exchange reactions, 153, 154 neosome, 292 garnet–biotite thermometer, 156–157 Opx–Qtz granulite formation, 294 garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer, partial melting reactions, 292–293 154–156 pigeonite, 296 intracrystalline and intercrystalline prograde P–T path, 292 exchange, 153 Greenschist isotopic exchange thermometry, definition, 33 157–158 facies, 126–127 metamorphic thermometry, 153 Greenschist–amphibolite facies transition, Grt–Rt–Als (Ky)–Ilm–Qtz assemblage 365–366 (GRAIL) reaction, 148, 149 Greenschist facies metamorphism, 126–127, MET, 167–168 363–365 metamorphic petrology, 146 carbonate, 365 miscibility gaps and solvus garnet, 365 thermometry, 163 mineralogical changes, 363–364 calcite–dolomite, 165 reactions including micas, 364 definition, 162 stilpnomelane, 364, 365 mineral composition, 163 Greenstone, 33 muscovite-paragonite, 165–166 Greywakes orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene, high pressure metamorphism, 398–400 163–164 medium pressure metamorphism, 398 plagioclase-alkali feldspar, 164–165 net-transfer H clinopyroxene–plagioclase–quartz, Harzburgite, 216 161–162 Heulandite, 361 GASP, 159–161 High pressure low temperature (HPLT) geobarometry, 158 metamorphism, 298–299
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