Wildcats try Earthdance ON THE MARKET for first win brings people Guide to local real estate at Eureka together for peace ..........Page A-6 ...............Page A-3 ...................................Inside INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper .......Page A-2 Tomorrow: Sunny and warm 7 58551 69301 0 FRIDAY Sept. 22, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 44 pages, Volume 148 Number 166 email:
[email protected] CITY OF UKIAH ‘We’ve lost a good friend in the passing of Norm Vroman. He was a wonderful guy.’ – Former Sheriff TONY CRAVER Police aim to recruit DA Vroman dies officers via Vroman By BEN BROWN ‘It is with deep regret and television The Daily Journal District Attorney Norman sorrow that I have to inform By BEN BROWN Vroman died Thursday The Daily Journal afternoon at a Santa Rosa the people of Mendocino Starting next week, the Ukiah hospital of complications Police Department will be using a due to a heart attack. County that District Attorney new tool in its effort to recruit The 69-year-old Vroman Norman L. Vroman passed qualified applicants onto the force: was rushed to Sutter Valley television. Memorial Hospital by heli- away this afternoon, “The ultimate idea is to get peo- copter Tuesday morning, ple talking about it and considering after suffering a heart attack Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006.’ a career in law enforcement,” said at his home. UPD Capt. Chris Dewey. His condition was KEITH FAULDER The commercial will air on five described as critical by hos- assistant district attorney, cable stations during a two-week pital staff on Tuesday when in an announcement Thursday from period.