MANCHESTER FOCUS U.S./WORLD WEATHER GOP panel hears Vanity plates make Carter says Reagan Clearing up tonight;

sunny, mild Tuesday from Tom Ferguson Igreat road reading ignored his warning ... see page 2 ... page 3 ... page 16 I ... page 5

ilanrhrfitrr Mrralh Manchester, Conn — A City of Village Charm Monday, March 18, 1985 — Single copy: 25

Court dumps

BBRi _ ■■■ ps>: law limiting

PAC dollars By Elizabeth Olson political process. United Press International "A n effort to link either corrup­ tion or the appearance of corrup­ WASHINGTON - The Supreme tion to independent expenditures Court today ruled a federal elec­ by PACS, whether large or small, tion law limiting how much politi­ simply does not pass" the high cal action committees may spend court’s test for the level of to help presidential candidates governmental interference, Rehn­ violates the First Amendment's quist concluded. guarantees of speech and political ’’An exchange of political favors association. for uncoordinated expenditures The 7-2 ruling came in a case remains a hypothetical possibility brought by the Democratic Party, and nothing m ore," he said. which tried to get the court to Rehnquist led the majority in decide the issue last year to head rejecting the Democrats challenge off the expenditure of millions of to the law, saying the party did not dollars by political action commit­ have the legal right to bring such a tees — PACS — for President challenge. Reagan. Justice Thurgood Marshall, PACS are independent political Byron White and William Brennan organizations dedicated to specific — who joined the majority in political goals and campaign inde­ striking down the law — dissented pendently on behalf of candidates from that part of the ruling. who agree with their goals. "The First Amendment protects Writing for the majority. Justice the right to speak, not the right to William Rehnquist said "there can spend, and limitations on the Herald photo by Tarqumto be no doubt that the expenditures amount of money that can be spent at issue in this case produce speech are not the same as restriction^ on Clowning around at the core of the First speaking,” White wrote. Amendment.” “ If the elected members of the Such discussion of public issues legislature, who are surely in the Joe Cirillo, right, clowns around writing a traffic ticket Manchester police and several other Manchester groups and debate on the qualifications of best position to know, conclude against Manchester Police Officer Jonas Searle before turned out in f^l force to march in the 14th annual candidates are key to the operation that large-scale expenditure are a Saturday's St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hartford. Cirillo is parade. Story and more pictures on page 4. of the American system of govern­ significant threat to the integrity a Sphinx Temple funster and a Meriden policernan. ment, Rehnquist said. and fairness of the electoral "The PACS in this case, of process, we should not second course, are not lone pamphleteers gqess that judgment.” or street corner orators in the Tom The controversy over PAC Snow forces some school closings Paine mold; they must spend spending began because of thee substantial amounts of money in nearly $14 million conservative order to communicate their politi­ political groups spent on Reagan’s cal ideas through sophisticated 1980 campaign. The National Con­ media advertisements,” Rehn­ servative Political Action Commit­ Winter won’t let us forget it quist said. tee, known as NCPAC, and the “ For purposes of presenting Fund for a Conservative Majority political views in connection with a spent more than $4 million for An unexpected downpour that temperatures and became Tuesday. found it difficult to turn on the nationwide presidential election, Reagan’s election. began before dawn and froze on the slippery in traffic. Apparently caught unaware of curves without slipping. allowing the presentation of views The federal election law at issue roads before turning to snow by State police reported dozens of the sudden snowfall, state highwy A 15-vehicle pileup was reported while forbiding the expenditure of forbids any PAC from spending daybreak made for treacherous collisions caused by breaking crews began deployment after the on Interstate 91 north of Exit 19 in • more than $1,000 to present them is more than $1,000 on behalf of a rush-hour driving this morning, vehicles in the snow that fell over snow began covered the highways. the Meriden area. State police much like allowing a speaker in a presidential candidate it supports. resulting in more than a dozen area two-thirds of the state in an east to Salting and sanding trucks had closed Route 9 in Haddam until public hall to express his views Two lower courts struck down automobile accidents and forcing northeast movement. to deal with backed up traffic in could alleviate severe icing while denying him the use of an the 1971 law, labeling it an many schools to close. The National Weather Sen-ice getting to hard-hit areas, state conditions. amplifying system” unconstitutional infringement on said the late winter storm, two Morning rush-hour traffic on the police sid. Bradley International Airport in The majority rejected argu­ political rights. The case came major highways was slowed to a days before the start of spring, Traffic moved at a snail’s pace Windsor reported about one inch of ments that the expenditure of such before the Supreme Court more would end by noon and forecast crawl. on icy Interstate exits in New snow but officials sad it did not large sums of money on presiden­ than two years ago, but the justices Manchester police reported 11 tempertures as high as 50 for Haven and Hartford as drivers interfere with operations. tial elections would corrupt the failed then to decide the question. minor accidents between 6 and 9 a.m., one with minor injuries. Police spokesman Gary Wood said all appeared to have been weather- related. MX missile nears

State police reported several fender-benders on Interstate 84 and Interstate 384 in Manchester. crucial vote again Details were unavilable. All Manchester public and pa­ rochial schools wore closed today. Bv Eliot Brenner Hart. D-Colo., urging a ” no” vole School Superintendent James P. United Press International and calling the argument that Kennedy said he called off classes defeat of the missile would hurt the when the town highway depart­ WASHINGTON - The MX mis­ negotiations "fo lly .” ment and the school bus company sile, the 10-warhead weapon Presi­ The nation’s Roman Catholic said road conditions would require dent Reagan says is crucial to the bishops also urged defeat of the a delay of at least two hours. outcome of renewed arms talks, MX in letters to members of Students at Andover Elemen­ comes up for two votes this week in Congress Saturday. the Senate that could determine A letter signed by Bishop James tary School and RHAM Junior and Senior high schools also got the day the fate of the program. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, off. The opening of schools in The Senate is expected to hold president of the U.S. Catholic Coventry and Bolton was delayed the first of two votes, probably Conference, cited "the potentially one hour. Tuesday or Wednesday, to decide destabilizing impact of this wea­ Neil Brouder, acting highway pons system on the nuclear arms if about $1.5 billion will be released ; superintendent in Manchester, race, and its cost, viewed in light of to build 21 missiles. said town roads were ’ ’ not at all too pressing human needs here and To survive, the missile must bad” by 9; 30 a.m.. as the morn­ elsewhere in the world’’ as key clear those votes and two in the ing’s small accumulation of ice reasons for the bishop’s opposition. House the following week. and snow began to melt and road As of Friday, a survey by United Reagan will go to Capitol Hill 8 crews finished sanding the remain­ Press International showed 42 Tuesday to lobby Republicans for ing slippery spots. senators supporting the MX, one the missile, and given his ability to A worker in the Bolton Highway- leaning against it — Sen. Paula Herald pnoio Dy T arquinio sway votes, his visit could have an Department said roads in Bolton Hawkins, R-Fla.— 40 ready to vote impact on the outcome, expected were also clearing rapidly. against it and 17 who have not, Northeast Utilities officials re­ to be very close. Getting the big picture made up their minds or have not Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ ported no power outages in the publicly declared their positions. berger, reiterating the administra­ area. The White House last week Ursula Wenz of Mineoia, N.Y., sights the Manchester. Wenz was keeping sharp tion’s arguments for the missile, Snow measured only about one to began putting additional pressure target (during the $10,000 New England eye on how a friend was doing during wrote in a letter published in The two inches today most on fence-sitting senators, in effect Open Archery Championships Satur­ Washington Post Sunday. "The sections of Connecticut, but that the competition. More pictures and telling Republicans up for re- critical decision before Congress was enough to cause a slippery day at Hall's Arrow Indoor Range in championship results on page 14. election they will not get Reagan’s is, indeed, whether to shut down highway slowdown for commuters help in 1986 unless they vole with MX production just as the Geneva and the shutdown of some schools. him on key issues, including the arms talks begin. The light, fluffy snow, caused by MX "Without such a credible U.S. a moist backlash of a large system The MX is a replacement for the Housing inspections on hoid capability,” Weinberger wrote, off the New England coast, gripped 20-year-old Minuteman 3 missiles. ’’the Soviet Union has little incen­ to roadways due to sub-freezing that every move we make is the Designed to be the hardest-hitting By BUI Ylngllno two rooms. But state codes require tive to reduce those strategic correct one." weapon in the nation’s nuclear Herald Reporter an apartment to have a minimum offensive systems that threaten to Health Director Ronald Kraatz of only 120 square feet of space. arsenal, the MX has been in the erode nuclear deterrence.” Manchester officials have post­ said today that a discrepancy Each additional room must a(ld 110 works for a dozen years and

poned further building inspections between the state's tenament square feet of space. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D-Texas, already has cost $13 billion. Inside Today in the downtown area while they housing law and the town building " I t sort of impMes that one-room said the desire not to appear to be The total program, witn too of await advice from the town attor­ code is one problem hampering the scuttling the negotiations in Gen­ apartments are legal,” said Health 223 missiles installed in silos and ney’s office. inspections. Department sanitarian John eva, Switzerland, may sway votes. 20 pages. 2 sections the rest for spares and testing, is "W e've run into some problems The town requirements are far Salcius. ” 1 wouldn’t be at all surprised to Adwlra expected to cost $21 billion. .17 Obituarlet. that have to be overcome,” Chief more stringent on the appartments Salcius said the town must now ClutKiad____i »-20 Opinion . see Congress give the green light to Vice President George Bush, Building Inepector Russell David­ than the state's. Kraatz said. decide on a minimum standard for ^ Com ka------a Peoplet»lk______2 some level of MX money, ’ ’ Bentsen aides said, will be on hand when the The town code requires an EntortaInnwnI__ 17 Sport.______11-15 son said this morning. "W e ’re granting variances to violators of said. votes come in case he is needed to Lotlory------2 Televliion______8 apartment to have a minimum of dealing with a lot of elderly people But 14 senators have signed a break a tie and keep the missile 400 square feet of space and at least here and we've got to make sure Please turn to page 10 letter, sponsored by Sen. Garv alive, as he did last year. MANCHESTER HERALD, Mond^iy, Murch 18, 1985 - 3

M ANCIIKSTKR HER A ID Monil.iv M.m li IK. IIIHA Catholics, Protestants compete for Hispanic population Ferguson is only Manchester/ Area ant churches have six times as Towns In Brief a t'onvenlion spokesman said. Iransporlalion and a sense of candidate so far Bv Ian Slmoson that," said MonsignorOttoCarci.i. Kraiisisco Preshytenan Theology many bilingual pastors or lay In addition, the number of community, said Ray Carvajal, United Press International chancellor of the Diocese of Seminary in San Aiiselnio. Calif . workers to minister to far smaller PZC to hear zone request Brooklyn. New York. said th:it 10 or 13 years ago Spanish-speaking churches and language missions director for the Miami. Fla., Baptist Association, congregations, Lara-Braud said. for DiRosa seat Sniiill but iiu riMsmt! niinilHTs ol Protestant denominations - and virtually all Hispanic.s considered missions in the Church of the The Planning and Zoning Commission will C S Hispiinic's iirc bri’ukint! ;iw;iy the Catholics — are using evangel­ themseives Catholic. Today, how­ Nazarene has gone up from 68 in Monsignor Garcia said, "When One of those who left theCalholic conduct one public hearing tonight on a zone you are in need the first one to offer from their IriKiilioiuil relinii»is izing methods to reach the vast ever, about 9 percent of Hispanics 1970 to 180 today, said Dale Jones, a church was Cruz Huerta, 50, of change request for a 116-foot by 62-foot lot on Ford you assistance will get a lot of Bv Kathy Garmus honu', ltii‘ RonionColltolIcChiirc'h. majority of ffispanics apathetic are Protestants. statistician for the church. Dallas, who said, " I was not Herald Reporter Street. to worship in I’rolostonI about religion. The greatest increase has been Four years ago there were no attention." Christian, I was Catholic" before Real estate developer Warren Howland is Hispanic congregations in the He and other observers said he began to attend Templo de asking for the change from Residence B to congri'giitions Census figures from 1983 show in such evangelical or fundamen­ Republican Selectman Thomas H. Ferguson seems Dallas district of the Nazarene Protestant evangelical and funda­ Alabanza — or Temple of Praise — Business III to allow for expansion of his 555 Main Kundiimentolisl or evongetical there are about 15.9 million His talist groups as Baptists. Jehov­ to be the only candidate interested in replacing town church, said the Rev William mentalist services also strike a three years ago. He said that he St. office, which abuts the property. groups are campaigning to attract panics in the United Stales, and ah's Witnesses, Pentecostals and Director Peter DiRosa. who is resigning, on the Board Lynch, the district superintendent. chord with Hispanics with their has been reborn in a new faith, had There is now a two-family on the Hispanics, with much of their church statistics show Hispanics iMormons. Those groups "tend to of Directors. suceess coming among recent make up about a third of the be more go-getters. " said Alan Now there are five, with a total of emotion and openness. undergone a second baptism, and property. In addition, Lara-Braud said immigrants, nation's 32 million Roman Cathol­ Kirk, a researcher with Cityteam about 200 members, and he said he that his wife and several relatives! But leaders in the Republican party said today that The meeting will begin at 7 p.m in the Lincoln Roman Cathotic and Protestant ics. a sharp increase from the 20 Ministries, an evangelical group in hoped each would have 100 to 300 Hispanic Catholics were attracted also attend the Dallas church with the lack of candidates does not indicate that the party hearing room. officials said the shift to Protestant percent they comprised in 1970. San Jose, Calif. members in another five years. by the freedom of small Baptist him. will be hard-pressed to form a slate of candidates for The PZC will also consider a request by Vintage The number of Spanish speakers and Pentecostal congregations, the board in the November election — or that Homes for changes in driveway requirements on churches had come in part because Gonzalez said, however, that tile Catholic church had not HOWEVER, CHURCH OFFI among Southern Baptists has THERE ARE SEVERAL REA­ their emphasis on the Bible and Ferguson will replace DiRosa. two lots in the Robin Estates Resubdivision. The many Hispanics converts consi­ worked vigorously enough to reach CIAUS ESTIMATE only 10 to 40 climbed at about 10 percent a year SON for the Protestant attraction individual worship and the availa­ "Because Tom m y’s the first out of the box doesn't commission has already approved the five-lot dered themselves Catholics. Hispanics. percent attend services regularly, since 1975. There now are about Key among them is aid to bility of Spanish-speaking mean he's the only one,” said Republican Town resubdivision on Lorraine Road. "They say, 'I am really Catholic "There is a concern that a about the same percentage as 200,000 Hispanics among the 14 3 emigrants. Newcomers bewil­ ministers. Chairman Curtis M. Smith, but I'm going to the Baptist church number of Catholics are passing on other U S Catholics million members of the Southern dered by a strange new land will A 1981 study showed that only " I t ’s too early to say," said David Frost, the because they were so nice to me MMH sponsors support class to the Protestant and evangelical Jorge Lara-Braud, professor of Baptist Convention, the country's turn gratefully to the church that about 1,500 of 57,000 Catholic chairman of the party’s nominating committee. when 1 arrived,"' she said. sects. There is no question about theology and culture at the San largest Protestant denomination. gives them such help as food. priests were Hispanic, but Protest­ Republican Director Donna R. Mercier, who is Manchester Memorial Hospital is spon.soring finishing up her first term on the board, said today an educational support class (or parents of that she will run again in the fall. adolescents. Republican Director William J. Diana said today The class starts today and is scheduled for 1 Weather that he has not yet decided whether to seek another p.m. to 2:30 p.m. each Monday in the Hopsital's term. Diana has served on the board continuously conference room. Peopletalk For more information call Elaine Kahaner at since 1977 and from 1969 to 1973. Today’s forecast Frost said that most of the party’s recent attention 646-1222 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays has been focused on finding a replacement for between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Celebrity salaries Connecticut, Massachusetts * ® o„I DiRosa. who two weeks ago announced his intention to President Reagan gets $200,000 a year, plus free and Rhode Island; Today; « • 9 resign from the board effective April 2. Band Shell gets grant - » » room and board, but his ex-wife. Jane Wyman, is cloudy with snow flurries in the eastern portion, localized ac­ The Manchester Bicentennial Band Shell Corp. doing considerably DURING A M EETING Sunday night, the nominat­ cumulations of 1 inch possible has been awarded a $175 matching grant by the better, according to ing committee interviewed Ferguson, who'so far has Connecticut Commission on the Arts, the over Cape Cod. Partly cloudy a People magazine been the only one to express an interest in taking commission announced in a news release. celebrity salary west with a chance of flurries. 0 « O DiRosa’s place on the board. However, the committee The grant will enable the Band Shell to host one survey Breezy and cold with highs in the decided not to recommend Ferguson — or any performance by the Clarion Brass Quintet, which The survey said 30s. Tonight; clearing and cold. candidate — to the party’s executive board or the full performs diversified music, and a,nother by the Wyman brings in Lows in the teens to mid 20s. town committee until DiRosa submits his resignation Cridders, a group of entertainers who use dance, $1.0 million a year Tuesday; mostly sunny and in writing. mime, music and sign language to communicate for her performan­ milder. Highs in the 40s. X DiRosa, the minority leader on the board, said with both hearing and hearing-impaired ces on "Falcon Maine; Windy today. Partly today that he has not yet written a letter of audiences. Crest,' which sunny far north and snow ending resignation, but might do so by Tuesday. If his leaves her still far downeast early. Elsewhere resignation is submitted before the Republican Town behind Tom Selleck, Jobless claims jump cloudy with a chance of flurries Committee's regularly scheduled meeting on Wed­ whose $4.8 million becoming mostly sunny this nesday, the party's executive committee might be The average number of unemployment claims salary makes* him called together so that Ferguson could be recom­ filed in Manchester during the two weeks ending television best paid afternoon. Highs mid 20s to mid ia mended to the full town committee, Frost said. March 9 increased by nearly 21 percent over the actor. People listed 30s. Clear tonight. Lows in the o single numbers’ and teens. Sunny Tna" The committee will accept the names of other previous two-week period, the state Labor its eight "green Department'has announced. Tuesday except increasing Herald photo by Tarquinio candidates until DiRosa's resignation becomes giants " of show bus­ official, he said. A weekly average of 1,548 continued claims and clouds north. Highs in the 30s to iness. starting with Weather fits the Monday mood "It's still open, " Frost said. 146 initial claims were filed in the Manchester the world's richest mid 40s. Irish feast Today: mostly cloudy, breezy and cold with flurries. Temperatures The 27-year-old Ferguson is a real estate agent and office during the period — for an increase of 20.7 musician, ex-Beatle New Hampshire; Windy to­ remaining in the low 30s. Wind north 10 to 20 mph and gusty. Tonight: the son of Thomas F. and Vivian F. Ferguson, who percent. Paul McCartney, day. Cloudy with a chance of John McHugh, right, chats with a Brass Key restaurant on Main Street. U P l photo clearing. Lows 15 to 20. Wind north 10 to 20 mph and diminishing have been active in Manchester politics (or a number Statewide, the average number of claims filed Bob Hope who is worth about flurries becoming partly sunny overnight. Tuesday: mostly sunny and milder. High in the middle 40s. leprechaun Saturday while waiting for a The "leprechaun” is actually Brass Key of years. The younger Ferguson appears to be each week rose only 1.6 percent during the period. $500 million. by midday. Highs in the mid 20s Today's weather picture was drawn by Julie C. Godbout, 10. of 18 traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal of waitress Denise Rushing. well-liked within the party. The others were Bob Hope, who's worth about A prize pooch to mid 30s. Clear tonight. Lows in $200 million; Jane Fonda; Wayne Newton, who Dover Rd.. a fourth grader at Verplanck School. corned beef and cabbage at Johnnie’s The International Kennel Club of Chicago’s the single numbers and teens. " I LIK E TOM MY. I think he'd do ■ good job," Pierog leaves committee post gets $1 million a month when playing the casinos; "Best of Show" Champion. Close Encounter, a Clouding up north and mostly Dolly Parlon, who was paid $4 million for starring DiRosa said today. BOLTON — First Selectman Sandra Pierog Scottish terrier, is held by handler George Ward sunny south Tuesday. Highs in MCC banquet set March 30 Frost said Sunday's interview with Ferguson went resigned as treasurer of the Democratic Town in "Rhinestone"; Frank Sinatra; Johnny Carson, of Constantine, Mich.. after winning the top of the the 30s north and 40 to 45 south. who brings in $5 million a year; and Michael well. Committee Friday night “ to avoid any conflict” IKC's 45th annual Dog Show Sunday in Chicago Vermont; A chance of flurries Jackson, who earned about $70 million from his "I think most people were pleased with what he had with state election laws in connection with her With 193 Best of Show w ins. this dog is reported to early today then becoming "Thriller " album. to say," he said. campaign to keep her post in the May town be the winningest’ dog of all time Close sunny. Chilly. H ighs20to30. Fair Alumni group to cite Fahey Other people who had been mentioned as possible election. Encounter is owned by Sonni Novick of. Ft and cold tonight. Lows 5 to 15. candidates for DiRosa's seat included Board of Pierog said at a town committee meeting that Lauderdale, Fla Partly sunny north Tuesday, ■ ‘4 Former state Sen. Marcella Education member Gloria DellaFera, Human Rela­ in researching state statutes on campaign sunny south. Milder. Highs 35 to University and an adjunct profes­ Fahey will receive the Distin­ tions Commission member Louis C. Kocsis Jr, and financing for elections, she found a section that Laughing at pain 45. sor of political science al the Zoning Board of Appeals member Harry W , Reinhorn. guished Alumni Award from the prohibits a candidate from serv ing as a campaign University of Connecticut and the Reinhorn and Kocsis ran unsuccessfully for the Board treasurer. Eileen Brennan, who stars in the new television Manchester Community College series "Off the Rack " with Ed Asner. is still Rocking China Extended outlook University of Hartford. She is of Directors in 1983. Since she plans to use the Democratic Town Alumni Association at its third currently associate director for hurling from being hit by a car two years ago. Wham!, the clean cut pop rockers from Extended outlook for New Last week both DellaFera and Reinhorn said they Committee as hef campaign committee, Pierog annual banquet on March 30. had no interest in running (or the board this year. "The pain will always be there. " she says "I England, will become the first Western pop group England Wednesday through development for the William Ben­ said there could be a conflict of interest. She said Fahey, who now lives in Kocsis said he would be interested only if a number of could not get a definite answer to the question have plates in the legs and it's very hard to get up to perform in Communist China next month Friday.; ton Museum of Art al UConn. in the mornings." Brennan says she's thankful Hartford, graduated cum laude people asked him to run. from the secretary of the slate’s office. The Youth Federation of China, an organization ^ Connecticut, Massachusetts Fahey serves on the Greater that before the accident she had read Norman from MCC in 1975. Smith said the party traditionally has not started The town committee accepted Pierog’s resig­ of 200 million members, invited Wham! to play and Rhode Island; Fair weather Hartford Convention and Visitors Cousins’ book. "Anatomny of an Illness," which The third annual alumni banquet building a slate of candidates for the fall election until nation and elected Mary Van Buren to replace the 15.000-seat People’s Gymnasium in Peking on Wednesday through Friday. Bureau, the WFSB-TV Community explores the theory that laughter truly is the best will be held in the Lowe Program May or June. The fact that only one. person has her. Pierog had served as treasurer of the town .April 7. Wham! also accepted an April 10 Highs in the mid 40s to low 50s. Advisory Committee and the board medicine. invitation to Canton m at a national monument Center at MCC from 7 p.m. to 1 expressed an interest in replacing DiRosa was no committee for one year. Lows in the mid 20s to lower 30s. of the "Channel 3 Country Camp. surprise because the opening came up on short notice "1 tried that, " Brennan said. "1 watched funny that was built more than a century ago' as an a.m. and will feature dinner and films every day. Friends brought them to me and Vermont; Chance of rain or She also chairs the legislative "and it is born of a crisis.” Smith said. opera house In China there are currently five dancing, the college announced I really think they saved my life. ” snow showers Wednesday, fair committee for the MCC Regional Bolton Democrats add four different recordings of Wham! s hit "Careless recently. Brennan says she became hooked on pain pills Thursday and Friday. Highs Advisory Committee and is a BOLTON — Four new members, including Whisper ” topping the charts in Cantonese. Following her graduation from DIROSA SAID he was resigning because deriorat- while recovering and spent six weeks at the Belly- averaging in the 40s and lows in member of the CCSU Alumni ing relations with Smith had made it difficult for him three candidates in the upcoming town elections, MCC, Fahey attended Central Ford Rehabilitation Center last year. the 20s. Association. to be an effective director. DiRosa announced his were elected to the Democratic Town Committee "Now I'm very happy, and my happiness does New Hampshire and Maine: Connecticut State University. She The MCC alumni banquet is open resignation after Smith and Mercier publicly Friday night. not depend on something outside — not on a job Satellite view Chance of flurries Wednesday. graduated magna cum laude in to the public as well as to college criticized him for breaking with the two other They are John Peak, John Muro, Robert nor on a guy nor anything. It comes from the The selling of a writer Fair Thursday and Friday. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 1:30 p.m. EST shows 1977. alumni, faculty and staff. A happy Republican directors on a vole concerning fire Madore and Dan Buckson. They filled vacancies inside. I call it one of the perks of catastrophe I The Washington Independent Writers group Highs in the 30s to lower 40s. frontal clouds stretching from the mid-Atlantic states across the Fahey, a Democrat, represented hour will start at 7 p.m.. followed protection in the Buckland area. on the 35-member committee left by two realize I've come through the worst. A show's Lows in the teens to lower 20s. resignations accepted Friday and two accepted will celebrate its 10th anniversary- by auctioning Southeast. Post frontal clouds cover the Northeast, eastern Great Third Senatorial District, which by dinner at 8 p.m. Dancing to the Smith said more candidates will emerge before the being canceled or something like that can never last month. The resignations of John Carey and off some unique ilertt,s Lakes and northern Ohio Valley. Patchy prefrontal clouds are moving included East Hartford and part of November election, but declined to reveal which be a matter of life or death with me again I ’ve MARCELLA FAHEY music of "Nightmoves” will begin Jack Early were received Friday. The group, which has 2,000 members, is Across the nation through northern California. Manchester until 1982, from 1979 to party members might be tapped. been through real life and death." at 9 p.m. Peak, of 16 Tumblebrook Drive, is running for a offering a lunch with Washington Post Executive Showers will be widely scat­ 1983. She served as the first ... former legislator "T o throw names out before we interview people, or Tickets are $25 per person and in some cases even contact them, I think is poor seat on the Planning Commission. Muro, of 15 Editor Ben Bradlee. a year's worth of free tered from central and southern chairwoman of the Appropriations Chester has been part of the Fourth manicures from Robin Weir, Nancy Reagan's include drinks for the evening. because it puts them in an embarrassing situation," Laurwood Drive, is a candidate for the Board of California across southern Nev­ Committee and the Legislative Senatorial District. hairdresser, a mention in Art Buchwald's 30.00 Reservations may be made by he said. Education. Madore, of 21 Tolland Road, is vying Turkey trot in Texas ada to northern Arizona. Skies Intern Committee. column, a White House briefing with Larry SCA"TTLE In 1983. Fahey became a guest calling Candy Tatro, MCC coordi­ DiRosa, who runs a Manchester dry-cleaning for a seat on the Board of Selectmen. A truckload of live turkeys dumped on an will be fair ovc much of the Speakes and the papers that Frank Sinatra had Since redistricting in 1982. Man- fellow in political science at V’ale nator of alumni affairs, at 647-6012. business, has been a board member since 1979. interstate highway in Troy. Texas, caused a remainder of the nation. Highs OSTON served on Kitty Kelley when she was working on major traffic jam when the birds fled for their will be in the 30s and 40s from the freedom. an unauthoriz^ biography. Kelley and talk show- host Larry King w ill run Great Lakes region across the 4EW YORK The accident happened Sunday when two upper Ohio valley and the 10.24 trucks collided on Interstate 35 near Troy, the the auction w ith the proceeds going to the writers Fire Calls group’s legal and education fund northern two- thirds of the SAN FRANCISCO Department of Public Safety reported. Atlantic coast, with the 20s The trotting turkeys forced the closure of the across northern New England. Manchester highway, causing a major traffic stackup. State L O S Al Monday. 6:35 a.m. — motor call. 39 E, Eldridge St. (Town. Highs will be much above troopers and local law enforcement authorities Friday, 4:22 p.m. — medical vehicle accident. Interstate 384 Paramedics). normal across the northern half were called to the scene to direct traffic. Quote of the day LOWEST _ call, 93 Oliver Road (Paramedics, (Town, Param edics). Monday. 7:58 a.m. — motor of the Plains and the upper temreraTures Eighth District). vehicle accident, South Main and Northern Illinois University student Janet Mississippi valley, in the 50s and ^ 20 Friday, 11:40 p.m. — carfire, 101 Monday. 6:50 a.m. — medical Line streets (Town, Paramedics). Schlesser, 21, vowing never to return to Fort 60s. Highs will reach the 70s over Clinton St. (Town). Lauderdale. Fla., after attending this year's spring break festivities; much of the desert Southwest, Now you know Saturday, 2:01 a m. — motor " I get grabbed everywhere I turn. I should have Texas, Louisiana and southern vehicle accident. Route 44, Bolton On this day in 1925, married Danish women gone to Hawaii with my parents to relax. These Florida. [ 2 3 *'*®’* * " * '' 'TOW (Town, Paramedics). the were first granted equality with their husbands. guys are too ru de" UR1 W E A T H E R F O T O C A S T * Air quality Saturday, 2:46 a.m. — gasoline Children^ Spacious, washdown. Line Street and The state Department of En­ National forecast Gardner Drive (Town). Place Unique Fadlify vironmental Protection provides Saturday, 1:27 p.m. — brush fire, daily air pollution reports and During early Tuesday morning rain is forecast for parts of the Keeney Street (Town). Almanac seasonal pollen count informa­ Saturday, 1:48 p.m. — brush fire, lTOrnin9Plo€« Southern Plateau Region. Elsewhere the weather will be fair. outwnv ^icMOOt tion from the Department of Minimum temperatures will include (Maximum temperatures in Wickham Park, West Middle Turn­ 643-5535 Today is Monday. March 18, the 77th day of 1985 with' Health Services. The recorded parenthesis) Atlanta 34 (66), Boston 25 (44), Chicago 31 (54), pike (Town). message is provided at 566-3449. ■»V" 288 to follow. Cleveland 25 (53), Dallas 50 (71), Denver 27 (58), Duluth 25 (46)i Saturday, 1:52 p.m .— car (ire, Holly Urbanetti-Cassano. owner/director The moon is moving toward its new phase. Houston 52 (74), Jacksonville 34 (65), Kansas City 44 (64), Little Rock Interstate 84. near exit 93 (Town). Saturday. 3:06 p.m. — oil burner lA." The morning stars are Jupiter and Saturn. Weather radio 42 (69), Los Angeles 40 (63), Miami 55 (71), Minneapolis 30 (52), New The evening stars are Mercury, Venus and Mars. Orleans 44 (71), New York 27 (48), Phoenix 46 (69), St. Louis37 (66), problem, 52 Falknor Drive Manchester’s newest and most comprehensive (Tow n). Those born on this date are under the sign of Pisces. The National Weather Service San Francisco 46 (57), Seattle 40 (58), Washington 29 (60). child care facility. NOW serving children from 4 They include Grover Cleveland. 24th president of the broadcasts continuous, 24-hour Saturday, 8:05 p.m. — medical weeks old to six years old. United States, in 1837; German engineer Rudolf weather information on 162.475 call, 167 E. Center St, (Town, Diesel, inventor of the engine that bears his name, in mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz in Paramedics). Saturday, 8:37 p.m. — bonfire, 28 1858; Lavrenti Beria, chief of Soviet secret police New London and 162.40 mHz in Manchester Herald Visit us daily from 7 A.M - 6 P.M. under Stalin, in 1899; and actor Peter Graves in 1926 Meriden. Dudley Street (Town). (age 59). Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Saturday, 9 p.m. — medical call, or come to our OPEN HOUSE On this date in history; 225 Briarwood Drive (Town, Penny Sadd Mark F. Abraitis Paramedics). Tues., Wed., & Thurs. (March 19-21) In 1922, Mahatma Gandhi was sentenced to six Associate Publisher years in prison for civil disobedience against the Business Manager from 5:00-7:30 P.M. British rulers of India. Lottery USPS 327-500 Sunday, 3:01 a.m. — motor In 1937, an explosion at a public school in New VOL CIV. No. 141 vehicle accident, 46 W, Center St. London, Texas, killed 294 people, most of them (Town, Paramedics). We feature separate infant, toddler and pre­ Publlthcd dally except Sunday Suggested corrier rotes are SI .20 children. Connecticut daily and certain halldayt by the Man­ weekly, SS.12 for one month, $15.35 ’ Sunday, 5:05 a.m. — medical school programs; indoor and outdoor play­ In 1962, France and Algeria signed a cease-fire chester Publishing Co.. 16 Bralnard tor three months, $30.70 for six call, 43 Locust St. (Town, Place, Manchester, Conn. 06040. grounds; all new equipment; professionally expe­ agreement ending a seven-year civil war and bringing Saturday: 975 monthsond$6l.40foroneyear. Mall Paramedics). Second doss postage paid at Man­ rates are available on request. rienced and trained staff and much, much more. independence to the North African country. chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: Sunday, 8:45 a.m. — smoke Play Four: 9252 Send address changes to the Man­ ;alarm, 4€E Pascal Lane (Town). Evaluate our program before you decide whereto In /965, a Soviet cosmonaut became the first human chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, being to take a "walk in space." Other numbers drawn Satur­ To place o classified or display Sunday. 1:28 p.m. — medical place your child. It is one of the most important Manchester, Conn. 06040. advertisement, or to report a news Today In history In 1984, the Justice Department announced it would day in New England: Item, story or pidure Idea, coll call, 105 Oak St. (Town, decisions a parent will make. investigate the financial dealings of then White House Maine daily: 448 GUARANTEED DELIVERY: If 643-2711. Office hours are 1:30 a.m. Paramedics). On March 18. 1922, Mahatma Gandhi you don't receive your Herald bv 5 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. counselor Edwin Meese, President Reagan's nominee New Hampshire daily; S98S p.m. weekdays or 7:30. o.m. Satur­ Sunday, 6:25 p.m — brush fire, was sentenced to six years in prison for for attorney general. Rhode Island daily: 3044 day, please telephone your carrier. Blue Ridge Drive (Town). 452 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, CT civil disobedience against the British If you're unable to reach your The Manchester Herald Is a Sunday, 8:12 p.m. — medical "Lot-O-Bucks 3-10-14-15-19 corrier, call subscriber serylce at subscriber to United Press Interna­ (Just off 1-84, Exit 94) A thought for the day; American author William Vermont daily; 271 643-3711 by 7 p.m. weekdays or 10 call, 114D New State Road (Town. rulers of India. This photo of him was tional news serylces and Is a "Paramedics). Dean Howells said, "Some people can stay longer in Massachusetts daily: 6695 a.m. Saturdays for guaronteed member of the Audit Bureau of taken in February, 1922. dellyery In Manchester. Circulations. an hour than others can in a week," "M egabucks": 6-8-9-12-14-23 MANCHESTER HERALD M.m li IH M ANCIIKSTKli IIKH \I.D M.irch IH t M Herald photos by Al Tarquinio ' -f. Acid rain pact reached

r\'} - 5 M Reagan, Mulroney hit it off Bv Helen Thomas V United Press International QUEBEC — President Reagan and Prime Minister Brian Mulro­ ney opened their "shamrock sum­ mit" by agrcfing to explore the f touchy issue of acid rtiin and today i M, shared their conservative views on l p East-West issues. Wearing a bright green tie, Reagan swung into a busy sche­ dule Sunday upon arriving in the historic, quaint city. Shortly after coming to Quebec, he and .Mulro­ /T" o - ney announced the agreement on acid rain, a major point of friction f between the .North American neighbors White House deputy press secre­ tary Larry Speakes said the two leaders today would discuss East- West issues — including the new Soviet leadership, arms control and mutual security The two leaders, who share an Irish heritage and a conservative philosophy, celebrated St Pa­ trick's Day Sunday al a glittering gala honoringReaganattheGrand Theatre de Quebec Sunday night. At the close, the Reagans and Manchester Police Sgt.’ Patrick Reeves pins a green carnation on Detective Getting their bass drums warmed up before Fife and Drum Corps. They added some Mulroneys took the stage, held lively notes to the large Manchester parade ti*^ hands and sang "When Irish Eyes Russell Wood’s uniform as they get ready for Saturday's St. Patrick's Day the parade are Steve Miemitz. left, and Kelly Are Smiling." Al one |x)inl, Mulro­ UPl photo parade in Hartford. About 30 Manchester police officers marched. Sweeney, members of the Eighth Volunteer contingent. ney sang alone for a verse. UPl photo After a half-hour meeting Sun­ President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, and sing “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" at the end of a gala ceremony in Quebec An acid rain protester is arrested by Quebec police day al the Chateau Fronleanc along with Canadian Prime Minister Hotel, Reagan and Mulroney an­ City Sunday. outside the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City Brian Mulroney and his wife, Mila, join nounced a pact, worked out ahead opera singer Maureen Forester on stage Manchester group honors Saint Pat in Hartford during President Reagan's visit Sunday. Reagan held of time by L'.S. and Canadian negotiators, for the two nations to meetings with Canadian officials in the hotel during a Mulroney also told Reagan of his explore the root cause of acid rain to propose a costly federal cleanup Midwest. planned brief stay. initial impression of new Kremlin Bv Susan Vaughn and .solutions for the future of acid rain, saying more A senior Canadian official, say­ leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who he Herald Reporter The leaders said the study will be is necessan-. Speakes said Sun­ ing there had been a "deadlock for met in Moscow last week after the conducted lor the United Stales by day’s agreement does not mean the last three years" on acid rain, funeral of Konstantin Chernenko. HARTFORD — Mt'mbor.s of the large group of Drew Lewis, former transporta­ Reagan has changed his mind called the agreement an "action Both leaders were in good spirits Manchester people didn't .seem to mind having to wait Warning on Lebanon tion secretary, and for Canada by about acid rain but has "promised p lan " when they met Sunday. They have for more than an hour Saturda.v before they could William Davis, the former premier to look at the problem and look at it While the leaders met, city met twice before when Mulroney start marching in Hartford's 14th Annual St Patrick's of Ontario. with an open mind. ” police arrested six demonstrators, came to the White House — once Day Parade. "W e did not work a miracle, ” The Canadians believe Am eri­ who were protesting acid rain, U.S. ignored, says Carter before he was elected and after he From the group's gathering point on the State m Mulroney said, "but we did lake a cans contribute to the acid rain policy in. Central America and took office. Library lawn, members could watch the first significant step forw ard" problem by the emissions from the nuclear weapons, outside the hotel marchers in the parade returning to the Capitol Bv June Preston Reagan steadfastly has refused smokestack industries in the for disorderly conduct. Speaking in French, Mulroney grounds before they had even lined up to start their United Press International said in welcoming remarks, "We three-mile walk through downtown Hartford. are an independent nation which School bands and drill teams used the extra time to ATLANTA — Jimmy Carter sees no contradiction in guarding practice as town police officers, firefighters and says in a book to be published next tl'k- Iraq plans air blockade of Iran our sovereignty jealously while officials milled around trying to keep warm on the month that Reagan administration treating our friends fairly, brisk, sunny day. The delay gave them an opportunity officials ignored his warning from "W e meet not so much to BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPl) - marshland in southern Iraq which "accurate hits, " but there was no to socialize and recall other not-so-pleasant St. a knowledgeable source in Jerusa­ celebrate the U.S.-Canadian rela­ Iraqi aircraft staged bombing lies just west of the Iranian border independent confirmation of the Patrick's Day parades, when they were drenched or lem that Israel was planning an tionship as to renew it, ” he said. raids on at least two Iranian cities and close to a key Iraqi road from reports. nearly blown away by strong winds. extensive invasion of Lebanon in today, little more than 24 hours Basra to Baghdad. Iraq said Sunday its warplanes For his part, Reagan said, "W e Manchester's group of more than 150 marchers — June 1982. before an Iraqi blockade of com­ An Iranian communique issued carried out "intensive" air and are more than friends and neigh­ followed by a lone contingent from the Bolton "E ven as a private citizen I was 'j mercial flights into the fundamen­ in Tehran said more than 12.000 missile raids on seven Iranian bors and allies. We are kin who Volunteer Fire Department — was the last of 13 deeply troubled when Israel in­ talist Islamic nation goes into Iraqi soldiers were killed or civilian areas, including Tehran. together have built the most marching groups comprising more than 1,000 vaded Lebanon," Carter said in a effect, officials of both nations wounded and at least 3,000 others Iran confirmed six of the raids productive relationship between marchers in Saturday's parade. manuscript version of his forth­ captured in the last wave of and said at least 18 people were any two countries in the world coming book. "The Blood of said. Both Iran and Iraq also claimed combat for control of the killed and 95 were wounded today.” HAROLD A. TOPLFFF JR., chief of the Eighth c p Abraham." victory in a ferocious ground battle marshlands. District F’ire Department, was on hand to lead 22 "I immediately expressed my in the strategically important But a military spokesman in volunteer firefighters, two fire trucks decked with concern to some Israeli leaders marshes along the southern border Baghdad dismissed the Iranian shamrocks. Smokey the Bear and the district's who had participated in the Camp between the warring Persian Gull report and said the Iraqi army had Dalmatian mascot. Axe. David negotiations. WEIGHT MATCHERS "finished the the battle in its favor Topliff said the parade is a yearly get-together "Back came a disturbing reply neighbors. The Iranian news agency IRNA after crushing and wiping out the -.44- y . ■- y; which gives marchers a chance to "feel part of the from Jerusalem; 'We have a green ¥ ■■ , - y y, ■ ;v. > ■■ y said Iraqi jets raided Tabriz in Iranian forces in the region ’ town, " light from Washington.’ Today's fighting comes little 'It's not because they are all Irish, " Topliff said of But the Reagan .administration northern Iran at 11 a m. while ' THE NEW, IMPROVED QUICK p % residents were attending a mass more than 24 hours before an Iraqi the district fire department contingent, which he denied it had given approval for an funeral for other civilians "mar­ blockade of civilian aircraft enter­ estima^d was probably less than half Irish. invasion and did not believeCarter JIMMY CARTER START* PROGRAM-A MOVE S ing Iranian airspace takes effect Anotner group which added spirit and music to the that the Israelis planned such an . knew Israel’s plans tyred" in previous Iraqi attacks on ".Any air target that flies in . IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. ManchMter group was the Eighth Volunteer Fife and action, the book says. the city. Iraqi warplanes raided the city Iranian air.4pace as of 8 p.m. (noon Drum Corps. The 12-member corps, which dresses in “ I called the White House to a * iss»s(! of Arak in central Iran less than EST) Tuesday will be exposed to colorful Revolutionary War garb, has been marching report what I had heard to first lime, on Reagan's statement ------...... ------direct danger because of difficulty i as a Manchester group since the I960 Manchester President Reagan’s national se­ last year that the dismantling of half an hour later, IRN A added. It said no estimate of casualties was in distinguishing real targets from Loyalty Day Parade, said leader and bass drum • t : curity adviser, William Clark." intelligence operations in the Mi­ «®(sr iU immediately available. airliners and the dogfights that player Charles Garrow, who lives on Hudson Street. Carter said. deast by the Carter White An Iraqi spokesman said the may happen any time,' said an Although the corps marched with the Eighth "H e assured me the White House was indirectly responsible for the Iraqi military statement issued Di.strict firefighters and is supported by '.he district, had not been involved in any terrorist attack on U.S. Marines in Iraqi air force also raided the cities of Isfahan and Kermansah in Sunday. Mtm its name is derived from the Eighth Army Regiment. approval and there were top-level October 1983. , SffiS — Russell Vinick leads the Manchester High School There was no immediate com­ Garrow said. assurances then being given to In that attack, 242 Marines were central Iraq anJHamadan further 'lis a jr .... mi Jig to the south' Iran said its anti­ ment from Iran, but British The corps was originally the Warehouse Point Fife Band with fancy foot and hand work in his first chance President Reagan by Prime Minis­ killed when a car loaded with .Airways canceled all flights to 1331 and Drum Corps and still has members from several at being a drum major in Saturday's parade. He was to ter (Menachem) Begin that the explosives crashed into the Ma­ aircraft gunners "chased away " Iraqi planes from Isfahan and Tehran and Baghdad northern Connecticut towns as well as Manchester. Mary Foley of Manchester helps John Foley with his parade marshal penetration of Lebanon would be rines’ barracks at Beirut Interna­ lead the llling Junior High School Band two years ago Hamadan provinces. "indefinitely." Garrow said. One member comes from Holland, limited to maximum artillery tional Airport. sash before the St. Patrick's Day parade Saturday. Foley was marshal IR N A quoted a senior Iranian Earlier Sunday, a suspected free Mass., Garrow seid in the holiday parade, but rain kept the band from range, 25 miles.” Carter said Reagan made a for the Manchester section, which included about 150 marchers. Mary army officer in Tehran saying Iran Iranian warplane attacked a marching, he said. A junior at MHS, he is usually a Clark sent two aides to Carter s great mistake in the Middle East retaliated by firing a missile into Liberian-registered oil tanker in GARROW PROUDLY POINTED to one of the Foley is married to a different John Foley. home in Georgia to show the by sending in Marines instead of saxophone player in the band. the southern Persian Gulf, setting MEETING!' younger fifers, Kathy Bednarz, who is expecting a former president messages ex­ negotiating. Baghdad' at midday and urged residents to evacuate the Iraqi it ablaze and wounding four baby in July. A resident of Broad Brook, Bednarz said Asked how he manages to gel such a large group of changed between Begin and Rea­ "President Reagan's adminis­ COMMENTING ON THE LARGE number of said town Director Eleanor Coltman, another capital so other Iranian missiles crewmen. Iran does not publicize she plans to march with the corps until she delivers. police officers to march every year. Guliano quipped. gan. But Carter said he knew his tration has shown little interest in ^ t )« Manchester residents who traveled to Hartford to marcher. She said she remembered her father would "only hit the Iraqi criminals its air strikes on shipping. "There are always plenty of firemen around " if she "It's a different incentive every year. Last year it was source — identified as a partici­ diplomacy as a means of resolving march or watch the parade. State Rep. James bringing her a shamrock every St. Patrick’s Day to Ship insurers Lloyd's of London should need assistance, she pointed out. promotion time. This year it’s the budget. " pant in the Camp David talks — regional disputes," Carter said. and their palaces ’ McCavanagh, D-Manchester, said he was "extrem ely remind her of the family's heritage. Iraq did not confirm the blast but identified the ship as the 109,752- Members of the Manchester Police Department The Manchester police took the prize in last year’s happy with the turnout." was knowledgeable. "H e has tended to prefer the threat made the largest showing in the town parade She grew up as Eleanor Dwyer in Somerville, or use of American military force a resident in Baghdad reached by Ion tanker Caribbean Breeze — the St Patrick's Day Parade for fielding the best Recalling his own Irish heritage and his father — Carter, who negotiated the contingent Saturday. There were.30 officers decked Mass., and said she is "almost 100 percent Irish telephone today reported an explo­ sixth confirmed shipping casualty marching unit. Camp David Accords between instead of negotiation.” Ml M M l who came from Ireland as a teenager — McCavanagh American." sion in the city. He said the blast in the so-called "tanker war " this out in their dress uniforms and white gloves, led by They were in their best form again this year as Sgt. Israel and Egypt, also used his Carter has visited the Middle .said he looks forward to St. Patrick's Day every year Coltman joined Director Donna Mercier and Mayor year. three officers on motorcycles. Capt Robert Guliano Gary Waterhouse called the cadence: "Left, right, book to criticize Reagan’s Middle East several limes. Reagan has shook his windows and produced a because it is a time when "everyone can be Irish." Barbara Weinberg for the parade, representating the Iraq reported its warplanes was in charge of the contingent. left, right" throughout the parade route. East policies, saying they have not been to the Mideast since column of smoke, although it was "Being of Irish descent, this is a big day for m e." town Board of Directors Asked where their male struck "tw o very large naval created a stumbling block to peace taking office in 1980, not clear what caused it. NEWEST, EASIEST PROGRAM counterparts were, Mercier answered, “ The men targets" near Iran's oil terminal at and have enhanced Soviet influ­ Both sides claimed victor^’ in a don’t have the stamina." Kharg Island Sunday and scored New. The Quick Start Weight Loss Program, the most successful program ence in the region. weeklong battle in the Howeiza Java, one of the most densely In the history of Weight Watchers, has now been made eren sealer “ Capitalizing on the errors of the MERCIER’S CHILDREN were seeing their first populated areas in the world, has Improved, with more of (ha easiest menu plans we’re ever offered. So loin the Reagan government, the Soviets millions of people who loatm llllona of pounds on the Quick Start parade ever on Saturday. Bobby, Rebecca and Donald 1,500 persons per square mile. Mercier carried the bright yellow town banner have now reached the It’s even Programbecausethleyeerwe’vemedelteaaler—luetforyou.Juetteetwe’ level of influence in the Middle Saturday at the head of the Manchester contingent. epeler. for your titeatyte. Don't welt—join Weight Watchers* today. East since before they were Another group which added a “ touch of brass” to expelled from Egypt by (Anwar) the Manchester segment was the American Legion Pay only the $13 Hegletratlon tee to Join, March 3 through March 23. Sadat," Carter said. Post 102 Color Guard. The color guard, distinguished LOW COST We'll give you the first meeting (aa fa S7 value) HIEMI Pay only $7 for ell "Under Reagan, the peace pro­ by World War 1 style brass hats, was led by George following meetings. Vise and MeaterCerd accepted at eefect locatlom. Atkins Sr. cess has come to a screeching halt," Carter said. "The debacle in MEDICAL Offer valid only as a discount and cannot be combined with any other discount or A 71-year-old retired army sergeant major, Atkins special rate Offer valid in participating areas only. Lebanon severely damaged or said he organized the color guard 12 years ago. He destroyed our influence in that 'M commented that the brass hats were actually made INSURANCE area." after World War I, but are considered antiques. Carter also spoke out, for the riTER NEW MEMBERS, MAINTENANCE AND LIFETIME MEMBERS Dolores Pinwar, the post’s first woman com­ Wiilly Irish M arty Shea SHOULD ARRIVE Vi HOUR BEFORE TIMES LISTED BELOW mander . added a bright touch of Irish color to the color 269 Kemay St, Glattoxbury FOR REQISTRATION AND PRE-MEETINQ ORIENTATION. guard with a green hat over her bright red hair. 6334216 Manchester's younger residents were also color­ United Chambers Insured Plans fully represented by the blue and white of East SIARTLOSING Catholic High School's majorettes and drill team, and WEIGHT TODAY! Summer MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD EAST HARTFORD by the red and black of the Manchester High School Ever.v small business ctin have the bene­ Band. The very first day you start using SUPER Sacond Congragitloiul Ch. Knightaol Columbui Hill Holiday Inn ODRINEX Tablets and Diet Plan is the day R id in g fits of a big business medical insurance 385 N. Main St 1831 Main Street 363 Roberts Street you start losing weight SUPER ODRINEX plan. For informtition about the low cost • Mon. 4:45 pm & 6:30 pm • Mon. 6:30 pm Exit 580111-84 WHY HAS M ANCHESTER always had such a large takes over where your will power leaves oil •Wed. 6:45 pm •Wed. 4:30 pm & 6:30 pm Camp programs available, call YMCA-YWCA turnout for the Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade to help reduce your calorie Intake. The ac­ YWCA 770 Main Street SOUTH WINDSOR since it became a full-fledged parade in 1972? tive ingredient in SUPER ODRINEX has July 1 - Aug. 30 78 N. Main SIreel • Wed. 9:30 am Wipping Comm. Church One answer to that query was offered Saturday by been clinically tested and found sate and •Thurs. 9;30am 1790 Ellington Rd. •John Foley, who served as parade marshal for the effective when used as directed. Now take T h e •Thurs. 4:15 pm & 6:30 pm town contingent. off extra pounds while eating 3 meals a day One week camps run INSURANCE Foley said he thinks it is partly because the town “ is Lose weight starling now with SUPER 9-1, Monday - Friday AGENCY more aggressive, " and partly because the organiza­ ODRINEX or your money back. W. J. IRISH ------*------and include lots of tional meetings for the Irish parade were at the home 150 North Main (at the comer ot Main) FOR MORE INFORMATION AND ADDITIONAL CLASS LOCATIONS, CALL of P.J. Tierney in Manchester. Tierney, along with lb lose wilar bloat.. ,THY ODRINIL riding and all aspects Foley’s brother. Jim, and Jim Staunton of West ODRINIL tablets contain natural herbs to of horsemanship. MANCHESTER 646-1232 1- 8 0 0 - 9 7 2 -9 3 2 0 Hartford, helped organize the Hartford St. Patrick’s help you lose weight due to excess water Day Parade, according to John Foley and Mary retention during your pre menstrual cycle Trail rides and field Tierney. Odrinil is a gentle, last acting, effective trips included for be­ CALL US FOR ALL YOUR The parade is sponsored by the United Irish Water Pill. Use as directed. ginners through ad­ NEW WEIGHT WATCHERS' Societies. Sponsors include the Irish-American Home RITE AID PHARMACIES BUSINESS INSURANCE NEEDS Lori Lenfest, a sophomore at Manchester High School, finds a vanced. He was Axe “O’Brien" for the day, said Eighth District Society in Glastonbury, Hartford Gaelic Football and E alltM -S aik.fln K i A 454121 • Worker’s Comp. • Business Packages convenient resting plac o for her drums while she waits to step off in the the Ancient Order of Hibernia, Division 2, Tierney MaatlMlw - XI Ka I. flm a fl: 4459111 firefighters, who topped their mascot with a tiny green E l l l M ir a t r a - 2M Ih | k i U. fim ) N UKIIS Call or write for more Info. • Business Auto • Bonds mm^fllOuickStart St. Patrick's Day Saturday. The MHS band, had 50 marchers. said. Manchester has its own parade conunittee. derby for the Hartford Parade. Several members marched in Saturday’s parade. MANCHKSTKK H KKAI.I), Mcituliiv. M ;inh IH. lflK.~) 6 MANCUKSTKH HKRAl-l). Monday, March 18. 1985 Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins. Managing Editor 300 years later, Bach finally gets due praise OPINION James P. Sacks. City Editor Wolff found them in a manus­ their bookshelves will yield any Bv Ruth Youngblood with the strains of the first 16. phenomenal." complete instrument, built in 1951. cript given the school in 1867 by thing rivaling the Bach find. United Press International After the two performances Three months agoChristopher J. re.slored to its original brilliance. American composer and educator "There's always going to be lasting two hours each, Krigbaum Wolff, chairman of the Music Bach, who was not internation­ Lowell Mason. discoveries because something NEW HAVEN — Music lovers noted he and Ferris had to learn Department at Harvard, disco­ ally famous during his lifetime, Scholars said the manuscript has been buried or misattributed, " attending the modern world debut the music quickly. vered the chorales in an 18th was born in Eisenach, Germany, apparently escaped earlier atten­ said Don L. Roberts, head music Government’s debt endangers all of us of 33 unknown organ chorale "It takes a while for a piece to century collection of German March 21, 1685, and died in Liepzig tion because it was inconspicu­ librarian at Northwestern preludes said the premie’re exhi­ settle." Krigbaum said. " I usually music at Yale's Beinecke Rare in 1750. Samuel said the preludes, ously labeled "chorales without University. taxpayer. In 1988, says Sen. Pete Domenici, jump abruptly. bited the genius of Johan Sebastian don’t feel comfortable until I've Book and Manuscript Library. now that Bach's reputation as one form er m em ber of the Com mittee for Economic text ” and no references to compos­ "But something of the magni­ Bv John P. KIdner R-N.M., Senate Budget Chairman, the interest What can be done to avoid such a scenario? Bach as a young man. had it in my repertoire for a year ' "This was a special find." Wolff of the greatest composers is Development: "The problem with the total ers were given in the library tude of the Bach pieces, that is just could be over $230 billion — 20 percent of the Many in Washington believe that a 10 percent With.more than 2,000 enthuslias- The chorale prelude was deve­ said, noting the works help "in secure, "w ill become part of the economic situation is the way the debt is catalogue. stunning. That's likf? saying we W ASHINGTON - Unlikely as it seems, with the federal budget cut across the board is not tics packing a Yak University loped in the 17th century as a way tracing and evaluating the forma­ repertoire of every church orga­ ballooning and the catastrophic rise in interest Federal Budget. At such a figure, taxpayers Most music librarians doubt just discovered two new planets." dollar soaring and the U.S. economy robust, the unreasonabie. After all, they reason, the chapel Sunday for two performan­ for the organist to introduce a tive stages of Bach’s art.” nist in the world. " rates. They create extreme dangers.” would forfeit $2,750 toward paying it. with no day may come when Am erica is no longer fiscally government isn't 100 percent efficient by a long ces, Victor Cardell, assistant head hymm to be sung. Listeners smiled upon recogniz­ The interest rate surge could hit from two reduction in the principal. sound. If America approaches a financial disaster, shot. It can be cut by a tenth and nobody will music librarian, said, "This is a Members of the audience were ing prelude melodies familiar in directions: That due on the public debt, and the particularly pleased with the intro­ If that happens, the choices facing drastic measures are sure to be taken. Taxes will suffer. Be inconvenienced, perhaps, but not beautiful way to celebrate Bach’s modern Protestant hymns, such as policymakers today — such as granting imminent shortage of capital from which both the duction of each half of the program "Lord God Now Open Wide Thy suddenly soar; crash surtaxes can be expected. suffer. 300th birthday.” government and the private sector must turn for by a trombone quartet with the Heaven” and "A Mighty Fortess Is em ergency farm subsidies or funding the MX There will be severe curtailments: Medicare, now Such arguments are hard to refute in the face of Although Bach’s tercentenary is missile — will seem like child's play. Government borrowing. Rates could jump from the current 12 not until Thursday, the excitement Yale Bach Choir singing eight of Our God." 7 percent of the budget, w ill be cut. Hospitalization almost daily horror stories of waste, fraud and could be forced to cut spending wholesale, to 15 percent to a shattering 24 percent as generated by the presentation of the chorales before the organist The preludes were hailed by will not be as available; in-patient stays will be abuse throughout government. RITE including services now deemed essential, with competition for loans becomes fierce. the chorale preludes on the reno­ played the preludes, reversing the Harold E. Samuel, music profe.s- perilously shortened. While agreeing that something must be done — little or no tim e for real planning. Taxes could Foreign capital is attracted by the hard dollar, vated and polished organ attracted traditional order so the listeners sor and cuator of the library as Education loans and grants will be cut and taxes increased, spending curbed sharply, or both skyrocket. and by the historic stability of our government. Oil musicians and Bach connoissuers became familiar with the melody "the most significant Bach discov­ university enrollments will drop sharply. Men and — Congress continues to look for politically The time bomb that is threatening this scenario and shipping money, for instance, would not be from throughout the country. before hearing the organ version. ery of the last century." women will retire later in life and at reduced painless compromises. And the debates go on as "It will be tremendous fun is the public debt, stoked white-hot by the Reagan invested in South Am erica at 23 percent when a The works, which are among the Krigbaum said the selections do benefits. Cost of living allowances will be frozen at spending continues at a rate of $2,5 billion a day learning to play them,” said administration's spending plans which, according more sure 15 percent is available in tbe United earliest by Bach that have been not show "a total mastery, but AID COLOR FILM a base year prior to 1980. Hit hard will be federal discovered, were all written before Pamela Juengling, an organist and always show a flair for wit and to the Congressional Budget Office, will produce States. AS P[R POSTED aid to the states: highway funds, farm subsidies, John P. Kidner is the author of three hooks, the composer was 25 the music librarian at the Univer­ poetic understanding of the an $87,5 billion deficit by the end of 1988. With the public debt on its way to $3 trillion, SCHEDULE DEVELOPINO' school lunches, high school assistance, libraries. including “ The Kidner Report: How to Operate in "These pieces show a youthful sity of Massachusetts at Amherst. hymns." Without tax increases or spending cuts, the however, foreign investors could come to believe the U.S. is facing bankruptcy. If this happens, the Popuiar tax shields enjoyed by middle-income Bureaucracy at One-Half Horsepower” and genius experimenting with differ­ While Juengling noted that some P’or the first performance car­ present $1.6 trillion U.S. debt will increase to a of the preludes "w ere not very pool of foreign capital from which both the private fam ilies wiil disappear. “ Alice in Blunderland,” which he wrote along ent styles," said Yale organist ried live by American Public staggering $2.5 trillion in 1988 — $10,200 for every with columnist Jack Anderson. He is a former Air Charles Krigbaum, who played 17 highly developed and reflected Radio, the organ’s 3,691 pipes, man, woman and child in America, sector and the government can borrow will dry up. CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES will be Force officer. World War IIPO W and a veteran of preludes after his Harvard Univer­ that Bach was not :it his most most of them metal, were washed forced to cut salaries and dividends; purchasing the Vietnam War. Kidner, an acknowledged sity counterpart John Ferris filled mature " stage, she added, "the in hot. soapy water. The wooden MANY WASHINGTON ECONOMISTS are F U E L IN G TH IS LAC K of confidence is the power will decline. With subsequent cuts in expert on the inner workings of government, the 100-year-old Battell Chapel fact they were found is pipes were refinished and the frightened by the prospects of such a debt. Said interest on the public debt itself. In 1985, it is production, unemployment can be expected to writes a column for Scripps League Newspapers. Richard Steadman, renowned,economist and projected at $183.3 billion — $2,300 for every JELLY EGGS LET US Connecticut ‘Foreigners’ 1 SPICE, Potpourri *5" 8 ASSORTED PRICE In Brief OR BLACK find a home 1 LB BAG YOUR Jack Greenwich could face suit NEXT Selling sex NOME cF’WS Win- A n d erso n HARTFORD — The state may file suit against Greenwich tax officials for lowering property on the Sound CHOCOLATE FLAVORED t t W - assessments on homes near a halfway house for PRESCRIPTION the retarded, top officials said. RABBIT Ever since actress Brooke Shields tantal­ Deputy Attorney General Elliot F. Gerson said MYSTIC (UPI) — Long Island Sound is becoming SOLID ized TV viewers by reclining in her Calvin Friday that the issue "m erits top-level attention” filled with exotic species, and some of them dinged to 12 OZ SIZE Klein jeans and cooing that “ Nothing comes because he fears groups opposed to group homes the bottom of boats that carried our European SOFT & DRI between me and my Calvins," overt sex has might use the decision as "ammunition. " ancestors to American shores, says a marine The decision has implications for the rest of ecologist at Williams College-Mystic Seaport. SOLID become a staple of some Madison Avenue Grace report Connecticut and nation, said Gerson, adding he James T. Carlton said such European and Asian EASTER PLUSH PETS ANTI-PERSPIRANT advertising. has not heard of a similar decision elsewhere in species as dead man's fingers and sea squirts have the United States. been immigrating to the Sound on ship bottoms and in &TOYS DEODORANT A recent underwear ad, for example, shows bilge tanks for centuries. bad news for "M y question is: Is there a house (actually ASSORTED two men in nothing but briefs lying on a bed — devalued) or is this merely based on subjective And as ships travel faster and the water in their with a woman in nothing but panties lying opinion?” Gerson said. If the decision is based on ballast tanks gets cleaner, the Sound can expect more 199 SCENTED between them. opinion, the state may file suit in state or federal invaders, who sometimes displace important native I EACH UNSCENTED waste mongers court, he said. species. OR POWDER But the mailbag has just brought the new "What we’re seeing is a slow accumulation of exotic MILK CHOCOLATE 2 OZ. SIZE high — or low — in advertising: a photo of a Lawmaker has bird blues species,” Carlton said. "1 expect more species from WASHINGTON — There should be bad news today Europe and for some of them to become very HARTFORD — A state lawmaker who wanted EASTER two-page ad for Jag, the fashion jeans and for the spendthrifts who are squandering the abundant." to ban the throwing of rice at weddings to protect sportswear manufacturer. The setting is an taxpayers’ money. The General Accounting Office is Some of those exotic foreigners include the green r wild birds has found little solace in offers of free EGG crab that immigrated to the New World in the 18lh elegant restaurant, and the patrons are all expected to release its nine-month, 1,312-page critique birdseed from manufacturers. ' COCONUT century, probably clinging to the bottom of the same naked — except for a young woman in Jag of the Grace Commission’s work. Rep. Mae S. Schmidle, R-Newtown, argued that CREAM ships that brought our ancestors: the sea anemone: CAREFREE a ban on throwing precooked rice would protect 8 OZ. SIZE clothing. The report generally supports the commission’s the periwinkle: and the shipworm, which can only wild birds. She said ingesting the rice can kill PANTY survive in the waters warmed by the Millstone “ Jag is possibly the first garment manufac­ assault on federal mismanagement. Most of the birds because it expands in their stomachs. nuclear power complex in Waterford. MARSHMALLOW SHIELDS exceptions can be attributed to differences on Bird experts scoffed at the claim and the turer in the United States to use nudity in And how do the foreigners interact with the natives? recommended charges in major policies and in Legislature’s Judiciary Committee quietly killed BUNNIES advertising," brags a news release. “The "Any reasonable guess is, yes there is an effect, but accounting methods. the bill. YELLOW what the effect is, we don't know," Carlton said. unusually creative concept makes a bold But birdseed manufacturers, whose product OR PINK The periwinkle is a good example of the hardy REGULAR OR statement implying that ... in the best of My associate Tony Capaccio pored over the GAO! was suggested as a replacement for rice at immigrant scratching out a good life along the shores PKG OR 16 DEODORANT review; here’s a summary of the most important weddings, liked Schmidle’s idea. : OR PEEPS circles, if you are not wearing Jag, you might of Long Island Sound. "It's hard for people to imagine PKG. OF 26 A number of companies have sent samples to PKG OF 15 as well wear nothing at all." savings the Grace Commission recommended —; this coast without them,” said Carlton. her Capitol office. One firm even wanted to send Open Forum along with the GAO's evaluation of the commission's^ This mollusk that carries its little whorled shell on her 60 pounds of birdseed, but Schmidle declined David Guez, president of Jag Beverly Hills findings: its back is eaten by a wide variety of birds, fish and the offer, Inc., says reaction to the ad. appearing in crabs. In turn, it eats the micro-organisms that cling • The Grace Commission offered five specific; You’ll save everyday at Rite Aid! several magazines this month, has been information to make a lot of wrong to shoreline rocks. I won’t sit still Demand quality recommendations that would provide a central focus- TIrozzI wants diploma test “ fantastic ... We wanted to create an ad that decisions and this is more danger­ "There's no doubt in my mind that it has strongly ous than ignorance. for the Budget and Personnel offices. The purpose is to- NORTH HAVEN — Public high school seniors modified the rocky shore ecology,” Carlton said. He would be different and stand out and get for seat belt law EXTRA STRENGTH PRELL public education -I would not say that a sex encourage increased productivity among federal- should pass a stringent basic skills test before believes the shoreline rocks were greener with algae llEjiPiilrtn noticed. And that’s what is happening." To the Editor: To the Editor: education course and mental workers, which would save an estimated $10.5 billion^ graduation, says State Education Commissioner before the periwinkle came to town. EXCEDRIN SHAMPOO Gerald N. "rirozzi. Another invader is codium fragile tomentosoides, health course wouldn't be a good in personnel expenses over three years. The trend is even filtering down to “ I think there are a whole lot of kids out there or dead man’s fingers. This seaweed came to New With all the problems this state Last Monday evening, the school thing and a real asset to our ehildren’s clothing. The mailbag also brought Comments the GAO review: "The savings esti­ with a diploma that doesn’t mean a lot, " Tirozzi England from Asia by way of Europe. Now it attaches TABLETS- has to solve right now. why do board voted not to suspend "Focus community if it was handled BOHLE OF 60 a new ad for “ mood shoes” by Thom McAn. mates provided by Grace appear to be reasonable,’ told a state committee Friday studying gradua­ itself to scallop and oyster shells and moves the YOUR CHOICE lawmakers, who seemingly sit idle on Wellness." This was also a vote properly and put into the hands of OR CAPSULES- although they cannot be fully supported” — meaning tion standards. shellfish around with the tide. 7 OZ. BOHLE Moodies, “ for boys and girls from ages 3 to on some of the more important against quality education for our qualified people. Gym teachers The tests should require greater knowledge "When the growth gets too large ... it grows around BOTTLE OF 40 OR 3 OZ. TUBE that the exact amount of savings can’t be predicted, 12," come with six interchangeable self­ issues, all of a sudden waste children and this should enrage spend long, hard hours to learn to than is needed to pass the basic skills the hinge and kills the scallop, said Robert Porter, an until the recommendations are tried. fastening mood discs so kids can indicate on valuable time trying to decide everyone enough to stand up and teach physical education. Let us examinations required for graduation in many East Lyme scalloper. other states, he said. "Instead of scallop beds, you have a codium forest," whether or not I shall wear a seat be counted. first move this course out of viable "What is important,” the review explains, "is that- CONTAC their shoes how they’re feeling at any given He also proposed a rigorous test for a Carlton said, but he added that the seaweed does not belt in my car? class time. What good will it do to the Grace Commission and the GAO show significant time. One of the discs says “ Sexy.” This is the first generation in "scholar’s diploma" aimed at top students. Such yet seem to have harmed the scallop harvest. COLD CAPSULES Why are they worried about my tell a child he or she can buy opportunities for reducing federal costs through [ At the age of 3? history that is not more intelligent an examination might be linked to sholarships, One of the most recent arrivals is the six-inch-long CHECK«UP well-being to the point of taking condoms if they can't read the productivity gains." ; than the generation before it. We Tirozzi said. sea squirt, so called because it squirts out water when away my freedom to choose? label when they get to the store — ADULT now have 23 miilion functional The state now tests all ninth-grade students for squeezed. First seen on Rhode Island's shore in the Why is my head so important to or make change at the counter? • The commission wants to get Uncle Sam out of the • basic skills proficiency and plans mastery tests 1970s, its range now extends from Boston to Mystic. illiterates in this country. Our TOOTHPASTE these people who don't care if the Put a course of this nature after hydroelectric power business by selling off five of the for the fourth, sixth and eighth grades. "This little sucker is on the m ove," Carlton said. PKG. education system is failing misera­ rest of my body gets jolted apart school or in the evening so parents country’s major dams and their generating plants. 1 Connecticut has no examination requirement for And Carlton predicts the next arrival may be OF 20 bly and, as voters and taxpayers, It’s no yolk from the general disrepair of can be involved with their children The sale of the power complexes would bring in $19.8! graduation from high school. sargassum, the abundant free-floating seaweed that we are letting it happen. This is Connecticut streets? and we can all learn together. billion over a three-year period, the commission chokes the waters of the Sargasso Sea. a becalmed such a travesty. There are so many body of water east of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean. I can die homeless, jobless, and Have the course taught by quali­ estimates. REG. OR GEL Also from California comes word of a $4 deviations from basic education Mom opposes lunch cuts CHLORASEPTIC million TV and billboard blitz by the of starvation, but they don't want fied individuals such as medical 4.1 OZ. PUMP me to die in my car without my today that I honestly wonder when The GAO isn’t so sure. FARMINGTON — A school nutritionist and SORE THROAT SPRAY California Egg Commission. personnel, clergy, law enforce­ harness on. While I personally hold English will become an "elective." While the recommendation "m ay have some merit; mother of six is spearheading a letter-writing ment people and educators. campaign in opposition to President Reagan’s Accused doctor nothing against seat belts, or ... GAO sees a number of obstacles to implementing; “ Per capita consumption has dropped from The school system maintains I challenge the people of Man­ , proposed cuts in the federal school lunch subsidy this recommendation,” the review states. The GAO, 307 eggs per year in 1970 to 263 in 1984,” anyone who wishes to use them, I that "no one is teaching our chester to stand up and demand a program. REGULAR auditors had "no basis to assess ... whether the- OR CHERRY worries the commission. Since 64 percent of hold a great deal against being told children anything pertaining to sex higher quality of education for our Margery McMahon, president of the Connecti­ is admitted to commission's estimated sales price is reasonable,"- 6 OZ. BOHLE what I'll wear in my car. Should or mental health so the schools children. They will be governing cut School Food Service Association, said those FASTEETH alt eggs are eaten for breakfast, the message they point out. the people of Connecticut sit still m ust!" They then single out the our lives all too soon. Demand that $672 million in cuts will raise school lunch prices is that eggs are good food anytime: “ Anything The five power plants are Bonneville Power DENTURE for this one, I'd be most one-parent family or the family anything that impedes a higher so much that many students will not be able to psychiatric unit goes with eggs.” Administration, Portland, Ore.; Alaska Power afford a square meal at noon. disappointed. where both parents work. I have level of learning be removed. SAVE MORE WITH RITE AID BRANDS! ADHESIVE She said as many as 30 Connecticut school The commission also reports that 9 percent My neighbor has a 1972 Chevy, To you who say we need this Administration, Juneau; Southwestern Power Ad­ HARTFORD — A West Hartford cardiologist been in both situations and have districts may drop out of the National School with one fender missing, one course: Are you pointing to some­ ministration, Tulsa, Okla., Southeastern Power accused of beating his wife to death has been admitted 9 RITE AID of California’s people consume 50 percent of not failed my children in any way. I Lunch Program entirely because it would not be to the psychiatric unit of a hospital upon his release headlight out, bald tires, no one else? The very ones who need Administration, Elberton, Ga,; and Western Area the eggs eaten in the state, while 65 percent am sure I am not the only capable practical to offer lunches for the reduced number from jail, police said. POWDER muffler, and a cloud of exhaust Power Administration, Golden, Colo. DISPOSABLE RAZORS consume 17 percent. Under-eaters are the parent in Manchester. There must this course deserve a better of students who can afford them. Dr. Russell F. Manfredi, 32. was freed on $150,000 3 OZ. that chokes the whole street, butby alternative! • GAO’s hard-eyed cost cutters give unqualified particular target of the commission’s cam­ be thousands of other parents in "It just seems terribly unfair,” McMahon said. bond from Hartford’s Morgan Street jail about 12:30 SIZE golly he's got his seat belt on ... approval to the Grace Commission's recommenda­ p.m. Saturday, West Hartford police said. paign, especially working women. these situations who resent the stereotyping. Peggie Lewis tion that user fees for government-operated hydroe­ Stamford hits It rich Police said he was scheduled to be admitted at the PKG. PACKS E.C. Loveland Jr. 81 Foster St. lectric plants be increased. And they agree with the John Dempsey Hospital at the University of OF 5 And please show me the statis­ 35 Lewis St. Manchester commission’s estimate that $4.5 billion could be STAMFORD — Stamford is more valuable than Connecticut Health Center in Farmington. A hospital FOR tics to prove that we are indeed spokeswoman said policy prevented her from JOHNSON ft JOHNSON Manchester realized over three years by bringing the user fees any other Connecticut municipality according to failing to provide sex education a report released by the Connecticut Public confirming the admission of any psychiatric patient. more in line with what most customers pay. 9 RITE AID DENTAL Kitty litter and mental well-being at home. Expenditure Council. Hartford Superior Court Judge Joseph J. Purtill ELASTIC LEG Who says that children don't know In fond memory • The Grace Commission urged that federal' CPEC put Stamford's total taxable property at earlier ordered Manfredi to enter a hospital underthc FLOSS Sell firehouse; exactly what they are doing when agency procurement chiefs — the people who are- $4.7 billion, accounting for 7.4 percent of the total care of a psychiatrist as a condition of his release on DIAPERS “ There are 33,000 lawyers in Washington, they engage in premarital sex or responsible for what the government buys — abide by of property values in Connecticut and nearly 20 bail. DISPOSAMJ of a fine teacher percent of values in Fairfield County. Manfredi is charged with murder in the slaying and they all get paid big bucks to save one buy alarms, hose experiment with drugs? The only the provisions of a 2-year-old directive called Circular • MED -PKG. YOUR CPEC also said Fairfield County’s property March 8 of his wife, Catherine, 33, in their posh home word or a sentence or a paragraph in the thing they are short on is under­ To the Editor: A-76. This directs agencies to rely on the private OF 48 To the Editor: values make up nearly 37 percent of the state's in suburban West Hartford. CHOICE sector for commercial products and services OR LARGE- Internal Revenue Code,” notes Senate standing of the consequences of total. The body was found by officers investigating an 50 YARDS In fond memory whenever they are cheaper. PKG. OF 32 Majority Whip Alan Simpson, R-Wyo. 1 would like to ask Mr. Weiss how their actions. Unfortunately, they Eight municipalities had 1984-85 tux levies apparent motor vehicle accident near the Manfredi Of a lovely lady “That is their sole reason for existence, and much longer taxpayers have to put are being programmed to make The commission estimated a three-year savings of above $50 million, including Stamford, Hartford, home. An autopsy later ruled the death a homicide The kindest of friends then we wonder what is wrong with the tax up with reading in your fine thei r own decisions based on “ what $7.3 billion from turning over procurement to the Bridgeport, New Haven, Norwalk, Greenwich, and Manfredi was arrested early the next day. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 18 THRU 24, 1905 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS Who taught West Hartford and Wuterbury. Police and prosecutors have released few details of newspaper about the defective they think is right” and this does private sector. The GAO review neither approves not code.” And gave so much of herself the case, but West Hartford Police Chief Francis G, smoke alarms on Pascal Lane. not lend itself to thinking about questions this estimate, but it notes that while private Various groups lobbying for a so-called consequences. That wonderful something Reynolds said Friday that Manfredi's children gave This is nonsense! the Reagan administration had made some moves in “ flat tax” that would exclude most deductions That made her a special part Woman wants wrestling Job investigators statements that conflict with those of Also: Not enough fire Hose to put the spirit of A-76, “ in spite of these actions, GAO their father. RITE AID PHARMACIES \ agree. Livia Bardin, for example, head of the This course falis short of good Of those whose lives she touched ORANGE — The wife of Guardian Angels out a major fire on Gardner education. It has limited and agrees with the Grace Commission’s position that leader Curtis Sliwa is training for a career as a Reynolds said officers interviewed the three Fair Tax Foundation, is also upset at the Street? I would strongly suggest Manfredi children Thursday in Dunmore, Pa., where ENFIELD EAST H ^ T F O R D biased content. It presents only The children of Buckley School legislation could be beneficial in encouraging more professional wrestler. thousands of attorneys and others now trying that the town sell the useless they are staying with an aunt. •95 ELM STREET-PHARMACY PH; 745-4121 •271 ELLINGt 6 n RD. partial facts and in some cases, And those privileged to have consistent and widespread compliance with A-78,’ Lisa Sliwa, 26, has done just about everything else. She's a professional model and a black belt The three boys — 3, 5 and 7 years old — were in the desperately to save tax advantages for clients Buckland firehouse and buy some blatent, social lies. Education known her. MANCHESTER PHARMACY PH; 528-61 15 • The GAO finds “ merit" in the comiViission's in karate and jiujitsu. home when police say their mother was killed by as policymakers try to rewrite the tax code. decent fire alarms and much more should present the whole picture. If •361 MAIN STREET-PHARM ACY PH: 649-91 10 Worked with her, and loved her recommendation that three federal wage-protection The 5-foot-9-inch, 130-pobnd woman managed repeated blows to the head with a blunt instrument. fire hose! we were to skip the 5 and 9 tables in “ The minute you make an exception, the laws, including the controversial Davis-Bacon Act, be to deck her huge, male professional opponent a An investigator who asked not to be identified said math would be able to function in logic of the whole thing falls apart,” says Myra R. Kane, Grade 5 teacher either repealed or modified. The Grace Commission ^ couple of times Saturday at an Orange, blood was found in the couple’s bedroom. A neighbor Howard August math correctly? Of course not! helped Manfredi clean blood off the walls of the. Bardin. “ You’ll end up with a depletion estimated that the three-year savings would ^ Connecticut training ring. But he returned the 113 North School St. This is precisely what this course is be $11.6 bedroom, apparently unaware that any foul play was allowance for kitty litter." The staff and children favor. Manchester doing. It is givin'- only enough billion; the GAO said this estimate appears suspected, the investigator added. of Buckley School, Manchester "reasonable.” MANCIIKSTKH IIKI! M.l). Miiiid.iv M.ircli 18, 1985 MANCHESTER HKRAl.U M.ind..\ M.ndi IS I'm.', !i CAPTAIN EASY by Crooks A Casale -tN L : J P U T PO W N THE GU^.PAP! Monday; TV DO tr. p a p : / ^TH.&TEVie^ Damage in millions H' U.S./W orld Nc>w York psychologisl/therapisi tries to 6 00PM l3Jt«) 2Z OO News help <1 promiscuous young wortian and a i 5} Three s Company matt wtio hears voices Mike Farrt'll, Mau In B rief j Florida town cleans up after tornado C h a n n e l s 9) Han to yart reen Stapleton. Ktm Hunter 1984 (24) Together in Concert: Tex Beneke IV Benson WFSB Hartford, CT L)' By Todd Hoizman and His Orchestra Ohio S&Ls remain closed 20 Little H ouse on the Prairie WNEW New Vork. NY t t' United Press International New Haven. CT i l' (41) Novela: Tu o Nadie 024' Dr W h o WTNH CINCINNATI - Gov. Kichurd Celeste kept WOR New York. NY i l ’ (61) Police Woman 38' One Day at a Time Lit) Ohio s 70 privately insured savings and loans VENICE Fla. — Thirty inmates from WPIX New York. NY [CNN] Freeman Reports 1 40' N ew sw atch WTXX Watarbury, CT (20 1 associations closed a fourth day today while the a county jail were called out ea rly today [ D IS ] DTV 3 3 4V Reporter 41 WWLP Springfiald. M A n Legislature considered plans to protect the to help clean up rubble two blocks wide WEDH Hartford, CT 24 57) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour 9:30PM C3)New hart Dick s restora 500,000 depositors, some of whom had to “borrow and a mile deep, the devastation of a WVIT Hartford. CT 00 non plans for the inn are interrupted by Boston, M A 00 money to live. " '6V Good Times WSBK what appears to be sabotage tornado that killed two people and ^4.4' ICN N l Prog Cont'd WGGB Springfiald. M A 40 LEVY'S LAW ' by James Schumeister Celeste does not want the institutions reopened injured more than 40 others. WXTV Patarson. NJ 41) (41) Grandes Series; 'Avenida Paulista' until they apply for Federal Savings and I.oan The twister touched down before iD ISl New! Animal World .WGBY Springfiald, M A [DIS] Dad Can I Borrow the Car / WHAT A CHOICE IF \ IF I. PONT, MV FPUUOW OUSOeS \ 1 M BEAl LT- a b e - > . Insurance Corp. coverage or prove Itiey meet - A (MAX) MOVIE Krull' A yountj warrior WTIC Hartford, CT IV 1 VOTE. 'GUIUTy ) Win.- iO NOW TM h EOJ&STPEW? . POBTEli F BOfil ITHf dawn Sunday, narrowly missing the G O Cagney and Lacey The attempts to rescue his bride from evil CNN Cabla Nawt Ntwrk (CNNi 10:00 PM •nm -P eHiNO" oeiT6cv h p c t i n a m o t e l e v e n n o b m a n \ NAT10NAE 6EEAZE., FSLIC standards. Venice Airport and the winter home of space invaders Ken Marshall, Lysolte An- DISNEY Disnay Channal IDIS) parents of a minor sue the city when their m :■ \ ' i J L =>60UI PNT lOVE ^ .> ■ :ETT 10 6ET THE Home Slate Savings Bank officials locked their the Ringling Brothers and Barnum it itiony, f roddie Jones 1903 Rated PG ESPN Sports Natwork lESPNl son IS placed in an adult prison facility and ~CCKJ' ON th is doors 10 days ago after a three-day run on the INBO) suffers a beating (60 min ) Bailey Circus before it smashed ITMCI MOVIE Day lor Night' The HBO Honia Box Office IL iA l- PYTHEWAV! (MAXi institution. Similar runs on other savings and making of a film is complicated by frusira CINEMAX Cinemax d ) News I • j\A AfjE yTXJ i>ET through a shopping center and row upon iTMCl lions, |Oys and satisl.ictions Jacqueline TMC Movia Channal (11) Independent News rOB TOWEU6 2 loans last week prompted Gov. Hiehard Celeste to row of homes. USA USA Natwork lUSAl r — order all 70 of Ohio's privately insured S&L s Bisset. VaU’ntina Cortese Jean Pierre Au (3$ Odd Couple "Oh. my God, there's a funnel, ' iiKiMt 1973 Rated P(j closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (61) Kojak shouted Junell Johnson, 18, moments IU SA I Cartoon Express When asked today if he could guarantee that all [CNN] Evening News before the tornado hit. t5 ) (6V One Day at a Time Hurdodsilu liulps cl*iar a m.m of a U) year depositors will eventually be able to get all their Her mother, Mary Johnson, said 6;30 PM [DISl MOVIE 'Guys and Dolls' A g a m old murder conviction (60 inin ) ‘It) Barney Miller bier bets that he can win the attentions of a money. Celeste said, "I can guarantee that we ll there was a deafening roar followed by [9 ) N e w s '22) <301 N B C N ew s Salvation Army lass Frank Sinatra. Marion work to seek that they get all their money. " the screams of helpless neighbors and (11) MOVIE. 'Scarecrow' Two (fnfturs Brando. Jean Simmons 1955 The Legislature is considering a Celeste plan to r24) Nightly Business Report ,\ MS: AL the sound of cars and trucks being moot and loam about life lovo and caring [H BO l MOVIE: 'Unfaithfully Y o u r s ' A n have the institutions apply for federally backed (30' Jeffersons tossed about and rooftops exploding off Gon»> Hdckm .in. A l Pacino, D o ro th y Tris orchestra conductor attempts to murder insurance or show sufficient outside bucking, buildings. (40' A B C N e w s (CC) tan 1 9 7 3 his supposedly unfaithful wife Dudley before they reopen. The governor said a private ' t11 Noticiero SIN (20) MOVIE; 'Camelot' King Arthur and Moore, Nastassja Kinski 1984 Rated PG ALLEY OOP • by Pave Graue "I could hear people screaming," Ins Quoon Guinovuro aro happy logtrther [MAX] MOVIE: Blue Lagoon' A sh ip guarantee fund the S&L's relied on had suffered Mary Johnson said. "I sort of got (CNN] Showbiz Today EVEKVONe'S ASLEEP f . . AS SOON AS I COME until Sir Lancolot arrives and falls in love "a devastating blow with the failure of Home wrecked boy and girl come of age on a MEN! I'M C30ING IN O UT W IT H IT, Y O U nauseous because I didn't know what to [DIS] EPCOT Magazine with the (jueen Richard Harris, Vanessa V, tropical island Brooke Shields, Christo AFTER THAT FIKESTICKll GUYS O llM H HIM! State Savings" do. It was frightening. There's no place (ESPN) Mazda SportsLook Redgrave. Franco Nero 1967 pher Atkins 1980 Rated R ------to go here — no ba.scmenlS" 7:00 PM (.3j C B S N e w s (22) (30) TV's Bloopers 8i Practical Jokes [TM Cl MOVIE: 'Exposed' A fashion mo The twister cut a path two blocks wide Tonight s practical |oke victims are Mar del IS caught ii> a terrorist's web and used (5 ' (381 M -A-S-H lette Hartley and Pat Morita (60 min ) as bait to snare a ruthless international and a mile.deep, killing a man and a ' 8 J ABC News (CC) (24) Survival Special (CC) Mysterious killer Nastassia Kinski, Rudolf Nureyev Mubarak, Hussein hold talks woman, injuring 42 other people and 9} Dallas Herds of the Sudan ' The migration of the Rate d R AMMAN, Jordan — Egyptian President Hosni causing millions of dollars in da mage to 'll) Jeffersons ^ white-oared kob antelope and the tribes in 10:30 PM [ID N e w s more than 300 homes and shops. the Sudan that rely on the antelope are ex Mubarak briefed Jordan’s King Hussein today on (201 (40) Barney Miller Eiglit of the injured were hospitalized plored (60 mm ) (24) Folk Reunion at Devil's Lake Glenn the American and West European responses to 122) Wheel of Fortune Yarborough, the Limeliters and the New his proposi 1 for U S.-sponsored peace talks at Venice Hospital and the others V ^ (98) MOVIE The Detective' Part 1 A de Kingston Trio are featured (2 hrs ) (24' MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour tective promoted for solving a murder between Israel and a Jordaniun-Palestinian treated lor lacerations and released. (3® Dick Van Dyke 130) Family Feud finds out that the man accused was inno delegation. Nursing h'lmes opened their doors to U P l p ho to cent Frank Sinatra, Lee Remick, Ralph (41) 2 4 Horas (41) Marisela The Egyptian leader “informed his majesty on dozens of \ietims left homeless by the Meeker 1968 (57) Leo Buscaglia Aerial view of a house in a devastated the area before dawn on Sunday, causing 157/ Nightly Business Report the results uf his discussions with U S. President storm. [41) Cosas de Casados [USA] Dragnet residential area of Venice, Fla , shows the millions of dollars in damages and killing two >61) Diff'rent Strokes Ronald Reagan and senior U S. administration Officials complained they had no (57) Great Performances (CNN) Moneyline • 1 1 :00 PM C33 d ) (22) (30) (40) N e w s THE BORN LOSER ' b|r Art Sansom officials and his talks with a number of West warning before the storm hit. except for damage from a tornado that roared through people. (61) Fantasy Island iDISl MOVIE: The Pride of the d ) Taxi European leaders, " the spokesman said. a National \7eather Service advisory [CNN] Prime News Yankees' The story of Nr-w York Yankee C£) Phil Silvers Mubarak's initiative for talks between the about a "sttong thunderstorm in the slugger Lou Gehruj is presenterf Gary [ESPN] USFl Football Denver at (11) Odd Couple United States and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian area." Jaqub Sieniawski, 66. died in his sleep emergency. A spokesman said 55 dents and shopkeepers boarded up their Cooper, Babe Ruth, Waiter Brennan Houston 28) M*A*S*H delegation as a first step toward negotiations with "There WLS/no advance word of a when the roof of his home fell on him. homes were destroyed in Venice. 122 homes and damaged storefronts. 1942 [HBO] MOVIE: ‘All the Rivers Run' tornado," sauf Gregg Feagans, execu­ sheriff's officers said. His wife was others were at least 50 percent The Venice tornado was one of three lESPN l SportsCenter (CC) Part 1 A spirited woman becomes (01) MOVIE: The Lone Hand’ A man joins Israel met with a cool response in Washington. with outlaws and loses the respect of his tive director of the Sarasota County treated for lacerations. destroyed and more than 120 sustained to strike south-central Florida Sunday. lU SA l Radio 1990 determined to forge a place for herself in a His plan is based on the Feb. 11 agreement man s world Sigrid Thornton, John Wat wife and son Joel McCrca, Barbara Hale. between Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Office of Disaster Preparedness. "The Dorothy Turavella. 65, of Steuben­ minor damage. Twisters at Fort Ogden. 40 miles to the 7:30PM C?3 PM Magazine ers Alex Nicol, Charles Drake 1954 Organization to work toward a settlement of the area is a mess. The shopping center is ville, Ohio, was killed and her husband The storm tore gaping holes in a huge southeast, and along the northern edge [53 All In the Family [M AX] MOVIE: ‘Twilight Z o n e The [CNN] Moneyline Arab-Israeli conflict. torn up. It (the tornado) did the same Salvador was injured when the tornado Publix supermarket, destroying every­ of Lake Okeechobee. 200 miles east of M ovie' Enter another dimension in four un­ [ESPNI NFL Superstars M e n W h o CB3 W heel of Fortune thing with the homes. " smashed their mobile home, which was thing inside before moving on to Venice, caused minor damage but no usual tales, created by some of today s Played the Game

I.! MANniKSTKIi IIKini.D M u M.irili IH NBA roundup SCOREBOARD Bulls turn tables on Bucks

Scott Hoch, 1,847 71-72-71—2l'4 pro basketball with his 27,314th Totals 26-51 3-5 55. . Bv United Press International lead, Terry Cummings hit l-of-2 Cummings and Moncrief, NCAA Tournament bracket Halftime—Vlllanova X, Michigan X. Jay Delslng, 1,047 point on a 20-footer in the first Flyers 5. Islanders 3 Nets 129. Pacers 105 free throws with 56 seconds left to In other games, New Jersey Fouled out—Joubert, Grant. Total Lorry Rlnker, 1.847 quarter. The basket enabled him to Hockey fouls—Vlllanova 11, Michigan 23. Jock NIcklaus, 1,847 K After Milwaukee outplayed Chi­ make it 108-104. pounded Indiana 129-105, Boston NY Islanders 1 l 1—3 INDIANA (105) (Reglonol SMds In por«ttfiMl$) Rebounds—Vlllanova 21 (Pressley. Terry Snodgrass, 1,847 66-72-76—214 beat Houston 134-120, Kansas City pass Elvin Hayes. Philadelphia 3 2 0-^ H. Williams 6-14 2-314, Kellogg 1-52-24, (Ail TimM EST) cago for three quarters, the Bulls John.son’s turnover gave the Pinckney 7), Michigan 28 (Tarplev topped Utah 107-101, San Antonio First period—1, Phllodelphla, McCrlm- Stipanovich 3-84-410, FLemlng9-138-1026, East 13). Assists—Vlllanova 10 (McLain turned the tables on the Bucks by Bucks possession with 35 seconds mon 8 (Howe, Zezel), 7:77. 2, Stansbury 3-92-28, Brown 3-80^6, ThonrKis Mordi 14 LPGA results defeated Denver 124-119, Seattle Sonics 106, Pistons 98 First Round 3), MIchlgon 12 (Wade. Joubert 3). beating them at their own game. remaining. At that time, Milwau­ NHL standings Philadelphia, Craven 23 (SInIsalo). sh, 5-9 2-212, Garnett 5-7 2-412, Durrant 5-90-0 Technical—Wode. A—13,260. downed Detroit 106-98, Portland At Seattle, Tom Chambers fired 10:13. 3, Phllodelphla. Poulin 25 (D. 10, Gray 1-51-23. Totals 41-87 23-29105. At Hortford/ Conn. Women's Kemper Open Michael Jordan and Steve John- kee’s Paul Pressey was injured Georgetown (1) (A, Lehigh (16) 43 knocked off Atlanta 114-101 and in 21 points and John Sundvold Smith, McCrImmon), 13:04. 4. NY At Kaonopoli/ Hawaii/ Morch 17 ■son rallied Chicago from a 16- and carried off the court on a W ain Conference Islanders, Trottler 26 (Tonelll. Lane), sh, NEW JERSEY (129) Temple (0) 60, Virginia Tech (9) 57 Golden Stale stopped the LA added 18 to lead the Sonics, who Patrick Division LoyolQ'llllnols (4) 59, Iona (13) NIT pairings (Por 73) point, fourth-quarter deficit Sun­ stretcher. Pressey had a cut over 14:26. Penalties—Boutlller, NY I, 2:46; Turner 3-42-28, B.WIIIIams 11-187-1129, Jane Blalock, S45,0(X) have won 14 straight in Seattle W L T Pts. GP GA Poulin, Phi, 9:00; Persson, NYI, 14:17; Dawkins 7-9 4-7 18, Ransey 4-10 8-8 16, Southern Methodist (5) 85, Old day to a 119-117 overtime victory his eye and received two stitches. Clippers 109-100. x-Phllodelph 44 19 7 95 307 220 • Dominion (12) (A First Round Pat Brodlev/ 27,750 against the Pistons. Detroit last x-WashIngtn 40 21 9 89 285 214 Flatley, NYI, minor-major (fighting), Richardson 8-16 2-318, McKenna 3-5 5-511, Alice MHIer. 30,250 which snapped the Bucks six-game Craig Hodges' layup with 30 Nets 129, Pacers 105 18:31; Morsh, Phi, malor (fighting). GminskI 6-10 1-2 13, Cook 6-9 2-3 14, Mord) 16 New Mexico 80, Texas A8iM 67 beat the Sonics in Seattle on Oct. x-NY Islandrs 37 29 5 79 317 277 Second Round Nebraska 79, Canislus 66 Beth Daniel, 8,151 winning streak. seconds remaining cut the Bulls’ 18:31. Sappleton 1-2 0-0 2, Johnson 0-1 0-0 0. Betsy King, 8,151 At East Rutherford, N.J., Buck NY Rangers 23 37 10 56 265 303 Second period—5, Philadelphia. Totals 49-84 31-41 129. Georgetown 63, Temple 46 Louisville 77, Alcorn State75 "They were playing great team deficit to 108-106, prompting Chi­ 18, 1974. Isiah Thomas led the Pittsburgh 23 41 5 51 243 331 Lovolo (111.) ^ . Southern Methodists? Kathy Whitworth, 0,151 76-73-72-73—W Williams scored 29 iwints and Crossman 4 (Sinisalo), sh, 7:07. 6. Indiana 21 28 29 27—105 Cincinnati 77, Kent State61 Judy Clark, 0,151 74-74-73-73— offense and great team defense cago to call a time out. Pistons with 22 points. New Jersey 20 41 9 49 236 300 NY Islanders, D. Sutter 14 (Jonsson, New Jersey 31 32 35 31—129 Morch IS Southwestern Louisiana 65, Florida ‘ J , Darryl Dawkins and Micheal Ray Adams Division First Round Kathy Postlewalt. 8,151 74-74-7^73—W and that is why they were beating Orlando Woolridge’s inbounds K ortko),11:38. 7, Philadelphia, Cor­ Fouled out — Turner. Total 64 Jeannette Kohihs, 8,151 76-71-74-73—W Richardson each had 18 to lead the Blazers 114, Hawks 101 x-Montreal 34 25 11 79 265 235 son 19 (Tocchet, Hachborn), 17:41. fouls— Indiana 33, New Jersey 31. At AtlontO/ Go. Vtrglnlo 56, West Virginia 55 us,” said Johnson, who finished pass sailed out of Jordan’s hands, x-Buffalo 32 23 14 78 255 206 Jane Crofter, 0,151 Nets. Indiana has lost three At Portland, Ore., Kiki Vande­ Penoltles—Propp, Phi, 5:21; Carson, Rebounds—Indiana 38 (Garnett 8), New Georgia (6) 67, Wichita State (11) 59 Marquette 77, Bradley 64 with 15 points, "W e got buck into Hodges made the steal, but Ricky x-Quebec 34 26 9 77 285 245 Phi, 12:04; Tonelll,N YI,14:04. Jersey 39 (B.WIIIIams 12). Assists— Illinois (3) 76, Northeastern (14) 57 South Florida 77, Woke Forest 66 Vicki Alvarez, 8,151 straight and nine of its last 10 weghe scored 35 points to lead the Boston 32 29 8 72 262 241 Syracuse (7) 70, DePoul (10) 65 St. Joseph's (Po.) 66, Missouri 67 Laurl Peterson, 8,150 75-73-70-75—W the game when we started doing Pierce traveled. Jordan hit l-of-2 Hartford 23 38 9 55 240 296 Indlona 24 (Fleming, Stansbury, Patti Rizzo, 8.150 74-73-71-75—^ contests. Trail Blazers. Vandeweghe tossed Third period—8, NY Islanders, Boutl­ Brown 4), New Jersey 32 (Ransey, Georgia Tech (2) 65, Mercer (15) 58 Tennessee65, TennesseeTech62 the same thing." free throws with 10 seconds left to Campbell Conference Mordi 17 Patty Sheehan, 8,150 ^■72-76-76—293 in 14 points in the first quarter, in Norris Division ller 12 (Tonelll. Trottler). 10:50. RIchordson 7). A—9,919. UCLA 78, Montana 47 Cindy Flom, 3,877 76-75-75-68— Jordan and Johnson each scored give the Bulls a 109-106 lead. Kings 107, Jazz 101 Penalties—D. Sutter, NYI, molor Second Round Fresno State 79, Santa Claro 76 (30T) which the Trail Blazers shot nearly W L T Pts. GF GA Illinois 74, Georgia 58 Tennessee-Chottanoga 67. Clemson JoAnne Corner, 3,877 73-75-76-70—294 12 (Kiinls in the fourth quarter. Sidney Moncrief tied the score x-St. Louis 33 25 11 77 263 249 (fighting), 7:14; Marsh. Phi, maior KIngslO?. Jazz 101 Jan Stephenson. 3,877 76-75-^-71—»4 At Kansas City, Mo., rookie Otis 90 percent. He added another 15 (fighting), 7:14; Potvin, NYI, 18:40. Georgia Tech 70, Syracuse53 65 Jordan’s free throw with 5:37 left with a 3-point field goal with 4 x Chlcago 34 33 5 73 279 275 Mordi 21 Lori Garbaez. 3,877 71-73-79-71—294 Thorpe scored'85 points and pulled points in the third quarter and sat MInnesoto 23 37 11 57 238 283 Lamar 78, Houston 71 Dot Germain, 3,8^ 7^75-72-73—294 pulled the Bulls even at 92. seconds remaining to send the Power-play conversions—NY Islond­ UTAH (101) At Providonco. R.l. Indiana 79, Butler 57 down a season-high 15 rebounds to out the fourth. Eddie Johnson hit 30 Detroit 22 38 11 55 272 326 ers 0-3. Philadelphia 0-5. Bailey 5-14 (M) 10, Kelley 1-4 3-4 5, Reglonol Semifinals Richmond 59, Fordham 57 Cathy Morse, 3,877 73-72-76-73—294 Milwaukee Coach Don Nelson game into overtime. Toronto 17 46 7 41 215 305 Eaton 7-105-519, Green2-73-37,Grlfflth6-18 Hollis Stacy, 3,066 75-73-7^71—W5 lead the Kings to their fifth straight points to lead Atlanta. Georgia Tech vs. Illinols,6:30p.m. Second Round said the Bulls were able to get back In Ihe extra period, Woolridge's Smythe Division Shots on goal—NY Islanders 10-11-7— 5- 617, Dantley 10-177-927, Stockton 1-20^2, Loyola (III.) ys. Georgetown,9:09p.m. Tuesday's Games Mftn Spner-Dvin, 3,066 7>74-76-72—295 home win. Adrian Dantley led the x-Edmonton 45 17 9 99 352 254 28. Philadelphia 9-16-11—36. Roberts 3-8 2-4 8, Wilkins 2-4 0-0 4, Paultz Southeast (All Times EST) Donna Caponi, 3,066 76-72-74-73—295 into the game because the Bucks basket with 2; 52 remaining put the Jazz with 27 points and Mark Eaton x-WInnlpeg 39 27 7 85 323 305 CM) 0-0 0. Hansen 1-3 0-0 2, MannlonO-0 Mord) 14 Richmond at Indiana, 7:30 p.m. Alice RItzman, 3.066 7^75-69-76—W5 got too tentative. Bulls ahead for good, 115-113. Warriors 109, Clippers 100 x-Calgary 36 26 8 80 322 270 0^0.Totals38-8725-31101. Barb Thomas, 3,066 73-73-72-77—295 added 19. Goalies—NY Islanders, B. Smith, First Round St. Joseph's (Pa.) at Virginia. 8 p.m. "W e were too patient and didn't Milwaukee had a chance to lie it At Los Angeles, Purvis Short and x-Los Angeles 32 26 13 77 311 289 Phlladelphio—Lindbergh. A—17,191. KANSAS CITY (107) At South Bond. Ind. Marquette vs. Cincinnati at Riverfront Cthy Rynlds Drx, 2,712 T7-74-72-73—W6 Spurs 124, Nuggets 119 Vancouver 22 40 9 52 253 364 Johnson 5-13 4-4 14, Thorpe 10-14 5-11 25, Auburn (11) 59, Purdue (6) 58 Coliseum, 8 p.m. Pot Meyers, 2,712 71-76-74-75—296 attack their press," said Nelson in the final .seconds, but Pierce's Eric Floyd scored 20 apiece and x-cllnctied playoff spot Thompson 5-95-915. Drew 5-143-313, Theus Kansas (3) 49, Ohio University (14) 38 Nebrosko at UCLA, 10:30 p.m. Jonet Coles, 2,442 75-76-73-7S—297 "When we tried, we had some puss to Alton Lister went off his At San Antonio, Texas. Johnny Jerome Whitehead added 19 to give Saturday's Rnults Kings5,0ilers4 6- 11 2-214, Merlweather 2-41-25, Woodson Jo Ann Washam, 2,442 73-76-74-74—297 UPI photo NotreDome(7) 79,Oregon StatedO) 70 New Mexico at Fresno State, 10:30 turnovers That made us even hands. Moore scored 12 points in the the Warriors only their fifth win on Calgary 5, Boston 3 6- 113-415,Olberdlng 1-61-23. Neoly 1-11-23, p.m. Amy Alcott, 2,442 73-74-75*75—W7 Pittsburgh 5, N.Y. Rangers0 Edmonton 2 l 1—4 BuseO-10-00. Totals 41-84 25-39 107. North Carolina (2) 76, Middle Tennes­ Donna White, 2,442 74*70-78-75—297 more indecisive. That stretch of Jordan finished with a game- fourth period, including 10 of San the road against 28 losses. Los N.Y. Islanders 6, Washington 4 Wednesdoy's Games Los Angeles 2 2 1—5 see (15) 57 Southwestern Louisiana at Tennes­ Dale Eggellng, 2,120 76-74-77-71—790 Boston's Kevin McHale (32) grabs basketball from seven minutes really hurt us " high 32 points, Quinlin Dailey Antonio's final 13, to lead the Angeles, loser of 12 of its last 14 Minnesota A, Montreal 2 Utoh 30 25 21 25—101 Mry Bth Zmmrmn,2,12 78-71-76-73—298 First period—1, Los Angeles, Dlonne42 March 16 see,8:30p.m. Jordan's layup with one minute added 26 and Woolridge 21. The Spurs. Denver’s Dan Issel became games, has now lost six straight Phlladelphla6, Toronto 1 (MacLellan, Taylor), 2:10. 2, Los Kansos City 26 35 20 26—107 Second Round Tennessee-Chottanoogoat Lamar, 6:30 Debbie f^ssey, 2,119 76-72-75-75—298 Houston's Ralph Sampson (left) and Lionel Hollins Hartford 5, St. Louis 0 Angeles, Dlonne43 (MacLellon, Golley). Fouled out—None. Total fouls—Utah North CorollnodO, Notre Dome 50 Susie Bernlng, 2,119 77-73-72-76—290 remaining gave the Bulls a 108-103 Bucks got 28 points from both the fourth-leading career scorer in home games. Los Angeles 8, Detroit 3 p.m. during action Sunday at Boston Garden Celtics won, 2:41. 2, Edmonton, Coffey 27 (Kurrl, 29. Kansas City 25. Rebounds—Utoh- Auburn 66, Konsas 64 South Florida ot Louisville, 8:X p.m. Becky Pearson, 1,676 74-77-77-71—299 Sunday's Results Huddy),PP, 11:27.4, Edmonton, Lumlev9 37 (Eaton 10). Kansas City SO (Thorpe Morch IS Mitzl Edge, 1,675 70-73-75-7>—W Philadelphia 5, N.Y. Islonders 3 Quarterfinals 134-120. (Krushelnyskl), 12:42. Penalties—Lowe, 15). Assists—Utah 30 (Green 8), Kansas First Round Saturday/ Mordi 23 M arty Dickerson, 1,675 75-74-76-74—299 Winnipeg 5, Buffalo 3 Edm, 3:15; Fogolln, Edm, minor-maior, City 33 (Drew 12). T echnlcol—Thompson. Dawn Coe, 1,675 72-73-79-75—299 Hartford 4, Pittsburgh 3 Doyton. Ohio (sites to be determined) 4:52; Williams, LA, malor, 4:52; Hunter, A—3,737. Maryland (5) 69, Miami of Ohio (12) 68 Semifinals Lenore Muraoka, 1,675 78-73-72-76—299 N.Y. Rongers 7, New Jersey 3 Edm, 0:27; Galley, LA, 8:27; NIcholls, Mindy Moore, 1,675 77-74-72-76—299 NC State (OT) Wednesday/ March 27 Chicago 6. Vancouver 4 LA, 10:53; Galley, LA, 14:23; Jockson, Bulls119.Bucks117(0T| Navy (13) 78, Louisiana State (4) 55 Los Angeles 5. Edmonton 4 Madison ^uareGarden, New York Edm, 17:12. Michigan (1) Falrlelgh-Dickinson Championship Green-clad Celtics Monday's Games Secondperlod—5, Los Angeles, Shutt 17 (16) 55 (All Times EST) MILWAUKEE (117) Friday/ March 29 (Wells), 1:16. 6 Edmonton, Krushelnyskl Cummings 11-21 6-9 28, Pressey 2-95-69. Vlllanova (8) 51, Dayton (9) 49 Modlson SquareGorden, New York wins again Quebec at Boston, 7:35 p.m. 38 (Kurrl. Gretzky), PP, 9:43. 7, Los St. Louis at Toronto, 8:05 p.m. Lister 7-10 2-2 16. Hodges 6-12 2-2 17. March 17 Baseball Angeles, Hardy 13 (MacLellan, Dionne), Moncrief 7-16 13-17 28. Pierce 6-13 1-1 13, Second Round Calgary at MInnesoto, 8:35 p.m. PP, 19:37. Penalties—Semenko, Edm, Tuesday's Games Breuer 0-0 0-0 0. MokeskI 1-4 0-1 2, Maryland 64, Navy 59 not easy to catch 2:34; Anderson, Edm, double-minor, Vlllanova 59, Michigan 55 Los Angeles at N.Y. Islanders, night Thompson 1-4 0-0 2, Grevey 1-1 0-0 2. out West 8:06; Wells, LA, 8:06; Sykes, LA, Totafs 42-92 29-38 117. Morch 22 New Jersey ot Washington, night 8:06; Jackson, Edm, double-minor, At Birminghom. Ala. Philadelphia ot Pittsburgh, night CHICAGO (119) Football "They have poise and chemis­ 17:32; NIcholls, LA, 17:32; Gretzky, Greenwood 3-8 2-2 8, Woolridge8-13 5-8 Reglonol Somifinali Exhibition baseball standings By Frederick Waterman By Mike Rabun Edm, 18:34. 21, Corzine2-8 1-2 5, Jordan 11-25 10-13 32. Maryland vs. Vlllanova, 7:07 p.m. United Press International try," . said p'itch. "Experience- United Press International Third period—8. Los Angeles, MacLel­ Matthews 2-5 04) 4, Dailey 10-20 6-6 26, North Corollna vs. Auburn, 9:40 p.m. AHL standings lan M (Taylor, Dionne), PP. 1:00. 9, AMERICAN LEAGUE wise, they are well ahead of u.s — it Oldham 2-4 4-48, Johnson 6-103-415. Totals Midwest W L Pet. ? Edmonton, Messier 20 (Anderson, 44-93 31-39 119. Mordi 14 USFL standings BOSTON — Catching a lepre­ has been a long uflernoon, they ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Northern Division Napier), 1:46. Penalty—Williams, LA, Toronto 9 0 1.000 Milwaukee 29 28 31 21 8—117 First Round Baltimore 7 2 .778 chaun is as easy as stopping Larry showed our weaknesses. " North Carolina State left New W L T Pts. GF GA 6:50. Chicogo 20 25 27 37 1 0—119 At Tulsa. Oklo. Eostern Conference Maine 37 28 9 83 281 239 Shots on goal—Edmonton 9-8-21—38. Cleveland 6 2 .750 Bird — in fact, it might be easier. The Rocket guards had difficulty Mexico Sunday the same way it did Three-point goals—Hodges 3, Mon­ Louisiana Tech (5) 78, Pittsburgh (12) W L T Pet. PF PA Detroit 7 3 .700 Adirondack 32 32 6 72 261 297 Los Angeles 14-12-11—37, crief. Fouled out—Cummings. Total 54 Birmingham 3 1 0 .750 129 97 On St. Patrick's Day, the Hous­ getting the ball into Olajuwon and two years ago — unbeaten. Fredericton 31 32 6 70 246 270 Chicago 8 4 .667 fouls—Milwaukee 32, Chicago 31. Ohio State (4) 75, Iowa State (13) 64 Tampa Bov 3 1 0 .750 117 68 Californio 3 2 .600 ton Rockets took on the wearers of Sampson when they were under The difference being this time Sherbrooke 32 35 4 68 279 290 Power-play conversions—Edmonton Rebounds—Milwaukee 34 (Cummings Oklahoma (1) 96. North Carolina A&T Memphis 3 1 0 .750 04 70 Nova Scotia 29 32 7 65 244 260 4-2.LosAngeles7-2. (16) 83 Seattle 3 3 .500 the Green and were trounced, the basket. the Wolfpack has a great deal more 11), Chicago 58 (Woolrldge, Jordan New Jersey 2 2 0 .500 100 101 Kansas City 4 5 .444 Moncton 29 36 6 64 251 259 Goalies—Edmonton, Fuhr. Los An­ 11). Assists—Milwaukee 21 (Pres­ Illinois State (9) 58, Southern Cal (8) Baltimore 1 2 1 .375 79 69 134-120, by Ifte defending NBA "Houston will be better now that work to do, beginning next Friday Southern Division geles, Janecyk. A—16,005. 55 Oakland 3 4 .429 sey 8), Chicago 27 (Jordan 16). Jacksonville 1 3 0 .250 93 121 Boston 4 6 .400 .champions. they have (John) Lucas again. " with the defensive-oriented Ala­ Binghamton 46 19 7 99 339 237 March 16 Orlando 0 4 0 .000 44 120 Rochester 37 22 12 86, 291 263 Technical—Milwaukee Illegal defense, Milwaukee 3 6 .3X Bird scored 48 points on a said Parish. "But they have been bama Crimson Tide. Jets5,Sabres3 Milwaukee coach Nelson, Matthews, Second Round Western Conference New York 3 6 .333 Baltimore 38 24 6 64 I 283 222 Chicogo illegal defense. A—16.()22. Louisiana Tech 79, Ohio State67 Houston 3 0 0 1.000 126 68 combination iong-range bombs, playing some young people out North Carolina Slate and Ala­ Springfield 33 33 4 70 \ 283 277 Oklahoma 75, Illinois State69 Minnesota 3 7 .300 Denver 2 1 0 .667 79 71 Texas 2 5 .2M inside moves and i4 free throws, there who aren't as skilled as him bama advanced from Albuquerque New Haven 28 37 8 64 284 311 Buffalo 2 1 Morch 15 Oakland 2 1 1 .625 97 105 Hershev 21 40 10 52 272 304 Spurs 124. Nuggets 119 First Round NATIONAL LEAGUE along with grabbing a game-high at getting the ball in down low. " to Denver Sunday, moving along in Winnipeg 1 0 4—5 Arizona 2 2 0 .500 77 67 W L Pet. St. Catharins 21 43 6 48 245 3X First period— 1, Winnipeg. Arniel 20 At Houston. Toxos Portland 2 2 0 .500 61 65 15 rebounds. Teammate Robert Parish had 12 points in the first the NCAA tournament to be two of Saturday's Results (unassisted). 0:53. 2, Buffalo, Ruff 8 Alabomo-Birmingham (7) 70,Michigan Cincinnati 5 2 .714 Binghamton 2, Adirondack 0 DENVER (119) Los Angeles 1 3 0 . 250 105 90 Chicago 6 3 .667 Parish added a season-high 38 as quarter arid never stopped shoot­ 16 teams still in the running for the (Perreault, Foligno), 3:13. 3, Buffalo, English 7-13 11-1325, Natt 5-10 2-312, Issel State (10) 68 San Antonio 1 3 0 .250 44 103 Fredericton 7, New Haven 6 Selling 13 (Barrosso),sh. 9:13. Penalties— Memphis State (2) 67, Penn (15) 55 Los Angeles 5 3 .6X the veteran Celtics squad over­ ing us he continually munuevered crown the Wolfpack captured two Baltimore 5, Hershev 2 11-17 5-5 27, Lever 4-111-29. Dunn 4-8 0-08, Saturday's Results Montreal 5 3 .6X Andreychuk. Buf, 5:54; Howerchuk, Hanzilk 2-3 2-2 6. Schayes 0-1 5-6 5, Evans Boston College (11) 55, Texos Tech (6) Tampa Bay 23, Arizona 13 whelmed the younger Rockets. around Houston's Twin Towers. years ago, Sherbrooke 6, Maine 4 Win, 5:54; Schoenfeld, Buf, 17:49. 53 Son Francisco 4 4 .500 Rochester 3, Springfield 2 7- 15 3-3 19, Turner 1-3 3-3 5, White 1-1 04)3. Los Angeles 38, San Antonio 7 New York 3 4 .429 Using a rotation of four guards Bird said he knew before the Alabama did so with a 63-59 upset Secondperlod—4, Buffalo, McKenna 16 Totals42-8232-37119. Duke (3) 75. Pepperdlne (14) 62 Portland 23. Orlando 17 Sunday's Results (K o ra b ), V Irta ), 13:41. P enalties— Morch 17 Atlanta 4 6 .400 for defensive pressure, Boston game that the Celtics' 7-foot center win over Virginia Commonwealth, Baltlmore6, Springfleld4 SAN ANTONIO (124) Sunday's Results Philadelphia 2 4 .333 Schoenfeld, Buf. 1:59; Selling, Buf, Banks 4-8 6-7 14, Mitchell 6-13 1-2 13, Second Round Birmingham 34, Memphis 19 coach K.C. Jones look away would play well. Ihe second seeded team in the West Binghamton 7, Hershev 3 12:23; Howerchuk,Win, 12:23. Memphis Stote 67, Atobama- Houston 3 8 .272 Fredericton 5, St. Catharines4 Gilmore 5-10 4-5 14, Moore 8-14 7-8 23. Baltimore 29, New Jersey 9 St. Louis 1 3 .250 Houston's fastbreak and the Cel­ "You could see it in his eyes Gervin 8-16 7-8 23. Knight 1-2 04) 2. Blrmlnghom 66 (OT) Oakland 42, Jacksonville 36 Region, while North Carolina State Maine 4, Adirondack 1 Third period—5, Winnipeg, NIII 7 Pittsburgh 1 4 .200 tics' starting frontline of Bird, while we were warming up — you Novo Scotia 4, New Haven 2 Paxson 4-6 1-2 9, lavaroni 5-11 0^ 10. Mondov's Gomes Son Diego 1 5 .167 shot 73 percent from the field to (Small. Ellett) 7:28. 6, Winnipeg, Cook 1-3 0-0 2, Robertson 7-10 00-14. Boston College 74, Duke 73 Denver at Houston, 9 p.m. Harish and Kevin McHale com­ knew he was ready to play, so we Sherbrooke7, Rochester 5 Howerchuk ^ (Small, Ellett) 10:27. 7, Morch 21 split squad gomes Included down Texas-El Paso, 86-73. Totals 49-93 26-32 124. Thursday/ Morch 21 Sunday's Results bined for too points and 31 tried to isolate him down low." DPI photo Winnipeg, Steen 30 (Arniel, Turnbull) Denver 35 23 38 23—119 At Dallas. Ttx. Orlando at Jacksonville/ 6:X p.m. It was in Albuquerque that the 13:26. 8, Winnipeg, MacLean 37 (Hower- Reglonol Semifinals Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 2,10 Innings Said Olajuwon: "Parish played Whalers 4, Penguins 3 San Antonio 34 30 33 27—124 Sahjrdav/ Morch 23 Los Angeles 6, Houston 5 rebounds. Wolfpack won its NCAA crown in chuk, Ellett) 16:11. Penalties — Three point goals—Evans 2, White. Louisiana Tech vs. Oklahoma. 6:37 Los Angeles at Arizona, 9 p.m. great, and their whole team was Peterson, Buf, 10:13; Boschman, Win, p.m. New York (NL) 5, Sf. Louis 2 Rookie Akeem Olajuwon could IVs all in the faces 1983 and the return trip produced Fouled out—None. Total fouls— Denver Sunday/ March 24 Toronto 8, Philadelphia 2 playing together more today than Pittsburgh 2 0 1—3 10:13. 25, San Antonio 26, Rebounds—Denver Memphis Statevs. Boston College, 9:09 Birmingham at Boltim ore, 2:30 not stop Parish, who combined all sorts of nostalgia. Shots on goal—Buffalo 8-10-6—24. D .m . Baltimore 11, Atlanta 2 we were. Every NBA team has a Hartford 2 0 2—4 32 (Natt, Lever 9), San Antonio 46 p.m. New 'Tork (AL) 9, Boston 6 with Bird for 27 points in the St. John's (left) shows Saturday in Salt Lake City, Utah. St. It also produced some dandy First period—1, Hartford, Robertson 9 Winnipeg 11-10-14—35. (lavaronl8). Assists—Denver 29 (Lever West Oakland at Memphis, 2:X p.m. • decisive third quarter. Leading great front line, but the Celtics (Molone, DIneen), 1:28. 2, Pittsburgh, Power-ploy conversions—Buffalo Morch 14 Detroit 7, Minnesota 1 basketball since North Carolina 8), San Antonio 31 (Moore 7). Portland at Houston, 2:X p.m. Chicago (AL) 7, Kansas City 2 play great together. " the thrill ot success while Arkansas’ John's won, 68-65, to advance to West Bullard 29 (Hannan), 7:37. 3, Hartford, 0-0, Winnipeg 2-0. Technical—Spurs Illegal defense, lava­ First Round Tampa Bay at New Jersey, 2:M p.m. 68-66 at the half, Boston used spurts Slate handily outplayed both Neufeld 24 (T urgeon, Samuelsson), 16:17. At Salt Lake City. Utah Chicago (NL) 3, Mllwoukee2 With Houston improvement, William Mills shows the other side Regional semifinals in Denver. roni. A—8,672. Mondov/ March 25 Cleveland 6, Son Francisco 3 of 7-0 and 9-2 to lake a 100-91 Nevada-Reno and Texas-El Paso 4, Pittsburgh, Young 34 (Mantha, Goalies—Buffalo, Barrasso. Win­ St. John s (1) 83. Southern (16) 59 San Antonio ot Denver. 9 p.m. there were suggestions that Sun­ Lemleux), 18:23. Penaltles-Rlssling, nipeg, Hayward. A—15,446. Arkansas (9) 63, Iowa (8) 54 Seattle 2, Oakland 1 advantage and Houston never during their West Regional clash in advancing to the regional Pit, 8:19; Bobych, Pit, 14:02; Malone, Warriors 109.Clippers 100 Nevoda-Los Vegas (4) 85, San Diego Californio 4, Son Diego 3 again drew closer than nine. day’s game could be a forecast of semifinals. Har,17:47. State (13) 80 Texas vs. Montreal, cancelled, rain this year's championship match. Stars 29. Generals 9 Monday's Gomes Neither Robert Reid or Ralph The Alabama-North Carolina Second period — None. Penalties — GOLDEN ST. (109) Kentucky (12) 66, Woshington (5) SB "I wouldn't like to play them for Mantha, Pit, 3:26; DIneen, Har, 4:58. Short 7-21 6-7 20. L. Smith 4-10 5-7 13. Mcrch 16 Houston vs. Cincinnati of Tompo, Flo., 1 Sampson could stop Bird, who hit Eastern Regional play Slate matchup will lake place next Third period—5, Hartford, Malone 2D Whitehead 7-135-519, Wllson4-8O-O0, Floyd Second Round Ntw Jeney 0340— 9 p.m. on 17-of-32 from the field and the championship." said Parish. Friday night in Denver with the (DIneen), 1:07. 6, Hartford. DIneen 21 Basketball 7-14 4-4 20, Thibeaux 5-6 0-1 10. Conner St. John's 68, Arkonsos 65 Baltimort 7 9 7 4—X Los Angeles vs. Montreal at West Palm "But if it came down to that, we Beach, Flo., 1:X p.m. 14-of-15 free throws. winner facing either Kentucky or (Robertson, Malone), 14:45. 7, Pitts­ 3-10 2-2 8. Plummer 2-5 3-4 7.Teagle2-2 Kentucky 64, Nevodo-Los Vegas61 First would give it a shot, " he said burgh, Lemleux 35 (McGeough, Bobych), 04)4.Totals41-8925-M109. Mordi IS Bolt—Bryant 2 boss from Fusing Pittsburgh vs. Minnesota at Orlando, "E very night Larry has what it St. John’s with a Final Four trip 17:37. Penalties— Buskas, Pit, 2:18; LA CLIPPERS (100) First Round (Trout kick), 7:18 Flo., 1:X p.m. takes to win," said Bill Fitch, who smiling. riding on the outcome. Hartford bench (too many men), Catchings 1-1 1-2 3, Johnson 5-15 1-211, At Albuquorquo. N.M. Second Atlanta vs. Texas at Pompano, Flo., Boston's newest guard, Ray NBA standings 1 .X p.m. left the Boston coaching job for The Wolfpack-Tide meeting will served by Ferroro, 8:26; Shedden, Pit, Donaldson 5-6 4-4 14, Nixon 5-140-2 12, D. Texas-El Paso (11) 79, Tulsa (6) 75 Bolt—Brvont21 run (Troutmlss), 12:09 Williams, played 26 minutes and Syracuse sent home 10:46; Llut, Har, (served by Malone), Smith 10-164-725,Cooe0-10-00. Walton 5-10 North Carolina State (3) 65, Nevada- B o lt-F G Trout 38,0:43 Kansas City vs. Baltimore at Miami, Houston. "And I don't think he'll present an interesting contrast in 1 :X p.m. 18:21. Eostern Conference 1-1 11. Gordon 1-4 04)2. Edwards 3-6 2-2 8, Reno (14) 56 NJ—FG Ruzek 33, 0:00 ever stop improving." contributed a season-high of 11 offense and defense. Shots on goal—Pittsburgh 6-12-9- Atlantic Division Bridgeman 4-6 2-2 10, White 2-3 0-0 4, Virginia Commonweolth (2) 81, Mar­ Third New York (NL) vs. Chicago (AL) at points plus 6 assists and 2 steals as Bv David Moffit only 28-27. at halftime and just us out of some things we like to do. 27. Hartford. 18-12-12-42. shall (IS) 65 Sarosota, Fla., 1 :X p.m. Boston, 54-14, proved itself to be “ That’s the best we’ve shot this W L Pet. GB Wilkinson 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 41-86 15-22 100. Bolt—Harrison 13 pass from Fusing he receives increasing playing United Press International 39-36, with 12 minutes to play, but That's the difference in the x-Boston 54 14 . 794 — Alabama (7) 50, Arizona (10) 41 (Trout kick), 8:40 New York (AL) vs. Boston ot Winter a more patient team than Houston, year as a team ." said North Power-play conversions—Pittsburgh X-Phil. 51 16 .750 2' 3 Golden St. 22 30 28 29^109 March 17 NJ—Walker 80run (Ruzek miss),8:18 Haven, Flo., 1:X p.m . ,39-28. time. pulled away in the closing minutes ballgame." Carolina State coach Jim Valvano. 4-l,Hortford5-0. Washington 34 33 .507 19' 3 LA Clippen 29 26 22 23-100 Second Round Fourth Son Diego vs. Son Francisco at ATLAN TA — Home was good to behind guard Mark Price and Illinois danced to a different tune Goalies—Pittsburgh, Herron. Hart­ North Carolina Stcrte86/ Texos-EI Paso Scottsdale, Ariz., 3 p.m. " I f they shot like that every night I New Jersey 34 34 .500 20 Three-points goals—Floyd 2, Nixon Bolt-FG Trout X, 14:40 Georgia Tech in the opening center Yvon Joseph who had 18 and Sunday. ford,Llut. A—11,143. New York 23 45 .338 31 2, O. Smith. Fouled out—None. Total 73 Bolt—FG Trout 31, 5:38 Milwaukee (ss) vs. Chicago ( NL) (ss) at don't know if any team could beat Mesa, Ariz., 3 p.m. Central Division fouls — Golden State 23, LA Alabama 63, Virginia Commonwealth A—31,026 rounds of the Eastern Regional of 17 points respectively. The usually conservative Fight­ them.” Referee—Don Koharskl. x-Mllwaukee < 47 20 .702 — Clippers 26. Rebounds—Golden State 59 Chicogo (NL) (ss) vs. Cleveland at the NC.A.A Tournament. Life will Tech was unimpressive in its ing mini turned to the fastbreak Detroit 36 30 .545 10'3 46 (L. Smith 16). LACilppers41 (Catchings March 22 NJ Balt Tucson, Ariz., 3 p.m. Lorenzo Charles hit 12-of-15 At Denver. Colo. First downs Seattle vs. Milwaukee (ss) at Sun City, Auburn earns shot get tougher for Ihe No. 6 Yellow 65-58 first-round vittory over and, with Doug Altenberger lead­ Chicogo 33 35 .485 I I 11). Assists—Gol den State2S (Floy d8). LA 15 23 shots from the field in scoring 30 4 3 Rushes*vards Ariz., 3 p.m. Mercer and Cremins said the Rangers?, DevilsS Cleveland 27 40 .403 20 Clippers 30 (N ixon 10). Technical— Regional Somifinols 23—169 39—217 Jackets when they head to Provi­ ing a 16-point scoring spree late in points and Anthony “ Spud” Webb Atlanta 26 42 .302 21'/3 Walton. A—8,738. Alabam vs. North Carolina State, 7:37 Passing yards 148 204 California vs. Oakland at Phoenix, dence, R I biggest difference Sunday was the p.m. Return yards 76 60 Ariz., 3 p.m. the first half, look a commanding hit 8-of-9 and converted 13 free Indlano 20 48 .294 27'/3 Georgia Tech beat 15th-ranked play of 7-foot junior John Salley, New Jentv i j 0—3 Western Conference St. John's vs. Kentucky, 10:09 p.m. Passes 10—26—2 17—29—0 Toronto vs. St. Louis at St. Petersburg, lead over Georgia. throws in scoring 29 points. Blazers 114. Hawks 101 Punts 44 2—40.5 Flo., 7:X p.m. at North Carolina Syracuse, 70-53 Sunday, and Illi- who had 13 points, 9 rebounds and3 NY Rangert 2 5 0—7 Midwest Division "W e’ve been working on the Overall the Wolfpack made First period— I. New Jersey, AAcAdam 1 W L Pet. GB Fumbles-lost 3—0 0—0 Phllodelphla vs. Detroit at Lakeland, nios topped Georgia, 74-58, in blocked shots against Syracuse. Penaltles-vards 6—25 7—30 Fla., 8 p.m. fastbreak for quite some time and 30-of-41 field goals against Texas- (Verbeek, Ludvio), 11:27. 2, NY Denver 42 25 .627 — ATLANTA (101) NCAA Tournament results SOUTH BEND, Ind. (U PI) - points and 9-of-9 from the field. "Today you saw a team that Rangers, J, Patrick 7 (Greschner, Houston 39 28 .582 3 Wilkins 9-26 4-5 22. Willis 2-7 CM) 4, Sacks bv-vards 0 - 0 3—46 Tuesday's Gomes second-round action in Atlanta. today it showed," said Alten­ El Paso, thus running its record to AAalonev), 00, 15:40. 3, NY Rangers, Dallas 38 30 .559 5'/3 Rollins 4-4 2-2 10, Johnson 12-16 4-6 28. Time of oossesslon 23:28 36:32 St. Louisvs.ClnclnnatlatTampa,Fla.,1 Sonny Smith's old North Carolina When Person returned he re­ The Yellow Jackets. 26-7, play looked like it had some good big berger, a 6-foot-4 guard who had 22- 10. Erixon 7 (unassisted), 19:26. Penalties— San Antonio 34 35 .493 9 Rivers 7-11 &0 20. Carr 1-7 1-1 3, p.m. scouting reports may not help in sumed control, plunking in lO-of-15 men," said Cremins, noting that Georgia Tech 70. Syracuse 53 Indivtduol statistics Texas vs. Atlanta at West Palm Beach, lOth-ranked Illinois, 26-8, Thurs­ half of Illinois' points during that North Carolina State built a Verbeek, NJ,3:07; Hottmever, NJ,3:07; Utah 32 36 .471 lO'/a Levingston 0-3 2-2 2. Hastings 4-6 04) 8, preparing his streaking Auburn points to lake Auburn from a 45-44 6-11 Joseph, who had 19 points AAcPhee, NY, minor (gamemisconduct), Kansas City 25 43 .368 I7V3 Brown 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 41-83 19-24 101. Rushing— New Jersev-Wolker 14-152, Fla., 1:X p.m. day in Providence. R.I.. and that streak and finished with 16, "1 12-point lead only to have the 3:07; Beck, NY, malor, 3:07; Ruotsa- Pacific Division PORTLAND (114) Flut le2-4. Cart hon 5-11. Boltlmore-Bvront [}etrolt vs. Houston at KIssImee, Fla., Tigers for an NCAA deficit to a 59-52 lead with 1:28 left. winner faces either top-ranked against Mercer, had his second SvrocuM(S3) 25-134, Fusing 3-X, Horvln 8-39, Thomas 1:X p.m. don't think Georgia thought we Miners score the last nine points of lalnen, NY, 3:07; Lewis, NJ, 4:06; y-L.A. Lakers 49 10 .731 — Carr 3-4 1-3 7. Vandeweghe 15-17 5-5 35, Regional semifinal with the Tar Gerald White’s 6 straight free Georgetown, 32-2. or I7ih-ranked good game in a row. " Routsalalnen, NY, 13:03; PIchette, NJ, Portland 32 36 .471 17 Bowle2-20-04.Colter 6-82-216. Drexler 8-13 3-12. New York (AL) vs. New York ( NLIatSt. could get up and down the court the first half. Addison 6-13 66 17, Hawkins 1-4 0-0 2, Passing— New Jersev-Flutle 10-24-2- Petersburg, Fla., ):X p.m. Heels. throws in the final 76 seconds Loyola of Chicago, 27-5, in Satur­ The Yellow Jackets, who only 14:31; Russell, NJ, 15:52; Ludvig, NJ, Phoenix 31 37 .456 18 4-4 20. M. Thompson ^13 3-6 15. Selkplv 36 2-4 8, Woshinoton 2-9 3-4 7, like we did.” Texas-El Paso had a chance to 19:04; Brooke, NY, 19:04. Seattle 29 39 .426 20Va Valentlne3-42*38. B. Thompson 1-10. (M)2. 148. Boltlmore-Fuslno 17-X-0-204. Chicago (AL) vs. Philadelphia at Somehow, Smith recalled from fended off a late Jayhawk surge. day’s regional finals, dress nine men. also got a boost Brown 4-90-08, Alex Is 561-211, MonroeO-1 Clearwater, Fla., 1 :X p.m. Husky 6-9 Illinois senior Efrem go in front early in the second Second period—4, New Jersey, Broten L.A. Clippers 23 46 .333 27 kersey 36 0-2 6. Norris 0-1 1-4 1. 060, Harried 060-10. Totals 21-5311-1753. his days as an assistant at Virginia Kansas coach Ltirry Brown, a "We drew a terrible region," from the return of freshman Duane 22 (AAacLean, AAuller), 2:19. 5, NY Golden State 19 48 .284 29Va Scheffler 0-2 0-0 0. Totols 47-80 10-29 114. Receiving— New Jersey-Corthon 1- Toronto vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Winters, who led Illinois with 19 period, but Webb and Charles took ^ Rangers, Brooke7 (Ledyard,S.Patrick), x-clinched playoff berth Atlanta 17 30 28 26-101 14, Knight 2-X, Bowers 2-X, Soek Fla., 1:X b.m. Tech, scouting the Tar Heels has former Dean Smith player, be­ said Tech Coach Bobby Cremins. Ferrell, who injured his knee last points, held Georgia freshman star Oeorota Tech (70) 2-43, Walker 1-17, Broughton 2-11. over to extend the Wolfpack's 4:06. 6, NY Rangers, Ledyard 7 y-clinched division title Portland 38 27 29 2(^-114 Los Angeles vs. Baltimore at MIomI, always been an exercise in futility. lieves Auburn has a good shot of "Georgetown, Illinois. Loyola, it’s week in the Atlantic Coast Confer­ Cedric Henderson scoreless in the (Ruatsalalnen), 7:36. 7 New Jersey, Saturday's Results Fouled out—Willis. Total fouls— Boltlmore-Horvln 1-9, Broynt 3-24, Fla., 1:X p.m. " I advantage to 14. The Miners could Salley 56 36 13, Petway 2-5 4-4 8, Collier 2-13, Thomas 2-11, FItzkee 4-48, Montreal vs. Kansas City at Fort always came back just as knocking off his mentor and going to be tough. It frightened me ence tournament but played seven first half. Verbeek 15(Broten, PIchette),op,9:28.8, New York 116, Indiana 114 Atlanta 27, Portland 21. Rebounding— Joseph 46 9-10 17, Price 6-14 66 18, close no closer than seven for the NY Rangers, Sundstrom 18 (unassisted), Philadelphia 127, New Jersey 107 Atlanta 35 (Levingston9).Portland40(M. Harrison 1-13, Rodenberger 1-X, Riley Myers, Fla., 1:X p.m. confused as they made the other making it three straight Tourna­ to see how Illinois handled Geor­ minutes Sunday and scored on a "Anytim e you hold a Georgia Dolrymple 3-7 4-5 10, Ford 0-1 06 0, 1.44. Boston vs. Minnesota at Orlando, Fla., remainder of the game. 12:49. 9, NY Rangers, AAaloney 11 (S. Cleveland 135, Dallas 128 Thompson 8). Assists—Atlanta 23 (John­ Ferrell 1-2 06 2, Mansell 06 2-2 2. Totals team look. They played more ment upsets. gia. Remember, Georgia beat us resounding dunk. Patrick, Rogers), 13:06. 10, NY Milwaukee 125, Phoenix 116 son 11). Portland32 (Colter8). Technical Missed field goals: Ruzek. 1:X p.m. team to 58 points, you've done a Guard Luster Goodwin paced the 21-45 28-33 70. defenses than I could writedown.” "They’re playing in Bir­ (60-59 in December). I thought Syracuse Coach Jim Boeheim Rangers, Osborne 1 (Pavellch, J. Seattle 108, Atlanta 99 fouls—Portland. Coach Ramsay; Haittime-Georgla Tech X , Syracuse 77. California vs. Chicago (NL) at Mesa, real good job," said Illinois Coach Miners with 22 points. Patrick), 17:09. Penalties—Bridgman, L.A. Lakers 123, L.A. Clippers 112 Portland, illegal defense. A—12666. Ariz., 3 p.m. Smith recalled after his Tigers mingham. That’s got to be a they’d do a better job, but Illinois said Tech’s big men "hurt us inside Fouled out-AlexIs, Dolrymple. Total Lou Henson. "W e started in a zone A switch from man-for-man NJ,6:41;S. Patrick, NY, malor (fighting), Sunday's Results Seattle vs. Son Francisco at Scottsdale, Saturday earned a chance to play positive for them," said Brown, was too strong inside," the whole game. They played a 6:41; Rogers, NY, 18:55. Boston 134. Houston 120 touls-Syrocuse 24, Georgia Tech 16. Ariz., 3 p.m. and when they weren't hitting from defense to zone midway through Third period-None. Penalties— New Jersey 129, Indiana 105 Sonics 106. Pistons Rebounds-Syrocuse24 (Addison 5),(3eor- ^ n Diego vs. Oakland at Phoenix, North Carolina with a 66-64 jolting who noted one of Sonny Smith's Georgia Tech led Syracuse by good game defensively. They look outside, we stayed with it. glo Tech X (Dolrymple 10). Asslsts- Ariz., 3 p.m. of 13th-ranked Kansas. reasons for resigning was his the first half of its game helped Laldlaw, N Y,9:16; Ledyard, NYR, 16:50. Chicogo 119, Milwaukee 117 OT SYracuse )4 (Woshington 11), Geor­ Golf Kansas City 107, Utah 101 DETROIT (98) Milwaukee vs. Cleveland at Tucson, Earlier, the Tar Heels, 26-8, frustration over not be able to draw Alabama overcome a 4-point de­ Shots on goal—New Jersey 9-166— San Antonio 124, Denver 119 gia Tech 17(Dolrymple 6). Technical A ril., 3 p.m. Roun

14 MAM'UKSTKIi HKHAl.l) Moml.iv. M j i c Ii 1H. Hmf. Johnson tabbed USFL roundup Martina’s game archery champ Baltimore Stars just too strong get first victory DALLAS (UPI) — The crowd and felt I was competing." cash during the two-day competi­ Butch Johnson ' of Webster, may have been with " I ’m glad she thought she played tion which attracted 200 shooters Mass., unseated Eric Hall in the Lloyd, but well since 1 was still able to beat from the six New England states Men's Pro Fingers Division at the Bv United Press International march that ended with his 21-yard had something better — a serve- her in straight sets," Navratilova along with archers from New $10,000 New E ngland Open dash down the right sideline. and-volley game that lifted her to re.sponded. York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Archeiy Championships last wee­ The Baltimore Stars used then- Kicker David Trout Ixttched the her second victory of the year Navratilova took a 3-1 lead in the Ohio, Maryland, Illinois and the kend at Hall's Arrows Indoor home opener to make the New extra point attempt, leaving Balti­ against her rival. first set. Evert Lloyd then broke District of Columbia. Archery Range in Manchester. Jersey (Jenerals (eel unwelcome. more up 13-0 with 12:09 left in the Navratilova defeated Evert with a passing shot to cut Navratil­ Following are the top finishers in Johnson had a perfect score of Kelvin Bryant broke 100 yards half. Lloyd, 6-3, 6-4, Sunday to take the ova’s lead to 4-3, but Navratilova 300 with 55 center rings to just take each category: (or the first time this season with Trout boosted the Stars to a 16-0 $150,000 Virginia Slims of Dallas. answered with another break. She Men’s Pro Fingers — 1. Butch top money away from runner-up 136 yards on 25 carries and scored margin with 43 seconds remaining Evert Lloyd managed a sur­ finished off a four-deuce game by Johnson, Webster, Mass., 300 with Wayne Mercure of Williman(ic, two touchdowns Sunday to help in the half by nailing a 38-yard field prise, 6-4, 6-2, victory over Navra­ winning two points at the net. w ho also had a perfect score of 300 55 center rings; 2. Wayne Mercure, Baltimore to its first victory of (he goal into the wind. tilova earlier this year. Navratil­ Navratilova broke serve at love but only 44 center rings. Willimuntic 300 with 44 center season, a 29-9 pounding o( the Hut New Jersey, on the strength ova avenged the loss with a victory to go up 3-2 in the second set and rings; Kennedy, Butler Pa., Johnson won $700 with Mercure 3. Tom Generals at Byrd Stadium. of a 25-yard run by Walker and a in Florida. Sunday’s match was stretched that to 5-2 when she hit a settling for $500 in second place. 299 with 46 center rings. "The real Stars showed up 24-yard pass from Flutie to tight their third meeting of the year and shot past Evert Lloyd, who had Tom Kennedy of Butler, Pa., was Men’s Pro Release — 1. Erie today,” New Jersey Generals end Sam Bowers, managed a could prove to be a precursor to the come to the net, and when Evert third with a score of 299 with 46 Hall, Bolton 300 with 60 center coach Walt Michaels said. "This is 33-yard field goal by Roger Ruzik Virginia Slims Championships, Lloyd made a rare unforced error center rings while Hall, a Bolton ring;. 2. Butch Johnson, 300 with58 a good football team. They are big, as time expired in the half. which begin today in New York. from the baseline. resident who helps run the estab­ center rings; 3. Ron Rockel, strong and young, " Michaels said From the second-half kickoff, Navratilova is the top seed in the Evert Lloyd won the next two lishment with his father, had to Worcester, Mass., 300 with 57 of the Stars. the Stars drove 73 yards for tournament, and Evert Lloyd is games, but Navratilova overpo­ settle for fourth place with a score center rings. The victory broke a three-game another touchdown, increasing No. 2. wered her in the next game to push of 299 with 44 center rings. Men’s Amateur Fingers — 1, winless streak for the USFL their lead to 23-3 with 8:40 left in the Evert Lloyd, favored by the it to 5-4 and finished the match with Hall did come back and win the Pierre Berthelon, South Amboy, champions now 1-2-1. New Jersey third quarter. crowd, won exuberant cheers with a smash. Men's Pro Release division with a HN.J., 299; 2. David Thompson, felt to 2-2. Walker retaliated by dashing 80 some spectacular shots, but Nav­ The victory earned Navratilova, perfect score of 300 with 60 center East Wareham, Mass., 293 ; 3. Rob / Baltimore quarterback Chuck yards down the right sideline on ratilova built big leads in each set who lives in nearby Fort Worth, rings. Johnson was second with Talbot, East Hartford 292. Fusina, 17-of-29 passing for '204 the next play to make it 23-9. and dominated play with her Texas, $28,000. another perfect score of 300 with 58 Men’s Amateur Release — 1. yards and two touchdowns, out- Trout added two field goals in the trademark serve-and-volley "I'm really happy. I had some Herald pholo by Tarquimo center rings in the closely con­ Peter Killinger, Portland, Me., 300 dueled New Jersey's Doug Flutie. fourth quarter to round out the game. lapses when I was ahead a break or Championships at Hall’s Arrow in Manchester this past tested action. Ron Rockel of with 53 center rings; 2. Gene The Generals' signal-caller con­ scoring After Sunday's match, Evert two, but when I had to, 1 served Bud Jones of Glastonbury is shown here competing in Worcester. Mass., was third at 300 Bahan. Schaghticoke, N.Y., 300 nected on lO-of-26 for 148 yards, but Elsewhere. Birmingham topped Lloyd said she was pleased with better and volleyed better,” N av­ the Bowhunter Division at the New England Archery weekend. Jones didn't place. with 57 center rings with 51 center rings, 3. Allan threw two costly interceptions ■ Memphis 31-19 and Oakland de­ her game. ratilova said. feated Jacksonville 42-36. Hall walked away with $225 for Vrooman, Scotia, N.Y., 300 with 47 Baltimore sacked F'lutie three UPI pholo "The quality of this match was In the doubles final. Americans w inning this division with Johnson center rings. times for 46 yards and kept the Martina Navratilova, who has added glasses to her very high," she said, "better than and , NHL roundup taking home another $150. Women’s Pro Fingers — 1. pressure on the young quarterback Invaders 42, Bulls 36 any of our matches against each the No. 3 seeds, defeated Marcella 8 A year ago Hall won the Pro Tricia Hall, Columbia, 297; 2. Sue throughout the afternoon. At Oakland, Calif., Bobby He­ wardrobe because of being near-sighted, returns shot to other in the previous two years, Mesker of Holland and Pascale Bogies Men's Fingers division with John­ Weinstein. Washington, D.C., 296; New Jersey's Herschel Walker bert threw for over 300 yards and Chris Evert Lloyd in finals of Virginia Slims of Dallas except for when 1 beat her (at Key Paradis of France, 5-7, 6-4. 7-6 son second. 3. Jeanne D'Augustino, Rosedale, ran 16 times for 152 yards, four touchdowns Sunday to lead tournament Sunday. Navratilova won, 6-3, 6-4. Biscayne). 1 felt great, energetic. (7-4). Tricia Hull of Columbia, Eric's N.Y., 281. including an 80-yard TD dash in the the Invaders. The victory raised Phllly still flying high sister, won the Women's Pro Women’s Pro Release — 1. third quarter. Oakland's record to 2-1-1, while lowlight Fingers division with a score of Cheryl Collins. Elmira Heights, Cornerback Garcia Lane's inter­ Jacksonville lost its third straight ception of Flutie’s second pass Spring training roundup Bv United Press International 297, worth $350. N.Y., 297. to fall to 1-3. Rob Hansen from Tolland won Women’s Amateur Fingers — 1. allowed Baltimore to break on top The Philadelphia Flyers are the bowhunter class with a scoreof Marcia Cook, Canaa. 299; 2. Cathy 7-0 with 7:18 remaining in the first Stallions 34, Showboats 19 adapting so well to Tim Kerr's USF&G 295. Rob Talbot of East Hartford, Lebel, Kittery, Me.. '283. quarter. Fusina, capping an eight- At Birmingham, Ala., Cliff Sutcliffe picks up where he left off injury that they thrive while who won the bowhunter division a Women’s Amateur Release — 1. play, 45-yard drive, scrambled to Stoudt threw two touchdown his right and flicked the ball to passes, Danny Miller added two playing short-handed. JtiEW ORLEANS (UPI) - year ago, was third in the men's Nancy King, Clarksburg, Me., 280, 2. Pat Tornicelli, Pittsfield, Ma^, Bryant in the right corner of the fourth-quarter field goals and Murray Craven and Doug Cross­ While Seve Ballesteros hastobe amateur fingers division with a Seaver, the winner, limited the victory over the Samsung Lions of man scored short-handed goals 278, 3. Andrea Schreoder, Floral end zone. Birmingham held off a second-half Bv United Press International Blue Jays 8, Phils 2 pleased with his $72,000 first score of 292. Pierre Berthelon of Royals to two singles. Korea. Houston slipped to 3-8. Bryant’s running led to a second surge to top Memphis. The Stal­ Sunday to lift the Flyers to their prize for winning the USF&G South .Amboy, N.J.. won the latter Park, N.Y., 277. At Clearwater, Fla., the Toronto Baltimore touchdown early in the lions moved into a tie for the USFL Rick Sutcliffe is picking up seventh straight victory, a 5-3 Golf Classic, he would rather division with a score of 299. Bowhunter — 1. Rob Hansen. Cleveland 5, Giants 3 Orioles 11, Braves 2 Blue Jays rolled to their ninth Eastern Conference lead with a 3-1 where he left off last season. triumph over the New York have won it another way. Kevin Sombric of Manchester Tolland 295, 2. Joseph Obert Sr., second quarter. He accounted for In Tucson, Ariz., Brook Jacoby In Miami, rookie third baseman straight exhibition victory, scoring Islanders. was runner-up in the youth boys' Worcester, Ma., 294 ; 3. BillLKlan- 51 yards of a 59-yard scoring record. Sutcliffe pitched five shutout drove in three runs, starter Vern Fritz Connally hit his second home six unearned runs in the 10th to The Flyers used goals by Brad "It's really kind of sad to win division with a score of 283. Chris sek. Auburn, Me,, 292. innings and drove in a run with a Ruble pitched five strong innings run of the spring to lead the Orioles beat Phillies. Juan Samuel’s two McCrimmon, Craven and Dave w ith a bogey in the last (hole). ' Castner of Floral Park. N.Y., won Youth Boys Division — 1. Chris single Sunday to beat the Milwau­ and reliever Dave Von Ohlen to victory over the Braves. errors opened the door for the Blue Poulin in a six-minute span of the said Ballesteros, whose 11- kee Brewers 3-2 as the Cubs upped Jays as they scored six times on with a 284 total. And in the youth Castner, Floral Park, N .Y., 284 ; 2. hurled two hitless innings to lead Mariners 2, A's 1 first period to take a 3-0 lead in under par edged John Mahaffey girls' division, Tyura Bombetto of Kevin Sombric, Manchester, 283; Sports In Brief their exhibition record to 6-3. A the Indians over the Giants. four hits and three errors. boosting their first-place margin in who lost when he double­ East Hartford was the winner with 3. Byran DeStefano, Philadelphia, year ago Chicago was 7-20 in the Cleveland improved to 6-2 in the At Tempe, Ariz., Spike Owen Tigers 7, Twins 1 the Patrick Division to six points bogeyed the final hole "When I a score of '253. Kimberly Tornicell Pa.. 282. Cactus League. Cactus League, and has won three singled home Ivan Calderon with over the idle Washington Capitals. bogeyed the last hole. 1 was of Pittsfield, Mass., was second at Youth Girls Division — 1. Tyra Umpires meet tonight Sutcliffe, last season’s National of four games with San Francisco one out in the bottom of the ninth to At Lakeland, Fla., Nelson Sim­ Both clubs have 10 games looking for a p la y o ff" 247 with Cathy D'Addeo of East Bombetto, East Hartford 253; 2. League Cy Young Award winner, this spring. The Giants fell to 4-4. give the Mariners a victory over mons cracked a three-run homer in remaining. is 2-0 this spring with an 0.75 Oakland. the first inning to power the Tigers Ballesteros, 27, and Mahaffey Hartford third with a total of 219. Kimberly Tornicelli, Pittsfield, The Manchester Chapter of the Connecticut State Board of “ I think that's one of the most Amateur shooters competed for Mass., 247 ; 3. Cathy D’Addeo, East Approved Baseball Umpires will hold its March business earned run average. Yankees 9, Red Sox 6 over the Twins. The Tigers seemed headed for a sudden Reds 3, Pirates 2 snapped a two-game losing streak encouraging signs of our hockey trophies while the pros shot for Hartford, 219. meeting tonight at the Mahoney Rec Center at 7:30 p.m. ■ T d like to go nine innings before IV Winter Haven, Fla. the death play-off, with both at At Tampa. Fla., Dave Parker’s and raised their record to 7-3. club," Flyers coach Mike Keenan Anyone interested in joining the Chapter and becoming a board we break camp. " said the team's Yankees scored six second-inning said. "Many guys have taken on U-under on the 16th hole. opening-day starter April 9 against runs and held off a five-run Boston two-out single in the 10th inning Minnesota fell to 3-7. umpire is welcom e to attend. offensive responsibility. It's im­ Ballesteros pulled out in front Pittsburgh. comeback in the fifth inning to scored Eric Davis and gave the with a birdie on the 17th, but Angels 4, Padres 3 portant that everyone gains confi­ The Cubs scored twice in the defeat the Sox. Reds a victory over the Pirates. dence from it, and also that they dropped a bogey on the final Jarryd wins Beigian tourney second inning off loser Tim Leary, Mets 5, Cardinals 2 At Yuma, Ariz., the California can make the assumption they can hole to end with an 11-under-par beginning with a double by Ron Dodgers 6, Astros 5 Angels capitalized on three At St. Petersburg. Fla., George score." 205 after three trips around the BRUSSELS, Belgium — Sweden’s Anders Jarryd downed Cey and an RBI single by Jody At Vero Beach. Fla., Bill Russell seventh-inning walks off rookie links. Foster smashed a three-run, first- left-hander Gene Walter to score McCrimmon took the rebound of compatriot Mats Wilander 6-4. 3-6. 7-5 Sunday to capture the Davis. Two batters later, Davis had two hits and two RBI and the Mahaffey parred the 17th inning home run to spark the Mets four times to defeatSan Diego. The Mark Howe's shot and fired a blast $160,000 Belgian Indoor championship in a match that scored on Sutcliffe’s single. Los Angeles bullpen pitched 4 2-3 A over the Cardinals. The Mets are from the right point that beat hole, but missed his chance at Leon Durham’s first home run of scoreless innings, helping to victory upped the Angels’ spring the winner's spot when he lasted over two hours. subdue the .Astros. The Dodgers 3-4 in the Grapefruit League and record to 3-2. The Padres have lost goalie Billy Smith for the first goal Jarryd collected $42,000 after a thrilling third set in which he spring in the third inning proved to double-bogeyed on the 18th to improved to 5-3, including a the Cardinals 1-3 five of six. at 7:22. built a 3-0 lead, only for Wilander to claw his way back and tie the be the clincher when the Brewers Craven scored his 23rd goal, on a finish with a 9-under-par and a scored twice in the sixth off Ray match at 5-5, high shot from the left-wing circle, tie for second with Peter Fontenot on rookie Doug Loman's Jacobsen with the Flyers one man short at two-run homer. Mahaffey. 36, said he was 10:13. UPI pnolo In other games, the Chicago “ I guess a lot of our players don't trying to force a birdie on the Birdsong suffers broken hand White Sox beat Kansas City 7-2, like 2 o'clock games because most Los Angeles' Steve Shut! checks Edmonton's Glenn 18th when he misfired his tee Cleveland downed San Francisco of them didn't show up, " said New Anderson off the puck m first-period slot action at the shot and drove the ball into EAST RUTHERFORD. N.J. — New Jersey guard Otis 5-3, the New York Yankees topped York coach A1 Arbour, who saw his L.A. Forum. trees. -He then overshot the Birdsong, the team’s leading scorer, suffered a broken right Boston 9-6, Los Angeles shaded team's four-game victory streak fairway and ended the hole with hand Saturday night in the Nets' 127-107 loss to the Philadelphia Houston 6-5, Baltimore hammered snapped. "Only five players really Rangers 7, Devils 3 Hawks 6, Canucks 4 the two over par 76ers. Atlanta 11-2, Seattle nipped Oak­ " I just made one bad swing played for us. The mistakes we At New York. Bob Brooke, Grant X-rays taken Sunday revealed broke the third and land 2-1, Cincinnati beat Pitts­ .At Vancouver. British Columbia, and it cost me the tournament." made really hurt us, especially Ledyard, Peter Sundstrom, Don fourth metacarpals of the right hand. The often-injured guard is burgh 3-2 in 10 innings, the New Troy Murray scored two goals and said Mahaffey. who took home giving up those two short-handed Maloney and Mark Osborne all expected to miss the remainder of the season. York Mets tripped St. Louis 5-2, assisted on another to spark the $35,200 for his three-day 63-73- goals. " scored during a five-goal second- Birdsong, 29, is averaging 20,6 points per gam e in ,56 games this Toronto beat Philadelphia 8-2 in 10 Black Hawks Murray scored his 71—207 score. "We gave it our Poulin fired a 30-footer over period that lifted the Rangers. The innings, Detroit ripped Minnesota goals at 7.58 of the first period on a best shot and it came up short." year. Smith's glove at 13:04 for his 25th triumph lengthened New York's wrist shot to tie it 1-1 and at 7: 18 of The Nets did not immediately announce a roster move to 7-1 and California edged San Diego goal to make it 3-0. The Islanders Mahaffey finished third last advantage over Pittsburgh, which the second period to tie the score replace Birdsong. 4-3. Texas against Montreal was got one back at 14:26 while year in the USF&G. lost to Hartford, to five points. again at 2-2. Murray picked up his cancelled. short-handed when Bryan Trotti- PGA officials Saturday assist on an empty-net goal by Ed er's 10 f( ot backhand went under trimmed the scheduled four- White Sox 7, Royals 2 Olczyk the .•^ii< • f goalie Pelle Lindbergh. Kings 5, Oilers 4 round tournament to 54 holes Zurbriggen adds goid medal At Fort Myers, Fla., Tom Seaver Cro.ssman scored short-handed At Inglewood, Calif., Brian Mac- after hard rain made conditions pitched five scoreless innings and at 7:07 of the middle period, firing Lellan rammed in a power-play Jets 5, Sabres 3 on the 7.080-yard course PANORAMA MOUNTAIN, British Columbia — Pirmin Darryl Boston and Joe Skinner a 35-footer from the slot past goal with 19 minutes left after At Winnipeg. Manitoba, Thomas unplayable Zurbriggen may be the best skier in the world, but he htis all but each cracked home runs as the Smith's glove. Duane Sutter's assisting on three scores to lead the Steen and Paul MacLean scored The entire $400,000 purse was given up capturing the 1985 World Cup overall title. White Sox defeated the Royals. awarded to the 79 players who close drive in the slot off Tomas Kings. MacLellan's 30th goal of the three minutes apart late in the The 23-year-old Swiss cook added another gold medal to his made the cut for the final round. Jonsson's pass brought New York year put the Kings ahead 5-3. third period to cap a four-goal Herald photo byTarquInlo collection Sunday with an easy win on Panorama’s icey The scores ranged from Balle.s- within 4-2 at 11:38 but the Flyers MacLellan passes had set up burst that rallied the Jets. It was super-giant course. In this season alone. Zurbriggen has won Bruin great teros' low 11-under-par 205, to Eric Hall of Bolton won the Pro Men’s Release Division regained their three-goal margin Marcel Dionne's 42nd and 43rd the 30th of the year for Steen and back-to-back victories on the slopes of Kitzbuhel, two at 17:41 when Lindsey Carson before the game was t hree minutes MacLean's, 37th. Dale Hawerchuk 4-over-par 219, which paid two but was unable to defend his Pro Men’s Fingers title at the' super-giants, and two giant slaloms. deflected in a drive by Rick old. The goals camejust 23 seconds set a career mark by scoring his players $732 each. New England Archery Championships. Here, he helps Shore dies His slalom victory at the combined event at Se.strieres. Italy, in Tocchet. apart. 46th goal of the sea.son. judge the competition. December made him the first man to win the gold in downhill, SPRING FIELD , Mass. (U PI) - slalom and giant slamom in the stime season since Jean Claude Former Boston Bruin great Ed­ Killy accomplished the feat in 1968. ward W. Shore, 82, an owner and Blalock rallies But a knee injury suffered in January during his second win at president of the American Hockey Elliott legs out Kitzbuhel appeared to kill his chances to repeat his 1984 overall League Springfield Indians for 36 title. years, died late Saturday in Mercy Hospital. in Kemper win A member of Hockey's Hall of Coca-Cola win Schneider blazes to victory Fame and a player with the Boston Bruins for 13 years. Shore had been KAANAPALl. Hawaii (UPI) - turnaround on 18, " said Blalock. "I WATERVILLE VALLEY. N.H — Vreni Schneider of HAMPTON, Ga. (U P I) — Bill NASCAR circuit, the Daytona 500, in failing health for some time. INSTALLATION INCLUDED The finish could have been better, thought my chances were dim Switzerland says it was a blazing finish that look her to victory in Elliott has shuttled between the in impressive fashion last month to Shore, who lived in Agawam, but Jane Blalock is gladly taking after the second shot. I didn't hit a 'A i penthouse and the outhouse so far open the season. However, he the season’s final World Cup giant sltilom race entered the hospital Feb. 28. The Economizer muffler from Midas fits her first trip to the winner's circle good shot and it came up 15 feet this Grand National season, win­ smacked into walls at the Rich­ The Swiss racer vaulted into third place in the final World Cup Shore d r w respect and wide in five years, short. " most American-made cars and trucks.Your ning two races and crashing in the mond 400 and Carolina 500, break­ giant slalom standings, behind Marina Kiehl of West Germany admiration from hockey fans and "This gives me a new lease on Despite her fe:it on 18, she said satisfaction with this product is assured. other two. ing his leg in the latter crash. and Michela Figini of Switzerland. players alike because he sank life," Blalock said Sunday after she felt her sand shot on the 17th Elliott, 29, rode back to the top Schneider trailed red-hot Diann Roffe Williamson, N.Y. by .20 every penny he earned back into rolling in a 12-foot par putt on the saved the day — even though it was Only hours before Sunday’s again Sunday, driving his Ford to seconds after one run Sunday, and the American was .06 seconds hockey. 72nd hole to post a come-from- a bogey that put her behind. race, Elliott considered it doubtful victory in the Coca-Cola 500 at faster in intermediate times on the second run. But the Swiss He was remembered by Boston Guarantee: The Economizer Muffler is behind victory over Pat Bradley in "1 had a buried lie," Blalock he would finish the race. Relief Atlanta International Raceway fans (or his end-to-end rushes, warranted by Midas for one year from the the $300,000 Women's Kemper said. "I also was going downwind -r driver Jody Ridley was suited up in skier rallied at the bottom. despite a broken leg ho.siiffered in Schneider's second run of 1:03.07 was the best time of the day. devastating body checks and ever­ Open. on a downslope. I hit it just the pits ready to go, but Elliott date of installation and wilj be replaced one of the previous crashes. ything else he did to plant the seeds Blalock, whose last LPGA Tour absolutely perfect. It probably was completed the race himself. giving her a two-run clocking of 2: 08.11 down Mt Tecumseh, on :i "It wasn't too terribly bad of hockey interest in Boston. free of charge if it fails during this period. victory came in 1980, bogeyed the the best shot of my life." warm and windless day in the White Mountain National Forest. during the race, but then when Considered a great defenseman, 17th to fall a shot behind. On the par As for Bradley, everything was " I was pretty much planning on Roffe finished second at 2:08.31, followed by Traudl Haecher of you're leading a race you don’t Shore was born in Fort Qu’Appelle 5 , 440-yard 18th at the Royal fine until the 18th. getting out, but after I finished 150 think too much about your leg,” West Germany at 2:08.66, Maria Walliser of Switzerland at Saskatchewan Nov. 26, 1902 and Kaanapali North Course, Blalock "I hit a wedge a little too high laps, I said, ‘Ah, what the heck. I ’ll said Elliott, propping his leg up in 2:08.71 and Eva Twardokens Squaw Valley. Calif., at 2:08.81. moved up through amateur ranks nearly knocked herself put of the and the wind got it and put it in the just make it all day,’’’ said Elliott, the winner’s circle. "It's sore now, to the Melville Millionaires in the tournament when she hit her third water," she said. "Obviously, it whose leg swelled badly after and I'm sure I'll regret this season of 1923-24. shot into a hazard area. was a very costly shot." practice runs earlier in the week. tomorrow.” Offer expires: 4/18/85 However. Bradley, hitting from And on the putt she needed to “ I was kind of hanging on (at the the middle of the fairway, plunked force a playoff, she said, "I had an However, the gain might have end)." Bloomllela 243-9430 Middletown 347-9100 Wallingford her third shot into the water an had 8-footer and played it inside the been worth the pain, said Elliott. Elliott took the lead for good on Branford 481-2388 New Britain 224-9137 Waterbury The redhead lives in nearby CALDW EIL to take a penalty stroke. right edge apd just didn't hit it hard the 274th lap of the 328-lap race ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. Bristol 582-7983 New Haven 865-6111 Waterbury Dawsonville, Ga., but had never 289-9315 New London 447-1711 After chipping to within 12 feet of enough." when leader Cale Yarborough E. Hartford 753-7561 won a Grand National race at the (Wolcott St.) the cup. Blalock made her par- But she added, "I'm disap­ headed for the garage with engine O il INC. Enfield 745-0305 Norwich 869-8433 Atlanta speedway. A crowd of INSUIIANSMITHS SINCE Groton 445-8129 Rocky Hill 563-1507 W. Hartford 522-0171 saving putt to turn the, tables on pointed today, but my day will problems. 67,800 appreciated his efforts Hamden 248-6327 Southington 621-9333 West Haven 934-2626 - Bradley. come. I ’ve just got to wait for my Elliott, who never trailed after Sunday. 98.9 N. Hartford 246-4828 Torrington 482-7647 Wllllmantic 456-1766 The par gave Blalock a 2-over- tim e." taking the lead from Yarborough, per gal. C. O. D. 1914 "It feels good to win here, . Manchaslar 648-6606 Vernon 875-4940 S. Hartford 246- 5127. par 75 for the day and a four-round With the wind blowing off the survived a late caution flag 25 laps especially with the fans I've got total of 287, with Bradley at 288. West Maui mountains the first from the finish that tightened the 649-8841 here," he said. ‘T v e won every­ Bradley had chipped to within 8 three days, the players had diffi­ field and held off Geoff Bodine and Minimum requirement FREE WRITTEN ESTliyiATES where else, and I finally made it 649-5241 feet and needed to make her putt to culty breaking par. pole-sitter Neil Bonnett for the home," 85 E, Center Street send the tournament into a playoff, Aside from Blalock and Bradley, Jane Blalock grins as she watches herfinai putt drop into victory. PncM sublact to Change Call your local MIDAS Shop for evening hours. Elliott, who collected a speed­ but left it short. only Alice M iller finished under the the hole for par and a one-stroke come-from-behind win Bodine and Bonnett, both driving Manchester, Ct. way record $59,800 for the victory, 850-1,000 gait. 96.9 C.0.0. 'T m still a little numb from the 292 barrier, closing at 289. over Pat Bradley. Chevrolets, were the only racento won the biggest race of the finish on the same lap with Elliott.' MAN(’IIK.STKR HERALD, Moiuluv. March 18, 1985 - 17 16 - MANCHKSTKR HERALD. Monday. Murch IR. 19R5 FOCUS Advice AND PUM&S You can ‘poison-proof home Hotels present unusual hazards tions could save your life. smoke alarm sound, notify the to prevent needless tragedy Editor’s note: This is the fifth in • Check the windows: Do they hotel switchboard operator. a seven-part series on fire safety. open? Note if there is a ledge • If you are awakened by a fire, outside the window or a roof or grab your room key and flashlight DEAR ABBY: I’m writing in remover, suntan products, shav­ By Bill Cantor parapet one, two or three floors and move quickly to the door. If response to the problems of the ing lotions, toilet bowl cleaner, Newspaper Enterprise below. there is smoke in your room, roll elderly and those with arthritis in rubbing alcohol, room deodorizer, Association opening pill containers with child- Dear hair remover, boric acid, denture • Check the bathroom: Note if out of bed onto the floor. Keep low FR ESH A IR there is an exhaust system typical and crawl to the door with resistant caps. If it’s any consola­ tablets, deodorants, pine oil and The danger of fire doesn’t end PREVENTION of those used in windowless rooms. flashlight and room key in hand. tion. they really do work, and since Abby bath oil. when you leave home. Travelers their appearance, the incidence of • Check the door lock: Note the • Check the door for heat with Abigail GARAGE, BASEMENT, can. for instance, find themselves PROTECTION kind of lock on the room door. Try the palm of your hand. child deaths from aspirin has been WORKSHOP: lye, kerosene, bug trapped in hotel fires. Fire-engine ESCAPE the key one, two or more times to • If there is smoke or flame on reduced by 88 percent! Van Buren killers, gasoline, lighter fluid, ladders only reach so high. become familiar with how it the other side of the room door, However, pharmacists also have turpentine, paint remover and A bit of precaution can saveyour works. some wet towels or the carpet tape non-child-resistant caps available thinner paint, weed killers, anti­ and how many fire drills are held retreat. Once at a staircase, grip life if you’re in a hotel when fire you brought along can seal cracks the room, try to raise the bottom — all you need do is ask. But please freeze and fertilizers. annually for the staff and guests? • Check the corridors: After the handrail for guidance and 4 breaks out. Many of these same around the door. window and lower the top window warn grandparents whose grand­ GENERAL: flaking paint, re­ rules will also help you if you’re A few items that take up little checking the room for a smoke protection against being knocked children come to visit that their detergent under the kitchen or painted toys, broken plaster. Some • The painter’s mask will filter approximately 4 inches. caught in a fire in a high-rise. suitcase space could make all the detector and the location of a fire down by panicked guests. homes (and especially grandmoth­ bathroom sink.) flowers and plants are poisonour. the smoke and let you breathe If you are a regular business difference in the event'of a hotel alarm, note any obstructions be­ • Hang a sneet or some brightly • If the smoke becomes too er’s purse) are a treasure trove for • Keep all products in their FIRST AID FOR POISONINGS: 3 0 0 lii B I R T H_D traveler, you should find out the fire. These include: tween the room and fire exits, and more comfortably. It will also free colored article of clothing out the dense on lower floors, retreat up a curious child. original containers. Keep syrup of ipecac on hand in the number of doors between the your hands. window as a signal to firefighters answers to these questions before • A flashlight. Be sure to check the stairs to the roof if this is Keep medicine and poisons out of • Discard old medicines by your home, but do not use except on room and the nearest fire exit. that the room is occupied. you check into a hotel or motel: the batteries every three months. • Fill the bathtub with water to practical. Prop open the roof door reach. Have a bottle of syrup of flushing them down the toilet. the advice of your physician or the to vent the stairwell and prevent ipecac on hand in case your local Here is a checklist of potential • How many floors are there in • A painter’s mask. • Check your safety equipment: wet down the door, walls or floor if • If escaping through a smoke- poison center. (Call information the door from locking. Also, move poison center or your physician poisons found in the home. These now for your local poison center’s BACH BIRTHDAY BROCHURE DAVID ALMOND AT ORGAN the hotel? • A roll of carpet tape. Always place your room key. they get too hot and the room filled corridor is an option, don’t to windward; that’s the side away recommends its use to induce products should be locked up or the party is Wednesday • What kind of fire protection • A small, portable, battery- flashlight and other safety equip­ cannot be evacuated. Filling the forget to take the door key and 24-hour hot-line number, and keep . . . Concordia music director from the direction of the smoke. vomiting. Lastly, put your name, kept out of reach of children. it on or near your phone.) does the hotel provide? operated smoke detector. ment on a nearby dresser. tub immediately is recommended. flashlight. Keep low and remain A final warning: Never use the address and emergency numbers KITCHEN: aspirin, drain clean­ • When did the hotel have its last • A small first-aid kit. The following rules could save A wet towel held over the mouth close to the corridor wall. Count elevator to escape from a hotel or (including that of the poison ers (lye), furniture polish, pow­ Poison prevention is the best fire-department inspection? your life in the event of a hotel tire: and nose will help filter out smoke. the doors on the way so that you’ll A few minutes spent in your hotel other high-rise building. center) on or next to your tele­ dered and liquid detergents, antidote for poisonings, but accid- room taking the following precau­ • If you smell smoke or hear the • If you’re forced to remain in know where to go if you have to entai poisoning can occur in any Church marks Bach birthday • When was the last fire drill. phone. If you have more questions, cleanser and scouring powders, home. The natural impulse is to act please call your local poison center ammonia, oven cleaner, rust rem­ cantata, ’’Weeping, Sighing. Concordia will present what at once, but the wrong treatment The 300th birthday of Johann or pharmacist. over, dishwasher detergents. Grieving, Dying. ” The soloists will Almond culls ” 300 minutes of for poisoning is often more harm­ Sebastian Bach will be celebrated ELIZABETH BENNETT, BEDROOM: all medication, je ­ be Shazi King. Timothy Stevens music to celebrate300years.” This ful than none. So call your on Concordia Luthe­ College Notes SEATTLE POISON CENTER welry cleaner, cosmetics, and Hurry Carr. The cantata will will be a mix of Bach’s secular and 8 ran Church. At midnight, the birth perfume. physician or your local poison of this great compo.ser will be be part of a vespers service to sacred works. DEAR MS. BENNETT: Thank LAUNDRY: bleaches, soaps, center for advice immediately. On the Line marked with a wine toast and an begin at 7 p.m. At the end of the vigil, the you for a timely and valuable letter detergents, disinfectants, bluing, Students work at firms The number of children who enormous cake, supporting "as birthday cake and wine will be — especially since this is Poison dyes, spot removers. John Bossidy have died and or have been many candles as wc can manage.” The service will end with "Rest served. ” Il’s appropriate, I think, ” Central Connecticut State University’s Cooperative Prevention Week. Some poison CLOSETS, ATTIC, STORAGE Education Program has placed five local students in a seriously injured ingesting poison­ said David Almond, musical direc­ Well,” the concluding passage Allmond commented. ’’Bach prevention tips: PLACES: rat poison, ant poison, ous substances found in the home tor of the church from the St. John Passion. The asked for a beer allowance almost six-month, paid, on-the-job work assignments alter­ • Never take medicine in front mothballs, insect sprays. nating a semester of study with a semester of would make you weep. Earlier in the evening, the audience is invited to stay on and everywhere he worked. ” of children, PURSE: aspirin, all drugs, career-related work experience. church choir, accompanied by keep a musical vigil until The public is welcome to attend • Never Call medicine “ candy.” -cigarettes. It is the responsibility of adults to The students, their jobs and firms include: Harold oboe and strings wU' ibo midnight. this free event. • Store all cleaning supplies out BATHROOM: all drup and poison-proof their homes to pre­ Blanchard of 26F Channing Drive, programmer. of sight and out of reach of pills, shampoo, wave lotion and vent children from becoming Combustion EngineesxSe, and misr; Kenneth Boutin children. (Never leave cleanser or sprays, nail polish and polish victims. of 55 Duval St., survey party member, Connecticut Don’t WASTE Department of Transportation. Wethersfield; David Groves of 16 Lawton Road, programmer, the Travelers Cos., Hartford; Dorothy Kulvete, 63 that 32-BUD Impotence has many causes Summit St., trainee. Society for Savings, Hartford; and Shelley Smith of 30 Division St., assistant. Multiple Sclerosis Society, Hartford. on a MR-BOHR DEAR DR. LAMB — 1 sent for through a narrow spac% in the wrist your Health Letter 18-6, Help for called the carpal tunnel. There is a Repass on dean’s list Remember the good old days when the only vanity Impotence, about a year ago. I read group of small wristbones that joins license plates were low numbers? Preferably one or and re-read it. I finally made an Your ^ e forearm bones. A fibrous band Christopher Repass of 187 Homestead St. has been two digits only, although three numbers qualified for appointment with a urologist, since encircles them like a watchband, and placed on the dean’s list for the fall semester at the the space between the band and the some prestige. my own doctor told me that my impo­ Health College of Basic Studies, University of Hartford. wristbones is an anatomical tunnel. No letters were allowed for the cream-of-the-crop tence was all in my head. Lawrence The urologist reviewed my case The blood vessels, the nerves to the . Their status led one to believe that at least Fuller gets high marks and, as a result, I had a penile Lamb, M.D. hand and the tendons that curl the fin­ some hanky-panky or arm-twisting was involved in Robin Fuller is on the dean’s list at St. Michael’s implant. gers all must pass through this tunnel. getting them. They were jealousy guarded by the When swelling occurs for any reason, College in Winooski, Vt. The accenting major is the I’m 49 and in good health. If I the space may be too small, which daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fuller of Tolland, ritzies who owned them, and were even passed down hadn’t sent for your letter, I might puts pressure on the nerves. This may and the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lyman Fuller through the family. never have gone to a specialist. cause symptoms in the hand, or even of 451 Hilliard St. These plates were the source of an important game Thank you very much. in the elbow and shoulder. in the ’30s, ’40s, and early ’50s. W e’d count them. Had DEAR READER — I’m delighted whose doctor just assumes that the that you found a solution to your problem is entirely psychological will to get to the highest possible total — in sequence. All One solution is to cut the fibrous College honors Sweet problem. I include your letter here insist that his doctor read The Health band around the wrist or any other on the honor system, of course, I recall I never made it because it points out a problem that Letter 18-6. Anyone who wanta^kia Lisa Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sweet structures that are compressing the to 100. still exists — the old idea that impo­ issue can send 75 cents with a hmg. of 105 Macintosh St., has been named to the dean’s list nerve. A All this brings me to today’s rag? of vanity marker tence is all in your head. This was a stamped, self-addressed envelope for for the fall term at Mount Ida College, Newton Centre. plates. It not only brings in a healthy sum for the state, wrongheaded notion to begin with and it to me in care of this newspaper, The swelling can be caused by a Mass. variety of diseases, including bursitis. Herald photo by Pinto but it’s a back-stroker for the drivers. In just two days was caused by ignorance about impo­ P.O Box 1551, Radio City Station, around town, my wife and I spotted some great ones. tence. It is true that impotence can be New York, NY 10019. The little sac-like bursa that surround DEAR DR. LAMB — I have been the tendons to the wrist may be Granato win scholarship The following are the "le g a l" back plates only: caused by psychological factors, but that is more likely to occur in an inex­ diagnosed as having carpal tunnel inflamed. In that case, when the bur­ Dance and help vets’ park R-TISH (more sophisticated than ‘Art-y’?) Cynthia A. Granatoi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. perienced male who lacks self-confi­ syndrome. Does this require surgery? sitis clears and the swelling from it is Jospeh F. Granato of 111 Delmont St,, has been Glenn Beaulieu, left, president of fund-raiser for the Vietnam Veterans PUB-ONE (the tavern owner in my neighborhood) dence. Will it improve without surgery or gone, the pressure will end. Whether selected as a recipient of the Paul L. Jones Alied WASTE (a hit man for the syndicate?) Anyone who has impotence will it continue to get worse if not one needs surgery oi medical treat­ Health Scholarship Award for the second consecutive Manchester Vietnam Veterans, and Memorial Park. Tickets, at $10 per A-CHICK (this car was parked, so I can’t comment deserves a careful medical examina­ treated? ment depends upon the cause. year. The award was given in recognition of her William Stone, Elks exalted ruler, person, are available by calling the Elks on the loveliness of its owner) tion and an effort to find the cause. If The symptoms in my hands and There is a comparable tunnel in the He r Bach Thursday academic achievement in the allied health program display the Elks banner. The Elks will Lodge, 646-9262, or Beaulieu at 647- FIRE-10 (either a public servant or a hard-hearted the impotence is permanent — mean­ wrists are very similar to what I am ankle called the tarsal tunnel, which at Manchester Community College and Hartford can produce a similar problem. If one sponsor a dance April 27 at 8 p.m. to 1 1551, or Robert Bagge at 643-0211. boss) ing that an erection is not possible — having in my left leg. Is it possible for Hosptial. She is a 1982 graduate of East Catholic High then an implant is certainly in order, carpal tunnel syndrome to occur has the same symptoms in different James Sinclair conducts thfj .tpmber 4, 5 and 6. The festivities will include free MAPIRO (Mrs. Piro?) School. a.m. at the Elks Lodge, 30 BissellSt. asa Tickets include wine and cheese. particularly in a young man who has there, and is it treatable? locations, then the cause might be a Orchestra of New England ns le will birthday cake during intermission. The LILIJ (I always loved the name Lili) no medical problems that would con­ DEAR READER — Carpal tunnel disease that may affect different Thursday at 8 p.m. at Manchester celebration will be co-sponsored by the 3-POOLE (obviously the third generation of Pooles) traindicate such a procedure. syndrome refers to the problem of joints throughout the body, such as Supermarket Shopper YANKE-1 (the first of the family). I hope that any impotent man pressure on the nerves that pass rheumatoid arthritis. Community College's Lowe Program MCC Foundation. Tickets are $7.50, HUD-41 (it takes a lot of courage to have those Center. Sinclair and his New Haven- $6.50 and $5.50. For reservations call initials around Manchester) based orchestra will observe the 300th the box office, 647-6043, or G. Fox BRAD-53 (driven by a small, grey-haired>lady; birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach by Ticketron, 549-0400, or buy them at Don’t hesitate to write the manufacturer maybe Brad’s mother?) Take care with baby clothes playing his Brandenburg Concertos 3, Beller’s Music Center. MR-BOHR (oh, I don’t know, I always found him By Martin Sloane interesting) number cut from the tuck-in flap of the Alcohol DEAR POLLY:. I am expecting a else. Or you might find that your United Feature Syndicate 32-BUD (he better not get caught driving after Clip ’n’ file refunds Swabs box top for a 75-cent refund. Include the baby in three weeks and I have a usual laundry products cause no register tape with the purchase price(s) circled. having that many) question about washing the baby’s reaction in your child and work Cinema Sometimes a product gives you less than you Health Products (File llA ) Expires June 30, 1985. NACK (an old friend, but I couldn’t catch him to clothes. My mother always told me Polly’s just fine. expected, and sometimes it gives you more. If the wave) I should wash the clothes in Ivory DEAR PO LLY: Old shower result leaves you unhappy, it makes good sense to let Clip out this file and keep it with similar CORTIZONE-5 $1 Refund Offer. Send the MR-FOBS (a watch collector) Snow because it is so mild and curtains are very useful as mat­ Hartlord IAj ,, iiurttord Sure Thing (PG-13) 7:05, 9:05. — Into the manufacturer know about it. pash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with required refund form and the entire outer carton won’t harm the baby’s skin. Pointers the Night (R) 7:10, 9:20. CAT-NIP and DOG-VAN (not side by side, thank tress protectors on my children’s CIntmo City — Stop Making Sense Elm 1 A 2 — The Falcon and the beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting from Cortizone-5 l-ounce size creme, plus the However, when • I went to a 7:10,9. — Terminator (R) 7:20 with The Snowman (R) 7, 9:30. — The Mean Windsor Barbee Knecht of South Sioux City, Neb., purchased goodness) beds. I put a plastic shower curtain Season (R) 7:15, 9:30. Plaio — Places In the Heart 7:15, the needed proofs of purchase while looking for register tape with the purchase price circled. childbirth class, one of the pam­ Pit and the Pendulum?:20. — Amadeus three, boxes of Tender Vittles cat food. When she MERE (somebody’s Mom) Polly Fisher between the mattress and the (PG) 8. Paris, Texas (R) 6:50, 9:40. 9:20. the required forms at the supermarket, in Expires June 30. 1985. phlets I was given said Clorox Wllllmontic opened the first pouch, she was surprised to find it was GAIT (the speed with which I ’ll go on to my next mattress pad to protect from Clnntudlo — Showboat 7:30 with A newspapers and magazines, and when trading should be used on the baby’s Streetcar Named Desire 9:30. Jlllson Square Cinema — witness empty. MlUA'i'IN Refund Offer. Receive 50 cents in topic.) accidental wettings or other (R) 7:15, 9:20. — The Prodigal (PG) 7, with friends. Offers may not be available in all clothes to kill germs. Which is 9. — The Breakfast Club (R) 7:05,9:05. cash and two 50-cent coupons good toward future stains. Edit Hartford areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive Because we only use rear plates on our cars in this correct? Is bleach too harsh for the Eastwood Pub A CIntma — The — The Mutilator (R) 7:15, 9:15.— The ” I didn’t think much about it and just threw the purchases of Micatin Antifungal for Athlete’s each refund. state, a lot of people have taken to putting special baby’s skin? However, ordinary laundry de­ Two torn cloth diapers can be Mean Seasan (R) 7:15. empty packet away,” she says. ’’But when I found an Foot, Send the required refund form and one of Poor Richard's Pub A CInoma — th e following refund offers are worth $21.05. message plates on the front. Usually, these are too SHELLEY tergents will not necessarily harm sewn together into one thick empty pouch in the second box, I decided to write to the following proofs of purchase: the Universal Places In the Heart (PG) 7:X, 9:30. This week’s refund offers have a total value of complicated to read while in traffic. your baby’s skin, either, as long as nighttime diaper. Showcoso CInomos — witness (R) the company. I included the empty pouch and.wrote Product Code symbol from the outer carton of DEAR SHELLEY: The first they are used properly and tho­ 1:45, 7:20 , 9:50. — The Breakfast Club Ratlin rambles $30.34. Some that catch the eye at stoplights, though, are; down the production number that was on the outside of Micatin cream, or a piece of paper on which you thing to do is to check the care roughly rinsed out. If your child After the purchase of a queen- (R) 1:30, 7:40, 9:45. — The Sure Thing " I ’d Rather Be: (fill in the blank; ’Fishing,’ (PG-13) 1:15 , 7:20, 9:30. — Into the HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - De­ the box.” This offer does not require a refund form: copy the Universal Product Code number from labels on all of the baby’s clothes does develop an allergic skin rash, size water bed, our bedroom was Night (R) 1:45, 7:30 , 9:50. — Beverly borah Raffin will be the first ’Hunting,’ ’Sailing,’ ’Sky-diving,’ ’Hang-gilding,’ too small for a chest and dresser. I Special M AALOX Coupon Offer, William H, the back of your Micatin powder bottle, spray and other washable items. Some however, remember that laundry Hills Cop (R) 1,7:20,9:30. — Missing In actress to star in miniseries on all Rorer Inc., Box NB-270, El Paso, TX 79977. liquid or spray powder can, plus your cash- When you’re stopped at a stupid light, you’d rather be products are a possible cause. stacked three plastic cubes inside Action 2 (R) 1:15, 7:30, 10. — Night TWO WEEKS LATER, Barbee received a letter baby clothes — usually sleepwear Patrol (R) 1, 7:50, 10. — The Killing three networks when ABC-TV Receive two 50-cent coupons good on the 12-ounce register tape with the purchase price circled. anywhere else. (Your child’s doctor will guide you the closet and put all of the clothes from Eileen Nixon at Ralston Purina’s Office of — are flame-retardant and should Fields (R) 1,8.— Vision Quest (R) 1:45, broadcasts "Lace II” later this or 26-ounce Maalox Suspension, Maalox No. 1 Expires May 1, 1985. in determining the cause, of in them. The clothes are easier to 7:40, 10. Consumer Affairs, ’’There could have been a Retirement is a subject for a few variations. Also, not be washed in soap (such us season. 100-size Tablets or Maalox No. 2 50- or 100-size Ivory Snow), but in detergent, to course). locate stacked neatly than they mechanical problem with our filling equipment,” PREPARATION H Booklet Offer. Receive the there are many grandparents who want to tell us Manchester Tablets, Send the NDC number from the front of a preserve the flame-retardant qual­ I suggest you weigh all the were in dresser drawers and we Previously Raffin starred in Health and Beauty Aids Coupon Booklet worth about their grandchildren. No thanks, I ’ve got one of UA Theaters East — a Passage to wrote Ms. Nixon. ” We do have check-weight trial-size bottle of Maalox, plus the register tape ity. The labels on these garments possible factors before making have more room in our small India (PG) 8. Places In the Heart (PG) "H ayw ire” for CBS and "The Last $11.80. Send the required refund form and two my own. "GOD IS M Y CO-PILOT" is a common one, equipment that will remove short-weight cartons with the purchase price circled. Expires June 1, state very clearly that soap should your choice. Be especially careful bedroom. 7:30,9:30. The Mutilator (R) 7:40,9:40. Convertible” for NBC. entire outer cartons of any combination of the and I never fall to look Up to the passenger seat when I Mansfield from the line. However, a short-filled or empty pouch 1985. not be used, so check those labels. with a newborn, whose skin is JODY 8 1-ounce or 2-ounce size of Preparation H see it. Just to check if George Burns is sitting there. Translux College Twin — The Killing "Lace ir," a sequel to last may go undetected if the other pouches in the carton Other items may be washed in especially sensitive and tender. Fields (R) 7,9:30. — Reefer Madness 7 These offers require refund forms: Ointment, or the 12s, 24s or 48s size of Preparation season’s highly rated miniseries, Moving back to the rear of the car. we’re faced with You might choose a mild detergent with Desperate Living 8:15 with Galax- had sufficient contents to meet the total carton H Suppositories. Expires June 28, 1985. either soap or detergent, as you Although most starfish have five Ina 9:45. costars Phoebe Cates and Brooke B-C Micro-Fine III Offer. Receive up to $2.75 in stickers advertising emotions, feelings, and just plain that has few additives, or use weight. The production code number you provided refunds, and a 25-cent donation will be sent to the SUDAFED Free FeverScan Offer. Receive a prefer. rays, some have six or more. Vernon Adams and was filmed in the business. The greatest one I ’ve seen so far is: " I ’m Chlorine bleach (such as Clorox detergent only for those items that Cine 1 A 2 — The Falcon and the will aid our Quality Assurance Department in American Diabetes Association. Send the re­ FeverScan Forehead Thermometer plus two Twelve-armed species have been French Alps, Paris, London, Gran­ One of the Magnificent Men of Manchester.” I ’ve got and other brands) is useful in require it and soap for everything Snowman (R) 7, 9:30. — Benll (G) 2.— determining where and when the product was quired refund form and the Lo-Dose or Plastipak 25-cent coupons good on Sudafed or Emplrin found in the Gulf of Mexico. The Meon Season (R) 7:10, 9:10. ada, London and Thailand. to get me one of those. killing germs. Many people like to manufactured and will allow us to bring this to the name and order number cut from the tuck-in flap Aspirin. Send the required refund form and the use it when washing diapers or the attention of the manufacturing plant.” of the syringe box top from the following: 100 B-D Universal Product Code symbol from a package A biggie is " I love (draw a heart here) ... (fill in the clothes and linens of q.sick child (to Lo-Dose one-half cc insulin syringes No. 8461 of any Sudafed product and 50 cents for postage blank)." There are some pretty weird things that Something Different...... Wish Someone A \k\ )s Inhibit spreading germ s). You can (U-100), or 100 B-D Plastipak 1 cc insulin syringes and handling. Expires May 31, 1985. people love. Along this line Is the; ’’ (fill In the blank) Barbee says that included with the letter were two also buy specific diaper disinfec­ No. 8410 (U-100), or No. 8413 (U-40) with the TE LD R IN $1 Cash Rebate. Send the required Make Better Lovers." No further comment. tants. Most of the bleach or Happy Birthday free-product coupons good on any size Tender Vittles. Micro-Fine III needle, or 100 B-D Plastipak 1 cc refund form and the Universal Product Code One type that always intrigues me Is the bumper disinfectant is rinsed out if the "Needless to say, I am very happy with the Ralston insulin syringes No. 8412 with the Micro-Fine symbol from any size package of Teldrln or With A Herald Happy Heart sticker which says: "Warning! I brake for (Unicorns; diapers are properly laundered, so .1 i\"'i,iiir,.iii Purina Company and its concern for customers,” she needle for a $2 refund; or send the name and order Teldrin Multi-Symptom. Expires June 30, 1985. Tag Sales; Leprechauns: Animals; etc.)". I’ve never the bleach shouldn’t harm you says. yet seen one about braking for people. child’s skin unless he or she is Radio stations are a really big Item on bumpers. especially sensitive to it. 331 Center St., Manchester WOULD YOU W RITE to the company if you found a coupon lor any one of their products. I ’ll stand by ” I tried to keep the letter pleasant,” says Mrs. And to fully impress the general public, you’ve got to I don’t think it’s necessary to use packet of pain reliever was one tablet short? Tylenol products any day! ” says Judy. Abies. "In fact, I told them I got more than I had have not one, but three or four college stickers on the bleach or disinfectant to launder There are occasions when a product will give you a expected from their bread. Just a few days later I windows or bumper. Some cars have so many I ordinary clothing. The fewer harsh Early Bird Specials That is the problem that confronted Judy Learned of little too much of a good thing. chemicals your child is exposed to, received a beautiful letter from the company, and It wonder If the driver’s got two Ph.D’s, or he’s flunked Only Boyerstown, Pa. “ Considering the cost of the the less likely it is that the child will explained how their honey bran crushed wheat got out a lot. Tubs, thru Thurs. 5 p.m. — 7 p.m. CoTylenol, I decided to write to McNeil.” MRS, J,P. ABLES of Sunnyside, Wash., says she develop allergies and sensitivities $6.00 that crunchy texture. They also sent me five coupons My pet peeve Is last. That’s auto dealer decals; was eating a sandwich she had made using Snyder’s to those chemicals. That’s why for free loaves of bread. I was surprised and very either metal Implants in the trunk lid, or stickers. This All Items on Two weeks later, Judy received a letter from A.C. bread when she noticed something unusual. "The ' many people like to use pure soap thrilled." is free advertising, any way you cut it. The least they flakes on those baby items that can Menu except Barret of McNeil’s Office of Consumer Affairs. The bread was honey bran crushed wheat, and there C all.... $C 9S could do is pay us for it. be washed in soap. The baby is letter said they were at a loss to explain how this seemed to be more than the normal amount of fiber. How have the manufacturers treated your prob­ Steak and Shrimp. After all, we’re going to be driving around town and exposed to fewer additives and situation occurred. But they did have the answer to As I chewed and chewed, I decided to write and let the lems? I ’m interested in hearing about it. Please write - ^ ^ y o g r cbolcg some nut will actually be looking at the decal for a chemicals. > 643 2711 keeping Judy a loyal customer. “ Included was a $4 bread bakers at Snyder’s know about it. to me in care of this newspaper. column idea. L MANCUKSTKK HKKAl.D. Momtiiy, March 18. 19H5 MANCIIKSTKH HKKAl.D M(iik Ij .\. M .im Ii IH I'ib:, . i;i A bout Town

Bank has investment talks Pinochle scores given Pinochle scores for the March 14 play at the Army & 643-2711 Anno L, Beechler, an INVEST representative and Navy Club include: Peggy Vaughn 634; Kitty Byrnes ClassifiedBusiness Opportunities Store/Ottice Space Household Goods oommunity spokeswoman, will lead three, free 634: Madeline Morley 613; Hervey Laquerre 608; Notices Rates For advertisem ents to be seminars, "Investing in the Situation Wanted Resort Property M isc to r Sole published Monday, the dead Sylvia Gower 607: Mary Chapman 599; Helen Moske L o s t/F o u n d Minimum Chorge Eighties," 595; Ann Fortier 592; Jullien Strong 591: Bud Paquin Employment Into Misc lor Rent Home and Garden line IS 2 30 p m on Friday The Savings Bank of 591; Gus Frank 589; Ada Rojas 588; Dom Anastasio Personols Instruction Wonted to Rent Pets $3.00 tor one day Manchester will offer the 588; Hans Bensche 586; Annette Hillary 580 and Announcements Roommates Wonted Musical Items P e r W o r d ; series on March 28, April 11 Anthony DeMaio 579. A u ctio n s Recreotiono' item s 1 ? dovs 20C Read Your Ad and April 18 at 7 p.m. on the Real Estate A n Iia u e s 3 5 d a y s 18C second floor of the bank's Services Classified advertisements Homes to r Sole Tog Sales 6 d o v s 16C are taken bv telephone os a main office, 923 Main St. Bridge Club gives results Financial Condominiums Services Ottered W a n te d to D, y 26 d a y s 1 2C The bank will introduce con yemence Manchester AM Bridge Club results for March 11 M ortgages Lo ts/L and tor Sale Painting/Papering H a p p y A d s: The Manchester Herold is its new INVEST brokerage Investment Property Building. Controcling service during the series were: Personal Loans $3 00 per column inch resDunsibleonIvtoroneincor with a tour of the bank's North-south: Frank Bloomer and Irv Carlson, first; In s u ra n c e ...... Business Property Rooting. Siding Automotive Deadlines rect_insertion and then oniy new INVEST facility with Linda Simmons and Terry Daigle, second; Mollie Wanted to Borrow Resort Property Healing Plumbing tor the size ol the original its computer which hooks Timreck and Peg Dunfield and A1 Berggren and John Flooring Cars Trucks lor Sale For classified advertise insertion Greene, third and fourth. into a national data bank Rentals Income Tax Service Motorcycles Bicycles ments to be published Tues Errors wh'ch do not lessen for stocks, bonds and other East-west: Jim Bakerand Hal Lucal. first; Suzanne Employment Services Wanted Rec Vehicles day through Saturday, the Shorts and Mary Willhide, second; Bette Martin and the value ol the advertisement investments. INVEST is an Rooms tor Rent Auto Services deodline is noon on the day will not be corrected bv on Marge Warner, third. & Education For Sale Autos tor Rent Lease independent brokerage div- Apartments for Rent betore publication additional insertion ision of the ISFA Results for March 14 were: Help Wonted 21 Homes for Rent Holidoy/Seasondl 61 M isc Autom otive Corporation. North-south: Joe BussiereandAnnDeMartin, first; To register for the semi­ Tom Regan and Dale Harned, second; Joyce Rossi and Ellen Goldberg, third. nars, call 647-0333. BUSINESS IHDMES IHDMES Beechler is a former East-west: Margaret Boyle and Mary Warren, guidance department head first; Eleanor and Al Berggren, second; Frank ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED DPPDRTUNITIES FDR SALE FOR SALE Anne Beechler at Manchester High School. Bloomer and Davie Kneppel, third ( EMERGENCY? In Man­ T-SHIRT PRINTING NEW LISTING, COVEN­ M ANCHESTER - $71,500. K mart has entry forms chester, dial 911 for fire, EQUIPMENT. 4-color TR Y, $97,900. Deborah Comfortable 5 room star­ Remarriage series starts police, medical help. printer, conveyor dryer, Drive. Immaculate3 bed­ ter Ranch conveniently Contenders for 1986 Miss Teenage America title exposing unit and ca­ room Raised Ranch In located with 2 bedrooms, HABTEORD — Child & Family Services willoffera may obtain entry forms at any K mart discount DENIAL HYGIENIST - CARPENTERS NEEDED six week series, "When Families Remarry, " starting ■ Port time, 1 to 2 dovs per - Immediate openings tor mera. Like new condi­ lovely area. Cathedral newly remodeled ba­ department store, the retailer announced. K mart is corpenters w ith 5 years of tion, with supplies. Will ceilings, 2 baths , fire­ throom, formal dining Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the tigency's headquarters at one of the sponsors of the contest for young women 13 week. Congenial Glaston­ 1680 Albany Ave. Employment bury office. Coll 633-3509 continuous experience In tra in . $3,9(X). Phone 904- place, two 12 X 12 decks, room and garage. Ex­ to 18. The contest will award a $20,006 scholarship, a between 10 and 3. all phases of construc­ 756-2280. wall to wall carpetlngand tremely well maintained The series' goal is to provide information, learning 1986 Lincoln Mercury Capri, a K mart wardrobe and exercises and an opportunity to develop skills to help tion. Full time emplov- much, much morel! A and a delight to see. Call several beauty products tothewinnerof the title. Miss LO ST & FO UND & Education ment and benefits. Call must to see! Realty tor an appointment. Sen­ the parent and step parent deal more effectively with WAITRESS - Part time 8 Teenage America, in the national contest. The days. Apply Victor's 742-5317, 8:30 to 5:00pm, World Frechette, 646- try Real Estate, 643-4060. the process of integrating two families into one. The deadline for entries in June 1. Monday thru Friday. 7709. focus will be on myths and realaties. issues and ADS Family Restaurant, 976 HELP WANTED Sullivan Ave., South Real Estate NEW LISTING - Man­ concerns of blending two families into one. Scrabble CONSTRUCTION ES­ M ANCHESTER - $96,500. chester - $45,900. Town- Pre-registration is required and the fees are based Scouts sponsor social FOR OUR SUBSCRIBERS W indsor, 644-3536. TIMATOR - Must have |o | IHDMES Spacious 7 room Con­ house Condo In excellent on the ability to pay. For more information or to Manchester Girl Scouts, as well as those who are not competition NEWSPAPER DEALER RM, LPN - C restfleld architectural/drafting dominium In desirable condition at an excellent register, call Nancy Moore, 236-4511. extension 260. NEEDED IN ANDOVER- Convolescent Home In skills and understand the I^ 'Ifdr s a le Forest Ridge. Large price! 2 bedrooms, ao- Scouts, are invited to an Ice Cream Social at Center Above, Jim Brierton Congregational Church. 11 Center St., on March 26 . if Run a Lost & Found HEBRON AREA. Must Manchester has two posi­ basics of engineering. country kitchen, huge pllanced kitchen, wall to Clinic set for Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m! o f Manchester hove dependable cor and tions available two week Must be throroughly fo- family room, lots of stor­ wall all In move-ln condi­ Girls will learn about Girl Scout camping Ad For 6 Days be bondable. Coll Mrs. nights, 11 - 7am. In addi­ mlllar with field proce­ a g e space. Lovely tion! D.W. Fish Realty, COVENTRY — Community Health Services will reaches for his let­ F R E E F ro m erfh , 647-9946. tion, on call time Is dure. Please send resume wooded setting with 643-1591 or 871-1400. opprtunities including Timber Trials in Tolland and to: Box D, Manchester plenty of privacy! Realty hold a blood pressure clinic Tuesday from 1 to 2 p.m. Camp Merrie-Wood in Manchester through a slide ters during a prelimi­ (for month of March) frequently available. MEDICAL ASSISTANT C restfleld Is a 155 bed, Herald, PO Box 591, Man­ World Frechette, 646- GREEN MANOR RANCH at Village Pharmacy. It will sponsor a similar clinic show. HEBRON - Three bed­ nary Scrabble com­ OR LPN TO WORK, *61 S.N.F./I.C.F. Facility lo­ chester, CT 06040. 7709. - with 3 bedrooms, fire­ April 2 from 1 to 2 p.m. at Coventry Pharmacy. Cost: $1.25, which includes the cost of an icecream room Raised Ranch. ROCKVILLE Specialist's' cated In a rural residen­ place, all appliances, petition Saturday at $84,600. Building Service sundae. office. About 17 hours per tial area. Pleosecoll Mrs. CLEANING PERSON - 2 SO U TH WINDSOR - screened In porch, PLUS Call 643-2711 hours per doy, 4 days per Realtors. 278-7000. $64,500. New listing. Stop-smoking sessions set Community ^Baptist week, mostly afternoons. J. Brownstein, D.N.S., a new furnace, roof, gut­ Send resum e to Box Z, Monday thru Friday be­ week. Perfect tor stu­ Bright 8, Sunny 6 room ters, storm windows, Community Baptist Church of Manchester will Club holds auction Church. He was one A PLEASURETOSHOW- Manchester Herald, 16 tween 9 and 3pm, at dent. Call 643-2103. Condominium. End unit vinyl siding, and a 1 sponsor workshops for those who wish to stop smoking Manchester Herald South Windsor Split The Sunset Club will meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the of several members Brolnard Place, Man­ 643-5151. with bay window, sliders YEAR ERA BUYERS on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday from 7:30 to 9 Manchester Senior Citizens' Center A teacup auction Classified Advertising chester, CT 06040. AIRLINES, CRUISE Level In great neighbor­ to prlvatepatlooverlook- PROTECTION PLAN. p.m. at the church. Gene Perlman, director of the will be held after the meeting. of Scrabble Players. CLERK - Accounts paya­ SHIPS, HOTELS now hir­ hood. 7 rooms, 3 bed­ Ing park. Finished base­ $70's. B lanchard 8, Ros- rooms, IVj baths, family Able Center for Personal Development, will lead the 8:30 am to 5:00 pm WANTED BACKHOE 8. ble, fast paced, varied, ing. All types of lobs ment. 2'/j baths, gor­ setto, 646-2482. Club 112 who at-' room and attached gar­ sessions, using positive visual imagery as the Non-Commercial subscribers only DOZER OPERATORS - figure aptitude and flexi­ available. Experience geous kitchen 8, much tc ’hnique which allows an individual to ixpect and tended. Left, Nola Dump Truck Drivers. bility required. Must be unnecessary. Coll 716-882- age, nice, large lot, all more! Realty World Friends of Music meet YOUNG COLONIAL with t .perience success. Must have Class II Li­ accurate and dependa­ 2900, Ext. 78891. combine to make this a Frechette, 646-7709. Currie of Manchester a maintenance tree exte­ Perlman has run workshops for Connecticut Mutual Manchester Friends of Music will meet at 7:15 p.m. cense. Black Too Rakers ble. Experience pre­ home you must see!! rior of aluminum. 6 large Life Insurance Co. and Hartford Life Co. as well as at Tuesday at Illing Junior High school cafeteria. New ponders a letter. An and Roller Operators. fe rre d , but not necessary. EXPERIENCED MA­ $91,900. Strono Real Est­ MANCHESTER - "New members will be welcome. Experienced of 5 or more Competitive wage and CHINE SHOP OFFICE ate, 647--SOLD". Listing - Won’t Last!’’, rooms, I'/j baths, glass the Able Center. Notices sliders to a 250' deep lo t estimated 10,000 LOST AND FOUND years need only apply. benefit package. Call for HELP with various skills $74,900. E x ce p tio n a l 6 The workshops are free and open to the public. To AND attached garage! register, call the church office. Scrabble players Benefits. Call 742-6190. on appointm ent, 646-1737, for growing company. VERNON - New to the room Ranch, 2 full baths, Plllowtex Corp. EOE. Please call 643-5549. market. U 8. R 7 room 3 nice bedrooms, full Immediate occupancy. competed Saturday LOST - 2 year old spayed Contemporary. Cathed­ basement, convenient lo­ Blanchard 8> Rossetto, LOST AND FOUND female cat. Tortoiseshell ral celling living room, 646-2482. WATES elect officers in different locations SECRETARY - Town of PLUMBER'S HELPER cation and o pleasure to Some mothers can’t help with white paws wearing WANTED - Steady work. first floor family room, 3 show! Call today!! Cen­ Manchester WATES will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. black flea collar. ’’M olly" Mansfield. Finance De­ bedrooms, 2Vz baths, JUST LISTED - 3 bed­ around the country partment. Busy munlcl- Full benefits. Good tury 21 Lindsey Real Est­ at Orange Hall, 72 E. Center St. after getting weighed sexually abused children FOUND - Large block Missing since February PART TIME TELLERS - stone fireplace, spacious room Ranch In Manches­ ple office needs responsi­ wages. Call 649-2871, M 8, ate, 649-4000. between 6; 30 and 7:30 p.m. Members will elect in the North Ameri­ male, Newfoundland 27, 1985 fro m S ilv e r We w ill tra in . A pply In sun deck. Immaculate te r's south end. 1 Vj baths, ble, Independent worker. M Plumbing. officers. Members are reminded that this will be the ITH.ACA, NY (UPl) — Some sexually abused dog. White markings on Street, Coventry. Please person. Savings Bank of throughout. $129,900. U 8, fireplace, rec room, can Scrabble Open. Applicant should have COVENTRY - "7'/a% VA last weighing in the club's year. children cannot get help from their mothers becuase fro n t paws. 643-7358, or call 742-9911 or 742-6267, Manchester, 923 Main R Realty, 643-2692. breezeway, garage, plus several years secretarial AUTOMOTIVE POLI- Assumable Mortgage", of "learned helplessness" which the mothers Manchester’s club 646-2844. REWARD OFFERED. Street. SHER/DETAIL PERSON $60's. On 5Vj room Ranch, a gorgeous lot near Kee­ experience, accurate themselves may suffer from, according to a recent - Needed full/part time MANCHESTER - IDEAL 3 bedrooms, porch, base­ ney Street School! Blan­ A hosted the compe- typing skills (minimum Singles play Bingo Cornell University study. LOST - Female German FULL TIME POULTRY INVESTMENT PROP­ chard 8< Rossetto, 646- 40 wpm), and ability to positions available for ment, garage, near shoo- t i t o n fo r Shepherd. 7 years old. FARM WORKERS - With ERTY - 6-6 Duplex, 3 2482. 1 Year ERA Buyers EAST HARTFORD — The East Hartford Christian This "learned helplessness" may be the result of the type tables and statistical new and used car clean olng and schools! Don't Black and tan. Reward. PERSONALS agricultural background bedroom each s id e . Protection Plan. Singles will meet Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at St. mothers having been abused or neglected as children, Connecticut. reports. Opportunity to up. Experience helpful. miss seeing this one!! the researchers state. Please call 633-60(X) or and class 2 license. Paid Apply to Gorin's Jaguor, Aluminum siding, 1'/j Century 21 Lindsey Real Christopher Church on Brewer Street for a Bingo Monday thru Friday, 8 to learn word processing. baths one side. Rents $450 The study of 150 female abuse victims also notes Reassure that special health and retirement Route 83, Vernon, CT. Estate, 649-4000. night with prizes. New members will be welcome. Herald photos by Tarquinlo 5. 627-0305 a fte r 5pm. Considerable adminis­ each side plus utilities. that pre-schoolers tend to be abused by men outside someone of your love by plan. Arbor Acres Form, Refreshments will be served. Admission for non- trative responsibilities Assumable mortgage. I BUSINESS the home and family, while teenagers are most often telling the whole world 633-4681, James PRODUCTION PORTER STREET members will be $1,50. FOUND-vicinity of Por­ and the chance to expand $83,000. Call Helen 643- PRDPERTY abused by their fathers or step-fathers. No patterns, how much you love them Fracchlo. WORKERS - Established AREA! U 8, R Built Split ter Street, female kitten. yo u r capabilities In fin a n ­ 0624. CorrentI 8, LaPenta though, were found for school age children, except with the Manchester He­ nationwide pillow manu­ Level with lots of extras. Approximately 3 months cial management. Excel­ Real Estate, 646-0042. Check blood pressure that their abusers are most often between 26 and 40 rald. Coll the classified lent working conditions facturer has Immediate P riva te lo t, te rrific porch MANCHESTER - Large old. Port Siamese. Beige full time openings for all and more. Set up a show­ years-old. with brown ear and feet. department today and and benefit package. Sa­ Industrial or warehouse The Senior Citizen's Health Clinic will screen blood place your personal mes­ types of production ing with us today! Jack- pressure Wednesday from 9 to 11 a m. at the Furthermore, more than one-third of the mothers Extremely affectionate. la ry : $12,199 to $15,382. TODAY’S building, ample parking, had been abused as children, two-thirds had histories sage. 643-2711, 8:30am to Send resume to Town workers. No experience son 8i Jackson Real Est­ city utilities. F.J Sollecki Manchester Senior Citizens' Center for those whose Needs home. 649-7778. necessary. We will train of neglect, and a quarter were abused by their 5:00pm. LTV STEEL COMPANY Manager, 4 South Eogle- ate, 647-8400 or 646-8646. R ealtors, 643-2121. . last names begin with L toZ. A similarsereeening will spouses, according to Molly Laird of the New York seeks Individual capable vllle Road, Storrs, CT, you. Day shift, 5 day Real Estate be held Wednesday from 1 to 2 p.m. at Spencer Public Records LOST - Licensed female. week, opportunity for ad­ NEW LISTING! 2 family State College of Human Ecology at Cornell. Light color Golden Re­ WANT ADS ore the of performing mainte­ 06268 bv March 20th. Village, Pascal Lane. nance duties on second vancement, and o full 21 years young with fam­ Of the t50 cases, 134 of the mothers were aware that triever, from Columbia friendly way of finding a benefit program ottered. ily rooms and garages. Warranty deeds William R. Seveik Jr. and A. Doane, 132 School St.. $81,686. cosh buyer for applian­ shift. Individual should CARPENTERS - Expe­ their daughters were being sexually abused, but only James M. Higgins Jr. and John Green area. Green color Apply In person at: Pll­ City utilities. Call us To­ Rentals Charles J. Gentile to Carl E. with small pom pom ott- ces, musical Instruments, hove strong electrical rienced In framing, roof­ Health Services at hall two took action beforechild protective personnel were Karen A. Soren to Peter D. Soons J. Reardon to Thomas F. Scanlon background as w ell as lowtex Corp., 49 Regent day! Jackson 8, Jackson Petersen, 30 Tower Road. $80,000. ached. Reward. Coll 228- cars and a host of other ing, wood siding, and notified. and Karen R Soons, 83 Pleasant and Dale R. Aldieri, 30-32 Essex mechanical skills. Com­ Street, Manchester. Real Estate, 647-8400 or COViiNTRY — The Community Health Care Laird said the women tended to be unemployed with Donald H. Broadt and Dorothy L. 3525; or 742-8112. Items. Interior trim. Transpor­ bv Normc RODMS St., $69,900. Broadt to Hazel C. Christiana, 74 St., $75,000. petitive salary and fringe tation and tools required. EOE, M /F . 646-8646. Iyii J Services will hold office hours Wednesday from 2 to 3 little education, living in poverty, and very dependent Jamshid A. Marvasti to John T. Tedtord 1 ^ 1 1 FDR RENT p.m. at Coventry Town Hall. Residents served by the Thomas Drive, $78,500. Robert J. Ardini Jr. to Linda G. ben^lts. Apply In person Top wages, medical be­ on the males with whom they lived. "Often, women Lyon and Mary Ann Lyon. 146-Bl Oak Forest Realty Inc. to Cecile Christiana, Unit C, Grove Park at West Main St., Route nefits and paid vacation IRONING LADY needed2 TOWNHOUSE CONDO! - agency may receive blood pressure checks, tubercu­ who are poorly educated and rarely in the work force days o month. Good Manchester - $76,900. Park Chestnut Condominiums, B. Pelletier. 6-4 Oak Forest Con­ Condominium, $56!501 to $57,000 PRINTING — 32, V* mile East of Route available to select Indi­ losis tests, throat cultures and health guidance. For learn a passive and apathetic stance about their $45,900. hourly rate. References Lovely 3-bedroom condo more information, call 228-9428. dominium, $72,975. ♦based on conveyance tax). 6, W llllm a n tic . Equal Op­ viduals. Send resume to: MEN ONLY - Central world." Pauline L. L'llmar to David A. ESTIMATOR portunity Employer, P.O. Box 1518, Manches­ required. Call 649-2094. In Immaculate, move-ln location, kitchen privi­ George Kechijian and Rosalie L. THE condition! Dining room, Whiting and Leslie A. Whiting, Kechijian to Paul Koutsopoulos M/F. te r, CT 06040. HOW leges, oorking available. property on Norman Street, Executors’ deeds family room, 2 full baths Security and references and Nancy Koutsopoulos, 145 Ver­ Commercial sheet fed offset plant looking for PROGRAM and central air condition­ $25,000. Eileen C. Foster, executrix of the FUttNITURE WMEHOUSE required. $55 weekly, 643- non St., $80,000. experienced estimator. FURNFFURE REFM6HER ing without the worry of Joseph M. Danyliw and Halina will of Ethel M. Lindsay, to PERSON b m Home-buyers should be 2693. Stephen M. Brown and Deborah Fall U , staaRy wath, gaaR aware of Ihe Home Owners lawn mowing, raking Danyliw to Jack Crimando and Melanie Vucic and Richard T. Position requires an energetic person — attention Fall tIaM, ttoaU; gaaltlaa gay m R haaaflU . Am v la E. Carlin to Pamela M. Cooney, GROWING INSURANCE Warranty (HOW) Program. leaves or shoveling snow. Gloria Crimando, 92 Kimberly Roberts, 111 Main St., $80,000. to details important. Salar> commensurate with ae< beeeflts. *w l» la aersae, aifi aa, Mr. WIHIaai Siagar, This is a iO-year. combined ROOM FOR RENT - Kit­ 583-10 Crest Condominium, $46,100. Mr. WIMaai Siagar, Parttaa AGENCY looking for full 1 n such g re a t shape. It has Drive, $180,000. Felicia Deane, executrix of the hritaaFaiaitvaM art 1(01 warranty and insurance chen privileges. For fe­ Lydall Woods Corp. to Mary H. experience. Farattara Mart, lOCl Ntai Naar Rrttata A rt., ElanraaR, time person to perform program designed specifi­ to be seen to appreciate Anthony M. Choman to David W. m a le . $225 In c lu d in g Weiler, Unit 30. Lydall Woods will of Roger N. Smith, to William Excellent wages & non-contributor> benefit B ritaia A*a.. ElanraaU, CT. CT. general o ffice duties, etc. cally for purchasers of new It! D.W. Fish Realty, ( " )f Guiles and Nancy R. Guiles, 38 S. Davidson and Kelley L. M. homes. Available only utilities. Call otter 6om, Colonial Village, $82,057. program. Perfect entry level posi­ through participating builtl. 643-1591 or 871-1400. 289-6596. Union St., $65,000. Multi-Circuits Inc. to Carl E. DiCioccio, 59 Devon Drive, $63,000. tion. Please call Urba- ers, tnc HOW program pro­ Eric D. Coates and Eileen G. Blass, 203 Sheldon Road. $310,000. Apply in person or call 643-1101. Replies will be n e ttl Insurance, 649-(X)16. vides a two-year builder MANCHESTER - Coats, to E. Gail Crook, 69C PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITIES warranty that covers "ma­ $162,900. JUST LISTED Hazel Robinson to Herman M. Conservator’s deed kept confidential. jor structural defects." It Ambassador Drive, $65,500. Frechette and Annette J. SECOND SHIFT INSURANCE AGENCY also covers, in the first year, this magnificent 7 room APARTMENTS Southfield Green Condominium Peter C. Ambrose, conservator ALLIED PRINTING SERVICES INC Looking for energetic defects in workmanship and Contemporary Ranch FOR RENT V. Frechette. 756 N. Main St., $65,000. of the estate of Annie M. Ambrose, 579 Middle Tumpihe W 6PM TO GAM materials. When the build­ with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Corp. to Joseph E. McCollough and Manchestcf Conn and personable Individ­ ( .1 Arthur E. Geer to Janice W. to Peter C. Ambrose Jr. and er's warranty ends, it is re­ ceramic tiled kitchen & Gina Calliva, B-2 Southfield Green, Higgins, two parcels on Hyde St., Ground floor opportunities In our Moll Insertlno- ual experienced In Per­ placed by an eight-year in­ $101,174. Geraldine C. Ambrose, 30-32 Ih e m c f k o f labellng function. We offer advancement oppor­ sonal Lines. Excellent surance policy that covers dining room, skylighted MANCHESTER — Avail­ Vintage Homes Inc. to Debra A. $62,000. Summer St., $60,160. tunity for dependable employees along with opportunity for advance­ only major structural de­ cathedral ceilings 8, able Immediately. One, Sedmar, N.V. to William E. printing excellence lects. The insurance carrier Pignone, property on Lorraine competitive salaries and excellent benefits. We ment. Call Monday thru sunken fireolaced sitting two and three bedroom Gaughan, Unit 1-11, Woodland F rid a y, 646-0187. also assumes responsibility room plus tlreplaced liv­ apartm ents. $410, $475, Road. $35,000. Manor Condominiums. $51,501 to Fiduciary’s deed "****■ Operators if the builder fails to comply Hazel L. Robinson to Herman M. F o rk -L ift with the provisions of the ing room. Exceptional $525, heat and hot water $52,000 (based on conveyance tax). Mary Lou Prentice, executrix of An equal opporlunils emplo>er. M I. Quality Control OFFICE POSITION two-year warranty. To find throughout. Call for de­ Included. d'.D. Real Est­ Frechette and Annette J. out if your builder offers tails. Sentry Real Estate, ate, 646-1980. Gregory P. Ziemak to Kenneth the estate of Horace McMullin, to AVAILABLE - Full time. HOW coverage, simply ask. Frechette. 756 N. Main St., $65,000. Apply In person today. Applications being ac­ Good typing ability and 643-4060. M. Bedini and Beverly A. Bedini, Eugene T. Corbitt and Delinda. cepted, Interviews will be scheduled at a later James P. Kubik and Pamela J. pleasant phone personal­ 3'/2 ROOM A P A R T M E N T Kubik to Gary B. Zura and 120 Delmont St., $74,500. Corbitt, property on View Street, date. Are you planning lo Angeline Bycholski to Michael $25,000. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED ity required. Hours, sell your present home? NEW DUPLEX - Spa­ - Private home, heat, Rebecca J. Zura. property on Advo-System, Inc. weekdays, 11-7, two days Allow Ihe professionials cious home with 3 bed­ aoollances. Working sin­ Patriot Lane, $115,000. IN iWANCHESTER AREA 239 West Service Rood. per week, 9 - 5, 3 days per at TEDFORD REAL rooms In each unit. gle adult only. No pets, J ■ Camera Construction Co. to Paul 115-175 H a rtfo rd , CT 06120 week. Call Evergreen ESTATE. CENTURY 21 Custom kitchens with child ren . Call 643-28M. N. Ippedico and Mary E. Berube, St. John SL lo list your home and you range, dishwasher, and Herald photo by Pinto St. Liwrinco St. III Lawns, 53 Slater St., Man­ can feel confident you property on Knollwood Road, Twistei' record on the line chester, 649-8667 fo r In te r­ built-in micro wove ov­ 149 OAKLAND STREET- New ofticers of the Royal Arch Masons, Wm I Middle Turnpike 420-406 have chosen a firm with most excellent high priest; and Ronald $141,400. KINGSTOWN, R.I. (UPI) — torted figures. III view appointment. Ihe highest credentials ens. Full basements, 2 Two room heated apart­ Alixindor SL heating systems, narrow ment. Security. No pets. Delta Chapter, 51, are, from left, Wilbert Gregory, excellent scrib^. Lydall Woods Corp. to Eric P. There will be a whole lot of twistin' The player who falls first is the 467-553 odd onl|| in our ever changing hu- Nead,, excellent king; Leslie Noyes, Dansky and Theresa L. Dansky, and shoutin' at the University of loser. End of game. Cintor St. DISTRIBUTION SERVICES ASSISTANT MEDICAL SECRETARY siness. From the listing vinyl siding and all storm $300 monthly. Call 646- Unit 29, Lydall Woods Colonial Rhode Island this week. ' The game may not be that Lincoln SI - Immediate opening right through to Ihe clos­ windows and doors! A 2426, 9 to 5. Porkini SI. III A part time position, that may lead to full available for person with ing we handle every de­ great Investment to help Village, $84,880. More than 1.000 students will not sophisticated, but URI has to III tail lor you. Either drop Charles T. Bunce and Wesley B. Ridgewood SL time, with a leading Information retrieval skills In processing Insu­ save taxesi $124,900. IMMACULATE 2 bed­ be singing and dancing to the old muster up at least 1,204 players if i t . 73-157 hy and talk with our Blanchard 8, Rossetto, room apartment In quiet Bunce to S. Mark Stephens, 151, legendary 'rock n' roll’ tune, but Pirk SL organization. Must be accurate and con­ rance forms and billing. friendly staff or call us. wants to be listed in the Guinness ' 142-106 scientious with good organizational skills. Contact P.O. Box 1411, 646-2482. residential neighbor­ loyes heads Delta Chapter 153, 161-163 Oak St., $725,000. rather seeking to break the world Book of Records, replacing the • ChNtnut SL We can take the listing 25-200 odd only Activities include working with computer- Vernon, CT 06066. over the phone. We are hood, with nice yard. Southfield Green Condominiums record for playing the game current champion, the University . E iit Contir SI generated material to include checking Large basement, ap­ Royal Arch Masons, Delta Chap­ of North Windham. Bernard, grand master of the first to Donald J. Kamererand Mary V. Twister. Mirbli St. III located on Rl. 44A, Bol­ ter SI. recently installed Leslie of Florida. numbers and addresses, organizing mate­ SECRETARY - Psycholo­ ton Notch, Bolton 647- Very clean and modern 7 pliances, no pets. $475 per Other officers installed are: veil; Ferdinand Lewis, chaplain; Kamerer, C-5 Southfield Green You might remember the Milton “This Friday, the University of McCibo St. III room older Colonial with Noyes of 46 Glenwood St. as most Wilbert Nead, excellent king; III rial format and mailing material accord­ gist needs mature, con­ 9914. "We're National month plus utilities. George Foster, seminal and Albert Condominiums,'$103,500. Bradley game from your younger Rhode Island has offered to Stock PL ing to established procedures. Use of office scientious person to w o rk But We’re Neighborly”. detached odraoe. Phone 643-4589. excellent high priest. He is a Ronald Gregory, excellent scribe; Heavisides, organist. Andrew Ansaldi Jr. to Brian E. days. 307-406 84 hour service — 7 days Kitchen, llvine room, din­ member of Friendship Lodge of challenge the University ^Florida . North Miln SL equipment and light typing required. Must Monday - Thursday, ap­ ing room, (un porch,

•-’(I MANCIIKSTKH IIKHAI.I), M.irih IH, iwr.

LOOK FOR THE STARS... ^ Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ^ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, AAonday-Friday,

* 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ^

A Favorite Popcorn-Stitch BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY le t ^SERVICES ; t i SERVICE BUILOiNG/ l o n o F F i i e "loFFBlEO ^iPAPERINfi ICONTRACTING ODD .lOBS, Trucking. NEED ANY TYRING NAME YOUR OWN DONE? Reports, Re­ LEON CIESZYNSKI Home repairs. You name PRICE— Pother ond son. BUILDER — New homes, It, we do It. Free estl- sumes, dtc. all done for $2 Fast, dependable ser­ - $4 per poge. Cdll Sue of additions, remodeling, motes. Insured. 643-0304. vice. Painting, Paper­ rec rooms, garages, kit­ 742-8843, evenings 8> hanging & Removal. Coll weekends. chens remodeled, ceil­ SPRING CLEAN UP • 646-5761. ings, bath tile, dormers, Hedge and tree trim­ roofing. Residential or ming. Light trucking. LARRY’S PAINTING - commercial. 649-4291. Lawn mowing. Dependa­ PROFESSIONAL DISC Interior-Exterior. Low JOCKEYS FOR ANY OC­ ble. Insured. Ray Hardy, prices. Free estimates. 446-7973. CASION, High power Call anytime 646-7069. DUMAS ELECTRIC — sound system and com­ Lights dimming? Fuses blowing? Repairs, im­ DAYCARE - "THE TREE- plete light show. Reaso­ p a in t in g AND PAPER­ HOUSE' - Full or part nable fees. Coll Steve of HANGING - Exterior and provements and addi­ time Care - 2and up. Fully 649-1992, or Ron at 646- interior, ceilings re­ tional circuits. Fully li­ Insured, license pending. 6457. paired. Referer jes, fully censed, Insured. Call Call Terri - 643-7340. Insured. Quality work. 646-5253 anytime. Q «t A Martin Mottsson, even­ SPINNING WHEELS, ings, 649-4431. ABLE HOME IMPROVE­ your only source for MENTS - Room Addi­ '*“ "*** ^ ** tions, ' Fomlly Rooms, highly qualified DJ's Is ready to offer the widest Spring Cteanfno iBULOiNS/ Porches, Decks, Siding, CELEBRITY CIPHER Rooting, Replocement Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by variety of music at the With our powerful I CONTRACTING famous people past and present Each letter in the cipher stands lowest possible rotes Windows. "Your Com­ for another Today 's chj« r egua/s P truck mounted csepet plete Remodeling Ser­ around. No matter what cleeninti aystem. FARRANO REMODEL­ Dy C O N N IE W IEN ER the event, remember to vice." 643-9966. * snssm.*38.w ING — Cabinets, roofing, coll Spinning Wheels DJ gutters, room additions, “DQRCR GCR OGNM LQRW JD *S««»SCIWr. *99.’* CARPENTRY AND RE­ Service at 649-5488. Aek decks, oil types of remo­ for Bobby B. MODELING SERVICES DGPRM GUU NBV’ER KBD SVMD ’ cw>« rraxcet deling and repoirs. FREE — Complete home re­ estimates. Fully Insured. pairs and remodeling. A. HENRY PERSONAL­ Telephone 643-6017, otter 1416 Quality work. Referen­ DB PRRT VT LJDQ DOR » . I 8 ______IZED LAWN CARE ~ 6pm, 647-8509. ces, licensed ond Insured. Looking for someone A side-belted style with This collared Popcorn-Stitch Call 646-8165. UBMRCM." — CBXRCD BCXRW. Jacket is fiwcinaling lo crochet; . reliable and efficient? Keep your TV picture* interesting yoke and slim­ Total lawn care, com­ I a I PREVIOUS SOLUTION: ■Mathen-atics is all well and ming seams. so snart lo wear in ai^ seaaon. shorp with frequent No. 5126 has crochet mercial and resildentlol. cleaning of the screen. I HEATING/ good, but Nature keeps dragging us around by the No. 1416 with Photo- Guide is in Sizes 8 to 18. directions for Sizes 8 to 18 Light trucking, free esti­ iSri Use a mild soap with PLUMBING nose." — Albert Einstein tnchisi^. ?88HM8MU«mT8 Size 10, 32V7 bust, 2^* yards mates, fully Insured. 647- water orobltofommonla MUHTIM S1MI «laiaM8 45-inch. To onlor. Mid $2J0^ far taob 1349. In werter. Be sure to dry FOGARTY BROTHERS pattani, plus 004 fsr postico aH (203) 528-1407 thoroughly, if you hove — Bathroom remodel­ [ 7 7 1 CARS/TRUCKS 17 7 1 MOTORCYCLES/ Pattema available only aandllBf. LICENSED DAYCARE in sizea akovni. ANNE CAIOT on extro television set no ing,* instollcdlon water l i J FOR SALE l l £ j BICYCLES ■MlMaSar HaraM HOME hos 2 Openings, Todov Is (peat day... and one watches, why not heaters, garbage dispo­ TO OUDO, tta4 $2.50 fer eadi ll80Ava.t(ABMrlnu lots of love, exercise and Clossifled iso great wav exchange for cosh with o sals; faucet repairs. 649- Mtttn, plus 504 nr Kstage m i N«w Yarfc, N.Y. 100M nailiac. Trial Nana, AMrass witli ZIP creative ploy. Bowers ... to sell somcthingl tow-cost od In Classified? 4539. VIsa/MosterCard 1974 FIAT 128 SPORT L — SUZUKI PE 250 - Good sufc iURNEH CORE m i styla N K ir. School area. 646-1311. 643-2711. 643-2711. condition. Driven 16 occepted. To be used for parts. Call ilia A«a. tl Aiatncu SPECIAL: OTer 200 m - Phil after 5pm, 528-1332. hours. $750 or best offer. N t« Twk. N.T. 18038 lectiona and a FR E E Also Panasonic AM /FM 647-1821.______Friat Naaa, AiOrtit wllk ZIF coal, sqia Naikw aaO Ilia. Pattern Section in the car radio. ALBUM. Just $3.00. 1 7 7 1 RECREATION New FASHION with NOOKS at $3-2taaeN Photo-Guide patterua in APARTMENTS STORE AND INCOME TAX MISCELLANEOUS 1976 DATSUN B210 - Ex- VEHICLES 0-120—oOUJ—Oltf md He*. Ha* cellent condition. Blue. ali size ranges, has a ta irass tsaai: baw la Mka Wtm, FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE SERVICE FOR SALE apeciai Grace Cole Coliec- 0-ua - aupsAKi miuo. u ( ( ( Standard transmission. tion for larger aizea; pins atacaO aau jaattaaaO oaal^BSa 1973 VOLKSWAGEN F lit —reiuooS iuS iI mw— $1,295. Call 646-2796 after 2 BONUS Couponal 28 ryftt H ■ewUnrwt tUSt, MANCHESTER — Office CAMPER SPECIAL - ZINGLER'S INCOME CAR RADIO — Excellent 5:00 pm. $2A0 ■ 132 —TO 8IVE m 8HP—40 MANCHESTER - Two space. Ideal for accoun­ TAX SERVICE - Filing Fully equipped. Sleeps 4 Price . ntOInnik ftaen ta Mka. room apartment. Fully condition. High powered. people. Automatic. Good a-l33-caAFT8-0t leoaa tf oM*. tant, lawyer or sales of­ personal and small busi­ •— I*-, itawa. furnished, Including Includes Dolby NR, Bass MOTORCYCLES/ tires. Excellent condi­ fice. Central location. ness tax returns. In your and Trebble controls and I 0134—sL«M HTiiii covntm stove, refrigerator, bed, Ample parking. Call 649- home. Since 1974. Also I BICYCLES tion! No Rust. Call 742- — 24 cr» aeo lana M oMKa. ' bureau. $65 per week plus more. $90.. Call 646-1063 8055. 0-131 — OOH OOllTt-Mraettaea 2891. bookkeeping services fw 20 oiacao M d aoFHeea oaOtt. two weeks security dep­ after 4:30pm. available. Call Walt at osit. Call after 3pm. 646- HONDA - CB 350. Excel­ Wishing will not sell any­ MANCHESTER - Office 646-5346. 17'/j FOOT LINCOLN CA­ lent condition! $500. Call thing ... a low-cost ad In 8877. or retail space. High NEED HELP? NOE and accessories, after 6:00pm. 643-9661. Classified will. 643-2711. INVITATION TO BID traffic area. Excellent NETKIN"S TAX SER­ Coldspot refrigerator, FAST? Sealed bldi will be received 3 Vj ROOM FI RST FLOOR sign visibility. F.J. Spl- VICE - Low rates, strictly - Stove, refrigerator. No washer and dryer, 643- In the General Services' of­ leckl, 643-2121. confidential. Over 10 ye­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER fice, 41 Center Street, Mon- utilities. No pets. M ar­ 9574 between 8am and LEGAL NOTICE chester, CT until April 2,1985 ars experience. 644-1009. 8pm. Advertise with ried couple only. First The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold o public of 11:00 a.m. for the follow- MANCHESTER - 3050 sq. Ino; and last month security. hearing on Monday, April I, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. In the Hearing ft., 1000 sq.ft, offices, 2050 Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Con­ The Herald PAINTING OF ONE (1) WA­ Available June 1st. $300 TER TANK sq. ft. shop or worehouse. necticut to hear ond consider the following petitions: monthly. Call 649-9521. Excellent locotlon ond TREE PLANTING (SEE­ For Sale PETS PURDY CORPORATION, ANDREW AN8ALDI, AND ANDREW AN- and get DLINGS) facility. Available April. SALDI, JR. - ZONE CHANGE