Men's Fastpitch Softball Associaition SSOCIATIONS
2019 ANNUAL REPORT Reflecting on the year that was, as we do when look- Our Social media platforms were red-hot this year form the sport all-together as she has become a valued ing forward, the bigger picture that we work towards with 80% growth in Facebook likes (figures provid- member her club and State Women’s team as a statis- shows that we continue to bring out the best in our ed by and with this tician. organisation. Sure, there are areas of improvement growth we overtook every other state (for softball) in that we are working on but overall, Softball SA have Australia with now over 6000 likes. We started our In- Also, Daniella DiGirolamo had to step away due to a been on a steady march towards positive change, best stagram page, which has had great reach. It is video number of other commitments, we thank her for her practice on and off the diamond and modernising views that have helped us break records, create history time on the Board the last year. processes to stay in touch with the rest of the sporting and become televised and it is all thanks to the ‘Space- industry. 2019/20 will be much of the same but with quake Sports effect’. Many thanks to David Muggle- Alice Prokopec started out with the organisation in the guidance of a new strategic plan, aligned with our ton and his team at Spacequake Sports. July 2017 in what was only an 8-week contract. 18 governing body, Softball Australia, we will focus on months later, Alice chose to move on from the organ- sustainability, community and participant develop- We thank all media for their support mainstream and isation after playing a massive role with some major ment opportunities.
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