Published at: Saturday 5th November 2016 First Floor, Town Council Offices, Issue 196 Civic Hall Square, Shildon, RESS DL4 1AH. P P Telephone/Fax: 01388 775896 O Duty journalist: 0790 999 2731 The ISH B At the heart of our wonderful community email:
[email protected] New members join Community Auckland Castle to Peer Mentors project host pop-up museum The past, present and ment Store, Backhouse future of Bishop Auckland is Bank at the Market Place, being explored in a special which will soon be trans- pop-up museum, launching formed into a Spanish Art on Saturday 5th November. Gallery, the Robinson Arch Look Past the Present, outside Auckland Castle curated by a group of com- and Bishop Auckland Magis- munity volunteers, will run trates Court. in partnership with the Anyone who visits the ex- Auckland Castle Trust at hibition will also be invited Bishop Auckland Town Hall to plot their own memories until 24th December. on a special town map. It forms part of a three The pop-up museum’s 20 year project by the Trust, community curators, in- designed to support grass- cluding school students, roots heritage and encour- families and pensioners, age communities to explore have spent more than four their local history. months developing the Using items donated by project, which will also Jim Cunningham, third from left and other dignitaries are joined by Ron Hogg, centre, project participants and include an exploration of the general public, along- Kingsway, Theatre Corner, who presented certificates to the new Community Peer Mentors.