Newman.Org Newmancatholic Community at Carolina
OFFICE HOURS 9:30 TO 2:30 PM M-F UPDATES AT: UNCNEWMAN.ORG NEWMANCATHOLIC COMMUNITY AT CAROLINA A Ministry of the Conventual Franciscan Friars NOVEMBER 22, 2020 | OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Thanksgiving Week Schedule NO ADULT FAITH FORMATION Parish Offices Closed Wednesday through Friday THURSDAY 10AM Thanksgiving Day Mass will be Live-Streamed No Noon Mass FRIDAY No Eucharistic Adoration LITURGY SCHEDULE Following NC Executive Order #147 and the directives of the Diocese of Raleigh. CELEBRATIONS OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm (Outdoors) Sunday: 11:00 am (Outdoors) Communion will be distributed outside Mass to those who have concerns about being in a group, each Sunday from 12:15 to 1:00 pm. Daily Mass (M-F): 12:00 noon (in the Church) Unless canceled due to inclement weather, Weekend Masses will be held outside. Be sure to check the Newman website for weather-related updates before coming to an outdoor weekend Mass. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday: 5:30-6:15 pm In the Church Reconciliation Room HOLY HOUR Every Friday at 6:00 pm Wishing all students OFFERTORY BY THE NUMBERS Black Friday and holiday shopping are coming OCTOBER 31 TO NOVEMBER 6 and parishioners up, so we encourage you to turn your regular Online: $8,540.00 Amazon account into an Amazon Smile account. a Most Blessed On your first visit to AmazonSmile Cash & Checks: $3,224.00 (, you will be prompted to Thanksgiving select a charitable organization. Enter and select DAILY READINGS Newman Catholic Student Center Parish and Holiday Newman will receive a percentage of every purchase you make - at no extra cost to you! readings/112320.cfm PRAY FOR MEMBERS OF THE NEWMAN COMMUNITY IN MEMORY: Barbara Richter, Luke Morgan, Sheri Cohen, Father Phil Tighe, Paul MacCosbe, Friar Alvin Somerville, Pauline Savasta, Gloria Myers, Friar Brad Heckathorne, Joann Pazdziorko, Paul ‘Skip’ Kropp, Catherine Anne Zbailey, Barbara Moran, Leon Kaczman, Terrie Doyle, Irv NEWMAN Chatlin, Harvey Hamrick, Dennis L.
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