Registered Charity Number 1043065 Accession Number: LIVNP 2012.03.02 Description: Makers list as published by Adrian Oswald in 1975 Comments: This list extracted from: Oswald, A. (1975) Clay Pipes for the Archaeologist, British Archaeological Reports, British Series 14, Oxford, 207pp. Key Words: Clay pipe; makers list; Oswald; Clay pipes for the archaeologists Scanned: PDF 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Any images in this PDF must not be lent, copied to another party, sold or reproduced in any way without prior permission from the National Pipe Archive and the copyright owner, if applicable. Reproduction or publication in any medium is expressly forbidden without written authorisation and should include an acknowledgement worded ‘Courtesy of the National Pipe Archive’ and quoting the relevant accession number. The N.P.A. is housed in the Department of Archaeology, University of Liverpool, UK. Email:
[email protected] Web: PART III ABBREVIATIONS Makers underlined recorded as exporters to America and W. Indies. A.J.C. Information from A. J. Cooksey. App.R . A.R. Apprentice Rolls. App . Apprentice. Appshp. Apprenticeship. Archv. Archives. Archdeac Lon. Wills" Archdeac'onry of London Wills. b . Born. B.A.R. Bristol Apprentice Rolls. B.D.B. Bristol ~eposition . Books. B.lnha.b. Inhabitants of Bristol 1696 (Ralph and Williams, 1968) . Bap . Baptised. Berry C. J. Berry, 'The manufacture of Clay Tobacco .Pipes in Rainford' , 1963. B.T. Information from Barry Trinder. Bur.Grd. Burial Ground records. Cant. M. Alleg. Canterbury Marriage Allegations. Charters . Signatories to Charters of Tobacco Pipemakers Co. , also Gateshead and Bristol Guilds. Chesh. and Lancs.