Minutes, Planning Committee, 2019-03-13
Meeting of the Planning Committee, 13th March 2019 ENDERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 13th March 2019 Held at the Civic Centre, King Street, Enderby (Commencing at the conclusion of the Council Meeting) Present: Cllr. W. Hetherington (Chairman), Councillors: J. Bartlett, Mrs. S. Conway, R. F. Geisler, Ms. T. Green, N. Grundy, R. W. Hunt, J. Jones, F. O’Rorke, J. O’Sullivan. The Clerk, Ms. S. Hansford and Mrs. S. Stearn, Deputy Clerk, were also in attendance. P/166/18 Attendance and Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: D. Castleman, J. Eaton, Mrs. V. Ellis, Mrs. J. Hall, D. Heys, M.R. King and District Councillor F.G.H Jackson. P/167/18 Minutes of the last meeting held on 27th February 2019 RESOLVED: The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 27th February 2019 were approved and signed as a correct record. P/168/18 Declarations of Interest by Members: - Name Description Type Cllr. W. Hetherington Planning Application 19/0088/HH Non-pecuniary Relative of Applicant. P/169/18 To Receive and Approve Requests for Dispensations from Members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest No requests for Dispensations were received. P/170/18 To Consider Planning Applications The report on Planning Applications, circulated to Members, were considered (see attached). RESOLVED: That the planning applications as detailed in the Schedule attached to, and forming part of these Minutes, be dealt with in accordance with the comments made by Members at the meeting. P/171/18 To Receive Planning Decisions RESOLVED: That the planning decisions of Blaby District Council on applications determined since the date of the last meeting be noted.
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