Importance of Mining Business for Alentejo, Portugal
Alentejo Region, Portugal Jorge Pulido Valente Vice-President, Alentejo Regional Comission for Coordination and Development Sevilla, 23rd January 2019 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776811| Topic: SC5-15-2016-2017 A CCDR ALENTEJO A DESAFIAR O FUTURO! Inovação: territorial, económica, social, cultural, tecnológica, institucional, governacional Emprego: agricultura, turismo, indústria, ambiente, energia, construção Oportunidades de negócio: agro indústria, turismo, TIC, ambiente, economia circular, energia, construção Regional Development: approaches and activities • Alentejo and Algarve mineral occurrences map Atlanterra project, EU Interreg Atlantic Area, Matos and Filipe Eds, LNEG 2013 Alentejo mineral potential Alentejo mining regions Iberian Pyrite Belt, an European Mine Region Active mining: • Neves Corvo (Somincor/Lundin Mining) • Aljustrel (Almina) Production Region and mining & metallurgy Overview of the region (2016) 31 605 sqm (AL/PT 34,3%) • Resident Population 259 876 (AL/PT 5%) • Activity rate 47,8% (AL/PT 50,2%) • 66 Small towns (AL/PT 11,4%) • 12 163 M€ GDP (AL/PT 6,6%) Overview of the Mining and Metallurgy GVA - 251,704 m€ (PT 500,496 m€) GVA - 23,6% (PT 18,3%) Employees - 3 182 (PT 11 530) GVA Employment - 59,379 m€ (PT 37,300 m€) Average Compensation - 11504€ (PT 17866€) Compensation / GVA - 33,8% (PT45,3%) GFCF / GVA 25,9% (PT 22,4) GPD – Gross Domestic Product, GFCF - Gross Fixed Capital Formation, GVA – Groth Value Added Alentejo‘s Smart Specialisation Strategies Priority Name Description Add value to the natural and cultural heritage of the region through links with cultural and creative Heritage, Cultural and Creative industries, with the objective of increasing the cultural and creative profile of Alentejo.
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