We Hope That Every Adult Will Take Part YOUR Opinion Counts Completed Questionnaires Will Be Collected in the Week Commencing 14

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We Hope That Every Adult Will Take Part YOUR Opinion Counts Completed Questionnaires Will Be Collected in the Week Commencing 14 We hope that every adult will take part YOUR opinion counts Completed questionnaires will be collected in the week commencing 14 March 2016 Completed surveys returned by 21 March will be entered into a draw for a £100 prize! Dear Wolds Resident The parish councils of Hoton and Burton on the Wolds, Prestwold and Cotes are putting together a Neighbourhood Plan. In 2015 we held consultation events for residents and the ideas and views put forward at those events have been used when writing this questionnaire. The results of this survey will determine the underpinning principles and overall direction of our plan and so it is very important that you, your family and your neighbours take this opportunity to make your views known. What is Neighbourhood Planning? Neighbourhood Planning is a relatively new process, which has been designed to enable the local community to influence the planning and development of the area in which they live and work. Development does not just mean more houses; it includes planning for shops, businesses, transport and community facilities. Neighbourhood Planning enables people to shape the place in which they live their lives. What is the purpose of this survey? Finding out what people think and drawing on their skills and knowledge is an important part of developing a neighbourhood plan. We need your help to identify: If any new development is required and the most appropriate location for this The type and style of buildings that will best meet community needs Green spaces, buildings and areas that should be protected Any improvements or additions needed to local amenities, services and recreational facilities Improvements required to the public footpath, bus and road networks What will we do with the information we get from the questionnaire? The questionnaires will be analysed and the information gathered will enable us to write the Wolds Villages Neighbourhood Plan and formalise your views. We will publish and share the outcome. Why does it matter? The planning system helps decide what gets built, where and when. The Charnwood Core Strategy sets out the general aims for development across the whole borough. A neighbourhood plan provides the opportunity to focus on more detailed issues, specific to the locality. The Wolds Villages Neighbourhood Plan will cover the whole area outlined on the map overleaf. In addition to the settlements of Hoton, Burton on the Wolds, Cotes and Prestwold, it will include Hoton Park, outlying farms and businesses, Wymeswold Industrial Estate and the surrounding countryside. Our Neighbourhood Plan cannot prevent development that has been included in Charnwood’s Core Strategy, but it can set out what type of development is appropriate and where it should be located. Neighbourhood plans have a statutory status, which means that any decisions made on planning applications by the borough or county councils would need to take into consideration the Wolds Villages Neighbourhood Plan. It will ensure that the needs, views and priorities of the local community are fully considered when assessing future planning applications and proposed developments within the area. We need your views to develop and implement a shared vision for the future of the Wolds. Burton on the Wolds, Cotes, Prestwold and Hoton Parish Councils The Neighbourhood Plan Area The Neighbourhood Plan area comprises the electoral parishes of Burton on the Wolds, Cotes, Hoton and Prestwold as shown on the above map. Some roads in Cotes and Burton on the Wolds fall within the parish of Prestwold. For the purpose of this survey, please answer the questions related to the settlement that you live in. We’d like to hear from as many residents as possible and ideally a questionnaire should be completed by every adult. If you have not had sufficient forms delivered for your household you can download a printable copy from the Parish Council website or alternatively, you may request a copy from the Parish Clerk whose details are below and on the back page of this questionnaire. Local businesses were sent a separate questionnaire in August 2015. If you run a business from within the plan area and did not receive a questionnaire, please inform the parish clerk whose details are below. If you need help to fill in this survey due to your disability or language, we may be able to assist you. In that case, or if you need this survey in another format such as electronically or in large print, please contact the parish clerk on 01509 881447 or email [email protected]. 2 Please read the information opposite before completing the form. Part 1 A SHARED VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF THE WOLDS VILLAGES We need to identify the needs, priorities and aspirations of the people who live in the neighbourhood plan area. This will enable us to establish a long term vision for the Wolds villages; to help influence planning policy and improve local facilities. The following questions are intended to help us understand how you wish the area to be shaped over the next 15 years 1.1 Where do you live? Burton on the Wolds Hoton Cotes Hoton Hills Prestwold Hoton Park An outlying farm away from any settlement _________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 What do you value most about living in the Wolds villages? List up to three in order of importance, 1 being the most important. Please keep your answers short. 1) 2) 3) 1.3 What do you dislike about living in the Wolds villages? List up to three in order of importance, 1 being the most important. Please keep your answers short. 1) 2) 3) 1.4 Thinking about the parish you live in, how would you like it to be described in 15 years’ time? 3 1.5 What single change would most improve your quality of life as a resident? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.6 Is there anything that your village lacks that you would like it to have? List up to three. 1) 2) 3) Part 2 HOUSING We need to explore whether new housing is required in the local area to meet existing and local needs, and, if so, what types are needed. Currently there is planning permission for nine new dwellings in Burton on the Wolds, spread across two infill sites, and for one additional dwelling in Prestwold and one in Hoton. 2.1 Might you, or a member of your household, be looking to move to a different house in the Wolds villages over the next five years? Yes No 2.2 If yes, what type of property would you be looking for? House Bungalow Flat Mobile home Warden-assisted retirement housing Residential care 2.3 If yes, how many bedrooms would you require? 1 2 3 4 5+ 4 2.4 If yes, which tenure would you be seeking? Owner occupied Private rented Shared ownership Social rented (e.g. from council or housing association) 2.5 Considering local needs and current availability, what size and type of homes do you think are most needed? You may tick more than one option. 1-2 bed bungalows social housing 3+ bed bungalows shared ownership 1-2 bed houses residential care home 2-3 bed houses self-build 3-4 bed houses eco-friendly 5+ bed houses warden assisted flats luxury housing none no opinion Other, please specify………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.6 The Charnwood Local Plan allows for new development that meets identified social and economic needs. Where do you think new homes should be built? Tick any that apply. Individual houses in gardens or other infill sites around the village Small groups of houses of up to five houses on infill sites Renovation/change of use of existing buildings Large estates (30+ houses) within existing village boundaries Adjacent to existing village boundaries Other, please specify………………………………………………………………………………. 2.7 In your opinion, how many new homes could sustainably be built in your village in the next 15 years? None 1-5 5-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100+ N/A - live outside the village 5 2.8 If there are any new houses built in the Wolds villages, which of the following do you think are important features of new development? Wide verges Adequate off street parking Affordable housing A mix of house sizes A mix of tenures Small gardens Large gardens Pavements Easy connection to footpaths and bridleways A mix of house design Traffic calming measures within the development Eco-friendly housing Protection of existing wildlife habitats Creation of new wildlife habitat areas Other………………………………………….. 2.9 Which of the following would you want developers to help provide for the community with any new large (30+) development? A shop Allotments Community building A new school Cycle routes Pharmacy Nursery Traffic calming measures outside the development Playground for pre-school age children Playground for children age 5-12 Youth amenity Natural play areas Public car park A place of worship Access to public transport Other…………………………………………… 6 Part 3 TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT 3.1 What form of transport do you use most? Please tick one Car Bus Train Bicycle Motorbike Mobility vehicle/wheelchair Walking 3.2 What other forms of transport would you like to use more? Please tick all that apply and state briefly what currently prevents you from doing so. Car Bus Train Bicycle Motorbike Mobility vehicle/wheelchair Walking ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.3 What do you consider are the main transport issues within the local area? Please
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