1983-1984 Annual Report
1 ANNUALREPORT DR. JAMESJ . FADULE, JR. SUPERINTENDENTOF SCHOOLS SCHOOLYEAR 1983-1984 ANNUALREPORT TO THE BOARDOF EDUCATION NUTLEY,NEW JERSEY SCHOOLYEAR 1983-1984 "-•:...~~~ __ .,_,._..,,;:_ _._ • ::::~. -~ ----" _._ ·; _____ ............. ~-;:,l.c;_C, .... .-, -:::~---~~---- - --·-~ ·- •••_:_ .. 4 • ___,.... :-. -·-··--.o..,.:;.__ .~... ·-:. __,_ __ .. • •-· : ___ ::,_'...· ·-:-:,__ • ,. ___,_,_ ..._,:. ___ z..::1.-.:•.··--~•~•>~ut..L~.-- ;..-:_·_:_~..L.:.i: ..~£ ___ ,_,__~ _ _,_._ NUTLEYPUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARDOF EDUCATION Term Expires Mr. Gerard T. Restaino, President 1986 Mr. Charles W. Kucinski, Jr., Vice President 1985 Dr. Anthony N. Baratta 1985 ·Mr. Joseph Malanga 1985 Mr. Frank V. Herma 1986 Mr. Charles J. Piro 1986 Mr. Sam Battaglia 1987 Mr. Robert J. Rusignuolo 1987 Mrs. Rosalie C. Scheckel 1987 ADMINISTRATORS Dr. James J. Fadule, Jr. Superintendent of Schools Mr. John L. Decesare Assistant Superintendent of Schools Mr. Arnold C. Ramsland Secretary-Business Administrator PRINCIPALS Dr. Frank T. Votta Nutley High School Mr. Paul Primamore Franklin School Mr. Ralph D'Andrea Lincoln School Miss Rosemarie DiGeronimo Washington School Mr. H. Evan Powderly 1 Radcliffe School Mr. John Walker Yantacaw School Mr. Anthony Stivala Spring Garden School SYSTEM-WIDEDIRECTORS Miss Barbara Hirsch Director of Special Services Mr. Raymond J. Kohere Coordinator of Music Education September,. 1984 Members of the Board of Education: The 1983-84 school year was one in which the diligent efforts of our students, staff and Board received much recognition. The elementary schools were distinguished by the excellent scores of their students on the Iowa and Nutley Achievement Tests. Franklin School was honored in general by academic achievement and in particular by the Mathematics Department being cited by the Northeast Regional Exchange as one of thirty exemplary programs in the nation.
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