The Webb Bulletin Biography, News, Updates & Records
Volume 4, Issue 3 WEBB SURNAME DNA PROJECT July/August 2013 THE WEBB BULLETIN BIOGRAPHY, NEWS, UPDATES & RECORDS IN THIS ISSUE: Col. James Baldwin-Webb James Baldwin Webb 1 From the Administrator 1 The Tragedy of the SS City of Benares WEBB Records Repository - Alabama 5 The SS City of Benares, under - Idaho 7 Captain Landles Nicoll, left Liverpool, England on Friday, - Maine 8 September 13, 1940, and was - Michigan 12 bound for Quebec and Montreal, Canada. On board - New York 14 were 407 people, including the - Oklahoma 15 crew, paying passengers, and - Pennsylvania 16 90 children and their escorts. The “Children’s Overseas - Texas 17 Reception Board” had arranged - Virginia 17 for the evacuation of the - Great Britain 18 children during the Nazi aerial Blitz in London. This wasn’t the - New Zealand 30 first of this kind of voyage. By the end of the war, over 10,000 children would be evacuated to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The SS City of Benares was just one of 19 ships in a convoy headed across the Atlantic, escorted by the destroyer, HMS Winchelsea and two sloops. They were several days out and were only to be accompanied until they reached 300 miles off the coast of Ireland. Admiral Edmund J. G. Mackinnon had orders to Continued on page 2 From the Administrator Dear Project Members, For those of you who have considered doing the Family Finder test, but decided to wait until the price dropped, you are in luck. FTDNA’s summer sale has come and gone, but the price of the Family Finder test is still only $99.
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