Westfield's State Representative Candidates Face-Off in First Debate

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Westfield's State Representative Candidates Face-Off in First Debate Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTheThe Westfield WestfieldNews News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents $1.00 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 VOL. 89 NO. 226 Westfield’s state representative candidates face-off in first debate toward getting to know the candi- Taxes, water dates outside of their political views. Flaherty said he wants to take and PAC funding action to affect change, not just sit on the sidelines. Being an addressed Independent would help him bridge gaps between political parties. He By HOPE E. TREMBLAY said he has knocked on doors Editor throughout the city and in addition Westfield Taxpayers Association WESTFIELD – Three candidates to introducing himself and educat- President Brian Richards offers for Westfield’s state representative ing residents on his views, he has opening remarks during the Sept. seat faced-off Sept. 16 in the first of “learned something from everyone” 16, 2020 state representative two debates hosted by the Westfield he met. He said he hoped that fol- debate. Taxpayers Association. lowing the debate, residents would Independent candidate Ethan know more about him and feel con- “My experience can be maxi- Flaherty, Democrat Matt Garlo and ETHAN FLAHERTY KELLEY PEASE MATT GARLO fident he would work on their behalf mized right here, and that’s why I’m Republican Kelly Pease answered a to earn their vote. running for state representative in Westfield,” Garlo said, noting he series of questions from moderators A second debate will take place Each candidate offered an open- Garlo, who has had government Agma Sweeney and Patrick Berry in internships and positions in both has met with school and city leaders Oct. 13 and a 2nd Hampden & ing and closing statement in addi- to learn more about the city. how it the debate that was live streamed on Hampshire Senate debate between tion to questions posed to all candi- Albany and Washington DC, said he Westfield’s Community could have stayed in one of those runs and the issues facing residents. incumbent Democrat John C. Velis dates. There were three round-robin Pease, a retired U.S. Army chief Programming Channel 15. The and Republican challenger John F. style questions with opportunities communities to further his political debate was sponsored by Westfield Cain is slated for Oct. 8, both for rebuttals, as well as several career. Instead, he returned to his See First Debate, Page 5 Bank. livestreamed on Channel 15. lighthearted questions geared hometown. University Special permit, president site plan granted search will be for marijuana greenhouse By AMY PORTER ‘transparent’ Members of Westfield’s Veteran’s Council, Veterans Services Director Julie Staff Writer By PETER CURRIER Barnes, state Sen. John C. Velis and Mayor Donald F. Humason Jr. honor WESTFIELD – The Planning Board on Sept. Staff Writer National POW/MIA Recognition Day at Pine Hill Cemetery Sept. 16, 2020. 15 granted a special permit, site plan and storm- WESTFIELD- Westfield State University has formed a committee to aid in the search for (HOPE E. TREMBLAY/THE WESTFIELD NEWS) water management permit for New England the university’s 21st president in the next year Technologies, LLC to build a 33,000 square- after former President Ramon S. Torrecilha foot greenhouse for marijuana cultivation at 0 retired in July. City commemorates National Progress Ave. and Falcon Drive. The committee consists of 14 voting mem- The public hearing had been continued from bers and two non-voting members that repre- Aug. 18, but the application had been amended sent WSU faculty, the Board of Trustees, and POW/MIA Recognition Day to remove the retail portion of the proposal from members of the Westfield community. the project, as the applicant was not granted one By HOPE E. TREMBLAY who are still missing in action (MIA). It of the two remaining marijuana retail licenses in See President Search, Page 2 Editor is observed in the United States on the Westfield. WESTFIELD – City natives Philip third Friday in September. Theroux said Robert Wolf and Kaily Hepburn of New W. Atwater, Norbert F. Brady, Edward National POW/MIA Recognition Day England Agriculture Technologies said they F. Gintowt and Joseph A. Gryszkiewicz was proclaimed by the United States wanted to move forward with the greenhouse are among Westfield’s missing in action Congress in 1998 and President Donald only, which had been their original intent before remembered today on National POW/ Trump signed the National POW-MIA the possibility of a retail license had been pre- MIA Recognition Day. Flag Act in November 2019, which sented to them. Gene Theroux, Westfield graves requires the POW/MIA flag displayed “Our original intent was to put the greenhouse office, commander of the Sons of the whenever the U.S. flag is displayed on there; the retail was an opportunity with the city American Legion Squadron 124 and prominent federal buildings. to receive a license,” Wolf said at the August Vietnam-era veteran, said National Aviation Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class meeting. POW/MIA Recognition Day is an Philip W. Atwater was serving aboard ROY SAIGO observance that honors those who were See Granted, Page 2 Westfield State University Interim President prisoners of war (POW) as well as those See POW/MIA, Page 3 Learning ASL ‘opens up the world for all of us’ By LORI SZEPELAK supported my learning curve. ship. She also holds adjunct and so far the response has Correspondent Also, the deaf community is professorships at Springfield been enthusiastic.” WESTFIELD — Theresa very inclusive and the support Technical Community Blackburn added that the A. King encourages local res- I received from other deaf College and Holyoke Zoom platform allows up to idents to participate in an people was just superlative. Community College. 20 participants and at press American Sign Language My growth and self-accep- The Zoom classes will be time, 13 slots are still avail- course next month, hosted by tance was made that much conducted from 7 – 8 p.m. on able. To reserve a spot, con- the Westfield Athenaeum. easier because of them.” Oct. 1, 8, 15 and 22. There is tact Blackburn at (413) 568- “American Sign Language King, who is the owner of a $5 materials fee and a link 7833, ext. 111. (ASL) is a beautiful language the SIGNING Basics, can be found with more infor- King noted “first and fore- that is visual,” said King, who American Sign Language mation on the Athenaeum’s most,” learning American grew up hearing and became King said as a teen, she was Tutors and Training Company, website, westath.org. Sign Language provides for deaf as a teenager. initially confused and didn’t resides in East Springfield. “Last year the Friends of inclusion of deaf and hard of Theresa A. King will lead a “My hearing loss is a result know what her next steps She earned a bachelor of sci- the Westfield Athenaeum hearing people in our com- series of American Sign of an undisclosed illness,” would be. ence degree from the generously funded the class munities. Language classes over she said, adding, “A severe “I had my career mapped University of Massachusetts, twice,” said Becky Blackburn, “Many people that join my Zoom next month, spon- cold and high fever but exact- out, but I was clueless at that Amherst, and graduated from public services librarian. programs share how they sored by the Westfield ly what the cause was is not point,” she said. “My mother Northeastern University with “This year, we are looking at Athenaeum. (SUBMITTED known.” found a deaf counselor who a master’s degree in leader- offering the beginner class See ASL, Page 2 PHOTO) WHIP CITY NUTRITION $1.00 OFF ALL NATURAL FRUIT SMOOTHIES the purchase of a Medium or Large Smoothie 18 SCHOOL ST. One Coupon per person • Exp. 10/31/20 NOW WESTFIELD, MA Choose from our Traditional Smoothies or Build Your Own! 413-642-3952 • All Fresh Fruit • Nutrition Boosts OPEN! • Smoothie Base (Almond/Coconut Milk, OJ, or Low Fat Milk) Refreshing Healthy WHIPCITYNUTRITION.COM & PAGE 2 - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 WWW.THEWESTFIELDNEWS.COM THE WESTFIELD NEWS President Search ASL Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 In addition to the committee, WSU selected representation from all campus constituen- cess, which will involve extensive input from meet a deaf or hard of hearing person at the search firm WittKieffer’to assist in the cies,” said Martin, “Additionally, we look key stakeholders from across and beyond work, at the coffee shop, or has a neigh- search for a new president. forward to the proven expertise of WittKiefer, campus. The search committee members will bor and has longed to communicate with The search for a new WSU president comes as the firm guides us through this important bring a diverse range of backgrounds and per- them even if it is just to sign hello,” said after the previous two selected presidents were and comprehensive process to identify the best spectives to the search process,” said Martin. King. “This truly opens up the world for bogged down in controversy. President candidate to lead Westfield State University He said that open forums are underway to all of us, and creates a powerful tool to Torrecilha had a vote of no-confidence levied forward.” gather feedback from the community on what break down the communication barriers against him by the university faculty. In the meantime, Dr. Roy S. Saigo will serve qualities and characteristics are desired for the that exclude us.” Before him, President Evan S.
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