Postgrad Med J (1992) 68, 294 - 295 © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1992 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.68.798.294 on 1 April 1992. Downloaded from

Pancreatic due to Salmonella typhi Pradeep Garg and Sunil Parashar Department ofSurgery, Medical College & Hospital, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Summary: Isolated involvement of the in Salmonella typhi bacteraemia is rare. A case of due to S. typhi is reported which was managed conservatively.

Introduction Salmonella occurs in 5 different clinical 24 h of starting chloramphenicol the patient start- forms, , enteric , bacteraemia, ed to improve and 2 weeks after admission repeat chronic carrier state and localization at one or CT scan showed a normal pancreas. more sites. Localization in the pancreas is rarely seen and when it does has mostly required surgical intervention. We report a case of Salmonella typhi Discussion progressing to abscess, managed con- servatively. Localized salmonella infection of the pancreas is usually the result ofsalmonella bacteraemia caused by S. choleraesuis but may also occur after gastro- Case report by S. typhimurium and enteric fever by S. copyright. typhi.' Once pancreatitis occurs it is likely to form a A 20 year old male was admitted with fever and pancreatic abscess. Pancreatic may epigastric pain for 8 days and of 3 days occasionally be infected by S. typhi.? S. typhi is duration. On examination he was toxic with pulse known to localize in injured or damaged tissue or in 130/min, temperature 38.9°C and mild . sites of malignancy.3 The route of infection in Abdominal examination revealed tenderness and pancreatic abscess has not been clearly demon- rigidity in the upper . The white cell count strated. Possible pathways may be infected bile

was 12.8 x 109/l with polymorphs 81%, urea reaching the pancreas by the pancreatic duct, 16.6 mmol/l. Erect abdominal X-ray film showed haematogenous spread from a distant site and no gas under the diaphragm. He was given genta- lymphatic spread from the intestinal tract.4 micin, ampicillin and metronidazole. Next morn- There have been few published reports of local- ing a vague tender lump was felt strengthening the ized pancreatic involvement in typhoid fever. Kune clinical suspicion of with possi- and Coster5 reported a case of pancreatic abscess bly a pseudocyst. Serum was 375 S. units due to S. typhi who had ; S. typhi was (normal up to 200 S. units). An urgent computed isolated from the necrotic pancreatic tissue and tomographic (CT) scan showed a pancreatic ab- gallstones. Russell et al.6 have reported acute on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected scess which was enhanced after giving i.v. contrast. pancreatitis as a oftyphoid fever and His condition further deteriorated over the next two cases of by S. typhi were 24 hours. The three were replaced by reported by Koshi.2 One of these required distal ciprofloxacillin infusion 200 mg 12 hourly. Blood pancreatectomy while the other required only culture showed S. typhi. Ciprofloxacillin too was drainage ofa pseudocyst. The first case ofpancrea- replaced by intravenous chloramphenicol and tic abscess due to S. typhimurium was reported by simultaneously blood for Widal test was also sent Strand and Sanders.4 This case had associated which was reported to be strongly positive. Within gallstones and chronic but culture of gall bladder wall, bile and gallstones showed no growth. Cohen et al.' have also reported a similar case but without associated gall bladder involve- Correspondence: P. Garg, M.S.(Surgery), 687/27, Opp. ment. Medical Crossing, Model Town, Rohtak-124001, In the present case, since the patient showed Haryana, India. clinical and biochemical recovery with conserva- Accepted: 21 August 1991 tive treatment, the tentative plan ofCT-guided fine CLINICAL REPORTS 295 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.68.798.294 on 1 April 1992. Downloaded from needle aspiration cytology ofthe pancreatic abscess urine and stool cultures in the present case failed to and subsequently culturing was abandoned. Serial grow S. typhi.

References 1. Cohen, J.I., Bartlett, J.A. & Correy, G.R. Extraintestinal 4. Strand, C.L. & Sanders, S.L. Salmonella typhimurium pan- manifestations of salmonella infection. Medicine 1987, 66: creatic abscess - report of a case. Am Surg 1978, 44: 174-176. 349-388. 5. Kune, G.A. & Coster, D. Typhoid pancreatic abscess. Med J 2. Koshi, G. Uncommon manifestations ofsalmonella . Aust 1972, 1: 417-418. Ind J Med Res 1976, 64: 314-321. 6. Russell, I., Forgars, P. & Geraci, J. Pancreatitis complicating 3. Saphra, I. & Winter, J.W. Clinical manifestations ofsalmonel- typhoid fever. JAMA 1976, 235: 753. losis in man - an evaluation of 7,779 human infections identified at the New York salmonella centre. N Engl J Med 1957, 256: 1128-1134. copyright. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected