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• Women's History Spotlight 1993 Predictions

Page 7 PagelS

rnURSDAY. MARCH 25.1993 BRYANT COLLEGE BOX 7 SMITHFIELD, R.I. 0291 7 VOLUME 61 NUMBERS Bigger Numbers, Bryant Students to Direct BeUer Value? Special Olympics

.9/.pril17, 1!J57

'Ifu 'Trustu.< oj'lJrya nt COfUot an1WUna tfla t effective with tlU scfwfJJstic ytllr 6etJinning StptemDer, 1!J57, tlU tuition f ur rfay scfwo{ stutfents will 6e $ 750 arul for rfarmitury stutUnts, $17()(), 60th oj which may 6e paUl in five payments. March 12, 1993

Undergraduate Tuition Full Tune $12,120

Room Fees Residence Halls 1-13 $3.570 Residence Halls 14 & 15 $3.570 Residence Hall 16 $3.697 Townhouse, Single $4,4S 1 Townhouse. $4,397

Meal Plans Jennifer Speicher Jennffer Mills 19 Meals $2.645 Games Director, Assistant Games Director Special Olympics '93 15 Meals $2,557 Special Olympics '93 $2,472 9 Meals Julia Arouchon For twelve years now, tbc games who can contribute, due to the fact and Marguerite Phm,ps have been organized and hosuxi by the Special Olympics event was Total Estimated Coots Archway SraffWrilers students. The organization and di­ eliminated Crom the Swdenl Acti vi­ Freshman $IS.335 recting of Special Olympics is a big lies budget. Fortunately. the Uppen:Iassmen-wl meal plan $IS,335 Two senior marketing majors, responsibility. Speicher, of Fundraising Commillee has been Uppen:Iassmcn-wlo meal plan $16,517 Jennifer Speicber. and Jennifer Killingworth, cr has been named successful in raising the money. Mills, have been selected to direct Games Director, and Mills will be SI,500 is needed to start me activi­ Commuter $12,120 the Northern Rbode Island SpeciaJ the Assistant Games Director. ties ofC righL Olympics that will lake place on As Director, Speicher will help This is the third year that Speicher Saturday. May 8. plan and facil itale with the adminis­ has been involved wilh the Special Special Olympics is a spans tration. In addition. she is in charge Olympics, Since high school, Oxlord Debate training program and an athletic of making sure that aU volunteers, Speicher has been inlereSted and competition for mentally handi­ perform their jobs effcctively. Tra­ involved in the program. Sbe feels capped children and adults. This ditional ly, the (raternities and so­ an immense sense of accomplisb­ Returns to Bryant year. the event is expeCted to draw roritieson campushavevoluntecred, ment working with Special Olym­ in an excess of 1.500 competilors but tbey try to get everyone on cam­ piCS. She remarked, "It is really Julia Arouchon Cor the debate !han they have been and fans to Bryan t. TIle entire cam­ pus involved. satisfying 10 be helping alben," Archway Staff Writer in recent years. pus is welcome to become in \'0" '00. Speicher says that she and Mills Meetings for the event will be 1beBryantdebatersarecunenl1y either by joining the planning c:om­ will need financial assislDtlce from belden Wednesdays, 9pm, in Room Bryant will host its sixth annual working on gathering information. mittces. orjusl by coming to walCh. local businesses, and anyone else 2B, All are welcome to attend. Oxford Debale sponsored by !be Gary CasagJ1Ulde from Ibe Debate Student Programming Board and Society is assisting the leam. the Debate Society on Wednesday. "This years debate should be as March 31 at 7:30pm in the Papiuo Cunnyas last years, but il should be Dining Room.. more rational," says Casagrande. On March 29, the Third Annual Matjorie Burgoyne French Four Oxford Debaters will

~2--THE-=-AR~c~H=w~A-y------<=>J>Il\fI<=>l\f------·~TH==u7.R~s=D~A7Y~,~MAR~~C~H~275,~1799~3 olll1e Sexes We Are People Too! The history of women is the history of prejudice. To the Editor: I personally do not agree with the setting aside of a month to celebrate black history. Thos month also hap­ During Women's History Month, the achievements of From the viewpoinl of an Mrican-American, I can pens to be the sbortest month of the year. There should be women are emphasized which gives people a truly say that it hurts to see thai a person can be so a Mulicuilural Year; thaI way, no one is Jeft ool ignornnl and naive. I'm West Indian (Virgin Islands), I would just like to end with this quote from Spot-Il different perspective of history. and was able to learn about the many prominent black Edocation: Women are not the only subjects of prejudice. Many leaders in history. However, here on the "mainland," "Ign

no. Alehtt., ill 00ftlP0...:I ~ doILoIg l1lc.Uon or. tt>o_ 01 tile III~ _ dio "'" -"y ,ell..:I ...... 01l1lle by !he Eg '.IH ...... be otJtelMd by conr.ctltlg '1)w-.r,0I!1ce ~-"*bu.In ...... attend. day>. at n... ~..,. ""leis ~Ip In \he CoIutrt>I. S<:hooItotrIc '"- ~1I1on, I'- """'~ 2. Editorial board meetings are held on 4, All written material m.Jst be saved 6. letters to the Editor must be signed ,,-~ PubI_."-'>ddon,II.""""""'"CcIIoog"~ _!I>I ~CoIIegI.M. Thursdayevenlngs et 5:30 pmJn Meeting on e 3.5' dis!< in an acceptable formal and r.ctude the writer's telephone ntJI'T'ber. Room 3 of the Bryoot Center. and include the wrtter ', name and tslB­ Names may be withheld upon feqll9St. 0IfIcn ... loc:.Ie