Dixie Network -Comprising WDXI Jack- Farm '& Rome Radio

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Dixie Network -Comprising WDXI Jack- Farm '& Rome Radio REGIONAL NETWORKS WATT Cadillac; WATZ Alpena; WMBN Waynesboro, WHYL Carlisle, both Penn.; KFMO Flat River, KWOS Jefferson City, Petosky: WATC Gaylord. Headquarters: WELD Fisher, W.Va. Headquarters: Box KTCB Malden, KRMO Monett, KBTN Neo- Paul Bunyan Bldg., Traverse City. Wind- 605 Winchester, Va. Mohawk 2 -4856. Mrs. sho, KSMO Salem, KDRO Sedalia, KWPM sor 7 -7675. Les Biederman, pres & gen Marion Lewis, pres. Represented by Spot West Plains, KDMO Carthage, KCGM mgr; Robert E. Detwiler, coml mgr; Wil- Time Sales. Columbia, KREI Farmington, WMBH Jop- liam H. Kiker chief engr. Represented lin, KWLT Lebanon, KNIM Maryville, nationally by Venard, Torbet & McCon- Hildreth Radio & Television Network - KLRS Mt. Grove, KNEM Nevada, KLID nell. Comprising WABI -AM -TV Bangor, WAGM- Poplar Bluff, KCLU Rolla, KICK Spring_ AM-TV Presque Isle, WPOR Portland, all field, KALM Thayer, KJPW Waynesville, California Farm Network - Comprising Maine. Headquarters: 35 Hildreth St., KIJKU Willow Springs, KGHM Brookfield, KFI Los Angeles, KFBK Sacramento. Bangor, Me. Bangor, 947 -8321. Walter L. KGMO Cape Girardeau, KCHI Chillicothe, KGO San Francisco, KBEE Modesto, KMJ Dickson, exec vp; Robert J. Gold, nati sales KDFN Doniphan. KFTW Fredericktown. Fresno, KPMC Bakersfield, KXO El Cen- mgr. Represented nationally by George P. KBTC Houston, KMIS Portageville, IiYRO tro, KOMY Watsonville, KTOB Petaluma. Hollingbery Co.; in New England states Potosi, KSGM Ste. Genevieve, KUSN St. Headquarters: 2855 Telegraph Ave., Ber- by Kettelt- Carter Inc. Joseph, KLPW Union, KOKO Warrens- keley 5, Calif. Thornwall 3- 9600. Milton burg, KWRE Warrenton. Arkansas- - L. Levy. mgr; Hal Sparks, radio dir. Illinois Radio Network -Comprised of 14 KHOZ stations in Illinois. Headquarters: 35 East KVEE Conway, KCCB Corning, California Pacüto Network -Comprising 1, Ill. Central 6- Harrison, KTCA Marked Tree, KTLO Mt. KUDE Oceanside, KWIZ Santa Ana, Wacker Drive, Chicago Home, KPOC Pocahontas, KWCB Searcy, KPRL Paso Robles, KSLY San Luis Obis- 1498. William J. Nolan, pres. KBRS Springdale KRLW Walnut Ridge, po, KDB Santa Barbara, KSMA Santa Intermountain Network Utah Group: KBTO El Dorado, KFAY Fayetteville. Maria, XEMO Tijuana (San Diego). Head- KALL Salt Lake City, KLO- Ogden; KOVO KNEA Jonesboro, KBRS .Paragould, quarters: 6331 Hollywood Blvd. , Holly- Provo, KVNU Logan, KOAL Price, KSVC KAMO Rogers, KIJOA Siloam Springs, wood. Reg Streeter (KSLY), bd chmn. Richfield, KVEL Vernal, KURA Moab, KWAK Stuttgart, KWYN Wynne. Kansas KUTA Blanding /Monticello. Wyoming -KCRB Chanute, KALN Iola, KSEK CBS Radio New England Network-Com- Group: KLUK Evanston, KVRS Rock I'ittsburg, KMDO Ft. Scott, KLEC Par- prising WEEI Boston, WBRK Pittsfield, Springs, KOVE Lander, KVOC Casper, sons. Oklahoma -NGLC Miami, KTLO WMAS Springfield, WHAI Greenfield, KPOW Powell, KWYO Sheridan, KRAL Tahlequah, KVIN Vinita, KOLS Pryor. WI-GM Fitchburg, WNEB Worcester, all Rawlins, FBC Cheyenne, KOWB Lara- Headquarters: 1718 Meadowmere, Spring- Mass.; WKNE Keene, WEMJ Laconia, mie, KYCN Wheatland, KASL Newcastle, field. Mo. TU 1 -4114. M. Richard Bradley, WKXL Concord, all N. H.; WINE Hart- KIML Gillette, KBBS Buffalo. Idaho gen mgr. ford- Manchester, WBRY Waterbury. both Group: KWIK Pocatello, KIFI Idaho Conn.; WEAN Providence, R. I.; WLOB Falls, KLIX Twin Falls, KGEM Boise, Maine Broadcasting System-Comprising Portland, WGHM Wat erville-Skowhegan, WCSH Portland, WLBZ Bangor. WRDO KBRV Soda Springs. Montana Group: 579 St., both Maine; WSNO Barre, WKVT Brattle- KBMY Billings, KATL Miles City, KPRK Augusta. Headquarters: Congress boro, both Vt. 182 Tremont St., Boston. Livingston, KOPR Butte, KBLL Helena, Portland 3, Me. William H. Rives, pres; Thomas Y. Gorman, gen mgr; Robert Sin - Jack S. Atwood, vp & gen mgr; Benjamin KXLO Lewistown, KMON Great Falls, A. mgr. Represented nett, sales mgr. Represented by CBS Ra- KYSS Missoula, KXXL Bozeman, KGEZ Hubley, asst gen dio Spot Sales. Kalispell, KDBM Dillon, KOJM Havre, nationally by Robert E. Eastman & Co. KNEE Northeastern representative: Nona Kirby CMS Radio Pacific Network -Comprising KLTZ Glasgow. Nebraska Group: Co. KNX Los Angeles, KCBS San Francisco, Scottsbluff. Colorado Group: KBTR Den- KFRE Fresno KFMB San Diego, KFBK ver, KGHF Pueblo, KOIW Alamosa, KVRH Market Basket Group (Minnesota) -KBMO Sacramento, KCMJ Palm Springs, KERN Salida, KLMR Lamar. KGEK Sterling, Benson, KLFD Litchfield, KMRS Morris, Bakersfield, KHSL Chico, KVCV Redding, KBZZ La Junta, KCRT Trinidad, KCOL KDIO Ortonville, KDOM Windom. Repre- KINS Eureka, KBEE Modesto, all Cali- Fort Collins, KYOIJ Greeley, KVOR Colo_ sented nationally by Dean & Slaughter, fornia; KERG Eugene, KFLW Klamath rado Springs, KRLN Canon City, KEXO 502 National Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minn. Falls, KYJC Medford, KOIN Portland, Grand Junction, KVFC Cortez, KDGO Federal 3 -2229. Bob Zellner, group director. KRNR Roseburg, all Oregon; KGA Spo- Durango, KFTM Fort Morgan, KBOL kane, KIRO Seattle, KREW Sunnyside, Boulder. Nevada Group: KORK Las Vegas, Mid-South Network - Comprising WCBI KIJJ Walla Walla, all Washington; KRLC KELK Elko. New Mexico Group: KENN Columbus, WELO Tupelo, WMOX Meridi- Lewiston, Idaho. Headquarters: 6121 Sun- Farmington, New Mexico Supplementary an, WROX Clarksdale, WNAG Grenada, set Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Hollywood Group: KDEF Albuquerque, KPBM Carls- WONA Winona, all Mississippi. Head- 9 -1212. Robert P. Sutton, vp & gen mgr; bad, KCLV Clovis, KYVA Gallup, KHOB quarters: WELO Tupelo. 842 -7658. Bob James W. Ingraham, gen ais mgr, Repre- Hobbs, KGRT Las Cruces, KRSN Los Evans, gen mgr. Represented nationally sented by CBS Radio Spot Sales. Alamos, KBIM Roswell, KTRC Santa Fe, by M. A. Sales Co. KSIL Silver City. Main Office: 146 S. Main Central South Carolina Radio Network St., Salt Lake City with branch office at Mid-State PM Network of Michigan - Comprising WCOS Columbia, WDIX Or-- 1089 Bannock St., Denver, Colo. Officers: Comprising WABX Detroit, WGMZ Flint, angeburg, WFIG Sumter, WKDK New- George C. Hatch, chmn of bd: Lynn L. WQDC Midland and WSWM East Lansing. berry all South Carolina. Headquarters: Meyer, pres; Jack Paige, exec vp; W. John P. McGoff, pres; Dusty Rhodes, gen WCOS Columbia, George H. Buck Jr., gen engrg dir; Charlie Vais, mgr; Francis Martin, als mgr. Headquar- D'Orr Cozzens, 289, mgr. - Represented nationally by The gen mgr. branch office. National represen- tens: P. O. Box East Lansing. Phone Meeker Co. tation by Edward Petry & Co. Inc., except ED 7 -1318. Herb Groskin AÁeoc., national the New Mexico Supplementary Group. rep. Connecticut State Network -Comprising Iowa State University Radio Concert Net- WSTC Stamford, WNAB Bridgeport, Montana Metropolitan Markets _ Group WNHC New Haven, WATR Waterbury, work- Comprising WOI Ames, KFBQ Comprising KBMY Billings, KMON Great- WTOR Torrington WRAY New Britain, Boone, KBUR Burlington. KFJB Marshall- Falls, KOPR Butte, all Montana. Head - town, KSIB Creston, KDPS (FM) Des 146 Lake City. WICH Norwich. Headquarters: WHAY, Moines, KWMT Ft. Dodge, KCHE Chero- quarters: S. Main St., Salt 22 Grove Hill, New Britain, Conn. Bald- KROS KMCD Lynn L. Meyer, sales mgr. Represented win 3 -2721. Edmund Waller, WTOR, pres; kee, KWBG Boone. Clinton. nationally by Edward Petry & Co. Inc. Charles Bell, WHAY, vp. Represented by Fairfield KGLO Mason City, KCIM Car- New England Spot Sales Inc., Mort Bas- roll, KCUI Pella, KRIB Mason City, National Spanish Language Network - sett & Co. KWAR (FM) Waverly, KVFD Ft. Dodge. Comprising KWKW Pasadena -Los An- KWWL Waterloo and KDSN Denison, all geles, KGST Fresno, both Calif.; KABQ Denver Metropolitan Markets Group Iowa. Headquarters: Iowa State Universi- Albuquerque, N.M. XEHF Nogales, KIFN Comprising KBTR Denver, KVOR Colo-- ty (WOI), Ames. Phoenix, KEVT Tucson all Artz: KLVI rado Springs, KGHF Pueblo, all Colorado. Ivy Network of College Stations -Com- Houston, KCCT Corpus Christi, KUNA San Headquarters: 146 S. Main St., Salt Lake prising WYBC New Haven (Yale), WBRU Antonio, all Texas; XEGM Tijuana (San City 1, Utah. Lynn L. Meyer, sales mgr. Providence (Brown), WPRB Princeton Diego), XEJ Juarez (El Paso), XEO Represented nationally by Edward Petry (Princeton), WVBR Ithaca (Cornell), Matamoros (Brownsville), XEOR Reynosa & Co. Inc. WKCR New York (Columbia), WXPN (McAllen), all Mexico; KAPI Pueblo, Philadelphia (U. of Penn), WHRB Cam- KFSC Denver, both Colo.; XEAS Laredo, Dixie Network -Comprising WDXI Jack- bridge (Harvard), WDCR Hanover (Dart- Texas; KLOK San Jose, Calif.; WSBC son, WENK Union City, WTPR Paris, mouth). Headquarters: 242 -A Yale Sta- Chicago, Ill.; WSOL Tampa, WMIE Miami, WDXE Lawrenceburg, WDXN Clarksville, tion, New Haven, Conn. State 7 -0711. E. both Fla.; WTEL Philadelphia, Penna. all Tennessee, and WCMA Corinth, Missis- Hoy McConnell II, gen mgr. Arthur Gordon, Harlan G. Oakes, dire. sippi. Headquarters: Williams Building, Lark Network- Comprising KUZN West Represented nationally by National Time Jackson, Tennessee. Aaron B. Robinson Monroe, KCKW Jena, KMAR Winnsboro, Sales (New York, Chicago); Harlan G. Jr., pres; J. Kenneth Marston. executive KRUS Ruston, KVCL Winnfield. KWCL Oakes & Assoc (LA & SF);. Bernard I. vice -pres & gen mgr. Represented by Oak Grove, all Louisiana; KAGH Crossett Ochs Co. (Atlanta). Grant Webb Co., nationally; Beaver & As- and KDMS El Dorado. both Arkansas. sociates, regionally. Represented by Grant Webb & Co. New England FM Group- Comprising Laurel Radio Network -- Comprising WGHF Brookfield, WEMI Meriden, both Farm '& Rome Radio -Comprising KXXX
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