Journal of Pediatric Neurology 2003; 1(1): 9-14

REVIEW ARTICLE Aggression, rage and dyscontrol in neurological of children

Jayaprakash A. Gosalakkal

University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicestershire and Warwick Medical School, Leicester, U.K.

Abstract that aggression has a neuroanatomic and chemical basis, that developmental and acquired brain Behavioral neurology has been bridging disorders contribute to recurrent interpersonal the gap between neurology and psychiatry in violence, that both biologic and sociologic factors children. There are several neuropsychiatric are involved, and that to ignore either is to invite disorders of children in which aggression is a error (2). dominant symptom. Both global disorders like There are several neuropsychiatric disorders attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well of children in which aggression is a dominant as localized dysfunction of the brain may lead symptom e.g. Lesch-Nyhan , Prader-Willi to aggression. A number of neurometabolic syndrome etc (Tables 1 and 2). Self-mutilation has disorders as well as post-epileptic and post- been seen in 15% of institutionalized mentally surgical states may present with aggression retarded patients (3). Physical and verbal aggression in children. Drugs are sometimes effective may also be a symptom of frontal lobe in especially in combination with a multimode children in association with other psychological approach. In this review some of the more deficits (4). Rage outbursts and increased aggression common causes for aggression in neurologically have been noted to occur in higher rates in children impaired children, the associated co-morbidities with temporal lobe epilepsy (5). and treatment are discussed. (J Pediatr Neurol Aggression can be seen both in previously 2003; 1(1): 9-14). normal children who develop pathology following an acute injury (e.g. head injury) and then become Key words: neuropsychiatric disorder, impaired child. unable to control their behavior and in adolescents in whom aggression is a manifestation of long Introduction standing antisocial personality or conduct disorder.

Behavioral neurology has been bridging the gap Brain lesions and behavior between neurology and psychiatry in children. A number of behavioral problems are presented to The role of the amygdala in the neural basis for the child neurologist as a primary or secondary aggression has been well known. Animal studies symptom in the normal or developmentally delayed indicate that stimulation of the lateral and medial child. One of the more common behavioral problems hypothalamus result in different types of aggression seen in children is aggression and dyscontrol. A (6). Plotnik (7) divided aggression based on the pure biological model for aggression and dyscontrol relationship between stimulus and behavior and may have ethical and legal implications (1). argued against attributing aggressive behaviors to Neuroscientists and clinicians have demonstrated direct involvement of specific anatomical sites. In the first type stimulus produced direct aggression and in the second type stimulus produced direct aggression and in the second type stimulus to the relevant brain area produced an initial noxious Correspondence: Jayaprakash A. Gosalakkal, M.D., reaction, which lead to aggressive behavior. The Consultant Pediatric Neurologist, CDC /Windsor Building Leicester Royal Infirmary relationship between specific neuroanatomic sites Leicester LE1 5WW, United Kingdom. and aggressive behavior is complex. Most human Fax: 0 11 62 58 76 37. studies of aggression are based on ictal aggression E-mail: [email protected] and amelioration with surgery. Trieman (8) points Received: February 28, 2003. Revised: April 8, 2003. out that cerebral stimulation as part of evaluation for Accepted: April 21, 2003. epilepsy surgery rarely led to aggressive behavior.

Aggression in children J A Gosalakkal 10

Table 1. Disordes which may present with aggression in Table 2. Neurometabolic diseases which may present as children aggression

Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome Huntington Post surgical states Wilson disease Acute confusional states Lafora disease Post ictal states Acute intermittent porphria Following an acute injury (e.g. head injury) Hartnup disease Diseases of the hypothalamus Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Episodic dyscontrol or rage attacks Ictal aggression (rare) behavior. The relationship between specific with 58% of the patients meeting criteria neuroanatomic sites and aggressive behavior is for the affective subtype of aggression and complex. Most human studies of aggression are 30.5% having the predatory aggression subtype. based on ictal aggression and amelioration with Unaffected siblings demonstrated low rates of surgery. Trieman (8) points out that cerebral psychiatric pathology on semi structured parental stimulation as part of evaluation for epilepsy interview and no aggression as measured by the surgery rarely led to aggressive behavior. Vitiello Aggression Scale.

Aggression as a clinical manifestation of Episodic dyscontrol or rage attacks neurological disorders Children often come to neurological attention when they suddenly develop a temper tantrum, Global disorders which is out of character for the child’s’ personality. Attention deficit disorder may be taken as a The attacks may appear suddenly and explosively prototype of a global disorder with aggression as and consist of uncontrolled behaviors such as a manifestation or co morbidity. Follow up studies hitting, biting, kicking, and throwing objects around of children with this disorder have shown a high the room. Afterwards the child may be completely incidence of delinquent behavior and explosive amnesic to the event or may show remorse. There is personality disorder (9). Approximately 75 % of usually no prolonged post-ictal like phase (15). hyperactive children have some form of discipline Mark and Ervin (16) argued that the dyscontrol problem including aggressive and destructive syndrome was a product of limbic dysfunction and behavior (10). A profile characterized by behavioral that many patients improved on anticonvulsants. and cognitive impulsivity and emotional labiality Some children with complex partial do may indicate a greater likelihood of the progression exhibit episodic dyscontrol interictally. There is an to adult antisocial behavior and violent impulse- increased incidence of rage attacks in children with control disorders (11). Aggression may also be a attention deficit disorder and temporal and frontal manifestation of metabolic conditions, post surgical lobe injury. states, acute confusional states and post ictal states. Ictal and interictal aggression Localized brain dysfunction Ictal acts of aggression are rare in children. It Aggressive behavior in mentally handicapped is unprovoked and usually not directed towards an children may be mediated through the frontal individual and cannot usually be modified during lobe. Children with head injury or cerebral the event. In a multicenter study involving 5400 tumors involving the frontal lobe especially may patients of varying age it was observed that only manifest aggression. Orbitofrontal injuries result 19 patients displayed aggressive behavior during in a disinhibition syndrome while rage is a more seizures (17). Resistive violence is more common common manifestation of dorsolateral prefrontal than ictal aggression. This happens when attempts damage (12). The involvement of the hypothalamus are made the patient reacts with aggression. in a range of pathological conditions may lead to It is difficult to always attribute interictal rage reactions. This is most often seen in infiltrative aggression to the epilepsy itself. Both epilepsy and diseases of the hypothalamus. Stereotactic abnormal behavior may be related to brain intervention into the posterior hypothalamus gives malfunction. Children with epilepsy may be satisfactory results for controlling both aggressive, subjected to ridicule and rejection leading to low violent behavioral disorders and intractable pain self-esteem and potential behavioral abnormalities. (13). Weissenberger et al. (14) in a study of 12 Children reared in emotionally and financially children with hypothalamic hemartoma and gelastic impoverished environments are more likely to suffer seizures noticed significant rates of aggression, from neurological disorders and the aggressiveness

Aggression in children J A Gosalakkal 11 may not be related to the epilepsy per se. behaviour is not especially common in cognitively impaired children. Environmental factors, over Aggression as a manifestation of protection by caregivers etc may sometimes lead to neurometabolic disease low frustration threshold and aggressive outbursts in such children. The behaviour may also be a reflection In general, any organic condition that produces of the patient’s life experience rather than true cortical dysfunction could present with psychiatric organicity. Physical pain may arouse the aggressive symptomatology. The full range and incidence of impulse and may be non-directed aggression in neuropsychiatric manifestations are poorly studied the developmentally delayed child. Grizenko et al. for most of these diseases. In most instances, rarity (22) in a study of 176 mentally retarded individuals of these conditions precludes any one clinic from found that the severity of behaviour disturbance collecting a large enough patient base to assess the did not vary with age or . The full range of manifestation. At present, because it moderately retarded subjects presented with more is often not possible to associate a specific cognitive severe behaviour problems, such as aggression, than and behavioral profile with a specific metabolic the severely mentally retarded subjects. They found disease, a staged metabolic assessment is indicated that the variable most predictive of behavioural in children displaying any of the specific historical problems was etiology of the disorder. Individuals features or clinical signs previously noted (18). with Down syndrome had significantly fewer In a number of neurometabolic diseases behaviour disturbances and those with and behavioral abnormalities including aggression may pervasive had significantly precede neurological signs. It is important to be more behaviour disturbances than other subjects. alert to the possibility that behavioral changes may herald the onset of a number of metabolic diseases Impulsivity, conduct disorders and aggression and that subtle organic signs must be looked for and The manifestations of impulsive behaviour appropriate investigations done in the right context in such as personality disorders, (19). Sudden onset of aggression in the presence attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of cognitive decline should make one consider and in substance abuse may be different (23). Many these conditions. These group of diseases include different biological systems have been proposed to Huntington chorea, Wilson disease, Lafora disease, contribute to the neurobiological basis of impulsivity. acute intermittent porphria, Hartnup disease and The serotonergic neurotransmitter system and many others. The aggression in these patients may the frontal lobes have been proposed to play an be a part of a psychotic episode. In Lesch-Nyhan important role in regulating impulsivity, although it syndrome patients may express aggression towards unclear how specific this is. None of this biological anyone in the vicinity. Patients may strike out, knowledge has yet led to reliable pharmacotherapy spit at others and demonstrate verbal aggression. for excessive impulsivity and, as yet, there is little Self-mutilation and aggressive behavior may also understanding of the mechanisms by which those be seen in neuroacanthocytosis in association drugs, which have been found empirically to have with choreiform orofacial dyskinesia, obsessive- some efficacy (e.g. the psychomotor stimulants in compulsive disorder and acanthocytes in peripheral ADHD), exert their therapeutic effect. blood. The primary diagnostic features of conduct disorder include aggression, theft, vandalism, Role of serotonin in aggression violations of rules and/or lying. For a diagnosis, these behaviours must occur for at least a six- Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which is widely month period. Conduct disorder has a multifactorial distributed in the central nervous system. The main etiology that includes biologic, psychosocial and nuclei containing serotonin are the raphe nucleus familial factors. The differential diagnosis of of the brainstem. There is some indication conduct disorder includes oppositional defiant thatseretonin may inhibit aggression. Low levels of disorder, ADHD, mood disorder and intermittent 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid the principle metabolite explosive disorder (24). Many of these children of seratonin have been demonstrated in the with these disorders of dyscontrol may present to cerebrospinal fluid of patients with aggression (20). the pediatrician or child neurologist. High novelty There is still controversy as to the specificity of this seeking in these children and low harm avoidance correlation and it has been suggested that it may be were significantly correlated with externalizing a marker for general loss of control (21). symptoms like aggression and delinquency (25).

Aggression in the developmentally delayed Other disorders of dyscontrol child There are several other disorders, which may Contrary to widespread belief aggressive be considered as disorders of dyscontrol. These Aggression in children J A Gosalakkal 12

Table 3. Some drugs used in the treatment of aggression found a significant reduction in aggression, rating of much improved or very much improved on the Lithium CGI-I (Clinical Global Impressions Scale) was 69 Valproate percent in the risperidone group and 12 percent in Carbamazepine the placebo group. Levetriacetam Clonidine Luiselli et al. (31) in an open label trial in a Risperidone patient with autism and aggression evaluated Propranolol an anticonvulsant (clonazepam), beta-blocking Sertraline (propranolol), and antidepressant (sertraline and Clomipramine clomipramine). They obtained clinically significant reductions in aggressive behavior with the include obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia administration of clomipramine and the reductive nervosa, trichotillomania, pyromania etc (26). effects from the medication persisted for 1.7 years. These conditions will not be discussed further in this review. Lithium

Drug treatment of aggression Although some knowledge has been gained concerning indications, therapeutic dose range, Several drugs are apparently effective in and safety of lithium in aggressive children and treating pathologic anger and aggression (Table adolescents with conduct disorder, only a few 3). One needs to be careful in inferring efficacy double blind and placebo-controlled studies have of a particular drug in aggressive patients with been conducted (32). Malone et al. (33) conducted neuropsychiatric conditions (27). Antipsychotic such a study in children and adolescents with severe agents appear to be effective in conduct-disordered aggression and found lithium is a safe and effective children. Psychostimulants seem to be effective in short-term treatment for aggression in patients with reducing aggressiveness in brain-injured patients as conduct disorder, although its use is associated with well as in violent adolescents with oppositional or adverse effects. Lithium appears to be an effective conduct disorders. treatment of aggression among nonepileptic, mentally retarded and handicapped patients, and Anticonvulsants among conduct-disordered children with explosive behavior. The use of anticonvulsants like carbamazepine in aggressive disorders is based on the premise Beta blockers that there is an ambiguous relationship between epilepsy and aggression. However, there are reports Connor et al. (34) in study of twelve patients of patients with and without electroencephalograpy showed that overt categorical aggression presenting changes responding to the animal studies. The in developmentally delayed children, adolescents, efficacy of these drugs in patients without a seizure and young adults may respond to nadolol treatment. disorder, however, remains to be established, with the Studies have shown beneficial effect with other exception perhaps of valproate and carbamazepine. beta-blockers like proponolol in aggressive episodes In a recent study of ten male autistic children etc (35). Rugino et al. (28) showed that levetiracetam might The usefulness of clonidine in the treatment reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood instability, of pathologic aggression has not been assessed and aggression. adequately, and only marginal benefits were observed with this drug in irritable autistic and Neuroleptics conduct disorder children. These are just a few of the many drugs used in the treatment of childhood Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic aggression and the reader may find more information drug that blocks dopamine as well as serotonin in psychopharmacology literature. Studies on receptorsystems. There are reports of its efficacy various agents are only beginning to accumulate. in treating aggression in general and it may be Given the role of both biological and social factors effective for severe aggression in adolescents with in the development of aggression, multimodal disruptive behavior disorders and sub average treatment may ultimately provide maximal benefits intelligence (29). McCracken et al. (30) conducted (36). a multisite, randomized, double-blind trial ofrisperidone as compared with placebo for the Non-pharmacological intervention in aggression treatment of autistic disorder accompanied by severe, aggression in children 5 to 17 years old It is important that whenever possible Aggression in children J A Gosalakkal 13 behavioural modification and non-drug treatment References be considered. These may include such simple 1. Stein DJ. Is impulsive aggression a disorder of the measures as reassurance, looking for sources of individual or social ill? A matter of metaphor. Biol pain in the developmentally delayed population Psychiatry 1994; 36: 353-355. etc. The need for reactive behavioural management 2. Elliott FA. Violence. The neurologic contribution: an strategies for aggressive behaviours in adults with overview. Arch Neurol 1992; 49: 595-603. intellectual has been clearly established, 3. Moriarty J. 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