KEYS TO COMPLIANCE 4 to 4.8 perimeter : Grab bars are required to be at a height of 33 to 100 – 120 36 inches. A117.1 and 2010 Standards measure to the top of the graspable surface. Graphics in ADAAG and earlier editions of A117.1 showed this measurement 1¼ – 2 2 max to the center of the bar. 32 – 51 51 : It is critical that the distance between the bar and wall does not exceed 1½ inches. If the gap is , reproduced with permission

larger, the arm of a user might slip into ® the gap during the transfer. Of similar importance © ICC is the 1¼-inch to 2-inch maximum diameter (1½-inch maximum in ADAAG) required for circular grab bars. Figure 16 Handrail cross section {505.7} : : Noncircular grab bars are permitted to provide a New to the 2003 edition of A117.1 is a vertical grab 2-inch cross section dimension and a 4.8-inch maxi- bar required to be located 39 to 41 inches from the mum perimeter (Figure 16). wall behind the water closet and 39 to 41 inches above the fl oor.

IBC 1109 ASSEMBLY AND MERCANTILE OCCUPANCIES Code Points Assembly and Mercantile Occupancies [ In assembly and mercantile occupancies (or portions IBC/A117.1 2010 Standards ADAAG of assembly and mercantile occupancies), where an aggregate of six (6) or more men’s and women’s water IBC 1109.2.1 N/A N/A closets are required, the IBC ® requires an additional IBC 1109.2.1.4 unisex (family) room. This additional accessible Delmar/Cengage Learning toilet room cannot be located more than 500 feet away from or more than one fl oor above or below rooms.


Code Points [ If the water closet is wall mounted, the required depth [ In toilet rooms where compartments (stalls) are is 56 inches. provided, a wheelchair-accessible compartment is [ If the water closet is fl oor mounted, the required depth required. is 59 inches (Figure 18). [ Wheelchair-accessible compartments are required to provide 60 inches of width (Figure 17). 1500 59 min 1420 58 min , reproduced with permission 60 min ®

1525 © ICC , reproduced with permission 60 min ®

1525 © ICC Figure 18 Wheelchair-accessible toilet compartment— fl oor-mounted water closet {604.8.2(b)} Figure 17 Wheelchair-accessible toilet compartment— wall-hung water closet {604.8.2(a)}


DESIGN SERVICES OF 37248_00_workbook_pi-58.indd 11 29/10/10 10:12 PM [ Grab bars around water closets within wheelchair- accessible compartments must comply with the CL general water closet section, A117.1 604.8.6. [ dispensers must be centered 7 to 9 inches in front of the water closet and 15 to 48 inches above the fl oor (Figure 19). 1525 60 min 38 1½ min

Section 609.3 C L 17 – 19 430 – 495

380 Section 604.2 15 min 1065 42 min , reproduced with permission ® 36 7 – 9 , reproduced with permission ® 180 – 230 © ICC 915 © ICC Figure 19 Dispenser location above grab bar {604.7(a)} Figure 21 Ambulatory compartment {604.9}

[ Toilet paper dispensers and other objects (trash recep- tacles) must not be located closer than 1½ inches below the parallel grab bar or 12 inches above the KEYS TO COMPLIANCE grab bar (Figure 20). : Illustrations of the ambulatory “stall” within Figure 30b of the original ADAAG led many to conclude that the required depth was 66 inches (if wall mounted) and 69 inches (if fl oor mounted). However, the addi- tional 6 and 9 inches of length was required only in instances when it was “technically infeasible” to 1½ provide a wheelchair-accessible compartment in 38 existing conditions. : The term “technically infeasible” means: “An altera-

305 tion of a building or a facility that has little likelihood 12 min of being accomplished because the existing struc- tural conditions require the removal or alteration of a load-bearing member that is an essential part of the 1½ min structural frame, or because other existing physical 38 or site constraints prohibit modifi cation or addition , reproduced with permission

® of elements, spaces or features which are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements © ICC for new construction and which are necessary to pro- vide accessibility.” Figure 20 Spacing of grab bar {609.3}

[ Ambulatory-accessible compartments are required by Accessible Compartments the IBC ® and 2010 Standards when there are 6 (six) or more water closets and in a toilet room. IBC/A117.1 2010 Standards ADAAG [ Ambulatory-accessible compartments are required to IBC 1109.2.2 213.3.1 4.1.2 (6); 4.22.4 provide 60 inches of length (Figure 21). [ A117.1 requires the width of an ambulatory compart- A117.1 604.8.2 604.8.1.1 4.17.3 ment to be 36 inches. A117.1 604.8.6 604.8.1.5 4.17.6 [ 2010 Standards permits a 35- to 37-inch width for an A117.1 604.9 604.8.2 4.22.4 ambulatory compartment. [ Doors on ambulatory compartments are required to A117.1 604.7 604.7 4.16.6 swing out. Delmar/Cengage Learning


DESIGN SERVICES OF 37248_00_workbook_pi-58.indd 12 29/10/10 10:12 PM A117.1 606 LAVATORIES AND MIRRORS Code Points 8 min [ The clear fl oor space required at accessible lavatories 205 is 30 by 48 inches (Figure 22).

17 min 430

9 min Clear 685 27 min 230 floor 760

30 min space

19 max 485 11 min 48 min 280

1220 Americans with Board, Access Courtesy of the United States Accessibility Act Guidelines (a) Elevation Figure 22 Clear fl oor space at lavatory

[ Both A117.1 and 2010 Standards permit the clear- ance to extend 25 inches beneath the lavatory, while ADAAG only permits 19 inches.

[ The height of the lavatory rim is required to be no 760 higher than 34 inches above the fl oor (Figure 23). 30 min

25 max 635 , reproduced with permission ® (b)

Plan © ICC

865 Figure 24 Lavatory clearances {306.2} 34 max , reproduced with permission ®


Figure 23 Height of lavatory {606.3} : The IBC, A117.1, and 2010 Standards permit doors to swing into the clear fl oor space of fi xtures for single- [ Please note that 34 inches is the maximum height user toilet rooms. ADAAG 4.22.2 does not permit doors even if the rim of the lavatory sits on top of the vanity. to swing into the clear fl oor space for any fi xture. [ Lavatories in public and common use areas are required to provide forward approach for wheelchair users. [ To achieve this, 27 inches of knee clearance must be provided beneath the apron of the lavatory. This 27-inch Lavatories and Mirrors knee clearance is illustrated in A117.1 Figure 306.3. IBC/A117.1 2010 Standards ADAAG [ The depth increases from 8 inches just below the lava- tory apron to 11 inches at the fl oor (Figure 24). A117.1 606.2 606.2 4.19.3 [ Faucet hardware must not require tight pinching, A117.1 606.3 606.3 4.19.2 turning, or twisting of the wrist to operate. [ ADAAG limits the depth of the lavatory to 6½ inches. A117.1 606.4 606.4 4.19.5 [ Water supply and drain pipes must be insulated or A117.1 606.6 606.5 4.19.4 otherwise confi gured to protect against contact. A117.1 603.3 603.3 4.19.6 & 4.22.6 [ If mirrors are provided, the refl ecting surface cannot exceed 40 inches or a wall-hung mirror must be pro- A117.1 603.2.3 603.2.3 4.22.2 vided within the toilet or . Delmar/Cengage Learning


DESIGN SERVICES OF 37248_00_workbook_pi-58.indd 13 29/10/10 10:12 PM A117.1 606.2 SINKS Code Points Sinks [ Sinks have the same requirements as lavatories, IBC/A117.1 2010 Standards ADAAG except that a parallel approach is permitted at sinks in kitchenettes that do not have a conventional range or A117.1 606.2 606.2 4.24.5 cooktop. Delmar/Cengage Learning

A117.1 605 URINALS Code Points [ ADAAG requires that where urinals are provided an accessible shall be provided. An accessible uri- nal is wall mounted or provides a rim no higher than 17 inches above the fi nished fl oor (Figures 25 and 26). [ IBC ® and 2010 Standards make an exception to pro- viding an accessible urinal if only one urinal is in the 17 max toilet room. 430 , reproduced with permission ® © ICC

Figure 26 Urinal—wall hung {605.2(a)}

Urinals IBC/A117.1 2010 Standards ADAAG IBC 1109.2 213.3.3 4.22.5 & 4.23.5 Exception 4 A117.1 605.2 605.2 4.18.2 , reproduced with permission

® Delmar/Cengage Learning © ICC

Figure 25 Urinal—stall type {605.2(b)}

IBC 1109.2 BATHING FACILITIES Code Points institutional occupancies), accessible bathing fi xtures [ In locker rooms, and in units required to be acces- are required. [ sible (i.e., accessible units, hotels, dormitories, hos- Accessible must provide a 60-inch turn or pitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and T-turn as described above.

A117.1 607 BATHTUBS

Code Points [ The lower grab bar is required to be installed 9 inches [ Bathtubs in the aforementioned occupancies are above the rim of the bathtub. [ required to provide grab bars. The location of grab bars The higher grab bar must be within the range of 33 to is critical for people with disabilities to be able to trans- 36 inches above the fl oor (measured to the top of the fer into the bathtub. graspable surface). [ The grab bar installation options vary depending on whether the bathtub has a permanent or remov- able seat.


DESIGN SERVICES OF 37248_00_workbook_pi-58.indd 14 29/10/10 10:12 PM GRAB BAR INSTALLATION— GRAB BAR INSTALLATION— BATHTUBS WITH BATHTUBS WITHOUT PERMANENT SEATS PERMANENT SEATS • Two horizontal grab bars shall be provided on the • Two horizontal grab bars shall be provided on the back (long) wall. ADAAG specifi es a 48-inch mini- back (long) wall. mum length, while A117.1 and 2010 Standards do not • Each horizontal grab bar shall be 24 inches minimum specify the length but give the starting and stopping in length, located 24 inches maximum from the points (Figure 27). end wall and extending to 12 inches maximum from the control end wall. • A horizontal grab bar 24 inches minimum in length shall be provided on the control end wall beginning near the front edge of the bathtub and extending toward the

455 inside corner of the bathtub (Figures 28 and 29). 18 min 3 – 6 75 – 150 9 230 455 , reproduced with permission 33 – 36 ® 18 min 840 – 915 Section 609.4 © ICC 3 – 6 75 – 150 Figure 27a Grab bar elevations for bathtub 9 with permanent seat {607.4.1(a)} 230

12 max 15 max , reproduced with permission 33 – 36 ® 305 380 840 – 915 Section 609.4 Back wall © ICC

Figure 28 Grab bar elevations for bathtub without permanent seat {607.4.2(a)} Head 610 end wall 24 min Control end wall , reproduced with permission ® 4 max 12 max 24 min 24 max

100 (b) Plan © ICC 305 610 610 Back wall Figure 27b Grab bar plan for bathtub with permanent seat {607.4.1(b)} Head Control End Wall Grab Bars end wall

610 12 min 24 min Control

• A horizontal grab bar 24 inches minimum in length end wall 305

shall be provided on the control end wall beginning , reproduced with permission ® near the front edge of the bathtub and extend toward 4 max the inside corner of the bathtub. 100 (b) Plan © ICC • New to the 2003 edition of A117.1 is a vertical grab bar required in bathtubs with and without permanent seats. Figure 29 Grab bar plan for bathtub without • The vertical grab bar must be a minimum 18 inches permanent seat {607.4.2(b)} long, placed on the control end wall 3 inches mini- mum to 6 inches maximum above the horizontal grab bar and 4 inches maximum inward from the front edge of the bathtub.

A117.1 610 SEATS

Code Points [ If the choice is to provide a removable in-tub seat, [ If the bathtub has a permanent seat it is required to it is also required to be 17 inches minimum to be located on the head end of the bathtub, 17 inches 19 inches maximum above the bathroom fl oor (mea- minimum to 19 inches maximum above the bathroom sured to the top of the seat). Removable in-tub seats fl oor (measured to the top of the seat), and 15 inches shall be 15 inches minimum and 16 inches maxi- minimum in depth extending from the back wall to or mum in depth. beyond the outer edge of the bathtub.


DESIGN SERVICES OF 37248_00_workbook_pi-58.indd 15 29/10/10 10:12 PM