Traffic Engineering Study

Traffic Impact Study Town Center Area

Prepared For: City of Wildwood 16860 Main Street Wildwood, MO 63040

Prepared By:

February 2018 Rev. March 16, 2018

HR Green Job No.: 171140 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...... i

Executive Summary ...... ii

Introduction ...... 1

Existing Conditions ...... 3

Existing Street Network ...... 3

Existing Land Use ...... 7

Existing Traffic Volumes ...... 8

Existing Traffic Operations ...... 12 Intersection Capacity Analysis ...... 12

Future Conditions ...... 20

Proposed Land Use ...... 20

Traffic Projections ...... 23 Trip Generation ...... 23 Traffic Distribution and Assignment ...... 25 Future Traffic Volumes ...... 30

Future Traffic Operations ...... 38 Future (No Build) ...... 38

Future Transportation Network ...... 42 Future (Build) ...... 42

Alternative Intersection Analysis ...... 52

Summary ...... 56

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Executive Summary

A growing movement, new urbanism, recognizes walkable, human-scaled neighborhoods as the building blocks of sustainable communities and regions. Through grids of streets, transportation choices, and the siting of buildings along sidewalks, new urbanism brings destinations within reach and allows for frequent encounters between citizens, in sharp contrast to sprawl.

The excerpt above is referenced from the City of Wildwood’s website to define new urbanism as a philosophy which will be embodied by the Town Center Area. As development opportunities continue within the boundaries of the popular destination known as Town Center in Wildwood, , planning efforts must include the impacts of future growth and development on the local transportation system. A comprehensive review of the City of Wildwood’s Town Center Area was completed in an effort to estimate the traffic impacts resulting from anticipated development on nearby, connecting roadways.

Individual traffic studies have been completed for various, isolated new developments in the Town Center area over the years, and most of them make reference to future growth opportunities in the region. However, now that many developments in the area are completed, City of Wildwood officials have recognized a need to reset and take a comprehensive look at where they are at today, and how future development will impact their existing transportation infrastructure.

Based on site reviews and aerial imagery, it is estimated that roughly fifty percent of the total land area which makes up the Town Center Area is built out. So what happens when the remaining parcels are developed? Can twice as much traffic be expected? Can the local streets handle the additional traffic? Will there be a need for new street connections? These questions will be answered as part of this traffic impact study requested by the City of Wildwood.

The initial steps in this traffic engineering study process involved the review of peak period traffic counts at significant intersections within Town Center Area, as well as along the primary corridors which provide access to the area, such as Route 100, Route 109 and Manchester Road. In addition, existing Town Center zoning maps, Town Center building code, previously completed traffic impact studies, and discussions with the City’s Public Works and Planning Department staff, were used as resources to gain an understanding of the traffic conditions as they exist today, and what to expect for future development opportunities.

The transportation network, as it appears today, is continuing to evolve. The City of Wildwood and MoDOT are currently in the design phase to add capacity to the Route 109 bridge over Route 100, and to upgrade the Route 100 eastbound ramps at Route 109 with a roundabout. The City was also successful in securing MoDOT Cost Share funds to widen Route 109 from the eastbound ramps to new Main Street intersection. Even though these transportation network improvements are imminent, they are not part of the existing system today, and will be

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referenced in the study as “future conditions”.

Existing conditions intersection capacity analysis revealed that almost all of the traffic movements operate at favorable Level-of-Service (LOS) D or better throughout the peak period of a typical weekday, as well as the peak period of a weekend. Some individual movements at Route 109 and Manchester, and Route 100 and Manchester may experience some challenges at LOS E during peak periods. Although traffic can be heavy at times, especially on Route 100 and Route 109, the current street network has the capacity to handle the traffic flow.

Future traffic volumes were estimated by reviewing zoned but not built developments, future zoning requirements, land use, densities, and existing traffic capture within the area. Taking into consideration that some of the traffic associated with the new developments will be traffic which is already on the street system (pass-by trips), some of the traffic which will patronize more than one place of business in a single visit (internal trips), and some of traffic will actually come from other modes of transportation (such as walking, jogging, or biking), new vehicle trips were assigned to the local street network during the peak traffic periods throughout the day. It is anticipated the new trips to and from the Town Center Area will be as follows:

Morning Peak Evening Peak Saturday Peak

1,177 Inbound 1,257 Inbound 1,574 Inbound 745 Outbound 1,600 Outbound 1,262 Outbound

Future traffic projections were determined after the new traffic was assigned to the existing street network based on existing traffic patterns, and local and regional trip origin and destination assumptions. Even without considering the new traffic associated with the Town Center Area, traffic volumes on Route 100 and Route 109 will continue to increase; therefore, it was prudent to review future growth potential in the region and estimate how traffic volumes will increase over a twenty-year planning horizon. Based on the review of historic traffic volumes over the past fifteen years, trendlines indicate an average annual growth rate of 0.5%. This rate was applied to traffic on Route 100 and Route 109 to estimate future traffic projections. The rate was not applied to Manchester Road, however, it is expected that much of the traffic growth on this facility will be directly related to future development associated with the Town Center Area.

Projected traffic volumes were used to analyze the future intersection capacity based on two separate scenarios. First, existing (or baseline) traffic volumes were projected out with the growth rate over twenty years as previously discussed. This scenario is referred to as “Future, No Build”. Second, trip generation estimates were assigned to the street network and added to the aforementioned future, no build scenario. This scenario, not surprisingly, is referred to as “Future, Build”.

Intersection capacity analysis of the Future, No Build scenario revealed all of the intersections are expected to operate at an overall performance rating of LOS D or better. However, some of

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the critical movements from the baseline traffic analysis will continue to function at less than desirable LOS E. Many of the movements from the baseline analysis at Manchester Road and Route 109, Route 109 and New College Avenue, and Manchester Road and Route 100 which operated at a LOS D, are now shown functioning at a poorer LOS E if no roadway or intersection improvements are made.

Analysis of the future, build traffic volume scenario identified what transportation improvements would be required to maintain acceptable levels-of-service based on the ultimate build out of the Town Center Area. The following suggests potential transportation system upgrades which may need to be considered as Town Center reaches its full build-out capacity:

1. Route 109 and Main Street…A multi-lane roundabout is being proposed as part of the Main Street Crossing and Ackerley Place subdivisions as the main access off of Route 109. A segment of Main Street has recently been constructed between Route 109 and Eatherton Road as part of the Main Street development. As the downtown district of the Town Center Area expands to the south and west, it is imperative that Main Street be improved from Eatherton Road to the east, and connect to existing Main Street near the City of Wildwood Municipal Government Center.

2. Route 109 and Manchester Road…This signalized intersection will benefit with additional left turn lanes as traffic volumes increase due to Town Center development. The intersection should be modified to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes on Route 109. An alternate improvement would be to construct a multi-lane roundabout at this location in lieu of traffic signalization.

3. Route 109 and New College Avenue…The intersection at Route 109 and New College Avenue should be improved to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes on Route 109, as well as the reallocation of lanes to provide concurrent left turn movements. An alternate improvement would be to construct a multi-lane roundabout at this location.

4. Manchester Road and Eatherton Road…The intersections of Manchester Road with Eatherton Road and the future Wildwood Avenue are expected to function with poor LOS during peak traffic periods with existing two-way and all-way stop control. Roundabouts at these locations could be implemented to provide additional intersection capacity. It should be noted that a roundabout with a minimum inscribed diameter of 120’ (similar to the dimensions at Taylor Road) at Eatherton Road may be impractical due to the limited building offsets. An alternative would be to construct a roundabout about 375 feet to the west along Manchester Road at East Avenue/Lindy Lane, with Eatherton Road realigning to tie into East Avenue, as this area is undeveloped.

5. Manchester Road and Wildwood Avenue…A new connection roadway (Wildwood Avenue) to provide north/south access between Manchester Road and the Downtown District of Town Center along Main Street should be considered between Taylor Road

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and Eatherton Road. The connection will likely divert some of the traffic from Taylor Road, as well as serve new developments adjacent to the new street.

Depending of the specific density of the future downtown district development between its western boundary and Eatherton Road, it may be necessary to provide another north/south connector road between Wildwood Avenue and Eatherton Road, as long as proper intersection spacing can be achieved.

6. Manchester Road and Taylor Road…The existing roundabout at Manchester Road and Taylor Road is expected to function at acceptable LOS; however motorists on the eastbound, westbound, and southbound approaches will experience long queues. If this becomes an undesirable condition with increased traffic demands, the roundabout could be modified to include dedicated left turn movements and two circulating lanes in the roundabout to help reduce queues.

7. Route 100 and Taylor Road…The expected development associated with Town Center, as well as the Bright Leaf residential development to the north of Route 100, will generate a significant amount of traffic at Taylor Road. As this occurs, it may be necessary to complete minor upgrades to the intersection to improve capacity.

8. Route 100 and Manchester Road… The Manchester Road northbound right turn movement at Route 100 should be monitored with future development. As conditions dictate, improvements to the northbound approach to include an additional right turn and eastbound auxiliary lane should be considered.

9. Route 109 should be widened through the Town Center limits to include two thru lanes in each direction (Route 100 westbound ramps to south of New College Avenue). The City and MoDOT are already in the process to plan and design improvements at the Route 109 bridge over Route 100 and the Route 100 eastbound ramps.

10. Based on anticipated increase in traffic volume associated with full build-out of the proposed Town Center, it may be necessary to widen Manchester Road between Taylor Road and Route 109. Manchester Road will most likely be the route most impacted by the future development of Town Center. Daily traffic volumes are expected to be two to three times as much as what is experienced today. However, aside from any recommended minor intersection improvements, major roadway widening of Manchester Road probably won’t be required for the next 20 to 30 years, depending on the density of the proposed development. In the meantime, the two-lane road between Taylor Road and Eatherton Road should suffice. However, this route should be closely monitored as future development opportunities are presented to the City.

11. The signalized intersections at Route 100, Pierside Lane, and the Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing should be coordinated to provide optimal vehicle progression. Timing plans should be considered which coordinate the Route 100 westbound left turn movement

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with the Manchester Road thru movement.

12. If the intersections at Manchester and New College Avenue with Route 109 remain signalized, coordinated signal timing plans should be periodically updated to provide optimal northbound/southbound traffic progression during peak traffic periods.

13. A future roadway connection of Generations Drive to the north should tie into the future Main Street connection at Manchester Road, west of Route 109. This future connection will provide better route continuity, and will give motorists an alternate route from the south and west to the east.

14. A future roadway extension of New College Avenue east to Center Avenue will provide access from Route 109 to newly constructed homes south of Manchester Road between West Avenue and Center Avenue.

So is this a transportation planning study or a traffic impact study? The answer is both. It is worth noting due to the magnitude of the study boundaries and many assumptions regarding specific land use of the remaining developable area of the Town Center, this document could be construed as a transportation planning study. However, much of the traffic forecasting, traffic analysis, and specific infrastructure improvements identified herein could be construed as a more detailed traffic impact study. Through the remainder of this document, it arguably takes on more characteristics of a traffic impact study, simply because certain planning components of the Town Center area have already been completed, allowing more detailed traffic engineering analysis to be performed to understand specific traffic flow patterns and mitigation strategies.

The transportation planning strategies listed above reflect a broad overview of what the street network may look like in the future. However, the traffic engineering analysis completed for this study provides a very comprehensive review of the traffic impacts associated with the future build out of the Town Center Area. Many assumptions were necessary to provide traffic forecasts as accurately as possible. The assumption of full build-out of Town Center in a twenty-year planning horizon represents a very aggressive growth rate based on current market trends, and full build-out is more likely to occur over a thirty-year horizon. As a result, this report provides the City of Wildwood a planning tool to understand what the ultimate transportation infrastructure improvements are necessary to accommodate an ultimate development scenario. As the City of Wildwood continues to move forward with development plans for Town Center, it is highly encouraged that the City continues to request traffic impact studies and analysis for the specific applications. These studies will be able to use this study as a guide, and update with more precise land use, development density, and street access.

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A comprehensive review of the City of Wildwood’s Town Center Area was completed in an effort to estimate the traffic impacts resulting from anticipated development on nearby, connecting roadways. The study site is located in Wildwood, Missouri with an area generally bound by Missouri Route 100 to the north, Missouri Route 109 to the west, and Manchester Road to the south.

The City of Wildwood approved its Town Center Plan document in 1996. Town Center has seen new development over the past twenty years, and there are several new residential communities being constructed today. There are also several residential developments which have either been approved or are in the process of being reviewed by the City Planning and Zoning Commission, but construction activity has not yet commenced. This traffic engineering study will provide discussions on the existing conditions of traffic operations and the expected traffic impacts associated with the proposed build out of the Town Center Area, including trip generation, traffic assignment and distribution, and traffic analysis.



Figure 1 (Project Location Map)

February 2018 1

City of Wildwood Town Center Area - Ten Year Update Final Land Use/Regulating Plan Map

State R oute 100 Ma nch est er R oad


a T

t a

h y

e l

r o

t Mai

n r o Street

n R ad

o o 9 R R

a 0 r o e d t 1

a s e

d h e c t an u M o


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Downtown Workplace Neighborhood General Neighborhood Edge · Cultural/Institutional *Prepared by the Department of Planning - City of Wildwood St. Louis County, Missouri - Revised: March 2010 Pond Historic District

0 0.5 1 2 Miles Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Existing Conditions

As part of the overall site assessment, descriptions of the street network, existing land use, and

traffic characteristics are included in the following sections.

Main St

Proposed Study Site Rd Taylor

New College Ave

I-70 Figure 3 (Existing Street Network)

Existing Street Network

The Town Center site is positioned in western St. Louis County, with primary access via Route 100, Route 109, and Manchester Road. In addition to these roadways providing primary access to many of the residential and commercial, professional office, and institution developments, the secondary roads providing ingress and egress access are Taylor Road, Eatherton Road, and New College Avenue, as well as other ancillary, minor roadways. Route 100 is a primary arterial serving eastbound and westbound local and regional traffic between western St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis. Ultimately, Route 100 terminates at I-44 west of Pacific, Missouri. Through the study area, Route 100 is a 4-lane median divided facility with limited access and a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour. In addition to the grade separated interchange with Route 109, there are full access intersections at Taylor Road and Manchester Road which provide access to Town Center.

Route 109 is a secondary arterial route which provides local and regional access between I-64 to the north (via Eatherton Road, Chesterfield Airport Road, and Route CC) and I-44 to the south. Route 109 is generally a two-lane facility with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. Recently, the Route 100 and Route 109 interchange was upgraded to provide a roundabout at the

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westbound ramp junction.

Another improvement project also upgraded Route 109 to a 4-lane facility north to Clayton Road. The City of Wildwood and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) are coordinating on future improvements to Route 109 at Route 100. MoDOT is planning to widen and rehabilitate the existing Route 109 bridge over Route 100 in 2019. The City is also proposing to construct new roundabouts on Route 109 at the eastbound ramp junction and at Main Street. With these improvements, the existing access to Cambury Lane/Hawthorne Village would be reconfigured to a right-in, right-out access (RIRO). There are currently at- grade, full access intersections providing access to Town Center via Manchester Road and New College Avenue. For the purposes of this study, the future entrance to Main Street Crossing will be considered as part of future conditions analysis.

Manchester Road is a collector facility which provides access to Town Center residential and retail properties. Manchester Road provides a connection between Route 100 to the east, and Route 109 to the west. This two-lane facility has a posted speed limit of 35 mph, with full access intersections at Eatherton Road and Taylor Avenue, as well as numerous residential streets and commercial access drives. Between the Route 100 and the Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing signalized intersections, Manchester Road consists of a 5-lane section due to heavier traffic demands through this segment. The three signalized intersections between the Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing and Route 100 are only separated by less than one-quarter mile.

Route 100 and Manchester Road…Manchester Road intersects Route 100 with traffic signal control approximately 8,000 feet east of Route 109. There are two westbound left turn lanes and a dedicated northbound right turn lane to serve heavy traffic demands to and from the east. The eastbound approach consists of a dedicated left and right turn lanes. The northbound approach consists of a dedicated left turn lane, as well as the previously mentioned right turn lane. The Figure 4 (100 & Manchester) north leg of the intersection, Westglen Farms Drive, serves a large detached housing residential neighborhood, as well as multi-tenant residential and commercial land uses.

Route 100 and Taylor Road…The primary access to the Downtown district of the Town Center Area off of Route 100 is at the intersection of Taylor Road. This signalized intersection is located about halfway between Route 109 and Manchester Road. The westbound approach

Figure 5 (100 & Taylor) February 2018 4

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

consists of dual left turn lanes. The eastbound approach consists of a single dedicated left and right turn lane. The northbound approach consists of a dedicated left turn lane, a shared thru/left lane, and a right turn lane. The north leg of the intersection is in the process of being improved to serve the new Bright Leaf residential development north of Route 100, between Route 109 and Taylor Road.

Manchester Road and Pierside Drive…The intersection of Manchester Road and Pierside Lane is located only 275 feet south of Route 100, and is one of the primary access points to the Lake Chesterfield residential subdivision. The intersection is controlled with a traffic signal, and the northbound/southbound approaches consist of two thru lanes and a dedicated southbound left turn lane. Pierside Lane is classified as a minor collector street, and the westbound approach consists of a single left lane and a yield controlled right turn lane. Figure 6 (Manchester & Pierside)

Manchester Road and Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing Entrance…Primary access to the Schnuck’s at Wildwood Crossing is at a signalized intersection located approximately 850 feet west of Pierside Lane. The south approach consists of a single shared thru/left lane and a dedicated yield controlled right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of a single thru lane, with dedicated left and right turn lanes. The westbound approach consists of two thru lanes and a dedicated left turn lane into the shopping plaza. The southbound approach is a single lane providing access to a Figure 7 (Manchester & Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing) Mercy Medical Office and an On the Run gas station.

Manchester Road and Taylor Road…The intersection of Manchester Road and Taylor Road provides direct access to the Town Center Downtown and Workplace District from the south. The southern access is Village Hills Parkway, and provides access to residential subdivisions known as the Villages of Cherry Hills. The intersection is controlled with a single lane roundabout, with a single approach and departing lane for each leg of the roundabout. The Taylor Road roundabout is Figure 8 (Manchester & Taylor)

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located about halfway between Route 100 and Route 109.

Manchester Road and Eatherton Road…The intersection of Eatherton Road and Manchester Road is located about a half mile west of Taylor Road, and about 2,250 feet east of Route 109. The intersection is all-way stop controlled, with a single approach and departing lane on each leg. Eatherton Road is a two-lane road providing access to residential homes on parcels greater than one acre to the north. Eatherton Road also provides access to higher density housing being constructed near Cambury Lane to the north. New developments were recently constructed in the southwest and southeast quadrants, including Figure 9 (Manchester & Eatherton) angled, on-street parking.

Route 109 and Manchester Road…The intersection of Route 109 and Manchester Road is traffic signal controlled, with a single thru lane and dedicated left and right turn lanes for each approach. All of the right turn lanes are channelized with raised islands at each approach. All left turn lanes are controlled with protected/permissive phasing except the eastbound left, which is controlled with protected only signal phasing. The eastbound and westbound lanes consist of dedicated bike lanes.

Route 109 and New College Avenue…This Figure 10 (109 & Manchester) signalized intersection consists of a single thru lane and dedicated left and right turn lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches. The eastbound and westbound approaches consist of a shared thru/left lane and a dedicated right turn lane. The traffic signal operates with split phases for the eastbound and westbound movements, with protected right turn overlap phasing.

Figure 11 (109 & New College)

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Main Street and Taylor Road…Main Street and Taylor Road is the first major intersection south of Route 100 as traffic enters Downtown District of the Town Center Area. The signalized intersection consists of single thru lanes and dedicated left turn and right turn lanes for the southbound and westbound approaches, and a dedicated left turn lane and thru lane for the northbound and westbound approaches. All left turn movements are controlled with protected/permissive signal phasing, and the westbound right turn movement operates with Figure 12 (Main & Taylor) protected overlap signal phasing.

Existing Land Use

The existing Town Center Area is bound by Route 100, Route 109 and Manchester Road is situated on approximately 315 acres. Much of the existing land use within the Town Center district is considered a mixture of commercial, office, residential, and institution. The current land use zoning designations are shown in Figure 2. The commercial/retail and office components of Town Center are mostly located on about 45 acres located in the north central part of the district, and consists of a variety of land uses such as a Dierberg’s Grocery Store, shopping center, a B&B movie theater, various casual and dine in restaurants, City of Wildwood Municipal Building, etc. Much of the residential area lies to the northeast of the intersection of Route 109 and Manchester Road. This newer residential land use is generally of a higher density than traditional single family, detached units. There are some lower density units, typically on one acre or more lots, within the Town Center zoning district. Most of these units have access via Eatherton Road.

Much of the properties along Manchester Road, generally near Eatherton Road, extending to the east about a quarter mile consists of specialty retail shops, and are characterized by on- street parking, low trip generations, and limited hours of operation.

It should be noted that there currently exists more traditional neighborhood subdivision residential units to the north of Route 100 and south of Manchester Road. The area adjacent to Route 109 south of Manchester Road is comprised of a mixture of residential units, office, and institutional land uses. St. Louis Community College, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Church of the Latter-Day Saints, and Pond Elementary School are all located to the southwest of the intersection of Route 109 and Manchester Road.

It is estimated that there are between 150 and 200 acres of undeveloped tracts of land within the Town Center zoning district which have the potential to be developed over the next twenty years. Some of this property is currently under consideration by the City of Wildwood Planning and Zoning Commission for proposed new development, identified herein as zoned, but not built

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(ZBNB). Some of the tracts of property may or may not be zoned, but are planned as future development by the City. These proposed and future developments will be the basis of future traffic conditions, and will be discussed in greater detail in subsequent sections of this report.

Existing Traffic Volumes

Peak hour volumes were collected by the City of Wildwood on Thursday September 21, Saturday September 30, and Tuesday October 3, 2017 at the following intersections:

 Route 100 and Taylor Road  Route 100 and Manchester Road/Westglen Farms Drive  Route 109 and Manchester Road  Route 109 and New College Avenue  Manchester Road and Eatherton Road  Manchester Road and Taylor Road  Manchester Road and Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing  Manchester Road and Pierside Drive  Taylor Road and Main Street  Main Street and Eatherton Road

The volumes were collected for the peak AM, PM, and Saturday peak periods, 7:00 to 9:00 AM, 3:00 to 6:00 PM, and 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, respectively. The morning peak hour was determined to be from 7:00-8:00 AM, the evening peak hour was determined to be from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, and finally the Saturday peak hour was found to be 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Existing traffic volumes are depicted in Figures 13 through 15. It should be noted that the intersection of Main Street and Eatherton Road currently experiences minimal traffic volumes, and much of the volume is comprised of construction related traffic; therefore, traffic volumes at this location were not depicted on the baseline traffic volume maps.

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W e s tg le n

65 570 1 25 4 1 4 5 5 5 0 30 5 49 5 n 50 8 L 13 0 de 0 rsi 0 Pie 610 45 1 7

0 0 0 oute 100 7 0 135 R 820 5 5 35 7 36 5 5 5 6 0 0 1 9 890 0 5 0 5 165

1 95 5 1 3 1 0 85 5 0 3 0 0 1 10 40

2 7 1 0 0 Main St 15 5 0 2



65 c

5 0 5 u

6 1 2 3 0 n

1 20 h c







9 y

0 a

1 T

e t 90 u

5 0 0 5 o 16

6 1 3 R 30

5 5

2 d 5 0 5 70 5 R 8 5 5 n 8

o 95 60 13 t 25

5 r 1 140

e 30 80 Pkwy Hills Village

h t Rd 60 a ter 5 s 5 e 0 h E c 4 0 n 60 1 1 a 9 M 5 60 0 2 0

1 0 1 5 5

5 0 195 5

0 5 5 5 5 4 0 1 0 5 3 0 New College Ave t


3 d 5 o

o 0 5 0 0 5 1 w 5 10 6 k




Baseline Traffic AM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

90 0 110 1 55 2 4 7 0 0 5 5 16 0 32 5 n 95 7 L 75 5 ide 0 ers 2 Pi 945 80 4 1

0 0 0 oute 100 0 0 285 R 610 5 5 10 8 33 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 0 625 1 5 0 5 310

2 160 4 2 8 1 0 215 0

0 5 2 0 4 3 10 90

2 1 2 5 0 Main St 55 5 0 8



85 c

5 5 5 u

6 7 3 4 0 n 60 h c






l 9

y 0

a 1


e t 15 u 1

0 0 o

5 1 1 155

8 1 R 1 120

5 5 0 0 d 8 1 7 6 0 1 R 4 5 5 n 8

o 65 40 55 14 t 75 0 r 1

e 80 50 Pkwy Hills Village

h t Rd 50 a ter 0 s 5 he 5 E 5 c 3 n 70 9 a 4 M 4 5 1 26


5 0 1 10


5 0 290 5

5 50 0 3 5 7 0 1 5 6 2 20 New College Ave t


13 d 5 o

o 5 5 0 0 4 9 w 1

20 4 k




Baseline Traffic PM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

5 9 0 1 88 1 5 6 5 34 3 0 5 5 19 36 0 n 85 8 L 80 5 ide 0 ers 1 Pi 725 85 3 5

0 0 0 oute 100 2 0 280 R 715 5 0 90 7 33 0 0 5 5 0 630 5 5 0 5 240

1 175 1 2 1 2 00 225 0

5 5 2 0 3 6 30 90

4 1 2 5 0 Main St 50 10 0 7



100 c

0 5 0 u

6 2 9 6 5 n 40 h c






9 l

0 y

1 a

T e t u 105

0 o 0

0 0 0 145 R

9 1 1 55

0 0 7 d 4 0 6 4 5 7 R 3 5 n 75

o 85 25 40 11 t 5 0 r 11


40 25 Pkwy Hills Village h t Rd 35 a ter 0 s 5 he 0 E 0 c 4 1 an 85 7 9 M 4 230


5 0 1 5


0 0 0 25 195 1 5 0 5 8 0 7 5 5 1 0 New College Ave t


8 d 5 o

o 0 5 5 5 1 9 w

10 4 k




Baseline Traffic Saturday Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Existing Traffic Operations

The capacity of the study intersections was analyzed for this project. The intersection capacity analysis, completed with SYNCHRO and SIDRA, was completed to measure the effectiveness of signalized, unsignalized, and roundabout intersections. Analysis was completed at each of the study intersections with existing traffic volumes and lane configurations during morning, evening and Saturday peak hours of commuter traffic.

Intersection Capacity Average Control Delay Level of (Seconds/vehicle) Analysis…The study intersections Service Signalized Unsignalized/Roundabout were each analyzed to determine (LOS)* Intersection Intersection how they currently operate on the A ≤10 ≤10 basis of Level-of-Service (LOS). B >10 and ≤20 >10 and ≤15 LOS criteria are outlined in the 6th C >20 and ≤35 >15 and ≤25 Edition of the Highway Capacity D >35 and ≤55 >25 and ≤35 E >55 and ≤80 >35 and ≤50 Manual (HCM) for signalized and F >80 >50 unsignalized intersections. * LOS = F when volume to capacity ratio is greater than 1 Capacity of roundabout intersections was completed with Table 1 (Level-of-Service - Highway Capacity Manaual 2010) HCM methodologies, and LOS based on unsignalized criteria for average delay per entering vehicle. The HCM defines LOS as a measure of the quality of traffic flow. There are six different levels-of-service for each facility type, each representing a range of operating conditions as indicated by amounts of average delay expected per entering vehicle. Each level-of-service is designated a letter from “A” to “F”, with “A” being the least congested (free flow condition) and “F” being the highest congestion (least desirable condition). LOS thresholds for stop controlled intersections differ from those with traffic signal control to reflect different driver expectations with respect to delay.

Table 1 summarizes the criterion for both signalized and unsignalized intersections, as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual. LOS C, which is normally used for highway design, represents a roadway with volumes ranging from 70% to 80% of its capacity. However, Level D is considered acceptable for peak period conditions in urban and suburban areas. In certain traffic conditions, a LOS E may be considered acceptable due to driver tolerance and expectations.

It should be noted that analysis for this traffic impact study will focus on various traffic volume scenarios. Intersection capacity analysis was completed for the existing traffic conditions (i.e. existing volumes, and existing intersection lane configurations and traffic control). The following represents a brief summary of operational characteristics:

 Manchester Road and Route 109… The eastbound and westbound movements operate at a LOS D and E during the peak periods. All northbound and southbound movements operate at a LOS B or better during the peak traffic periods. This is primarily due to optimizing the traffic signal cycles to maintain progression along Route 109.

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 Route 109 and New College Avenue…Eastbound and westbound movements operate with split signal phasing. This phasing typically reduces the overall performance of the intersection due to added lost time and change intervals, as well as the inability to function with concurrent movements. The eastbound and westbound movements currently operate with LOS E during the PM peak traffic period. Overall intersection operates at an acceptable LOS B or better.

 Manchester Road and Eatherton Road… Minimal side street traffic volume on Eatherton Road allows this all-way stop controlled intersection to function at acceptable LOS throughout the day.

 Route 100 and Taylor Road…This intersection currently operates at acceptable LOS B or better for all peak traffic periods, with all movements operating at a LOS C or better.

 Main Street and Taylor Road…This intersection currently operates at acceptable LOS C or better for all peak traffic periods, with all individual movements operating at a LOS C or better.

 Manchester Road and Taylor Road…This roundabout intersection currently operates at a LOS B or better during all peak traffic periods.

 Route 100 and Manchester Road/Westglen Farms Drive…The westbound left turn is served with dual left turn lanes. Analysis indicates the movement operates at a LOS D during most of the peak traffic periods. Overall intersection performance is measured at LOS C or better throughout the day.

 Manchester Road and Pierside Lane… Minimal side street volume allows this signal to function at acceptable levels-of-service throughout the day. However, the close intersection spacing with Route 100 can result in some operational challenges if the two signals are not coordinated properly.

 Manchester Road and Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing… Similar to Pierside Lane, minimal side street volume allows this signal to function at a good LOS throughout the day.

A detailed summary of the intersection capacity for the AM, PM, and Saturday peak traffic periods can be seen in Tables 2-4. These summaries provide information regarding traffic volumes and volume to capacity ratio. They also indicate average delay and LOS per entering vehicle by movement, approach, and overall intersection performance. It should be noted that after discussions with the City of Wildwood and MoDOT, analysis of the westbound and eastbound ramps at the Route 100 and Route 109 would not be included with the analysis for this study. Previous traffic studies completed for the City of Wildwood have included the impacts of future development at these intersections.

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 60 60 135 85 70 45 515 90 50 525 55 v/c Ratio 0.52 0.16 0.12 0.33 0.21 0.13 0.13 0.63 0.11 0.22 0.65 0.07 Total Delay 48.8 28.8 0.4 22 29.1 0.5 5.6 12.1 0.9 16.2 22.5 0.2 LOS D C A C C A A B A B C A Approach Delay 28.3 18.9 10.1 20 Approach LOS C B B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 85 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.1 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 55.9% ICU Level of Service B 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 35 0 10 0 0 5 50 615 50 30 545 150 v/c Ratio 0.1 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.58 0.05 0.07 0.53 0.16 Total Delay 27.9 0 0 8.6 13.5 0.1 9 10.1 1.8 LOS C A A A B A A B A Approach Delay 21.7 12.2 8.4 Approach LOS C B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 85 Intersection Signal Delay: 10.6 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton 1/11/2018Rd & Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 195 5 5 260 10 5 0 5 10 0 10 v/c Ratio 0.27 0.35 0.01 0.03 Total Delay 8.8 9.4 8.0 8.0 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 8.8 9.4 8.0 8.0 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 9.1 Intersection LOS: A 16: Taylor Rd & Route 1001/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 890 95 135 610 0 115 0 155 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.42 0.07 0.43 0.25 0.36 0.37 0.37 Approach Delay 6.2 7.1 16.7 Approach LOS A A B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 8.0 Intersection LOS: A

Table 2 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - AM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

17: Main St & Taylor Rd 1/11/2018 17: Main St & Taylor Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 65 10 20 15 10 85 65 120 35 110 70 20 v/c Ratio 0.1 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.14 0.42 0.23 0.14 0.04 Total Delay 12.8 7.5 12.4 12.2 1.5 9.4 20.6 9.9 16.8 0.1 LOS B A B B A A C A B A Approach Delay 11.2 4 17.3 11.3 Approach LOS B A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 12.1 Intersection LOS: B 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 125 30 30 165 90 95 60 140 30 10 65 v/c Ratio 0.26 0.37 0.38 0.14 Total Delay 1.1 8.6 8.8 6.0 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 1.1 8.6 8.8 6.0 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 7.7 Intersection LOS: A 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 45 820 75 125 570 65 130 50 490 145 40 55 v/c Ratio 0.35 0.51 0.1 0.35 0.32 0.07 0.39 0.13 0.88 0.4 0.25 Total Delay 74.2 23.4 5.7 59.9 21.6 4.2 24.1 26.4 26.9 38.2 20 LOS E C A E C A C C C D B Approach Delay 24.4 26.4 26.3 31 Approach LOS C C C C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 26.1 Intersection LOS: C 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 305 365 35 70 175 v/c Ratio 0.09 0.33 0.29 0.06 0.24 0.14 Total Delay 14.8 3.7 26.4 15 17.9 13.8 LOS B A C B B B Approach Delay 6.1 25.4 15 Approach LOS A C B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.7 Intersection LOS: B 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 340 5 30 165 0 0 0 20 0 90 165 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.3 0 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.33 0.4 Total Delay 7.4 7.6 0 2.3 1.9 0.1 28.2 4.3 LOS A A A A A A C A Approach Delay 7.5 2 0.1 12.8 Approach LOS A A A B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 7.6 Intersection LOS: A

Table 2 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - AM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 50 50 70 140 45 70 30 495 145 110 605 85 v/c Ratio 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.12 0.14 0.1 0.63 0.18 0.42 0.7 0.1 Total Delay 45.3 30.9 0.6 37.2 30.7 0.5 11.7 16.5 1.1 17.9 23.3 0.2 LOS D C A D C A B B A B C A Approach Delay 22.6 26 13 20.1 Approach LOS C C B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 90 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.6 Intersection LOS: B 5: Route 109 & New College Ave1/11/2018 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 0 20 20 5 50 45 495 10 20 670 135 v/c Ratio 0.42 0.03 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.52 0.01 0.04 0.74 0.16 Total Delay 35.6 0.1 38.5 0.9 14.7 17.8 0 5.5 15.9 0.8 LOS D A D A B B A A B A Approach Delay 31 13.4 17.2 13.2 Approach LOS C B B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 90 Intersection Signal Delay: 16.3 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd &1/11/2018 Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 Traffic Volume (vph) 10 290 5 10 265 5 5 0 5 10 0 5 v/c Ratio 0.4 0.37 0.02 0.02 Total Delay 10.1 9.8 85.2 8.4 LOS B A A A Approach Delay 10.1 9.8 8.2 8.4 Approach LOS B A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 9.9 Intersection LOS: A 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 1/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 625 160 285 945 0 225 0 145 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.26 0.11 0.25 0.35 0.58 0.59 0.47 Total Delay 6.7 0.1 0.8 0.9 72 72.2 12.3 LOS A A A A E E B Approach Delay 5.4 0.9 48.7 Approach LOS A A D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.8 Intersection LOS: A

Table 3 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - PM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

17: Main St & Taylor Rd 1/11/2018 17: Main St & Taylor Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 30 60 55 10 215 65 75 45 235 140 20 v/c Ratio 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.02 0.2 0.16 0.33 0.44 0.26 0.04 Total Delay 13.1 6.5 12.7 11.7 1.2 8.6 14.7 10.8 15.3 0.1 LOS B A B B A A B B B A Approach Delay 9.7 3.9 12.6 11.9 Approach LOS A A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 60 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.4 Intersection LOS: A 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 175 80 120 155 115 40 55 65 110 110 85 v/c Ratio 0.49 0.47 0.24 0.43 Total Delay 11.8 9.9 7.7 10.3 LOS B A B A Approach Delay 11.8 9.9 7.7 10.3 Approach LOS B A B A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 10.3 ICU Level of Service B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 610 85 455 1100 90 75 95 325 120 75 50 v/c Ratio 0.5 0.41 0.12 0.54 0.54 0.09 0.48 0.52 0.73 0.59 0.62 Total Delay 68.1 24.4 6.2 49.7 18.1 2.2 43.5 50 16.7 66.9 65.1 LOS E C A D B A D D B E E Approach Delay 26.9 26 27.2 66 Approach LOS C C C E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 29.5 Intersection LOS: C 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 75 160 335 100 210 405 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.29 0.2 0.13 0.34 0.19 Total Delay 39.6 6.4 22.7 15.2 3.7 2 LOS D A C B A A Approach Delay 17.1 21 2.6 Approach LOS B C A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.5 Intersection LOS: B 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 290 5 80 310 5 5 0 80 10 0 10 v/c Ratio 0.42 0.01 0.15 0.19 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.02 Total Delay 18.5 0 4 3.9 16.6 0.3 16.8 0 LOS B A A A B A B A Approach Delay 18.2 3.9 1.2 8.4 Approach LOS B A A A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 75 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.0 Intersection LOS: A

Table 3 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - PM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 40 35 85 110 35 65 40 475 90 70 470 40 v/c Ratio 0.28 0.08 0.15 0.25 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.65 0.12 0.29 0.6 0.05 Total Delay 39.2 25.2 0.5 19.2 24.5 0.3 8.7 15.7 0.6 17.4 21.6 0.1 LOS D C A B C A A B A B C A Approach Delay 15.6 14.2 13 19.6 Approach LOS B B B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 80 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.9 Intersection LOS: B 5: Route 109 & New College1/11/2018 Ave 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 5 10 0 5 25 10 495 5 10 585 70 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.51 0.01 0.02 0.59 0.08 Total Delay 27.4 0 32.8 0.4 12.7 15.9 0 10.1 13 0.3 LOS C A C A B B A B B A Approach Delay 24.6 5.5 15.6 11.6 Approach LOS C A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 80 Intersection Signal Delay: 14.1 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 10 195 5 5 230 10 0 0 10 10 0 5 v/c Ratio 0.27 0.31 0.01 0.02 Total Delay 8.8 9.1 7.5 8.1 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 8.8 9.1 7.5 8.1 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 8.9 Intersection LOS: A 16: Taylor Rd & Route 1001/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 630 175 280 725 0 215 0 215 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.3 0.12 0.63 0.27 0.55 0.55 0.58 Total Delay 12.2 0.2 56.5 0.8 66.2 66.2 12.1 LOS B A E A E E B Approach Delay 9.6 16.3 39.1 Approach LOS A B D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.3 Intersection LOS: B 17: Main St & Taylor Rd 1/11/2018 17: Main St & Taylor Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 100 25 40 50 30 225 60 95 60 265 135 40 v/c Ratio 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.21 0.14 0.4 0.47 0.23 0.07 Total Delay 15 7.8 13.9 13.2 1.3 8 15.7 10.5 13.9 0.2 LOS B A B B A A B B B A Approach Delay 12.2 4.6 13.6 10.6 Approach LOS B A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 60 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.8 Intersection LOS: A

Table 4 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - Saturday Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 75 115 25 55 145 105 25 40 85 100 100 90 v/c Ratio 0.28 0.35 0.21 0.37 Total Delay 7.5 7.7 6.7 8.5 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 7.5 7.7 6.7 8.5 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 7.8 Intersection LOS: A 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 715 70 345 880 95 80 85 365 115 60 35 v/c Ratio 0.5 0.44 0.09 0.49 0.44 0.09 0.38 0.45 0.75 0.6 0.53 Total Delay 60.6 17 0.3 50.2 16.5 2.1 43.3 53.5 12.8 63.4 56.6 LOS E B A D B A D D B E E Approach Delay 19.9 24.3 23.9 60.3 Approach LOS B C C E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 25.5 Intersection LOS: C 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 195 335 90 150 325 v/c Ratio 0.21 0.31 0.17 0.07 0.23 0.14 Total Delay 44.6 5 14.2 0.4 2.2 1.6 LOS D A B A A A Approach Delay 16.5 11.3 1.8 Approach LOS B B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 8.7 Intersection LOS: A 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Baseline, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 290 10 100 240 0 5 0 70 5 0 5 v/c Ratio 0.22 0.01 0.11 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.01 Total Delay 3.9 0 0.9 0.5 27.6 0.1 27.6 0 LOS A A A A C A C A Approach Delay 3.8 0.6 1.8 13.8 Approach LOS A A A B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 2.2 Intersection LOS: A

Table 4 Intersection Capacity Analysis Baseline, No Build Traffic - Saturday Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Future Conditions

Proposed Land Use

The proposed development of the Town Center Area will consist of numerous mixed land uses to complement the previous phases of construction. Much of the developable property has already been zoned, with site plans either approved or will inevitably be approved in the near future. For the purposes of this traffic engineering study, these developments will be known as zoned, but not built (ZBNB). On the other hand, remaining developable properties within the Town Center zoning district have been planned for future development, and identified in the Town Center Plan; however, these parcels of land remain inactive. For the purposes of this traffic engineering study, these parcels of developable land will be known as Planned. It should be noted that the area noted as the Pond Historic District is located south of Manchester Road generally between Pond Elementary School to the east and Bethel United Methodist Church to the west. It is anticipated that new development in this historic district will not have a significant impact on the overall traffic patterns in the area.

Because of the varying land uses categorized as either ZBNB or Planned, the Town Center Area district will be broken out into individual traffic analysis zones (TAZ) in an effort to understand the specific traffic characteristics associated with each separate TAZ. The following represents the ZBNB and Planned TAZ’s, as shown in Figure 16, for this project:

TAZ 1: Ackerley Place is a ZBNB development currently under consideration by the City of Wildwood Planning and Zoning Commission. The residential component of the site development is proposed to consist of 156 single family, detached residences. Primary access will be via the extension of Main Street to the west from Route 109, as well as a full access side street along Manchester Road, west of Route 109. TAZ 2: It is anticipated that approximately five acres in the southeast corner of the intersection of Route 109 and Manchester Road will have a commercial/office landuse, and three acres of a land use similar to a discount pharmacy in the southwest corner (previous proposals to the City included a discount pharmacy). The Workplace District is assumed to consist of specialty retail and various office spaces, including medical and dental uses. TAZ 3: Main Street Crossing is a development which has been approved by the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The residential component will consist of 104 single family, detached residences. In fact, many of these units area already under construction, and some were unoccupied at the time of this study. Primary access to Main Street Crossing will be via the new intersection of Main Street at Route 109, with secondary access via Eatherton Road to the south. TAZ 4: The Villages at Brightleaf is a ZBNB residential development located north of Route 100, generally between Route 109 and Taylor Road. This approved ZBNB development will consist of 192 detached residential units. Access to this site will be via Taylor Road at Route 100, as well as inbound traffic from Eatherton Road at Route 109.

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

TAZ 5: This TAZ includes the combined effect of the commercial and retail components of the Ackerley Place and Main Street Crossing ZBNB developments. These outlots will act as a buffer between Route 109 and the residential units, and will likely consist of a combination of retail and office land uses. Primary access will be via Main Street at Route 109. TAZ 6: The narrow strip of property adjacent to Eatherton Road, north of Manchester Road is designated as a planned development, known as Neighborhood General. Approximately nine acres will likely consist of higher density residential units such as town homes or apartments. TAZ 7: Approximately 40 acres of property to the south and west of the current Downtown district will be expanded to include similar land uses. This acreage is designated as Downtown District, and will likely consist of land uses very similar to the existing site. Access to the planned Downtown will be via Main Street to the east and the extension of Main Street to the west, as well as Eatherton Road to/from the south. It is anticipated that a future roadway extension to the south will connect to Manchester Road to provide alternate access from the south. TAZ 8: Approximately 47 acres adjacent to Manchester Road to the west of Taylor Road, east of Eatherton Road, and south of the Downtown area is designated as Workplace District. Similar to TAZ 2, this zone is anticipated to consist of a combination of retail and office space. TAZ 9: A small triangular tract of land situated between Route 100, Route 109 and The Villages at Brightleaf development is planned to consist of about 8.5 acres of medical and dental office buildings. Access to this site will be via Taylor Road at Route 100, as well as inbound traffic from Eatherton Road at Route 109. TAZ 10: This zone is assumed to consist of about six acres of Assisted Living land use (this land use was proposed to the City of Wildwood at the time of this study, however is no longer under consideration). In addition, there is about 10 acres designated as planned Workplace District. Again, it is anticipated this environment may consist of a combination of retail and office uses. This zone is located along the north side of Manchester Road, to the west of the Schnuck’s at Wildwood Crossing. TAZ 11: There is currently undeveloped property situated in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Route 109 and Manchester Road. Currently, there exist various religious and educational institutions, including St. Louis Community College. Similar types of land uses can be expected for about 40 acres, and could consist of additional schools, libraries, parkland, etc. Primary access will be via New College Avenue at Route 109. Secondary access will be via a future access connection to the north at Manchester Road, west of Route 109. TAZ 12: About 30 acres of undeveloped land is designated as Neighborhood Edge. This acreage is located on both sides of Manchester Road, generally east of Route 109 and west of Eatherton Road. The proposed development, such as Stone Mill, Old Towne Park, and Bordeaux Plat II, will likely consist of single family homes, similar to nearby ZBNB communities at Ackerley Place and The Villages at Brightleaf. Access will be provided via Manchester Road to the north and the future extension of New College Avenue to the west.

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Traffic Projections

Trip Generation…The proposed and future land uses described in the previous section will ultimately generate new trips to the surrounding street network. Additional traffic generated by the proposed redevelopment can be estimated by utilizing the 10th edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. The tables in the ITE Trip Generation Manual estimate the ingress and egress traffic for the morning, evening and Saturday peak traffic conditions for various types of land uses.

The areas of new development were isolated into the twelve traffic analysis zones in an effort to increase the accuracy of trip generation estimation. Within each traffic analysis zone, assumptions on specific land use and development density were made based on information provided in the City of Wildwood Town Center Development Manual and on recent trends in the area. Trip generation estimates for the zoned, but not built development were based on previously completed traffic impact studies. These traffic studies were completed for The Villages at Brightleaf, Main Street Crossing, and CVS developments, and have been approved by the City of Wildwood and MoDOT. It should be noted that the CVS development is no longer under consideration by the City of Wildwood.

It was assumed that the trip generation for the future, planned development sites would include specific land uses such as medical office, specialty retail, restaurants, residential, and institutional uses, among others. These land uses are consistent with the Town Center permitted and condition land use definitions, and the assumed uses complement each other in terms of traditional mixed-use developments across the region.

Trip generation was also estimated based on empirical data. Trip generation for the Downtown District planned development was based on the actual inbound and outbound trips associated with the existing Downtown District area. The trips per acre rate was then applied to the expected planned Downtown District area to provide a more realistic estimate of new traffic.

As can be seen in the trip generation calculations in Table 5, some of the expected land uses are not expected to generate significant, if any, traffic during the morning peak commuter period. This is common among specialty retail shops which typically do not open until the mid to late morning hours outside of the peak hour of adjacent street traffic. Similarly, some restaurants are not open for breakfast, and will not contribute traffic to the morning peak period. As a realistic approach, it was assumed about half of the high-turnover restaurants would consist of a breakfast menu, and would contribute additional traffic to the street network, and the other half would only be operational with lunch and dinner menus.

Many new developments which consist of commercial or retail land uses may consider the impacts of pass-by trips, or traffic which is already on the roadway network which will now patronize the new business. Therefore, these site trips would not be considered “new” to the area. For the Town Center district, it was assumed that pass-by trips would most likely be associated with land uses such as banks, restaurants, and convenience markets.

February 2018 23

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

APPROX. AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR SAT PEAK HOUR FLOOR LAND USE ITE CODE MISC. UNIT (vph) (vhp) (vph) AREA (G.L.A.) IN OUT Pass-By IN OUT Pass-By IN OUT Pass-By Site Generated Traffic TAZ 1 - Ackerley Place, Residential (ZBNB) Single Family Detached Housing 210 154 Detached Units 29 87 97 57 77 66 SUBTOTAL: 29 87 97 57 77 66 TAZ 2 - Discount Pharmacy; Town Center - Workplace (Planned) Discount Pharmacy 820 13,225 25 20 22 65 65 33 53 55 26 General Office 710 49500 49397.2 68 9 13 61 11 10 Medical/Dental 720 12400 12349.3 23 6 12 32 26 19 Specialty Retail 826 28800 28815.1 40 51 10 81 64 20 High Turnover Restaurant 932 4150 4116.44 25 16 11 31 27 44 Gross Trip Generation: 116 35 22 154 225 54 202 176 90 Internal Trip Reduction (10%): 12 4 15 23 20 18 SUBTOTAL: 105 32 139 203 182 158 TAZ 3 - Main Street Crossing - Residential (ZBNB) Main Street Crossing Trip Generation (2) 210 117 Detached Units 20 65 70 45 59 50 SUBTOTAL: 20 65 70 45 59 50 TAZ 4 - Brightleaf - Residential (ZBNB) Bright Leaf Trip Generation 192 Detach Units 35 110 120 70 96 82 SUBTOTAL: 35 110 120 70 96 82 TAZ 5 - Ackerley Place/Main Street - Commercial (ZBNB) Medical Office (2 sites) 720 12,500 24 6 12 32 26 20 Drive-in Bank (2 sites) 912 7,000 48 36 23 85 85 40 94 90 45 Fast Food Restaurant w/ Drive Thru 934 4,000 90 90 45 70 60 35 120 116 60 Specialty Retail 826 10,200 20 26 5 29 23 8 Convenience Market 852 3,000 47 47 29 51 53 31 53 55 32 Gross Trip Generation: 208 179 97 239 256 111 322 303 145 Internal Trip Reduction (10%): 21 18 24 26 32 30 SUBTOTAL: 187 161 215 230 290 273 TAZ 6 - Town Center - Neighborhood General (Planned) Apartment 220 65 units 7 26 26 14 17 17 Residential Condominium Townhouse 230 130 units 10 47 45 22 33 28 Gross Trip Generation: 16 73 71 36 50 45 Internal Trip Reduction (20%): 3 15 14 7 10 9 SUBTOTAL: 13 59 57 29 40 36 TAZ 7 - Downtown (Planned) Town Center Downtown 40 acres 247 171 392 392 418 401 Gross Trip Generation: 247 171 392 392 418 401 Internal Trip Reduction (15%): 37 26 59 59 63 60 SUBTOTAL: 210 146 333 333 355 341 TAZ 8 - Town Center - Workplace (Planned) General Office 710 387000 531 72 98 479 90 77 Medical/Dental 720 96750 183 49 97 249 200 151 Specialty Retail 826 225700 248 315 62 634 499 159 High Turnover Restaurant 932 32250 96 78 42 191 127 83 240 213 104 Gross Trip Generation: 810 199 42 633 1,170 145 1,165 939 263 Internal Trip Reduction (25%): 202 50 158 292 291 235 SUBTOTAL: 607 150 475 877 874 705 TAZ 9 - Medical Office (Planned) Medical Office Complex 720 50,000 94 25 50 129 103 78 SUBTOTAL: 94 25 50 129 103 78 TAZ 10 - Assisted Living; Town Center - Workplace (Planned) Senior Adult Living - Detached 251 100 units 8 14 16 11 11 12 Assisted Living 254 48 units 4 2 5 6 7 9 Nursing Home 620 32 units 4 2 2 5 6 6 General Office 710 82350 113 15 21 102 19 16 Medical/Dental 720 20582 39 10 21 53 43 32 Specialty Retail 826 48025 60 77 15 135 106 34 High Turnover Restaurant 932 7000 42 34 18 41 28 18 52 46 23 Gross Trip Generation: 209 78 18 166 280 33 273 227 57 Internal Trip Reduction (25%): 52 20 42 70 68 57 SUBTOTAL: 157 59 125 210 205 171 TAZ 11 - Town Center - Cultural/Institutional Planned) Park 411 20 acres 50 40 40 30 45 45 School 522 39650 95 78 25 23 Library 590 39650 28 13 101 113 145 129 Museum 580 26500 6 1 1 4 12 5 Church 560 26500 9 6 7 8 67 27 SUBTOTAL: 189 137 173 178 269 206 TAZ 12 - Town Center - Neighborhood Edge (Planned) Single Family Detached Housing 210 90 Detached Units 17 51 57 33 45 39 SUBTOTAL: 17 51 57 33 45 39

Total Site Generated Traffic: 1,647 1,029 1,854 2,361 2,551 2,165 Total Internal Trip Reduction: 291 106 253 418 422 349 Pass-By Trip Reduction: 179 179 343 343 555 555

TOTAL NEW SITE TRIPS: 1,177 745 1,257 1,600 1,574 1,262

Table 5 Trip Generation Estimate February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

In general, the objective of the Town Center Plan by the City of Wildwood was to create a live, work, and play environment. This “all encompassing” community lifestyle would encourage alternative modes of transportation other than vehicular traffic, such as walking and bicycling. For example, a resident within the Town Center district may walk to work in the morning, walk to lunch, and walk back home in the evening. Normally, this would make up about six total vehicular inbound/outbound trips; however, in this example, the net vehicular trips would be zero. Therefore, the total number of site generated trips was reduced from the gross trip generation with the assumption that some drivers would have more than one destination within the development site (known as “common” trips), or with the expectation of multi-modal means of transport. The outlying zoned but not build residential subdivisions, such as Ackerley Place and Main Street could be expected to have about 10% of the total trips reduced as a result of common trips. The traffic analysis zones more centrally located to the Downtown district can be expected to have a higher percentage of common trips as a result the characteristics of the development, as well as more opportunities to use other modes of transportation, as mentioned above. As a result, trip reduction of 15% to 25% was applied to the total net trips of specific traffic analysis zones.

The total new inbound and outbound trips are estimated to be 1,177 and 745 during the AM peak traffic period; 1,257 and 1,600 during the PM peak traffic period; and 1,574 and 1,262 trips during the Saturday peak traffic period. Due to the mixture of land uses, the expected inbound and outbound trip generation can be expected to be somewhat balanced, and as a result, the trip generation calculations shown in Table 5 for the Town Center zoning district appear reasonable. It should be noted that the expected trip generation is based on the development of the TAZ’s at full or near full build out. This would be considered an aggressive growth assumption for a twenty year planning horizon, and it is probably more realistic to assume a complete, full build-out of Town Center in thirty-plus years based on current market trends.

Traffic Distribution and Assignment… Traffic distribution to and from the proposed and future Town Center Area will depend on the actual land uses. When considering mixed use developments, it can be advantageous to consider independent traffic distribution patterns of a specific traffic zone to depict a more accurate picture of the expected impacts. The proposed commercial and retail land uses will consist of primarily "local" traffic, with a higher distribution of traffic to and from the east via Route 100. Therefore, it is estimated that about 45% of the traffic will be to and from the east, and 25% to and from the north and south, respectively. Based on existing traffic patterns, a much smaller percentage of traffic is expected to utilize Route 100 and Manchester Road to and from the west.

Similarly, the traffic distribution normally associated with residential units and office complexes could be considered more "regional" in character, as residential trips will more likely be considered home to office based. Instead of distribution based on population centers, home-to- office trips are based more on employment centers. Therefore, a higher percentage of trips would be assigned to the north and south via Route 100 as shown in Figure 17.

February 2018 25

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

The site generated traffic was assigned to the adjacent street network, and the total distribution of the new site-generated trips is estimated as shown in Figures 18-20.

25% (Residential) 25% (Retail) via Rt 109 (North) 35% (Residential) 45% (Retail) 3% via Rt 100 (East) via Rt 100 (West)

Town Center 2% via Manchester (West)

35% (Residential) 25% (Retail) via Rt 109 (South)

Figure 17 (Traffic Distribution)

February 2018 26

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

0 06 4 3 0 22 0 0 5 11 n 0 5 L 10 6 de 54 rsi

5 1 0 ie

2 1 5 P 138 0 2 oute 100 7 5 224 R 250 9 7 5 2 12 6 2 8 5 5 1 5 8 5 7 3 7 1 5 3 53 9 4 7 2 8 79

3 5 5 67 8 5 38 35 5

5 5 11 5 16 6 0 5 0 7

M 5 a 5 in St 5 1 9 0 26

5 5 6 2 0 5 5 12 0 5 5 2 2 5 8 4 5 3 6 1 5 56 1 3 3 5 s 1


5 1 5 2 5 8 22 1 c

9 4 0 u

1 0 4 5 n 13 h c

S W 9 d

0 R i

l 1 d


w e o l t o


u d o

a o

R d



n A

o 0 v 3

t e r 3 174 e

5 5 8


t 0


6 E 1 6 6 9 5 4 5 5 6 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 5 7 5 0 4

0 3 5 0 13 0 173 142 0 4 Pkwy Hills Village 1 8 5 2

d 6 32 ter R 121 9 s 2 e 4 ch 3 2 3 n 5 29 3 a 2 2 M

1 3 188 103 1


5 5 1 0


0 5 7 466 0 9 7 0 0

4 5 3 2

7 New College Ave t


3 d 4 o

o 7 2 5 0 4 4 w 1 34 4 k




Site Generated Traffic AM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

0 456 0 4 0 19 0 5 33 n 0 5 L 36 4 de 65 rsi

9 3 ie

3 7 8 P 153 0 2 oute 100 4 5 274 R 530 0 1 5 2 36

7 9 8 23 5 0 9 1 5 1 5 1 3 1 5 2 5 3 46 6 2 1 2 1 40

4 1 5 5 52 3 1 5 55 84 5 2

5 5 13 5 41 2 0 5 4 2 3

M 5 a 5 in St 5 3 2 1 0 69

5 2 5 3 0 5 5 8 0 5 5 9 2 3 7 6 5 4 0 6 9 8 0 1 6 3 5 s 3


5 1 5 7 5 14 13 6 c

0 1 0 u

0 3 0 5 n

2 30 h c

S W 9 d

0 R i

l 1 d


w e o l t o


u d o

a o

R d



n A

o 4 v 2


5 e r

9 4 218 e

1 5 4


t 0


5 E 8 2 4 7 5 7 5 2 2 1 1 4 1 0 1 3 8 7 5 8 5 5 4 8

5 2 0 12 0 5 455 244 0 8 Pkwy Hills Village 6 4 5 1

4 49 er Rd 95 4 t 9 7 s 8 e 9 1 ch 0 4 1 n 24 43 0 a 2 M 2 3 656 81


5 5 6 0


0 5 4 410 0 0 3 0 1

4 5 6 7

33N ew College Ave t


4 d 5 o

o 3 6 5 9 4 9 w 1

45 4 k




Site Generated Traffic PM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

0 570 0 99 0 2 0 5 26 n 0 5 L 29 7 de 80 rsi

1 4 ie

3 8 6 P 162 0 3 oute 100 7 5 357 R 440 8 5 5 3 29

7 6 7 19 5 2 1 2 5 1 5 1 5 2 8 2 5 4 11 9 0 0 3 1 78

2 1 5 5 96 1 1 5 61 84 5 2

5 5 15 5 39 1 0 5 9 7 6

M 5 a 5 in St 5 2 7 4 0 96

5 5 1 4 0 5 5 9 0 5 5 6 3 3 2 5 5 5 4 9 2 86 1 6 3 5 s 3


5 1 5 5 5 15 15 1 c

2 4 0 u

3 0 6 5 n

1 31 h c

S W 9 d

0 R i

l 1 d


w e o l t o


u d o

a o

R d



n A

o 4 v 4


6 e r

6 5 272 e

1 5 3


t 0


0 8 E 7 9 8 7 8 3 1 1 7 7 1 0 2 3 7 3 4 5 1 7 7 5 4 9

1 5 0 4 1 0 397 233 0

7 Pkwy Hills Village 7 3 5 1

5 5 55 er Rd 17 2 t 0 3 s 4 e 5 ch 24 5 n 3 46 9 8 a 6 M

1 4 60 149 6 5

5 5 7 0 60

0 5 5 640 0 2 7 0 4

6 0 5 6

26N ew College Ave t


5 d 2 o

o 7 9 0 0 6 2 w 2 52 6 k




Site Generated Traffic Saturday Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Future Traffic Volumes… It is reasonable to expect the existing traffic volumes to increase due to regional growth factors such as development, population growth, and more drivers per average household. For the purposes of this traffic engineering study, a twenty year planning horizon was considered, and traffic volumes were forecasted based on research and empirical data.

Analysis for this traffic impact study focused on baseline traffic volumes, and future traffic volumes at full build-out of the proposed Town Center Area. Baseline 2018 volumes consisted of existing traffic volumes. Future traffic volumes will be derived from the 2018 baseline volumes, plus traffic growth associated with regional growth over a twenty year planning horizon, including the estimated full build-out of the proposed and future development in the Town Center Area.

Forecasted traffic volumes were established by reviewing the existing development density, proposed land use, and population trends. Previous traffic engineering studies completed for the Main Street Crossing, Ackerley Place, and the Villages at Brightleaf subdivisions have suggested average annual growth rates of 0.5% to 1.0% along the Route 100 and Route 109 corridors due to expected commercial and retail development in the area, as well as numerous residential subdivision developments in Eureka and nearby areas. Historic Average Daily Traffic (ADT) was reviewed on Route 100 and Route 109 over the past 11 years to identify annual growth patterns. As can be seen in Exhibit 1, the trendline of ADT growth on Route 100 and Route 109 is calculated at a 0.5% and 0.8% average annual growth rate, respectively. Per discussion with the City of Wildwood and MoDOT, it was agreed that an average annual growth rate of 0.5% would be sufficient for this project. It should be noted that the proposed and future development associated with the Town Center Area will account for the growth along Manchester Road, as well as turning movements into and out of the street network. Therefore, the growth rate was only applied to the northbound and southbound thru movements on Route 109, and eastbound and westbound thru movements on Route 100.

Subsequently, this study will expand on the baseline traffic analysis by reviewing the following traffic volume scenarios during the morning, afternoon, and weekend peak periods:

1. Future , No Build – This scenario will consider future traffic volumes, and baseline lane configurations and traffic control, without the impact of the proposed and future site generated trips (Figures 21-23).

2. Future, Build – This scenario will consider the future traffic volumes, and upgraded transportation improvements, with the impact of the proposed and future site generated trips (Figures 24-26).

February 2018 30

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Exhibit 1 (Historic ADT)

February 2018 31

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

5 6 0 1 63 4 25 4 5 1 5 0 5 5 30 49 50 85 Ln 0 e 13 sid 0 0 er

0 i 0 0 P 675 45 1 7 oute 100 7 0 135 R 905 5 5 35 7 36 5 5 5 6 0 0 1 9 985 0 5 0 5 165

1 95 5 1 3 1 0 85 5 0 3 0 0 1 10 40

2 7 1 0 0 Main St 15 5 0 2



65 c

5 0 5 u

6 1 2 3 0 n

1 20 h c






l 9






e t 90 u


5 0 0 165

6 1 R 3 30

0 5

8 d 5 0 5 70 5 R 8 5 5 n 8

o 95 60 13 t 25

5 r 1 140

e 30 80 Pkwy Hills Village

h t Rd 60 a ter 5 s 0 e 0 h E 0 c 4 1 n 60 7 a 9 M 5 260



1 0 1 5


5 0 195 5

0 5 0 5 5 0 0 1 0 6 3 0 New College Ave t


3 d 5 o

o 0 0 0 0 5 8 w 5 10 6 k




Future, No Build Traffic AM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

0 9 15 1 12 2 5 7 0 45 5 5 0 0 16 32 5 n 95 7 L 75 5 de 0 rsi 2 ie 0 0 0 P 1045 80 4 1 oute 100 0 0 285 R 675 5 5 10 8 33 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 0 690 1 5 0 5 310

2 160 4 2 8 1 0 215 0

0 5

0 2 4 3 10 90

2 1 2 5 0 Main St 55 5 0 8



85 c

5 5 5 u

6 3 7 4 0 n 60 h c






9 l

0 y

1 a

T e t 5 u 11

0 o 0

5 1 1 155 R

8 1 1 120

0 5 0

7 d 8 1 6 70 1 R 4 5 n 85

o 65 55 40 14 t 75 0 r 1

e 0 50 8 Pkwy Hills Village

h t Rd 50 a ter 0 s 5 e 5 h E c 3 5 n 70 4 a 4 M 5 5 1 26


5 0 1 10


5 0 290 5

5 50 0 3 5 4 0 1 5 7 2 20 New College Ave t


13 d 5 o

o 5 5 0 0 4 4 w 1 20 5 k




Future, No Build Traffic PM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

5 9 0 1 97 1 5 6 5 34 3 0 5 5 19 36 0 n 85 8 L 80 5 de 0 rsi 1 ie 5 5 P 0 0 0 800 8 3 oute 100 2 0 280 R 790 5 0 90 7 33 0 0 5 5 0 695 5 5 0 5 240

1 175 1 2 1 2 00 225 0

5 5 2 0 3 6 30 90

4 1 2 5 0 Main St 50 10 0 7



100 c

0 5 0 u

6 2 9 6 5 n 40 h c






l 9

y 0

a 1


e t 05 u 1

0 0 o

0 0 0 145

9 1 R 1 55

0 0 2 d 4 0 6 5 5 7 R 3 5 n 75

o 85 25 40 11 t 5 0 r 11 e 5 40 2 Pkwy Hills Village h t Rd 35 a ter 0 s 5 he 0 E 0 c 4 1 an 85 2 9 M 5 230


5 0 1 5


0 0 0 25 195 1 5 0 5 4 0 7 5 6 1 0 New College Ave t


8 d 5 o

o 0 5 5 5 1 4 w

10 5 k




Future, No Build Traffic Saturday Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

5 6 35 1 10 4 0 4 5 35 5 0 0 5 31 60 0 n 50 9 L 14 5 de 55 rsi

5 0 0 0 ie

2 1 5 P 815 45 4 7 Route 100 5 5 360 1155 5 0 40 10 49 5 0 0 0 15 7 5 5 5 0 7 8 1 5 5 9 1 114 5

5 0 5 8 0 445

5 5 5 160 4 1 2 35 40 35 5

5 5 11 5 15 5 85 10 0 5 0 M 5 a 5 in St 5 4 5 6 6 5 1 10 5 5 2 3 1 5 5 10 15 10 5 0 3 0 2 0 5 5 5 3 0 9 5 5 1 3 3 5 s 8


0 1 0 0 0 14 20 5 c 2 3 2

0 1 5 5 u 3 0 6 3 25 n

1 15 h c


9 d

0 i R l

1 d r w e o t l o


u d o

a o d R


R A n

o 0 v 10 t e 0 r

0 5 0 60 e 3

1 1 4


t 30

a 5 0

E 8 5 0 5 3 5 1 0 41 7 1 2 1 2 0 5 5 0 5 3 110 0 185 31 5 95 65 0 26 140 0 120 3 Pkwy Hills Village

1 5 Rd 2 r 0 e 5 90 chest 155 5 5 n 0 1 a 5 M 5 90 7 4 0 4 1 50 7 4 4 0 0 105

6 5 2 5


5 5 660 5 5 10 0

9 1 5 0 1 5 9 3 5 New College Ave t


70 d


5 o 0 5 0 9 2 6 w

1 45 k

1 c



Future, Build Traffic AM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

0 9 70 1 16 2 0 7 0 65 5 5 0 5 16 66 95 80 Ln 0 e 11 sid 65 0 er 0 5 2 Pi

4 5 8 1200 80 6 1 Route 100 4 5 560 1205 5 5 10 10 70 5 5 5 5 0 25 5 0 0 1 5 0 2 1 1 1 4 15 5 1 93 1 5 0 0 1 5 550

7 1 5 5 21 7

0 3 3 85 55 85 5 5 5 135 5 40 2 215 5 5 0 5 M 5 a 5 in St 5 6 0 5 3 10 60

5 5 4 4 2 0 5 10 1 5 5 0 1 0 5 2 5 8 5 5 0 5 5 5 7 80 6 1 3 5 s 0


1 5 1 5 5 5 23 15 0 c 2 2 2

5 5 5 u

3 3 7 0 4 50 n

2 45 h c


9 d

0 i R l

1 d r w e o t l o


u d o

a o d R


R A n

o 5 v 11 t

5 5 e 5 r

3 1 5 00 e 4

2 1 1 h 0 t 12

a 0 5 5 E 7 6 0 2 0 1 6 7 8 2 2 5 8 9 2 0 2 0 5 25 100 0 180 60 65 595 420 40 0 135 8 Pkwy Hills Village

4 d 5 r R 1 te 5 100 ches 130 5 n 0 5 5 a 5 1 1 5 M 5 15 7 2 5 5 7 20 7 9 4 5 5 80

5 5 1 10


5 5 5

0 700 0 55 5

8 3 5 5 1 10 1 2 55 New College Ave t


180 d


0 o 0 5 0 9 4 3 w

0 65 k

1 c



Future, Build Traffic PM Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

W e s tg le n

5 9 40 1 15 1 5 6 5 64 3 0 5 0 20 63 85 85 Ln 0 e 11 sid 80 0 er 0 0 i 5 1 P

3 1 6 960 85 7 5 Route 100 0 5 635 1230 5 5 95 10 63 5 5 0 6 20 0 2 0 5 0 0 1 1 1 5 30 5 1 90 1 5 5 0 1 5 620

4 1 5 5 27 2

0 3 4 10 60 85 5 5 5 5 160 5 40 1 225 5 0 5 5 M 5 a 5 in St 5 5 5 8 6 30 85

5 5 5 5 2 0 5 10 1 5 0 5 1 5 5 3 5 7 0 5 5 5 5 0 6 85 6 1 4 5 s 9


5 1 0 5 5 25 15 0 c 2 3 2

5 0 0 u

2 2 5 6 6 40 n

2 35 h c


9 d

0 i R l

1 d r w e o t l o


u d o

a o d R


R A n

o 5 v 12 t

0 5 e 5 r

2 0 3 90 e 3

2 1 1


t 55 a 0 0 1 0 E 1 3 0 9 0 1 1 2 1 5 6 2 4 7 3 0 7 0 5 45 90 5 230 45 85 505 350 25 25 115 Pkwy Hills Village

3 d 5 r R 1 te 5 90 ches 215 2 n 0 5 a 0 0 1 5 2 M 30 9 0 2 0 5 90 5 7 7 5 0 5 150 6 5 1 5


0 5 0

5 835 1 5 30 8

3 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 25 New College Ave t


135 d


5 o 5 5 5 7 7 2 w

1 60 k

1 c



Future, Build Traffic Saturday Peak Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Future Traffic Operations

Discussion regarding the intersection capacity analysis was provided in the “Existing Conditions” section of this report. The study intersections were analyzed based on the two future condition scenarios. The first scenario considered the Future, No Build conditions, and the second scenario considered the Future, Build conditions. The traffic operations between the future traffic conditions with and without the impacts of the proposed site development were compared to estimate the transportation improvement needs necessary to accommodate expected traffic associated with build out of the Town Center Area.

Future (No-Build)… Intersection capacity analysis of this scenario will consider future traffic volumes, the existing transportation system, without the impact of the proposed site generated trips. Due to the assumption that background traffic growth would be mostly confined to Route 100 and Route 109, only the study intersections along these routes were included in this discussion.

 Manchester Road and Route 109… eastbound and westbound movements will continue to operate at a LOS D and E during the peak periods. All northbound and southbound movements operate at a LOS B or better during all peak traffic periods, with the exception of the southbound thru movement in the AM peak. Overall intersection delay is expected to increase by about 10%.

 Route 109 and New College Avenue… Due to minimal side street volumes, the intersection will perform at the about the same levels as the existing conditions scenario.

 Route 100 and Taylor Road…This intersection is expected to operate at acceptable LOS B or better for all peak traffic periods, with most movements operating at a LOS C or better. Overall intersection delay is expected to increase by up to 30%.

 Route 100 and Manchester Road…This intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS C during the peak traffic periods throughout the day. Overall intersection delay is expected to increase by about 10%.

A detailed summary of the intersection capacity for the Future, No Build traffic scenario during the AM, PM, and Saturday peak traffic periods can be seen in Tables 6-8. These summaries provide information regarding traffic volumes and volume to capacity ratio. They also indicate average delay and LOS per entering vehicle by movement, approach, and overall intersection performance.

February 2018 38

Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 60 60 135 85 70 45 570 90 50 580 55 v/c Ratio 0.19 0.11 0.09 0.36 0.26 0.13 0.21 0.93 0.11 0.23 0.95 0.08 Total Delay 28.9 21.2 0.3 18.2 30.3 0.5 15.3 40.2 0.7 22.9 54.7 0.2 LOS C C A B C A B D A C D A Approach Delay 18 17.4 33.5 48 Approach LOS B B C D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 85 Intersection Signal Delay: 34.7 Intersection LOS: C

5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 35 0 10 0 0 5 50 680 50 30 600 150 v/c Ratio 0.1 0.02 0.01 0.14 0.64 0.05 0.08 0.58 0.16 Total Delay 27.9 0 0 8.8 14.9 0.1 6.3 9.4 0.7 LOS C A A A B A A A A Approach Delay 21.7 13.6 7.6 Approach LOS C B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 85 Intersection Signal Delay: 10.9 Intersection LOS: B

16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 985 95 135 675 0 115 0 155 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.05 0.42 0.08 0.46 0.25 0.39 0.4 0.56 Total Delay 63.2 8.6 0.5 49.3 3.1 65.7 66 15.3 LOS E A A D A E E B Approach Delay 8.1 10.8 36.8 Approach LOS A B D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 12.7 Intersection LOS: B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen####### & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1> 0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.08 0.48 0.48 0.09 0.51 0.6 0.32 0.26 0.26 0.32 0.26 Queue Delay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 Total Delay 82.3 25.1 1 66.4 24.8 4.6 15.8 16.6 28 33.4 17.4 LOS F C A E C A B B C C B Approach Delay 25.8 29.5 24.8 27.1 Approach LOS C C C C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 26.8 Intersection LOS: C

Table 6 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, No Build Traffic - AM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 50 50 70 140 45 70 30 545 145 110 670 85 v/c Ratio 0.39 0.15 0.15 0.38 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.68 0.19 0.47 0.76 0.1 Total Delay 48.5 30.9 0.6 26.3 30.6 0.5 13.3 17.8 2.6 19.1 25.4 0.2 LOS D C A C C A B B A B C A Approach Delay 23.5 20 14.5 22.1 Approach LOS C B B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 90 Intersection Signal Delay: 19.3 Intersection LOS: B

5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 0 20 20 5 50 45 545 10 20 740 135 v/c Ratio 0.42 0.03 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.58 0.01 0.05 0.81 0.16 Total Delay 35.6 0.1 38.5 0.9 14.7 19 0 6.9 20.2 0.7 LOS D A D A B B A A C A Approach Delay 31 13.4 18.4 17 Approach LOS C B B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 90 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.6 Intersection LOS: B

16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 690 160 285 1045 0 225 0 145 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.32 0.11 0.65 0.39 0.58 0.59 0.47 Total Delay 12.7 0.1 53.4 3 72 72.3 12.4 LOS B A D A E E B Approach Delay 10.3 13.8 48.7 Approach LOS B B D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.7 Intersection LOS: B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen####### & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1> 0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.1 0.38 0.38 0.35 0.63 0.69 0.16 0.11 0.11 0.18 0.12 Queue Delay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 Total Delay 67.1 29 0.4 39.8 19.3 2.2 62.1 62.4 17.8 67 65.2 LOS E C A D B A E E B E E Approach Delay 29.7 23.7 33.1 66 Approach LOS C C C E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 29.7 Intersection LOS: C

Table 7 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, No Build Traffic - PM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

4: Manchester Rd & Route 109 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 40 35 85 110 35 65 40 525 90 70 520 40 v/c Ratio 0.28 0.08 0.15 0.25 0.07 0.11 0.12 0.72 0.12 0.29 0.67 0.05 Total Delay 39.2 25.2 0.5 19.2 24.5 0.3 9.7 18 0.5 17.4 23.5 0.1 LOS D C A B C A A B A B C A Approach Delay 15.6 14.2 15.1 21.3 Approach LOS B B B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 80 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.4 Intersection LOS: B

5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 5 10 0 5 25 10 545 5 10 645 70 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.57 0.01 0.02 0.65 0.08 Total Delay 27.4 0 32.8 0.4 12.7 17.2 0 10.3 14.2 0.3 LOS C A C A B B A B B A Approach Delay 24.6 5.5 17 12.8 Approach LOS C A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 80 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.1 Intersection LOS: B

16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 0 695 175 280 800 0 215 0 215 0 0 0 v/c Ratio 0.33 0.12 0.63 0.3 0.55 0.55 0.58 Total Delay 12.5 0.2 56.1 1.4 66.2 66.2 12.1 LOS B A E A E E B Approach Delay 10 15.6 39.1 Approach LOS B B D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.8 Intersection LOS: B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen####### & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, No Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1> 0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.1 0.51 0.51 0.21 0.61 0.67 0.18 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.1 Queue Delay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 Total Delay 68.4 16.1 0.3 52.5 17.3 2.3 49.7 54.8 17 63.1 57.2 LOS E B A D B A D D B E E Approach Delay 19.6 24.9 28 60.4 Approach LOS B C C E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 26.2 Intersection LOS: C

Table 8 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, No Build Traffic - Saturday Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Future Transportation Network

The City of Wildwood and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) are coordinating on future improvements to Route 109 at Route 100. MoDOT is planning to widen and rehabilitate the existing Route 109 bridge over Route 100 in 2019. The City is also proposing to construct new roundabouts on Route 109 at the eastbound ramp junction and at Main Street. With these improvements, the existing access to Cambury Lane/Hawthorne Village would be reconfigured to a right-in, right-out access (RIRO). The City of Wildwood has also recognized the need to expand the capacity of Route 109 between Route 100 and Manchester Road. Therefore, at a minimum, the Future, Build traffic analysis will consider the above referenced future transportation network. A conceptual layout of these improvements has been prepared under a separate contract with the City of Wildwood, and is depicted in Figure 27.

The future Wildwood Avenue connection has been considered as part of the Downtown zoning. This new connection would tie into the existing roadway between the City of Wildwood Municipal Government Building and B&B Theater and is depicted on Figures 24-26. The connecting roadway would intersect Manchester Road west of Taylor Road, and would also serve traffic to and from the planned Workplace District, identified as TAZ 8 in this report. This is a logical connection roadway which will divert traffic from Taylor Road to provide an alternate route for commuters into and out of the Downtown district. This was required by MoDOT as a condition of a new RIRO access to Route 100 at Fountain Place.

Future (Build)… Intersection capacity and queueing analysis of this scenario will consider future traffic volumes, the future planned transportation network, with the impact of the proposed site generated trips. This section will also identify any transportation improvements associated with each intersection.

 Route 109 and Main Street…The proposed roundabout intersection serving the future Ackerley Place and Main Street Crossing subdivisions is expected to operate at a LOS C or better during each of the peak traffic periods. The proposed roundabout will operate most efficiently with two circulating lanes to accommodate the future expansion of Route 109.

 Manchester Road and Route 109… This intersection is one of the focal intersections to the Town Center Area. The signalized intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS C or better throughout a typical day. Some side street turning movement capacity is limited due to additional green time needed for the northbound and southbound movements. In addition to the second northbound and southbound thru lanes, additional westbound traffic will likely necessitate dual left turn lanes and a dedicated right turn lane. The southbound movement will benefit with dual left turn lanes to serve traffic demands from the north. The overall intersection delay is expected to increase by up to 80% with the additional site traffic; however, all movement are expected to operate at LOS D or better throughout the day.

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- MATCHLINE A MATCHLINE Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

 Route 109 and New College Avenue…The eastbound and westbound split signal phases is expected to result in inefficient operations. By converting the eastbound and westbound shared thru/left combination lane to a left and shared thru/right, the signal operations function with a more traditional signal phasing, and the operations of this intersection should be able to handle increased demands of traffic flow associated with the new development. With traditional signal phasing for the side streets, the intersection is expected to function at a LOS B or better throughout the day. Side street operations are expected to improve from LOS E to LOS D. It should be noted that the intersection should be carefully investigated prior to changing the signal phasing to review intersection sight distance and geometry to ensure concurrent left turn phasing is feasible.

 Manchester Road and Eatherton Road… Due to the higher volumes on Manchester Road and turning movements to and from Eatherton Road, the existing all-way stop controlled intersection operates at a very poor LOS. Very long queues and delays for the eastbound and westbound movements is likely. A modified section was analyzed, as well as converting the all-way stop to a two-way stop controlled intersection. The modified section included two eastbound and westbound thru lanes, and dedicated left turn lanes. The operations were shown to improve for the mainline thru and left turning movements; however, the side street movements were shown to operate at a poor LOS F. It should be noted that additional thru lanes to add capacity may not be practical due to the existing features and building set-backs along Manchester Road in this area.

 Route 100 and Taylor Road… Significant increases in traffic volumes to serve expected Town Center development will have an impact on the operations of this traffic signal. It is expected that the overall operations will be at a LOS C or better for each of the peak traffic periods. The heavy westbound left turn movement will continue to operate at capacity levels (i.e. LOS E). The expected increase in traffic volume associated with the new development, as well as the Bright Leaf development will enhance the need to modify the side street lane configurations to eliminate the split phase signal operation. The afternoon peak traffic period will likely experience average vehicle delay about 300% greater than today.

 Main Street and Taylor Road… As the heart of the Town Center Downtown District, most all traffic in this area uses Main Street and Taylor Road. Traffic volumes increased at this intersection significantly with the build out of Town Center Area. The performance of the intersection degraded significantly, but fortunately, it still has available capacity to handle the increased demand while operating at acceptable LOS throughout the day. Overall intersection delay is expected to increase by up to 100%, but still operates at a LOS C or better for all peak traffic periods.

 Manchester Road and Taylor Road…The increase in both thru and turning movement traffic volumes at this location may necessitate geometric improvements to the roundabout. Approach queues of about 300 feet could be expected on all of the

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

roundabout legs. Modifying the roundabout to accommodate a dedicated left turn movement on the north, east, and west legs will dramatically reduce queues on the mainline and side streets. Overall, the roundabout intersection is expected to operate at an overall LOS B or better throughout the day.

 Route 100 and Manchester Road…Similar to Route 100 and Taylor Road, increases in thru and turning movements will strain the westbound left turn movement, particularly during the PM peak traffic period. The additional traffic will have a significant impact on the northbound right turn movement, during the peak traffic periods. It is expected that this movement will operate at a failing LOS F during the morning peak, and poor LOS E during the afternoon and Saturday peak traffic periods. Unfortunately, this will also result in excessive queues for the northbound movements, and will likely impede traffic at Pierside Lane. The northbound right turn volume should be monitored as development of Town Center occurs. If the vehicular delays and queues become more than what can be tolerated, a dual right turn with a free-flowing outside lane will improve the performance and reduce queues considerably.

 Manchester Road and Pierside Lane… This signalized intersection should function at acceptable levels during the peak traffic period. The close intersection spacing with Route 100 may hinder traffic into and out of the Lake Chesterfield subdivision. It is highly recommended that this signalized intersection be coordinated with Route 100.

 Manchester Road and Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing… Similar to Pierside Lane, minimal side street volume allows this signal to function at a good LOS throughout the day.

 Manchester Road and Wildwood Ave. (Future Connection)…Similar to Eatherton Road, this future connection was analyzed with two eastbound thru lanes and dedicated left turn lanes. Again, the heavy mainline movement is likely to result in unacceptable delays and LOS F for the eastbound and westbound left turn movements, as well as the side street movements.

A detailed summary of the intersection capacity for the AM, PM, and Saturday peak traffic periods can be seen in Tables 9-11. These summaries provide information regarding traffic volumes and volume to capacity ratio. They also indicate average delay and LOS per entering vehicle by movement, approach, and overall intersection performance.

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Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

2: Route 109 & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 110 5 30 40 5 85 30 890 35 85 1005 75 v/c Ratio 0.35 0.25 0.53 0.57 Total Delay 13.9 9.3 10.2 10.1 LOS B A B B Approach Delay 13.9 9.3 10.2 10.1 Approach LOS B A B B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 10.4 Intersection LOS: B 4: Route 109 & Manchester 1/11/2018Rd 4: Route 109 & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 120 90 90 310 110 120 75 700 415 205 735 105 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.29 0.19 0.62 0.47 0.31 0.25 0.56 0.51 0.55 0.5 0.14 Total Delay 23.2 38.3 0.8 44.5 45.1 2 12.5 14.5 3.4 47.2 21.6 0.3 LOS C D A D D A B B A D C A Approach Delay 21 35.2 10.5 24.5 Approach LOS C D B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 100 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.6 Intersection LOS: C 5: Route 109 & New College1/11/2018 Ave 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 70 5 45 5 5 10 95 1120 60 30 910 195 v/c Ratio 0.18 0.13 0.03 0.11 0.38 0.61 0.14 0.6 Total Delay 33.6 11.8 42.2 27.6 18.7 15.8 2.6 5.2 LOS C B D C B B A A Approach Delay 24.5 31.1 16 5.1 Approach LOS C C B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 100 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.7 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd1/11/2018 & Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 35 660 5 5 450 15 5 5 5 20 5 60 v/c Ratio 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.2 Total Delay 8.5 9.1 24.1 16.7 LOS A A C C Approach Delay 8.4 8.6 24.1 16.7 Approach LOS A A C C

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 1.7 Intersection LOS: A 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 155 445 105 30 415 80 25 5 10 15 5 50 v/c Ratio 0.37 0.76 0.09 0.8 0.11 0.11 0.06 0.03 0.38 Total Delay 8.6 12.1 8.4 14.3 17.7 17.6 17.8 17.3 19.4 LOS A B A B B B B B B Approach Delay 11.3 14 17.7 18.9 Approach LOS B B B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 65 Intersection Signal Delay: 12.9 Intersection LOS: B 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 1/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 15 1140 160 360 815 55 155 5 240 50 10 25 v/c Ratio 0.04 0.62 0.15 0.69 0.37 0.47 0.04 0.65 0.18 0.29 Total Delay 7.7 23.9 1.1 50.6 6.9 62.6 63 14.5 46.6 33.9 LOS A C A D A E E B D C Approach Delay 20.9 19.7 33.7 41.3 Approach LOS C B C D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 22.7 Intersection LOS: C

Table 9 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - AM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

17: Taylor Rd & Main St 1/11/2018 17: Taylor Rd & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 145 10 15 15 10 85 30 165 35 110 365 25 v/c Ratio 0.26 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.15 0.08 0.43 0.24 0.57 0.04 Total Delay 13.6 10.7 16.7 20.2 1.5 9.8 19.8 10.7 20.5 0.1 LOS B B B C A A B B C A Approach Delay 13.2 5.3 18.5 17.3 Approach LOS B A B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.6 Intersection LOS: B 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 185 265 30 30 360 100 95 65 140 40 15 100 v/c Ratio 0.2 0.31 0.04 0.6 0.42 0.06 0.16 Total Delay 5.3 6.5 4.7 13.1 10.1 5.5 6.5 LOS A A A B B A A Approach Delay 6.1 10.3 10.1 6.2 Approach LOS A B B A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 9.2 Intersection LOS: A 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 45 1155 100 350 1035 65 140 50 605 145 40 55 v/c Ratio 0.23 0.82 0.15 0.36 0.46 0.06 0.8 0.32 0.96 0.72 0.54 Total Delay 15.2 25.3 0.6 39 11.3 1.2 66.1 48.8 37.8 72.3 46.5 LOS B C A D B A E D D E D Approach Delay 23.1 17.5 43.4 62.1 Approach LOS C B D E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 27.7 Intersection LOS: C 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 90 310 490 40 75 455 v/c Ratio 0.13 0.39 0.38 0.07 0.18 0.27 Total Delay 24.8 3.8 22.4 14.9 9 8.5 LOS C A C B A A Approach Delay 8.5 21.8 8.6 Approach LOS A C A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.4 Intersection LOS: B 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 10 465 10 35 445 5 5 5 25 5 95 170 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.61 0.01 0.07 0.27 0.02 0.04 0.17 0.26 Total Delay 11.2 18.9 0 3.5 4.5 18.2 0.1 18.9 2.5 LOS B B A A A B A B A Approach Delay 18.3 4.4 5 8.5 Approach LOS B A A A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 10.6 Intersection LOS: B

Table 9 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - AM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

2: Route 109 & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 5 25 55 5 115 50 1075 60 140 1205 105 v/c Ratio 0.49 0.39 0.72 0.74 Total Delay 21.5 13.6 16.5 15.4 LOS C B C B Approach Delay 21.5 13.6 16.5 15.4 Approach LOS C B C B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 16.1 Intersectino LOS: C 4: Route 109 & Manchester 1/11/2018Rd 4: Route 109 & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 100 115 595 100 280 75 755 475 260 825 160 v/c Ratio 0.22 0.36 0.26 0.79 0.46 0.65 0.32 0.71 0.6 0.66 0.62 0.23 Total Delay 20.8 44.8 1.3 47.1 49.9 11.9 25.3 28 4.2 53.5 29.2 2.5 LOS C D A D D B C C A D C A Approach Delay 21.2 37.3 19.2 30.8 Approach LOS C D B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 110 Intersection Signal Delay: 27.7 Intersection LOS: C 5: Route 109 & New College1/11/2018 Ave 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 180 5 65 55 10 55 90 1040 30 25 1350 180 v/c Ratio 0.57 0.21 0.21 0.25 0.52 0.55 0.12 0.86 Total Delay 41.5 12.1 32.5 15.6 40.5 15.5 3.6 11 LOS D B C B D B A B Approach Delay 33.3 23.3 17.4 10.9 Approach LOS C C B B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 110 Intersection Signal Delay: 15.7 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd1/11/2018 & Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 700 5 10 920 15 5 5 5 15 5 55 v/c Ratio 0.13 0.01 0.08 0.11 0.27 0.22 Total Delay 11.1 9.3 64.4 46.3 86 20.5 LOS B A F E F C Approach Delay 11.1 9.3 52.3 33.6 Approach LOS B A F D

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 2.3 Intersection LOS: A 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 130 525 80 25 570 75 150 5 45 90 5 220 v/c Ratio 0.61 0.79 0.11 0.9 0.64 0.18 0.24 0.02 0.71 Total Delay 24.8 28.6 17.5 39.4 33.9 30.9 29.4 32.2 40 LOS C C B D C C C C D Approach Delay 27.9 38.6 29 36.9 Approach LOS C D C D

Intersection Summary Control Type: Signalized Intersection Signalized Delay: 33.2 Intersection LOS: C 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 1/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 25 935 210 560 1200 65 370 10 375 85 5 40 v/c Ratio 0.25 0.65 0.21 0.79 0.61 0.65 0.04 0.59 0.44 0.35 Total Delay 72.8 36.5 1.4 65.9 5.7 62.3 53.5 17.5 52.7 28.3 LOS E D A E A E D B D C Approach Delay 30.9 24.2 39.9 44.3 Approach LOS C C D D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 30.0 Intersection LOS: C

Table 10 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - PM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

17: Taylor Rd & Main St 1/11/2018 17: Taylor Rd & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 230 30 45 55 10 215 35 275 45 235 455 40 v/c Ratio 0.39 0.15 0.22 0.04 0.46 0.12 0.71 0.62 0.7 0.06 Total Delay 16.1 11 23.4 23.5 5.8 11.5 30.4 19.9 28 0.1 LOS B B C C A B C B C A Approach Delay 14.8 9.9 28.6 23.9 Approach LOS B A C C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.9 Intersection LOS: C 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 180 420 80 120 400 115 40 60 65 155 115 235 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.66 0.15 0.63 0.29 0.24 0.53 Total Delay 7 15.8 5.5 13.6 9.4 8 13 LOS A C A B A A B Approach Delay 13.5 12.1 9.4 11.5 Approach LOS B B A B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 12.2 Intersectino LOS: B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 1205 105 650 1670 90 110 95 660 120 75 50 v/c Ratio 0.47 0.92 0.15 0.69 0.82 0.08 0.61 0.52 1.05 0.63 0.64 Total Delay 51.8 38.9 1.2 50.4 25.7 0.6 66.6 62.2 67.8 76.6 68.1 LOS D D A D C A E E E E E Approach Delay 36.8 31.5 67 72.2 Approach LOS D C E E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 41.3 Intersection LOS: D 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 165 705 105 215 645 v/c Ratio 0.22 0.37 0.36 0.12 0.46 0.27 Total Delay 49.9 8.5 11 5.5 12.3 1.8 LOS D A B A B A Approach Delay 22 10.3 4.5 Approach LOS C B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 150 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.2 Intersection LOS: A 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 660 10 85 550 10 10 5 85 15 5 15 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.72 0.01 0.23 0.28 0.04 0.19 0.06 0.03 Total Delay 4.6 19.3 0 4.4 4.1 22.4 3.1 22.6 0.1 LOS A B A A A C A C A Approach Delay 18.9 4.1 6 12.9 Approach LOS B A A B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 75 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.3 Intersection LOS: B

Table 10 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - PM Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

2: Route 109 & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 160 5 30 60 5 130 55 965 65 150 1065 125 v/c Ratio 0.53 0.41 0.68 0.69 Total Delay 21.1 13.4 15.4 13.6 LOS C B C B Approach Delay 21.1 13.4 15.4 13.6 Approach LOS C B C B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 14.8 Intersection LOS: B 4: Route 109 & Manchester 1/11/2018Rd 4: Route 109 & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 115 90 130 505 90 240 95 720 555 310 690 130 v/c Ratio 0.2 0.32 0.29 0.76 0.43 0.62 0.4 0.68 0.65 0.64 0.52 0.18 Total Delay 22 44 1.5 47.9 49.9 12.1 15.5 25.9 5.4 49.8 26.5 1.1 LOS C D A D D B B C A D C A Approach Delay 20 37.8 16.9 30 Approach LOS B D B C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 110 Intersection Signal Delay: 26.0 Intersection LOS: C 5: Route 109 & New College1/12/2018 Ave 5: Route 109 & New College Ave Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 5 60 25 5 30 75 1175 25 15 1185 135 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.2 0.18 0.23 0.39 0.59 0.07 0.7 Total Delay 46.5 12.8 49 21.6 25.6 15.3 2.5 6.9 LOS D B D C C B A A Approach Delay 35.6 33 15.9 6.8 Approach LOS D C B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 110 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.4 Intersection LOS: B 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd1/11/2018 & Manchester Rd 9: Rockwood Pt/Eatherton Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 70 835 5 5 790 20 0 5 10 15 5 60 v/c Ratio 0.1 0.01 0.12 0.23 0.21 Total Delay 10.2 9.9 34.1 69.1 18.6 LOS B A D F C Approach Delay 10.2 9.9 34.1 28.1 Approach LOS B A D D

Intersection Summary Control Type: Unsignalized Intersection Unsignalized Delay: 2.0 Intersection LOS: A 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 14: Wildwood Ave & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 215 500 150 45 520 110 120 5 35 70 5 175 v/c Ratio 0.7 0.78 0.17 0.83 0.39 0.19 0.23 0.02 0.54 Total Delay 23.3 24.5 15.5 30.8 32.9 34.8 31.9 34 32.2 LOS C C B C C C C C C Approach Delay 24.2 29.8 33.3 32.2 Approach LOS C C C C

Intersection Summary Control Type: Signalized Intersection Signalized Delay: 27.9 Intersection LOS: C 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 1/11/2018 16: Taylor Rd & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 20 905 270 635 960 80 345 10 425 65 10 30 v/c Ratio 0.14 0.64 0.27 0.83 0.51 0.67 0.06 0.8 0.24 0.32 Total Delay 58.4 36.1 1.6 48.8 7.4 61 54.5 15.9 42.4 32.1 LOS E D A D A E D B D C Approach Delay 28.7 23.1 36.3 38.5 Approach LOS C C D D

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 28.1 Intersection LOS: C

Table 11 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - Saturday Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

17: Taylor Rd & Main St 1/11/2018 17: Taylor Rd & Main St Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 250 25 35 50 30 225 25 260 60 265 580 55 v/c Ratio 0.43 0.12 0.18 0.1 0.39 0.1 0.73 0.64 0.8 0.07 Total Delay 21.9 11.7 25.4 23.9 3.8 12.1 33 19.9 31.7 0.2 LOS C B C C A B C B C A Approach Delay 20 9.3 31.5 26.3 Approach LOS B A C C

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 75 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.4 Intersection LOS: C 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor1/11/2018 Rd & Manchester Rd 19: Village Hills Pkwy/Taylor Rd & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 230 350 25 55 390 125 25 45 85 135 105 220 v/c Ratio 0.28 0.46 0.07 6.4 0.26 0.19 0.45 Total Delay 7.1 9.8 4.8 14.1 8.8 6.8 10.7 LOS A A A B A A B Approach Delay 0.5 13.2 8.8 9.6 Approach LOS A B A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 10.4 Intersection LOS: B 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen1/11/2018 & Route 100 21: Manchester Rd/Westglen & Route 100 Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 1230 105 645 1540 95 110 85 630 115 60 35 v/c Ratio 0.48 0.88 0.15 0.7 0.73 0.09 0.58 0.44 0.96 0.59 0.54 Total Delay 48.8 29.7 4 48.4 20 2.7 47.5 50.5 39.2 62.3 59.9 LOS D C A D C A D D D E E Approach Delay 29 27.3 41.5 61.2 Approach LOS C C D E

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 31.8 Intersection LOS: C 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside1/11/2018 Ln 23: Manchester Rd & Pierside Ln Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 85 200 630 95 155 705 v/c Ratio 0.19 0.36 0.35 0.12 0.34 0.33 Total Delay 39.7 6.6 13.1 6.6 5.6 2.4 LOS D A B A A A Approach Delay 16.4 12.2 3 Approach LOS B B A

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 140 Intersection Signal Delay: 8.6 Intersection LOS: A 24: Schnucks & Manchester1/11/2018 Rd 24: Schnucks & Manchester Rd Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 5 585 15 105 620 5 10 5 75 10 5 10 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.68 0.02 0.27 0.32 0.04 0.16 0.04 0.02 Total Delay 5 18.7 0.1 4.2 3.5 19.9 1.9 19.9 0.1 LOS A B A A A B A B A Approach Delay 18.2 3.6 4.8 11.9 Approach LOS B A A B

Intersection Summary Cycle Length: 70 Intersection Signal Delay: 9.9 Intersection LOS: A

Table 11 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - Saturday Peak February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Alternative Intersection Analysis

The intersections at Eatherton Road and the future connection at Wildwood Avenue are not expected to operate at acceptable levels, even with the additional eastbound and westbound thru lanes. Furthermore, it may not be practical to implement additional widening between Taylor and Route 109. As an alternative to the all-way or two-way stop controlled intersection analysis, roundabouts were considered to estimate their effectiveness at these locations. The signalized intersections of Route 109 and Manchester Road, and Route 109 and New College Avenue were also analyzed with alternate roundabout intersection control.

 Manchester Road and Eatherton Road… Analysis of a single lane roundabout indicated poor operations for the mainline traffic, and long queues during peak traffic periods. A multi-lane roundabout was analyzed and is expected to operate at LOS A or B for all movements. The heavier eastbound and westbound movements may experience some delays with queues over 200’. It should be noted that a roundabout with a minimum inscribed diameter of 150’ (similar to the dimensions at Route 109 and Pond Grover Loop Road) at this location may be impractical due to the limited building offsets. An alternative would be to construct a roundabout about 375 feet to the west along Manchester Road at East Avenue/Lindy Lane, with Eatherton Road realigning to tie into East Avenue.

 Manchester Road and Wildwood Avenue... (Future Connection)…Similar to Eatherton Road, a dual-lane roundabout at this location is expected to operate at acceptable LOS for all movements. The heavier eastbound and westbound movements may experience some delays with queues of about 150’.  Route 109 and Manchester Road…A dual-lane roundabout at this location will be required to accommodate two circulating lanes due to heavy westbound, northbound and southbound movements. These approaches will benefit from the installation of a dedicated right turn slip lane to reduce conflicting vehicles in the roundabout. Even with these improvements, peak period movements on Route 109 can be expected to operate at LOS D or E, with excessive queues during peak traffic periods.  Route 109 and New College Avenue….A dual-lane roundabout at this location will likely function at a LOS C or better during the peak traffic periods. Again, two circulating lanes will be necessary to accommodate the traffic. A roundabout at this location could be constructed with a minimum inscribed diameter of 150 feet (similar to the dimensions at Route 109 and Pond Grover Loop Road); however, additional Right-of-Way, sidewalk reconstruction, and reconfiguration of the parking lot in the southeast quadrant would be necessary. A detailed summary of the intersection capacity for the AM, PM, and Saturday peak traffic periods can be seen in Tables 12-14. These summaries provide information regarding traffic volumes and volume to capacity ratio. They also indicate average delay and LOS per entering vehicle by movement, approach, and overall intersection performance.

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Route 109 & New College Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 70 5 45 5 5 10 95 1120 60 30 910 195 v/c Ratio 0.25 0.05 0.64 0.57 Total Delay 10.4 7.9 12.1 10.3 LOS B A B B Approach Delay 10.4 7.9 12.1 10.3 Approach LOS B A B A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 11.2 Intersection LOS: B

Route 109 & Manchester Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 120 90 90 310 110 120 75 700 415 205 735 105 v/c Ratio 0.34 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.67 0.67 0.67 Total Delay 15.9 18.8 12.6 13.1 12.2 16.6 17 15.2 15.5 16 10.7 LOS C C B B B C C C C C B Approach Delay 17.6 12.6 16.3 15.4 Approach LOS C B C C

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 15.5 Intersection LOS: C

Manchester Rd and Eatherton Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 35 660 5 5 450 15 5 5 5 20 5 60 v/c Ratio 0.36 0.24 0.03 0.14 Total Delay 7 5.7 7.5 6.9 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 7 5.7 7.5 6.9 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 6.5 Intersection LOS: A

Manchester Road and Wildwood Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: AM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 155 445 105 30 415 80 25 5 10 15 5 50 v/c Ratio 0.36 0.32 0.08 0.11 Total Delay 7.2 7.4 7.3 6.7 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 7.2 7.4 7.3 6.7 Approach LOS A A A A

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 7.2 Intersection LOS: A

Table 12 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - AM Peak (Roundabout) February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Route 109 & New College Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 180 5 65 55 10 55 90 1040 30 25 1350 180 v/c Ratio 0.77 0.28 0.65 0.83 Total Delay 40.3 11.6 13.3 21.4 LOS E B B C Approach Delay 40.3 11.6 13.3 21.4 Approach LOS E B B C

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 19.4 Intersection LOS: C

Route 109 & Manchester Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 100 115 595 100 280 75 755 475 260 825 160 v/c Ratio 0.5 0.79 0.79 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.95 0.95 0.95 Total Delay 26.7 51.7 47.1 38.9 39.8 38.7 24.5 24.8 22.8 46.6 47.2 37.8 LOS D F E E E E C C C E E E Approach Delay 40.5 38.9 24.1 45.9 Approach LOS E E C E

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 36.3 Intersection LOS: E

Manchester Rd and Eatherton Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 80 700 5 10 920 15 5 5 5 15 5 55 v/c Ratio 0.4 0.51 0.04 0.21 Total Delay 7.5 9.8 8.1 12.4 LOS A A A B Approach Delay 7.5 9.8 8.1 12.4 Approach LOS A A A B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 8.9 Intersection LOS: A

Manchester Road and Wildwood Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 130 525 80 25 570 75 150 5 45 90 5 220 v/c Ratio 0.41 0.45 0.44 0.7 Total Delay 8.3 10.2 15.2 26.0 LOS A B C D Approach Delay 8.3 10.2 15.2 26.0 Approach LOS A B C D

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 12.6 Intersection LOS: B

Table 13 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - PM Peak (Roundabout) February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood

Route 109 & New College Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 135 5 60 25 5 30 75 1175 25 15 1185 135 v/c Ratio 0.52 0.15 0.68 0.67 Total Delay 20.1 9.9 13.6 13 LOS C A B B Approach Delay 20.1 9.9 13.6 13 Approach LOS C A B B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 13.7 Intersection LOS: B

Route 109 & Manchester Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 115 90 130 505 90 240 95 720 555 310 690 130 v/c Ratio 0.37 0.67 0.67 0.73 .73. 73 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.82 0.82 0.82 Total Delay 18.8 34.5 29.5 23.4 24.1 22.8 30.7 30.9 29.3 26.9 27.6 19.8 LOS C D D C C C D D D D D C Approach Delay 27.2 23.3 30.2 26.5 Approach LOS D C D D

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 27.2 Intersection LOS: D

Manchester Rd and Eatherton Rd (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 70 835 5 5 790 20 0 5 10 15 5 60 v/c Ratio 0.46 0.44 0.05 0.19 Total Delay 8.4 8.4 9.6 10.6 LOS A A A B Approach Delay 8.4 8.4 9.6 10.6 Approach LOS A A A B

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 8.5 Intersection LOS: A

Manchester Rd and Wildwood Ave (Roundabout) Scenario: Future, Build Peak Period: Saturday Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Traffic Volume (vph) 215 500 150 45 520 110 120 5 35 70 5 175 v/c Ratio 0.48 0.48 0.37 0.52 Total Delay 9.5 11.4 13.9 16.6 LOS A B B C Approach Delay 9.5 11.4 13.9 16.6 Approach LOS A B B C

Intersection Summary Control Type: Roundabout Intersection Roundabout Delay: 11.4 Intersection LOS: B

Table 14 Intersection Capacity Analysis Future, Build Traffic - Saturday Peak (Roundabout) February 2018 Town Center Traffic Impact Study City of Wildwood


In 1996, the City of Wildwood adopted a comprehensive master plan to provide a road map for the future growth of the entire community. A key element of that plan was the designation of a new Town Center. The intent of this designation was to provide the community with a dynamic mixed-use environment where people could live, work, and play, and provide the entire city with a focal point and stronger sense of community identity.

The excerpt above is another reference from the City of Wildwood’s website to provide insight to the new planning district known as Town Center. The actual boundaries of the Town Center district can be difficult to describe. The core of Town Center can be described with the boundaries Route 100 to the north, Manchester Road to the south, and Route 109 to the west. However, the actual boundaries of the 820 acres which make up Town Center extend well beyond these limits.

Recent developments which have either been approved or are in the process of being reviewed by the City of Wildwood have had individual traffic studies completed as part of the particular development. Instead of looking at the traffic impacts one development at a time, the City has embarked on a more comprehensive traffic impact study to review the impacts associated with not only the zoned, but not yet built developments, but also future development based on the City’s Town Center Plan.

The procedures for this comprehensive study included a review of traffic data collected by the City of Wildwood at various locations along Route 100, Route 109, and Manchester Road. This transportation network serves as the basis for nearly all traffic with origins and destinations within the Town Center boundaries. The overall Town Center Plan was then reviewed, as well as the developments which have already been approved by the City, to complete an estimation of trips generated to the site. New trips were estimated based on an aggressive, full build-out within a twenty-year planning horizon. It is acknowledged that full build-out will probably be closer to thirty-plus years, based on current market trends. The estimated site trips were then assigned to the transportation street network. Future traffic volumes were forecasted based on both normal growth to background traffic due to regional population trends, as well as with the proposed site trip generation. The last step in the process was to complete traffic analysis at each of the study intersections to review operation levels-of-service for existing, future no build, and future build traffic scenarios. This was done in an effort to identify potential transportation system improvements to handle increased demands in traffic.

The following Figure 28 depicts the ultimate transportation network improvement strategies which may be needed as the City moves forward with Town Center development plans, followed by a technical description of needs at each intersection.

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1. Route 109 and Main Street…A roundabout is being proposed as part of the Main Street Crossing and Ackerley Place subdivisions as the main access off of Route 109. This roundabout should include two circulating lanes to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes. A segment of Main Street has recently been constructed between Route 109 and Eatherton Road as part of the Main Street development. As the downtown district of the Town Center Area expands to the south and west, it is imperative that Main Street be improved from Eatherton Road to the east.

2. Route 109 and Manchester Road…This signalized intersection will benefit with dual westbound and southbound left turn lanes as traffic volumes increase due to Town Center development. The intersection should be modified to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes.

An alternate improvement would be to construct a multi-lane roundabout at this location. A dual lane roundabout would be necessary to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes, as well as a dedicated left turn lane and shared left/thru lane for the westbound to southbound movement. Each approach should be constructed to provide a right turn slip lane.

3. Route 109 and New College Avenue…The intersection at Route 109 and New College Avenue should be improved to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes. The side street approaches should be reconfigured to replace the shared left/thru lane and right turn lane, with a dedicated left and shared thru/right lane. This should eliminate the need for split phase signal operation. Changing the phasing should be carefully reviewed to ensure there are no sight distance or geometric constraints with implementing concurrent left turn phasing. An alternate improvement would be to construct a multi-lane roundabout at this location. A dual lane roundabout would be necessary to accommodate two northbound and southbound thru lanes.

4. Manchester Road and Eatherton Road…The intersections of Manchester Road with Eatherton Road and the future Wildwood Avenue are expected to function with poor LOS during peak traffic periods with existing two-way and all-way stop control. Roundabouts at these locations could be implemented to provide additional intersection capacity. It should be noted that a roundabout with a minimum inscribed diameter of 120’ (similar to the dimensions at Taylor Road) at Eatherton Road may be impractical due to the limited building offsets. An alternative would be to construct a roundabout about 375 feet to the west along Manchester Road at East Avenue/Lindy Lane, with Eatherton Road realigning to tie into East Avenue, as this area is undeveloped.

5. Manchester Road and Wildwood Avenue…A new connection roadway (Wildwood Avenue) to provide north/south access between Manchester Road and the Downtown District of Town Center along Main Street should be considered. The connection will likely divert some of the traffic from Taylor Road, as well as serve new developments adjacent to the new street. It is recommended that Wildwood Avenue connects with

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Manchester Road a minimum of 1000 feet west of Taylor Road to provide adequate spacing between the intersections.

Depending of the specific density of the future downtown district development between its western boundary and Eatherton Road, it may be necessary to provide another north/south connector road between Wildwood Avenue and Eatherton Road. Ideally, it would be desired to maintain about 1000’ feet of separation between intersections, if practical.

6. Manchester Road and Taylor Road…The existing roundabout at Manchester Road and Taylor Road is expected to function at acceptable LOS; however motorists on the eastbound, westbound, and southbound approaches will experience long queues. If this becomes an undesirable condition with increased traffic demands, the roundabout could be modified to include dedicated left turn movements and two circulating lanes in the roundabout to help reduce queues.

7. Route 100 and Taylor Road…The expected development associated with Town Center, as well as the Bright Leaf residential development, will generate a significant amount of traffic at Route 100 and Taylor Road. As this occurs, it may be necessary to upgrade the northbound approach to include a dedicated thru lane and remove the existing split phase signal operation.

8. Route 100 and Manchester Road… The Manchester Road northbound right turn movement at Route 100 should be monitored with future development. As conditions dictate, improvements to the northbound approach to include a shared thru/right and free-flowing right turn lane should be considered. This will require an eastbound auxiliary lane of at least a quarter mile on Route 100.

9. Route 109 should be widened through the Town Center limits to include two thru lanes in each direction (Route 100 westbound ramps to south of New College Avenue). The City and MoDOT are already in the process to plan and design improvements at the Route 109 bridge over Route 100 and the Route 100 eastbound ramps.

10. Based on anticipated increase in traffic volume associated with full build-out of the proposed Town Center, it may be necessary to widen Manchester Road between Taylor Road and Route 109. Manchester Road will most likely be the route most impacted by the future development of Town Center. Daily traffic volumes are expected to be two to three times as much as what is experienced today. However, aside from any recommended minor intersection improvements, major roadway widening of Manchester Road probably won’t be required for the next 20 to 30 years, depending on the density of the proposed development. In the meantime, the two-lane road between Taylor Road and Eatherton Road should suffice. However, this route should be closely monitored as future development opportunities are presented to the City.

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11. The signalized intersections at Route 100, Pierside Lane, and the Schnuck’s Wildwood Crossing should be coordinated to provide optimal vehicle progression. Timing plans should be considered which coordinate the Route 100 westbound left turn movement with the Manchester Road thru movement.

12. If the intersections at Manchester and New College Avenue with Route 109 remain signalized, coordinated signal timing plans should be periodically updated to provide optimal northbound/southbound traffic progression during peak traffic periods.

13. A future roadway connection of Generations Drive to the north should tie into the future Main Street connection at Manchester Road, west of Route 109. This future connection will provide better route continuity, and will give motorists an alternate route from the south and west to the east.

14. A future roadway extension of New College Avenue east to Center Avenue will provide access from Route 109 to newly constructed homes south of Manchester Road between West Avenue and Center Avenue.

The traffic engineering analysis completed for this study provides a very comprehensive review of the traffic impacts associated with the future build out of the Town Center Area. Many assumptions were necessary to provide traffic forecasts as accurately as possible. As previously stated in this document, the assumption of full build-out of Town Center in a twenty- year planning horizon represents a very aggressive growth rate based on current market trends, and full build-out is more likely to occur over a thirty-year horizon. As a result, this report provides the City of Wildwood a planning tool to understand what the ultimate transportation infrastructure improvements are necessary to accommodate an ultimate development scenario. As the City of Wildwood continues to move forward with development plans for Town Center, it is highly encouraged that the City continues to request traffic impact studies and analysis for the specific applications. These studies will be able to use this study as a guide, and update with more precise land use, development density, and street access.

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