FRONT PAGE A1 TUESDAY TOOELE RANSCRIPT Virg’s still pack- T ing them in after 10 years See B1 BULLETIN October 16, 2007 SERVING TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 VOL. 114 NO. 42 50¢ Broadway project clears another hurdle Police investigate by Tim Gillie STAFF WRITER death in Wendover An affordable housing devel- opment centered on the ren- by Suzanne Ashe found Garcia after ovation of the old Broadway STAFF WRITER responding to a medi- Hotel in Newtown took anoth- cal call at the casino. er step forward last week when Police in West Garcia had report- the state approved low-income Wendover are inves- edly been in an alter- housing tax credits for the tigating the death of cation with two other project. 22-year-old Carlos individuals who had Kevin Peterson of Capital Garcia, of Orem, after left the casino prior to Management, a Salt Lake City- he was found dead at the officers arrival. based development company, the Stateline-Wendover Garcia’s body was said the credits will allow his Nugget Casino on sent to the Washoe company to focus on complet- Sunday. County crime lab in ing a financing package and According to a Reno for an autopsy. finalizing a design for the $10 statement from the The police are continu- million project. West Wendover Police ing their investigation. “I’ve worked intently on Department, officers
[email protected] this project for a year and half now,” said Peterson. “It has taken patience, but we’re not stopping.” When completed, the hotel First-ever Grantsville project will include 21 units for photography / Maegan Burr those with an income of 60 per- cent or less of Tooele’s annual Jim Busico stands in front of the Broadway Hotel, which he is helping to renovate into affordable housing.