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March / April, 2011 Vol. 48, No. 2 Spec. home bill clears Senate, awaits final house action Speaker of the crats have fled the state, thus blocking the House of Representatives from conducting House Brian business. Indiana Builders Association lob- byists have been working with members of Bosma addresses both parties in the Indiana Senate to keep this bill moving as it is one of a few pieces of legislation that has received a hearing in the IBA Board Senate during the second half of the session. The bill was one of the last bills voted on in the House before the walkout. Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, CAPS, CGP, IBA’s 2011 President, has testified in sev- Leaders of the Southwestern Indiana Builders Association thank State Representative eral committee hearings on the importance Suzanne Crouch (R-Evansville) for introducing HB 1046 dealing with a property tax of the legislation to the industry at a time deduction for spec. homes in the House of Representatives. Rep. Crouch was the lead when many are struggling to keep their author of the legislation and currently serves as the Vice Chairperson of the House Ways doors open. and Means Committee. Pictured are (left to right): Bill Kattmann; Bill Badger, Sr; Rep. “This bill is a prime example of how the Crouch; and Carl Shepherd, IBA’s 1998 State President. legislative process works,” said Rick Wajda, IBA’s Chief Executive Officer. “Advocates he Indiana Senate passed HB 1046, erty taxes on the land, but 50 percent of the for affordable housing pitted against local IBA President Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, the spec. home bill, on March 22 taxes on the structure would be exempt. units of government who did not want to CGP, CAPS, (right), thanks Speaker of the T by a margin of 43-5. It now heads This is a key piece of legislation for the lose tax revenue from the spec. house in House Brian Bosma for addressing the IBA back to the House of Representatives for a housing industry as statewide building per- their jurisdiction. Authors, sponsors and Board. Bosma’s comments included as- concurrence motion. mits are down 70 percent from their peak in Committee Chairmen worked with the in- sessment of the current climate and his re- House Bill 1046, authored by Rep. solve to hammer out the details of the bud- Crouch (R-Evansville) in the House and get. sponsored by Senator Hershman (R-Buck Creek) in the Senate, provides a 50 percent property tax deduction to a residential IBA Past State builder for a single family residence, townhouse, or condominium that has never President Kovich been occupied as a principal residence. Builders would continue to pay the prop- achieves Senior IBA Past State President David Kovich (second from right), discusses housing issues with Life Director legislative leaders at IBA’s recent legislative luncheon. Pictured are (left to right): Wesley Holdman (son of Senator Holdman); State Senator Holdman (R-Markle); Kovich; and State status on IBA Senator Hershman (R-Buck Creek). Senator Hershman was the lead sponsor of HB 1046 PAID dealing with a tax deduction for spec. homes and Senator Holdman was a co-sponsor. PRSRT STD Board US POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 279 PERMIT NO. the mid-2000s and would allow home terested parties to find a common ground INDIANAPOLIS, IN builders to take the deduction on up to three and pass a piece of legislation. But that can homes for three assessment dates when the only be accomplished if they are present to structure is fully assessed. debate the issue.” If the House fails to reach a quorum to IBA would like to thank Representative conduct business, HB 1046 will not be eli- Crouch and Senator Hershman for authoring gible to be signed into law by Governor and sponsoring the bill as well as Repre- Daniels. The House must agree to the sentative Cheatham, Representative Clere, changes made in the Senate with a concur- Representative Cherry, Representative rence motion before it can be sent to the Morris, Senator Banks, Senator Becker, Governor’s Office for signature into law. Senator Broden, Senator Alting, Senator As of the date of printing, most House Demo- Holdman and Senator Zakas for going on the bill as co-authors and sponsors and to IBA President Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, Chairman Kenley and Chairman Espich for CGP, CAPS, (left), presents IBA Past State hearing the bill in their respective commit- President David Kovich, GMB, CAPS, tees. CGP, with a blazer, signifying his IBA will update members on the status of accommplishment of achieving Senior Life the legislation as the Indiana General As- Director status on the IBA Board. The sta- sembly approaches its targeted completion tus is awarded for attending 80 board meet- Indiana Builders Association 1111 Ohio St., Ste. W. 101 Indianapolis, IN 46204 date of April 29. ings. Page 2, Indiana Builder News March / April, 2011 Indiana Use your network to be successful s I draft these comments, the first uled meetings with, providing accurate, Builder day of spring 2011 is on the hori- President’s well-defined comments and responses to the A zon. With the beginning of lent a Message questions posed. This event is the perfect News few weeks back, the religious calendar takes example of democracy in action and a vivid on a new meaning as the year moves for- By Doug Miller, illustration of the importance of each of you Official publication of the ward. We use this season to review life as GMB, CGB, CGP, CAPS being involved. Indiana Builders Association, Inc. D.L. Miller Construction, we look forward to Easter and the promise Elkhart At a recent event, a comment was made 101 W. Ohio St., Ste. 1111 of rebirth! Regardless of age, spring and asking for a response to discern if a “silver Indianapolis, IN 46204 the promise of warm weather, flowers and President, bullet” exists for rescuing housing and driv- (800) 377-6334 green grass evokes anticipation and excite- Indiana Builders Association ing our industry to a faster recovery. I must (317) 917-1100 Local ment. As I age, this season especially sparks admit, a chuckle developed inside. I have (317) 917-0335 FAX the youth within. asked myself this question many times. This www.BuildIndiana.org Housing typically rises out of its’ winter meeting. His assessment of the current cli- writing supports the response provided on [email protected] slumber this season; this year appears to mate was one of frustration, currently un- that occasion. The “silver bullet” is pos- All six issues published on-line follow history. Granted, housing has not able to do the work required for the citizens sessed by each member. Simply put; be in- bi-monthly & in hard copy. hit the ground running, but it is moving of Indiana, but confirmed his resolve to volved, work 15 minutes longer, don’t give Advertising rates available upon request. This publication will not knowingly accept any ad- forward. Pace varies from community to hammer out the details of the budget. up, commit to be part of a larger team! Posi- vertisement that is in violation of the law. Inclusion community; but phones are ringing and Speaker Bosma is refreshing, guided by tive results will manifest themselves! of an advertisement and/or article does NOT indi- appointments are being made. Weather, common sense and a clear vision for Indi- I suspect that Rick will have several call cate approval or endorsement of the product, ser- natural disasters and the economy still im- ana while affirming his desire to work with to action alerts in the near future regarding vice, or opinion by Indiana Builders Association. pact buying decisions, the work load is er- those in opposition. the spec home bill and NAHB will have Senior Officers ratic but with gaining consistency. Mike Bell, Matt Lancia, Andy Place, Sr., similar action alerts for the credit issue and President Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, CAPS, CGP March has been busy for IBA. The state- Dennis Spidel, Donnie Stash, Larry Swank, GSE reform. I ask that you take the time to [email protected] house is in full swing, members attended Lance Swank, Will Wright, Rick Wajda, and respond. It is essential that we do our part Vice President Will Wright the first state committee and board meet- I exercised the opportunity to participate in the process. [email protected] Treasurer Greg Furnish, CGP ings of the year, the IBA legislative confer- with other NAHB members, approximately As this year progresses, housing will con- [email protected] ence was hugely successful and nearly a 500 in total, at Leg-Con in Washington D.C. tinue to be one of the hot topics of discus- Secretary Tom Mullen, MIRM, CMP, CGB, CGP dozen members who attended NAHB’s leg- I was impressed at the level of organization sion. Let it be. The tools exist to help each [email protected] islative conference conferred with our mem- NAHB implemented in drawing this event of us get the job done. Our network of busi- Builder Area Vice Presidents bers of Congress to bend their ears on top- together; coordinating the briefing of the ness associates, our local builders’ associa- Area 1 Jim Pressel, [email protected] ics including AD&C credit, the viability of attendees, the leave-behind material that tions, IBA, NAHB, and most importantly, Area 2 Linda Rogers, GSE’s and the future of housing. reinforced the spoken message and the pri- you, have the knowledge, skills and perse- [email protected] Area 3 Tina Bernacchi, My amazement continues to peak when I oritizing of those messages.