TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Social Sciences Ragnar Nurske School of Innovation and Science Yuliya Polyakova ESTONIAN STATE’S APPROACH TO CRYPTOCURRENCY: THE CASE STUDY OF ESTCOIN PROJECT Master’s thesis Technology Governance and Digital Transformation Supervisor: Dr. Amirouche Moktefi Tallinn 2018 I declare that I have compiled the paper independently and all works, important standpoints and data by other authors have been properly referenced and the same paper has not been previously been presented for grading. The document length is 14 549 words from the introduction to the end of conclusion. Yuliya Polyakova …………………….. (signature, date) Student code: 163752HAGM Student a-mail address:
[email protected] Supervisor: Dr. Amirouche Moktefi The paper conforms to requirements in force ……………………………………… (signature, date) 1 ABSTRACT Nowadays cryptocurrencies and blockchain – the technology behind cryptocurrencies - have become a global phenomenon. Since the creation of the Bitcoin, the world most known cryptocurrency, the research on cryptocurrency and blockchain has become widespread and generated an enormous amount of concerns within various countries. The most common concern is how to regulate cryptocurrencies, because of specific nature current rules cannot be applied on them. As an option, some countries propose to issue state-sponsored cryptocurrency, and Estonia is not an exception. In summer 2017 there was published a proposal from official sources that represented the concept of state-backed cryptocurrency named Estcoin. The proposal went viral, and soon was followed by second one outlining the structure of future project. Based on this, the thesis aims to provide an evaluation of Estonia’s state approach on cryptocurrency. To that end, the case study of Estcoin project initiative is conducted, utilizing a model of decision factors for regulation and adoption of cryptocurrency.