Howard Was a Cook in the 173Rd Airborne
r$PMVNCVT$PVOUZCPXTPVUPGTUBUF%JYJF:PVUI.BKPST5PVSOBNFOUXJUI MPTTUP.POUHPNFSZJOCSBDLFUDIBNQJPOTIJQêOBMr1PTUTXFFQT)PQF .JMMTUPHBJOTUBUFUPVSOBNFOUCJEr8IJUFWJMMF0QUJNJTUUIVNQT&MJ[BCFUI UPXOJOTFDPOESPVOEPGTUBUF%JYJF:PVUI"""5PVSOBNFOU Sports 4FFQBHF# ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, July 23, 2012 ‘Chicken Man,’ Railroad passed nephew face Volume 122, Number 7 record drug over again for Whiteville, North Carolina case counts TIGER grant 75 Cents nTwo men using camper nLocal officials push for more support along Old Dothan Road, from South Carolina. Tabor City, face multiple Inside Today cocaine, pill and mari- By NICOLE CARTRETTE juana charges, a total of and ALLEN TRUNER 4-A 48 felonies. Staff Writers r'FXDSJNJOBMSFQPSUT EVSJOHXFFLFOE By BOB HIGH The Carolina Southern Railroad that runs Staff Writer through portions of Columbus, Horry and Marion counties in South Carolina, will not Harrison “Chicken Man” receive a $12.8 million federal grant sought Long, 55, of Old Dothan Road, from the latest round of specialty federal Tabor City, told Sheriff ’s Drug Department of Transportation (DOT) grants. Detective Justin Worley in 2009 Gary Lanier, economic developer for Co- – after Worley arrested him in lumbus County, told The News Reporter that a cocaine case – that he was the railroad was turned down on its second going to retire. attempt at funding to update or repair bridges “He told me Thursday he along the 95-mile track. had retired, but money was It leaves the fate of the rural railroad that tight, so he went back to selling has been idle since August 2011 unknown and drugs,” Worley related. officials here are desperate for alternatives.
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