1974 Age Records
TRACK AGE RECORDS NEWS 1974 TRACK & FIELD NEWS, the popular bible of the sport for 21 years, brings you news and features 18 times a year, including twice a month during the February-July peak season. m THE EXCITING NEWS of the track scene comes to you as it happens, with in-depth coverage by the world's most knowledgeable staff of track reporters and correspondents. A WEALTH OF HUMAN INTEREST FEATURES involving your favor ite track figures will be found in each issue. This gives you a close look at those who are making the news: how they do it and why, their reactions, comments, and feelings. DOZENS OF ACTION PHOTOS are contained in each copy, recap turing the thrills of competition and taking you closer still to the happenings on the track. STATISTICAL STUDIES, U.S. AND WORLD LISTS AND RANKINGS, articles on technique and training, quotable quotes, special col umns, and much more lively reading complement the news and the personality and opinion pieces to give the fan more informa tion and material of interest than he'll find anywhere else. THE COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE of men's track extends from the Compiled by: preps to the Olympics, indoor and outdoor events, cross country, U.S. and foreign, and other special areas. You'll get all the major news of your favorite sport. Jack Shepard SUBSCRIPTION: $9.00 per year, USA; $10.00 foreign. We also offer track books, films, tours, jewelry, and other merchandise & equipment. Write for our Wally Donovan free T&F Market Place catalog. TRACK & FIELD NEWS * Box 296 * Los Altos, Calif.
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