/ le "mm m ar •••«« IP* «p » it i t A T cra g e t« i e ife iiit et Press Ron The Weather I Week Knded Rain again tonight, peiribljr 9. M71 starting as wet snm^^Low in the (XI t ? is H / l 6 , 0 9 5 30s. Rain endhig Tuesday. IPI 1 Manehettef^A City of VUlage Charm z . s ; vS eo^ sM 43 3841,4 o (ClassUled Adtrerttsliig da Vng^ 18) VOJL L^XXX, NO. 109 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1971 T i f|‘i sif •| ^ «KI r i Ilf i 'I f f I « t 8|“'ig c.^1 1 I ^ Ik ’ f m l m ? § b l G I g 99II 1 I ? 2 15 2 9 ? f 2 9*'2 222 2222 f f s " 32 I 2S222 l l t f ? 2 ' G I g G 5 s S.:GG|GG GGGGGGSgGGG*GG§GGG9 GG99GGG9G9 99^9 t t S8 < * President Issues Apollo Spacecraft ?!H s p y i i « Ecology Proposals ? ;ii^; r^! r p ii^ Races Homeward WAIb u NOTON (AP) — Presi- stronger hand in enforcing wa-, / By HOWARD BENEDICT During the sleep period, the W li^&fK n pft f ?T. f P ilf dent Mixon sent Oongrees today ter quality standards by allow- AP Aerospace Writer speed increased from 2,784 to 0 his snyironniental propoeala for ing' it to impose adminiatrative ____ 3,157 miles per hour. By the Itn, Inchiding brand new pro- fines up to $30,000. S P A C E C E N T E R , H ou s- time .the astronauts hit the ’ illsrf Ifril! f pP ? 11 ‘ liEllfli gmme to' oontixri noise, ocean And it would permit citizen U.S. Clioppe * ' Ky3^ r 7 tm 2II / I is^Tir nK'gpi^ 'l ton (AP)— Apollo 14 and earth’s atmosphere Tuesday, 9 l i i l l p G I r ?’||P:29^ II'g g S p i Gg I g Gg I g I 2 dumping, and the industrial and suits against water polluters, S | ipl 2S.9?9?||I?S 2 gE 5-?Gt99?92|§lia«iP P g I g G ?&99 '999 atslilfl^GGGGl ItS f 9 9 IlSalS^PraSSSO?’ oonunereial use of toadc sub­ By GEORGE ESFEK Associated Frees Writer 2 5 ig g-B S’ ! ? 3 J stances. air polluters in the mo Air plummeted pMt the half- miles an hour. « t - Hie President also {wopoeed Quallty Act. way mark of its homeward Hiey are Jto land at 4:04 p.m. n % s . <9 3 p 3 ?. I S l i - l ? EST Tuesday with their rec<^ SAIGON (AP) — Thou­ L TO a, C 5 to tax the use of lead in A*oUne As announced'prevloufdy, the journey today, streaking sands of South Vietnamese 'in . r r » f- o B S - S i S I d l l l and to levy a charge on the alr- cargo of 106 pounds of moon •j? an h* w ft.* President sought authority to faster And faster toward a troops swept into southern polluting sulfur content of en- place limitations upon industrial rocks and material. If they are I m pS’S'S. Tuesday splashdown in the l ' _ s g-9 eigy fuels, a measure wboee on target, it will be Wednesday Laos today in an atten^ ! | 2 < ! and municipal waste diacharges Pacific Ocean. greatest inqmct would be on the into vlrtusUly all United States at the touchdown site. Hie re­ to cut North Vietnam's Ho Alan B. Shepard Jr., Sklgar D. cover ship waits three miles Chi Minh trail, something s a costs of sleotrlc power genera- waters, including ground water. Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa re- tion. west of the international date- six years of American Ills In all, said RusseU E. 'Train, luctaiitly awakened after a 10- ™ I'i® c “'e^ r chairman of the President’s (» s ? «> g'®° I e - As promised earlier, Nixon ___ hour rest, which fc^owed a Sun- ihey ara to appear <m a final bombing has failed to do. E-, called for adoption by Qongresa Council on Environmental Qual- PPS I i 3 S’if s i S-^2-1 f I Ity, the p io ^ J ^ ''w ^ d re^[uire telecast in which they television program at 6:80 to- Six U.S. helocopters were (•S ps » o £■ of a national land use policy, reported lost m the first which would lean heavily on the passage of about 14 irfe^s of exi»'essed htqKS the space pro- night, answering questions re- j p gram might heb> achieve peace layed from newsmen at the w aves. a s - i i g l l authority of state governments ■S'!? U va i l t l l l i ;b ? & TTie operation carried the war 'H 3 to regui^ critical uses cf their Train told newsmen the bUle understanding on earth. space center, would be sent to Congress with- Mission Ckaitrol said it had In a telecast to Mission Con- into the third Indochinese coun­ 8 land, try, but the State Department in pp _ l*B in a few days, jierhaps on considered letting them sleep trol Sunday night, they conduct- • • 0» mm *J •« • AAA M a 2 Tha package also repeated Wednesday. - ' because they had only a ed scientiftc experiments and Washington and the South Viet­ a f 2 S' R ' Nixon’s call, contained a week namese government Insisted the IS'*’ 1 " ' ie ii s itii «s» Igii i s S8S ii 8« S 8 t «SK S8 r t s s i i i i i He said, however, there was light schedule on their last full expnssed thoughts on the space e S -S ' ago in his budget proposals for no estimate yet how much mon- day in space: Monitoring ays- program and proWemaTXoblems on Indochina conflict was not being 5 tr & o e flaoal 19T8, to increase federal earth. enlarged. ey the xiropoeals would require terns, making stellar navigation The Soviet Union and Commu­ B-i? K '’ v! I IRPf#? f Sid for construction of waste "We’re reminded as we look 2 treatment facilities to a level of for their Implementation. readings and reatlng for the nist China called the operation Much of the message repeated busy re-entry Tuesday, at tost shimmering crescent •oi^ 2 5 ^ $2 billion per year over the next a n . expansion oi the war and ‘Q* q ’cB f l T |<^ proposals made last year, on "We thought we’d let you that is earth that we still have ^ S 5 .*< !"■ '•g'f ©Sfi 5 three years. blamed tto United States. i p a e- lliliW lr» I c ASb R^S S' which Congress has not acted. keep banker’s hours today,’’ fighting there,” said command­ France was reported to view it ? sfil P *' i5= J 5 *1 But the Preeident’e proposals But an entirely new tqiproach capsule communicator Fred W. er fihepa^ speaking for all ■■? 'Sft I would also give the new Envi­ aa an extension and a pcolang- I f iilS i It if M I H^se told MltcheU when he sent three. "We are reminded that ing of the fighting. p | i = a ^ I Ph “ ronmental Protection Agency a (See Page Hiree) i. = ?il B \lifih the wakeup alarm, "but we some men who have gone to The Britlah goyenunej^ ex­ 5. “ 3 § .a can’t let you slew in tomorrow, Vietnam have not returned and. pressed its understanding of the * a s. ------ — _ui. .—I— held 5. i|s:"| I pa " * - I so we thought we’d get you back that some are sUU being (gwration and said North 'Vtot- i f f " - f .S s i | 2| g g l a S |S | 3 ^"§5 there as prisoners of war. i !? p 3 ' : ' 9 ? 9 3I a 23 - 2 ||9 9p 11^922 on schedule." nam was to blame (or condl- (Mitchell reported he had to do "It is our wish tonight that we tions in Laos. a little extra shaking to "wake can in aome way contribute The North ^tietnamese peace lildren Join with Fathers through our space program to up these other two guya." talks delegation in Paris con­ better understanding and peace demned the incursten as a "new While the astronauts slept, throughout the world and help In Ulster^s Street Warfare their command ship Kityt Hawk esoalattcn of the war" by the 88 s i 8 8 8 8 8 to rectify these sttuatlana’’ JS zipped past the halfway point of United States. By CXNLIN FBOST old soldier cut ''diciWn by ma­ Shepard said, “Oommunica- The operation was conflned, Assoelatod Press WHter chine-gun fire. the 288,000 mUe trip from moon ttoeugh the space sateUlte in thto first day at least, to one to earth 'will certainly go a long way to- sector of Loots—a Isndloelnd no­ BBU-AST, Northern Ireland. < kpeed m earth’a gravity exerted (See Page Eight) tion a little smaller than Ore­ ‘ clvuiana and a soldier^ “ gon. The drive comes a little The soldier and o n e _______________________;_____ more than nine months after in his hand? a BriUsh soldier giyuj^ were f^ed by gunfire U.S. and South Vletnameoe aaked today after six days of as battling continued in Belfast forces crossed into Cambodia to street warfare In Northern Ire- and broke out in Londonderry, smash North Vientamese haass land’a main clUes. t / l the provlnce’a second largeat Sontay Raid Sho^vied Hanoi there.
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