Radio & Records
R MEL .! GROUP PROGRAMMERS SPECIAL APRIL 27, 2007 NO. 1707 $6.50 O _ Off The Cuff PUBLISHER'S PROFILE: FUN AND With Clear Channel's Tom Owens, GAMES WITH EA'S STEVE SCHNUR XM's Eric Logan, Entercom's Pat MANAGEMENT: VALERIE GELLER Paxton, Emmis' Jimmy Steal An GUARDS AGAINST BURNOUT. SBS' Pio Ferro PP.12-21 STREET TALK: WRDW'S 21 -DAY ANTI -SANJAYA MISSION PAYS OFF Radio FIPMAt Captaillinnik Shop RADIO & RECORDS TRIPLE A: MUSEXPO RECOGNIZES With R &R Editors pp.22 -58 NIC HARCOURT ADVERTISEMEÑT WCIL, WXXX, WGLI, WVAQ, WRZE, t> LU16c, l l .u" 1.0_1:.124, WVIQ, KFMI, WIFC, KISR, KQID, L4.21.4+. L'tA -(ú.6ti. WGER, KVKI, KWAV, WAHR, WJX = 1_titiLL, L't!R (_.L ' LEp:E WORLD Namiri Leading Off Today's Program: The Incentives. PRESENTING LOUISIANA'S SOUND RECORDING INVESTOR TAX CREDIT. If you're looking to make some noise in the entertainment industry, Louisiana Economic Development invites you to experience the Sound Recording Investor Tzx Credit. It reimburses 10 -20 percent of your investment in scud recording, production, recording studios and infrastru:ture projects. Much like our film program. the Sound Recording Tax Credit is designed to boost record production by ncucing your costs. To learn more about this program and othe- incentives. call Sherri McConnell at 225.342.5832. LOUISOMIA ECONOMIC / DEVELOPMENT &R CONVENTION 2007 TAKES PLACE SEPTEMBER 26 -28 IN CHARLOTTE, N.C. REGISTER AT WWW.RADIOANDRECORDS.COM NewsroCu MOVER ON THE WEB Reich Place, Reich Time WLTW/New York Tops 2006 Imus Fallout Continues RCA Music Group regional promotion rep Revenue Earners The fallout from the firing of talk host Don Josh Reich is upped to director of top 40 field Clear Channel AC WLTW /NewYork was the nation's highest revcuue- generating radio Imus by CBS Radio continues.
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