Evans adds speed, skill

See page 4 Spartan Daily Serving San Jose ThUrsday, October 5, 1989 State University Since 1934 Volume 93, No 24 Union birthday Hello Dolly Governor OKs party SJSU funding delayed for church buy By Michelle Smith Daily staff writer liy Aldo Maragoni The Student Union's 20th anni- Daily stall writer versary scheduled for the It would be celebration itt% Iktikiticitati has approved end of this month has been post- lequest tor extra funds that premature now to poned until spring. w ill enable the university to pur- In a decision early this week, the chase the church at Illtli and San say who will Student Union Anniversary Commit- Fernando streets. tee canceled the events planned for The governor's approval came occupy the Oct. 26-27 IN:cause of difficulty in Sunday when he signed a state bud - contacting former SJSU students, amendment allowing the mover- building after we faculty members and administrators ,,( reeele holds from ,apital to take part in the retrospective cele- bonds controlled hy the Cali make the bration, according to Student Union fornia State Iniveisii chancellor's director Ron Barrett. pul-chase. No Committee Chairwoman Judy SJSU's budget request was al- Hermann said that no new date has lead> approsed b) the State Senate executive decision been sei, and there were no financial and Assenibb September, and the has been made.' issues involved in the change. t I sii 11:1,1 e Iven wailing lot I ).,..11,ocilaii sielialille - Jim Hill, "We are still going to do it. and 11SU he yelling $1.3 mil - Direr tor l'un hosing Services we are still exuied about it, Her- 1,,,, to obtain Mc church that offi mann said "It is not on the shelf. It a. have suggested may become is still happening. we are just going ilie neva home ot the University Po- to stretch it out.’ last month. lice 1 )epartment next year. The CSU chancellor's office is Hennann said the committee re- Rut school officials are looking now working with officials from the ceived a printout from the Alumni at several options as to who will use State Department of General Serv- Association listing graduates from the building. itecording to Jim Hill. ices. which will appraise the prop- director or Purchasing Sel,. Ices. 1%7 through 1973. But the mem- erty and make all offer It) the to bers couldn't recognize many stu- "Il would be premature riov.. church'. owners on behalf of the say dent leaders. who were to be in- who will occupy the building university later this year. volved in a retrospective banquet after we make the purchase. he SJSt I woni be seeing any Oct. 27. she said said. "No executive decision has money until January at the earliest. "There were probably three or keen made... Hill said. four names that we recognized," Church off icials contacted by the "We will then he in a position Hermann said. "And all these names Spartan Daily have not publicly for the Office of Real Estate and De- had no addresses. It was kind of like ommilitted themselves to selling the velopment to make an offer for us a reality shock building to the university The amendment signed by the The state office must make the purchase because The committee will attempt to ei nor IA as part of Assembly Rill SIM' itself cannot contact some ol the alunim listed in lo I. sponsored by Assemblyman buy the land. Hill said. hopes of obtaining additional con- Raker. R -Danville. a grad- The quarter-acre lot is presently owned the Church of tacts from them. Hermann said. uate ot SJS11. by Philadel- phia, bought "He took the leadership role on which the propel-I) in build a larger I ,,nsin Daily sta photographer 19tiff The church has situ e stopped "That wa) we can getting the hill passed through the base.’ she said. holding services there and has Nurse Dolly Hidden entertains a donor at the 120 I t blood drive. which ends Friday It:121,1:1111re. SJSU President Gall , page 9 See PARTY I alle[1.,.. ;.1(1 in ;1 pies% tootereliCe See Cin/R(./i. page 3 Radio days Ban on The Roost hosts local DJ cheap By Vincent T. OcIdo Jet ho has been v, ith I( tor a I liquor Daily staff writer this is his I ii st k Pot to SiSU. am.I .iis itst oi k Radio station KSJO. 92.3 I'M, added some musit: to SJSU students. day. while the "Budweiser magician" SJSU "is a good looking campus. with plenty oi proposed advised students to "know when to say when." as pan good -look ing students... kffreys said. of a joint promotion Tuesday in The Roost. In his first year at the station, Jeffreys has become 11 Patrick Nitta)) Tim Jeffreys. who is the afternoon disc jockey on lamiliar with the station's practice of doing "remotes. Daily stall writer the San Jose-based nick station. kept The Roost crowing which are programs broadcast from different locations looking toi hism high from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the sounds of Eddie Money. outside the studio. 0,11,i1111.11ell Me, %%1111 c W,hitesnake and, in a live appearance. the BoDeans. "We recently did a remote from the Shoreline Am- Wild ish Rom:, N 'limn The Holikans' performance at SJSU preceded a phitheatre 011 the night that t'inderella heas)-metal fifes, 01 n11111i101bild won't fini.1 scheduled appearance at the Oasis nightclub. Jeffreys hand) performed. and we were at De Anza College two them at Kell\ 's I iquins. at Fourth awarded free tickets for the BoDeans Oasis show. along weeks ago for the opening of their fall semester. Jef- and Empire sueets with compact discs and cassettes. for correct answers to freys said. Aml if Jose trivia questions. , Roavr, page 9 San (*it) Cotincilwr, :1111.1 111,1%01:II SWan Hammer has hei way, it will become tougher to buy such fortified wines in the downtown area around SJSU, Computer thefts investigated or anywhere elsi: in the city.. In a pies. eine held I ties - Ity Brenda Vesko partmeni lecords forced entr t1.1 Ill front ot Kell\ s 1,1gtans, Daily staff writer In a separate incident. Charles "Whoexer did it had a ke . or it Hammer called I worth of com- W. Cohen. At least $8.(00 SJSU staff member. was left unattended. said '11) as n.ell Ci1111111ffilli StIppOrt loi puter equipment was stolen from a reported that a Macintosh com- If. Shannon Maloney. het ett(ms to eliminate the sale ot classroom in Sweeney Hull Tues- puter system and laser printer were The salue of the Macintosh V4111cs 1, 1111 high ;Moho' Lomeli's. day in the second of two computer- stolen from Room 344 in the same computer and laser printer is un- 1 do this di. me. Hammel theft incidents in five days. building sometime between Sept known. said "It's pool!! I., lake II1101%e Steve Sloan. an SJSU computer 29 and Oct. 1. Sloan said he was unable to Weill 01 ale c.,IIII111111111 technician. reported the theft of a There are no suspects in either comment on Tuesday 's occurrence desk Rile Phelps... coaliseloi computer and a printer from a case. because he needed authori/ation p %/1 in Sweeney Hall, Room 214. In I uesday s incident. a policc N Ben Weinberg Daily staff photographer pug, r iit AIM Abuse A: according to University Police De- report said there were no qgm See .S1(111.$. /it V. /wee 9 Susan Mummer argues ban of high proof wine Page 2 October 5, I 989 Daily/Thursday, ISpartan Forum Spartan Daily Published for the University and the University Community by the Department of Journahsm and Mass Communications Since 1934 No tolerance for racist stooge I met a man this weekend for whom Editorial the ultimate trophy is a black person tied to the bumper of his Bronco. Actually, I didn't meet him. I ob- served, witnessed, wanted to throw up on A city rich him. Toward the end of a rather strange party, seven or eight friends. and I were in culture standing around, finishing dnnks and de- next, when an acquaint- With classes, ciding what to do midterms and the va- approached in a rather in- rious demands of college ance of one us life, many stu- He began rambling on dents may neglect toxicated state. to notice what the world unrelated topics, until he around them offers. about a string of settled on hunting and guns. While San Jose takes a lot of crit- finally Suddenly, perversely, a member of icism, it really is becoming a nice city with repeated a sick racial joke told much to enjoy. our group the evening by another friend, a Newer buildings, mixed earlier in with older heard the joke from a cus- architecture, cut an intriguing waiter, who had line against waiter first told us the a sky that is clear tomer. When the about 80 percent of the to comprehend time. joke, he seemed unable customer related the joke to him, a Just a few blocks from campus there why the is a pavilion where one can total stranger. shop, stroll, didn't understand. catch the light rail or just I could see why he sit and take in the a black man morning. The joke was about drowning on his head. Really sick. Beyond that is Plaza Park, with its by standing Naps. Simple answer to old problem waiter's shock upon hear- shady benches and graphic fountain. The Though the plausible explanation for park is the original site of the It's 2:30p.m. a chance to avoid the humidity and ing the joke was a first Califor- the act. nia state capitol. The professor's voice induces the sun's burning rays. to engage in telling it to us, it didn't justify celebration during the most exten- its second telling in front of the All of this comes together to create a sleep. The students who managed to But attend class force their eyelids open, sive meal of the day, and most im- inexcusable. downtown where people from all walks of NRA ambassador was focusing on a chalk mark scrawled portantly to sleep. life can mix. It was obviously intended as a test to on the blackboard behind the instruc- The United States should follow see what kind of a reaction it would pro- One may definitely see some out-of- the example of these nations. Presi- tor to at least appear alert. voke in our "new friend." the-ordinary people in these areas, but that There's a simple solution to this dent Flush could begin by scheduling predictable one, as it turned out. is what a downtown is all about. It's busy, phenomenon. called "post lunch naptime at all future summits. For- A what was happening, strange, fun and exciting. It's rich with dip" by some sleep experts. that af- mer President Ronald Reagan was Before I knew the archetypical napper. going, on and on about the culture and people. The unusual becomes fects not only students, but people the g,uy was the norm. everywhere. Anne Dujmovic He did know something. black population in downtown San Jose. Take a nap. The world should shut down be- that on First or Fourth streets There are a lot of preessures in college. It seems Don't try to fight it. Taking an tween noon and 6 p.m. All produc- or anywhere in between, you can fire off a The...way ta -les.sen the strain is to tion should.stop. Never mind the' enjoy afternoon nap is not only a natural nored. r-oneselt a little. -- protests of etonomists. clear shot at any black person who happens part of the sleep 4..ycle. but recent les' time to confront our biologi- by. Our town hp. a lot to offer. It would studies have shown it is beneficial. I'm not saying that people, espe- to be passing cal urges sleep urges that is. flash. be a shame for anyOne to go through Whoever said. "if you snooze, Afternoon naps arc customary in cially pre-schoolers and kindergart- Great. News school without discovering this. you lose. couldn't have been talk- many countries with warm climates. eners, should be forced to nap. But ing about naps. but may be foolishy put to sleep with everyone needs to take a few hours a We all talk about the recent rise in A mid-afternoon nap has been increased industrialitation. day to relax or do absolutely noth- racist sentiment and incidents, perhaps I proven to improve work perfor- This past summer. while in Italy ing. more than most. Editor mance. mtmd, and mental alertness. and Yugoslavia. two places where Not only would productivity in- But the kind of hatred I witnessed that Letters to the according to an article in the Mer- natives take the afternoon off. I was crease. but I suspect the time it takes evening brought it all home in more con- to get work done would substantially Sp(111,111 1)(1111 111111(1 ta hear from yOU. The cury News. surprised to discover that most stores decrease. That would mean more lei- crete terms than I had ever known or imag- Daily acirprA leners-to-the-editor from students, fac- There is a biological tendency to close down between noon and 6 fall asleep in the afternoon, regard- sure time and more time to sleep ined. ulty. and the (arnpus community regarding topics of p.m. on weekdays. Most stores are But it got sicker still. public interest Letters should include the author's less of how many hours of sleep a closed Sundays. something we could all use in this name. major, grade level, and telephone numhirr that person had the night before. or how Selfish thoughts entered my harried society. As the man spoke, I watched the peo- lor publication). Letters mar he delivered to the Daily much food a person ate for lunch. mind. When am I supposed to shop? So. if your eyelids start to droop. ple around him. His audience, exchanging newsroom in Walhquist Library North 104 or al the Stu- Because the dnve to sleep in the Rut, I soon realited the reasons just close your eyes, and . . meaningful glances, laughing at his absur- dent Union Information Desk. afternoon is much weaker than the for businesses shutting down for the Anne Dujmovic is a Daily stuff dities, enjoying the show. one at night, it is more easily ig- afternoon. The time off gives people writer. Do I think they are all racists? No. They were just taken in by the demented sideshow unfolding before them, evidently Letters to the Editor the result of generations of inbreeding. When I expressed my own revulsion to a couple of people standing near, they Bikers getting bum rap Sorry if we're not as smart as you. I mean. I'd like self. For one thing, you don't even know where other told me just to accept the act for its enter- to buy an SKI parking permit for a single space that students clases are and what thier situations might be. You don't expect people to run do you? What if tainment value. Editor. might not even be there. drive downtown and pollute the They didn't seem they This is addressed to Judith Crawford in Sept. 28 air. but biking is easier. they crashed into another person or a Cushman cart? It to realize that issue on "Consider other traveler.. Judith. if this Bicycles aren't always the cause of pedestrians get- seems to me like you're the one with the self-righeous. were feeding the flame, making this guy whole issue on banning bikes on campus is boring you ting hit. I can name several incidents where riders got holier-than-thou. do-gooder. egocentric, "Me-genera- feel at home, encouraging him to believe to the point of irritation, then don't read it. Just like if hit by cars. And if you can get to class on time. then tion selfish. trivial and inconsiderate attitude, dude. that others shared his opinions. you don't like what's (m TV. then change the channel. g(xxl for you. Nut all people are as fast-paced as your 1.111y Gulterrez Legitimizing his repulsive beliefs. Sophomore I was no more willing than anyone Advertising else to tell this guy what he should have been told, as meaningless as it would have been for him. All I could muster was a Loud music not free hasty exit, a depressing ride home. And lingering disappointment in myself and my friends. Editor. The San Jose Mercury News ran a Mini trucks are "the sound of freedom'?" Really. story this week Ms. McLaughlin. couldn't you find something slightly about San Leandro resi- more dignified to represent freedom? Three points in dents marching through downtown streets your column virtually cry out for contradiction. protesting the cross-burning in a black First off. what's all this about "the freedom to do family's yard a week before. what makes us happy'!" While I grant you that a strong Alongside the report was a photo of a theme in American society is freedom. our respective young girl holding a sign: "Don't tolerate versions of what makes us happy are not always accep- intolerance." fantasy table to society. For example, it has long been a Her point is well -taken. of mine to toss grenades at the thumping cruisers on But Santa Clara street. According to your contention. I sometimes. intolerance is pre- should have every right to do this simply because it cisely what is needed. would make me happy. Mary R. Callahan is the City Editor. You also state that individuals should be able to blast their radios for whatever reason they choose. It sounds like you're inviting me to drive repeatedly by Loud music your house at three in the morning playing the Circle selfish Editor. Jerks at 150 decibles. How about next Saturday night'? I read Jill Thirdly. you point out that "some people claim- McLaughlin's article on Loud Music in public . . . loud music invades their personal lives, but so places. What "makes us happy' is the most self- ish outlook on does cigarette smoke and people are still allowed to life. All you seem to care about is what you want, smoke. True. but if you study your surroundings. you without any consideration for others. What did John F. might notice that smoking is now banned in ()pen of- Kennedy say? And the fices. many airline flights. and most public buildings. root of our problems is not in the home- less. etc., By the way, if these people have no better talents but in the hearts of people. People need to start giving or possessions to show off their enormous speakers, in love, instead of taking what they need in their own pleasures. then I feel truly sorry for them. Rut your attitude is that we need to PH Habib help the homeless, so they can go around in their mini - F'reshman trucks and blast their loud music too. Our world of peo- ple needs Criminal Justice Administration internal changes. not external changes. When there is peace and goodwill in the hearts of men then ev- erything else will fall into place naturally. Richard Brooks

4 1 hursday, October 5, 1989/Spartan Daily Page 3 SJSU Today Homosexual panic'

second, in the Unites States. coordinator. Female student An Ribbons mark according to Geri West. cin lllll unity ambulance took the woman to San rejected Jose relations officer for WOMA And collapses in Medical Center at about argument awareness the problem affects people lioni 9:20 , Burke said. gym SAN FRANCISCO IAPi State whether the trial judge properly pre- every race. religion and class Rec Center A records clerk for the hospital appeals court tustice showed little vented psychiatrists from telling the about violence interested in helping would not release any information Anyone apparent inclination Tuesday to re- jury about the effect of Huie's rural distribute ribbons can call Vr'OM A at An S.ISU student collapsed, bui regarding the patient's treatment or consider a convicted murderer's Texas background on his mental re- In 279-7350, Soli, said was not injured, while exercising in release. recognition of "Domestic claim that he killed a San Francisco actions during the incident Violence the Rec Center Wednesday morning. Since the facility was opened, Awareness Week," people rnan clue to "homosexual panic" Without the psychiatric evi- are The 21 year-old woman. who one other person has been treated for scheduled to wear yellow ribbons after the victim allegedly made a dence. said Deputy State Public De- (kt. Military science asked not to be identified, passed out "light headedness" because of 9-13 to raise community pass at him. fender Susan Kwan, the jury could in the Student Union Recreation and exercising on an empty stomach. awareness about abuse in the home. department holds Lawyers for a gay -rights group not adequately evaluate Huie's claim Events Center weight room at about Busalacchi said. Volunteers from the Woman's had hoped to use the case of Frankie of panic. blood drive 9 a.m., according to Steve Burke, Rey Center supervisors and Alliance will distribute the ribbons, Wile to stop any future efforts to de- But all three justices said it ap- fitness supervisor at the facility. fitness trainers are trained in which symbolize the unity of fend against charges of assaulting or peared Huie's trial lawyer had not The military science department "She just kind of leaned hack cardiopulmonary resuscitation and individuals. business. government murdering homosexuals by claiming even claimed that the psychiatrists is currently holding a blood drive in arid dropped and hit her head on the first aid, she said. and social services in the desire for a mental disorientation in reaction to had an expert opinion to offer on the the Student Union, and donations floor.’ Burke said. When an emergency like violence-free community. said sexual advances. subject. The court could reject the will be accepted through Friday. The woman, who could not be Wednesday's occurs. employees at Maria Soli,. outreach coordinator of But in a brief hearing. three jus- appeal on those limited grounds The drive is being held in the reached for comment, reportedly the center follow specific steps to WOMA. tices of the 1st District Coun of Ap- without deciding whether a similar Student Union Ballroom from 10 told Rec Center officials that she ensure the patient receives adequate Representatives plan to visit peal focused on a narrower issue: defense could ever be offered. A rul- eaten that morning and and speedy medical attention. SJSU at least one day. They will a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and in the hadn't 90days. "When a ing is due within probably spend the rest of the week Umunhum Room during the same subsequently collapsed from person passes out, the first thing we do is Huie, then 19. was convicted of in other parts of the community. hours Friday. overexertion. call 9- I -I ." Busalacchi From page 1 first -degree murder and sentenced to such as hospitals and shopping All members of the campus "When we talked to her, she said. Stolen that morning In addition. staff members 26 years to life in prison for the Oc- centers, Soli, said. community are encouraged to said that all she had from his supervisor. Catherine attempt to make the person tober 1987 fatal beating and stabbing A woman is battered every 1K contribute anytinie during those was water," said "I'm not sure if I'm the appro- hours. Busalacchi. Rec Center recreation comfortable and to calm him or her of Stephen Mayeda, 41. the owner down. priate spokesperson for this inci- tif a San Francisco t -shin store who dent," Sloan said. had hired him as a day laborer. Sweeney Hall is no stranger to Burned girl's plight gets theft. For the Record In November 1988 a Macintosh computer and printer were taken Church From page 1 much attention, sympathy from a technical writing lab. corrected. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A degree burns over 40 percent ot her A story in Tuesday's Spartan In that apparent theft, university moved to another ltx:ation in down- If you notice something that homeless 9-year-old girl, hospital- body, she was brought to St. Francis Daily about SJSU's intramural police followed a "trail of blood" town San Jose. vou know is incorrect, please ized with serious burns after acci- Hospital for treatment and prepara- spons leagues misidentified the title left by the thief who suffered cuts The university wanted to buy the write to the Spartan Daily, San dentally setting herself' ablaze. is tion for surgery on Friday. of Gary Barnett. He is coordinator of while reaching through broken glass lot in order to make the campus uni- Jose State University, San Jose. drawing donations of money from The accident happened Sunday Associated Students Leisure Serv- and wire to unlatch a door, accord fied, according Hill. CA 95192. sympathetic citizens of her north at a Humboldt County -operated ices. ing to the Nov. K. 1988 issue of the "That was the only piece of land coast community. canipground. Investigators said The Spartan Daily is com- You can also call the editor at Spartan Daily. in the campus area that the university Tanii Hopkins caught fire last Tami was using kerosene in order to mitted w accuracy. 924-3280. Maloney said he didn't know Jid not own, Hill said in an earlier weekend while washing her hair kill head lice. She flipped her hair Any significant error brought The Spartan Daily's FAX whether a suspect in that case was interview. "It is useless to anyone with kerosene near her family's during the shampoo. sending flam- to the editor's attention will be number is (408)924-1018. apprehended. except us, because of its location." campsite in Eureka. Suffering third- mable droplets onto a hot stove. During the same semester. the S.ISU has been working with the engineering depanment reported a state to make the purchase for nearly loss of more than S28.000 in com- 12 years. but the price was always SpartaGuide puter equipment. too high, Hill said.

SpartaGuide is a daily calendar available to 7838 SJSU students, faculty and stall organizations Cathay. First St and hlvry 845 SUNDAY Victorian Garden Restaurant at no charge Forrns may be obtained the Alpha Eta Rho: Meeting, 7 30 p m , MONDAY Campus Ministry: Sunday Spartan Daily office, Wahlquist it:wary North, Aviation Conference Room Call 286-3161 worship, 10'45 Career Planning and Placement Center: a m (Lutheran worship), 6'30p Room 104, or at the Student Union Information Alcoholics Anonymous: Meeting, noon. m and 8 Careers with Deloitte & Touche. 12 30 p m Celebrating our 14th year p m (Catholic Mass). Campus Christian Center No phoned-in items will be accepted Campus Christian Center. 10th and San 2 p m Almaden Room Student Union, Caii deadline is noon The Daily will attempt to Center Chapel. 10th and San Carlos, Call The Carlos Sts Call 298-0204 924-6010 enter each item a day before the event, as well 298-0204 My appreciation to you is a Campus Ministry: Bible study-Book of Intercultural Steering Committee: Food as the day of the event Asian Business League Akbayan: Beach Genesis, noon, S U Montalvo Room Call Bazaar Meeting, 3pm.SU Montalvo complimentary glass of wine TODAY Bonfire and Potluck, 2 p m (meet by the 298-0204 Room per person with lunch. This Resource Center: Poetry ATM machines) Hidden Beach. Santa Cruz. Chicano Library Calmer,' Project: Meeting, 5 p m , ad is Library North. Call 274-6372 your passport. reading, noon, Wahlguist room 307 Call 924-2707 Room 307 Call 924-2707 American institute of Aeronautics and St. , at Williams Mani of Hawaii: Meeting, 710 p.m., S.0 Astronautics, Meeting, 12:30 p.m., 476 S. First Room Call 924-7942 Guadalupe Engineering Building, room 276. Reservations advised Placement Center: ACTIN:DM Career Planning and Aninesty international: Meeting, 7 p m (408) 286-177(1, students, 1 30 p m Planning tor re-entry A S Chambers Call 283-9512 Hee Parking Moulder Hall, lounge Call 924-6030 CAIIIISEIlt TAM A.S. Leisure Services: Deadline tor stress Career Planning and Placement Center - reduction workshop sign-ups, 4 30 p m HYA1T SAN JOSE Interview orientation. 3 45 pm.SU 'A SU AS business office Ca11924-5961 AT THE SAN JOSE AIRPORT Almaden Room Call 924-6010 Pre-Bed Club: Meeting 1 30 p m DH 354 1740 NORTH FIRST STREET C 1111 Arnold Air Society: Red Cross blood drive. Call 248-9045 SAN JOSE ,CA 95112 10 a m.SU oma Prieta Ballroom Cali WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 11, 1989 279-3890 FRIDAY 10:00 A.M.. - 7:00 P.M. Career Planning and Placement Center: Amold Air Society: Red Cross blood drive Co-op orientation, 12 30 pm,SU 10 am SU Umunhum Room Call 279- Numerous departments representing Costanoan Room Call 924-6016 3890 SJSU Theatre Arts: About Face. A C_alifornia State Civil Service contemporary farce. 8 p m University Physics Department: Speaker, 1 30 p m Numerous workshops concerned with Building, room 251. Call 924-5267 Theatre. Call 924-4555 Science California State Civil Service SJSU Theatre Arts: ''About Face," A Career Planning and Placement Center: contemporary farce, 8 p m , University Resume cntque. 12 30 pm.SU Explore careers in Accounting/Auditing, Blue Collar SU Theatre Call 924-4555 Guadalupe Room Call 924-6030 Jobs for Women, Computer Science/Programming, Korean Christian Fellowship: Bible study. Career Planning and Placement Center: Engineering Health Care Professionals, Industrial 4pm ,S U Guadalupe Room Call 297- Program orientation. 2 30 pm.SU Trades, Law Enforcement and Science 783 Almaden Room Call 924-6010 Learn about special programs to hire Meeting, 1 30 Jewish Student Union: Shabbat fun times India Students Association: Hipanics, Disabled and Tradeswomen MEM pm,SU Guadalupe Room Call (4081248- 7 p m . 55S sixth St Call 286-1531 SAACS: Dinner. 7 30 p m House of Presented by State Recruiters Roundtable Disabled in State Service Co-sponsered by Image de Vallejo, Mission Economic Spartan Daily Cultural Association, Mission Language School, Society of T-SHIRTS Serving the San Jose State Hispanic Engineers, Black Advocates in State Service University Community Since 1934 ADMISSION IS FREE PARKING IS FREE 509-480) (MPS For additional information call: ',erotic! tir norge pawl at ',an 3.. Califtyma Meenbet of California Newspaper Publeiheni ASSOC18110.1 and Sandy Haley 1408) 432-8500 Ext. 2238 HOT OFT ()invert'', during the "college sear Ihe prisms e. hy 'san .kne Slate ponied m the paper VI not ,..M1e,senl, ilage of the Departrnient of Journalism and Mass Commons-anon, the FornAnde Loon 141S1 AS7.9691 A.II.Wk./101011 4,1}, student or faculty negenvation Mail who not, ns act-m.1,in a remainder of ....meow bon.% 11111 IN.14141114 year 420 I ach semester 410 Off tempos pore pin tops IS rents fln tarn rsis delis., pawl Air throoph Instnattnnally Related Ac.ftes hinds at 50 pin hall tune enrolled student Phone I iflional 974 ("POI &tyre.. ,r14 1170 Printed hs, IndePendent Postmaster Please send All address 10114'1110M Ill Spartan Dailie Sen low Siete lin...rt., OnY Wa0iingtrin ',PAT., ( COMPUTER SCIENCE & PRESS! STAFF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING f Mot ( hwf Shelby f owl Praetor-non Manager Chns I funwoodv Advertising Dimon I W.I. 'hooks WANTED -rip Manager Ingrid Vodegel STUDENTS ( ity Clad Man, Callahan ( o Managing F &in NePoners !Wiwi Vagiuso Anne I 'upon, aro I leas I odd A Davis. Valme Full and Part Time Positions Available Now - flexible hours I Phan Hobert I !ION Mallard Aldo Mar Assistant ( eh, 1 door I oa I lenore longer M noon. AM Mil aughltn I "rty Myriad. Pa. NOIAll W. 'dam And. I hanning (ktdri hells, Smith ..Sylyta I) VII. anon F dit or t.reven Mind Vs eni I 177

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yet nia unfriendly. this slender ()- GPA in high school but his 670 SAT Town (Overall) Fresno (4-0) 2 toot 4 young man litts his head to score would not allow him to attend 1 observe what is going on outside ot a four-year university. SJSU (2-1) (2-1-1) 1 the locker rtxmi at South Campus Evans decided to attend Cisco Fullerton 0 1 Often. his pair is greeted with a Junior College. UNLV (2-2) 1 friendly word or a slap of the hand "I do not regret going to junior Pacific (1-4) 2 from a teammate. college. especially Cisco," F.vans Utah St (0-4) 0 0 Kevin Evans is quick to extend said. "The coaches were honest and New Mexico St. (0-4) 0 his hand to greet a familiar student or the academic experience was good. ' Long Beach (2-3) 0 2 teammate However his seriousness Cisco was 46 miles from Beease Results Lest Week is a trademark he carries on and off any sizable town, there was nothing Fullerton 34, UNLV 20 the football field. to do but concentrate on academics Pacific 26, Long Beach 25 He is often mistaken on campus and football. Evans said. Stanford 33 tor an SJSU basketball player. How Evans graduated in two years SJSU 40, Young 37, Utah State 10 ever. once in a football uniform he is with an Applied Associated Arts de- Brigham for a basketball never mistaken gree. Games This Week player. football. He is also a student of Fullerton at Utah State Just ask the Stanford defense. he calmly envisions Before a game Oregon Slate at Fresno Evans caught six passes foi 179 that will be run during the the plays New Mexico State at Long Beach yards and two muoclidowns in game. he said. He prepares himself SJSU at Cal SJSU's game against the Cardinal on tor double coverages and whether or Pacific at UNLV Saturday. His yardage total was his not the defense will go to a mando- second hest effort since arriving at man or zone defense. SJS1.1 last fall. In his best perfor- F:vans has extreme concentra- asked him to visit SJSU. mance last season. his 2 lb yards tion, Doug Hooker, Spartan wide re- "Kevin fell in love with San Jose against Utah State University was a ceiver. said. When Evans isn't in the State." Evans's mom said. "He school record. genie. the team lacks the necessary liked the atmosphere and the people "I didn't do anything spalaculair concentration. were friendly." against Stanford... Evans said. "He's very serious about the Evans was impressed with the "(Quarterback Matt) Veatch did his garne." Claude Gilbert. Spartan campus. job. He put the hall right where it head football coach said. "He's very "Before I left California, I had should he He could nol have thrown dedicated to being the very best made up my mind I was going to it any better t other than running up to player he can be." come back." he said. me and putting the hall in my hand. The wide receiver's maturity on For Evans, the first two games of Evans is also an expert at taking and off the field is attributed to the the season were a frustrating experi- the hall out defenders' hands. fact that as a child he was responsi- ence. He has been !withered by a Evans v..is involved III a contro- ble fin watching his two younger pulled quadraceps muscle since the versial touchdown play with 2:17 brothers Jeffery and Derrik while his team's first intra-squad scrimmage left in the third quarter. Veatch in September. Gina L Watson --Daily staff photographer mother was at work, Scherrell said. threw a pass over Evans' shoulder in She was the sole supporter of the "It felt like a knot right in the the left comer of the end /one. Stan - Kevin Evans has added a dimension of speed. good hands and leadership to the Spartan receiving corps family and put a great deal of re- middle of my quad," Evans said. bird cornerback Kevin Scott caught sponsibility on his shoulders. Evans is hoping for a profes- it off his owt.'' Evans said yeti between the two players mother Scherrell Evans. He always the hall but Evans pulled After his sophomore season at sional football career, his mom said the ground. "Kevin is not the type of guy "He set the tempo for me. emphasited to her that he wanted to chest. When Evans hit Cisco. Evans considered TCU again, Rut Evans looks beyond a profes- craiy after a win. He Evans said. "He was one hell of a go to college. When he calls home the ball fell out. who gets he said. He wanted to play some- sional carrer as well. ground I had the doesn't bang his head on a locker or wide receiver " tv, ice a week. he always stresses to "When I hit the where close so his mother could "The main thing I am concen- ball. However. I didn't think it any thing like that." tiny I aggins. a laggins has obseived the person his brothers that they keep up with watch him play. trating on is getting my business de- would he called a touchdown." he limner Spartan wide receiver stand- who minis tete' to as his successor ilie books, she said. "I wanted him to get away fro gree no matter how long it takes to said. out said. "He reminds me of my- "I ..tst year I ss as impressed v, oh "His brother Derrik idolites here. Scherrell said. "1 know TC J get," Evans said. Not only was Evans awarded the self." with his patterns," laggins said. him," Scheme!! said. didn't throw the ball. He would' 't Scherrell hasn't seen her son touchdown. hut pass interference Evans is often compared to Lig- "Claude has worked hard with him Evans was recruited out of high get any recognition there." play since his playing days at Trim- was called against Scott. gins. he said Both are tall and as he did with me. ’ school by perennial football power- SJSU began recruiting from the ble Tech High School, she said. It "I didn't think there was interfe- known tor their excellent patterns Evans has always been a serious houses such as Oaklahoma. Ne- junior colleges in Texas three years she can get the time off work, she rence on any of us. vv'e made no con - and gtxxl hands. There is mutual re and determined person. said his braska and Tennessee. he said. He ago, SJSU quarterbacks and receiv- hopes to come to California toward er% coach Dan Henson said. The the end of October to watch Kevin team needed another outlet to obtain play. talent because some of the big foot- When Kevin left Texas. he was d ball conferences back F.ast were re- determinedTil triiiVeYOunji man, hi Postpopement angers student cruiting California players to till key mother said. When he reulftrett roster positions. Texas Ia.st summer for a tWO-Week Former Spartan line coach John visit, she realized how grown up he ? Jill McLaughlin nine the NL'AA lifts its practice re- planning. hut that the marketing de- department waited too long to act on Vogt was recruiting linemen at Cisco was. and Robert I.yon strictions partment had been too husy the celebration plans. He said he vol- College in December 1987. Evans He is not only determined about Dad', staff writers On Tuesday. Rygg told the Spar- advertising and generating ticket unteered to pass out flyers. draW Up overheard that Vogt SJSC Atlitletw Department tan Daily that the e%erii was sched- sales v, tixithall and %Ole) ball to press teleases and contact llie net:- said He had contributing to a Big West Cham- was interested in him. The rumor Vv'ednestlay unexpectedly postponed uled on Oct. 14 and %stink! include uoiry about basketball OA:try people loorgatilie the event. pionship and California Bowl vic- an event that would have served as a cheerleaders. a scommage. and a turned out iti he true when Vogt tory. but also about his education. "I etas willing It) do all this on celebration to kickoff the 1989-90 chance tor students to pick inn their "It took tip a lot of our time." ruts own lime and my own energy." men's basketball season. season tickets Fie also said that kygg said "Things like basketball he said. But the Mose angered an SJSU KSJO might broadcast Ilse from the had to he put on hold to student who had proposed the idea arena. Plus. Kygg said. the basketball COhl11-11 Caine up with the idea in August On the same day. Coburn the department in early cot team's contact with the Student July. and said he received posit i vv. ATHLETIC CLUI3 of the apa- icized the "This is a reflection department's lack of re- Limon Bond ot I)irectors ss as not II- response from Athletic Direct, at sponse to his idea, thy ol the Athletic Department saying that there nali/ed tintil the end ot September. Randy Hoffman and new head coach was OPENINGS Siitt Jose Stale, said Kaydon Co- "not enough time to promote so it vs.is ult to make plans tor Sian Mon-ison. ot IN.. Association of the event appropriately burn. president the evening Kock 'n' Roll. a club on campus. "I wanted it to be done light." Neither Morrison nor Hoffman Start your career with the country's finest The department decided to post- Coburn said. "In my opinion it , not Coburn. though. clamed that the could be reached kw comment private athletic club organization! pone the event to a date closer to the being done right."' Western Athletic Clubs, Inc., owners of beginning of the season so it could But It ygg said the postponement m. maximize its season ticket sales. said had nothing to do v. ith a lack of ...11:111 '"' Santa Clara's prestigious Decathlon Club, is James Kygg. assistant director of looking for energetic, qualified individuals, SJSU's sports marketing. to join the team at the newly acquired San Jose "The main tocus is to get stu- EGA 286 SYSTEM Athletic Club. dents involved and get the students MAC & PC from the dealer who s been around since '83 FULL/PART TIME OPPORTUNITIES to buy season twkets.’ Rygg said. same location. same people and same service Fitness Trainers Rut Coburn proposed the event Aerobics Instructors RENTALS at the beginning of August as a way FREE MOUSE and 640K MEMORY UPGRADE Managetnent Maintenance to bring his campus club. the stu- If The Computer Lab 1 I Maintenancr Van Drivers team to- Pro Shop dents and the basketball is Full or Closed, EGA COLOR SYSTEM Sports Desk gether. he said. Come Join Our Winning Team! He also wanted to help revive the 8028f1 AT Compatible For Dissertations, 270 Watt Complete spirit ot the basketball program. Power Supply Contact Bob Smith at: Papers, Homework, ir F GA monitor tauswivel System for only hich he said was devastated last 20 Mb Hard Disk Drive (408) 292-1141 year by a player boycott and the I Resumes, etc ... I 2 Mb Floppy Disk Drive trig of head coach Bill Berry. Clock A Calendar 196 N. 3rd St. San Jose, CA 95112 FROM HOURLY TO 512 Kb PAM 9245 He said he got the idea from 101 RATES Keyboard Limited Ouant:ty other colleges and universities SEMESTER Parallel Serial ports around the country which begin the 10% student discount DOS 3 3 & Basrc AN basketball season with a midnight Computers To Go A & K the eve - Computers 244-4811 celebration on Oct. 14 375 Saratoga Ave SJ 'across from Garden ) CALL 408/746-2945 OPEN MON SAT 9 6 CLOSED SUNDA'', 539 S. Murphy Sunnyvale EYE CATCHING .115 S> SPECIAL ON " <11> City of Sunnyvale CONTACT LENSES Parks & Recreation Department DAILY WEAR EXTENDED WEAR Sott $70 'Soft $195 data -Gas Permeable...$85 Gas Permeable $175 For Dura-soft color change contacts systems add $50 to soft NOW HIRING lens price. Educational discounts for Prices valid with Student I.D. card. *Recreation Leaders faculty & students Complete eye exam required Save up to 40-45% off retail prices *Day Care Specialists with purchase of contact lenses DR. LYNN L. PARRISH FOR MORE I NFORMATION, CONTACT: GENERAL OPTOMETRY & CONTACT LENSES Se^ io Sioi u. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Member 20 N. First St. Suite B San Jose, CA 95113 Regina Murphy at (408) 730 7515 288-9096 I Ill" (N. 1st. 8 Santa Clara Streets) 281-3161 M/F/V/I i American Opeometrk ClOSO to campus EOE Association VALIDATED PARKING Thursday , (kloher 5. 19H9/Spanan Daily Page 5 Panama: The Inside Story Noriega foes fail in coup try Uprising fizzles PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) Panama general in firm control U.S. troops moved into position Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega's only a few hundred yard+ from the 0 grip remained firm after his forces lighting Tuesday and temporarily after fiery start 0 crushed a coup attempt. and an op- Costa Caribbean Caribbean closed the main bridge over the 0 position leader said there would be Ricsa Sea Sea canal. but U.S. spokesmen said PANAMA cm,. Panama the year Panama is to gain contml no civil uprising because Panamani- those were only security measures. (AP) --- The first sign of the of the Panama Canal. leaves Fon 2 ans "are highly intimidated.'' Panama uprising comes at 7 a.m., when Cimarron, 25 miles east of the The U.S. troops did not take part 0 Troops enforced a nighttime cur- Colon gunshots sound through the poor, city: the Machos de Monte come in the fighting. 1 few in Panama City early today on crowded Panama City neighbor- from Rio Hato. 55 miles west. 2 streets where forces loyal to Noriega About 50,000 Americans live in hood of El Chorillo. At 11:30 a.m., as sporadic Panama Panama on Tuesday quashed the second at- Gulf of Panama, including more than 1 2,(XX) The Urraca battalion. entnisted gunfire continues, the rebels issue dissidents in tempt in 18 months by Panama Canal City t 1.S. military personnel attached to with the security of Panamanian their first and only communique the military to oust the Defense Pacific the U.S. Southern Conimand. Defense Forces headquarters. is in the name of Maj. Moises Gi- Forces chief. in revolt. raldi Vega, commander of the Ur- Although Noriega was quick to blame the Ocean Colombia GUlf of Panama witnesses reported The sounds are heard at the raca battalion. revolt on the United States. which some deaths during the fighting. De- headquarters of the U.S. South- In a radio broadcast. the rebel, Noriega ma+ indicted on drug has been trying to oust the Defense President Bush denied any role fense Forces spokesman Maj. FA1- ern Conimand, less than a mile trafficking charges in the United Forces commander for more than I 1/y in the rebellion. but reiterated that gardo Lopez would say only that a away. States in February 198)4, but main. years. the United States would still like to number of soldiers were wounded Hundreds of people living near The sound of the tains those charges are part of a U.S. "The proof is that American see Noriegu ousted. and refused to be more specific. the embattled headquarters leave plot to keep possession of the Pan troops closed access routes to the "I want to see deniocracy in or are forced froni their homes, crossfire is Canal, which reverts to Panama Former opposition vice presi- barracks, just as they closed the Pan- Panama succeed," he said in Wash- ama some fleeing with pets and all the of the century. dential candidate Guillermo Ford American Highway," Noriega said ington Tuesday night. White House at the end household belonging% they can punctuated by a He also annulled May elections said at a New York news conference on nationwide television several spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said the carry. international observers said his that Noriega was not getting any hours after the failed coup by what Bush administration had mime ad- after At 7:20 a.m., the Southern man who yells, slate of candidates had lost by a stronger despite the crushing of the appeared to be a small group of sol- vance word that a coup attempt Command puts its troops and ci- landslide. coup. sinning. He diers. might be afoot. vilian% on the highest alert. Presi- 'Stop ple dent Bush. in Washington. is in- Christ is the formed. the Bush's nemesis Gunfire crackles through the salvation.' morning. Stray bullets hit build- iad ings in the neighborhtxxl, but no to civilian injuries are reported. The say Noriega and six of his top col- Strongman still haunts the U.S. Red Cross says doctors have been onels have been ousted. The re- i of called to the compound bels call on other Defense Forces U.S. troops in combat gear units to join them and say they WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gen. plagues him as president. been overthrown repons that pro- ment in February 1988 by two fed- take up positions 600 yartis from will call elections soon. v a Manuel Antonio Noriega is a While denying that Tuesday's duced fleeting ebullience in some eral grand juries. the the Defenm: Forces headquarters, Opposition supporters hit the longstanding political albatross for failed insurrection was "sonic White House aides. it' not in the His denial came despite testi- age between the gunfire and U.S. streets to celebrate, waving flags President Bush, and Tuesday's American operation." Flush had all president. mony by a former Bush aide. retired bases. However, they take no part and blowing whistles. but half an failed coup attempt in Panama only but invited a coup. Bush insisted to reporters that the Adm. Daniel Murphy, who told a the in the fighting. hour later officers loyal to No- prolongs the president's burden. In May he called on the Panama- United States was not behind the Senate subcommittee that Bush was U.S. helicopter gunship% and nega call a television station and Bush just can't seem to get No- nian people and defense forces to coup attempt. told in CIA briefings as long ago as Blackhawk troop carriers fly over say they are fighting back "ready is- riega from around his neck, or from drive Noriega "and his Doberman When told that the coup had 1983 that Noriega was suspected of the installations. U.S. trixips and to give their lives." lid. power in Panama, no matter what. thugs" from office. failed. the president's reaction, Fitz- drug money-laundering. armored personnel carriers close Troops loyal to Noriega have 'es- "Nothing's changed, our policy Yet, Noricga has resisted 21/2 water related. was subdued. "He Bush continued to deny any ad- the Flridge of the Amencas, climbed to the rooftops outside remains the same," a disheanened years of U.S. efforts to oust him, said OK and went into another meet- vance knowledge of drug dealing by which crosses the Panama Canal the compound to bombard rebel en- White House spokesman Marlin survived two coup attempts and ing. Noriegu as he does totlay. west of Panama City. soldiers with mortars, grenades de- Fitzwater told reporters as he con- harsh U.S. economic sanctions, Noriega has had a history of as- The Reagan -Flush administra- As the morning wears on, Na- and gunfire. The Urraca unit re- to firmed what had already been widely evaded drug-dealing indictments, sistance to the CIA and coven sup- tions considered a wide range of tac- tional Security adviser Brent turns the fire. reported that the latest effort to and even emerged from an election port for the Nicaraguan Contras. al- tics to topple Noriega allegedly Scowcroft briefs Bush and visit- At about 12:30 p.m. niachine oust Noriega had failed. that was - - in Bush's words "bla- though the Reagan administration including luring him to the Domin- ing President Carlo+ Salinas de gun, bazooka and mortar fire rips im- The roller-coaster relationship tantly stolen.'' became disenchanted with him in the ican Republic and kidnapping him Gortari of Mexico. through the neighborhood. A If between the United States and the At a succession of public ap- mid- I 9811%. before settling on economic sanc- Meanwhile. troops loyal to No- rocket crashes into a building. she Panamanian strongman haunted pearances on Tuesday. Bush was Bush, the former CIA director. tions that damaged Panama's econ- riega are moving out of their bar- setting it afire. and anti-aircraft ard Flush as a candidate. and the inabil- gnm-faced and testy. despite some insisted he knew nothing of the drug omy but barely inconvenienced No- racks. Battalion 2000, named for weapons fire wildly vin ity to wrest Noriega from power early reports suggesting Noriega had connection until Noriega's indict riega Panama: he Senate debates Noriega clause in drug bill

What Law would but Senate leaders were cautious in powers in the original plan. handling the potentially volatile Lawmaker% then worked late into They're allow for ouster issue and managed to defer consider- the night on amendnients ranging ation overnight. from a study of the possibility of of general Fliden said the idea of ousting ending the use of reusable needles to Saying Noriega had merits. but added the setting up aid program% for abused WASHINGTON (APi The Helms measure "seems to make the wonien and children in drug affected Senate is nearing approval of inore Tonkin Gulf resolution blush by areas. money and muscle for the war on comparison . ' ' A major amendment offered by drugs, but first must grapple with an The 19M Tonkin resolution lett Iiiden and approved by the lawmak- `I personally aniendment that would authorize the to escalation of the U.S. involve- ers would authorize S57 million for use of U.S. trimps to oust Panania- ment in Vietnam. 1.000 new FBI agents. S47.5 million believe, and I say nian dictator Manuel Antonio No. this with a lot of The bill was designed to help for 250 Drug Enforcement agents in riega. launch President Fiushs war on rural areas and S24 million for 313 1 sorrow, that the "I wonder if it is so broad that posts drugs. As it went into the hopper. additional in federal prosecu- Panamanian people we are authonzing the president to the measure would have required tors' offices. declare war," Sen. Joseph R. Bitten. drug testing of people arrested. It also would authorize more for are highly D-Del.. said Tuesday night as the iailed and placed on probation or pa judges, marshals and probation offi- Senate intimidated by the worked late to fashion the roled. CerS. wide-ranging regime.' drug bill. Failure ot a state to satisty the at - "These amendment% will lay the In addition to adding muscle and Guillermo Ford, Ionic). general about the extent of its gmundwork for a new, expanded money to anti -drug provisions. it testing program could have led to a drug control strategy, Biden said. Panama's former would place care of crack addicts cut off of federal law enforcement President Rush denied any role opposition vice presidential under the Medicaid program. funds. in the rebellion. but reiterated that candidate The Senate planned to wrap up Lawmakers. however. jettisoned the United States would still like to action on the bill today atter acting those provisions in favor of a plan by. see Noriega ousted. on the Panama aniendment spon- Sen. Christopher Bond. R -Mo.. pro- Noriega was indicted sored by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C. on drug viding for a S5 million pilot program trafficking charges in the The amendment would authorize United ol testing federal prisoners to deter- States in February 1988. but the president to "use the armed main- mine which procedures work best tains those charges are pan of forces of the United States to secure a U.S 'Instead of doing Bond said lawmakers were leery of plot to keep possession of the Pan- the removal of Gen. Manuel Antonio handing the attorney general the ama Canal something about it, Noriega from hi% illegal control of we were like a the Republic of Panania.’ Helms complained the United Keystone Cop. running mound bunch of Keystone States failed to help Noricga foes in bumping into each other," Helms Cops running their failed coup attempt Tuesday . said around bumping "Instead of doing something There was no evidence of broad rBOOK1 support fin the Helms amendment. Work? a bunch of about it. we were like Overflow into each other.' NOW Sen. 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Pa g C Spartan Dailyithursday, (ktober 5, 1989 Life & the Arts Campus production seeks to spark social conscience extreme sides of Hy Valerie Junger the cast are successful at making poses it to the Daily staff writer their audience listen to their mes- power gone corrupt, a scene which real life. Don't see "About Face" if you sage. the audience could apply to are expect to simply sit back and laugh. And with additional, improvised Though Galli's characters

Theater lovers who see the Uni- comic bits called "la//i," they put central to the play, the supporting versity Theatre's first play of the the play in perspective and allow cast gives an outstanding perfor- perfor- season are going to have to do a little their viewers to personali/e it. mance as well. Especially the more to fully appreciate and under- "About Face" is funny and en- mance of Deanna MacLean as the stand SJSU's production of Dario tertaining,. Hut it is more than just Antonio's wife. Rosa. Fo's "About Face... that. Overall. the entire cast is volup- True to the tradition of Fo's writ- During the play, Richard Galli, tuous in its use of emotions and ing. the University Theatre brings who plays both lead characters Don- spontaneity. the campus community a thought- aldo and Antonio, successfully tran- Each member contributes bits of piovok ing and mind -challenging forms himself from one opposing humor and improvisation that are es- piece of work. character into the other, giving the sential to the advancement of the Using comedy as a medium to audience different views of the effect play's plot, making "About Face" a convey a strong, analytical portrayal of power on individuals. giant farce which echoes into a pro- of the human condition, Director The use of Galli's dual role is found piece of art. Bridget Kowalc/yk and the rest of made clear to the audience. and ex- Show director plays many roles in life "He wants to over By Valerie Junger the title of "Best Student Director" Kowalczyk said. between actors Daily staff writer in 1988. step the boundaries enter- Bridget Kowalczyk is one person She has directed several other and audience. In a way he's to teach who does not have time to waste. plays for the University Theatre. taining his audience in order Aside from directing the Univer- With "About Face," she has lit) a lesson.' ' Bridget's directing." sity Theatre's production of "About tried to be as true to Italian play- "I love the Univer - Face," Kowalciyk currently acting wright Dario Fo as she could by en- said Mitchell Dahood, producer. in the San Jose Stage Company's hit couraging interaction between the sity Theatre's associate break the tradi- play "Angry Housewives." She audience and cast. ’She is not afraid to she loves it.’ also works part-time at Clark Li- "il'o) likes to shake things up, tion of theatre. In fact, brary. Hut Kowalc/yk said she has a method for keeping her busy life under control. "I set a strict schedule for my- self, outlining what I have to do for the forthcoming weeks. I take vita- mins, drink lots of coffee, and I also have supportive friends and a very understanding boss,' ' she said. Kowalczyk added that her social life is non-existent and she only gets one decent meal a week. she said. "That's the sacrifice you have to make, she said. Hut in a sense. so much is expe- rienced in theatre that I don't feel like I'm missing anything." A native of Detroit, KOWdiC/yk Aini Noilendorts Daily staff photographer Ain NollencloriS Daily Stall phOtOgrapher is a graduate of SJSU Master's of Cornelius plays the theater director Bridget Kossalc/vk Kevin niad doctor in "About Face," the new 'niversity Theatre product Fine Arts program and was awarded }, 1, discuss sign prop,. and as.sistant stage manager Kat Griffith started performing early AP Nanci Grill ith. who Her lather is a vocal coach and a combination ot a rock audi- How're you going to do it? started performing at 14. ha% had a tenor in a barbershop quartet her ence. folk audience, left-wing and following for 20 years though she mother an amateur actress. "They country audience. There were young looks too young and fragile for that were beatniks in the late '40% and punksters with 'sticky. -outy hair to be true. early '50s. I'm the youngest ot Promoters are realls sinprised at the @' The following has been growing. three. They were big readers and combination of people that come to a ' 'This is gi)ing tri be a breeze,. Her new album, "Storms." on schooled us in that." Griffith's first Nand Griffith concert... MCA Records. attests to that as it novel, which started as two short She and Itei six -member Blue climbs the best.selling charts. The stories. will be published next Moon Orchestia are touring until cut, "It's a Hard Life Vy'herever You spring. mid -December. mostly in 1.500-to- Go." is being played on college "I started playing guitar at 6. My 2.000 seat theaters. She says that radio stations. parents would take Me around io "Wise- In Movies and Dashboard "I love writing story songs. the play honky-tonk gigs beginning at Lights’ has become a favorite. singer says. "It gives me a chance to the age of 14. They ere excited that the past couple of years I've he someone else for three and a hall one of their kids had taken an inter- been popular in Ireland and England minutes Thaes why I write. to give est in the ans.'. If we knew how. that came allow . myself that opportunity and to give She taught kindergarten a year we'd repeat it. It's the only osei t'S/2 it! my audience that opportunity. and first grade a year in Austin. night success I've ever had It's a "Listen to the Radio' has a Texas. before concentrating full time little blessing given me that I didn't if, lave_ character ss lio is going somewhere, on music she has temied "folka- have to sweat for. and there's a story and it resolves it- billy . "I %sent to Dublin to do a TV self. Those are my favorite things. "Initially. I became very popular show and tound out Mary Black. Great back-to-school prices on PS/2's. I've never left anybody on the free- in Boston and New England," she who is like the Linda Ronstadt of Just in time. YOU can pick up an IBM Personal em/2® with easy-to-use software says. "Where I would sell 1.IXX) Ireland, had been singing way with their car broken down. my songs loaded and ready to go. And They always get home or find a seats in Boston. I was still worrying Maura O'Connell also sings them It best of all, you get it at a special low back-to-school price. cab. about 300 or 400 people showing up made my albums come into demand. And that's not all. When you buy the PS/2,® you can get a prat low price on Griffith, who writes about 20 when I played my hometown of Aus- "At the TV show, similar to PROINGY,® the exciting new shopping, information and entertainment computer songs a year, wrote six songs on tin. Then I became known in Minne- ' Austin City. Limits.' when I started service. Start this semester up and running with a PS/2 at a low, low price? "Storms. She wrote lyiics and co- apolis and St. Paul. then Los An- singing 'Trouble in the Fields,' peo- wrote niusii: with pianist Janies geles and San Francisco. then it ple came to their feet. I thought they Hooker on three songs The nth: eventually filtered back to my. home were leaving. It really frightened song is by Eric Taylor. her ex-hus- town... me. They came to their feet because band. She says they're good friends. At first, she says, "I think it was they knew the song. "


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By Anne Dujmovic Worn down cobblestone paths and faded rags of villagers in France prepare the moviegoer for the drab, uninov mg performances in the re- cently released film, "The Little

Money, lingerie and Victor Hugo novels aren't the only things Aono Nollendorls Daily stall photographer that turn up missing in this. French Figures On A Beach perform in September heat before SJSU crowd

Director Claude Miller merely introduces the characters. never let- ting the audience get to know them Detroit's Figures On A Beach oi caw IN11:11 t1.11111ells (IICIII Film Review shows nocturnal side at nooner Set in the 1950s."The Thief. -in French with English sub- By Anne Dujmovic Bombers T-shirt and bicycle garb. along

title,. depicts ilw life of a 16 year- Deity staff wnter kept the beat pulse while lanky lead "Michael kind of floated in. He old gill snuggles to escape her Playing before a noontime crowd vocalist Anthony Kaczynsky danced had a van. We didn't know if he basking in the California sun would about the Joe Watson -- Daily stall photographer poveitv sit IL kCI) stage warbling out tunes. could play," he said. "Perry was Brian O'Neal and FICIIL-t1 acne, Charlotte seem ideal fin a hand called Figures Keyboardist Christopher Ewen, slinging croissants." the Itiis Boys rocked the Cactus Club Sept. 22 (iaiii,hough portrays Janine, the On A Beach. dressed in his signature black, ap- -little thief" who has a passion for But the quintet of Detroit natives peared to be in ecstacy during the en- Though the group released ear- black -seamed stockings. silk slips is not accustomed to either sunbath- tire show. Denim -clad John Richard lier recordings in a series of EP's O'Neal's Bus Boys and old movies. ing or ix:donning at such an early Rolski rarely looked up from the through an independent label. it After being caught for stealing hour. electric guitar he cradled. as bassist wasn't until 1986 that it signed with from the church cash box. Janine "les hard to (I() this in the day- Perry Tell swayed back and forth. Sire Records to compile their first just want to rock leaves honie in search of romance light. I'm usually still in bed," said a At first sight, the band members' major label album. "Standing On and success She finds a job as a bleary-eyed John Richard Rolski, physical appearance seems to he a Ceremony." Patrick Nolan electne and acoustic guitarist. atter paradox of the name Figures On A By 1.oi,, iiiivtute stieet elements maid tin an al thient couple. and also Daily staff writer love] movie theater. 43 -year- the band gave a conceit tile Stu- Beach. The group took its nanie They followed that album with a uptempo beat to produce a at a n'roll provides dent Union Amphitheatre Sept. 21. trom a Picasso Rock the per vv hat he call, a thiov(Imek to old finish.' conductor Michel Da- painting that "resem- United States tour in 1987 and began young punk froni A dark. smoke -filled skr arehouse- bles the hand in an composing material for what was to lect paradox: A the old tiadition enteitalIMICM- venne (Dither Bezacel. who is mar- abstract way." wrong side of the tracks starts like nightclub is the definitive setting said Kuczynski. become the next, "Figures On A the 1,,,pe lock.inoll. \kith ,1 111110 hit ried. writes it tCV, songs. be- for this progressive rock quintet as a Despite 11., 11:1111t, the hand was Beach" album. a hand, ot social 0)111mi:urns linked " Janine looks to Michel as a father comes famous and is transformed figure. sexually coming on to him. noticeably more relaxed Figute, On formed in Detroit in 1981 by The hand deli v s a subtle kind The album is representative of from a middle-class working boy Michel is reluctant to get invloved at A Beach performed the folio% mg Kuczynski and Rolski. along with of sociai con tinconon and ad the group's collective efforts and into a filthy rich businessman. first because he thinks it's wrong and night at One Step Beyond in Santa three members no longer in the diesses serious issues. and does their new sound that Kaczynski de- Brian O'Neal's band the tills But even- Clara. group. The original five members so hy putting themselves in the because Janine is a virgin. scribes as "a little rawer." who have just released While the sun seemed to drain played together for only five Boys. shoes of the (ley II', advocate tually. lie gives in. shows. their third album, have twin their Bezace gives an uninspiiing and energy from the band at the concert Ewen joined the group after at- And as was evident at "Lor example. kt. 111, .1 song the muf- beginning based their music ideas indifferent performance as Michel. on campus. the dim lighting and tending performances by the original fled-sounding One Step Beyond called 'flood 01' Iiiiv s' that', smoky haze at the on working class ideals. this weak role. tiezace IleVer al- nightclub ap- members. "He was a fan," said show, the band prefers playing small about the skinhead,... said peared to revitalize -We call our music 'minimum loy., the audince to glimpse into the group. Kaczynski. audiences. "It's difficult to connect ().Neal "But the lyikl The wage. rock'n'roll... said O'Neal. Michel's relationship with his laniily burly drummer. Michael Ewen explained how other mem- with fans in large arenas... Ewen ten skinheal perspective. about the minnium doesn't convince moviegoers J.F. Smith, dressed in an orange bers in the present lineup came said. "We sing as it kke k ere them. so i.e can in- and tot yage, working class lifestv le, ctease hail, es tof getting that he cares Janine. and come from the perspective of them to listen to it, liv reversing The original story for the mov ie the worker. because we know the toles. %se hope to illuminate was based on fil aker Francois what it's like to work fOr minu- the ludicrousness 01 the situa- Truffauls childhood. Truffaut. Mill MUM wage.. tion.’ er's mentor. mote the filin's tiist Before their first album and This a unique approach io ern. screenplay and planned to dire(.1 it first taste of success. O'Neal and iiiisiilci niri most of But Truffaut, suffering from cancel . his hand had the task of finding a the lin. Hos. me k 1 liev e asked Claude Berri. producer arid di name. even song L-.111id I rector ot "Jean De Florette" and "When our group started... V1..11111;i Join the Ku K Ito, Klan. "Nlation ill the Spring." to take over said O'Neal, "most of the 111C111 production (4 the film. hers of our band were either bus- i'Neal also believes music. has Mille' vv tote the final screen a sensual sing tables, washing dishes. or side which must he play vA ith 1 (IC Beraud and AMIIC working as cooks in the Los An- toleplaved his de. geles area... "ko.. k'n'roll is like making "The I ittle Thier is the last -WC WM. trying to come up love vou don't lust shoy, up. You film Truttaut %stoked on. He died in with a nanie. and as a joke some have to get thin:, .,20ing, and 1984. He would have been disap it to one said 'why don't v)e lust cid' thitnigh achieve satis- pointed with the movie. 1 was ourselves 'the Bus boys' faction Our audience is just as ’The Little Thief- is playing at O'Neal said his band inciopii inipoitant as vie ate . the downtown Camera One Theatre

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175 N. San Pedro 298-WAVE Meet Captain Ray Putnam on 5 and 6 October In front of the Student Union or call COLLECT (415) 855-7204. Illa Narmik 4iONIIII1110 Pare Spartan rhursday, ()dither 5, 1989 Life & the Arts Senate withdraws support for Helms measure Hut Helms. angry that his supported him. WASHINGTON. I) C.( AP) amendment appeares about to be. wit Before the vote. Helm% remained ion+ m this Bible. in any The Senate is signaling it has second lewd down. lin the lost time forced insistent that the goserninent should wr Melt work. much less 700 years of thought% about a ban on federal aid the full Senate catty today to show dei. nit: which winks ot art it will ti Christian att. can be conceived as tor 'obscene' an. even a% emigre% its members' undo. idual preferences flatICe. .being deeply offensive to Jews.’ +tonal supporters and foes ot the on Ills IlltNISUIV VOIL. SU MI 1S111g "When they stint saying to the said Fowler. measure search for a compromise. lin its de. isiveness, they voted 62- Congress of the tinned States. 'Hutt Helms' provision was in a bill House -Senate negotiators .45 against him out. Just send the money. this sen- that would provide about SI I billion planned to try again today to end The tally. which W:11. a non bind ator says. ’No. Helm% said. tot federal land and cultural pro their impasse over a provision by mg expression of support, was a re Hut opponents argued the propo- gram% tin t ',cal 1990. which begins Sen. Jesse Helms. R-N.C., prohibit- versal ill the Senate's decision two sal was too lin reaching. Sen. Sunday ing government assistance for months ago lo adopt Ike bah Wyche Fowler, 1)-Ga., said differ 1 he legislation contained other "obscene or indecent materials" or Iorty three Democtats and 19 ences between religions over Jesus Limnos et slid provisions (//I art that "denigrates" people's reli- Republicans opposed Helms. while Christ's divinity could be considered lawmakers reached promises 1111 gion. 1:11.1! or ethnic background. 10 Demo,. mi. and Republik am offensive and fall under the law's le Thursday. _ Look out below Aim NoVendor's Daily stall photographer Festival '89, Joseph Ruscigno lures C111.11111181'S at the Italian 1merican held al tht Santa (lard ty Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday.

Connie Chung's program only hatf news NI \’ If the me That halt tt as a Lull!, good dtwo of Saltado \ illt Con drama. l \ "I lint this is supposed to he a new. s come. it miglii lie n ;se tin I. it', ie.. ex en though this one s . los News hi torn into cited a "soloist- la, - It's time you gave yourself a GSEm !holm.% ie. and let CBS /man 1)avid Simboni. who played meni !MOM I' II the show 's Niles theme music If you're sexually active, you should know about the slio !hill it. opening GSE. GSE stands for gental self-examination. It's -For your tree GSE Guide. fill out this coupon the hie 01 r houi ilminati/ing It is not a good sip!, tor a murnal- a simple examination you can give yourself to check and mail to GSE. PO Box 4088, I Woburn. MA 01888-4088 it fiery 1...111\ k 1\ 11 rights pioneer in ism show to liae a news & blues for any sgns or symptoms of a sexually transmitted . \ . Re Vernon Ill's el loll.% lust 30 disease. Send for your free GSE Guide today Be- Lime. I Ail N1011. w CIO 1101 good either cause when it comes to sexual relationships, there Name (please P(00 GSE are some important things to look out for

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They've been known to drink rub- drunks congregating outside our Ban FrOm page bing alcohol if they can't get the real * stuff." Before he stopped through FAtication). sees Hammer's selling the Denise Arlett, an SJSU Admis- wines. Kelly said he to approach as a pragmatic move to- would have sions and Records clerk who is also a call the ward responsible alcohol control. police at least two times d recovering alcoholic. said Hammer's day. "Responsible control is nec- plan sounds illogical. The campaign to stop sales essary.'' Phelps said, "to reduce the of "It's like the prohibition," Ar- fortified wines is not negative consequences to the com- limited to San lett said. "You can't make a drug Jose. munity of abusive consumption. like alcohol available and then try to Liquor-store owners in San Fran- There is no reasonable excuse to sell take it away. If they ban a type of cisco's Tenderloin district have been ihe (fortified) wines because it's ob- wine, then the alcoholic will just asked to remove the wines from their vious that the target population is al- panhandle a few more street comers shelves, and coholics. It's truly ghastly junk." the San Francisco to get the harder stuff. With Ham- County Board of Supervisors is con- Funhouse Aaron Malchow However, a recovering alcoholic mer's approach. they'd have to ban sidering two resolutions calling for named Lee. who works at Alcohol- 711/5 31111ATKW /5 -1 all alcohols, which is impossible." similar voluntary action throughout Ai/AWAY AMY LIVE HOW CM NM LOVE I DON'T ics Anonymous in San Jose and I ONLY LIKE TOO MELOSAAAAAT/c. Kelly's Liquors was the first of the city. said Barbara Taylor, com- ,BIT I tiefT ME? LOVf I PIA* Goortiess! asked that her la.st named JEEZI not be 15 San Jose liquor outlets that have hflt1 COTT Vie nt HIM- - -pm 5TYAvEDI MA Al- used. is skeptical about mittee clerk for the board. Tit Hammer's voluntarily pulled the disputed wines FEELl.N651 approach. Additionally. Ernest & Julio 50KKOW OP from their shelves since 1987. As Gallo Winery has recently asked re- a REJECTION. "It's worth a try," said Lee. shop owner Dennis Kelly sees it, tailers around the nation to pull "But a true alcoholic will get that business couldn't be better. Gallo-brand fortified wines from drink if he wants it. Banning alcohol "Our sales have actually in- outlets. in certain areas will only move creased," Kelly said. "People are Hammer is also pushing for city - drunks to other areas. more likely to come into our store sponsored and state legislation for "Alcoholics are desperate. now because we don't have anv more lixal control of liquor sales.

kermann said. because of the large these changes on the world and the elle 'web Party From page 1 expense, time and effort the univer- SJSU community. sity and staff members put into the A banquet was to be held Oct. Laugh Lines Wanda Folk Postponing the event "was the Rec Center grand opening last 27, and invitations were to be sent best decision given the circum- month. out to influential members of the ag/MINAMMIZEML WHAAATz2 49-'" stances," Barrett said. "F.conomics and energywise AlOCISIN uPEFFORTs we campus during the late '60s and Kew -XII ci4slioeitil "We wanted to have enough couldn't have done both." Hermann early '70s, Hermann said. The TAMEABLE Res,flurirc people present to make it worth it," said. referring to the extensive plan- WE Wiert After the October celebration offiCAL APCL02/1 he said. ning required for the two cele- was canceled. the committee briefly s" The two-day event, which was to brations. "We didn't have the staff considered holding the panel dis- AND M2NEY coincide with homecoming festivi- or the time for two big events.’ cussions anyway. but decided ties, was intended to focus on the The anniversary party plans in- against it, Hermann said. changes that have occurred at SJSU cluded panel discussions about "It was a moment of truth for since the opening of the Student changes in the university's political us," she said. "We were either Union in 1969. climate and media coverage since going to go ahead with it 100 percent The event was to be low-key. the late-1960s and the impact of or postpone it entirely .'' ,-?..4.4.ezaselMos

balloon animals and reminding Roost From page 1 stu- sale and sober transportation in the dents on behalf of Anheuser-Busch event a participant has tixi much to Classified Cos., the brewary that sponsored the "Remotes are our way of reach- drink. broadcast: Judy Ryan in 2664)204 91101 A BEAUTIFUL PAPER evierytinet. E & worts on word period Book- ing the young-adult audience, which keeping wale. Fr. disk Ma- "Don't drink and El ECTROL YSIS CLINK Mewed wordwocoeser with drive. Drink ws Minules horn Hawn can range from the late teens to the Unwanted heir removed Monter SERVICES extra to odd to your paper ascii responsibly. And above all, know Magi Is strelleble Srudeni early- to mid-30s and is a large part Steeliest CoMIdentlel Your very ARE YOU ON tie hunt for more bucks w law. printer. greenaker and when to say 'when.' " Library Cenral Evelyn 2704014. of the general KSJO listening audi- own probe 247-14110. 1SSS Rey- SW? The Vieshington fig Federal Wilting. feel turn-efeurr1, and One student. who became the wood Am San .tooe Cade Union, students serving conwellaw paces. Close tO cam- TYPIekil SERVICE - Mee In ence." he said. "It is important to us pus Pick up end delivery well- Willow Gen Open 7.30730, 91111 proud owner of a peacock balloon, curator HAS ROMANCE GORE from your IMP students. can hap Child care ebbe Call nor Panel& 946-3162 Minnesota, 0107 Call any time to get in touch with our audience, Now you can find love raven.. lone end competew sinew responded with an enthusiastic 292.0100 or 2116-5916 Also VOICE remotes are our way of main- or adventure as wally e picking Wet 4011 ilth St , (WM M7. ACADEMC & PROFESSIONAL DNS. and "Whoa!" when 4110J1.150XES only $11 00 pro Gerber presented named up your phone Dal 976-2002 to 7273 lop Publishing Word Pro- taining that goal." month We prove. or use her with the balloon. hear ale *sating mamma* horn wesIng, mising Papers. 1114111, re- BARE IT AL Stop shoving. your man 24 hour anwering Call Jef- LOS ANGELES (AP) - A away people. or you mn record Wrepang or using chemical depi- wm nepon & group protects Throughout his broadcast, Gerber. who has been a magician M 277.0026. and fac- 29-year-old Califoniia woman your cern maws And wetth wr Wort. Let me permanently re wrincone APS este Accurate freys invited SJSU students for 25 years, travels around the WOr14 1160, output $2 25 double EVERGREEN WORDPROCESSING who says she held voice me enact you 00O1 Mrs move your unifier/led tar (chin, ulty members to "stop by and say, country "making people laugh and various po- b Now your phone nurnb. on an WWI, tummy. moustache. etc ) Mewed peep 7 min Mr campus Professional typist term papers, smile," while reminding them about sitions in the Reagan Adminis- open We Call (406) 016-2523 lot 15% amount to students and ac- tit MM & McKee To wave your thaw, rearm.. cover Wes. time PJ1123-2300 group tweets. am/ more SPA However. there were times dur- the importance tration has been named curator fro. Wale Call today. Someone uity CM bras December 31 of responsible drink- le welting to wet you. (401)(415) Wei eam et 1 .2 specielloL Meo %Wien we MLA broadcast of the Ronald Reagan Presi- 111419 ad gel your ACADWPC TYPING AT REASONA ing the early part of the ing. He is now in his 13th year as the 9762002 IS only S7 toll. price 'Unarmed Hsi Mappers OLE RATES - Wed our WO Warts On canmes pleinipaMee when the soundwas interrupted. "Budweiser magician." ....dential Library near Moor- any Vine lay Care ' Own Chemin. Camay and away piersmeed ? CluaNy guar (27 yew imp / Mamba 7 devaseeek Call park. LOOKING FOR EXCITEMENT??? Just E 569-3600 1446 S Women WM Wftt 013..debN, grommet. KSJO "apparently decided to 'The event was coordinated by Roe 274-30414 The four-story. Spanish co. call (415)17646211 Ws the hottest Ave , Hee Today Gone TO swank boat COON'. grads Spa work on the transmitter today," Jef- Students Against Driving Drunk Nally in F AST WORD lonial-style structure is ex- way to wet ell Mods of people Science end ell English PROCESSING, 12,6 awn freys said. (SADD). in conjunction with KSJO With our VOICE MAK BOXES you subecte for theme papas, re- Wally gairentered C.oneettine pected to cost NANO PAINTED ONE ol kind While the music played, a strol- and Anheuser-Busch. as a way of between $40 can receive memages left ewe- Swots. wrings. OWN a every porta, wanes. etc Free pros Mudent rase Thema. reports. million and $70 million. lel- Wily for you end Iwo confider, thing Ma* Origin& Ow birth- fIng dlek storage MI -0449 We peers. legel documents ling magician named Rick Gerber encouraging SJSU students to sign today! loian said. WI meow. tor Wow Call dey gift. Call Deb el 263-0299 ACCURACY AND DUALITY offered Cob WS) 01114-5203 made his way through The Roost the "Contract for Life Between NOW,. Find Ine ONE net trying L ATE MITE SERVICE GROUP Late Prolesalorad typing. reasonable PC WORD PROCESS/NG - Flowenes. hid YOU,, WS) 976-4620 16 presenting card tricks. distributing Friends," which involves seeking to night, Last minute typing Die Tenn papers and noutree, CM enri pews. resarcii. Wawa MN. 11 sny only S2 coums over 5 pages Resume E LAINE M 270.2221 2924039. doesawas. Mc NW LAM Ma- LUTHERAN CAMPUS WORSHIP every nom tie Ala Desktop Re- 260,1111wiellen. ke Mews Senna (415) 793. 07114 SUNDAY morning st 10 45 AM at lining Waive:owing. F, AFFORDABLE AND EXPEIMENCED Classified Campus Christen Conte, 10th & Copy APIALEGAL SERVICES ward proestaing Tenn papersne. wrocess IT WRRYI Fscialy sod elsr- Son Canoe For more inormanon IN MO PEP and low arrives porta group paws. wawa. let- dente C. rely on eccurebt ow mt. ine cieen Very about activities. ma Rev Noe For more info coll (401)92,05M ters. theme. Me Later wally! AN homey production of neereletters. wed Pinny, Sunnyvale, 2462911 ORDER OF OMEGA, Applications tor Wane lame PIZZA A GO 00 Fanhaber el 21/60204 PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY by formats OMB APA SPELCHEK, reports. meurries. publestkets, ANNOUNCEMENTS manuscripts, new members Ow Oct M. Mini HUNGRY HUNTER 160.11WAS 135 w Sew Clore St S.I FREE POST BOX PLUS, 45 N I st St $ J Desiree MOW loreverly of KSJS punctietionmenner essietwoe correspondence, etc W/111 old In grommet .p.leng- vON,,,, Buy or sell Cal me today 242 hiring Kg MI position. aloe wr completed epplication 20114110) Open 9 to IIPM for- You've gel WI* pony. Wye 9cri Au wee weraneedl Coe PAN fleeible hors competeive rent 5 dew 247-2691. Swap. kw erwareo punctuation Fa prompt, 7 day (local Avon Rep) & send ORDER OF OMEGA MEMBERS.. Man- warding bow for ne musk' NNW PrOduCtiOns wages, beneffts Allay In person HOUSING UPS Cal end profeseloWdepondebe wales resporee. Wee message la book b your home or bareiness. datory meeting Oct I I th, 9 Ple. reek Ws mewl pnroldee mad. Widely of music 1191 E Caterer., 10-5 P11. Mon- in PAMELA et (406)246-1621 Super wecele for everyone Almaden Ihn Student Union FOR RENT, woe 7 term 2 both. re- and out Wm WI you hew tor your wedding pany or dance ANN'S WORD PROCESSING Share the book Mtn twin, co- May through Seturday modeled, clan and quiet Secu- your bolt, reesonable row Call Desiree Thweis-Torm pepers-Flownes 'SERVICING YOUR WORD MO. RICH - 1 rn retching you Molue workers & Mende & receive up to rity Wading, oft street perking. POST BOX PLUS 45 N tat, S J 296- or Phil el 270-M40 or 112. 7359 Loners AM formas CESSING and Gwent needs proud this reek. LOVE & LOOKING FOR PC WIZARD. expire en- 50%. off on your own order, Thew laundry !wattles. $72S425 $100 Open 9 to 6 p rn lot- No ante So type yaw pawl Call Kale al Tecinically Typing HAZING. your ATO Blg Ma Musket to waist R & Co. Meta- you ANo, good pert-tione income Cam 165-2005. pew Mew corn warding bows tot ant 5 Wye TRAVEL Call MARY ANN et MK (406) Eel OM Tenn wpm. 25 t elate of the al ~We Thiess, etc Lew printer Free for the holieleys. Cell JANE at WANTED plele maplege week We accept UPS CM snd FLY TO BURROW round Ire for 165 241-5490 S.0 5642 HELP software & honlyiere. PT noir F T gramme well pure Owe flee 040LfSE TO SHARE. 5 len horn SJSU end on Wel moll you Paw In on OH 6 fle beck Oct 11 north BASCOM SeCflETARIAL SERVICES?! ATTENTION EARN MONEY wane in water Call DEENA et MITE X sonata raw gulek benewund BUt116/17 prellegeo 13215mo I 3 your tee 141010101 if 1471 wet seal, L me student Wee! Woman & books, $32.1300 Wen. PPlen. Peewee. Corp 371.21100 Fres TreeWee eterbeellan uttlitiot, CM naive couple CM LIMES M371-3920 S J Met MANI, Tnn Mari roses, SUCCESS erricapern. nes Alum Details I 602413$41195. est PREGNANT? SJSU ALUMNI offered in ItWheel Medics, Cen- hal reports. dieseratione news. Rock SJ P.M typing. woad pro. MARKETING ASSISTANTS WANTED?! HOUSE TO SHARE, 5 min horn SJSU TAW to Wool Fbenclelly mow TWA OFTERS SJSU Wawa 10% off ter Shay. Or. Wee Rosetta et BK 4260 Wasetinde OK Spanish. ceasing. & banne swam Ws hew entry Wel peellIons, Full privileges, 1,32S mo 1 3 kral Lots of kw to give CM wry time anywhere. OW fere Purchase sF23-sess. ATTENTIONWRING, Govl jobeyour French, Germ. typed Coll (401) One top tor al Cal (411111)6Ple oiler MOW hours end drys 2114.7540 211111.1371 your TWA discouni Card noun S17.640469.4&5 CM 1402 377.7637 302S HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 5750 To ell Jew- Bow coy is SS per hour plus JOCKEY by Also sek WWI Ihe TVA Getsmee R4250 ROOM I RENT blossom Veen PROFESSIONAL DSC iee students Wain Stu- 11134611115..1 monthly bonus To orange on es 217- CALL L MOA TODAY for esperlenced. TYPMN3 - WORD PROCESSING from the In- 1137S nto WM. 224.0365 Desiree Whet, formerly of KSJS cede card Call AHOY BOSS Help circulate terview. Woes TENNI PAPERS - REPORTS dent Union of SJSU Locating for BE YOUR OWN cell Owe el (406) 4 MARCIE You've got Me poly ive ve got the MOO TWA CAMPUS REP prohnielonel wroa procereaing sek THESES - piece b go for TOM KIPPUR? Call petitions. ft pt. pa 3-4 week No 111111H1043 mune. lierchel Produclion pro- Thema Wm maw grow pro- RESUNMS TNT COMPUTER us Randy 296-1531, Seth 924- door to door. no Wes $50-$100 PERSONALS vides a wide variety wise tor TYPING pels, etc MI tonnes Wean, PROCESSING 111641 day Call 236-2450 today, SECURITY Orr/CEO% - prows APA Later War OW* return (406)972-1$63 per your wading perly or Pence at WM. You Wally found en sewers, messengers All hifts. ADOICTED GAIMNER PILOT was Trieneeraten wee. swage WEED MEDICAL INSURANCE? You CHILDCAPIE POSITIONS AVML AK E reoteeebte Wee Call Deane or experienced. effordebe. prole. 'TIM/WORD PROCESSING. lieeL ry PT, wre WI tree Away in per. (roundtrip) ride or riders M Tahoe, Ainwearribranew 0.11111 can have choke ol guelthe piens - Fyll and part flaw perrnenoM Pie at 270-4MIS or rn.rass semi typist w Leper printer, AI actuate, neseeneble Wee of son. 24 Was 7 days ween Plena. or Carson Weekend* or n4-4sor with low Wee for students For positions avelebie Northern C.all. OPTCS 90 WPM I can wee eN your pes wpm Spell decking and proof ACUFACTS. INC MO Malden wok night* Ywr eleren or RAY BANS SKI no obligation bark FM- tome Wines 175 Sem Antonio pore too& end BE Weir beel In any COMPUTER FAST ACCURATIE near ware Saw day wales belly quote. WI Ave , See Jorie mins Shire expeness. eying I hew eacebent aloes and Isrger Alumni Rd , Surto 112, Lw Altw. CA (415) mod Esp THESES Welton and Winchester CM 2474X11111 Ionia Clara (4011) 1143-9190 LAU Carlos. 244-547SD1J) 71,524 Inventory of Rey Ban and Ski format you Ther WrIle Shirley al 37.3519 SI 50 per Once 1966. 949.2933 SECUIIITY RECEPTIONIST 011, (Colorado Wags. Co ) Oar sungesses I all Winer typist P-4.1 del Cali WORD PROC L TPI sway preen, CrileCT CARE staff CO for micas AM tor Chris Type. Linde 723-1714 (Son Jew) PRP copies, Mc Cadge MOM 722- STUDENT DENTAL/OPTICAL PLAN COUNSELOR Enellent Mb. tor Mame, no x BOYS OF SJSU. I an committed to neskientira (4011) 9974444 otter 6 00 p rn or DO YOU WANT higher /102 Wore pew Slabs en pe Enrol noon Save your teeth. eyes needed eit local Wend necessary Day. map & awe ANDRE BROUSSEAU ta- AAM. When overwaranted by MOONS gadget Of young adults & shifts. lull lbw or pan lire. cell Wing Ile day and ewe the Warne you do A welly typed whIcherver le tem! end money too. Claming. and of. ilw tor mese rns. MIMI my Non, to be typed. also and New KNOSTEN will Muni your call Moe visas st no chergo For bro- mes with whim reeled dia. San S6 lo Saar Weedy wi- mewls I typing to ma Graeae end un- paper mes Ile wale your herd WRITING. RESEARCH. SERVICES, CAT14OLIC NEWMAN C011aMtMITY chure me A.S. Office (Student WWI. FT & PT portIon ned dental insuninak wee en- T.SHIRTSII ern money for your he dimmed Plearrnes, wows woe deoseres Cell WWI TYPE Aroaternk, paw. Wee emir MASS on Sunday evenings at Hawn cameo a cal (406) 371- Sterttng $41-64 25 hr Call (4011) case unto., Plegultee entity, wanly. club or butanes* Owe., reports of Nt kinds Stu- tot ine beet miens (40111) 972 lance Ohostivreng, neesine4 II 30 & 9 00 WA Campus Christen 6611 In Son Jose 44431153 mooned persons Ma clew po- by Were Custom eillt-screerwill dent rears tor uncleared. Awe- M30 Cetera. Work guerenteed Low lice record Apply SS, 11-F. Vans/- Carer , 10th & San Carlos For able dry. ese neekende by appl DELI SANDWICH MAKER, Mon-Fri Tarns ath your logo or design EDP SERVICES TYPING 1 WORD Mee Collegiate Commenem wird Security. 3212 Ikon Mad we leo Nom other activitios AUTOMOTIVE 1030AM 1 30 PM 152 North 3rd CaN BRAINSTORM ei (415)962- Cell Anne 977-4092 PROCESMNO of Were. nellsiNiaa. Pow, Sereehry, (415) 1141-11036. Sams Cars (between Oben & cell Falter Sob Lager or Seta 113 SAAB 900 turbo 3 dr S etpd ST. SAN JOSE 97 hour Son Tows ) ipess samimmem um ma me immune= imim mime immeeme cond. ore owner, so ps, sun- EARN SOO to 1403 week P / Our alb peeillons (2) Teei- roof Many ewes, $7200 Call 376 hifernerkeers sem lull tkie STUDENT MIST Print Your Ad Here Dept waft 2 students 1999 evenings, money In port line PIONS arlfh the ng orgenliallonel Mills b (COUIPI apprOmirrletely 30 biters and SpeCeS eitCh hne) fifty Aree's greelest newepepte *arena Ad Rates easel ant wet- COMPUTERS pranodon See whet compute- begin training b three lines on one day eeeten protect In Jenuery Minimum APPLE MAC condition rised Wang can do Saaninteed ? IIII .1 .1 11.1.1 INTOSH 116.501w, way Teeing Office maw co- Wary, plii bonus. Coe C J now plus tauten. awe Mel. 216. Each SIOSOleo Cali el (409)727-0447 bleg keyboard , Five Extra Dave $7 hr two One Two Three Four /11111111i I I I i III: 111111111 2464520 ENGLISH TUTOR WANTED TEACHEPI WEDf DI OW greet spe- PM or Davi Days Days Days Day Wes wet horn 5.7 30 Mom working preschoolers Day

FOR SALE 7 30-9 PM Citif BM el 720-5010 Fun end mane environment 3 Lines $4 30 S5 30 $5 BO S6 05 $6 35 $1 10 11.111111,1.1 J 11.11.1_111 DESK-0.41ATIC prolessionel drening FOODSERVERS WANTED? Velvet Fleabite hours. Mon-Fri. NW 4 Lines $5 30 $6 30 $6 /30 S7 05 $7 30 SI 30 MOM. Includes Wel tam, draft- Creernery. 14111101. 15 minutes have el mere FOE. Calf MS 5 Lines $6 30 S7 30 $7 70 $8 05 $8 25 $1 45 ing miel & scabs $3911bo Call 9062. SJSU Flexible lieur & ape 6 Lines $7 20 S8 25 $8 70 $8 95 $9 25 $1 60 111.111111 '1111111111 1111111111 John en 167461111 front (406)1145-9M6 WACHERS NEEDED leaf D! Turkish, Each Additional Line Add S1 00 MATTRESS SETSII SEMI! NEW GARDENEPIJIMIOYMAN. $7Ter Work English, peritarte Day Twin est $79. wel SM. awn Saturday 114PM. Cut evenings NNW speekeni WM PON Name etet $129, king set $170 You gel 3 Ire every Semester Rates (All Issues) grew trite Maga. Mc Sesady Iran CO 3774613 00 10.14 Lines $77 00 P.611 Mewl Wattled* 8129, 5-9 Lines $55 work, must heve est Call 377- TELEMARKETING!!! Estabbened in- 15 Plus Lines $99 00 Fr bedroom eel SI 119 Ogee $74. Address Phone '433 dement S79, chaste $46, bed. Sarenee sway. Perfams, Mon- Phone 921-3277 Wren, delnierytt (415) 7W.4900 OCT PAID TO .01141 ellfferonee port day Deareeley, 400 MOO time work tot Indbleluele Aggremaire. selfatmlen needed. NEW MATTRESS SETSI WM up kr king tunshill oty State Zip tor Wen Prete. Salary range SSW. CALL HENN kW, 11 lines. MI Wee 5-2S yr Wing to fight Campaign Callfernts. 2116 M11711.2214, weanenty Flaw, heediewelo rnent Me Everything new For Into cal 11113E0C TI4E MUSIC ROOM hes ewe study Enclosed is S For Linn 44143$211 CIMAC ACCOUNT MP. Job Includes paean avalleble Contail Cans Ciessiriestion. STUDENT UNION DIRPCTOPIS credameallon. WWI cornea Announcements Greek Servces waft ei OfFICE. GREEK Well reports. Welled SENO CHECK, MONEY ORDER Clessilled Dealt Located Innis 11/LN 102 Milemd. Automotive Help Wanted Stereo ADre SHELLY AVOUXIII ire fed lot PeseeRefe deem The STUOENT UNION Is nenv selerpeakel beneflas OR CASH TO of pas in my dor Canl weal until Compettilve eleallostents for beelnicei Computers Housing Travel (4011) 711-4115 10e interwleer. PRIOAY - LOVI, BIG MS? nisineenano Ittlf SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Two days prior to publication !Of . STUDENT UNION DIRECTOMs For Sale Lost 8 Found TypIng all We ean meet on Me trip San Jose State unevoraity Consecutive publication dates only OPPORTUalleS now M Me OFFICE. Personai to CALI SYC (MAT RUSTY SCUPPER! Eley or ernee 57.111046111 NO DORK Y HATS or San Jose, California 96192 No refunds on cancelled an KYLE!! Crn WATCHINO YOU! K ea up Hostlee Peefeler RPM may wawal. Mel hon. cool MI the pow wet Kick buti Mon-Frl 2,30 well pen., Ins ow. pees to wore Drivers mast be IS we*. Yale. %am enwimemmemememmtemm i=onsom mom= no immeimmeinmm Page 10 Spar1an Daily, Thurrday ktoher 5, 1989




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