Volume 44 Number 5 IXl October 22,1992 X H STOCKTOARN STATE COLLE6E POMONAC, N EW J ERSE Y 08240 Stockton welcomes mascot "Animosity" An interview with the Osprey provokes assault Recently, a reporter from the Argo tracked down that rare and aloof glutton for punishment. P.R. bird, the Stockton State College Osprey. Apparently, the school mascot had a desire to clear up some previous speculation about his history ARGO: Did he :ver get seriously injured? of SSC student as well as stating some current events. by Kristen Spautding Here is that landmark interview, pre- OSPREY: Once. He had justrun through On Thursday, October 15, a Stockton pared especially for the students of a banner at a game without checking to State College student was assaulted by a Stockton State. see where the wall was and WHAM! He fellow student in an H-Court apartment. hit head first and got a minor concus- ARGO: Most of our students aren't sion, but he didn't get off the court until The police report confirmed the one aware that this year marks your twen- after doing a few cartwheels. Quite an count of simple assault as the complaint tieth anniversary as Stockton's mas- odd bird, my cousin Frank. I prefer a filed against the accused, Jill Farley. Ser- cot, how do you feel about turning kinder, gentler sort of promotional strat- geant Joseph Mangiello explained that the twenty? egy—one with less painful results. incident "stemmed from some kind of previ- ous altercation between the two women." According to the H-Court manager, Erin OSPREY: Well, for one thing, I'm not ARGO: It's our understanding that the Phillips, the two females had been room- really turning twenty. See, personally Osprey was not originally chosen as the mates the previous year, and there had been I've only been doing this public rela- school mascot. "animosity between them." tions thing for a few months, but I've got relatives that have been working OSPREY: No. Originally, the Athletics Phillips explained that Farley had been for Stockton since 1981. Before that, and Recreation Department came up drinking and entered the victim's apartment. we Osprey s pretty much just stuck to with the name "Pinies," in honor of the Farley was conversing with the victim's silent work, like posing for sketches character of South Jersey. After a little current roommates, while the victim was in and logos, that sort of thing. debate about who had the right to pick a her bedroom. The victim heard her name mascot, someone decided to hold a pub- mentioned and emerged from the bedroom. ARGO: So there have really been sev- lic election to decide, and the whole "[The victim] walked out of her bed- eral Ospreys up until today? The Osprey, greeted by two of thing was publicized through the Argo room and Jill just punched her on the jaw," commented Phillips. Stockton's students. back in 1972. OSPREY: Oh, sure. The first bird to The victim had started to bleed from the mouth and was taken to Mainland Medical actually make a public appearance was my third cousin, Frank Romano. He ARGO: What was the rest of the competition like? Center, but was released that night. Phillips was a bit more of an acrobat than I am, though, and I hear he took he took also commented that Farley had left the a beating in those days. OSPREY: Well, some people wanted to have a dalmatian or a skunk as the mascot, to play up the school colors. I'd like scene of the incident and "hid out." According to another source, Farley ARGO: How so? to see what happens when you get a six-foot skunk in an was escorted by friends to a local bar, where auditorium filled with three hundred people! Some other she was unable to stay, apparently because OSPREY: Well, you know, breaking through paper banners and running she was too intoxicated. Farley was then into walls, getting beer cans thrown at him at basketball games...he was SEE MASCOT ON PAGE A 7 escorted to her home in Brigantine. Mixed words escalate into Farley was apprehended by the police and charges were brought against her by the Multiple charges physical confrontation victim. The accused was interimly suspended Conflicting accounts keep and will face an Administrative Hearing broughC7 t againso t student investigation open Board on the matter this coming Friday, according to Dean of Students, Joseph by Jennifer Matchett of the car, the officer learned that Joo was Marchetti. He went on to say indications On Thursday, October 15, a Stockton driving illegally. His driver's license had by J.M. Chet show that this was an unprovoked assault. student was arrested by campus police. Late previously been suspended. Criminal charges were filed against a Thursday night Alexander Joo was pulled It was then that Office Fernanderz in- male student of Stockton State College for over by a Stockton campus police officer for formed the student that his car was to be simple assault and harassment on October careless driving. Joo was eventually charged towed and impounded. 14,1992. INSIDE: The charges filed stemmed from an with consumption of alcohol by a minor, According to the police report, when Find out what the latest disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. the tow truck arrived to remove Joo's car, he incident in which the accused, Jason Morris, The officer quickly became suspicious sat on the car and refused to let it be towed. and the victim had a verbal confrontation "word" is "around" thatJoo was intoxicated. Whereas no charges It was this action that led to the charge of that led to a physical assault in which, ac- our "campus of driving while intoxicated were brought disorderly conduct against Joo. cording to Sergeant Joseph Mangiello, push- A 2 against him, Joo was charged with con- Sergeant Joseph Mangiello stated that ing and hitting occurred. sumption of alcohol by a minor. one Joo was told he was going to be arrested "From what I understand the accused The election's almost here! When the student was asked to show his and charged with disorderly conduct, "he had a run-in with the 'victim' in his dorm," So check out the next stated Mangiello. driver's license and automobile registration began to fight with the police officer." Nei- round of ARGO to the officer, he could not produce either SEE WORDS ON PAGE A 7 coverage.. A 3 document Upon calling in the licence plate SEE CHARGES ON PAGE A 7 Page A 2 L ~ wmmmmmmmmmmmm lliliiliii 1I111111I11IARGO October 22,1992 Word Around Campus

The 1992 election Women be by Rob Aitken aware!!! and the future of by Lisa Corry Student-Creator Newark, New Jersey on - representative of the Young That unique and alarming Wednesday, 21 st. He, like Bush Democrats Club creation between F and G wings and Quayle, is making his final the budget deficit "All men are created equal," is the brain-child of none other rounds in one of the top five under the Constitution of the targeted states. than Stockton's David by Behzad Yaghmaian United States of America. This Waterman. Waterman, who pro- he deficit has been one economy, it can be argued with statement that we uphold as a Pub Agenda posed the idea to the Board of of the major campaign relative certainty that fiscal con- right excludes more than half of On the 25th of October at Trustees over a year ago, has issues of the 1992 presi traction (deficit reduction) will the population in this country, 7:00 PM, rather than watch the diligently worked to create a dential elections. All deepen the current economic cri- who are women. sculpture that not only catches usual boring "Sunday Night Tthree candidates have portrayed Critics have reported that sis. your eye but also delivers a seri- Match-Up" join the College themselves as staunch enemies of Second, the long-term reduc- 1992 is the year for the w'3?nan ous message. Waterman says, Republicans and Student Demo- the deficit and have promised to tion or elimination of the deficit is politician. One would think that "The flexibility of this sculpture crats in the Stockton Pub for an give the task of reducing it the even a more impossible task given this is evidence that women have is its biggest asset, by simply intellectual meeting of the highest priority during their presi- the persistence of the crisis of le- forged forward in their battle for changing the video we can minds. All ages are welcome; dency. 1 submit two arguments gitimacy and the commitment of equal rights, but in actuality the change the message." The piece must be 21 to drink. Students that challenge the feasibility and the political establishment to con- war has just begun. Ifourcountry will be on exhibit for the remain- will be viewing tapes of the de- the sincerity of these promises. tinue a foreign policy that is not can withstand another four years der of Alcohol Awareness Week bates and coming right down to First, in the short term, at- fundamentally different from the of the Bush Administration and then it will be sent to it - there will be NO slow danc- tempting to reduce the deficit dur- past. We must come to terms with women's rights will be at a stand- Absegami High School. ing.' ing this relatively prolonged reces- the new reality of the global eco- still and may even digress. sion is economic insanity. The nomic and political relations. The The B ush Administration has Faculty Voice Early Snow economic advisors of all three can- era of the hegemonic influence of refused to recognize women's On Thursday, 22, from On Wednesday, October didates are well aware of the dan- the U.S. in world affairs is long rights in the workplace. In 1990, 12:00 - 12:30, tune-in all radio 21st, acuriousbag of white pow- gers of reducing expenditures or over. Military might and the threat the Bush Administration opposed stations to WLFR 91.7 FM for a der was recovered from the taxing the consumers during a of its use (or its actual use) must a Civil Rights Bill that would debate among S tockton Faculty. sports/soccer field. The pack- slump. The correct short-term not be sought as a solution to the allow women to seek damages Bill Gilmore's, "Historical Per- age was discovered by a Stock- policy for the U.S. economy is changing (eroding) position of the for gender-based workplace dis- spectives" will host Joe Walsh ton student. The student gave further expenditures by the gov- U.S. in international relations. A crimination. (Congressional and Mike Busier in representing the mysterious substance to a ernment, not reducing them. Of new strategy based on respect for Quarterly almanac, 1990 p. 464) the views of the presidential can- professor who then passed it on course the areas where public (bor- people's sovereignty must replace Though George Bush said while didates. Approximately 90% of to the police. The police are rowed) funds must be spent is a the old order. It is only then that campaigning in 1988 that we must Stockton faculty seem to favor presently having it analyzed. question of concern and contro- the actual size of our military can "assure that women don't have to the Clinton/Gore ticket Despite versy. But, the fact remains that be radically reduced, and the po- worry about getting their jobs this Busier Bolsters, "1 guaran- Debating the Debates expenditures must not be reduced tential for curtailing the deficit be back after having a child or car- tee this will change your minds." On Monday, October 19th, during a recession. Although there materialized. ing for a child during a serious No one has yet stood up to repre- illness." (Bush statement, 9/11/ the Political Science Department is no guarantee that further fiscal I see no such commitment in sent PeroL 88), he vetoed the Family and sponsored an open panel discus- stimulus will definitely help any of the presidential candidates. sion on the Presidential debates. Medical Leave Act, which would Incumbents Visit Vineland The panel consisted of David Historical Perspectives have accomplished just that in On Monday,19 Vice-Presi- Carr, Dean Social and Behav- June of 1990 and again in 1992. dent Quayle spoke in Vineland ioral Sciences; Bruce Ransom, on George Bush opposes the sponsoring a fund-raiser for Executive Director, South Jer- Equal Rights Amendment that Frank Lobiondo. Twelve of the sey Center for Public Affairs; Contemporary Issues would secure equality for all 360 guests were Stockton Col- and 5 professors for the Political women under the Constitution. lege Republicans. Science Department: Alan Don't miss the final show on the upcoming election: Bush believes that equal rights On Thursday, 22 President Arcuri, William Daly, Lucinda "The 1992 Presidential Election in for women are effectively ensured Bush will also be in Vineland Jassel, Jacqueline Pope, Charles Historical Perspective: A Dialogue " through state and federal statutes. rallying for support in these last Yeager. The third Presidential (Bush statement 1/1/88) Even if two crucial weeks. Stockton's debate was aired in A-wing lec- there are state and federal stat- College Republicans will have ture hall, followed by the panel, with Joseph L. Walsh, Professor of Philosophy and Religion utes, the Constitution is the back- three representatives in the mo- which answered any questions Michael Busier, Instructor in Business Studies bone of our democracy and laws torcade. from the those attending. The William J. Gilmore-Lehner, Associate professor of History that govern our country, in which Political Science Department women will never be a part of Gore Tours Union and New- will be presenting another panel Thursdayy October 29th and legally. ark on October 29th, in room B- Sunday, November 1st Bill Clinton supports efforts 126, and is also open to all any- Vice-presidential candidate at 12 :00 noon to recognize women's rights in A1 Gore spoke in Union and one interested in attending. only on 91.7 FM WLFR SEE WOMEN PAGE A 8 AROO October 22,1992 Page A 3 • * ^Campaign f92 *

uKee p in Mind 99 How Bush can win by Michael Busier, Argo feature writer by John K. s the Presiden- his problem? Americans will go into the The following is a transcript of a portion of "Full Circle" which aired originally on October tial Election Its the same problem voting booths on November 19,1992 at 6:00p.m. on 91.7FM WLFR: Campaign that cost at least to other re- 3rd and vote to re-elect the Please remember that the decision that is coming up in two weeks and a day is an comes to an cent incumbent presidents only credible candidate to extremely important one. We cannot deny that our economy is suffering, and the U.S. endA, we find President Bush their jobs: the economy. lead our country for the next citizens are suffering because of it. Other countries are profiting from it. Yes, every election trailing the Democratic With unem- four years: George Bush. is important but his one has special importance. It is one in which all of the candidate have Nominee Bill Clinton by 10 ployment up The facts (honestly and agreed that the government is not working properly. The majority of citizens are unhappy to 15 percentage points; to 7.5%, objectively) are: with the structure of the government itself, the way congress works, the committees and the about the size the lead • with the 1) Recession - Thedefi- piles of red tape. It is difficult enough to understand national and global economics without Clinton has held for the past economy nition of recession is based the federal government throwing additional confusing variables into an already complex two months. Most seem to recover- on the economy producing economic equation. The governments policies are foreign to even its' own citizens. The think that Clinton is virtu- ing at too less in one q uarter (of a year) number of phone calls one has to make to even get a shred of information from most ally assured a victory. Is slow a than it did in the previous government agencies is incredible. This I know from personal experiences (FCC and EPA). there anything President pace quarter. By that definition Overspending in the congress, pay roll increases (voted on by the congress) and the way a Bush can do, in the last 10 with we have been out of reces- citizen is treated by his or her congressional leaders: all of these things are appalling. days, to win? sion for a year and a half. We must send a message in this election that we want change. And when it is all over Few question the Yes it is true the recovery is we must send the message again by letting the elected officials know how we feel. We have President's ability in many gov- much slower that it should to throw the wrenches into their works for a change. If something isn't broken, don't fix it, areas. In foreign affairs, for ern be, but there are a number of example, he has demon- ment "structural" reasons for that. strated time and again that deficits But we are not in recession, the economy is not coming he has the courage, strength at astro-, apart at the seams, and for and conviction to do what is nomical levels, he appears the past year and a half we needed no matter what the to have failed in dealing with have outperformed every (personal) consequences economic policy. Has he other top industrial nation in may be. On the issues of failed? the world. Freedom for Americans, The answer is definitely Civil Rights and Family no. And if he can present the 2) Unemployment - Values he has set the best facts, honestly and objec- possible course. So what is tively in the next 10 days, SEE BUSH ON PAGE A 7 Spy poll gets down and dirty with the candidates

(CPS) OK, let's get the serious stuff out advertising and promotion at TDK. of the way right now. The poll was conducted September 11 - In a poll sponsored by Spy magazine 17 at 62 campuses nationwide by Frank and TDK, a recording tape company, Demo- Luntz of the University of Pennsylvania. He cratic presidential contender Arkansas Gov- was Ross Perot's pollster. The survey has a but if it is broken you either break out the Time-life books and fix it or you call the repairman. ernor Bill Clinton was favored by college margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent. The person we elect is the repairman. Let's get the Maytag repairman off his butt, out students over President Bush 56 percent to Questions ranged from the serious ("Are of his chair, put on the tool belt and start fixing the problem. We have already diagnosed 35 percent. you angry with the conditions in America it and all our president has to do is order the parts from our Congress and get the machine Nov/ for the dirt. today?") to the not so serious ("Which can- working again. Of 1,190 students questioned in the didate do you think is more full of crap?") We didn't buy an extended service plan, so we will have to pay the bill. Anyone who poll, the results of which appear in the No- Spy, a New York-based national maga- says otherwise is dreaming, or is already rich enough that it won't hurt them. The bill will vember issue of Spy, 70 percent said they zine, is known for its wit and poking fun at have to be paid by hared sacrifice. This shared sacrifice can take on many forms; a gas tax, thought Clinton would be a better lover than ideas and mores in today's pop culture. welfare reforms and other such changes. Someone has to foot the bill. Bush. (Sexual preferenceof the respondents "If only there were a TDK/Spy Get While we are fixing our own country we must be conscious of our position in the global was not included in the poll's results.) Serious Poll the first time I voted, Vietnam picture. We cannot allow other nations to deny the human rights of others. All humans In a similar vein, 45 percent of the would have ended sooner, Watergate would should have a certain amount of rights. The U.S. should be a factor in this by participating students thought Clinton looked better in have never happened and disco music might in NATO and the United Nations and must push these organizations to fight for human jogging shorts compared with 21 percent for have been avoided entirely," said Kurt rights. And we must make stands against countries that disallow human rights to their Bush. Andersen, editor of Spy. citizens. "If this poll shows students that their Back to the issue of which candidate is Lastly we must consider the future generations of Americans. As far as the next seven opinions are being heard, hopefully more of more full of crap. The winner in this dubious generations - we'll say 200 years. We should look forward to our children. Right now, I have them will participate in the election pro SEE POLL ON PAGE A 8 SEE MIND ON PAGE A 8 cess," said Tim Sullivan, senior manager of Editor-in-Chief ïAR CO Kristen J. Spaulding Editoral Associate Editor Jennifer Matchett Do the "right thing" News Editor Marianne Cox For years, the concept of ''the shroud of silence" has slowly been Editorial Staff Managing Editor lifted through the open discussion and communication of issues that Sonja Martin directly affect daily life. Victims of violent crimes are urged to come Arts and Entertainment Editors forward and witnesses are begged into revealing the truth. Stockton Mark DeBonis Kip Hasson State College is a forum where members of its community can

Atropos Editor experience a taste of reality in a protected environment before facing Kristin Sherwood the harshness of the outside world. This should be taken advantage Environment and Science Editor Jennifer Domask of, but it is not.

Photo Editor The "shroud of silence" still falls upon those who feel threatened, Chris Correliza but for different reasons. They are not protecting their safety or ARCO is not an officia] publication of Stockton State College but is published by an Sports Editor integrity, but their insecurity in speaking the truth. Sometimes it is independent corportion licensed in New Jersey Jerry Thompson better to stand away from a situation and see it from a different perspective. "Am I doing the right thing?" should be asked before Letters covering your own eyes with the shroud of silence. Too many incidents happen that violate an innocent person's water as part of their repro- campus. Unfortunately, Student "not ductive cycle. Consider the their efforts do not compen- rights, but are passed by. Why? The Argo would like to believe that alone in your birds swooping down, me- sate for the careless counter- ticulously hunting in and actions. the other cheek would not be turned for fear of being "left out" of the anger and around the lake. These or- Yet, our efforts will not ganisms all interact with one crowd or "uncool." L?; ? be compromised. At a re- disgust another; they have devel- cent meeting of the Ecologi- As a community, we have a responsibility to help each other reach oped and intricate interde- cal Education Association, To the Editor, pendence that is wonderfully a newly formed group of stu- goals and achieve dreams. It's all a part of education. As time passes, I am writing this letter complex and natural. dents concerned about the specific incidents are forgotten by those not directly involved. How- in response to a letter writ- Now consider for a environment, the issue was ten by Mr. Thomas J. moment the plastic that a discussed. You are not alone ever, when one person's fear hinders a fellow student's development, S heridan that appeared in the turtle may accidentally swal- in your anger and disgust October 15,1992 Argo. Mr. low. Consider the bottle or about the garbage in and it's never completely buried in the past. A victim's anguish lasts much Sheridan expressed utter dis- can that may entangle itself around Lake Fred, Mr. longer than ever imaginable. Just remember, someday it may be you gust at the trash so carelessly with the planets. Consider Sheridan. My only sugges- discarded into Lake Fred. He the plastic six-pack rings that tion for you, as well as other that needs someone else's help - be that person a close friend or is not alone in his fervor. may bound the neck of a bird students concerned about the complete stranger. Wouldn't it be nice to know that they would do the Pause as you read this, and strangle it. What right filth and disrespect falling and think for a moment about have people to destroy or on Lake Fred, is to help us ! ! "right thing?" how Lake Fred feels. The disregard the lives and Through educating people, lake is a living, breathing homes of other living organ- talking to people, and direct entity. Have the people who isms? action in cleaning up the lake, any and all comments, ques- order for improvements to Senate unthinkingly dropped plas- As Lloyd Biggie, Jr. we will make a difference. tions, and input on relevant be made. I am keeping an tic or cans or bottles along states, "Life is life ' s greatest issues to be sent to me at box open mind on this situation Committee the lakeside stopped to con- gift. Guard the life of an- Shannon Behr #2290. Only with feedback and would like to hear from opposes sider the consequence of other creature as you would from as many people as pos- both sides before forming an their actions? I think not. your own because it is your Tenure sible can I hope to best fulfill opinion. tenure For if they had, they too own. On life's scale of val- my duties. I feel that the ARGO is would realize the plethora of ues, the smallest is no less Outdated? One issue that has been an excellent tool I can use to To the Editor, life they are disrupting. Con- precious to the creature who brought to my attention is communicate to all members The student senate has sider the plants entangling owns it than the largest." that of the tenure system here of the Stockton community. been running into stone with one another and flour- I often wonder if people To the Editor, at Stockton. Many students I can only reiterate on how wall... and are being stifled ishing throughout most of realize the repercussions of As the newest member have expressed feelings that important your response is by an inert conglomerate of the shallow Lake Fred. Con- dropping that can or that of the Board of Trustees, I the current system is out- to my ability to best serve uncaring arrogance. sider the turtles diving cigarette heedlessly. would like to develop an dated and in dire need of re- everyone equally. I am look- These barriers that the through the water and bask- On any given day, I eas- open relationship with the evaluation. I would like to ing forward to working with senate has been running into ing in the sun on warm days. ily fill my arms with trash students, clubs and organi- hear how both students and everyone now and in the fu- seem to have been created Consider the fish foraging found scattered along the zations, faculty, and admin- faculty feel about the sub- ture. Thank you. by many Stockton profes- through the plants for food paths and lake edges. I also istration in order to best rep- ject. Please include what sors. Basic issues, issues and cover. Consider the bea- applaud the efforts of indi- resent everyone's opinions you feel to be the positive Sincerely, that will help students and ver actively gnawing the viduals who have devotedly on the important issues that and negative sides of this Derek van Dam trunks of trees. Consider the endeavored to maintain the are brought in front of the issue and what changes, if Alternate member of SEE LETTERS ON insects that depend on the lake and the surrounding Board. I would appreciate any, can be implemented in The Board of Trustees PAGE A 6 ARGO October 22,1992 ItilliT mI m 1 M OP/ED Kwanzaa: an issue £} i 1 A James Gramfcari ] of mutual respect

We the members of the Unified Black of tradition and reason to intimately cel- Student's Society, the Black African popu- ebrate the dreams, hopes, goals, values,prin- Perot Zaps Bush lous of Stockton State College wish to ad- ciples, aspirations, and successes of the re- dress the currently interest conflicting De- sistance struggle to African oppression in cember 17th scheduled Kwanzaa-Ko Thi America and elsewhere. It is time to re- Celebration of the Performing Arts Center Ross Perot was loaded for bear when he came to the last debate. Before the define, re-identify, re-affirm, reward, re- at Stockton State College. This alleged evening was over he accused President Bush of secretly lending Saddam Hussein commit, remember, pronounce and Kwanzaa celebration is scheduled to occur money prior to the Gulf War. And there was that Perot's accusations hurt the strengthen the lineal ties of cultural heritage the week following the traditional U.B.S.S. president. spiritually, socially, politically, and eco- sponsored Kwanzaa. This is a major offense nomically. Perot had done his homework. Immediately preceding "Desert Storm" billions to the African Community. of dollars had been secretly funneled to Iraq through the Atlanta branch of an Italian It is most importantly a Holy Day rever- Acting in the interest of clarity, truth, bank. Those loans helped arm Iraq for the Gulf War. In the current investigation the ing and embellishing the accomplishments and a responsibility to present a proper and bank's manager, apparently hoping to plea bargain, said that he had originated the and greatness of the Spirits of our African correct representation of our African cul- loans. Now however, he claims Washington urged and approved the loans, which are ancestors. Therefore, Kwanzaa is not to be ture, we the African students at Stockton backed by U.S. guarantees. assimilated into popular or mainstream cul- State College are motivated to exercise our ture. It is not an African version or alterna- The White House denies involvement but the FBI investigated and issued a news most sacred duty to preserve the virtue of tive of Christmas or Hanukkah, nor a west- release acutely embarrassing the hard-pressed Bush Administration. In spiteful our Kwanzaa celebration and Holy Day. ernized theatrical performance, and is never retaliation, the Justice Department has accused William Session, head of the FBI, of Therefore, we wish to effectively educate to be used as a vehicle for exploitive using government phones and planes for private business. the Performing Arts Center administration commodification of African culture. The scandal has spurred Attorney General William Barr to appoint a "special and staff, and the Stockton populous at large The Kwanzaa celebration, designed, investigator" to probe the Iraq loans. But Senator David Boren, head of the Senate as to what Kwanzaa truly means. orchestrated and presented by the Stockton Intelligence Committee, demands an independent prosecutor. Boren points out that Kwanzaa according to Maulana Ron State College and surrounding local African the Justice Department, itself a target, should not be allowed to name its own Karenga, its founder, is a synthesis of Afri- populous began in 1976 under the tutelage investigator. can culture of the continent and diaspora and of Dr. and Professor Pat Reid Bookhart in hence is a Pan-African creation. Kwanzaa is the face of opposition without institutional WWfT mt ...wrr. Vtk mtM a celebration of the African community con- wu ceived by African heros through the practice SEE RESPECT ON PAGE A 10 mm pea*» mm mv puma u) k m JifteH geojiSÊ mm FJJH, wm> mn Budget deficit and 56» ÎIÊ , «Tift WJJtfJ ase© arm Hi cm p.' orresate •wife) mi NN the crisis of legitimacy \ mm, 1 1 by Behzad Yaghmaian 1 whelming them in the short 1 m0. For more than a decade, leading economic power of 1 the United State's budget run. I will submit that the the capitalist world. The U.S. deficit has been a major fo- rising deficit, fueled by the multinational corporations cus of academic and politi- mounting defense expendi- penetrated fertile and unused cal debate in this country. tures in the past decade and markets all over the world. S We have been witnesses to ahalf, isaparticular response United States investment the prolonged battle between on the part of the govern- overseas increased rapidly, the Democrats and Republi- ment of the United States to andU.S. manufactured com - DMrtulad b» Tribun» IMdK cans, each accusing the other a crisis of international le- modities captured the world gitimacy that surfaced in the market. By 1979, the United Perot also said Bush had "foreign lobbyists" on his campaign staff and again, of being the main source of the deficit. In the midst of 1970s. I will argue that the States' net international in- current headlines back his accusation. this war of words and rheto- crisis of legitimacy is the vestment position had Charles Black and James Lake are senior advisors to the Bush campaign; Black rics about the deficit, and result of the decline in the reached a total of342 billion often is seen on TV speaking for the president. Both men are GOP lobbyists who have dizzy with conflicting re- global economic and politi- dollars. In 1974, the U.S. spun their political connections into gold. They are translating their services to the ports and stories, the Ameri- cal hegemony of the United had a trade surplus of more Bush campaign into political clout as they lobby for foreign firms. And it would be can voters are asked to go to States which has persisted than nine billion dollars. The impossible for Bush to be ignorant of the connection. the polls and choose the fu- since the early 1970s. Any Bretton Wood Agreement at Charles Black's firm, Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly, gets a $1.3 million annual ture president of the United serious attempt to address the end of the war formal- retainer for representing Unita, the U.S. backed Angolan rebel forces. Unita has been States. A president who can the problem of the deficit ized the U.S. role in the Post repeatedly accused of human rights violations. The firm is also signed up, for magically solve all of our requires an honest and open WWII era. The dollar was $600,000 a year, by the Kenyan government, which faces a U.S. aid cutoff because of problems, cut the deficit, and discussion of its roots, a non- accepted as the international human rights allegations. It also gets large retainers from Nigeria and the Philippines. lead us towards its eventual military approach to the cri- currency reserves by most An August 14th article in the conservative Wall Street Journal was headlined : elimination. sis of legitimacy, and the countries of the world, and GOP LOBBYISTS PARLAY THEIR CAMPAIGN ROLES INTO LUCRATIVE acceptance of and respect for the United States became the What does it take to get BUSINESS. new international realities. de facto world economic rid of the monster deficit? In "Foreign-agent disclosure forms filed with the Justice Department in the past six leader. the following article, I will months - while Mr. Black was working for the Bush campaign - show that Black, attempt to answer this ques- International Competition The above trend was Manafort signed up several foreign governments and corporations, including the U.S. tion by investigating the his- and the Decline in the U.S. .^halted and reversed in the branch of Japan's NEC Corp. torical and structural causes Economic Power early 1970s. The 1970s and SEE ZAPS ON PAGE A 12 of the rising budget deficit The United States and the possibility of over- emerged from WWII as the SEE CRISIS ON PAGE A 10

, r Page A 6 CZI.Z^HJJ Ill ARGO October 22,1992 tions. Opposition to student ideas. These all figuring his enemy is too stupid to know that America will then assume its destined JL/IL 1 1 XL/IYO stem from the lack of motivation that tenure snippet was snipped 200 years ago at the role as leader of the New World Order poor starving peseants in France who had no CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 4 brings. because it will answer affirmatively the first The faculty at Stockton need to be ac- voice, no votes, not Constitution, no Bill of moral question posed to man, " Am I my make the Stockton degree worth more, are countable to the students. Tenure has taken Rights. brother's keeper?" being squelched by a complacent, status- that away from us. It is an irony that the UnlikeCommanderBush, Bill Clinton, quo faculty. students at Stockton are poised to explode a true leader of the Citizen's Army, knows June London Silverman Some examples: into the 21st century and the faculty seem when there is a just cause for fighting a war *Repeated student efforts to try to mired in the mud of an obsolete past. and sending men in harm's way and when to extend library hours have been crushed. refrain from fighting an unjust war fought * An outdated and ineffective Jun- With much concern, for the glory of those entranced in power in ior Writing Test remains in place despite The Student Senate high places, not for Old GI. student protest. Academic Policies Committee As the ultimate victor in this war, Bill JlfStockton Actwn||k *A course repeat policy that was Anthony Senzamici, Chair Clinton will unite the people, not divide, also introduced by students to make your Heather Valcarcel, Co-Chair deal with real issues, like food, jobs warmth Volunteers \ final G.P.A. more accurate of your work Joshua Cameli in winter, and not divert attention to non- / for flie Environment \ was unanimously voted down by the fac- Trent Seibert issues, like the Willy Hortons and other ulty. inflammatory issues designed to arouse la- *A movement to bring classes up March to Victory tent fear. Clinton will work to fulfill his I PRESENTS to date with students' needs has also been promises, not deceive them with false prom- T jÉ RAINFOREST ignored by many professors and the admin- for Clinton ises as our sitting president has done for istration. years. AWARENESS PROJECT After much thought and consideration, Commander Bush will meet his Water- llpOut of the Shadows of our committee has wondered why our fac- To the Editor, loo; the battleground will be each and every ulty, which prides itself on its open mind and Commander-in-Chief George Bush, the voting booth throughout this glorious land, Borneo—Penan: Voice of the pro-student policies is closed to student in- great military leader is daily demonstrating with the most powerful weapon a democ- Rainforest" put and opinion. his military prowess as he wages the war of racy has devised for protection from ex- The answer seems simple... tenure. the century with fury against his enemy, the cesses of a power driven government... the Tenure, which was a useful and noble American people and their surrogate Bill ballot. \ Stockton State College / institution at one time, has become stagnant Clinton. Bill Clinton will lead the triumphant \ A-Wing Lecture Hall / Victory March of the American people as and harmful to students. The lack of moti- Emboldened by fear of losing power, \ October 27,1992 / vation to help students in and out of the Bush sharpened his tactics of diversion, President Clinton on Nov. 3,1992 marking classroom seems almost drained away from division and deception, directing his gener- the end of the Great War of the United States \ 8:00 PM / many professors once they receive tenure. als, recruited from his own "Country Club Government against the people of the United Outdated classroom material. Little Elite", to use any means to win. States of America... and leading to the Age faculty involvement in clubs and organiza- His battle cry is "Let them eat cake!" of Aquarius.

FALL CHAMPIONSHIP OF STOCKTON RAQUET-BALL TOURNAMENT Wednesday, October 28 at 8:00 P.M. on the Raquetball Courts Sign up J-216

Both Men's and Women's at two levels: Novice or Experienced. Prizes for First and Second Place sponsored by the LR.C. Any questions contact Rob Bennett ext. 4874 Soccer Roundup: Stockton women racking up victories by Tracy Pienkos and midfield. With about 13 min- it and started to run towards the Following their return from Cindy Beltran to ignite the attack. The Stockton State Women's utes to play, the Ospreys finally endline with her defender chasing Vermont, Stockton squared off Heather Barbalinardo then blasted Soccer Team raised their record to got the goal they needed. After her. At about the six yard line she against inner state rival Montclair. an 18 yard line drive into the net an impressive 9-2 last week with 4 Ann Morhauser and Beth Case crossed the ball to a streaking Tracy Playing a possession style of soc- after receiving the back pass from straight victories. Although the worked the ball down the right Pienkos who headed it into the net. cer the Ospreys were able to tickle Krista. The scoring continued as team did lose to # 1 ranked Trenton side, Dawn Garton took a pass Stockton's first road trip was a the twine with six goals. Krista Tracy Pienkos headed in a comer State on October 7th, it proved to with her back to the goal, dumbied huge success. Smolda scored on a cross from kick from Karen Krumbine. Fran be the game in which the girls Medric added her first two career realized their full potential, fol- goals and Cindy Beltran scored lowing that game the Lady Osprey s on a breakaway for the last tally. went on to win 4 straight games, 3 Kristin Alexandersen and Mary of them by shutouts. Pondo combined for Stockton's The Ospreys started their third straight shutout. streak of victories on October 10 & Stockton's biggest victory 11 when they set out on their first came on Saturday, October 17, overnight road trip. Their journey when they defeated #10 ranked took them to Albany, New York to Messiah College. This win play Green Mountain College. On marked the first time in school Saturday, the team beat St. Rose 1 - history that any Stockton team 0 on a goal by Erin Quigley. Erin has defeated a ranked opponent. took a cross from the right side at "This was the biggest win in about 8 yards and drilled it past the Stockton' sYùsiory and my career," keeper. Kristin Alexandersen was The 1992-1993 Women's Soccer Team Photo by Mike Ein said Coach Wilkins. "The girls strong in the net stopping 8 shots. have been , playing with such She received an extraordinary ef- hustle, intensity and aggressive- fort by the defense unit of Robin ness lately. They are playing their Dunn, Heather Barbalinardo, Linda Lady Ospreys strive for national ranking best soccer." Campisano, Mandy S telling and by Kevin Semet Krista Smolda, Lynda De Jainne and Mary Pondo As the Ospreys continue their Sue Esteves. The Lady Ospreys soccer team continued their have provided valuable leadership to the young quest for a tournament bid, many The following day the Ospreys winning ways by defeating Messiah last week. team. teams will have to contend with continued their hunt for victories. Messiah, ranked number 17 in the nation, fell 2-1 to The women leading the Ospreys to their cur- this talented group. Led by an all Green Mountain was their next the Ospreys, who raised their season. rent success are : Juniors Beth Case and Dawn around scoring attack, strong victim. The game against Green The victory puts Stockton on the verge of Garton; Sophomores Erin Quigley and Robyn midfield and defensive play and Mountain proved to be a true test being nationally ranked for the first time in the Dunn; and Freshmen Amanda S telling, Dawn excellent goal tending, the Lady of character for the Ospreys con- school's history. Sophomore Robyn Dunn tied the Saltalamacchia, Tracy Pinkos, Ann Mohrhauser, Ospreys are looking to go far. sidering they had to play practi- game just before halftime to knot the score at one a Fran Medric, Karen Krumbine, Sue Estevez, Linda cally the whole game with 10 play- piece. With fifteen minutes left, freshman Cindy Campisano, Hope Brown, Cindy Beltran, Heather SSC player named for ers due to an ejection. Despite Beltran assisted on the game winner scored by Barbalinardo and Kristin Alexandersen. NJAC Honor Roll playing one man down, the team Dawn Saltamacchia, to give the Ospreys a well Perhaps one of the best teams ever assembled Raquel DeBonis, playing gave all it had plus some. deserved victory. at Stockton showcases its talent Saturday, October from her back row position, av- Mary Pondo played an excel- The current team has been lead by an abun- 31, at 11:30a.m. for the last time at home this year eraged 9.3 digs per game in 13 lent game in net while getting ex- dance of freshmen with the support of seven vet- against Eastern. Show your support and cheer the games and had 11 service aces in traordinary play from the defense eran players from last year. Senior Tri-Captains team to victory! ! ! Don't miss it! ! a 3-1 week for the Ospreys. Personal Bests Abound at Race INSIDE: by Tammy Parliment tional. The weather which new personal best on this The men's team had Before the sun rose Sat- was cool and crisp assisted course, Tammy was able to three more runners than the urday morning, when most in the numerous personal place 117 in over 150 run- women's team competing people were asleep, the best set this seek. Overall, ners. Tammy ran the ex- however this was one short Vote for your favorite horror films cross-country team was Coach Pfeifer was very tremely hilly 5 km course in of the necessary five run- of all time B5 starting a fairly long journey pleased with all the athletes a time of 25.40. Tammy felt ners. The men's team was to Allentown College in who ran and has seen vast that her running was fairly led by James Zimba who Got an event? Need a job? Pennsylvania. Unfortu- improvement over the past strong but hopes to see more after running the first mile in Take a look at our new and nately because of injury, ill- few weeks and is very hope- improvement in the coming 5.19 was able to complete improved Classifieds B 6 ness and prior commitments ful about the team's poten- weeks so that when the con- the course in an impressive to work neither the men!s tial. ference meet and the NCAA time of 29.41. With this You gotta meet Hedda Gabier, nor the women's team was The women's team only regionals arrive and the time Jim was able to place she'll change your life complete however the indi- representative this week was whole team is running with 113 in over 200 men com- B8 viduals did compete in the Tammy Parliment who ran a her that she'll be a vitai asset Allentown College Invita- very good race. Setting a to the team. SEE RACE PAGE B 2 Page B 2 * 1 ARCO October 22,1992 Meeting RACE school in that the race is more psychologi- CONTINUED FROM B 1 cal. Dennis is optimistic about his future in for cross-country because now he knows where peting. Jim noted that he wasn't happy with he stands and feels that with time he'll his performance but is planning to put in a improve. Regardless of the fact that neither lot of time training during the rest of the the men nor women had full teams Coach season in preparation for future meets. Terry Pfeifer was very happy with all the runners STOCKPOT King a mid-distance runner, ran his first performance. STOCKTON'S LITERARY MAGAZINE cross-country race and placed second for the team. Running his first five mile race, Terry Stockton went to this invitational be- was able to come in in a time of 30.47 after cause it introduces the runners to the NCAA an excellent mile split of 5:34. With this Regional course. This course is extremely time, Terry was able to place 133 out of the picturesque; however, as runner Robert Wednesday, October 28 200 men who ran at this invitational. Coach Davis pointed out the course is challenging. 5:00 P.M. The course runs through cornfields, woods Pfeifer was extremely happy with Terry's C-102 run especially because of the fact that it was and travels a little bit of the academic por- Terry's first time to compete in a cross- tion of the campus. Unfortunately for both country meet. Robert Davis was the next the men and women the path that they run is Stockton athlete to finish, j Robert ran the 5 either up or down. Tammy describes the All interested mile course in a personal best time of 33.08 course aptly saying "either you're climbing after clocking his first mile in 5.57. Because a hill which is okay by me, or you're running Writers, Artists, & Poets of this effort Robert was able to place 155 down the hill, the only difference in these from the Stockton community welcome. out of all the runners from 33 schools from hills is the steepness, I'll admit that on this the mid-eastern region. Robert found the course no two hills are alike which is sur- course challenging but scenic and felt the prising considering the number of hills you race served as a turning point of the cross- run." Dennis Becker mentioned the course Give your White Horse country season and feels that next week at was very tiring which all the athletes agreed Cheyney as well as the rest of the season, the with. Lisa Nicholas who did not compete Bartending team will reap the rewards of all the training because of a cold acknowledged the course ARCO a the runners have done. Dennis Becker was was not as easy as Stockton's flat course. School Stockton's fourth cross-countrier to place. Lisa is looking forward though to next week's Running for the first time in college, Dennis meet at Cheyney University which is ru- second We offer a full program did extremely well. After running his first mored to be easier when she'll be healthy mile in 5.59 Dennis was able to complete the enough to compete. Although it is late in the 767-8646 5 milecourse in 34.37. Dennis place 161 out season cross-country is still open to those chance Day and State Approved of the 200 runners from assorted colleges in who would like to run especially those al- Evening Classes Pennsylvania, New Jersey as well as New ready in shape if interested in joining cross- York and Maryland. Dennis feels running at country or starting to practice for winter track contact Coach Pfeifer in J-216. the college level is very different from high WVi STOCKTON OTHER CONTRIBUTORS STATE COLLE G E Writers Faculty Advisor Feature Writers Rob Aitken Michael Busier Michael Busier presents Tara Artesi James Grambart Staff John Graziano John Lore J.M. Chet "Getting Into Jennifer Greenamoyer Joseph Walsh Bill Ewell Tom Julian Chick Yeager John Keimel Law School" Michael Kaylor The above people in conjunc- John Lore Typesetters tion with the editorial staff are the Thie one hour session will deal with the following: Michael H. Miller Kim Cox only ones qualified, to represent the ARCO, unless otherwise verified by Susan Monichetti Andrea Gawlas the Editor-in-Chief or other desig- E.C. O'Hanlon John Keimel nated staff member. How to make your admissions file appealing to Law School Tammy J. Parliment Maryanne Nicolosi Unsolicited photographs, car- Admissions Committees Tracy Pienkos toons, bulletins, and advertisements Illustrator are welcome. The deadline for all Kevin Semet submissions is Friday at 5 P.M. What courses would be the most beneficial to take Greg Bama Susan Senko ARCO Newspaper Incorporated G-206 Stockton State College How law schools decide who gets admitted Photographers Layout and Design Pomona, New Jersey 08240 Donna Swartz Gian Burdhimo II (609) 652-4560 How and when to study for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) To do well on any standardized test, you need to know exactly what the test makers When and where to apply are looking for. At Kaplan, that's exactly what we teach. You'll learn question- Tuesday, October 27,1992 in G-208 solving strategies, typical "almost right OR answer" traps, shortcuts, easy points, Wednesday, October 28,1992 in G-208 pacing and guessing techniques to help you score your highest. Come either day at 4:00 P.M. (sharp!) For more information Two Stockton State Cosors will host this informative session which will be followed by a call 1-609-428-0451. question and answer sesseion. Dr. Alan F. Arcuri, Professor of Political Science and Stockton's Pre-Law Advisor LSAT M CAT GMAT GRE SAT Dr. Carol Vento, Visiting Specialist in Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties Classes held on campus! Everyone Very Welcome! Wednesday, November 4th (especially freshpersons and Pre-Law Day at Montclair State College KAPLAN sophomores...) FREE; Please see Diane in N-105 (ext. 4706) The answer to the test question. 1 takeTAe nicrobiologi 0{ feW/a/Zy, Pa+hogenic Befâ - Hemolytic ftreptoCocaè.' Or 'The & vo I u+'on of the fîtuàt/on Comedy.' Do I really waht to |\ve with Judy the n e at freak-agaib-1 can1 f be//a/<* i ve got Uhtil Mor\da\/ "fe decide if I'm'a Biology oh a Theatre major. Have I Completely lost it ? Will I ever be able to malte Q derir/on, again? V/a/t a Miute, ju/l ye/ferdayjwa; able to pick a phone company with absolutely no problem...V^, there if hope"

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Play More Music is a truthful look upon society by an angry San Francisco trio of , , and . Complete with hard-core beats, thought provoking lyrics and sound samples dead on the H mark. Consolidated holds back no punches on this well produced album. Known for their pro- rights positions on issues such as women, Z minorities, lesbians, gays and animals, they attack all forms of prejudice, ignorance and LU hatred with this sharpened edge of industrial/ rap. Twenty-seven cuts on the album, with a number of them consisting as the spoken word t of the band as well as the audience's responses (It shows how intelligent and how ignorant the audience can sometimes be) and it should provoke thought. Highlights of Play More z Music are the following songs. "Tool andDie" is a musical onslaught about gun violence and reminds me of the recent rash of shootings in Atlantic City. "Accept me for what I am" is a disturbing look into the ostracizing of a homosexual friend. "Guerrillas in the Mist" (featuring Paris) is a hard-core rap about the reasons for the L.A. Riots and total African- sCÙ American discontentment with the American justice system. "Infomodoties92" is an overlook Uj at all the Bush inspired political double speak of today. "The Men's Movement" is about the negative aspects of slam dancing but ironically set to a rather aggressive song. "Industry Corporate" is the audience questioning Consolidated about their association with the music industry and the band's responses which both are set to a quirky backbeat. "Crackhouse " (Featuring Crack M.C.) is another in your face U rap similar to "Guerrillas in the Mist" . All the songs are very intense stuff. The Lyrics of this album are a definite v8 stand out. On the track "Guerrillas in the Mist" Interview with Philip Steir from Consolidated Photo by Jay Blakesburg the lyrics of "Wçlçpmç \ç> the that Gates By Mark DeBonis made...." and Sherburne follows later on with "tMtarn Qur qngçr jntQ iQVÇ whçn wç (fcfçmj I understand that Consolidated supports activist organizations. Can you name some of the things ourselves when Bush comes to shove." you've done and the organizations itself? Consolidated has no problem of exposing the H I work personally with a group called In Defense of Animals which is an animal rights organization in the state of the union and communicating their Bay Area, San Francisco and I work directly with them this past year. I worked on a benefit CD for them. message in a common way. ce I'm putting together different artists, musicians...featuring Michael Stipe, Pearl Jam, Primus, KRS1, Concrete Blonde...different bands that will donate a song to the CD to raise money for In Defense of Animals. This album hit me like a runaway cement < I also did education, where I taught and went to schools and taught children about animal rights. We've truck at full speed with a terrorist at the wheel. worked with CARAL (The California Abortion Rights Action League) which is a group that protects pro- I've thought about some of the pressing issues choice for women and we've worked for Larchen street youth centers which is a place that helps runaway that Consolidated presented, and to get a kids get off the street or go back home and stop using drugs and prostitution. Those are the groups that we message across to the audience has to be one of have directly worked hands on. There is a lot of groups that we have donated money to however and don the hardest things for a band to do; and they have shows for. We are doing a benefit for Rock for Choice which is a fundraiser for pro choice. the ability to do it. I wasn't prepared for Do you feel that apathy is the main cause to need these types of organizations? People just don't want something like this but I ended up listening to to get involved. Play More Music for a whole week! I Yeah...of course apathy and sheer ignorance of not understanding of how important being involved is if recommend this to the revolutionary in your you want to make a difference. life! CONTINUED ON PAGE B8 ARGO October 22,1992 THEATRE FILMS VourRe^z/Horoscope

m by Ruby Wyner-b Celluloid Spotlight AAB.P.-cenified Astrologer

Films and Their Evil Twins Aries: (Mar. 21-Apr. 19) Your negligence by Kip Hasson toward household chores will culminate in your roommatesforcingyouto lickyour moldy shower curtain clean. Sequels are virtually an industry of their own in Hollywood these days. Some film series generate enough income to actually put a dent Taurus: (Apr. 20-May 20) agents.Protect in the national debt. There have been fabulous sequels as well as the yourfinancialinvestments. Mapallpurchases utterly repugnant ones which cause us to ponder what it takes to get into on a 7-color, 4-dimensional grid to confound the industry. For instance, did we really need four Porky's movies, or revenue eleven years worth of the Friday saga? Then we also have the films that have been ripped off by shameless Gemini : (May 21 -J une 21 ) A pleasant bicycle replicas. Films that offer the same plot and gimmick that made the tour of Easter Island turns bloody when those original film successful but almost always with a second rate appearance scary looking statues come to life and eat you and half-wit performances and scripts. in three bites. So what are these shameless rip-offs and better off never made sequels? In 1984, Steven Spielberg presented a nifty little film about a Cancer: (June 22-July 22) You will inherit cute little furry creature that couldn't stand the light, could'nt get wet, the Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of and could never, ever eat after midnight. When the latter two events took Hades, from a rich uncle. Stock up on Alpo HEDDA GABLER STORY ON PAGE B8 place, the Gremlins took movie audiences by storm and became a today. surprise blockbuster. There was a downside to the success of the film however. Namely the other cute little creature rip-offs such as Ghoulies, Leo: (July 23-Aug 22) There's only one way MUSIC REVIEW The Muchies, and Critters. Needless to say, the latter three were not for you to find true love: Enter the exciting nearly as popular as their predecessor. world of chess. Shelley an Orphan : Humroot Indiana Jones was an immensely popular film hero. Thus another jungle hero wannabe came into being. Anybody prefer The Adventures Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) By bringing a By Tom Julian of Tennessee Buck to Raiders of the Lost Arkl If you do there is a meat dish to a Catholic church's potluck counseling center on campus. Raiders had class, style, acting, sub- dinner on Friday, you inadvertently start a As soon as I heard the first track from Shelley an Orphan's new nationwide holy war. stance, great special effects and was a film for the ages. Tennessee Buck album Humroot I immediately thought of the Sundaes, that nifty band that couldn't even make notable video rentals, which does say something brought us the hit "Here's where the story ends." If your a fan of bands like Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Begin you day with about American movie fans. The unlikely 'coincidence' of the two the sundaes, as I am, the Shelleyan Orphan is for you. If not then pass this a surefire pick-me-up. After breakfast, characters names obviously wasn't enough to fool video patrons into one up because it is defiantly specialized music. The co-lead singer/ freebase 2 pounds of cocaine. songwriters Caroline Crawley and Jemaur Tayle bring a strange sort of blowing a few bucks. grace to the pop area blending stringed instruments with pop blueprints. How about John Carpenter's Halloween! The ultimate slasher Scorpio: (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) You'll purchase The first song "Muddied Up" is a unique track that stresses light flick. Immensely popular in theaters and on television sets, This film a Freeh Provincial sofa from an antique store, percussion and a strange reverberation, with stringed coming in to enhance. caused a multimillion dollar meatball-flick industry. Friday the 13th only to find out too late that its cushions are The album as a whole is incredibly musical and boasts assistance from followed (catch the 'holiday' theme?) spawning way too many sequels infested with centipedes. Cure drummer and Cure guitarist Porl Thompson, extracts for its own good. After all, isn't it decieving to call a film the Final from a band for which Shelleyann Orphan opened for. Chapter if you are going to make three more films in the series? Can we Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) A bulbous, The Album contains the vocal skills of both Crawly and Tayle sue? Then there are the classic sorority row slasher flicks, starring some fleshy part of your anatomy will expand to 80 who's finesse is defiantly in the upper and sweeter part of the vocal ever so talented actresses and a number of household appliances used in times its normal size. Become a side show spectrum. They share a vibrant duet called "Burst", a catchy song that is new and innovative ways. Granted, some of these films parody freak. just one of several catchy, though sometimes a bit too syrypy, tracks. themselves and can be great fun at parties, but they are part of the reason So here it is, they're called "Shelleyan Orphan". These aspiring that horror has turned into such a lame genre. Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Dig a hole to musicians from England cite Van Morrison, the Chi-Lites and Nick Drake Return of the Living Dead was an excellent zombie film. They the centerof the Earth to examineour planet's as their influences. They are defiantly catchy and definitely talented and really don't get any better than that (and except for Dawn of the Dead mantle first hand. definitely unique. Theier mellow sound is catchy and the barrages of they really haven't). It is funny, grotesque, and scary, and it works. Most instruments they use; the violin, dulcimer, hurdygurdy, flute and fiddle films that try that combination fail miserably. Its' sequel, aptly titled Aquarius: (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) That annoying along with the standard drums and guitar give them a sort of world beat Return of the Living Dead part II, was a disaster. It tried to be too funny rattle your refrigerator makes late at night is sound. At times this album is a bit too sweet and sugar coated, the well instead wound up being ridiculous. Also, it featured the same guy that not a mechanical defect, but an angry troll intendeed though cavity causing vocals of Tayle add to this. Overall trying to gnaw his way out. was creamated in the first one and his buddy who met a gruesome Humroot is a good effort and earned a sturdy 7 on the Julian scale. P.S. nuclear demise after unknowingly being turned into zombies. In another my roommate likes it! Pisces: (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Liven up a stroke of originality, the same fate awaited the duo in the second film. rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ weekend party with pornographic stop-motion This is a case where the second film did nothing but give the first one a animation loops from Holland. bad name. If you think hard enough you can come up with a decent sized list 1. ARGO of films that have either had incredibly bad sequels made in their honor, or have been ripped off by another film company in a vain attempt to All dat 'n make money. When you begin to see the patterns that come about you a bag o' chips... Top 5 will be more awake to those dupes when they come around again. It and a coke to go wit it... 2. seems that once a theme becomes popular, it gets exploited. Like the slasher flicks of the 80's, or the ' skin, school and cool dude' flicks of the Horror 80's (Spring Break, Fraternity Vacation, Wimps etc.) that followed the lead of better films like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and even Thanx to: Todd Heinz from Nettwerk, 3. films of Revenge of the Nerds. Philip Steir from Consolidated, and If imitation is the highest form of flattery, I'd rather not be flattered. Bill Buscaglia from Sony.-MD&KH all time 4. Well folks, it's that time of the year again! The best month of the year! The month of little beasties, of things that go bump in the night, and of the repugnantly beautiful dead walking the earth! Some of you may remember the month long series of Halloween film specials we ran last year. We got a lot of BRING TO UPPER great feedback about that series, and people kept reminding me of great horror films that had been overlooked. So this year we'll put it to you Stockton. Just write your picks for the five greatest horror flicks of all time on the 5. G-WING ballot below. Then snip it and drop it off at the Argo office at the end of upperG-wing (right above the G-wing cafeteria) or drop it off at the mail room. We willthen tally the results and print a comprehensive list of thefivebestfilms according to the Stockton community. So don't keep the beasties waiting, they want to hear from vou! Page B 6 * 1 ARCO October 22,1992


Bald Headed Woman by I stood on the sidewalk, picking up pieces of coal and putting them in my Jessica pocket. I discovered that when they were cracked open, they shined iridescent. I Riggs stood on my comer for 1/2 hour before someone came by. "Magic rock for a quarter?" "No, thank you." "A dime?" "I don't have a dime." "A nickle?" "I don't have a nickel." "No money?" "No money." "But grown-ups always have money." My mother ran outside and told me not to bother adults. She went back into the house. My neighbor who was about 15 walked by. "Lisa, buy a magic rock." th "I don't want one." "It's only a dime." "I don't have a dime. And besides, they aren't magic rocks. They are 'Faraway Music' pieces of coal." "Oh." I just wanted to sell one. I watched from the shop window when they brought you My mother came outside and told me to get ready for church. I put on my You had a distant smile on your face, your eyes cleanest jeans, Mary Janes, and button-down shirt. I brushed my bangs. That was Glazed over with memories the only part of my hair that I ever brushed because if I brushed them and slid my You were only a few years older than I, but still hand down them, my bangs felt silky. My mother brushed the rest of my hair and I was not allowed to watch with the adults told me to remember to brush the back of my head next time. I snuck into my mom's room and put on her perfume. I smelled pretty. Where was he then, your German Commandant? My bangs shined. I looked pretty. I stood outside by the fence and waited for Eric Prescbilco to ride by on his bike. He was 8 and spat and broke windows with The power and strength you went to his bed for stones. Someone told me he smoked a cigarette once. He could do a wheely. He Lay in a fallow grave in a potter's field was cool and I wanted him to think I was pretty. He could not save you from their anger and spit I unbuttoned my top button. Daisey Duke unbuttoned three, but she had boobies and I didn't. I was 6 and I wanted them. God, I wanted them badly. I Men and women of the town came that dead winter day used to take marigolds to church and put them at Jesus's feet and prayed for the The mayor spoke, telling of your crime starving children and boobies. All the while you let down your red hair, cardinal like the sin The children still starved and my chest still looked like any other 6 year- Unbraiding it, letting it fall loose in waves and furls old's chest. I wanted boobs like my mom. BIG. So that Eric would let me ride on Beating against your hips and back the back of his bike and I could have invited him back to my house for an ice- pop. If I had really big boobs, I thought maybe his older brother, Tom, would let You pushed away the hands of the woman who tried me ride on the back of his bike too. to undress you I heard someone coming, so I sucked in my stomach and pushed out my ribs so I could have curves like Daisey Duke. It wasn't the boy on his bike, nor Dropping your lace undergarments on the dirt of the common his older brother. It was just the guy with the pipe. He always walked by with a Meeting the longing eyes of the men and the hard glares big, dumb pipe. I was so mad. He was dumb, he wasn't a cool kid on a bike. of the women As you stood naked When I was 8,1 still wanted them. I didn't really know why. They would Alabaster skin becoming wind roughened and brown probably get in the way when I climbed trees or fought in stick battles. Nipples hardened My cousin started to get hers. She had a bra. I had an undershirt with a dumb bow on it. I was so jealous. I wanted a bra. I wanted boobies like a Barbie Perhaps you heard faraway music as he shaved your head Doll, just not quite as hard and with nipples on them. My cousin had a bikini that With piercing cold water and a straight silver razor she wore in my wading pool. I had one too, but I wouldn't wear it when she came Perhaps you tasted the wine on your lips still over. Once, she put a stone in her pants so she could look like a boy. She did As you walked alone down to the crossroads except for her little breasts. From the silently jeering crowds "That's what IT looks like," she said. "My brother pulled down his pants once and I saw IT." All you had left were the black silk stockings that I knew what was under those annoying built in underpants that Ken He had made as a present wore, but I never actually SAW ONE. And brown shoes, buttoned primly to the ankles My cousin did. She was 8 too. She had boobs. I was so mad. I thought E.C. O'Hanlon she had it all. So I ate the last blue ice pop, and gave her the yellow one. Pamela Burdak ARCO October 22,1992 Page B 7 | Classifieds

WORKSHOP SCHEDULE LADIES OF LAMBDA THETA ALPHA VISIT TO EGYPT, ISRAEL Thurs. 10/29 4:30 PM Lotus-Graphs. The ladies of ABA will be holding several During the Winter Intercession, Atlantic All workshops will be held in Room DO 18 functions: Community College will offer the course Help Wanted unless otherwise noted. Introduction to Biblical Archaeology and They served Mocktails to the Stockton Work on your own! Earn CASH, FREE History. Students will visit archaeological community in front of E-wing Gallery from TRIPS, and MORE!! Openings available to sites throughout Egypt and Israel for 15 days GAY? LESBIAN? BISEXUAL? 12:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon during Alco- promote our SPRING and WINTER pack- with an instructor from ACC. The class STRAIGHT? hol Awareness Week. They will hold a ages. Call Epicurean Tours TODAY (800) leaves New York on December 26, 1992 Well, join the club! Come one, come all to Breast Cancer Seminar on October 22, in 231-4-FUN the Alliance for Sexual Choice. Stockton B126 at 4:30PM. For more info, contact and returns January 10,1993. The approxi- State College's premiere organization, dedi- Heather Valcarcel at 748-2982. mate cost is $2,500 but partial scholarships SPRING BREAK '93-SELL TRIPS, cated to community awareness, interaction, may be available. To make reservations, EARN CASH & GO FREE!!! Student and acceptance. If you are interested, then LISTENING POST while space is still available, a $ 100 refund- Travel Services is now hiring campus repre- call 748-2373 for more info. Come and talk about anything on your mind. able deposit should be made as soon as sentatives. Ski packages also available. Come for light refreshments. Come to meet new possible. For further details please call CALL 1-800-648-4849 ATTENTION ALL MUSICIANS friends. Thurs. in G221,2:00-4:30 PM. Begins Professor Yechiel Lehavy, ACC, 343-4989. The Music Club invites all instrumentalists The credits may be transferable to Stockton 10/15. Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. $$$$, FREE TRAVEL AND RESUME EXPERIENCE !! and vocalists to come to meetings/ rehears- upon prior approval by Tom Grites, D113, Individuals and Student Organizations als, every Tues, and Thurs. H102 at 6:30PM x4504. FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE wanted to promote SPRING BREAK, call percussion, 7:15 vocalists, 8:00 instrumen- Can you spare two nights' sleep to help someone the nation's leader. Inter-Campus Programs talist. All styles encouraged. VOLUNTEER who has AIDS? There will be a 12-kilometer 1-800-327-6013. walk to benefit AIDS education and care on The Volunteer Center of Atlantic County ATTENTION FALL '92 GRADUATES October 25,1992. Contact: Frank Braun, Box (VCAC) needs you. VCAC, a United Way Mother's Helper/Babysitter If you intend to graduate in Fall of '92, get #2027 or 748-2603 or 6524394. Or, you can Agency, serves as a clearinghouse matching Experienced person to help care for 18 month your application to Student Records, D121, write to From All Walks Of Life/ Philadelphia potential volunteers with the needs of Atlan- old in my Linwood home. 3 days/week, 4 immediately. AIDS Walk 251 South 12th Street Philadelphia, tic County non-profit organizations. Open hours/day, mornings, Mon., Wed., Fri. Ref- PA 19107-9820. positions are: Halloween Costume Ball erences required 653-1791 STOCKPOT Volunteers, Tutors, Board member, Paint- ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Stockpot, Stockton's Literary Magazine, will LAW SCHOOL FAIR ers, Bowling, Volleyball, and Soccer In- -fisheries. Earn $600+/week in canneries or have their first meeting in C102 on Wednes- Montclair State College is having a Law School structor, General Assistant, Wardrobe As- $4,000+/month on fishing boats. Free trans- day, October 28 at 5:00PM. We invite all Fair on Wednesday, November 4,1992. Admis- sistant, Shower Room Assistant, Check Out portation! Room & Board! Over 8,000 writers and artists from the Stockton com- sion is free. There will be 50 law schools repre- HUnger Volunteers, and Refreshment Cart openings. No experience necessary. Male munity to join us. sented. Obtain applications and LSAT informa- Volunteer. For more info, call 272-2488. or Female. Get a head start on this summer'. tion! Pick up bus at A-wing circle at 8:00AM. For employment program call 1-206-545- CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PRE LAW For further information, contact Elena Coley MOCK TRIAL 4155 ext. A5119 The Criminal Justice and Pre-Law Society Box 2306. Sponsored by the Criminal Justice Attorneys, witnesses, jurors, and alternates meets every Thursday at 4:30PM in CI03. needed for the 1993 N.J. Intercollegiate and Pre-Law Society. STUDENTS or ORGANIZATIONS. Contact Elena Coley, Box #2306. Mock Trial Competition. If interested, con- Promote our Florida Spring Break pack- tact Elena Coley Box 2306. JEWISH STUDIES CERTIFICATE ages. Earn MONEY and FREE TRIPS. LECTURE ON WORLD PEACE Any Stockton student who plans to graduate this Organize SMALL or LARGE groups. Call Dr. Charles C. Price, Ph.D., Distinguished STOCKTON STUDENT TELEVISION semester (Fall 1992) or next semester (Spring Campus Marketing. 800-423-5264 Scientist, Academician and Peace Activist 1993) and earn the Jewish Studies Certificate Join SSTV! Anyone can join. No experi- will speak on Oct. 27 at 4:30PM in B126 on should establish contact as soon as possible with ence is needed. We are looking for students Telemarketing Reps Needed "Achieving a Durable World Peace Through Yitzhak Sharon, Coordinator of Jewish Studies, to help run the station, Ch. 52. Meetings: All shifts, AM, AFT, PM, SAT. Hourly the United Nations in the Post Cold War." Room B110, Ext. 4500 or message at Ext. 4546 Marketing, Mon. 8:00PM, Entertainment plus commission. Convenient Route 9 (please leave phone and SSC Box #'s). Certain News, 8:30PM-Both in Upper G-wing. Northfield location. Call Charley at 383- SSTV MUSICIANS forms need to be filled out soon. Workshops, Tues. 8:00PM, N-wing cafete- 0250 between 1 lam - 6pm. EOE SSTV is looking for original music compo- ria; Political Debate show "TheRoundtable", sitions to use as primary background mate- Wed. 8:00 PM, Upper G-wing. GETTING INTO LAW SCHOOL BE A SPRING BREAK REPÎ rial in their upcoming commercial shoots. Free one hour session on how and when to study Earn FREE TRIPS and the HIGHEST Any interested students who would like to ARCHERY CLUB for the Law School Admission Test, when and COMMISSIONS! Cancun, Daytona, & share their talent should submit their ideas SSC finally has an Archery Club. Anyone where to apply, how law schools decide who gets Jamaica from $159. Call Take A Break via Box #4498. Include a name and number. interested in joining,come to F205 at4:30PM admitted, etc. Tues., Oct. 27 or Wed. Oct. 28 in Student Travel today! (800) 32-TRAVEL Any type of music is welcome. G208 at 4:00PM. For further info, contact Prof. 10/22 for a special treat or contact De Anna Alan Arcuri at ext. 4210. Box #2956. CREW SALES MANAGER Regional Sales and Marketing Co. has immediate opening for the position of Crew Sales Manager. Position entails working with teenagers getting new customers for the areas leading newspaper. Applicants must have a van, station wagon or large 6-passenger car, valid D.L., and vehicle insurance. Salary plus commission. To schedule an interview, call To Sharon, The brothers of Alpha Phi Delta would like 383-0250 between 1 lam-5pm. EOE. Thanks for breakfast. Let's just hope to wish the pledges,Chris, Walt, Sam, Mike, GREEKS & CLUBS those lines intersect one another rather than Dave, and Colin good luck. For Sale a straight single line. We'll go back in 3 RAISE A COOL weeks, O.K.? Love, Pass-Out To the Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi, 1982 Mercury Cougar station wagon. $ We had a great time. You guys can $900 Our son left for college, in Vermont, 1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! cook for us anytime, Hope to do it again and we don't need the third car any more! To the Sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta PLUS $1000 FOR THE REALLY SOON! ! Thanx for an unforget- Zeta and Sigma Sigma Sigma, 131,700 miles — old, high mileage, but in MEMBER WHO CALLS! Congratulations to your new pledges. table night Sisters of Delta Zeta good running condition, PASSED NJ In- No obligation. No cost. We wish them the best. They all made an spection Sept. 22. Call Charlie Herlands at You also get a FREE excellent choice. Personals must be received in G-206, by a staff ext. 4674 or at home 965-3611 or leave a HEADPHONE RADIO Fraternally yours, member, include your full name and Social message at the NAMS office (F-215, ext. just for calling 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65 The Brothers of Alpha Sigma Phi Security number. Deadline is Fri. 5:00 P.M. 4546) CONSOLIDATED INTERVIEW CONTINUED FROM B4 Does it Bum you out what some people speak about at your shows and on the other ____ hand, does it make you fee! better when people support Consolidated and it's views? I was driving through Atlantic City the other day, and as I passed a elementary school We like both we like getting people that agree with us and we like people who disagree I noticed a GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE. How do you feel about needing those signs? with us because it gives us a wider range of perspectives to the issues and to ourselves and I think that it's completely necessary and it's unfortunate fact in living in a society where the audience. If everyone had one opinion, it would be a sad world a sad place. guns come first and people come second. It's sad...it's amazing that you can't have a drug What about the white-supremacy guy? like marijuana which is a natural plant which is made illegal because it's considered Well, the point about that is if you argue with someone who is a racist, you can never tell dangerous....gun are way more dangerous. that person that they are wrong. It's like arguing with anyone that has an extreme position Any views on the '92 presidental election? but if you let someone from the klan ora racist keep talking... which we found, let them talk, Any views?...it's very depressing...it's very sad that in a huge country like this, where we give'em the mic....you don't even have to argue with them because they'll blow it supposedly have democracy and freedom..this is all we have to choose from three men themselves that is the truth. Cause they start outkinda normal....whatever thatmeans if that are basically alike except for Perot because Perot...who knows what he stands for and you let them go long enough they'll say something that is so out there that everyone will go I think he's the most frightening. I'm going to vote for Clinton because he stands on pro- "Oh....shit, what an idiot" So they always blow it themselves. choice for women's rights. * Todd Sciore from WLFR showed me the Corrosion of Conformity remix of "Vote with So I suppose your not a big George Bush fan. a Bullet" by consolidated. Tell me about it? Never have been, never will be...always hate Bush. George Bush is a sad man. Mark and I from Consolidated did the remix. Corrosion of Conformity contacted me while You got that right.....what do you feel about religious fundamentalism? we were making Friendly Fascism and asked if we would go touring with them and it was Dangerous I mean the way your asking me the question, I have no way to answer it. impossible they stayed in contact with us and asked us to do the remix....we liked it...so OK um textbooks happen to be one of the big things that Christian fundamental we did it. groups worry about. Because of whether it represents "Christian values" like in Is there is anything else you want to say? Texas, they have these boards of people who basically say that these textbooks don't I think people should look at the world the way it is, enjoy it. Realize that there is a lot of follow the correct values. For example, there is a picture of a young boy making a ham other opinions out there, that there is not just one opinion and that is why we put our and raisin sandwich and also a girl who is reading a book, and the board objected to audience on the record, so people can see that there is a wide range of perspectives to one the picture because it didn't foster the correct gender roles of the boy and the girl and issue. There is no right or wrong you have to make up your own mind about all issues that's how extreme it gets- and that if you want to explore some of the things that we talk about, vegetarianism and Well....they wanted the girl to be making the sandwich? animal rights and understand that's a important aspect to one's health and the world. Yeah ....that's basically what they want. First of all, they should be against them making ham anyway. You know how it is... THEATRE I know what your saying. What about the lobbying groups they have? Well, I have a problem with extremes on both sides...all the way on the left and all the way to the right However...I can understand breaking down stereotypes, rather than keeping Meet Hedda Gabier them intact. I think that it's sad to keep roles of stereotypes of boys and girls there by Andrea Gallo shouldn't be any stereotypes....there shouldn't be any set rules of the way a boy should act and the way a little girl should act. Because there are no set people....there is no boy and "The character's emotions change so quickly, it's almost like a neurosis," there is no girl, there just the way that society creates those genders. explains Angel Guerucci of her title role in Hedda Gabier, Stockton State Theater's Operation rescue? How do you feel about them? Fascist organization that is run by men, controlled by men, and concerned only about season opener. "Her movements are dynamic, and the role is difficult to men's sexual identity. They have no concern in reality for life, because most of those people encapsulate." that run Operation Rescue are also pro-capital punishment Most Operation Rescue men A junior at Stockton, Angel has a presence both on stage and off. Angel only are concerned about protecting their masculinity and their phallus and they also hate arrived at the Blue Diamond Diner for our interview wearing her bleack motorcycle women and are misogynists. So when they see women having complete freedom and jacket. She was quite adament about sitting in a corner table with her back to the control of their body, they get very afraid and they get very afraid because the fetus wall where she could observe everything. With her blazing red-brown hair and represents to a lot of these men theirmasculinity, their penis that's been lost...You know and expressive eyes, it is easy to envision her as "Hedda"- she's actually very the woman is going to cut it off basically. When they abort a fetus, it scares those men intimidationg. because of the women having control of their bodies and those men unfortunately see the Angel's previous roles have definitely prepared her for the part of Hedda. fetus as an extension of their dick. and it's being chopped off. Terry Randall is a perfect Most recently at Stockton, she's played "Mama" in Getting Out, as well as the title example of a man who see's the fetus as his penis, rather than a piece of tissue in a woman's role and member of the ensemble in The Serpent. A junior at Stockton, majoring body. in Theater Arts with an acting concentration, Angel transferred from the prestigious I've never heard it that way...... that's opening a lot of doors. Seaton Hill College of Pennsylvania, where she also majored in Theatre. Her list of It is and I'm sure a lot of people will get bummed out. credits there included the title roles in Electra and Agnes of God. How do you feel about your symbiotic relationship with the music industry? Do you This modest performer declined to answer any background questions, thus feel that someone who is against it, can yet prosper in it? remaining something of an enigma. "My private life is my own," she stated plainly, I can make an analogy to a politician who's against the system, yet is a politician in the "it's unnecessary for anyuone to know my family history." After graduation, system....if your against something and your are that you try to change it. We're musicians Angel plans to attend graduate school, where she'll pursue an MFA degree in first of all, that's who we are, that's what we are it's what we do and we are against the music industry of course but we are involved in the music....we make music, we could stop Theater. Surprisingly, she has no intentions of becoming an actress, but instead making music and just hide and go away but we wouldn't be true to ourselves....it's what aspires to be a Theatre professor. we do. It's a ironic position and is a contradiction in what we do....no doubt, but there's a While using Anna O. (a Freudian case study) and her previous role of contradiction in anything that's involved in pop-culture itself. "Agnes" as models, Angel has also had to delve deep into her psyche in order to What forms a Consolidated song? How do you create it. liverate one of dramatic literature's most challenging roles. Many different ways...sometimes we'll come up with a beat then put some samples over Hedda Gabier is considered to be one of Henrik Ibsen's masterpieces. The it and sometimes we'll come up the lyric first...the ideas from a newspaper article, a book, play is about the plight of a socially repressed 19th century woman whose ultimate and essay or ideas that we have been formulating and then we'll try to make a beat that goes desire is to gain the sort of freedom enjoyed only by men during that time period. along with that subject It works different ways never the same way...depends what song The means she employs to obtain her goal are intriguingly manipulative. it is and the way it was written....it's always different it starts with a beat and sample. Bruce Van Blarcom, a Profesor of Theatre here at Stockton, is directing the How much work was put into Play Moire Music production. Matthew Benjamin, also a Theatre Professor here, is the lighting Well....we started to work on the record musically in March and April and we recorded the designer and technical director. Joining them are two prominent Guest Artists: in the month of May and mixed it in the first two weeks of June and edited in the last week. Scenic Designer Bart Healy and Costume Designer Carla Mann. March, April, May, June....four months. Hedda Gabier will run on the PAC mainstage Thursday, Oct. 28 through All the samples did it take a couple of years to compile? Sunday, November 1. Show times are 8:00 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and A period of one year... 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. Ticket prices are $6 for adults and $4 for students and senior Really? wow citizens. For reservations and further information, call the PAC box office at 652- All the dialog was taken during the tour of friendly Fascism. We toured North America and 9000. Europe. ARGO October 22,1992 Page A 7 ARGO: Is there anything else you'd like to MASCOT say? BUSH gone. CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 3 4) Jobs - Jobs are created when busi- CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 1 OSPREY: Just one thing. A lot of students nesses develop, produce and market a good have come up to me and accused me of being Yes, over 8 million people are out of work. or service. Competition, in a freedom ori- (gasp!), a chicken! I am not a farm animal Yes, people are suffering, but its not nearly ented market, encourages improvements in folks wanted to bring in the Jersey Devil to of any kind! I'm a Young Osprey. Some as bad as the opposition would like us to quality, reductions in price and growth, do the part, but he was already working a people assume that since I don't have any think. Even when the economy is booming, which produces jobs. We will continue to be double-shift at the Forked River Toll Plaza white feather I must be some kind of mis- a "full employment" level is reached when a prosperous growing economy with the on the Garden State Parkway. And that's take. Well, once and for all let me say that unemployment falls to 5 1/2%. So the highest standard of living as long as we when Prof. Sandy Hartzog (now Prof. most ospreys have brown feathers when difference between the best of times and avoid protectionism and encourage free- Bierbrauer) helped to rally the ENVL and they are young and only get the white crests today is 2% (7 1/2%- 5 1/2%). That dom. By opening up global free markets, BIOL students in favor of the local bird. It and wings after they get their diplomas. means there are an extra 2 million people the U.S. will continue to outperform every was no contest after that Being as I'm still taking classes at Stockton actively seeking jobs but not able to find other industrial nation of earth, even in spite (a fringe benefit of being the mascot) I them, while over 110 million workers are of the marginal short term loss of low skills ARGO: Which brings us to our next point haven't earned my new wings yet. Unfortu- employed, (and enjoying low inflation and or semi-skilled jobs. Investments by gov- Maybe you'd like to describe what the latest nately, like a lot of students, it could be extremely low interest rates). ernment, who simply, by nature, doesn't contest is going to be? decades before I finally do get my degree! 3) Deficits-Who, among those reading understand the profit motive, have histori- this column, thinks their taxes are too low? cally produced "unneeded" jobs. It's the OSPREY: Yeah. Some of the names so far It's election season, so vote in your No one. The problem then, is that spending free enterprise system, working with an ab- are Fred (after the lake), Oatmeal, Squawk, choice for the Osprey's name. This name is far, far too high. All spending is done by solute minimum of government interven- Ollie, Buster, George, and even Jodie Fos- will stick forever (or until the next contest) congress, not the President. The Democrats tion, that will produce the most future jobs. ter! so make your decision count. To vote, put have controlled congress for the last 38 The bottom line is that recessions are a your last name, social security number, and years, and 56 of the last 60. Had President normal part of the business cycle and will ARGO: Do you have any preferences? the name you're voting for on a 3x5 card, or Bush not vetoed 35 spending bills and had always occur after an expansionary period. a half sheet of paper and put it in the Argo he not (mistakenly) agreed to a Democrati- President Bush has, as he should, minimized OSPREY: Not really, I think they're all Office in upper G-Wing. All votes must be cally drafted counter-productive tax increase, the pain. He has done all that a prudent pretty dumb, but I'd prefer a guy's name. I in by 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, October the deficit would be huge. Imagine, for the leader should and has not, as past Presidents don't think I'd feel right in drag, and it 29th. next four years, the Democratically con- did, solved short term problems by creating would be harder to move around with feath- Remember, any name (which is not trolled congress passing more spending bills long term disasters. ers and a skirt. outright offensive) may be selected. and a Democratic president agreeing to them. With these "facts", properly presented, The deficit will soar, unemployment and Americans will find it very difficult to vote inflation will both increase and long term for an unproven leader at a time when strong, CHARGES interest rates will at least double. The effec- proven leadership is needed. President Bush CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 1 tiveness of checks and balances will be can and should win. ther the arresting officer or Joo was injured during the exchange. These actions led to the third charge brought against him of resisting arrest. Mangiello continued by saying that Joo will have to face charges in Galloway Municipal Court in addition to a series of Motor Vehicle charges. According to Galloway Municipal Court, Joo's case has been sent to the Atlantic County Prosecutors Office, which is the next highest court above Galloway. His court date is still pending.

moved from campus. WORDS The arresting and investigating officers CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 1 are Officer Forte and Patrolman Jucciarone. The matter was brought to the attention A simple assault is described as an 405 W. White Horse Pike of the Campus Hearing Board. Dean of attempt to cause bodily injury, i.e. pushing, P.O. Box 159 Students, Joseph Marchetti, commented, shoving, punching, according to Sgt. 'The verbal argumentescalated intoaphysi- Mangiello. Harassment involves the threat Pomona, N.J. 08240 cal confrontation in the Residence Hall of bodily injury, or the intent to harm an- lounge" of the dormitory in which Morris other. (one block west of the resides. The victim does not live on campus. Morris is facing a Galloway township Since the evidence is not clear and the ac- Municipal Court hearing on November 10. Arrowhead Inn) counts of the incident conflicting, Morris A countersuit to be filed by Morris is still has not been interimly suspended or re- pending. (609) 965-1824 If JUST | I HAPPY 1 • Criminal L? w I MINUTES PITNEY TAVERN HOUR 1 I From SSC J "Fine casual dining at affordable prices" 1SEED • Auto Accidents Monday Fri. & Sat. $i Wednesday 5O0 MONDAY • Divorce NIGHT Shots/ Hot U)LLL( h KARAOKE I FOOTBALL Drafts ' Dogs $1 Drafts NIGHT Sing Along Contest | • Workmens Compensation 1 FREE BUFFET featuring CASH Prizes f WIN CASH mi • Real Estate Tuesday Catnip Thursday Customer KARAOKE • Wills and Estates | Appreciation Jones Ni pi it Sing Along Contest | chun m! ($1 Drain & M.O.&.. Live Music] -- ID Required Wings 11 Free Buffet ft Drink Special* J CASH Prizes |

Corner of Pitney & Great Creeks Rds., Absecon Highlands • 652-1550 tissue research ban. Even the man who WOMEN originally called for the ban, Ronald MIND CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 2 Reagan's Secretary of Health and Human CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 3 Services, Dr. Otis Bowen, now believes that the workplace. Clinton supports fair wages the ban should be lifted. (Bill Clinton on the to look out for the children I hope to have. My children should be allowed to see a very for all workers regardless of gender. Bill Issues, p.99) similar Earth to the Earth I am on. The physical aspects of the Earth, such as quantities of Clinton opposes gender discrimination in Bill Clinton believes that we should use pollutants in our air, water and soil must be carefully tended. We are stewards of the Earth any form and required every state agency in whatever means available to find cures for and must act as such. We can no longer allow the environment to be pushed aside for the Arkansas todevelopand implement a sexual diseases like ovarian cancer, breast cancer, immediate concerns of one generation. The 5 billion people on the planet are a fraction of harassment policy. Clinton wants to issue and osteoporosis, including lifting the fetal the of the people that this Earth can maintain [over many generations] IF WE take care of and executive order to ban general discrimi- tissue ban. Clinton wants to sign into law the it. We must consider that all the components of the Earth are connected to each other. The nation in federal hiring,promotion and, con- Women's Health Research Act designed to Indian nations of America believe this and treat all things they take from the Earth as part tracts. Clinton will hire and appoint more address current deficiencies in the treatment of themselves. We are the Earth and the Earth is us. Without it we only seal our fate to women to all levels of government so that a of women's health problems. (Bill Clinton extinction. Clinton Administration better reflects this on the Issues, p.95) Please remember all of these things when you go to pull the lever. And please, even if country's population. More than one-half Finally, one of the most debatable is- you don't want to vote for one of the candidates for the Presidency there are other things of Governor Clinton's staff are women; his sues in our history is the right to an abortion; to vote for. Go an vote! GO AND VOTE! Without your vote our country will never be as longest tenured staff was a woman. Bill a woman's legal right for choice. great as it can be. Clinton is an advocate supporter for the One must wonder how an issue so pri- Family and Medical Leave Act. Bill Clinton vate to women can be decided by a party also supports establishing a rigorous stan- platform and Supreme Court devised mostly dard for licensing child care facilities and of men. implementing improved methods for en- President Bush supports a Constitu- forcing them, so they can meet the needs and tional Amendment that would severely re- concerns of the families. Bill Clinton has strict a woman's right to choose whether or never wavered his support and belief for the not to have an abortion. Governor Bill need of the Equal Rights Amendment. (Bill Clinton has never wavered his support for Clinton on the Issues, pp. 94-102) the right to choice and believes that the The Bush Administration has no poli- government has no right to interfere with the cies on domestic violence against women. difficult and intensely private decision a Bill Clinton plans on cracking down on woman sometimes make regarding abor- violence against women by signing the Vio- tion. (Bill Clinton on the Issues, p. 94-102) lence Against Women Act to provide tougher Women have come a long way to obtain penalties to deter domestic violence. (Bill the right of choice to be a politician, an Clinton on the Issues, pp. 94-102) executive, or a homemaker. But, we can not An increasingly important issue for be ignorant and assume thatevery woman in women in the 90's is health care. The threat our country has equal opportunity. We must of breast and ovarian cancer has become a remain on the journey for equality that our reality for many women in our country. ancestors began decades ago, so that maybe President Bush vetoed legislation that would one day, the issues concerning women will have increased funding for ovarian cancer, be decided by women. In November, re- breast cancer, and osteoporosis research, member to vote for a representative that can because the bill would have lifted the fetal better represent you!

POLL as liberals; 27 percent call themselves con- servative. CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 3 - Bush beat Clinton on the issue of category goes to Bush: 45 percent of the which candidate students would trust to students thought he was full of it, compared baby-sit their children (42 percent would with 31 percent who believed Clinton per- trust Bush, compared with 31 percent for haps needed to wear waders. Clinton), while Clinton edged Bush out in a The candidates' wives also were question about whom they would want to be dragged into the fray. Hillary Clinton won their father. Clinton was preferred, 43 per- the sweepstakes in the question, "If the cent to 39 percent over Bush. presidential election was between Barbara - A majority (79 percent) said that a Bush and Hillary Clinton, who would you candidate smoking marijuana (the poll didn ' t vote for?" Fifty-three percent went with mention inhaling) is not an issue that would Hillary, compared with 45 percent for Bar- affect their vote. But adultery is another bara. matter, 48 percent polled believe that they In terms of motherhood, however, Bar- would be less likely to vote for someone if bara wins: 56 percent would rather have her that someone committed adultery for their mother to 40 percent for Hillary. - And finally, in the area of music, 26 On the more serious side, the poll indi- percent would want U2 to rewrite the na- cates there is a general mistrust of govern- tional anthem (followed by Bruce ment. Among the findings: Springsteen, 15 percent; Garth Brooks, 14 - Students have become wary of gov- percent; Public Enemy, 5 percent; and Nir- ernment, with 48 percent saying they have vana, 4 percent). If the students were elect- some trust and 35 percent saying they have ing a singer for president, Billy Joel would very little trust in government. Only 9 be leading our nation with 28 percent; Don percent have a lot of trust, and 7 percent have Henley, 13 percent; Madonna, 8 percent; no trust at all. Bonnie Raitt, 7 percent; and Ice-T, 5 per- - Forty-two percent define themselves cent. Please, Recycle Your ARCO ARGO October 22,1992 ••—•—•"•• v.; ..• ...... Page A 9 ENVIRONMENT & SCIENCE

"When the Earth is sick and dying, Professor helps to a tribe of people from all races, creeds, and colors will put their faith in deeds, preserve NJ coastal zone not words, to make the land green again."

by E.C. O'Hanlon —Cree Indian Prophecy Stuart Farrell, professor of Marine Science and head of the Stockton Coastal Research Center, is currently working on SSC math students enjoy legislation to improve New Jersey ' s Coastal Zone. Farrell is on sabbatical this semester independent work with the specific intent of working to pass by Susan Monichetti a bill in state legislation that will help New "To make the best better," (4-H Motto) truly applies to the few students who work on Jersey's shore line. the mathematic independent study programs. In Stockton there is an average of ninety "The Assembly and Senate bills to math majors, of which about fifteen graduate every year. A number of these students provide a stable and long term funding often want more than what a lectured class offers and choose to do independent study source for coastal engineering and project programs. These programs allow the students and faculty to get closer and work implication got it's start way back into the together. The faculty do not get compensated for their time and help, but enjoy working Kean administration," commented Farrell. with the students. Stuart Farrell, professor of Marine Science The bill, officially called the Coastal The students who choose to do these programs work with topics that are often above Protection Legislation, if passed by both or parallel to what they are learning at that given time. Calculus, geometry, and houses will set aside $15 million every trigonometry are examples of topics which students work with. They try todevelop their EARTH year to spend on coastal projects in con- own theories, principles, and problem solutions while working with their advisors. struction, as well as monitoring the coast- Sometimes, through their research, a student will even rediscover a theory or procedure line. previously known and will feel the excitement and realization that their constructive WATCH Farrell is secretary of a non-profit work is actually producing valid results. They absorb themselves in their math problems coastal protection lobbying group called almost as a graduate student would. Some actually do work on a graduate level and at After 20 years of failed attempts, the the New Jersey Shore Protection Partner- the end of the year present their information for program distinction. Yanomami tribe-the last major Amazo- ship. It is a conglomeration of scientists, The mathematic independent study programs permit students to work with infor- nian tribe to remain virtually untouched politicians, lawyers, and engineers. Their mation not dealt with in their classes, they learn valuable skills in research techniques by civilization-received protection of goal is to push coastal protection legisla- and time management, but most importantly they learn that through hard work and their homeland from mining, missions, tion, specifically the current bill. dedication, their goals and dreams can be achieved. military activity, and deforestation. Ven- "My sabbatical is to be political. To ezuela (last summer) and Brazil (in No- do what I can to convince the politicians vember) designated reserves for their that it isn't a bad idea-it's tax well spent Yanomami populations, which together At $15 million a year, they will eventu- total around 18,000. The two reserves ally say $20-30 million from a hit from a Skies over Stockton Il c connect at the neighboring countries' storm," said Farrell. borders and span an area about twice the The NAMS professor, who has by Hal Taylor size of Indiana. taught at Stockton since 1971 when it opened its doors, is the founder and cur- -World Watch rent director of the Coastal Research The "Great Square" of Pegasus A Gallon of gas made from imported Center here at Stockton. oil costs less than a gallon of bottled "The Coastal Research Center is a The Moonless evenings of this week triangle" is rising. water shipped from France. community service organization essen- present a fine opportunity to learn the "Great Sixty degrees to the east of the "sum- --New York Times tially providing monitoring services and Square" and our galaxy, the Milky Way. mer triangle" (made of the bright, first data on environmental conditions," said Venus is becoming ever more prominent in magnitude, stars; Vega, Deneb & Altair) Residents of High Bridge, New Jersey, Farrell. the southwest after sunset. With binoculars lies the "great square" of four dimmer pay $200 yearly for trash pickup stickers The Center was started in 1986 after you may catch a glimpse of Mercury, about (second magnitude) stars. These form the good for 52 bags of garbage; the cost of the New Jersey Department of Environ- 10°tothelowerrightofVenus. Next Wednes- wings of the winged horse, Pegasus. By a sticker for each additional bag thereaf- mental Protection and Energy approached day night, the two-day-old crescent Moon 10:00 EDT (9:00 EST) the "great square" ter is $1.65. Within 10 months of start- Stockton to set up a research center to will be between Venus and Mercury with the will be just a little south of the zenith, ing the program, the town cut its waste survey and watch all coastal areas in bright star, Antares, about 3° below (and directly overhead. In good dark skies faint by 24 percent. In Perkasie, Pennsylva- New Jersey. slightly left) of Venus. The Moon will be stars may be visible inside the little square, New on Saturday night/Sunday morning when but with normal lights of the campus, the nia, near Philadelphia, residents buy spe- The Center employees Stockton we switch our clocks back to standard time. inside of the square looks empty. This is cially marked garbage bags from the city graduates, many of whom go onto gradu- Saturn continues to shine high in the south in because in looking in the direction of the at$l .00 for a 20-pound bag and $1.75 for ate schools with experience in graduate the evening. Mars now rises in the east before "great square", we are looking out of the a 40-pound bag (up from 85 cents and thesis writing. Students are often not 11 PM daylight time (before 10 PM standard plane of our galaxy, the milky way. If the $ 1.50 last year). The charge cut residen- used because the employees are needed time). Jupiter rises about 4:30 EDT (3:30 skies are very dark this week without the tial waste nearly in half in 1988, the first to do field work five days a week, eight EST). In the evening, we still find our way Moon, you may be able to see the glow our year of the program. hours a day. around the sky using the "summer triangle", --Fortune Magazine The latest project of the Center is but by midnight that has set and the "winter contract to monitor Inlet, Ocean City's SEE PEGASUS ON PAGE A 10 During the first six months of 1991, newest tankers spilled 425,000 tons of oil around beaches, and Moo, Provided by the world, or nearly seven times the Cape May City HÉAPACrtÊ. rÏ06< (Arfil. YCU ~ — beaches for the = vvfcu meAM America's amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez in k Alaska. Philadelphia WtAPACHCJ Clean Water --The Journal of Commerce District Corps of Engineers. Foundation Group of Five and the Group of Seven, the RESPECT ous. CRISIS economic summits of large industrialized nations. Specifically, Germany and Japan CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 5 3) Why after 16 years of lack of Per- CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 5 forming Arts Center administrational atten- have become major challengers of U.S. po- support. This was and is a struggle for the tion to Kwanzaa have they so abruptly de- 80s witnessed a remarkable expansion of sitions in international economic summits. African students and faculty of Stockton cided to poorly attempt its production the Japanese and German share of the world For more than six years, the Germans have State College that has been on-going for 16 year following the best Kwanzaa participa- market and their growing challenge to the refused to accept the U.S. request to lower years as of December 1992. tion thus far? We're concerned about this. United States. The U.S. economic hege- their leading interest rate as a stimulus to the Kwanzaa has consistently grown at 4) Is it not most disrespectful and lewd mony was also challenged by a number of economy of the United States. The intense Stockton State College while maintaining a to charge Africans in America $12.50 and smaller Newly Industrializing Countries in competition between the U.S., Germany, low price of $5.00 general admission and $17.50 to attend a misinforming and Asia and Latin America. By the late 1970s, and Japan, the inability of the U.S. to impose still providing a feast of cultural cuisine misnomered affair produced and formatted the U.S. had become a net importer and a net a coordinated monetary and foreign ex- through the collective efforts and coopera- by non-black people under the legitimizing borrower. In the 1980s, the U.S. experi- change policy on the members of the G-5 tion of Professor Pat Reid Bookhart, the name of Kwanzaa when it is their African enced large trade deficits with a number of and G-7 nave led to the further intensifica- Unified Black Student's Society, and a di- sacred and Holy Day? Can non Jewish nations including Japan, Germany, Brazil, tion of the instability of global financial verse group of faculty with alumni and the people conduct Yom Kippur and charge Mexico, China, South Korea, Singapore, markets. This, in turn, has contributed to the surrounding African populous. It has served Jewish people an admittance fee? Indeed I Taiwan, and many others. On average, the overall financial crisis in the world economy. to reward, unify, illuminate, re-define and say no! Can Black people build another U.S. has had a 10 billion dollar trade deficit strengthen the ties and consciousness of the Holocaust Center and charge Jewish people with Latin America and the countries of the The Erosion of the Post WWII Political people involved and has become very dear, a hefty admittance fee? Or can we repaint Western Hemisphere every year in the 1980s. Order and the Decline in the U.S. Global informative, and culturally valuable to the Picasso and sell our counterfeit works along- The U.S. trade deficit with Asia reached a Political Power entire local African people. Furthermore, side the originals to the Spanish art commu- total of 38 billion dollars in 1991, down The Post-WWII era brought the U.S. Kwanzaa has been delightful and culturally nity without repercussion? Most certainly from 47 billion in 1990. The U.S. was a net prosperity at home, and economic and po- informative to all other peoples who have not! exporter of capital (a capital lender in the litical domination and control in most of work market) and the largest creditor nation wisely and continuously chosen to attend Once again we ask that you use the Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and in the Post-WWII era. By the mid 1980s and observe. logic and faculties of deduction of any ratio- the Middle East. With the demise of British this situation was reversed and the U.S. had The Kwanzaa of 1991 was a tremen- nal, sane, civilized, and intelligent human colonial rule, the United States gradually become a net borrower, and the largest debtor dously successful celebration with its larg- being to see the level of insult and injury to became the major power in the Middle EasL nation in the world. In 1991, the total est participation thus far of approximately the African community. We can not allow Oil and the geopolitical importance of the international indebtedness of the U.S. had 900 people. This Kwanzaa had consider- any other people to re-define or misrepre- Middle East made this region a major focus reached a total of 381.5 billion dollars. able student, faculty, and local community sent the meaning of our Holy days, thus of the U.S. foreign policy. Following the involvement receiving public notoriety in insulting and exploiting the good name of The statistics cited above is a clear Nixon-Kissinger Doctrine, the U.S. prima- the Atlantic City Press and other creditable Africans both ancestral and living. We view indication of the loss of international com- rily relied on financing and arming friendly media sources. We see this as a result of this act as being cultural imperialism, cul- petitiveness of the U.S. in the past decade states that policed the region and protected unified, creative, organized and self-deter- tural exploitation, cultural insensitivity, and and a half. The economic decline of the U.S. the U.S. economic and political interestdur- mined efforts expressive of the principles definitely a transgression of mutual respect also manifested itself in the inability of the ing the late 1960s and the 70s. The Nixon- and essence of Kwanzaa which strengthen This arrogant and arbitrative decision United States government to continue to in further accents the culturally unique iden- both alarms and disturbs us. Kwanzaa is exert its leadership in the meetings of the SEE CRISIS ON PAGE A 12 tity of African students at Stockton to the African and has special meaning to Africans benefit of the Spirit of diversity on campus. in America, therefore, we cannot permit this The Performing Arts Center's adver- program, this agent of misinformation insult Sanctuary at Taylor's OPEN BAR 9-10:00 PM tised, but alleged Kwanzaa Ko-Thi celebra- and injury to continue un-addressed and tion schedule for December 17th and priced unchanged. With expectation of an ad- 2310 W. Rt. 70 HORS D'OEUVRES and $12.50 general admission, $17.50 or- equate solution we look forward to the reso- Cherry Hill, New Jersey chestra seating is extremely offensive and lution of this avoidable and unnecessarily obscene tot he African community as a caused situation. 08002 whole and especially those represented by We do not hold the administration as a the Unified Black Students Society. We whole or its head responsible for the act of a deduce that the name Kwanzaa has been single department. However, we do hold the misappropriated and falsely used as an ad- Performing Arts Center's director and any- vertisement tool. To what end is question- one else directly involved in this erroneous able. We ask you all to use your own sense decision accountable. We ask for a written 6r**tl OMHiK* of logic, reason, and intelligence to answer and verbal apology from the Performing some fundamental and elementary ques- Arts Center Director, publication and distri- befcl/er j tions pertaining to the actions of the Per- bution of our explanation of Kwanzaa forming Arts Center administration: through the Performing Arts Center public- 1) If the Performing Arts Center wished ity channels, opportunity for ticket refunds to serve the African community, is it not to present ticket holders who have been respectful, good sense and professional to falsely advertised to, and cancellation of the inquire as to what our needs are? This was performance. Furthermore, we are willing not done. to commit to negotiation and open discus- 2) It was the Performing Arts Center sion between designated representatives decision to entitle the dance performance about these issues. Kwanzaa because Ko-Thi dance company We ask that all people offended, dis- does not do so nor do they have any knowl- gusted and sympathizing to please support edge of what has been done. Why was the our grievance with civilized, written and name Kwanzaa used? Is it not the Perform- verbal responses through the Stockton State You and a guest are invited to join us for the grand opening of ing Arts Center's responsibility to research College Administration channels. Sanctuary at Taylor's, the only club exclusively dedicated to and have thorough knowledge of the sensi- With respect to our ancestors and God alternative music. tivities of its targeted audience? This defi- we offer Honor and reverence, and to those You won't want to miss this party, featuring a live broadcast of nitely was not done and if so, it was errone- who are supportive of our cause. WMMR's Modern Rock program, Planet M with Matt Cord. Give your ARCO a second chance, please recycle. Present this invitation at the door for free admittance ARGO October 22,1992

Saturday, November 14th at 8:00 P.M. in Shawn the PAC Way ans

Tickets go on sale start- ing October 30th

has appeared on"lri Only $3.00 with Living Color" for the past Stockton I.D. two seasons as rapmaster SW-1 and, this season, makes the transition to featured player. Tuesday-Saturday: 5:00P.M. He is the younger brother of fellow -11:00 P.M. in N-110 cast members Keer )n, Damon and Kim Wayans.

Monday and Wednesday: 10:00A.M Wayans' television credits include appearances in - 3:00 P.M. in the G-wing Gallery the two HBO Robert Townsend specials "Partners in Crime Part II & III." He also appeared in older brother Keenen's satiric film "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka." to Stockton 1 Page A 12 • • . • - • •••••:: •• • . • •• • ; ' ARCO October 22,1992 The establishment of an Islamic regime in wrecking the airlines. Perot is born out by Iran became an inspiration for millions of ZAPS Wall Street Journal stories highlighting the CRISIS economically and politically disfranchised CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 10 CONTINUED FROM PAGE A 5 precarious position of many of the nation's Arabs in Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, banks and the increasing insolvency of some Kuwait and other countries of the region "The less visible James Lake, of Kissinger Doctrine enables the U.S. to exert air carriers. who sought their emancipation in Islam and Robinson, Lake, Lerer & Montgomery, a significant control on economic and politi- the crusade against the foreign (mainly the works fof Japan's auto parts industry and Bush denied every accusation. Never- cal developments of the Middle East with- U.S.) domination of their lands. other Japanese companies competing with theless, sitting on that keg of political dyna- out any direct military involvement in the the U.S. It's most controversial client, mite one can understand Bush's desperate region. Iran and Israel were the main U.S. In addition to these developments in the though, is the Abu Dhabi Investment Au- desire to win the election. If he remains in allies during those years. Middle East, the 1980s were also the years thority, through which Sheik Zayed bin Sul- the White House he has at least some chance The 1979 Iranian Revolution signifi- of intense political opposition to the U.S. in tan al-Nahyan, the absolute ruler of Abu of quashing or controlling the inevitable cantly altered the geopolitics of the Middle other parts of the world including Philip- Dhabi, obtained control of the scandal-rid- investigations. But if he loses a Special East and terminated the era of the Nixon pines, Haiti, El Salvador, Peru, and South den Bank of Credit and Commerce Interna- Investigator is sure to be appointed. And he Doctrine. The United States lost one of its Korea. The 1980s were the years of growing tional. Critics accuse the Bush Administra- is equally sure to be called back to Washing- strongest allies in an overwhelming wave of political divisions and a gradual drift away tion of failing to aggressively investigate the ton to testify before a hostile Congress. Anti-U.S. upsurge that shook the world and from the U.S. domination within the NATO. role of BCCI in recent bank failures.." Polls indicate that Clinton was the win- inspired a growing and uncontrollable move- The political crisis in the NATO has been the natural consequence of changes in the Perot also accused Bush of being re- ner of the final debate and it now seems ment throughout the region in the years to relative economic power of the Main mem- sponsible for the costly S&L and bank fail- certain that he'll be the victor on November come. Among other things, Islamic Funda- bers. The Post WWII political order and the ures. He said that during Reagan's and 3rd. Now if he wins big his coattails should mentalism that swept throughout the Middle U.S. political hegemony had gradually pro- Bush's watch, the S&Ls and banks had been be broad enough to carry another Demo- East shared common characteristics of na- duced its antithesis in the late 1970s and the deregulated, freeing them to engage in free- cratic majority into Congress. Should that tionalism and militant opposition to the U.S. 80s. wheeling speculation. He also said that happen Bill Clinton will have won a man- domination of the region. White House-inspired deregulation was date similar to Roosevelt's in 1932. Immediately after the Iranian Revolu- This piece will continue in tion, U.S. embassies were attacked, the next week's AROO, as part American flag was bumed, and Anti-U.S. Please recycle your AR60. protests were waged across the Middle East. of an on going series.

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