JSE 24-1-Text April 6 Color.Indd
Book Reviews 133 Feilding, E., Baggally, W. W., & Carrington, H. (1909). Report on a series of sittings with Eusapia Palladino. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 23, 309–569. Kardec, A. (1863). Spiritisme Expérimental: Le Livre des Médiums ou Guide des Médiums et de Évocateurs (6th ed.). Paris: Didier. Morselli, E. (1908). Psicologia e “Spiritismo”: Impressioni e Note Critiche sui Fenomeni Medianici di Eusapia Palladino (2 vols.). Turin: Fratelli Bocca. Ochorowicz, J. (1896). La question de là fraude dans les expériences avec Eusapia Palladino. Annales des Sciences Psychiques, 6, 79–123. de Rochas, A. (1896). L’Extériorisation de la Motricité: Recueil d’Expériences et d’Observations. Paris: Chamuel. Sidgwick, H. (1895). Eusapia Palladino. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 7, 148–159. Can the Mind Survive beyond Death? In Pursuit of Scientifi c Evidence by Satwant K. Pasricha. New Delhi: Harman Publishing House, 2008. 527 pp. $52 (hardcover, 2 vols.). ISBN 9788186622933. Satwant Pasricha is a psychologist in India who began working with Ian Stevenson in 1974 on cases of children who report memories of previous lives. After training under Stevenson, she became his collaborator and then an inde- pendent researcher. She also had successes in clinical psychology. In 2009, she completed a long tenure as Professor of Clinical Psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore, and her book notes that she is the only person in India with training in both clinical psychology and parapsychology. Parapsychology is the focus here, as the title would suggest. This two- volume set is divided into 22 chapters, each consisting of a previously pub- lished article, with Pasricha being sole author or lead author of 17 of them.
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